
Writing off the mode of medium. Methods for writing off the MPS in production. Documentation and operational accounting of material and production reserves

  • Objectives and lesson tasks
  • Purpose:to form students from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for the existence of the school and the right to education.
  • Tasks:
  • introduce students to S. legal Base Education in the Russian Federation, reveal the role of education in modern society
  • form legal culture;
  • encourage students to reflections on personal prospects for increasing the educational level.
  • What is education?
  • Write your definition to the concept of "education"
  • Find in paragraph and write down the definition of "education"
  • Education

Check with a notebook record.

  • Education -this is the process of acquiring knowledge about the world, an introduction to the culture and values \u200b\u200bof world civilization.
  • Relevance of the topic
  • Is the current lesson's topic stated today?
  • Is this question relevant for high school graduates?
  • Documents governing activities
    Education States:
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation,
  • FZ "On Education".
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 43
  1. Everyone has the right to education.
  2. The publicly available and free preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education is guaranteed ...
  3. Everyone has the right to receive higher education for free on a competitive basis ...
  4. Basic general education necessarily.
  5. The Russian Federation establishes federal state educational standards, supports various forms of education and self-education.
  • Tendency of development of education
    in modern world

  • Priority
  • Humanization
  • Humanization
  • Alternativeness
  • New concepts
  • Humanization

- Rotate education to the needs, interests and tenders of the individual.

  • Humanitarianization

- Enhanced public attention to the study of social sciences.

  • Ways to achieve education
  • Steps of modern Russian

1. Physical education

2. Effective education

Primary general (1-4 cl.)

Main general (5-9 cl.)

Full secondary general (10-11 cl.)

3. Professional education

Primary professional

Secondary vocational

Higher professional

4.Alusive education

  • Problem problem

The rights of citizens to education, for the use of cultural achievements guaranteed by the state and recognized by society.

Who owns the main role In implementing these rights?

  • the main role In the realization of the right
    Education belongs man

Internal need

Skill in self-development, self-education

  • Finish offers ...

1. The right to education is provided ...

2. The right to education is not only the right, but also ...

3. The heading role in the implementation of the rights to education belongs ..

4. Snow in increasing the responsibility of each for ...

  • Checking learned

Humanization Education is:

1) reduction of learning load

2) the opportunity to get an education in another country

3) attention to individual identity features;

4) free visit

  • Checking learned

What a sign is characterized by secondary education in the Russian Federation:

1) The state guarantees all citizens training in Russian

2) teaching in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis mandatory

3) secondary education in the Russian Federation is mandatory

4) the student can not be excluded from educational institution

  • Checking learned

Humanitarianization Education suggests

1) a variety of educational services

2) Computerization of educational institutions

3) Unification of the requirements for educational equipment

4) special attention to public disciplines

  • Checking learned

Whether the following education judgments are true

A. Education - the process of creating a person and a citizen

B. Education - the process of acquiring knowledge about the world, admission to the values \u200b\u200bof world civilization

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

  • Checking learned

Are the following judgments about education true?

A. Humanization of education implies enhanced attention to the personality of the student, his interests, requests.

B. Humanization of education implies enhanced attention to the moral education of a person.

1) is true only and 2) is true only

3) both judgments 4) both judgments are incorrect

  • Homework

Paragraph 47.

Title: Presentation "Right to Education"
Nomination: School, Presentation, Socology, Class 8-9 Class, Socology (5-11th grade)

Position: teacher history and social studies
Place of work: MKOU Novozhenna Oosh
Location: New Life of Anninsky District, Voronezh region

Test "Science. Education"
A1. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is to develop and theoretical systematization of objective data on reality, is called:
science 3) Education
philosophy 4) Public Consciousness
A2. Humanization of education implies:

A3. Are the following judgments true?
A. Historically, science has emerged later religion, education, art
B. Science development is one of of essential factors development and material production, and social relations, and spiritual life

A4. Humanitarianization of education involves:
strengthening the attention of society to the study of public disciplines
creature unified system Education for developed countries
strengthening the attention of society to personality, its psychology, interests, requests
introduction obligatory objects According to the study of religion
A5. Internationalization of education involves:
strengthening the attention of society to the study of public disciplines
creating a unified education system for developed countries
strengthening the attention of society to personality, its psychology, interests, requests
introduction of mandatory items for the study of religion
A6. What judgment is true?
A. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge lies in their theoretical nature
B. Scientific knowledge is based on the authority of the researcher
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A7. What direction is irrelevant at present for the development of education:
politicization 3) Humanitarianization
humanization 4) Internationalization
A8. When conducting lessons, the teacher uses individual tasks, much attention pays for the development of students' creative abilities, contributes to the creation of a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom. What direction in the development of education it implements:

A9. What judgment is true?
A. Scientific knowledge is always practical
B. Scientific knowledge begins when the totality of facts is aware of the pattern
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A10. When drawing up a new curriculum for students of 1-course professional lyceum, the World Art Culture course was introduced. What direction in the development of education implements this innovation?
humanization 3) Internationalization
humanitarianization 4) politicization
A11. What judgment is true?
A. Science is not the direct productive power of society.
B. Problems that arose during the development of technology became a subject of scientific research. So there were new scientific disciplines (for example, thermodynamics)
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A12. For the needs of UES countries, a European business school was created, its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of various European countries are trained in it.
What trend in development is we talking about?
1) Humanization 3) Internationalization
2) Humanitarianization 4) Autonomization
A13. What judgment is true?
A. Science is thinking in artistic images.
B. Science is thinking in concepts.
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

A14. Students of the State Technical University appeared the opportunity to receive a diploma of the European sample. What direction in the development of education is we talking about?
humanization 3) Nationalization
humanitarianization 4) Internationalization
A15. What judgments is correct?
A. Important goals of science - Description, Explanation and prediction of reality phenomena
B. Science language is significantly different from the language of other forms of culture, art greater clarity and rigor
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A16. What judgment is true?
A. Science is one of the regions political sphere Society
B. Science has a comprehensive effect.
· Vie on social life, especially intensively affecting the technical and economic development and management of society
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A17. What judgment is true?
A. Humanization of education implies great attention to society to personality, its psychology, interests, requests
B. Humanization of education is the creation of a single educational space for different countries
1) just and 3) are true of both judgments
2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect
A18. A feature of scientific knowledge is:
their theoretical character
practical use
their content in books
A19. The type of activity of people who is aimed at obtaining new knowledge about nature, society and man is called:
education 3) Socialization
science 4) Education
A20. A feature of scientific knowledge is
their theoretical character
practical use
they are contained in books
A21 Zoologged scientists learn the behavior of the Himalayan bears in captivity. What is the function of science illustrated by this example?
A22 Scribes-seismologists, having studied the state of the earth's crust in settlement N., warned the locals about the possibility of earthquake. What is the function of science illustrated by this example?
A23 The excretion and distribution of unpretentious, disease-resistant and rapidly growing breeds of poultry reflects the function of science:
A24, students of the State Technical University appeared the opportunity to receive a diploma of the European sample. On the realization of which direction in the development of education are we talking about?
A25 For the needs of the EEC countries, a European School of Business was created, its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, Madrid. Representatives of various European countries are trained in it. What kind of trend in the development of education are we talking about?
A26 What judgment is true?
A) science is thinking in artistic images
B) science is thinking in concepts
True only A.
Right only B.
Both judgments are true
Both judgments are incorrect
A27 Creating and practical implementation of frost-resistant, surface grape varieties illustrates the function of science:
A28 When drawing up a new curriculum for students of 1 college courses, an elective "World Art Culture" was introduced. What direction in the development of education implements this innovation?
A29 What judgment is true?
A) science is not the immediate productive power of society
B) Problems that arose during the development of technology became the subject of scientific research. So there were new scientific disciplines (for example. Thermodynamics)
1) is true only
2) true only b
3) both judgments are true
4) both judgments are incorrect
A30 The purpose of modern education is not
political orientation of the person
promotion to National and World Culture
transfer of knowledge, skills, skills
socialization of personality
A31 What direction is irrelevant now for modern education7
A32 The essence of prognostic science is to
know and explain the world
improve social device
create additional resources for the economy
A33 Modern development Education does not correspond to
widespread use of computers and electronic means Learning
an increase in the amount of education at the expense of humanitarian disciplines
strengthening the strength of education
creating a continuing education system
A34 Humanization of education involves
strengthening the attention of society to the study of public disciplines
creating a unified education system for developed countries
strengthening the attention of society to personality, its psychology, interests, requests
introduction of mandatory items for the study of religion
A35 for scientific knowledge is not mandatory
opening objective laws
the presence of a conceptual apparatus
experiment as a method for finding truth
the logical of the construction of the theory
A36SFERE of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data on reality, is called
the science
public consciousness

Most relevant to this moment is the introduction of humanitarianization and humanitarianization technologies in training. After all, humanitarianization involves strengthening the relationship of natural education with humanitarian, i.e. A more understandable, close child, strengthening practical and applied aspects in her teaching. This means that in training the focus it is necessary to put on the overall development of the student, namely, the development of logical thinking, speech, spatial imagination, intuition, feelings of the beautiful - this issue and Sattya is visited.



Humanization of modern education

Nothing justified the exhaustion of our school for many years has led to a sharp decline in the level of common culture and educational school graduates and, therefore, society as a whole. In the age of the scientific and technical revolution, we are confronted with scinting illiteracy and lack of taste, the inability of people to use software school skills in practice.

Therefore, the main direction of school development today is the turn of learning to man. The school course contains rather complex items, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and others, which not everyone is given easily, and as a result of this - loss of interest in learning.

Most relevant at the moment is the introduction of humanitarianization and humanitarianization technologies. After all, humanitarianization involves strengthening the relationship of natural education with humanitarian, i.e. A more understandable, close child, strengthening practical and applied aspects in her teaching. This means that in training the emphasis must be put on the overall development of the student, namely the development of logical thinking, speech, spatial imagination, intuition, feelings of the beautiful.

Humanitarianization of education is one of the ways of humanization / eliminating / the entire education system, consisting primarily in teaching a complex of humanitarian disciplines, with the help of which students are involved in humanitarian culture, that is, to the values \u200b\u200bdeveloped throughout the history of human philosophy, art and religion.

Humanization and humanitarianization of education

in these activities of psychological qualities specific to age and having an imperruptive importance, first of all shaped forms of knowledge of peace and social emotions.

The real process of mental development of the child includes a much wider range of mental properties and abilities that need to be taken into account when building training and upbringing. The main thing - the development of each child is in its particular way, in which general patterns are manifested in individual form. And if the consideration of age-related peculiarities of psychological development is the basis for developing a common strategy requires identifying and taking into account individual characteristics.

The humanization of society has delivered a question about the authority of the teacher. The proximity of the authority and authoritarianity as single-handed words and related concepts was problematic by the idea of \u200b\u200bteacher's authority, presented ethical criteria to him. Individuality as a basis for training and education returns self-esteem to the teacher and school.

"Students and students - first of all employees," wrote N.K. Roerich. So democratization and humanization in education discovered the path to the development of the initiative and independence of the student and the teacher.

The complexity of the educational process is that it occupies a significant place in a person's life, does not give a tangible, visible, concrete result immediately upon completion. The result of education is all subsequent behavior, activity, man's lifestyle. Therefore, the effect of the pedagogical impact of any educational institution cannot be controlled directly.

Everyone who chooses the teacher's profession takes responsibility for those whom he will learn and educate, at the same time he is responsible for himself, his professional training, his right to be a teacher, teacher, as an educator. Decent fulfillment of professionally pedagogical debt requires a person to adopt a number of obligations.

First, it is necessary to objectively assess your own capabilities, know your strong and weak sides, meaningful for this quality profession (features of self-regulation, self-assessment, emotional manifestations, communicative, didactic abilities, etc.).

Secondly, the teacher must have a common culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, submission, attention), culture of behavior, communication and pedagogical communication in particular. The teacher is a sample that consciously, and most often unconsciously, imitate the disciples, adopting what the teacher does.

Third, the obligatory prerequisites and the basis of the successful activity of the teacher are respect, knowledge and understanding of their student as "another". The student must be understood by the teacher and adopted it, regardless of whether their valuables, behavior and assessments coincide; It also involves the knowledge of psychological mechanisms and patterns of behavior and communication.

Fourth, the teacher is the organizer learning activities Students, their cooperation and at the same time acts as a partner and person facilitating pedagogical communication, that is, "facilitator", according to K. Rogersu. This obliges to develop organizational, communicative abilities to manage the learning process of knowledge to students, including them in the active forms of educational interaction that stimulates the cognitive activity of its participants. The development of such professional skills involves not only deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also a permanent, systematic professional training.

In this way, professional quality The teacher should relate to the following postulates of the commandments of his psychological and pedagogical activity:

Respect in a person's student, personality (which is the concretization of the golden rule of antiquity - believing to others as you would like to treat you);

We are constantly looking for self-development and self-improvement (for it is known that the one who does not study himself cannot develop the taste for teaching, "mental appetite" from others);

Tell the student of knowledge so that he wanted and could master them, was ready to use them in different situations And in their self-education.

These postulates are concretizing the well-known thesis: only the person is educated by the person, only in nature forms character. The teacher must be a personality, this is his professional characteristic.

In order for the development process to be successful, painlessly for a child should be created around it the corresponding atmosphere, the so-called "humanistic space" (I.D. Deckova). In creating such space, the teacher takes a certain place, plays one of the main roles. Using the word, business and observation (diagnostics), the teacher creates the conditions so that the child will show itself. In order to help the child, it is possible to determine the main rule - "Rule 7U":

- "Confidence" - the knowledge of their rights and the rights of the child, the ability to protect it. Pedagogue Guarantor of the rights of the child;

- "Success" - takes care of any case, the teacher must foresee a positive result, that is, it is confident that it is under the power of children and him;

- "Surprisingness" - it is necessary to develop an extraordination in itself, children do not like "pies with nothing";

- "persuasiveness" - to be able to light the children's hearts, convince them of the importance of the case;

- "respectfulness" - mutual respect is necessary; Respect the opinion of children, they respect yours. Education without respect - suppression;

- "balance" - in the class you need to be ready for everything, do not faint, but analyze and work;

- "Smiley" - without a sense of humor in school it is impossible to live. The smile is both evaluation, approval, and encouragement.

Humanization of Education and Democratic Teacher Style

The desire to live in some kind of community, to be protected, to asserted in its environment is peculiar to everyone. Therefore, if the teacher wants the children to be good, you need to do everything so that the pupils want to be such that they find pleasure in good, moral actions.

It means that the teacher cannot have any other goals, except the lifestyles of pupils. After all, for the guys, the idea is not separated from personality, and what the favorite teacher tells them is perceived quite differently than what the person disrespectful and alien to them says. The highest ideas in the latter's mouths become hated.

Therefore, it is worth it to get into place of children to understand: that they are interested in, which pleases, which tires that it offends. After all, the educational process stops from that moment until the child will understand why they did it so; While he disagrees with how he was accepted; While he is embossed, that he was so unfair to him.

In all this, an objective base of the unity of the educator and the pupil, that is prerequisite The emergence of well-known (but not all used!) Pedagogy of cooperation, which is based on the principles of humanization and democratization of relations with their pupils.

To solve all pedagogical tasks there are two approaches. One imperative when the teacher himself solves the task, forcing his pupils to do what is necessary for their future. The other is a humane, that is, when the educator seeks to introduce children to the decision of the pedagogical tasks when he cooperates with them, makes them with his assistants in education, teaches what he knows himself.

The most important acquisition that needs to make a child during school apprenticeship is a feeling of self-esteem, faith in yourself, faith in what he knows, can and can.

And it is possible to achieve this only good, because only good gives rise to good. So you won a wonderful teacher - our contemporary V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Children are a source of inspiration, and my duty as a teacher to give them childhood, keep it, to be a friend to them.

"From birth to three years old, your God is your child, from three to ten, he is your slave, from ten years old your friend" (Ancient Chinese wisdom).

The introduction of humanitarian technology elements can conduct each teacher who has creative potential, loving its subject and approved to students as subjects of training. But in order to correctly build a learning process, teachers should always remember that human thinking is initially bilateral: the logical and emotional-shaped side exist as equal parts.


1 Bespalko V.P. The term pedagogical technology M., Pedagogy, 1989.

2. Likhachev B. T. "Pedagogy" - M.: Prometheus, 1993

3. Ushshinsky k.d. Election Ped. cit. M., 1945, p.276-277.

4. Zinchenko V.P., Morgunov E.B. Man developing: Essays of Russian psychology. M., Trivola, 1994. p.270.

5. Profitable L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M.: Pedagogy, 1991 s. 82.

6. Burakova G.Yu. "Humanitarianization of the learning process." M.: Enlightenment, 1999

7. Mudrik A.V. Socialization of man: studies. pos. for sts Higher. studies. Cell. - M., 2004.

8. Nikandrov N.D. Russia: Socialization and upbringing at the turn of the Millennium. - M., 2000.

9. Oreshnikov I.M. What is humanitarian culture? - Saransk, 1992.

10. Kharchev A.G. Sociology of upbringing on some topical problems of education. - M., 199

To evaluate (write off) in production, you can apply the average cost method (method average price). What is his essence? Consider it more on the example.

The write-off method is defined in paragraph 18 of PBU 5/01. Its essence in that, the average cost of each type of materials is calculated as follows: we take the total cost of this type of materials at the beginning of the month and add the value of the same materials received for this month. Then the resulting amount divided by the number of materials, which consists of remnants of this type of materials at the beginning of the month and the number of materials received for this month.

When writing off in production, the cost of used materials is determined by multiplying the number of materials used on middle Cost.

The balance of materials is determined as follows: Multiply the amount of materials on the average cost.
Consequently, the average cost of materials may vary from month to month. The balance is reflected in the remains of the average cost.


For October 1, 2014, Lakoksky Plant LLC has the balance of the blue pigment in the amount of 1000 kg at the average cost of 190 rubles. For 1 kg. During the month of receipt of the blue pigment amounted to:

October 2 - (1st Party) - 1000kg for 200 rub. for 1 kg;
October 5 - (2nd Party) - 500 kg for 180 rubles. for 1 kg;
October 24 - (3rd party) - 300kg for 190 rubles. for 1 kg;

For October, it was used in the production of 1300kg pigment.

Calculate the average pigment cost:

(1000 x 190 + 1000 x 200 + 500 x 180 + 300 x 190) / (1000 + 1000 + 500 + 300) \u003d 191.79 rubles for 1 kg.

Calculate the cost of the pigment written off in the production:

1 300 x 191.79 \u003d 249 327 rubles.

Make the calculation of the pigment balance at the end of October:

(1 000 + 1 000 + 500 + 300) - 1 300 \u003d 1500 kg.

The average price of pigment at the end of the month is calculated as follows:

1 500 x 191,79 \u003d 287 685 rubles

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Steres 11/20/09 00:13 Now in the subject

An attempt to establish for a specific nomenclature a sign of "VeciefartiUniPoseries" will lead to the fact that the cost of its write-off will be calculated no longer "middle" according to accounting policies ..., and for this particular series, what incorrect.

Not quite correct statement. A typical conference is implemented by one of the accounting options, which simply does not meet the requirements of a particular organization. Under the accounting policy, the "average" can be recorded both in the context of the nomenclature and in the context of the range of the nomenclature - it depends on accounting PolicyAdopted at the enterprise. If the organization's accounting policy differs from the method implemented in a certain configuration, this is not a reason to argue that it works incorrectly - this is the reason to finalize the configuration under the organization. And no more.

() Higher Western manual is not in vain chosen the policy of calculating the cost of "average", it understands that it makes it possible to more flexibly manage the price policy and, as a result, the profitability of the enterprise.

In addition, the error in the selection of a series of nomenclature in the implementation document may lead to the fact that the sale will be reflected in accounting as the implementation of the commission product, but will not fall into the report to the Committee when it is automatic filling, because The series does not match the source (from the party document).

I also do not see the problem. When serving, there is already a series of specific nomenclature, and not the nomenclature itself becomes an element of accounting. Therefore, when implementing the same series, which was accepted and after buying and receiving a commission at the Commission, it was not the fact that the party of the series accepted for sale was spikeed, perhaps a batch of the purchased party of this series - then she will not fall into the report to the Committee. I think it is worth a more careful look at the parties of the episodes received, and then compare them with the parties implemented and then everything will fall into place.

VVR908. 405 21.11.09 22:27 Now in the subject

Maybe I am not competent enough in this question, but it always seemed to me that in accounting policies in the same period could not be provided various WRONDINGING WRITIES FOR TH MC different species. Those. if a evaluation of the MPZ. When writing off is made at average cost, it must always be the same - regardless of whether or not under this particular nomenclature is carried out for a specific nomenclature. And the violation of this principle, as it seems to me, incorrectly. If I'm wrong, it is ready to take argued objections.

Therefore, when implementing the same series, which was accepted and after buying and receiving a commission at the Commission, it was not the fact that the party of the series accepted for sale was spikeed, perhaps a batch of the purchased party of this series - then she will not fall into the report to the Committee.

The thing is that this is not the same series that has received different ways. It can be two totally different Series received by different certification documents. And the series of the series completely ignores the fact that in the system there is a constant "Strategy for writing off the parties according to statuses." He has its own selection criteria - shelf life, for example. And if he finds a series with more early time Sucidity, he will substitute her, even if she never came under the Commission's contract. Because of the partial accounting, the implementation of the goods with the status "accepted" will undergo, and a completely different series will be affixed in the implementation document. And in the report, the committee will not fall.

Steres 22.11.09 02:55 Now in the subject

Those. If the score of the MPZ during the write-off is carried out at average cost, then it must always be the same - regardless of whether it is conducted or not carried out for this particular nomenclature.

If there are no legislative regulatory acts on the expense that, when taking into account the average series, do not take into account (and I don't know if I know if I am glad to get a link), you can implement any of the approaches. Both are true and the choice depends only on the organization's accounting policy (in the sense, take into account the series when calculating the average or not). When taking into account medicines, as far as I know, accounting of the nomenclature on the series is required, therefore, the average can be calculated both by the series, and according to the nomenclature - in the typical UT, it is possible that the version is implemented with a series (I personally did not check). I think that if you turn off the Flag of Parical Accounting on Series and leave the Flag of Master on Series (in the same place 2 requisites), it will be just the necessary option - accounting internally excluding the series. These are all my arguments about this.

The thing is that this is not the same series of the same way. These can be two completely different series received by different charge documents. And the series of the series completely ignores the fact that in the system there is a constant "Strategy for writing off the parties according to statuses." He has its own selection criteria - shelf life, for example. And if he finds a series with an earlier shelf life, he will substitute it, even if she never came under the Commission agreement. Because of the partial accounting, the implementation of the goods with the status "accepted" will undergo, and a completely different series will be affixed in the implementation document. And in the report, the committee will not fall.

If I understood correctly, then ...
"The write-off strategy of parties of goods according to the statuses" set the value "first received their own"
1. In the implementation of the auto-shift, the series with the smallest shelf life, the batch of which has the status "bought", ignoring the fact of installing the strategy.
2. After implementation, the series specified in the document and in the register wiring differ from each other.
3. The status of a batch of the series specified in the document "Bought", and in the postings on the parties register the status "adopted".

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