
Problems and prospects for the development of the economy of the Sakhalin region. Agriculture is a basic industry of the agro-industrial complex and plays an important role in the development of rural areas and food provision of fresh nutrition products.

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The oil and gas industry currently plays a leading role in the economy of the Sakhalin region, and its development is one of the main factors determining economic growth in the region. Oil and gas complex takes a dominant position in the structure industrial production (2009 - 87.7%).

Currently on land about. Sakhalin in the development involved more than 95% of the explored oil reserves. On the shelf about. Sakhalin created a powerful hydrocarbon base. In the northeastern part, 10 oil and gas deposits are open, 7 of which in volumes of reserves are the categories of large and one - to the category of unique (Lunsk). In the development of Chavinskoye (Sakhalin-1), Piltun-Astokhskoe and Lunskoye deposits (Sakhalin-2). Within the framework of the Sakhalin-1 project, it is planned to be introduced into the development of the Odoptinsky (2010) and Arkutun-Daginsky deposits. (5)

Sakhalin shelf projects

This is the generalized name of a group of projects for the development of hydrocarbon fields on the continental shelf of the Okhotsk and the Japanese seas and the Tatar strait, adjacent to the Sakhalin Island. In total, nine oil and gas sites with total reserves of 1.19 trillion cube are open on Sakhalin's shelf. Gas meters, 394.4 million tons of oil and 88.5 million tons of gas condensate. (2)


For 70 years of intensive production, terrestrial hydrocarbon deposits on Sakhalin were almost completely exhausted, but in the years, the Far Eastern Marine Expedition of Exploration Drilling opened more than three dozen oil and gas fields on the northeast shelf of the island. To develop these deposits in recent decades of the 20th century, several projects were created under the general name "Sakhalin".

In the early 1990s, it was assumed that these projects would be developed by foreign investors and operators under product sharing agreements. Several such agreements were concluded, but only the projects "Sakhalin-1" reached the practical implementation (stocks - 264.2 million tons of oil and 481.5 billion cubic meters) and Sakhalin-2 (stocks - 182.4 million tons of oil and 633.6 billion cubic meters. m gas). (2)

Currently, oil and gas production on the island is carried by Exxon Neftegaz Limited (the project "Sakhalin-1"), Sakhalin Energy (Sakhalin-2), RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, Sakhalin Oil Company, Petrosakh . Common prey In 2009, 15.4 million tons of oil and gas condensate and 19 billion cubic meters of gas reached 15.4 million tons of gas. The forecast oil production with condensate and gas, taking into account the development of new shelf projects, may amount to 18.8 million tons and 35.5 billion cubic meters, in 2020 - 26.3 million tons and 61.3 billion cubic meters. (2)

Platform "Molykpak" (Piltun-Astokhskaya - a) is the first marine production and mining ice grade platform, installed on the shelf of the Okhotsk Sea within the Sakhalin-2 project. Installed in 1998 as part of the first stage of project implementation.

The Molikpak platform is located 16 km from the coast of the north-eastern part about. Sakhalin.

· The width of the Molycpack platform is 120 m.

· The weight of the Platform "Molycpack" is Poleethonne.

· More than 150 people live on the platform and work.

· When installing the Platform "Molycpack" in the base of the platform as a ballast was covered with m³ of sand.

Platform "Piltun-Astokhskaya-B" - Integrated oil and gas platform installed on the shelf of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk as part of the Sakhalin-2 project.

· Base. Height: 53 m. Mass: t. Dimensions: 94 m x 91.5 m x 11.5 m

· Support height: 56 m

· Upper buildings. The height of the torch pipe: 98.6 m. Mass: T

· Drilling windows: 45

· Performance of pa-b is more Barrels (11.1 thousand m3) oil and 92 million standard cubic feet (2.9 million m3) of associated gas per day.

Production complex "Suburban" - production complex The Sakhalin-2 project, located in the Korsakovsky district of the Sakhalin region on the shore of Aniva Bay and includes the first plant for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG), the terminal of oil shipping (tone) and the suburban port. (2)

Foundation oil and gas complex On the land of the island is - Sakalinmorneftegaz, which enters the structure of Rosneft. The produced gas is sent through the system of pipelines to consumers to the domestic market of the Sakhalin region and the Khabarovsk Territory, the oil produced through the pipeline system enters the Komsomolsky oil refinery.

developing a small oil in the reserves of the district oil field located in the Urban District "Smirnyovsky". The main volume of oil produced by tankers is exported to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, part of the oil (36 thousand tons) is processed at a modular refineries, located within the field.

The OGUP "Sakhalin Oil Company" carries out gas from small gas fields in the south of. Sakhalin. All gas in the amount of 20-30 million cubic meters. m is supplied on energy and housing and communal facilities of the Anivian urban district, as well as on the peak boiler room in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. (5)

Sakhalin Energy exercises oil and gas production at the shelf in the framework of the Sakhalin-2 project.

The company "Exxon Neftegaz Limited", the Sakhalin-1 project operator, produces hydrocarbon raw materials from 2005. Oil is supplied on the pipeline in the port of De-Castries and further to export to the ATP countries, the gas is supplied to the consumers of the Khabarovsk Territory.

In 2009, oil production in the region amounted to 15.4 million tons and increased compared with 2008 by 19.7% due to the transition in December 2008. Sakhalin-2 project for year-round production from all three platforms.

Gas production in the region amounted to 19 billion cubic meters. m, which is 2 times higher than the level of 2008. Delivery of oil consumers for 2009 amounted to 15.4 million tons, including 13.8 million tons shipped to the ATR countries.

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Factors restraining the socio-economic development of the Sakhalin region

The deterrent development factors include:

  • ? high component of transport costs in the carriage of goods and passengers between the Far Eastern regions and the rest of Russia;
  • ? Extreme climatic conditions (increased seismicity, typhoon, snowflowers), requiring compensation for increased costs for the production of products and life support;
  • ? The presence of isolated energy systems and energy rays, the cost and inefficiency of the structure of energy sources. The undeveloped energy and transport infrastructure directly or indirectly continues to remain a major limiter to carry out any activities in the Sakhalin region, the cause of low competitiveness of produced products, goods and services.
  • ? Resource orientation of the economy with a low degree of processing natural resources;
  • ? Reducing the population, increase in the birth rate, amid an advanced increase in mortality and preserving negative migration growth.

The main problems restraining the implementation economic potential Sakhalin region are its economic and infrastructure isolation from the rest of Russia and the most developed russian markets, uncomfortable living conditions, unfavorable engineering and building conditions most of the territory, high capital intensity of leading sectors of the economy.

The restraining development of internal factors also includes a high component of transport costs in the carriage of goods and passengers, extreme natural climatic conditions, the presence of isolated energy systems and energy, the cost and inefficiency of the structure of energy sources. The undeveloped energy and transport infrastructure directly or indirectly continues to remain a major limiter to carry out any activities in the field, the cause of low competitiveness of produced products, goods and services.

In this regard, as part of the main activities, the implementation of which will increase the competitiveness of any activities, will give the opportunity to develop an effective economy and creating comfortable living conditions, it is necessary to consider:

  • - Investment programs in the field of electric power industry of the Sakhalin region, aimed at improving the reliability of power supply, elimination of "bottlenecks" in technological chains, the development of power grid economy, the creation of new generating capacity, the renewal of the potential of decentralized energy and reducing the cost of production of electricity and heat, reduction of electricity losses - and heat;
  • - Investment programs in the development of transport infrastructure, aimed at improving transport accessibility and bandwidth.

The lowest degree of diversification and innovation of a regional economy with a pronounced resource focus with a low degree of natural resource processing is another key factor that restrain the development of the Sakhalin region.

It is necessary to take into account the risks and restrictions on economic growth associated with the danger of pollution ambient By the resource sectors and the destruction of natural ecosystems in the zones of increased concentration of economic activity.

Prospects for the development of transport, energy, information and telecommunication and social infrastructures

One of the most important conditions sustainable development The economy of the Sakhalin region is the leading development of transport infrastructure that contributes to the growth of turnover, an increase in the level of industrial and social cooperation, the efficiency of the use of production capacity and resources, optimizing the structure of the economy.

For the Sakhalin region, the condition of the transport system is of particular importance in connection with its island position and affiliation to the Countries of the APR.

Compared to other territories of Russia, the Far East and the Baikal Region, the transport infrastructure of the Sakhalin region is developed weakly.

For the development of transport infrastructure, the implementation of such projects is envisaged as:

  • - Construction of the Ilinsk railway line - Uglegorsk for organizing transport links between the coalous area and the southern ports of Sakhalin. Completion of the reconstruction of Sakhalin railway With the transfer of it to a 1520 mm totaling rut; Construction of the Selikhino railway line ( Khabarovsk region) - Nysh (Sakhalin region) with a tunnel (bridge) transition through the sheds of Nevelsky;
  • - Reconstruction of seaports: Korsakov, Holmsk, Uglegorsk, Shakhthersk, Boschnyakovo, Alexandrovsk-Sakhalin, port points of South Kurilsk, Kurilsk, North-Kurilsk, ferry ferry ferry coastal structures - Holmsk in the Marine Port of Holmsk and the construction of two road ferries;
  • - The reconstruction of the seaport of Ilinsky, whose production facilities will provide an organization of the gas chemical complex and servicing tankers, gas carriers and dry-cargoers with a deadweight over 100 thousand tons, as well as the Nevelsky port for the organization at its base of the wholesale fish exchange. The development of the oil and gas production zone will require the construction of a new seaport in the area of \u200b\u200bP. Nabil, which ensures the safe operation of the terminals on transshipment of dangerous goods and the operation of the shelf drilling platforms;
  • - reconstruction of airports of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Zonal, Oha and Mendeleevo (Kunashir Island), as well as the construction of the airport ITUURUP (ITUPORIA);
  • - Reconstruction road roads Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Oh, lights - Nevelsk with the device of asphalt concrete coating and reconstruction of roads Nevelsk - Tomari - Shakhtersk Airport, Yuzhno-Kurilsk - Golovannoe, Kurilsk - Raidovo, Malokuril - Kabobzodskoye, Arsentievka - Ilinskoe with restructuring of wooden and emergency bridges for capital buildings .

Abundance and diversity energy resources: Oil, gas, coal, as well as hydraulic, geothermal, wind energy provides perspective for the development of energy, including unconventional.

The electric power industry of the Sakhalin region is the basic sector of the economy. Its features are technological isolation from the unified energy system of the East and the presence of several separate energy supplies that ensure the power supply of districts and a number settlements Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.

Sakhalin Energy System Development will be aimed at ensuring the energy security of the territory and the elimination of infrastructure restrictions economic Development.

The development of gas supply and gasification in the region will be aimed at creating a gas transmission system for the implementation of the gasification of the settlements of the Sakhalin region, including the population, energy and housing and utilities.

The main direction of the development of the telecommunications infrastructure will be a decrease in the information isolation of the Kuril Islands through the creation of high-speed and protected fiber-optic communication lines for the development of a network of digital broadcasting for settlements.

Socio-economic development of the Sakhalin region

The gross regional product of the region is formed mainly due to such industries such as oil and natural gas production (Northern regions of Sakhalin Island), coal mining, fisheries and food industry, building materials industry.

The economic potential of the region is localized in 3 zones of leading economic growth - South Sakhalin, Kuril and North Sakhalin.

The efficiency of the complex increases when creating special economic zone Port type on the basis of the Nevelsky Sea Fish Port with year-round navigation and developed railway and automotive approaches. The basis of the port specialization is a bioresource complex, including storage, transportation, product processing, and service maintenance of vessels.

A separate direction of development is tourist and resort activities based on the unique recreational resources of the Kuril Islands.

The Sakhalin oil and gas distribution area, traditionally specializing in hydrocarbon production, will be concentrated around permanent settlements and temporary watches.

The high interest of investors to the potential of the region predetermine the rich reserves of natural resources and, first of all, hydrocarbons. This allowed the area over the series recent years Go to the leading positions on the development of investments among the subjects of the DFOs of the Russian Federation.

Sakhalin region is one of the leaders among Russian regions to attract foreign investment. The value is attracted foreign capital In 2009 amounted to 3.8 billion US dollars. At the beginning of 2010, foreign investment in the amount of 24.2 billion US dollars was accumulated in the economy of the Sakhalin region.

As priority directions forming investment attractiveness Region, you can allocate:

  • - Formation regulatory frameworkaimed at creating favorable economic conditions for investment in the region;
  • - preparation of sites, objects with high potential to attract investments;
  • - Representation of the investment opportunities of the region in international and financial markets;
  • - Activation of work with the Government of the Russian Federation for state support and financing of infrastructure and new production facilities.

geographical Labor Economy

Every dollar invested in the implementation of the Sakhalin-2 project at the stage capital construction, generated additional economical effect In the amount of 1.12 dollars. Such calculations produced a group of independent experts of the organization "Economics, Ecology and Safety of Industrial Systems", Council for the study of the productive forces of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

However, the effect of the "economic multiplier", calculated by the experts and they presented in the report "Evaluation of integral socio-economic effects from the implementation of the Sakhalin-2 project, the impact on the socio-economic situation in the region and in general in the country is not limited. The first decade of work Office projects, and in particular the project operator, Sakhalin Energy, had a multilateral impact on the life of the island region.

The project involved in the sphere of thousands of Russians. At the peak construction work About 17 thousand participated in it alone russian citizens, mostly Sakhalin residents. According to estimates, each workplace in oil and gas industry contributes to the creation of about seven - ten jobs in related industries, such as construction, transport, trade, catering, Communication, education. Employment level of the Sakhalin region today is one of the highest in the country. The level of income islanders increased significantly.

Russian enterprises within the project received contracts for billions of dollars. To participate in contract work, domestic companies have mastered modern technologies, brought to the world level of control of the safety of labor safety and compliance with environmental norms. Over the years of participation in the implementation of the project, the qualifications of island builders significantly increased. Today, they, working on various objects of the region, use the most progressive technologies and building materials. Their experience was useful during the construction of houses for the inhabitants of Nevelsk, affected by a strong earthquake.

Enterprises of all sectors of the regional economy are involved in work on Sakhalin shelf projects - geological exploration and research, designer and transport, educational and medical. The Sakhalin region, who was once considered one of the most economically complex regions of the country, today occupies a fourth place in Russia and the second in the population in the population of the gross regional product - in the Far Eastern federal District. The following year is expected to increase the revenue part of the regional budget compared to the current year by more than a quarter. Thanks to the shelf projects in the regional budget there is a significant part tax revenues. Growing income allow to increase funds sent to the solution social problems - increase salary to employees of the budget sector, construction and overhaul Schools, hospitals, kindergartens, landscaping of settlements.

Over the past decade, serious infrastructure changes have occurred in the Sakhalin region. Built: the first natural gas liquefaction plant in Russia and the first specialized seaport for the shipment of oil and LNG is laid 800-kilometer transbshalin oil and gas pipeline. However, in addition to these and other objects directly related to the implementation of the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects, the region received reconstructed roads and bridges, airports and seaports, medical institutionsequipped with the latest equipment. But many positive changes are still ahead. They will occur due to the use of the Russian share of gas produced in the framework of the shelf projects. Gasification of energy objects will improve the ecological state of settlements, will allow you to create modern enterprisesSending gas in the form of fuel. In addition, options for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and production of high value-added products are considered. And the experience gained by the Sakhalin-2 project, which became the pioneer of the development of the Russian shelf, will become an invaluable help in the implementation of other large-scale projects in the harsh conditions of the North and the Arctic.

Agriculture The Sakhalin region specializes in the production of potatoes, vegetables of open soil and protected soil, meat, milk, eggs, coarse and juicy feed.

Number rural population It is 86.4 thousand people or 17.7% of the total population of the Sakhalin region.

total area Agricultural products - 82.4 thousand hectares, including Pashny Square - 35.7 thousand hectares, sowing area - 28.3 thousand hectares.

According to the results of 2019, the volume of gross production amounted to 11.5 billion rubles.

Gross production of agricultural products amounted to:

  • meat cattle and birds (live weight) - 13 thousand tons.
  • milk - 41.7 thousand tons.
  • eggs - 142.4 million pieces.
  • Gross potato collection in 2019 amounted to 65.9 thousand tons, vegetables - 39.3 thousand tons.
    The livestock and birds in 2019 amounted to:

  • CRS - 26.6 thousand heads.
  • Pigs - 48.0 thousand heads.
  • Birds - 830.1 thousand heads.

  • Governmental support

    In 2019, financing measures for the development and support of agriculture within state program Sakhalin region "Development in the Sakhalin region of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets" amounted to 1986.3 million rubles. (Regional budget - 1903.4 million rubles, federal budget - 82.9 million rubles.), Including:

  • on the development of crop production - 146.3 million rubles;
  • on the development of animal husbandry - 955.2 million rubles;
  • to support small forms of management - 401.3 million rubles;
  • on the technical and technological modernization of agriculture - 112.5 million rubles;
  • for improvement housing conditions citizens living in countryside, including young families and young professionals - 27.5 million rubles;
  • for provision general conditions the functioning of agricultural production - 20.8 million rubles;
  • the development of land reclamation land - 322.7 million rubles.
  • In 2019, in order to technical and technological modernization of agriculture, 189 units of agricultural machinery and equipment were acquired.

    Updating machinery and equipment in agricultural producers who have received state support, amounted to 16.4%.

    In 2019, in the framework of the implementation of the subprogramme "Support for Small Forms of Management" of the sectoral state program, the Grant "Beginner Farmer" received 15 kfs and 5 farms received a grant for "Creating a family livestock farm based on the peasant (farmer) economy", as well as grant development support The material and technical base is provided to the agricultural consumer cooperative "Victory".

    As a result of the development of grants, an additional 58 permanent jobs have been created.

    As part of the support of the participants of the Far Eastern Hectare program, 55 participants received grant support for the creation of farms in the agricultural industry.

    In 2019, in the implementation of the activities of the regional project, the creation of a farmers support system and the development of rural cooperation in the Sakhalin region "the number of SMEs involved in the subjects operating in the field of agriculture, including at the expense of funds state supportactually made up 39 people.

    Including the number of adopted members of agricultural cooperatives from among the subjects of SMEs - 21 people.

    The number of newly created small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture, including KFH and agricultural consumer cooperatives - 8 units.

    In order to accelerate the development of agricultural production and increasing the self-sufficiency of the region, the following projects are being implemented by the products of local commodity producers in agriculture:

    1. "The pig breeding complex for up to 62,000 goals per year in p. Taranai, Anivian urban district of the Sakhalin region. Stage II. Pipe complex for 50,000 heads per year "(JSC" Mersi Agro Sakhalin ")

    Resident Tosair "South" from 01.07.2016.
    Project implementation period: 2016-2020.
    Created jobs - 144.

    Completed construction of the buildings of the pig breeding complex. Works on improvement, driveway route, platforms for MSW, vehicle parking are continuing.

    As a result of the project implementation, when leaving for design capacity, production will be up to 6820 tons of pork in live weight per year.

    2. "Construction of two livestock complexes with a common livestock of 3,800 goals of dynamic herds and milk processing capacity to 33 thousand tons per year" (Green Agro-Sakhalin LLC)

    Resident Tosair "South" from 08/29/2016.
    The term of project implementation 2016-2020.
    Creating jobs - 471.

    The project is implemented on 2 sites:

    1 playground - from. Trinity, Aniva district, Sakhalin region.

    "The livestock complex for 1900 goals of a dying herd and a milk processing plant with a capacity of 120 tons per day."
    The 1st line is the livestock complex for 1900 goals of the Doyle herd (2016-2020, the creation of 141 new workplace, production capacity - 15 thousand tons of milk and 360 tons of CRS meat).

    The construction of objects is carried out in accordance with the breakdown of 6 stages.

    In 2018-2019 The first stage of the first stage was put into operation: 2 cowshes, 6 multi-aging veal and auxiliary objects (transitional galleries, pressure, CTPN).

    3 Stage: milk-milk block, milk block, 3 veal (from 6 to 17 months) - construction readiness 98.2%. Act of input is planned to get until the end of the first quarter of 2020.

    4 Stage: The veterinary treatment area of \u200b\u200bcalves from 6 to 17 months and from 17 to 24 months, transitional galleries 3 pcs., Passing - Construction readiness 65.3%. Act of input is planned to get until the end of the first quarter of 2020.

    5 Stage: Sanitary slaughter, Septic, 2 veal (from 17 to 24 months), Transitional gallery 2 pcs. - Construction readiness 29.2%. Act of input is planned to be obtained until the end of the second quarter of 2020.

    6 Stage: Playground for installation of DNS and loading, site for manure, insulator, Korotosha warehouse, 2 pcs. - Construction readiness 2.5%. Act of input is planned to be obtained until the end of the second quarter of 2020.

    2 turn - the construction of a milk processing plant, with a capacity of 120 tons per day (2018-2021, the creation of 250 new jobs, production volume - 22 thousand tons of milk products), as well as the construction of meat processing shop, warehouse supplies, Administrative and household building, Disabler with MH, Disabler with LCD, Preparation No. 3 with separation shop, fire extinguishing station, NVK, boiler room, steaming, thermal networks, outer gas supply (GOS), Introductory power supply networks. Construction readiness 2 queues - 61.1%. Act of input is planned to be obtained until the end of the second quarter of 2020.

    3 turn - repair shop, garage for storing trailers with a warehouse, warmed garage transport LCD, car wash closed type, Open car wash, gas station Container type, diesel power station modular type, gas distribution point. Pre-project preparation is carried out, obtaining a positive conclusion until the end of the second quarter of 2020.

    A total of 1176 tribal cattle heads are imported: in 2018 - 222 heads (from Primorsky Krai, 564 heads with Denmark) and in 2019 - 390 goals with Denmark.

    2 platform - with. Bereznyaki, Municipal Education of the City District "City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk"

    "The livestock complex for 1900 goals of the Doyna herd"
    Terms of project implementation 2019-2022.
    Creation of 80 new jobs, production capacity - 15 thousand tons of milk and 360 tons of meat.

    Works on the development of project documentation were completed, a positive conclusion of state-building expertise and permission to build up to September 2020 were obtained.

    3. "Construction, reconstruction and modernization of broiler production (poultry farms) on the basis of GSP" Poultry Farm "Island".

    Terms of implementation - 2014-2020.
    Creating new jobs - 75.
    Project cost - 3,689.4 million rubles.
    In 2015, financing was carried out in the form of a contribution to the Criminal Code in the amount of 3300.0 million rubles.
    In fact mastered - 1,475.3 million rubles.

    Established the buildings of two poultry houses of repair young, installation technological equipment Poultry farm specialists. Work is underway in the installation of internal engineering systems Incubatoria and kormotsech, work on the installation of internal partitions and a device for overlapping a slaughterhouse. The device of engineering and transport infrastructure networks is performed.

    Work is underway on the houses, as well as on auxiliary objects (Debariers, Parking Boxes, Check Playground, Cooking Workshop). Work is underway on the installation of internal engineering systems incubatory meat platform.

    When exiting full capacity, production will be 6 thousand tons of meat. Within the framework of the project, the creation of kormotsech with a capacity of up to 25 thousand tons of finished feed per year, as well as meat processing shops.

    4. "Breeding, subsequent fattening and slaughter of cattle of specialized meat breeds" (JSC "Sovzhoz Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky").

    The project is being implemented in order to increase meat production in the territory of the Sakhalin region, the project's capacity when exiting the total capacity of 400 tons of meat in live weight.

    1 playground - with. Keys, Municipal formation of the city district "City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" "Creating an agricultural facility for the content of the cattle of meat directions on the territory of the livestock complex in p. Keys.
    Terms of implementation - 2017-2019 (Act of acceptance of the completed construction of the facility dated January 21, 2019 No. 21/01).
    Creating jobs - 28.
    Construction facilities: antar for livestock, single feed table, flowing platforms, sanitary bandwidth with disabler, veterinary point, driveway device.
    Livestock - 1578 heads of cattle meat direction.

    2 platform - with. Palevo, Municipal Education of the City District "" Farm Craz Meat Direction to 2000 goals. "
    Terms of implementation - 2017-2020.
    Creating jobs - 15.

    Livestock - 2000 heads of CRP meat direction.

    The main tasks in agriculture:

  • ensuring the food independence of the region;
  • extension of production of agricultural products;
  • sales investment projects in the field of agriculture;
  • continuation of the implementation of activities for personnel support of the industry.

  • 2021.
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