
Transition economy Basic features and features. Transitional economy of Russia. Transition Economic System

Economic development is inevitably connected with the transitions of the economy from one state to another. The need for a radical reform of the administrative and command economy was aware of the majority of the population and the political leadership of the former socialist countries, since it became obvious that this system was ineffective. Today, close attention of both Russian and foreign scientists and the general public attracted complex and controversial transformations passing in post-socialist countries, including in Russia. In this chapter, we will consider the essence of the transition economy, its main features, the options for the transition to the market, as well as the specifics of reforms in a number of post-socialist countries.

Introduction to the theory of transitional economy

The transition economy represents a special state of the economy when it functions in the era of the transition of society from one historical stage to another. Transitional economic relations are characterized by the fact that the economic systems at this moment combine the features of both the previous and the new device of society. Transition economy is the transformation of the entire system economic relations, not just the reform of their individual items. Transition economy - intermediate state of the economy as a result of socio-economic transformations; This is a transitional state from one socio-economic system to another.

In the course of socio-economic development, the Company faced various types of transitional economies. Modern economic thought distinguishes the economy of the transition period, reforming the economy coordination system, the elimination of deformations and overcoming the instability of economic development, the intersystem transition. The most striking example of the economy of the transition period from capitalism to socialism was the transformation, which began from 1917 after the Great October Socialist Revolution until the end of the 30s. The peculiarity of this type of transition economy was that the purpose of the transformation was the creation of a one-salary socialist system, the prevention of any other public relations. The guarantor of reform was the power of state power.

An example of the reform of the economy coordination system was a change in the mechanism and scale of state regulation of the economy of the 30s. XX century World economic crisis 1929-1933 ("Great Depression") covered all capitalist countries and hit the United States. He showed that the hopes for a self-regulating market mechanism do not justify themselves. The consequence of this was the recognition of the need for macro economic Policy States focused on eliminating market deficiencies.

The most striking example of the elimination of deformations in the economy of countries is the transformation of the economies of developing countries. The group of developing countries in the global economy has been formed mainly on the basis of the former colonies. The economic development of colonies was determined not to the needs of the latter, but the needs of metropolis. This fact for a long time has determined the socio-economic backwardness and the dependent position of developing countries from former metropolis. After achieving independence economic strategy Most of the former colonies were aimed at strengthening their independent position in the world. To this end developing countries Reformed the structure of the economy and strengthened national independence, including due to the cancellation of unequal agreements limiting national sovereignty.

An example of overcoming a long band of instability in the development of the economy of states is the economic transformations of Latin America countries, where for more than 20 years there have been high inflation rates, low economic growth rates and growing foreign debt. From the mid-1970s. In leading Latin American countries, the transition to new strategy Development - liberal, providing a sharp reduction in state intervention in the economy. Today, the economic development of the region has become dynamic.

The transformation of the economy occurring today in post-socialist countries is characterized as a transition economy. The modern transition economy is an intersystem transition, a transition from administrative-team (single-handed) to a mixed (multi-storey) economic system. Systemic reforms - transformations changing the type of socio-economic system. The task of the transition from the administrative and command economy to the modern market arose in history for the first time.

The transition economy is characterized by a number of specific features. First, the transition economy is multi-brain. Economic way - special type economic relations. Multipleness - The presence of a number of economy sectors characterized by various forms of production. The main feature of the intersystem transition is that the society coexists the economic relations of both economic systems - and the leaving and emerging. Secondly, the instability of development. The transition economy involves the search for new more efficient forms of economic relations. Oblosts and errors and return movement are possible on this path. For example, in cases where the use of one or another economic innovation impairs the macroeconomic situation. Third, the alternativeness of development. The results of the development of the transition economy can be options. Economic reforms Aims to achieve a certain expected result. However, expectations may not be justified. Many economic transformations or did not give positive results, or were too insignificant.

Socio-economic reforms passing in countries with economies in transition can be called a kind of revolution, as they have led to the indigenous transformation of the previous economic system in the shortest possible time. Transition period - Historically, a short time during which the liquidation or the fundamental transformation of one economic system and the formation of another occurs. According to the estimates of most economists, the duration of today's transition period should be 10-15, a maximum of 20 years. These theoretical assumptions based on forecasts of socio-economic and political Developmentis confirmed by the results of transformation in small countries of Eastern Europe. In the most developed of them, economic reforms are completed, taking about 10 years. In Russia transitional period A longer and will last, probably until the end of the first decade of the XXI century. In the narrow sense of the word, the completion of the transition period marks the restoration of pre-crisis production volumes and the standard of living of the population. However, in a broad sense, the transition period is considered completed when most of the country's population begins to live better and, most importantly, perceives the new economic system as more efficient.

Groups of transition countries

2. Features of the transitional economy of Russia:

Country economy on the eve of radical reforms

2.2. Market transformations in Russia:

Mechanism of Russian reforms

Cumulative demands cumulative proposal in transition economy

Russia: the monopolism of the special kind and features antimonopoly Policy

Russian market Labor. Unemployment

Entrepreneurship in Russia

2.3. Sources and distribution of money revenues Russians:

Sources of money income

Inequality in income distribution

The problem of poverty in Russia

Social policy in Russia

Economic growth in Russia: problems and prospects

2.4. Formation of the open economy of Russia:

Open Economy: Entity and Indicators

Russia: from Avtarkia to open economy

Transition Economic System

Economic development is inevitably connected with the transitions of the economy from one state to another. Today, close attention of both Russian and foreign scientists and the general public attracts complex and controversial transformations passing in post-socialist countries, including in Russia. In this chapter, we will consider the essence of the transition economy, its main features, the options for the transition to the market, as well as the specifics of reforms in a number of post-socialist countries.

1.1. Transition Economy: Essence and Features

Modern classical economic theory studies the mature state of a market economy from the positions of stability and equilibrium, orderliness and homogeneity that makes focus on development as a progressive process. In the last quarter of the XX century. In connection with the transformation of industrial society in the post-industrial, due to the revolutionary jump in the development of productive forces, a new science transitology began to form - the theory of economic transformation.

Transitology (transition economy) - Economic scientific discipline, the subject of which are transformation problems economic systemsAnd the object is the economy of the country's country of countries in the process of transition from one state of the socio-economic system to a qualitatively different state.

Transitional economic relations are characterized by the fact that at this moment they combine the features of both the former and new device of society. The transition economy is the transformation of the entire system of economic relations, and not only the reform of their individual elements.

Transition economy - intermediate state of the economy as a result of socio-economic transformations; This is a transitional state from one socio-economic system to another.

The economy of the transition period has a number of specific characteristics that distinguish it from the economy in a relatively inpatient state and developing on its own basis.

Firstly, Transitional economy is multi-brain. Economic entry is a special type of economic relations. Multipleness - the presence of a number of economy sectors characterized by various forms of production. The main feature of the intersystem transition is that the society coexist the economic relations of both economic systems - and the leaving and emerging.

Secondly, instability of development. Each of the mature stages of the evolution of society and the economy was and is a holistic system. The transition economy is characterized by a combination of both old and new economic forms and relations. Therefore, it is objective of obviously, and therefore, and unstable. The transition economy involves the search for new more efficient forms of economic relations. On this path, miscalculations and errors are allowed. Perhaps returning. For example, in cases where the use of one or another economic innovation impairs the macroeconomic situation.

Thirdly, alternative development. The results of the development of the transition economy can be options. Economic reforms are aimed at achieving a certain expected result. However, these reforms may not justify expectations.

Many economic transformations or did not give positive results, or gave, but too minor. As a result, the completion of the transition period from one economic system to another can be formed different variants Economic defendants, which represent different development options, the evolution of society.

Fourthly Special contradictions. In the context of the transition economy, economic contradictions are contradictions of development (between new and old elements of production relations), and not the contradictions of the functioning (within each production relationship).

Fifth, historicity, i.e. The transitional nature of the transition economy, which is replaced by a period of mature development of the economic system. The duration of transformations in the transition economy is explained both the complexity of undergoing processes and inertia of the former system of management (the inability to quickly change the technological basis and structure national economy, Create new economic institutions, train personnel, etc.).

Transitional period - Historically, a short time, during which there is a liquidation or a fundamental transformation of one economic system and the formation of another.

1.2. Modern transitional economy: main directions and problems, reform models

Currently, the focus of the economy of the transition period (transitology) is the issues of the transition from centrally planned socialist economy to market capitalist. Almost 30 countries had to move from a system based on total population of economic and political life, to the basics of market democracy. Moreover, if in a number of states it was a return to a relatively recent past, then in the post-Soviet space, it was about the restoration of almost re-political principles of the market economy.

The generally accepted theoretical concept of the transition from the planned economy to the market today does not exist. This is the case when the creation of the scientific theory of the transition period follows the practice of transformations.

Main destinations and market transition problems

All former socialist countries stood the same task - the transition from administrative-team to market economy. This task B. different countries Divised in different ways. However, in all countries, the transition period had general trends.

Allocate the following main directions for the transition to the market.

Firstly, liberalization of the economy. Liberalization of the economy is a system of measures aimed at canceling or a sharp reduction of prohibitions and restrictions, as well as state control in all spheres of economic life. The main directions of the liberalization of the economy - price liberalization, economic operations and foreign trade. Price liberalization is the removal of state control over pricing, the transition to the formation of prices in accordance with supply and demand. Spends free trade and free pricing. Liberalization of economic operations - cancellation of state monopoly for implementation economic activity, providing opportunities for entrepreneurship. Liberalization of foreign trade - the abolition of the monopoly of the state on foreign trade, openness of the economy by world economy.

Secondly, structural transformations of the economy. Structural restructuring - the formation of a new structure of the economy, elimination or mitigation inherited from the previous system of disproportions in the sectoral structure of the national economy and its individual industries. First of all, it involves changing the ownership structure and industry Structure national economy. In all former socialist countries, the public sector covered almost the entire economy. For example, in the USSR, the ownership structure for the means of production by the beginning of the 90s. It took the following form: 88.6% - state; 8.7% - collective farm; 1.5% - cooperative; 1.2% - Property of citizens. In almost all former socialist countries, the structure of the industry was lost (the production of means of production was dominated) and the agronector will underdesect. The economy of the former USSR, besides, was overloaded with military expenses. According to experts, optimal is considered if military production This is approximately 1-2% of GDP. Maximum is considered to be a share of 6% of GDP. In the USSR by the end of the 80s. Military production costs exceeded 25% of GDP. The main goal of restructuring the structure of the economy is the development of production of products that use effective demand in the domestic and foreign markets.

Structural adjustment is based on the denationalization and demonopolization of the economy. Divorcing is the process of removal from the state of the functions of direct economic management and the transfer of relevant authority to the level of enterprises. The privatization of the economy relies on denationalization and privatization. Denationalization of property - transition state owned In the hands of individuals, banks, cooperatives and other elements of the economy. Privatization represents only one of many denationalization options. Privatization - the transition of state ownership of private hands. Demonopolization is the creation of equal capabilities and conditions for the business activity of all economic agents. It is supposed to provide access to the market for foreign competitors, encouraging small businesses, regulation of natural monopolies.

Thirdly, institutional transformations of the economy. Institutional transformations are the creation of conditions for the functioning of a market system by converting legal institutions, the formation of a market infrastructure and new system State regulation of the economy. The transformation of legal institutions implies adoption adequate market conditions economic legislation, as well as rules and norms regulating the behavior of economic entities. The formation of a market infrastructure involves the creation of commercial banks, commodity and stock Exchange, investment funds, etc. Institutional transformations are necessary to create the basics of the market system, actuating the driving forces of the market economy - entrepreneurship and competition.

For modern transition economies, three groups of problems are characterized, which one way or another manifested themselves in all states carrying out the transition from the planned economy to the market. First, the problems of liberalization of the economy and macroeconomic stabilization. These problems are nearby, because the crisis of the system in most countries coincided with the financial and budget crisis, and the problem of transition to market pricing turned out to be conjugate with the problem of stopping inflation. In practice, the liberalization of prices is almost always and everywhere (except China and partly Hungary) led to a huge price jacket. Reducing inflation to a socially acceptable level at 20-30% per year took from several months (in Poland) to several years (in Russia), and the stabilization delayed increased its social costs. Stabilization policy includes rigid budget and monetary restrictions, exchange rate regulation national currency And perhaps wages. Secondly, institutional problems, i.e., the formation of conditions for the functioning of the market system. About institutional transformations already mentioned. The most important of these transformations - the creation of a relationship system private property Based on nationwide. Third, the possibilities and prospects for economic growth. The solution to this problem became more complicated by the need for a fundamental transformation of the economic structure of planned economies. The way out of the transformation crisis was determined by the adaptation of industrial economies to post-industrial requirements, as well as the principal ability of a country to catch up with the time of developed countries in terms of its economic development.

Transition economy - transitional state from one economic system to another economic system. As a result of this transition, a fundamental transformation of the foundations of this system are carried out, which cause genesis and the development of both new features of the transition economy and its features.

The following main features of the transition economy are distinguished:

1. The transition economy will have to create the basis of the new economic system, while the past economy has been reproduced on its basis. The term "Basis" in economic theory is key and includes:

Type of ownership of funds and products of production;

Form of economic relations;

Type of coordination between the actors of the economy.

With the creation of the basis of the new economy, the transition state of the economic system is completed and it goes into a new quality.

2. An important feature of the transition economy is its multipleness. Under economic entry means the type of economic relations that admits simultaneous coexistence in this country not only of various forms, but also types of ownership. Thus, the transition economy is characterized by the presence of an old and new base, as well as the coexistence of various types of regulation of economic ties between the subjects of the economy.

3. The transition economy is characteristic of unstable development, since a constant transformation of old relations in the absence of new institutions and rules is performed, resulting in a conflict of old and new economic interests.

4. Transformation in the transition economy occupy a sufficiently long period of time, which is explained by a number of factors:

Complexity and contradictory of transformations;

Natural factors;

Impossibility to carry out the revolution of the technological basis, the modification of the economy, to form new economic institutions.

The transition economy and mixed economy is characterized by general features:

♦ combination of the market and government regulation;

♦ combining capitalist forms and social orientation of the development of the economy, etc.

At the same time, the names of the economy are also inherent in high-quality differences. Note some of them.

First, the mixed economy is a modern economic system, combining market and state regulation, the development of the economy into a single whole.

Secondly, a mixed economy as a modern economic system is dominant in most developed countries World.

As for the transition economy, it is:

♦ is not reproduced on its own economic basis, but is overgoing from one economic system to another;

♦ in contrast to the mixed economy is characterized by instability;

♦ Encompasses a relatively small time period, while the mixed economy has a constant state of the economic system.

The transition economy has several varieties:

1. The economy of the transition period from capitalism to socialism (in our country he covered the period from the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 to the 30s. XX century).

2. The fundamental change in the methods of coordination within the same economic system, but they concern its basis and economic policy. This type of transitional economy implies the inevitable replacement of old institutions, the development of new regulatory methods and the choice of new theories of socio-economic development.

3. The economic system of individual countries requires a modification due to a change in the place of a particular country in the system of international economic and political ties. These changes are due to the need to eliminate deformities in the economy of the former colonial countries.

4. Overcoming a long period of time of unstable economic development of states. An example of such a species is, for example, Latin American countries, in which a low growth rate of the economy has been observed for more than two decades, increasing foreign debt, sharp contrast of income of the population, high inflation, etc.

5. Transition economy of the former Federal Republics of the USSR and other post-socialist countries. She carries an intersystem transition. The peculiarity of this transition economy is that there is a transformation from the socialist economic system to the capitalist economic system, i.e., the movement will reverse, or, more precisely, the transition from the "clean" economic system to mixed.

In a modern mixed economy, the state must perform the following functions:

1) ensuring the institutional legal framework for the activities of business entities (determining the rights and forms of ownership, the conditions for the conclusion and implementation of contracts, the relationship between trade unions and employers, the general foundations foreign economic activity etc.);

2) elimination or compensation for the negative effects of market behavior and the satisfaction of people's needs in public benefits that the market cannot produce: solving issues of national defense, ecology, education, science, health care, etc.;

3) carrying out economic policies aimed at:

Maintaining the normal functioning of the market mechanism;

Smoothing cyclic oscillations;

Overcoming the effects of economic shocks;

Ensuring prerequisites for long-term economic growth (especially in fiscal, credit and monetary policy and structural policies);

4) implementation of active and principled antimonopoly policies;

5) maintaining a sustainable social climate in society through the redistribution of existing income;

6) conducting stabilization policy of the state aimed at restoring and maintaining macroeconomic equilibrium (in particular, full busy, stable level prices). Distinguish formal and real stabilization. Formal stabilization - achieving a sustainable state of one macroeconomic indicator (inflation, unemployment, change of gross internal income). Real stabilization means not only, for example, a decrease in unemployment, but also the presence of economic growth conditions. The transition to real stabilization implies the need for increasing state demand, investment, tough price control and income.

More on the topic 36.1. Transition economy: concept, features, varieties, features, functions:

  1. Chapter 2. Features of the restructuring management of n reengineering in a transitional economy
  2. Chapter 9Port Economy: Essence, Features, Development Trends. The role of the state in the transition economy

The economic development of society is inevitably connected with the transitions of the economy from one state to another. Theoretically, it is necessary to distinguish between transitional relations and transition economy. Common to all transitional economic terms is that during the transition period they combine some features and properties of both the former and new economic processes. Changes of the first kind are constantly occurring in our eyes - the form of ownership of enterprises changes, completely new forms of income appear, relations between people are changing about property rights, etc. And earlier, in previous systems, such changes were constantly occurring. As an example, changes that have undergone the evolution of money, economic calculation as a method of economic management in the socialist system, forms of wages, etc. Constantly occurring local changes are characteristic of any developing economics At all stages of its development.

From local changes in the economy should be distinguished universal changes, which characterize the transition of the entire system of economic relations into a new quality when the basic properties and source relationship of the system are transformed and a new economic system is formed. instead of the same. In the latter case, there is a transition from one economic and socio-political system to another, a qualitatively excellent system. The story knows many examples of this kind. The feudal system of relations for several centuries is painfully, through a number of social revolutions, was transformed into a capitalist, founded on the new relations of property, when a system of personal freedom of manufacturers and civil society. Transition from the capitalist system of the XIX century. The system of socialist type in Russia also wore the nature of comprehensive changes in the economy and other spheres of society.

Transition economy - This is a transitional state from one economic system to another. In this case, there is a change in the basics of this system, and the radical change in the entire system. From the above, the main features of the transition economy and its differences from the existing economic systems are followed.

First, if the current economy is reproduced on its own economic and institutional basis, the transition is intended to form the basis of the new economic system. The basis of the economic system refers to the number of key concepts in economic theory.

Concept "The basis of the economic system"Includes, first of all, the form of economic relations established in the economy or the type of activity coordination between the subjects of the economy. Often here are also the premediation type of ownership and institutes that organize its functioning. When these elements of the economic system are formed, we can talk about the completion of the transitional state of the economy and the introduction of it in the development stage on its own basis.

Secondly, the property of the transition economy is its multi-block. Economic entry is a special type of economic relations that exists along with other relations. In any economy, including developed, there are various types of economic relations (styling), characterized by various forms of ownership, interests, methods of management. For example, the modern economy of the West is characterized by a large layer of small enterprises, the source of functioning and the development of which is their own work of their owners. However, this layer of manufacturers exists on the basis of the dominant type of coordination and capitalist forms of ownership.

A business is a transitional economy. Multi-storey ™ here present as an equal base element. In the transition economy, for a certain period of time, there are also old, and a new basis, and only a new relationship system is gradually formed. Overcoming a multi-storey ™ is based on the economy - one of the key goals of the transition economy.

Thirdly, the transition economy characterizes development instability As its internal property. Stable transitional economies do not exist due to the fact that there are constant changes in old relations in the absence of new institutions, norms and rules, new relations arise, in which new economic entities are involved, the collision of old and new economic interests occurs. Because of this, the trend towards the constant exacerbation of economic, social and political relations is the internal property of transitional economies. All this requires the creation of special ways to maintain stability and eliminate extreme conditions that contribute to violations in the economy.

Fourth, for the transition economy is characteristic the relative duration of transformations. It is explained not only to the complexity and contradiction of processes; This is primarily a consequence of natural, ns-dependent political power, factors: the well-known inertia of the previous approaches, the impossibility of replacing the technological basis at the same time, replace personnel, change the structure of the national economy, to create new political and economic institutions. All this requires the creation for the entire period of the transition economy of special the mechanism of coordination of interests as well as state support These subjects of the economy, which found themselves in a difficult position for the reasons independent of them.

Sometimes the transition economy is identified with a mixed economy. However, it is unlawful. By form The transition economy has common features with a mixed economy. And in the first, and in the second case, within one economy, there is a connection of heterogeneous elements: market and state regulation, capitalist forms and processes of social orientation, etc. However, behind this hides a qualitative difference of types of economics.

The mixed economy is the characteristics of the current modern economic system of developed states as integrity reproducing on the basis of the sustainable unity of the market system and government regulation. Transition economy is not reproducing on its basis the economic system, but the transition of one system to another. Although in the transition economy and should constantly support the state of equilibrium, this is not the property of the reproduction of the system on its own basis, but meanseliminating disorders, instability of the transition economy during the solution of its historical tasks. Transition economy, despite its duration, covers a limited period, and a mixed modern economy is the constant state of developed economic systems of the late XX and XXI centuries.

During the socio-economic evolution of the XX century. The world faced several varieties of transitional states of the economy. Despite the fact that they differ in the time of occurrence, and in content, common to them is the change in the basic basic relations of economic systems. These changes led to a root transformation of the previous and even to the emergence of new systems.

Historical excursion

A special historical type and an example of transition economies came the economy of the transition period from capitalism to socialism. Historically, she existed in Russia during a special period, which began with the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 and ended in the 1930s, which reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1937. The theoretical substantiation of the transition economy was based on the opposites of capitalist and socialist systems, as well as on the theory of the socialist revolution. The main features of the theory of this economy of the transition period were the following.

First, the destruction of private property and the formation of state (nationwide) property as the basis of the system. The theory of the transition economy proceeded from the concept of creating "clean" economic systems that do not include any other foreign elements and relations. The essence of the transition period, according to such an approach, is a revolutionary replacement capitalist relations new, socialist.

The multipliness of the economy was considered as inherent only in the stage of transitional economy. The presence of stages in the developed system was not allowed. The task of the transition period is the transformation of the economy into a single-storey "pure" socialist system.

Secondly, special role And the significance of the transition period was given to state and political power as a conductor and a guarantor of transformation. This has found an expression in a position on the dictatorship of the proletariat as an organizing power of transformations and the instrument of suppressing resistance to transformations.

Thirdly, the theory of the economy of the transition period proceeded from the need to minimize the duration of the transition, his information to a limited period. Hence the name this type transition economy - economy of the transition period.

Thus, the theory of the economy of the transition period - extremely radical option transition economy from one economic system to another. The historical experience and lessons of this option show that, despite the concentration of the forces of the entire society on the construction of a new system, on the creation of the domestic industry, forced by the transformation of agriculture on the paths of collectivization, costs and losses in the conditions of radical transformation of society were extremely large. This was expressed in the elimination of the system. market relations, the nationalization of the economy, one-sided structure, the destruction of productive forces in agriculture. Politically, such a concept of the transition economy was one of the foundations of repression in the 1930s. These and other factors undermined the potential of self-improvement of the social system in the USSR in the future.

Transformation of the economy- By keeping a wider concept than a transition economy. The transformation process covers as a stage (period) of replacing previous relations with new ones ( actually transition economy) and the process is relatively long formation and formation of a new economy model, the whole process of its formation. Thus, from the transition economy, which is the initial stage of the formation of the economic system of the state, the transformation of the system, which passes several stages of development should be distinguished.

There are also other varieties of transitional states of the economy, when the changes are carried out within the same economic system, transformed forms economic connections And lead to the creation of a system of new institutions regulating the life of society. These periods in the development of the economy occur, for example, when the previous ways of regulating the economic life of the whole society cease to act, the old institutions do not cope with the changed conditions and the increased opportunities of the economic entities, random is random and unpredictability in the development of the system. The way out of this provision requires changing the nature of the action of previous institutions and structures, former methods of impact on the economy, developing new ways to regulate, transition to new theoretical concepts of development.

Historical excursion

In the XX century An example of transitional economic changes of this kind is the transformation of the regulation of the economy of the West after the crisis of 1929-1932. The latter, completing the lane of crises of the capitalist system of the XIX - early XX century, clearly showed the inconsistency of the previous approach to regulating the economic life based on the blind followed by " invisible hand»Market.

The emergence of state regulation methods of the entire economy of the country , recognition of the need for systematic measures of macroeconomic policies, oriented not only to eliminate the lack of market system, but also to regulate the behavior of the economic entities; The transition to new, Keynesian theoretical concepts of the capitalist economy was characterized by the offensive of a new stage in the development of the capitalist system. These changes covered a fairly long period of modern history and for a long time provided with relatively stable development of the Western countries.

Other consequences caused the oil crisis in the mid-1970s. Not only individual subjects began as an object of regulation after this crisis. domestic market, but also the largest corporations and states as subjects of international economic relations. The role of the economically agreed policy of states within the framework of the "Big Seven", the role of international organizations and institutions has increased. New integration formations were formed in various regions of the world. From the point of view of the internal economy, these changes have accelerated the transition to new technological principles, structural changes in the national economy, the transition to the new wave of the scientific and technical revolution.

Economic transformations are transforming in individual countries and in cases where the economic system historically established in them and the structure of the national economy in new historical conditions should be changed due to a change in the place of the country in the system of international economic and political relations. As a rule, such targeted transformations are related to eliminating deformations in the economy of countries. They are caused by external causes or a combination of internal and external causes. An example of transformation of the economies of this kind is overcoming a long bandage of instability in the development of the economy of states in the development of Latin American countries. As a rule, such periods are not associated with cyclical reasons, but with contradictions of the development of states and require the application of stabilization programs of various types.

The transitional economy inherent in modern Russia is a special historical type of transitional economies, the result of which is the transition to the new type of economic system and the model of the National Economy of Russia. As a result of transformations, radical changes of all parties to the life of society and the place of Russia in the world occurred.

The Russian transition economy has a number of qualitative features compared to the previous varieties of the transition economy and the transformation of the economy in the XX century. First of all, it is qualitatively different from the varieties of transformation of the economies in the framework of the same basis of the economic system that are associated with the nature of the forms of economic coordination. At first glance, there are many common, for example, in the transitional economy of Russia with a change in the forms of coordination during the crisis of 1929-1932. A deep economic crisis of production, the collapse of many ideas about the previous system, the radicalization of economic policy - all this took place during the Great Depression, takes place now. However, on this basis, it is unlawful to consider the modern transitional economy of Russia as a type of transition to a new type of regulation.

Modern transformation of the Russian economy is, firstly, the transition to the economy with a fundamentally new economic Fundament Compared to the Soviet, and is a market system for coordinating its subjects. In this aspect, this is not a transformation of the economy, but the transition from one system to another. However, if the creation of a centralized economy could occur in a short time, the creation of a market system is inevitable long character and spontaneous features, gradual development.

Secondly, it the transition from the "clean" economy to the economy of sour cream type. The former, socialist economic system, in contrast to the pre-revolutionary Russia, 1917 had only socialist national relations. Non-state ownership (collective farm cooperative, personal), in fact, were far away. This was manifested in regulating the state of reproduction in all types and forms of farms. Before the modern transition economy is worth practical task - Restore inherent in any economy the real variety of ownership forms.

Thirdly, another feature of the modern transition economy compared to the previous economy is various ways to solve social problems. The former economic system was distinguished by a universal guarantee system. This factor was not in the history of pre-revolutionary Russia XIX. - The beginning of the XX century. A national socialism, creating a system of guarantees, led to the complexity of perception by the population of radical measures carried out within its limits. On the external form of the transition economy, on the one hand, as it may be refunded to the diversity and complexity of the economic structure of society, and on the other, it refuses the forms of socially guaranteed society in the context of new huge opportunities that are created by productive forces XXI in. This contradiction of the transition economy and the entire transformation is complemented by other difficulties and contradictions of the transition.

Transformation of the Russian economy, as well as other states arising in the territory of the former USSR, was carried out in conditions the destruction of the Soviet Union as a single state. It had and has serious economic and other consequences.

Should be considered geopolitical nature Modern transition economy and transformation. It affects not only the relationship between the former republics of the USSR - new states, but also affects the geopolitical processes and the placement of forces in the world between the various states and centers of force. There is a formation of new international relations and relations, new centers of influence in the world, which directly affects the formation national models Economy in post-Soviet states and in Russia.


1. Transfer economy: concept, features, varieties, features, functions

2. Transformational decline as a transition phenomenon


List of used literature


Since 1992, Russia has been experiencing deep changes. In some other countries, mostly in Eastern Europe, changes began even a little earlier.

The transition period in the economy is a historically short-term period of time, during which the dismantling of the administrative and command system is completed and a system of basic market institutions is being formed. This period of time is often referred to as a period of post-socialist transformation.

Naturally, the economic transformation is part of deep, usually fundamental changes in society - in political and state-administrative device, in social sphere, in ideology, in domestic and foreign policy.

Changing the system can flow differently. In our country, the change of power in 1991 occurred after dramatic events - the suppression of the August coup, the collapse of the USSR, the samperus of the Supreme Council and the forced refusal of the authorities of the USSR president.

Consider more, what is the transition economy?

1. Transfer economy: concept, features, varieties, features, functions

Transition economy - transitional state from one economic system to another economic system. As a result of this transition, a fundamental transformation of the foundations of this system, which cause genesis and development, both new features of the transition economy and its features are carried out.

The following main features of the transition economy are distinguished.

1. The transition economy will have to create the basis of the new economic system, while the past economy has been reproduced on its basis. The term "Basis" in economic theory is key and includes: type of ownership to funds and production products; form of economic relations; Type of coordination between the actors of the economy.

With the creation of the basis of the new economy, the transitional state of the economic system is completed and it acquires new quality.

2. An important feature of the transition economy is its multipleness. Under economic entry means the type of economic relations that admits simultaneous coexistence in this country not only of various forms, but also types of ownership. Thus, the transition economy is characterized by the presence of an old and new base, as well as the coexistence of various types of regulation of economic ties between the subjects of the economy.

3. The transition economy is characteristic of unstable development, since a permanent transformation of old relations is performed in the absence of new institutions and rules, as a result of which! There is a conflict of old and new economic interests.

4. Transformation in the transition economy occupy a sufficiently long period, which is explained by a number of factors:

Complexity and contradictory of transformations;

Natural factors;

Impossibility to carry out the revolution of the technological basis, the modification of the economy, to form new economic institutions.

The transition economy and mixed economy is characterized by general features:

Combination of market and government regulation;

Combining capitalist forms and social orientation of the development of the economy, etc.

At the same time, the names of the economy are also inherent in high-quality differences. Note some of them.

First, the mixed economy is a modern economic system combining market and state regulation.

Secondly, a mixed economy as a modern economic system is dominant in most developed countries

As for the transition economy, it is:

Not reproduced on its own economic basis, but is moving from one economic system to another;

In contrast to the mixed economy, instability is characterized;

It covers a relatively insignificant time period, while the mixed economy has a constant state of the economic system.

The transition economy has several varieties:

1. The economy of the transition period from capitalism to socialism (in our country he covered the period from the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 to the 30s. XX century).

2. The fundamental change in the methods of coordination within the same economic system, but they concern its basis and economic policy. This type of transitional economy implies the inevitable replacement of old institutions, the development of new regulatory methods and the choice of new theories of socio-economic development.

3. The economic system of individual countries requires a change in connection with the change in the place of a particular country in the system of international economic and political ties. These changes are due to the need to eliminate deformities in the economy of the former colonial countries.

4. Operating the prolonged period of unstable economic development of states. An example of such a species is, for example, Latin American countries, in which a low growth rate of the economy has been observed for more than two decades, increasing foreign debt, sharp contrast of income of the population, high inflation, etc.

5. Transition economy of the former Federal Republics of the USSR and other post-socialist countries. She carries an intersystem transition. The peculiarity of this transition economy is that there is a transition from the socialist economic system to the capitalist economic system, i.e., the movement will reverse, or more precisely - the transition from the "clean" economic system to mixed.

In a modern mixed economy, the state must perform the following functions:

1. Proceedings of the institutional and legal framework of the activities of economic entities (determining the rights and forms of ownership, the conditions for the conclusion and fulfillment of contracts, the relationship between trade unions and employers, the general foundations of foreign economic activity, etc.).

2. Restoration or compensation of the negative effects of market behavior and meeting the needs of people in public benefits that the market cannot produce: solving issues of national defense, ecology, education, science, health care, etc.

3. Conducting economic policies aimed at:

Maintaining the normal functioning of the market mechanism;

Smoothing cyclic oscillations;

Overcoming the effects of economic shocks;

Ensuring prerequisites for long-term economic growth (especially with the help of budget and credit and monetary policy and structural policies).

4. The presentation of active and principled antimonopoly policies.

5. Addressing a sustainable social climate in society through the redistribution of existing income.

6. Conducting a stabilization policy of the state aimed at restoring and maintaining macroeconomic) equilibrium (in particular, full employment, a stable price level). Distinguish formal and real stabilization. Formal stabilization is the achievement of a stable state of one macroeconomic indicator (inflation, unemployment, and a change in gross internal income). Real stabilization means not only, for example, a decrease in unemployment, the presence of economic growth conditions. The transition to real stabilization implies the need for increasing state demand, investment, strict control over prices and income.

2. Transformational decline as a transition phenomenon

Over the 90s, until 1999 russian economy It was in a state of a protracted economic downturn, which has reached the highest point in the crisis 1998. The economic recession was preceded by the stagnation of the Soviet economy in the 80s, to overcoming which was aimed at one time the concept of acceleration of development developed during the years of restructuring. However, the potential for the development of socialism was by that time completely exhausted, which was expressed in its inability to ensure further economic growth. The hopelessness of the situation requested a failure to an attempt to resuscitate socialism, ending with his fatal outcome. Since 1990, economic growth has stopped even according to official data. Began a protracted transformational decline.

The term "transformational decline" was introduced into the scientific circulation of the Hungarian scientist I.Kornai. He argued that during the transition from the administrative-command system to the market, the economy is experiencing a deep crisis caused by the transformation, transformational state of the economic Sig themes. It is expressed in the fact that the previous, planned mechanisms for organizing economic coordination are already destroyed, and new market mechanisms are still weak or absent at all.

Transition economy is no longer planned, but not a market economy. Between the various types of farms, there is a long transition band between various economic systems, which, by definition, is not able to ensure an immediate economic recovery already due to the fundamental transformation of the entire system of economic and other relations. Therefore, it is inevitable in any transition economy. The transition periods were quite a few in the centuries-old history of humanity, when there was a change in economic, and therefore all other public relations.

It does not constitute exceptions and transitional period from a planned to a market economy, from socialism to capitalism. The transformational decline failed to avoid any of the post-socialist countries, although the scale of the decline was different.

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