
Strong weaknesses of the employee. How to tell about the strengths and weaknesses at the interview

The weaknesses of a person in the resume show how much it is objective to himself. By own initiative Rarely who includes such an item. But if the employer himself provides a questionnaire for filling, such a question may well appear there. We will tell you what weaknesses to point out in the summary to make the requirement, and do not spoil the impression of yourself. We will also teach how to draw them in the advantage.

What disadvantages to specify in Summary: Example

Do not write that they are not at all. Ideal people do not exist, and unnecessarily narcissists are reluctant to work. But it is not necessary to list all the weak qualities of a person. Your task is to demonstrate that you are quite critical to yourself, and not to reveal your vulnerability.

Wine negative character traits for Summary:

  • excessive demanding to yourself and others;
  • increased responsibility;
  • pedantry;
  • hyperactivity;
  • shyness;
  • disturbance.

All this is not too good for everyday lifeBut for work gives weighty advantages.


Weaknesses in Summary: Examples of transformation in dignity

Reveal your minuses is half an end. Next, you need to use them in your own interests. If there are free graphs where you can paint the items, do it. Specify than good your shortcomings in Summary: An example is an incredulous person will not cooperate with dubious suppliers.

If the questionnaire is compressed, then discuss these questions will be to the interview. It is better to prepare to it. And our cheat sheet will help you in this. But even if you do not plan to give explanations, it is useful to know how your minuses will perceive the manager.

My weaknesses


I observe subordination.

I will not conflict with colleagues.

Do not hold the chief.

I can not heat the client.


I will not sit idle.

I will manage everything and even more.

I can not sit aside when you need to show the initiative.


I will not miss the hurry of important details.

I will not make chaos in the workflow.

I will not tire customers and colleagues.


I won't allow myself to work in the plenty.

I can organize a team.

Effectively conduct negotiations.

I will make every effort to achieve the result.


I will not spend working time On chatter.

I will not talk about the affairs of the company where it should not be.

I speak less, I do more.

Obvious Disadvantages in Summary: Examples

Some minuses do not specify better. Especially if they go to harm professional duties. For example, the mentioned multicast is good for an accountant or programmer. But a sales manager or teacher cannot be silent, otherwise the effectiveness of his work falls.

Therefore, the strengths and weaknesses must be compared with the specifics of the profession.

Unsuitable weaknesses of character in summary (examples)


Invalid minuses


  • credulity;
  • emotionality;
  • insufficient activity;
  • shyness;
  • frivolity.

Customer Service Specialist

  • littleness;
  • hot temper;
  • slowness;
  • tendency to formalism;
  • straightness.

Lower Standard Workers

  • ambitiousness;
  • self-confidence;
  • stubbornness.

Representatives of creative professions

  • inability to exercise flexibility;
  • tendency to formalism;
  • diffidence;
  • pedantry.

On interviews with employers and when drawing up a summary have to point out their strengths. Oddly enough, some of it is harder than the transfer of weaknesses. However, you need to specify those and others. We will help you to decide and make your own list.

About the strengths and weaknesses of a person are often asked at the interview when taking a job. Answer this question accounts for both your own resume.

So unwillingly begin to think about their advantages and weaknesses. With the advantages, that is, the strong sides of character, usually it turns out not bad. But with weakness ... Is it really impossible? It is impossible! Recruiters - experienced professionals - will appreciate your frankness, and who knows, perhaps it is your combination of "pluses" and "minuses" will help them make a choice in your favor.

On the benefits of "self-confidence"

Each person has strengths and weaknesses. It would seem why to look for them? What can it give? As psychologists say, a lot. You need to know your strengths to feel confident in various life situations. And the knowledge of their weaknesses will help if they do not overcome them, then at least take control and engage in self-development. The latter, according to specialists, helps both in a career and in personal lifeAnd in general leads to harmony with me and the whole world.


The strengths in the aggregate give a strong character. Let's see what qualities and features are determined. This is the more need to know if you do not want to be content with a modest position and low salary, and you want to succeed in career endeavors. The list is quite extensive.

So it is:

  • professionalism;
  • analytical thinking;
  • learning;
  • a responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • hardworking;
  • patience;
  • dedication;
  • self confidence.

Develop the strengths

Professionalism is your knowledge multiplied by experience. If you do not work in vain at the Institute of Pants, love and know how to learn, you know your business well, you will certainly become a professional. By the way, according to specialists, there is a pretty simple way of professional self-improvement. For this, just every month read one book in its specialty.

But the analyticity of thinking and leaving depends on the level of intelligence. By the way, intelligence, according to the latest studies, is transmitted by the maternal line. So if you got good genes, my parents did a lot in childhood, and you diligently studied, and not a fool of Valyali, then you have every reason to make a second and third positive qualities from the list. Next, there are such strengths that you can and not possess, but which are completely able to develop in themselves.

A responsibility

It seems that this quality is also congenital, but in women mostly for some reason. No wonder there is even such a term as hypertrophized responsibility, and it is meant that it is women's ability to respond to everything: for children, husband, parents, friends, animals, work, country, and so on. So there is nothing to develop here, except to learn slightly reverse.


Sometimes it is easy. Test an alarm clock at 6.30 and at the first signal to get up, and not infinitely pull the moment of lifting. Coming to work on time, and not with a 10-minute delay. In the same way, not to be late for business meetings or gatherings with friends. To become disciplined, you need to come up with motivation. For example, it's easy for me to get up early in the morning, because I know that the cup of coffee is waiting for me with something tasty and interesting fiction. Anticipation of all this and helps not lie down in bed.

And in order not to be late for work, try to make sure what kind of kayf come to the office ... first! Silence and calm, you can safely get together with thoughts, outline plans for the whole day and take care. In the morning, by the way, brains work more productively.


Rarely, who has this quality congenital. All humanity in one degree or another is lazy. And only hunger, cold and fear forced him to get up with warm mammoth skins and do something helpful. So we: We do not care about it because we are tired of resting, but because there is such an inexorable word "need."

It is necessary to wash the windows in the winter, releasing the lingerie, take away unnecessary books and attribute them to the nearest library ... But what a sense of satisfaction covers when you understand that it was possible to overcome yourself and fulfill the outlined. So gradually enter the taste and become ... workaholic in the good sense of the word.


This is when you understand that everything is immediately and right now will not succeed. And learn to wait, gradually, step by step approaching the goal. Career growth, by the way, happens. Almost no one immediately after the university falls into top managers. Well, except for some computer genius level.

Dedication and self-confidence

These strengths you get as a bonus to the above. Professionalism. The more you know and know how to feel self-confident. And it helps to go to their way, persistently achieved goals.

Complete list

We also call strengths of character:

  • honesty;
  • reliability;
  • justice;
  • honesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • courage.

People who have all the above qualities are able to control themselves, their desires and actions, which means to manage their lives, subjugate the circumstances. Well, such personals always cause respect and confidence.

I can argue that sometimes you "rolls" a wave of self-vacation and self-analysis "rolls" when you start to dig in your soul and lay out your character "on the shelves" to find out what your strengths have, and what good and to work.

And it turns out: you are lazy, but always ready to help. You are very touchy, but easily converge with people. Or you never bring the work started to the end, but just fount the ideas, your friends. What to consider strong parties, and what is weak? What exactly are these criteria are determined by these strongest and human weaknesses?

Criterion One: Public opinion.

Public opinion

This was "driven" to us in the head since childhood: a person should be kind, good, responsive, intelligent, moral and all that such. From the point of view of public morality, only he can wear a proud title of "man", who fully meets all these requirements.

No one argues with the fact that all these character qualities are positive. But how, tell me, then make a career in business in good, "understanding" to a person who enters the position of all his employees, and forgives them for absenteeism, drunkenness at work or rudeness with customers? And it is necessary to punish such negligent workers, as you automatically get into the category of "snobs" and "reptiles". So think now, the responsiveness is a strong character trait, or still weak?

BUT ? It seems to be in all respects, it is suitable for the definition of a "weak character trait", but in this case the world would not know what the remote control from the TV or ordinary ear sticks, which were invented when a person was tired of getting up from the sofa and switch the channels and Wash the rut on the match.

Everything is very relative. Excessive talkative may be a weak character line when you are a spy and perform the task of the Motherland on the territory of the hostile state, but it becomes a strong feature of the character for the artist of the conversational genre.

Strong sides of a person

Through character features you can call those that make a person move forward. It can be:

  • Dedication;
  • Persistence;
  • Willpower;
  • Organizations;
  • A responsibility;
  • Communicability, etc.

These qualities may be present in the nature of partially, or some of them dominate the rest. But here is an equilibrium: a well-organized person is a strong trait of his character, but an overly pedantic will already cause irritation among others, and no one will consider such an organized feature.

Weak sides of man

There are people who since birth have the ability to lightly make decisions and not "looting" in the past, but there are few of them. Everyone else has such qualities to produce independently. "To" yourself "is a titanic work, but if you have already disassembled small nuts and screwdrivers, now it is simply necessary to assemble it again. As a constructor - patience will be required, but the figure will result in a completely different.

The weaknesses of character are not the ones for which they are ashamed, but those that need to be developed. And not for society, but for yourself personally. Many of these "weak" character traits are easily corrected independently within a month. Some require psychoanalyst intervention. And even to one part it is easier to adapt to correct.

For example, you are always late. How do not translate the clock for an hour ahead, all the same meetings are broken. Here you need to adapt - assign meetings during working hours right in the office or at a lunch break in that cafe where you always dine. There you definitely not be late.

Or you are constantly inquired by affairs, which are becoming more difficult every day. Choose from them one most important and make it. Then the other is the most important and until you bring it to a logical end, do not take for another. After a week, and do not notice how they got rid of the lion's part of the cases, which hung over your neck with a sort of "Damoclay Sword".

Determine for yourself your weaknesses. Write them down in a notebook. It can be:

  • The inability to "keep a tongue for teeth";
  • Excessive emotionality;
  • Lack of force of will;
  • Slope;
  • Shy;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Inability to refuse, etc.

Choose the "nasty" character for yourself and start correcting it. Immediately fix it right away, start with one. If you are ready to all and all talk about your problems or gossip about neighbors, then at the first spent the word in this direction, pinch yourself. Only strongly to feel. A few days later you and your mouth will be afraid to open, if only the bruise does not put another.

Or you shy to be in humans. Sign up for courses, start communicating with children in the courtyard, after them you can already join conversations with their parents, then with neighbors, after and with strangers.


Since you have already grew up, you have already received certain upbringing. I do not like how parents brought up - re-educate yourself. Everyone can become a successful person who sincerely wants to become.

It is easier to lighten everything to write off on your weaknesses: "I have not written a report because I forgot. You know what I am forgetful! " Or "everyone is offended me, because I am weak and cowardly." And do something to stop being weak and cowardly weak? Maybe at least a couple of kickboxing classes go, eh?

Without working on their weak parties and without increasing the strong, you will forever remain in life swamp. Maybe, of course, you feel about people who only need to be bread, butter, yes beer, then in vain you read it. And if you want to get out of the quaggers, then start working. Right now. Take a handle, notepad, sit down at the table and write:

"I have a lot of strengths. This ... .. "And, as a conclusion," I have some drawbacks, it's ... .. " Wrote? And now correct your laziness to exercise - go for a walk or start making general cleaning. Good luck to you, you will succeed!

Image: gcoldironjr2003 (Flickr.com)

Character is a combination of distinctive qualities of personality. A person is born with a set of properties that determine his individuality. Some qualities are resistant throughout life (there are temperament here), while others are formed during the activity and may change.

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Character has positive and negative features, strengths and weaknesses that are reflected in behavior and actions. Which of the parties will appear more, depends on the external factors and the attitude towards them of a person, his reactions.

Types and traits

Character features are formed by childhood. Important role Play conditions and furnishings, upbringing and communication.

In the structure of interpersonal relations, four groups of features are distinguished:

In psychology, there is another classification of types of character, separating traits by properties:

Individual differences between people are stronger in the emotional sphere and are associated with the peculiarities of human feelings: attention on the object or phenomenon is focused on how a person expresses his attitude. Volisk qualities help to achieve goals, not be afraid of difficulties and be successful. Moral regulates the behavior and consciousness of people in all areas of life. Intellectual features characterize human mental activity.

Character and temperament

The temperament, being a congenital feature of the person, affects the formation of character traits. The development and manifestation of strengths and weaknesses depends on the temperament. The social medium has a significant impact on the emergence of new qualities, leaving the properties of temperament unchanged.

The character is expressed in the behavior and actions of a person, the aggregate of his features shared on negative and positive. The temperament is manifested in manners and style and is not assessed as "good" or "bad", it counteracts or contributes to the formation of certain properties of character.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the nature of each personality there are strengths and weaknesses. From the self-esteem of a person, his attitudes towards people and labor depends on which ones will be most pronounced. Weak character traits impede growth and development, strong help to cope with difficulties, move forward and achieve the goal.

Examples of weaknesses:

  • Excessive emotionality, hot temper. It interferes with communication both in the family and in the team. The feeling of irritation, turning into anger, often splashes on loved ones. A person allows himself to shout on the interlocutor, even offend. Conflicts occur.
  • Pettiness. Giving a lot of trifles does not give a person to focus on the main thing. Attention is dissipated on individual, minor details, people are worried about trifles, picky to others.
  • Excellence over others. It comes from the desire to get more respect. People who put themselves above others are unrealistic to evaluate themselves.
  • Slope. Reflects the attitude of a person to himself and to the world, this is a manifestation of disrespect for others.
  • Sensibility. Unnecessary expectations regarding the actions of other people lead to insults and give rise to a desire for others to experience the feeling of guilt. Dispelness can grow into bitterness.
  • Scattered attention.The inability to focus on a certain form of activity, frequent errors, inattention, which causes irritation from others.
  • Lack of discipline. Lightness entails non-compliance with certain requirements. In psychology, undisciplining is defined as a negative moral and ethical personality quality, expressing violation of the adopted rules of conduct.
  • Fussiness.The loss of self-monitoring generates disorderly actions. The fussy people are constantly in a hurry somewhere, grabs for several cases immediately and often do not bring started to the end.

People with a strong character are more energetic and successful due to the optimistic confusion. The list of strengths includes:

  • Dedication.This quality helps to achieve the desired, especially with self-confidence and perseverance.
  • A responsibility. The ability to analyze the situation and pre-predicting the consequences of its choice. Decision making, readiness for any event outcome and correct possible errors.
  • Punctuality. It implies accuracy and systematic following the rules. Punctual people are disciplined, at a designated period, the tasks assigned to them.
  • Politeness. The ability to tactfully and respectfully communicate with others.
  • Fast learner.Significantly facilitates the process of self-development and improving their professional qualities.
  • Organizational abilities.Include: a tendency to leadership, reasonableness, initiative, demandingness, determination. Allow a person to form leadership qualities, competently manage the team.
  • Willpower. This is an internal energy that is consciously activated and sent to the achievement of the result. Helps overcome difficulties and achieve success.
  • Communicability.The ability to easily install contacts, sociability, positive interaction with others.
  • Self-critical.The ability to adequately evaluate their actions and recognize mistakes, identify the shortcomings of their own behavior.

Development of strong qualities

Every person is unique and knows what makes the best. This is the talent that needs to develop so that the activity gives pleasure. It is important to find the way of self-realization and do what it brings joy.

When attention is paid to personal growth, then a significant point will be an assessment of opportunities. Psychologists advise:

  1. 1. Analyze its strengths and weaknesses and make a list.
  2. 2. Choose, what should be done, focusing on strong qualities.
  3. 3. Visit the seminar or training on the appropriate topic.
  4. 4. Do self-development through creativity or other hobbies.

Constantly expanding its skills, a person strengthens the strengths of the nature, and the weak adjusts.

How to cope with weak sides of character

Weaknesses are not negative personality qualities, but the features that should be improved, constantly working on themselves. Daily planning will help. Actions in accordance with the plan will get rid of the fussiness and teach discipline. The plan on the day can be changed, but always allocate in it three main items that must be fulfilled. It will work out the skill to distinguish the main thing from the secondary and not to waste the time on trifles.

It so happened that some employers when surveying, and sometimes in the description of the vacancy asked to specify your shortcomings and weaknesses in the summary. Thus, they want to simplify the selection of personnel, to drain unnecessary candidates, etc. In a word, HR managers decide their tasks in a convenient way to them.

Let's go to the Sutie

For a long time, I help people to draw up a resume and look for a job and I want to say that the topic of deficiencies in the summary rarely pop up. But if she pops up, I say to all the same.

Weaknesses in the resume do not specify. Not at all. Under no circumstances Even if in the vacancy or special questionnaire it is written so that you describe your shortcomings, there is still no. No no and one more time no. Never write to yourself bad!

There are several reasons for this.

  • Signing the weaknesses of the nature in the summary increases the likelihood that your resume will be thrown into the basket. Someone will definitely understand your words "not so" and decides that such a candidate is not needed. Let us first be invited to the interview, and there you will answer the employer's questions and tell about yourself in all details.
  • Second moment - do not judge yourself. You may be biased And, most likely, you will. Many people are demanding about themselves and self-critical, they make an elephant from fly and scold themselves in a flat place. Let others estimate you. Let the employer look at you, talk to you and makes his conclusions. For him, your minuses may be pluses (and vice versa).

    For example, shyness can be very highly appreciated. It can be seen as calm temper and conspicency. Similarly, an active and energetic person can be called an upside down and a disturbance of calm.

  • If you specify the weaknesses and disadvantages in the summary, it is will show your understated self-esteem. Improved self-esteem \u003d understated salary. Therefore, you do not need to be extremely honest in your resume, show yourself from the favorable side.

If you still need to write something?

If you have a questionnaire or form on the site, where there is a special column "Your Disadvantages", write a neutral phrase.

Examples of specifying weaknesses in Summary:

- "Ready to answer your questions with personal communication"
- "I prefer to tell about it personally"
- just put a dashboard

No drawbacks - only advantages

I want to say a few words about the opposite direction of the medal. If weaknesses are not specified in the resume, then the strong is needed. That's really important. Focus on your advantages, in strong features and skills. By this you will help the employer make the "right" choice.

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