
Who is the analyst 1C what he does. Data analysis and forecasting. Realized Types of Analysis

Data Analysis Mechanism and Forecasting - This is one of the mechanisms for the formation of economic and analytical reporting. It provides users with users (economists, analysts, etc.) the ability to search for non-obvious laws in the data accumulated in the information base. This mechanism allows you to:

  • search for regularities in the source data of the information base;
  • manage the parameters of the analysis being performed both software and interactively;
  • software access to the analysis result;
  • automatically display the analysis result in a tabular document;
  • create a forecast model that automatically predict subsequent events or values \u200b\u200bof certain characteristics of new objects.

The data analysis mechanism is a set of interacting objects interacting with each other, which allows the developer to use its component parts in an arbitrary combination in any applied decision. Built-in objects make it easy to organize an interactive configuration of user analysis parameters, and also allows you to output the result of the analysis in a table document convenient to display.

The mechanism allows you to work with both data obtained from the information base and with the data obtained from the external source, previously downloaded in the table of values \u200b\u200bor a tabular document:

Applying to initial data, one of the types of analysis can be obtained by the result of the analysis. The result of the analysis is a kind of model of data behavior. The result of the analysis may be displayed in the final document, or saved for further use.

Further use of the analysis of the analysis is that the prediction model can be created based on it, which allows you to predict the behavior of new data in accordance with the available model.

For example, you can analyze which goods are purchased together (in one invoice) and save this result analysis in the database. In the future, when creating the next invoice based on the saved analysis result, you can build a forecast model, submitting it to the "input" of the new data contained in this invoice, and "at the output" to obtain a forecast, - a list of products that the counterparty Petrov B.S. Also, most likely, will acquire if they offer them:

In the data analysis and forecasting mechanism, several types of data analysis are implemented:

Realized Types of Analysis

total stats

It is a mechanism for collecting information about data in the sample under study. This type of analysis is intended to pre-study the analyzed data source.

The analysis shows a number of characteristics of continuous and discrete fields. Continuous fields contain such types as Number, date. For other types, discrete fields are used. When the report output is used to the tabular document, circular diagrams are filled to display the composition of fields.

Search for Associations

This type of analysis is searching for frequently destined groups of objects or characteristics, and also searches for the Rules of Associations. The search for associations can be used, for example, to determine frequently purchased goods, or services:

This type of analysis can work with hierarchical data, which allows, for example, to find rules not only for specific goods, but also for their groups. An important feature of this type of analysis is the ability to work as an object source of data, in which each column contains some characteristic of the object and with an event source where the characteristics of the object are located in one column.

To facilitate the perception of the result, a mechanism for cutting off redundant rules is provided.

Search sequences

Type of analysis Search sequences allows you to identify sequential chains of events in the data source. For example, it may be a chain of goods or services that are often sequentially acquired by customers:

This type of analysis allows you to search for a hierarchy, which makes it possible to track not only the sequences of specific events, but also the sequences of parent groups.

An analysis parameter set allows a specialist to limit the time distances between the elements of the desired sequences, as well as adjust the accuracy of the results obtained.

Cluster analysis

Cluster analysis allows you to divide the original set of objects under study to groups of objects, so that each object is more similar to objects from its group than with objects of other groups. Analyzing the following groups, called clusters, can be determined than the one or another group is characterized, to decide on how to work with objects different groups. For example, with cluster analysis You can divide customers with which the company works for groups in order to apply various strategies when working with them:

Using cluster analysis parameters, the analyst can configure the algorithm to be broken down, and can also dynamically change the composition of the characteristics taken into account when analyzing, customize weighting coefficients for them.

The result of clustering can be removed in the dendrogram - a special object designed to display consecutive links between objects.

Tree solutions

Type of analysis The solutions tree allows us to build a hierarchical structure of classifying rules represented as a tree.

To build a solutions, you must select the target attribute by which the classifier will be built and a number of input attributes that will be used to create rules. The target attribute may contain, for example, the information about whether the client has passed to another service provider, whether the transaction was successful, whether work was performed, etc. Input attributes, for example, can act as an employee's age, work experience, material Customer status, number of employees in the company, etc.

The result of the analysis is presented in the form of a tree, each node of which contains a certain condition. To make a decision, to which class a certain new object should be attributed, it is necessary to answer questions in nodes, to pass the chain from the root to the wood sheet, turning to the subsidiary sites in the event of an affirmative answer and to the adjacent node in the event of a negative one.

An analysis parameter set allows you to adjust the accuracy of the resulting tree:

Forecast models

The forecast models created by the mechanism are special objects that are created from the data analysis result and allow you to automatically automatically execute the forecast for new data.

For example, an association search prediction model, built when analyzing customer purchases, can be used when working with the purchase by the client, in order to offer it the goods that he with a certain degree of probability will acquire together with the goods chosen by them.

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- participation in projects for the introduction and development of corporate information systems as an analyst;
- Analysis and research functionality information systems;
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- collection, identification, formalization and documentation of software requirements;
- formation of technical tasks for the development of the system functionality;
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- Higher technical education;
- experience from 3 years in the configuration 1c (, ka2);
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The advantage will be:
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Business analyst 1C.

Business Analyst 1C What is this person, if you speak from the point of view of its multifunctional obligations?

Quality Business Analytics 1C

Here are a number of main criteria, which, as we assume, this specialist is obliged to prevail:

Business Analytian1s This man analyzes which results business work step by step, and establishes how specifically it is necessary to achieve success. Most companies thus resort to proposals 1C Business Analyticswhich is able to bring them on the way to succeed.

1C business analyst specializes in established areas of commerce and industry.
For example, some of the business analysts1c can act only in line with the sphere, other with IT structures, etc. Similarly, these categories of specialists have acquired the name "Technical Analysts". People who work with multifunctional commerce spheres are called "process analysts".
Business Analyst 1C It is obliged to fully respond to the control of various processes and types of work in order to ensure that the firm functions to such an extent productively, as far as this is possible. The 1C business analyst is obliged to continue to contact with different people (both within the firm and outside of it), it is very important in order to establish in the final result of their productivity in a single case.
All Groups of 1C Business Analyst, should delve into all the details of all entrepreneurial processes of the company using your own experience and skills when necessary.
In order to analyst in commerce, there are currently a lot of alternatives and activities. Including, all major managers of the main mass of firms are considered excellent experts in the field of analytics.

At the same time, the fact that we have up to these times are in business, activities are used in business that can be systematized by 2 words "Naobum" and "Avos". No, definitely, because we do not take it, the fact that such phenomena, rather common, but the topic is no less, it is possible to accurately say that almost all of our countrymen are accustomed only to good luck, but not on accurate calculation. Undoubted failure of this approach,
It will be more clearly and acute together with the formation of integration actions.

This article will be useful for those who are just starting to work with Extended cost accounting analytics (Next Raus) in 1C: UPP and 1C: ka.

The problem is that at the first acquaintance of movement in the cost accounting register may seem strange :)

However, everything will become much more understandable if you compare the movements in the rause with wiring in accounting.

This article relies on the basic principles. production accounting, so we mean that the reader is familiar with the foundations of production accounting and has initial knowledge of accounting in the UPP.

Prerequisites for using detailed cost accounting on individual registers

In "1C: Accounting 8" Accounting Analytics In regulatory accounting is limited to four analysts: organization, division, nomenclature group and cost. This is clearly not enough to calculate the cost of the unit of products.

For example, we produce solid fuel boilers and all costs will be grouped in general on the nomenclature group "Solid fuel boilers", and it is necessary to calculate the cost of each boiler separately to take into account the cost of marriage. To solve the problem, in the general case, it is necessary to go to some tricks and make a reference book "Nomenclature groups" similar to the category "Nomenclature".

Accordingly, to calculate the cost of the unit of products, another level of analytics is required - nomenclature. And if you consider that in the OPP accounting of the nomenclature can be conducted in the context characteristics and Series, plus two more levels. Total you need at least seven analyst cuts.

Implementation of seven levels analytical accounting using the accounting register will have negative consequencesSuch as a significant database growth, a drop in the performance of an applied solution. That is why detailed accounting of costs is conducted on separate analytical registers, and not on the accounting register. In the UPP such a register is called Cost accounting (accounting and tax accounting)Further - "Accounting Costs and Well" or cost accounting register.

Comparison of accounting register analytics and cost accounting register
Accounting cost bu and wellRegister of accounting
UPPKaUPP, ka, bp
Analytical measurementsAccounting section, account accountAccounting section, account accountAccount account
Nomenclature groupNomenclature groupNomenclature group
Article costsArticle costsArticle costs

The table deliberately mixes the details from various measurements of the Register "Accounting Cost and Well" register, since the purpose of this article is to consider Raus from the point of view of accounting, and not a technical description of the implementation of this mechanism.

In fact, the analytical measurements at the Raus register are much more, and their composition depends on the settings of the accounting parameters, but, again, we will not consider them in this article.

Cost accounting register structure

From the point of view of accounting, the register "Accounting Cost and Well" can be represented as the next set of measurements:

  • Accounting section
  • Account account
  • Organization
  • Subdivision
  • Article costs
  • Costs
  • Nomenclature group
  • Products (characteristics, series).

These measurements can be divided into three analytical groups:

Analytics of the type of accounting - "Location" costs.

Accounting analytics - What is this cost, and what to do with it.

Cost distribution analytics - Where this cost will go (in which products).

In the Register "Accounting Costs and Well" there is also a fourth dimension - analytics of parties accounting. This measurement contains updated information on the costs, necessary, for example, for the revolving release of products.

However, with accounting, this measurement of communication does not have and is not considered in this article.

Now about each dimension in more detail.

  • Accounting section - can take only ten values, we will look at 4 of them: the MPZ, the costs, the cost of release and release (to simplify the understanding of the article, the remaining values \u200b\u200bare not considered)
    • MPZ.- This accounting section is responsible for storing information about material and industrial stocks. Logically, it corresponds to such accounts accounting, as 10, 21, 41 and 43
    • Expenses- responsible for storing information about perfect production and non-producing costs. Logically, this section of accounting corresponds to the debit turnover of accounts 20, 23, 25, 26 and 44
    • Costs for edition- responsible for storing information about what products what costs entered. In accounting analog does not have
    • Release - responsible for storing information about the released products. Logically, this section of accounting corresponds to the wiring 43-20.
  • Organization- The organization according to which the production operation was reflected
  • Subdivision- Division for which production operation has been reflected
  • Account account - Accounting account account
  • Article costs - measurement for enlarged taking into account material and not material costs
  • Costs - Material costs. For intangible costs is not indicated
  • Nomenclature group - The nomenclature group, within which the costs will be distributed
  • Products (characteristics, series) - Products in which costs will be included.

In general, from the point of view of an accountant, the register "Accounting Cost and Well" can be considered as an account plan, and movement on it - as wiring.

For example, take the write-off of materials into production.

By register accounting will be performed as follows:

And on the cost accounting register will be performed by such records:

Pay attention to the second movement:

  • In the accounting section "Costs" on the organization "Our Organization", in the "Basic Division" division at the account of the account of 20 from the section of the Meeting "MPZ" from accounting account 10, 10 pieces of nails in the amount of 100 rubles were written off.

Is it really very similar to accounting wiring?

Practical example

To facilitate understanding of the principles of calculating the cost when using Raus, consider them in a practical example.

Imagine the organization engaged in the production of furniture. Materials are used for production - boards, nails, as well as electricity. Produced products - stools and chairs.

  • Boards, Nails - Direct material costs
  • Electricity - general production intangible costs
  • Assembly shop - Production division
  • Warehouse of Materials - Main (and Sable) Warehouse

The chair will be made from 4 boards and 40 nails, and the stool is from 2 boards and 16 nails.

We will use the Pure Base of Release OPP 1.3.85. Create it new Organization With the title "Our Organization".

Initial settings - default, except for taking accounting costs of the MPZ. on warehouses in rauses (interface Head of Accounting -> Account setting -> Setting up accounting parameters -> Cost price): It must be turned on.


We place the purchase of materials from the supplier.

Compare wiring and movement on the cost accounting register.

As can be seen from this screenshot, wiring and drows movements are quite comparable.

Now edition of the purchase of electricity.

Purchased energy reflect on 25 accounts and, again, compare wiring and movement in the raus.

Please note that intangible cost immediately got into the accounting section "Costs".

Writing in production

Now we need to reflect the production of products and write off in costs (in production) necessary for the issuance of materials. This is done using documents "Replacement Report" and "Requirement-Counter".

Report of production per shift.

Wiring and movements in the register "Accounting Costs bu and well":

As can be seen from the above screenshot, one accounting wiring corresponds two entries in Raus: Consumption is a 20 account credit, and the arrival is a debit of 43 accounts.


Wiring and cost movements:

After the materials are written off in production, you can compare the state of the cost accounting accounts and the Raus register in the context of costs.

While in accounting postings, only generalized information is presented, the rause contains the highest possible information on the nature of the costs, its "finding" and the distribution method.

In our exercise in the debit of 20 accounts, the accounting register contains information about the organization, accounting account, division, nomenclature group and the cost of the costs, according to which material cost is reflected.

In Raus, in addition, in the accounting section Expensescontains additional Information about what specifically the material we have written off on 20 accounts, and in the accounting section Costs for edition - In the cost of which products included this material cost.

The procedure for including material costs into products is determined either in the document "Replacement Report" or in the Distribution of Materials for Issue.

For intangible costs in accounting, our example contains information about the account, organization, division and cost of costs, and in Raus additionally contains information on the nomenclature group, within which this intangible cost will be distributed.

How intangible cost will be included in the cost finished products (in what formula the distribution will occur), is determined by setting the distribution of the cost of organizations and the nature of the reflection of this cost in primary documents And in the material of this article is not considered.

In our example, electricity will be distributed within the framework of the Production Nomenclature Group in proportion to the volume of issued products.

Calculation of cost

Calculate the cost of output.

To do this, create a document "Calculation of the cost", we will conduct it and compare accounting wiring with the traffic register movements.

After calculating the cost in the Register "Accounting Cost and Well,", unlike the accounting register, it contains detailed information on which material or intangible cost where it was turned on.

In our case, the amount of intangible costs is divided between the released products, since we released one chair and one stool, and in the settings of the intangible costs, it is indicated that it is distributed proportional to the release.


Thus, the movements on the register of Raus for some cuts are similar accounting wiring With the only difference that additional analytical cuts have been added to the RAUZ register for a detailed calculation of the cost of output. Due to this, the UPP is the accurate calculation of the cost of products.

Recall that in "1C: Accounting 8" such a task in the general case cannot be solved, since it is not possible to detail the costs of products.

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