
Scheme of the control structure rector. Vice Rector for Capital Construction and Administrative Economy. Vice Rector for International. How did economic services coped with snow cleaning

On October 14, a meeting of the Institute's activists with the Vice-Rector for the construction, operation of structures and energy efficiency by Lanchakov Alexander Borisovich and the head of the Campus Department Orlov Vladimir Valerievich was held. Below you can read a small excerpt from the conversation ongoing several hours.

Lanchakov A. B.

When will the work of closed dots in campus be resumed? What other changes can be waiting in this direction?

By the beginning of December, all points of food will resume their work. It is also planned to open another cafe in the first entrance of 10 hostels and a universal store (but without alcohol and cigarettes) in the second. Work will begin as soon as the Institute will receive permission from the owner. The question is complicated by paper fiber and has been dragging over for a year and a half, the Institute plans to go to court. For the same reason, it is impossible to make some changes in the planning of the hostel, so the Students of the FPE cannot combine two rooms in the club for assembly.


Hole in the room of one of the students

Is it planned to repair the rest of the hostels of the corridor type?

Last year, Faki, FOPF and FPUM student counters, asked to submit a project design of their hostels. After not very successful (according to some students), the color chosen for the 8th hostel, the administration decided to take into account the view of the students. The shared picture presented designs did not work out, work on the choice of color for the hostel will continue in the next semester.

Also in the nearest replace the engine in the 6th hostel extract.

When will it end with hot water? Why such a weak head in some apartments of 11 hostels?

The new boiler room did not enter the stated capacity, which is planned to be done by January. Also, the cause of the lack of hot water is the need to damage the objects under construction. Students asked to suffer and offered to visit the boiler room to check the course of work. Representatives of the Students will visit the boiler room on November 18.

Representatives of the administration found it difficult to answer, with the problems of water pressure. The question will be worked with the chief engineer. The new water station designed to increase the pressure in the combined networks of drinking and fireproof water supply was built this summer and should not arise any problems.

Facade of Water Station

How coped household Services With snow cleaning?

Lancheshakov said that the wipers did their best. In total, the state of the Institute 5 janitors, hire more due to the lack of funds there is no possibility. For the same reason, the garbage chute does not work - no one to clean. Also, the Ventor Rector suggested that students themselves take part in the resolution of such serious problems.

You could not help but notice that half of the trees in the campus were Spinal. This is done for the same reason: the glare branches fell and could hurt people under them. Previously, the representative of the trade union committee, together with the administration, passed on the student town and determined the old and non-relevant trees. New trees will be planted in their place.

Cycling removed, bicycles left nowhere. Is it possible to create a single room for all bikes?

In many faculties, velocomnates in the basements are available, the administration is ready to consider creating a full-fledged cycling in 12 hostels. The administration promised to work out this question.

Recall that parking for bicycles together with attached bicycles last week were removed by workers. Some bikes were damaged.

Have become random witnesses of this process

What changes are planned at the military department?

Currently, the repair of premises military Department. The road to it will be made by September 2017. Previously, due to the construction of new educational buildings, this makes no sense.

A request was announced to install the Vending Avtomat at the Department, V. V. Orlov promised to consider this proposal.

Representatives of the administration said they were ready to listen to the desires and recommendations of students. In case of issues, you can contact them personally in 616.

Size: px.

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1 scheme of the structure of the management Board of Quality NES Scientific Council University Council Rector Rector Board of Trustees Council of Professors Admission Commission Dissertation Tips Attestation Commission S and Department of the University of Representative Office at the University of scientific work LM Cherivkov Uni Upikvk TsNTIS UNPF NOCNSKVIS NOCC MTICH NIC IOOKHIHO NCC "YUZGU-NIISF RAASN" NOZ-Nanoelectronics TsKoti NPC SMUSS UZGU SNO for educational work O.G. Lokthionova MSU CTV Scientific Library RUMC RIO Tricultic Council RIS ISC ISC PKIP RCPV Economics and Finance Ubuio PEO OuPow international activities and informatization A.I. Põhin Winform Umdod Special Projects OG Dobrovers TsKB TsDO CPIR capital construction and administrative activities V.A. Nosdrin OXC TSPPSOD CPV AEU ATS UZGU UKK UZGU V.V. Bredikhin V.G. Hanis UD WIR Mortarobalization Department of the OUT Framework Wiso Specchast SSC TSSS NIC TSSS CSTSS UZGU NOTS TSSS RIO TSKU UTICS WITS NTS CIPPUIFP NTS Stork NTS Media Certification Authority In the construction of KurskSTUBSTROYERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION TSSD TSD TEST LABORITI "KurskGtroyStosyz test" Center for International Cooperation with Southeast Countries East Asia Center for Work with EU Countries OMK NTS CT Research Institute RES

2 Faculties and Department of the University of the Mechanical Technology Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Informatics of Construction and Architecture Natural Science Faculty of Economics and Management Legal Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication government controlled and international relations of the USF SFSF SVIF SVIF SVIF 1 machine-building technologies and equipment 2 quality management, metrology and certification 3 of power supply of 4 cars, transport systems and processes 5 design and technology of light industry products 6 labor and environmental protection 1 biomedical engineering 2 computing Techniques of 3 Program Engineering 4 Information Systems and Technologies 5 Basic Department of Telecommunications 6 Information Security 7 Space Instrument Making and Communication Systems 1 Urban, Road Construction and Construction Mechanics 2 Industrial and Civil Engineering 3 Heat-Gold Property 4 Examination and Real Estate Management, Mining Case 5 Architecture, Urban Planning and graphics 6 of unique buildings and structures of 1 fundamental chemistry and chemical technology 2 general and applied physics 3 nanotechnology and engineering physics 4 higher mathematics 5 mechanics, mechatronics and robotics 1 accounting, analysis and audit 2. Economic security and taxation 3 of the regional economy and management 4 philosophy and sociology 5 finances and loan 6 economy, management and policies 1 administrative and labor law 2 Civil law 3 centered languages \u200b\u200bof the 4Konstational law 5 of the theory and history of the state and law 6 of financial law, constitutional, civil and administrative proceedings 7 criminal law 8 of the criminal proceedings and forensic and forensic and applied linguistics of 2 vocal arts 3 history and socio-cultural service 4 communicatology and psychology 5 physical Education 1 of Customs and World Economy 2 International Relations and Government Boarding, Technology & Expertise Products Student Volunteer Movement "Thank You" (SVD "Thank you") Educational Laboratory "Educational Institution" Student Volunteer Anti-Narcotic Movement "Studontrol" (Svad " Stubontrol ") NTC" EEIM "

3 reductions of the ACU UZGU AUTOECHNICAL CENTER UZGU AEU Administrative and operational management of the SCG Geological Scientific Center DDC DJ Duty-Dispatch Center Il Otipb Test Laboratory of Occupational Safety and Industrial Safety of the ISTT Information Statistical Sector Space Innovation Center MCTT International Technology Center Nakonosalt Patent and Legal Technology Center Methodological support for the introduction of intellectual property in the field of intellectual property in the field of nanoindustry and exports of products of NNS organizations in the Central Russia RES RES Research Institute Radio electronic systems Research Institute of RES Research Institute of Radio Electronic Systems "LSP" Scientific and Educational Center "LanguageForspecificPurposes" ("Language for Special Goals") NCC "Active" - \u200b\u200bScientific and Educational Center "Asset" (analysis, consulting and theoretical research in the field accounting) NCTS "Innovatika" Scientific and educational center "Innovatik" NTC "ITPS" Scientific and educational center "Information technologies in the design of systems" NTS "Roddomysl" Scientific and educational center of regional cultural and historical research "Roddomysl" NTC "Yuzgu ISSU URO RAS scientifically -Education center "YOOZHU ISSU URO RAS" NCC "UZGU-NIISF RAASN" Scientific and educational center of the South-Western State University and Research Institute of Construction Physics of Rasn NCC Biskitis Scientific and Educational Center of Biomedical Intellectual Systems and Technologies NCT NTC Scientific and Educational Center "High-Performance Machine-Building Technologies" NOTS Programmunication Technology Scientific and Educational Center for Infocommunication Technologies and Systems IMIOUM Scientific and Educational Center for Innovation In Material Scientific Research and Education Treatment of Materials Iohihich Scientific and Educational Center "Research in Chemistry and Chemical Education" NCC IOEIA Scientific and Educational Center Research in the field of energy and energy efficiency »NOTC KI Scientific and Educational Center for Space Research NCC KP Scientific and Educational Center for Conservative Policy NCC CT Scientific and Educational Center for Space Technologies NOTS Mikciti - Scientific and Educational Center" Magnetic, IR spectroscopy and thermophysical measurements "NAC MIP Scientific -Education center of the department of theoretical mechanics and mechatronics on Kursk OJSC "Device" NOTS Thread Scientific and Educational Center "Science, Information, Technologies" NCC PEI Scientific and Educational Center "Applied Economic Research and Management Innovations" NTC Rome Scientific and Educational Center " Development of the Fashion Industry »NEC RPPP Scientific and Educational Center" Resource Saving Food Production Production During Processing of Agricultural Raw "NOTS Tifnit Scientific and Educational Center" TransDisciplinary Research in Science and Technology "NTS TSP Scientific and Educational Center" Transport Systems and Processes "

4 NCTS Uspatim Scientific and Educational Center "Managed Vibration Processes, Technologies and Machines" NTC UE Scientific and Educational Center "Unique Instrumentation" NCC PRRS Scientific and Educational Center "Axiological Funds Management of Business Processes of Socio-Economic Systems" NTS Fieces Scientific and Educational Center physical dimensions and electronic systems NCC FC Scientific and educational center "Physical Culture" NTS Tsipmzvug Scientific and educational center "Center for studying the problems of modernization of legislation in the context of globalization" NTS CIPPUIFP Scientific and educational center "Center for the study of public administration problems and financial law»NOTS CSTIITs Scientific and Educational Interuniversity Center of Social Theory and Innovative Technologies NCC Eboat Scientific and Educational Center for Ecological Safety and Labor Protection NCC EIU Scientific and Educational Center" Actual Problems of Economics and Management "NOTTS-Nano Nano-Educational Center Nanotechnology Scientific and Educational Center Nanotechnology in Electronics UZGU National Scientific and Educational Center "Reliability building structures, buildings and structures »NPL DILLP Scientific and production laboratory Department of design and technology of light industry products NRSTA Scientific and practical laboratory of Linguistic research NPC Scientific and production center NTS Scientific and Technical Council of NTC" EEIm "Scientific and Technical Center" Energyuality, Electrical Safety and Metrology " NTS Stork Scientific Center "Automated information Systems AND TECHNOLOGY »NC SDM Scientific Center Student House of Fashion NES Scientific and Expert Council of the Innovative Technological Center UZGU OA Department of Subscription OGZ Department of Public Procurement Osiois Department of Protection and Evaluation of Intellectual Property OCC Capital Construction Department OCT Division Computer Technology OLD Linguistic Support Division Linguistic Support ORITOR DEPARTMENT OF METHODICAL AND INFORMATION AND TECHNICAL SUPPLY OF THE WORKING COMMISSION OF THE OMK DIRECTION OF MANAGEMENT OF THE QUALITY ONM Division scientific events ONMITSO DEPARTMENT OF NEW METHODS AND TECHNICAL TECHNICATION TRAINING TRAINING OCH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ORGO SOFTWARE DEPARTMENT OF SOFTWARE SOFTWARE OF OSIUE DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND PROPERTY OF THE ESSA "INDIG" Joint Council of ENGO "Indigo" OSP Accompany Department of Scientific Projects OUK Division Department of the Property Complex of the OPUOU Division on the accounting of paid educational PEO services Planning and Economics

5 Rice Editorial Publishing Council RMC Regional Educational and Methodical Center for Legal Training of Military Accounting Efficentials RCIS Regional Center for Intellectual Property RTSN Regional Center Nanotechnologies Svad "Studontrol" Student Volunteer Anti-Narcotic Movement "Studitrol" SVD "Thank you" Student volunteer movement "Thank you" AlternaPars »Student Discussion Club" AlternaPars "SZIS Sector Protective Property Protection SCD Mass Media Control Service Council of Young Innovator SMU YUZGU Board of Young Scientists SCHO SNO STUDENT SCIENTIFIC SOCIETING SORD SECTOR WORK OF WORK OF THE PROTECT SOCK" FLOWER FLOWERS "SPB SPE Service fire safety SUVIVO STATIONS SECTOR AND PROTECTION OF DOCUMENTS OF EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT STUDENT CENTER DISCOUNT ACCOUNTING ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY UBUIO ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING WITH EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL WORK SOCIAL PROGRAM OF WIISO INFORMATION AND PRESSIONS OF PRESSIBILITY WINFORM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF WIR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT ULVT training laboratory computing technologies Umd Management International educational activities UMTOIRIRY MATERIALLY TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY MEDICAL METHODS OF UNFFE SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION FERSATING UNPTSK UZGU SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AND PRACTICAL CENTER OF SOUND OF THE SOUTH-WESTERN STATE UNPLITY UNFCED PP Training and Scientific and Production Center-Laboratory Foods »UPPACKCC Managing preparation and certification of personnel of the highest qualification of the Code of Criminal Procedure Educational and Production Plant of Upow Management Admission to Admission to University special projects HSF Scientific Council of the Faculty of Fock "South-West" Physical and Health Complex "South-West" Center "TPORPT" Center "Technology for obtaining model samples different groups Goods "TsIB Information Security Center

6 Tsibi Center for Innovation and Business Engineering Cudo Center for Interactive Distance Learning Quote Center Information Technologies Center Information Technologies in the Economics of the Central Board of Integrated Security Center TsKoti Center Classification Center of the Tourist Industry of the CCS Center of Space Communications Central Scientific , academic mobility and business cooperation TsNTIS Center for Scientific and Technical and Innovative Cooperation with Ibero American CIPIR Countries Center for Prospective Studies and Development of the CPV Center for Professional Training Drivers CPPSOD Dog Training Center for Specialists of the CRMS Development Center of Small Satellites CPSPO Development Center for Special Software Studies TSTK TSTR TSTR Center Center for Creative Development Center for Students TSSS UZGU Center for Testing Specialists Construction CTT Center for Test Technologies TsTTS Center for Technical Creativity of Students Headquarters Headquarters of Civil Defense Headquarters and Emergencies Yuzgu Junior Children's University "Yuzgu Junior" YUS Legal service

Scheme of the structure of the UZGU Ringing the University Rector dissertation E - I; ;; To about m and with C and I "To I"! Hurray Faculties and Department of University of University of Streams University University Branches Branch

January 15, 2016. The program of the internal audit of the UZGU quality management system for 2016 Ave 05.02.00 / 12-2016 1 General by program internal audit: 1.1 The purpose of the audit program: provision

The internal audit program of the UZGA quality management system for 2017 Ave 05.02.00 / 13-2017 1 General information on the internal audit program: 1.1 The purpose of the audit program: ensuring the fulfillment of requirements

I approve the rector of YZGU S.G. Yemelyanov 2013. The internal audit program of the UZGU quality management system for 2013-2014 the school year Ave 05.02.00 / 10-2013 1 General information on the internal audit program:

P. 1 of 11 I approve the rector of the University of A.K. Senovale STO-11-2017 Standard Organization Organizational Structure of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Appendix 1 to the rules of admission to SFU in 2012 List of entrance tests in SFU in 2012 ("Discipline / Discipline" Opening Test for the choice of applicant, # specialty paid correspondence

The number of places to receive in 2018 to the Federal State Autonomous educational institution Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin "

On implemented educational programs of higher education (undergraduate, specialty, magistracy) 01.03.01 Mathematics 179 6 185 01.03.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling 66 3 69 01.03.04 Applied

Reception plan of 2017 reception (persons studying with full recovery of training costs) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal

Number of places for A in 2018 to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin "

P. 1 of 11 I approve the rector of the University of A.K. Senovale STO-11-2016 Standard Organization Organizational Structure of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Plan of reception of URFU 206 years of reception (persons studying with full recovery of training costs) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural

URFU reception plan for 2018 Yellow direction of undergraduate 3327 361 3235 223 25 224 244 33 1826 01.03.01 Mathematics 65 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 03.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling 25 3 5 0 0 0 0 0

Number of students on implemented educational programs of higher education (undergraduate, specialty, magistracy) Code 01.03.01 Mathematics 178 6 184 01.03.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling

1 2 3 4 5 6 20 15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics 20 2 5 21 18.03.01 Chemical Technology 56 6 4 22 03/18/02 Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and 18 2 2 biotechnology

Number of reviewers Aviation College DSTU ASA DGTU Decanate Department "Motor transportation, Construction and Road Funds" Department "Security technological processes and the production of the "Department" Accounting

Upon admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southeast state University"(Hereinafter - UZGU) Winners and winners

Availability of vacant budget places in (full-time learning) Name of the specialty / direction Military Engineering Institute Vius Apply and Operation of Automated System Systems

According to implemented educational programs of higher education Code 01.03.01 Mathematics Full-time 151 4 155 01.03.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling Full-time 63 2 65 01.03.04 Applied mathematics full-time

Name of training / specialty Number of graduates Aims sent to employment places 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Undergraduate Automation of technological processes

The number of places to receive in 2019 to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin "

Employment information of graduates of 2018 Code The name of the direction of employment - continued to work in the release of the direction. Raine Application Learning Region 01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics

The number of students in implemented educational programs of higher education of the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) - - the main general education Full-time 112 0 0 54 - - - average

CCP 2017 students studying at the budget Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N.

The number of places for admission in 2020 to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin "

Information on the results of admission in 2018 Results of admission of students Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) - - Basic General Education Full-time 89 0 0 41 Grade 8 - 90 9 Class -

The number of places to receive in 2019 to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin "

Information about the movement of the contingent URFU studying on higher education programs (translation, restoration, deduction) Code 01.03.01 Mathematics full-time 0 1 10 55 01.03.03 Mechanics and mathematical modeling

UGSN, code Name of UGSN, Directions, Specialties Undergraduate 01.00.00 Mathematics and mechanics of full-time faces permanently residing in Crimea Target reception Target reception on the task of Mournla

Surface Lands (Specialties) Undergraduate 1. 010000 Physics and Mathematics Sciences 010200 Mathematics and Computer Sciences 010300 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies 010400 Applied

Inspection figures of the URFU 2017 reception with the allocation of special and target quotas (persons studying at the expense of the federal budget) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian University of Name

Qualifical science specialty specialty budget contract 51 030900 Jurisprudence 0 10 51 030912 Law and organization social security 0 19 51 050141 Physical Culture 15 8 51 072501 Design (Design

The winners and commizers of Olympiad I, II and III levels included in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 120 of 20.02.2015 "On Approval of the List of Olympiad

Information about the movement of the contingent URFU studying on higher education programs (translation, recovery, deduction) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg) - - Basic

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" List of introductory tests for full-time education

I approve the chairman of the admission committee, the rector Vyatgu V.N. Pugach List of entrance tests indicating the priority of entrance tests when ranking incoming lists, minimum points,

Guide to the map of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I Designations: Head of the Department - 306 Teaching 304 Laboratory - 307 University Administration

Appendix 3 List of entrance tests in the areas of training of higher professional education for training under the undergraduate programs of the St. Petersburg State University

Annex to order SPbGET "LETI" from 09/17/2015 2409 University structure (I Level of Management) N A B L YOU D A T E L N S O V T U T Rector First Vice Rector for Directory

(Undergraduate programs and specialist, full-time education) Faculty of information systems and technologies 01.03.04 Applied mathematics 1 1 15 09.03.01 Informatics and computing equipment 48 6 5 12

Approved by order of I.O. Rector FGBOU in "UGGU" from 04 September 2017. 257/1 Organizational structure of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural

Plan of reception of 1-course students in Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Council Name in 2019 Head University Bachelor's Applied Mathematics

Code Direction Direction and specialty Reception plan for 2017/2018 School year Full-time education Profile (specialization) Total number of seats TEKHN and C. MINIY Faculty

Higher Education Bachelor 01.03.01 Mathematics 01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics 01.03.04 Applied Mathematics 02.03.01 Mathematics and Computer Sciences 02.03.02 Fundamental Informatics

Name of the specialty (preparation directions) 130501 Design, construction and operation of gas-pipelines and gasnefteranyls The number of official graduates is directed to place

List of entrance examinations for graduate programs in 2017 codes of preparation directions The name of the enlarged groups of areas of preparation of the name of the preparation directions.

Filed to the magistracy. Moscow 2018 Financed)) Moscow 2277 1 1651 6212 1 3456 Total Full-time 2137 1 1571 5959 1 3363 Direction "01.04.01 Mathematics" 50 0 15 65 0 18 Mathematics 15-5 23 7 Mathematics

FGBOU in Lipetsk (LGTU) 1 j t app. 11/30/2017 p. 1 of 11 I approve the rector of the University / "/" / "\\" (signature)) A.K. Weather Wing W 2018. STO-11-2018 Standard Organization Organizational structure of the federal

Code Direction Direction and Specialty Reception Plan for 2018/2019 School year Full-time training Profile (specialization) All t e x l b t e o foam

Page 1 of 8 Information on the employment of FGBOU graduates in the Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev ", who studied under the Higher Education Programs for Full-time learning (for

(undergraduate and specialist programs, full-time learning) Direction, specialty Budget FarBud. Profile (Specialization) Code Name Total incl. Ul. Benefit. oblast Faculty of Information Systems

Codes of preparation directions Appendix 1 The list of educational programs of the magistracy, for which the PGU announces a set in 2017 the name of the integrated groups of directions for the preparation of the fields


Vice-Rector for Infrastructure Development

In 2004, Ilya Mikhailovich Rovenkin graduated from the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva with honors in the specialties "State and Municipal Management", "Jurisprudence", entered the graduate school in the specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and Management of the national economy".

Since 2003, he has employed labor activities in commercial organizations in legal advisers, head of the Legal Department, Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs.

Since 2009, it has been working at the Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov first in the position of chief specialist, in 2010-2011. - Head of the Department of Placing Public Order, since 2012 - Vice-Rector for the Development of Infrastructure.

In Rau them. G.V. Plekhanov has been working since 2009.

Made a great contribution to the development of social infrastructure, actively promotes the development of youth sports.

Under the direct leadership, more than 25 thousand square meters were commissioned. m. Training areas, more than 1000 seats in the hostel are equipped, organized classes on 5 sports grounds. All REU infrastructure facilities are supported in sample manner, work is underway to expand the training areas and social objects and the repair of existing ones. Huge attention is paid to preservation cultural heritage REU and Moscow.

Results of the work:

2010-2012. Restoration with adaptation of the educational building №1 REU

2011-2013. Restoration with adaptation of the educational building №2 REU

2012 Improvement of the territory of RES.

2013 Reconstruction of the Power Plant Building with the placement of the physical recovery complex

2014 to the present - restoration with adaptation of the educational building №4

2010-2014. - Repair of educational buildings of REU, hostels, social. Objects, in the social "Anapa", Sol "Ruza" and the attached objects of Ra.


Gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2015)

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state