
Requirements for technological processes

GOST 12.3.035-84
System of labor safety standards.
BUILDING. Opening painting
State Standard of the USSR GOST 12.3.035-84
"Labor safety standards system. Construction.
Work painting. Safety requirements"
(approved and put into effect by the decision of the USSR State Construction
from September 4, 1984 N 154)

System of Labour Safety Standards. CONSTRUCTION. Painting. Safety Requirements.

Real Standard establishes security requirements for the prevention
the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors in the preparation process
and performing painting works during construction, expansion, reconstruction
and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The organization and technology of performing painting works should be
safe for working at all stages of the production process: preparation
painting materials, surface preparation for color, staining and match
requirements of this Standard, GOST 12.1.007-76, GOST 12.3.002-75, GOST
12.1.010-76, SNIP III-4-80, SNIP III-21-73, RULES fire safety for
the production of construction and installation works approved by the GUPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, as well as
Sanitary standards and rules approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR.
1.2. When performing painting work, it should take into account the possibility of occurrence
the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
Increased air pollution, skin, overalls chemical
compounds, aerosol, dust;
increased gravity of labor;
increased noise, vibration;
elevated or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility;
high level of static electricity;
fire and explosion hazard;
unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment;
Insufficient illumination at workplaces.
1.3. Concentration of combustible gases, vapors and (or) suspension in the air
zones should not exceed the values \u200b\u200baccording to GOST 12.1.004-76.
The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area and the parameters of the microclimate
do not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.005-76.
Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of chemicals,
the most frequently used in the painting works are shown in the application.
1.4. Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and
mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST
1.5. The illumination in the workplace must comply with the requirements.
CH 81-80.

2. Requirements K. technological processes

2.1. In technological processes in the preparation of painting compositions
and the fulfillment of painting works should be applied to the means of mechanization providing
energy consumption of working within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-76 for work
middle severity.
2.2. While doing technological operations must be excluded immediate
contact working with harmful components of staining compositions.
2.3. Prepare painting formulations follows in specially intended
for this premises equipped with forced ventilation.
2.4. With mechanized staining of ventilated premises Content
lead pigments in the painting should not be more than one percent.
2.5. When performing all the work on cooking and applying painting
compositions, including imported, should comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions
in part of the safety of labor.
2.6. When performing painting works in danger zones should be issued
outfit to admission to the production of work in the manner prescribed by SNiP III-4-80.

3. Requirements for the premises

3.1. Premises in which painting works are produced must have
natural or forced ventilation providing requirements
clause 1.3.
3.2. In places apply paint compositions that form explosive
couples, wiring and electrical equipment must be de-energized or made
in explosion-proof execution. Work using fire in these places
not allowed.
When entering the premises, warning inscriptions must be posted
and security signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76.
3.3. The means of heating the premises when drying surfaces should
comply with the rules of fire safety in the production of construction and assembly
works and SNIP III-4-80.
3.4. Hazardous areas arising when performing painting works should
be fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407-78 and GOST 12.4.059-78
with security signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76.
3.5. Operactions in the walls and overlaps should be closed by temporary inventory
floor or having fencing in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-78.

4. Requirements for painting formulations

4.1. All parties of incoming source components and finished painting
compounds, including imported, should have an analytical passport indicating
presence of harmful substances, parameters characterizing fire hazard,
time and Storage Conditions, Recommended Method of Application, Fashion and Regulations
safe production of painting works, recommendations for collective
and individual protection.
4.2. It is not allowed to use in the paint compositions of benzene chlorinated
hydrocarbons, methanol.
4.3. Painting formulations should enter jobs ready for

5. Requirements for production equipment

5.1. Equipment used for painting works must match
the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-74 and GOST 12.2.049-80.
5.2. Equipment during the operation of which harmful
substances must be equipped with local suction.
5.3. Performance of painting work must be provided necessary
and serviceable means of mechanization, tools, inventory submits,
as well as fender devices and protective devices in accordance
with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-78, GOST 12.2012. -75.
5.4. Electrical safety used machines and equipment must match
the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78, GOST 12.1.019-79 and GOST
5.5. Production equipmentwhere static can accumulate
electricity must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.018-86.

6. Requirements for storage and transportation of materials on the construction

6.1. Storage and transportation of paint compositions must match
requirements GOST 9980.5-86 and fire safety rules in production
construction and installation work.
6.2. Painting formulations, mastic and solvents should be stored in closed
contamated explosion-and-safe premises.
6.3. The container in which the painting compositions are located, should be unbreakable,
competitive and tightly closed. The name must be marked on the container,
party number, manufacturing date, manufacturer's name, method
safe storage, transportation, applications and shelf life. Capacities,
containing harmful and explosive substances should have a warning
color in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76. Mass (gross) capacity,
incoming to the construction site should not exceed 15 kg.
6.4. Indoors where materials allocate explosive materials are stored
and fire hazardous pairs are not allowed to use fire, as well as actions,
sparking. Electrical equipment should be explosion-proof
6.5. Holes in metal containers should be closed by traffic jams.
Removing or unscrewing the plugs is allowed tool made from
the material that does not cause sparking.
6.6. Fire packaging (barrels, bidones) should be kept on specially reserved
for this venues.
6.7. Components of painting compositions, mutually reacting with the selection
harmful substances should be transported and stored separately.
6.8. The number of paint composition and solvent placed on the working
place must be no more than one work shift.
6.9. When transporting and storing paint compositions in addition to this
the sections should comply with the requirements of the standards for specific types of them.

7. Requirements for working

7.1. Workers who have passed training are allowed to collaborates
general Special Labor Safety issues and having a corresponding certificate
as well as the past medical examination. The frequency of instructions
in the workplaces and testing of knowledge of labor safety must be observed
according to GOST 12.0.004-90 and SNiP III-4-80, and medical examinations - in the manner prescribed
Ministry of Health of the USSR.

8. Requirements for the use of individual means of protecting working

8.1. Working should be provided with personal protective equipment.
in accordance with "typical sectoral standards of free issuance of special
clothes, special shoes and other personal protective equipment workers and
employees engaged in construction, construction and installation and repair and construction
works "and" instructions on the procedure for providing workers and employees special
clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment "approved
State Committee of the USSR and the Presidium of the WCSPS.
8.2. Individual protection means should be applied with the conditions
labor in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers.
8.3. Workers who received personal protective equipment should be
instructed on the procedure for using and care for them.
8.4. On the construction site funds must be provided for
first medical care and conditions for fulfilling personal requirements
In each brigade, persons must be allocated and trained to provide the first
aid and issued aid kits, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressing

9. Control of the fulfillment of labor safety requirements

9.1. Control of fulfillment of the requirements for the prevention of dangerous
production factors should be carried out by engineering workers
and specialists of the Safety Safety Service, and harmful
production factors - sanitary and epidemiological stations.
9.2. Control of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area follows
conduct in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-76, GOST 12.1.016-79
and GOST 12.1.007-76.
The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area should be determined
according to GOST 12.1.014-79.
Air sampling should be carried out directly in the workplace
in production conditions.
9.3. Control over the safe operation of equipment under pressure
and the USSR controlled Gosgortkhnodzor should be carried out in accordance
with the requirements of the rules of device and safe operation of vessels working
under pressure "approved by the USSR Gosgortkhnadzor.
9.4. Control over the state of electrical equipment and its safe operation
must be conducted in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations
consumers and safety regulations for electrical installations
consumers, "and" rules of electrical installations ", approved by the State Energy Engine
Ministry of Energy of the USSR.
9.5. Control over noise and vibration when working machines and mechanisms
it should be carried out according to GOST 12.1.023-80, GOST 12.2.030-83, GOST 2045-75, GOST
12.1.012-78, GOST 16519-78.
9.6. Checking the state of personal protective equipment should be carried out
in accordance with the requirements established by the regulatory and technical documentation
for these means.


Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of chemicals
most frequently used in painting works
+ + + + +
| | | | Temperature, ° С |
| | Extreme | Class + + +
| Name | Permissible | Danger | | |
| substances | Concentration | (GOST | Flashes | Self-burning |
| | mg / m3 | 12.1.007-76) | | |
+ + + + + +
| Aluminum | 2 | 4 | - | - |
| Ammonia | 20 | 4 | - | - |
| Asbestos | 2 | 4 | - | - |
| Asbestocent | 6 | 4 | - | - |
| Acetone | 200 | 4 | 18 | 465 |
| Butyl acetate | 200 | 4 | 29 | 450 |
| Butyl alcohol | 10 | 3 | 34 | 345 |
| Dibutilfthalate | 0.5 | 2 | - | - |
| Limestone | 6 | 4 | - | - |
| Xylene | 50 | 3 | 29 | 590 |
| Lead | 0.01 | 1 | - | - |
| Skipidar | 300 | 4 | 34 | 300 |
| Solvent | 100 | 4 | 34 | 520 |
| Styrene | 5 | 3 | - | - |
| Titan and his | 10 | 4 | - | - |
| Dioxide | | | | |
| Toluene | 50 | 3 | 4 | 536 |
| White Spirit | 300 | 4 | - | - |
| Carbon oxide | 20 | 4 | - | - |
| Ultramarine | 2 | - | - | - |
| Formaldehyde | 0.5 | 2 | - | - |
| Chloride vinyl | 30 | 4 | - | - |
| Chrome oxide | 1 | 2 | - | - |
| Cyclohexane | 80 | 4 | 18 | 260 |
| Zinc oxide | 6 | 3 | - | - |
| Ethyl acetate | 200 | 4 | 2 | 400 |
+ + + + + +

... Full version Document with tables, images and applications in the attached file ...

System of labor safety standards.

Opening painting


GOST 12.3.035-84

State Committee for Construction and Investments


State Standard of the SSR Union

This standard establishes safety requirements for preventing the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors in the process of preparing and implementing painting works in the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.


1.1. The organization and technology of painting work should be safe for working at all stages of the production process: preparation of paint materials, surface preparation for color, staining and comply with the requirements of this standard, GOST 12.1.007-76, GOST 12.3.002-75, GOST 12.1. 010-76, SNIP III-4-80, SNIP III-21-73, Fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation works, approved by the State Code of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as sanitary standards and rules approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. 1.2. When performing painting work, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the following dangerous and harmful production factors: increased air pollution, skin, overalls with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust; increased gravity of labor; increased noise, vibration; elevated or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility; high level of static electricity; fire and explosion hazard; unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment; Insufficient illumination at workplaces. 1.3. The concentration of combustible gases, vapors and (or) suspensions in the air of the working area should not exceed the values \u200b\u200baccording to GOST 12.1.004-91. The content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone and the parameters of the microclimate should not exceed the norms set by GOST 12.1.005-88. Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of the chemicals most frequently used during painting works are provided in the application. 1.4. Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90. 1.5. The illumination in the workplace must comply with the requirements of CH 81-80.

2. Requirements for technological processes

2.1. In technological processes in the preparation of painting compositions and the fulfillment of painting work, the means of mechanization that provide energy consumptions operating within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88 for the work of medium severity are used. 2.2. When performing technological operations, direct contact of working with the harmful components of staining compositions must be excluded. 2.3. Prepare painting formulations follows specially intended for this premises equipped with forced ventilation. 2.4. With mechanized staining of ventilated premises, the leading pigments in the painting should not be more than one percent. 2.5. When performing all the work on the preparation and application of paint compositions, including imported, the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions in terms of occupational safety should be observed. 2.6. When performing painting works in hazardous areas, the outfit should be issued to the production of work in the manner prescribed by SNIP III-4-80.

3. Requirements for the premises

3.1. Premises in which painting works are produced should have natural or forced ventilation, which ensures the requirements of paragraph 1.3. 3.2. In places of application of paint compositions that form explosive pairs, wiring and electrical equipment must be de-energized or made in explosion-proof execution. Work using fire in these places is not allowed. At the entrance to the premises, warning inscriptions and safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76 must be posted. 3.3. The means of heating premises when drying surfaces must comply with the rules of fire safety in the production of construction and installation work and SNiP III-4-80. 3.4. Hazardous areas arising from painting works should be fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407-78 and GOST 12.4.059-89 with security signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76. 3.5. Operactions in walls and overlaps should be closed by temporary inventory or having fencing in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-89.

4. Requirements to the paint compositions

4.1. All batch of incoming source components and finished painting compositions, including imported, should have an analytical passport with the availability of harmful substances, parameters characterizing fire hazard, timing and storage conditions, the recommended method of application, method and regulation of the safe production of painting works, recommendations for means Collective and individual protection. 4.2. It is not allowed to use in the paint compositions of benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methanol. 4.3. Painting formulations should enter jobs ready to use.

5. Requirements for production equipment

5.1. Equipment used for painting works must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.049-80. 5.2. Equipment, during the operation of which harmful substances are distinguished, must be equipped with local suction. 5.3. Performance of painting work should be provided with necessary and serviceable means of mechanization, tools, inventory subordinates, as well as fender devices and protective devices in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-89, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87, GOST 27372-87. 5.4. The electrical safety of used machines and equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78, GOST 12.1.019-79 and GOST 5.5. Production equipment on which static electricity can accumulate must be grounded in. accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.018-86.

6. Requirements for storage and transportation of materials at the construction site

6.1. Storage and transportation of painting formulations must comply with the requirements of GOST 9980.5-86 and fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation work. 6.2. Painting formulations, mastic and solvents should be stored in closed ventilated explosive rooms. 6.3. The container in which the painting formulations are located, must be unbreakable, good and tightly closed. The table should be marked on the name, the party number, the date of manufacture, the name of the manufacturer, the method of safe storage, transportation, application and shelf life. Capacities containing harmful and explosive substances must have a warning color in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76. The mass (gross) of the container coming into the construction site should not exceed 15 kg. 6.4. In the premises where materials that allocate explosive and fire-hazardous pairs are stored, the use of fire, as well as the actions that cause sparking are not allowed. Electrical equipment should be explosion-proof execution. 6.5. Holes in metal containers should be closed by traffic jams. It is allowed to remove or unscrew the plugs to the tool made from the material that does not cause spark formation. 6.6. Fire packaging (barrels, bidones) should be stored on specially designated vessels. 6.7. The components of painting compositions, mutually reacting with the release of harmful substances, should be transported and stored separately. 6.8. The amount of paint composition and solvent placed in the workplace must be no more than one working shift. 6.9. When transporting and storing paint compositions, in addition to this section, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the standards for specific types of their.

7. Requirements for working

7.1. Workers who have been trained on common and special issues of labor safety and having a corresponding certificate are allowed to collaborates and having an appropriate certificate. The frequency of instructions in the workplace and testing of knowledge on labor safety should be respected according to GOST 12.0.004-90 and SNiP III-4-80, and medical examinations - in the manner prescribed by the USSR Ministry of Health.

8. Requirements for the use of individual means of protecting working

8.1. Working should be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with "typical sectoral regulations of the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment for workers and employees engaged in construction, construction and repair and construction work" and "Instructions on the procedure for providing workers and employees of special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, "approved by the USSR State Committee and the Presidium of the WCSPS. 8.2. Individual protective equipment should be applied with regard to working conditions in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers. 8.3. Workers who received personal protective equipment should be instructed on the procedure for using and care. 8.4. At the construction site, funds should be provided to provide first aid and the conditions for fulfilling personal hygiene requirements. In each brigade, persons must be highlighted and trained to provide first aid and first aid kits were issued, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressing materials,

9. Control of the fulfillment of labor safety requirements

9.1. Control of the fulfillment of the requirements for the prevention of the effects of hazardous production factors should be carried out by engineering and technical workers and safety specialists construction organizations, and harmful production factors - sanitary and epidemiological stations. 9.2. Control of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88, GOST 12.1.016-79 and GOST 12.1.007-76. The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area should be determined according to GOST 12.1.014-84. Air sampling should be carried out directly at workplaces in production conditions. 9.3. Control over the safe operation of the equipment under pressure and controlled by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules of Device and the Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels" approved by the USSR Gosgortkhnadzor. 9.4. Control over the state of electrical equipment and its safe operation should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and safety regulations during the operation of consumer electrical installations", and "rules of electrical installations", approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy. 9.5. Control over noise and vibration during the operation of machines and mechanisms should be carried out according to GOST 12.1.023-80, GOST 12.2.030-83, GOST 12.1.050-86, GOST 12.1.012-90, GOST 16519-78. 9.6. Checking the state of personal protective equipment should be carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the regulatory and technical documentation for these funds.



Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of chemicals most commonly used in painting works

Name of substances

Maximum permissible concentration of mg / m 3

Hazard Class ( GOST 12.1.007-76 )

Temperature, ° С



Butyl acetate
Butyl alcohol
Titan and his dioxide
White Spirit
Carbon oxide
Chloride Vinyl
Chromium oxole
Zinc oxole
Ethyl acetate

System of labor safety standards.

Opening painting


GOST 12.3.035-84

State Committee for Construction and Investments


State Standard of the SSR Union

This standard establishes safety requirements for preventing the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors in the process of preparing and implementing painting works in the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.


1.1. The organization and technology of painting work should be safe for working at all stages of the production process: preparation of paint materials, surface preparation for color, staining and comply with the requirements of this standard, GOST 12.1.007-76, GOST 12.3.002-75, GOST 12.1. 010-76, SNIP III-4-80, SNIP III-21-73, Fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation works, approved by the State Code of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as sanitary standards and rules approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.2. When performing painting work, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

increased air pollution, skin, overalls with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust;

increased gravity of labor;

increased noise, vibration;

elevated or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility;

high level of static electricity;

fire and explosion hazard;

unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment;

insufficient illumination at workplaces.

Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of the chemicals most frequently used during painting works are provided in the application.

1.4. Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90.

1.5. The illumination in the workplace must comply with the requirements of CH 81-80.

2. Requirements for technological processes

2.1. In technological processes in the preparation of painting compositions and the fulfillment of painting work, the means of mechanization that provide energy consumptions operating within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88 for the work of medium severity are used.

2.2. When performing technological operations, direct contact of working with the harmful components of staining compositions must be excluded.

2.3. Prepare painting formulations follows specially intended for this premises equipped with forced ventilation.

2.4. With mechanized staining of ventilated premises, the leading pigments in the painting should not be more than one percent.

2.5. When performing all the work on the preparation and application of paint compositions, including imported, the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions in terms of occupational safety should be observed.

2.6. When performing painting works in hazardous areas, the outfit must be issued to the production of work in the manner prescribed by SNiPIII-4-80.

3. Requirements for the premises

3.1. Premises in which painting works are produced should have natural or forced ventilation that ensures the fulfillment of the requirements.

3.2. In places of application of paint compositions that form explosive pairs, wiring and electrical equipment must be de-energized or made in explosion-proof execution. Work using fire in these places is not allowed.

At the entrance to the premises, warning inscriptions and safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76 must be posted.

3.3. Means of heating of premises when drying surfaces must comply with the rules of fire safety in the production of construction and installation work and SNiPIII-4-80.

3.4. Hazardous areas arising from painting works should be fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407-78 and GOST 12.4.059-89 with security signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76.

3.5. Operactions in walls and overlaps should be closed by temporary inventory or having fencing in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-89.

4. Requirements to the paint compositions

4.1. All batch of incoming source components and finished painting compositions, including imported, should have an analytical passport with the availability of harmful substances, parameters characterizing fire hazard, timing and storage conditions, the recommended method of application, method and regulation of the safe production of painting works, recommendations for means Collective and individual protection.

4.2. It is not allowed to use in the paint compositions of benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methanol.

4.3. Painting formulations should enter jobs ready to use.

5. Requirements for production equipment

5.1. Equipment used for painting works must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.049-80.

5.2. Equipment, during the operation of which harmful substances are distinguished, must be equipped with local suction.

5.3. Performance of painting work should be provided with necessary and serviceable means of mechanization, tools, inventory subordinates, as well as fender devices and protective devices in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-89, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87, GOST 27372-87.

5.4. The electrical safety of used machines and equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78, GOST 12.1.019-79 and GOST

5.5. Production equipment on which static electricity can accumulate must be grounded in. accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.018-86.

6. Requirements for storage and transportation of materials at the construction site

6.1. Storage and transportation of painting formulations must comply with the requirements of GOST 9980.5-86 and fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation work.

6.2. Painting formulations, mastic and solvents should be stored in closed ventilated explosive rooms.

6.3. The container in which the painting formulations are located, must be unbreakable, good and tightly closed. The table should be marked on the name, the party number, the date of manufacture, the name of the manufacturer, the method of safe storage, transportation, application and shelf life. Capacities containing harmful and explosive substances must have a warning color in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76. The mass (gross) of the container coming into the construction site should not exceed 15 kg.

6.4. In the premises where materials that allocate explosive and fire-hazardous pairs are stored, the use of fire, as well as the actions that cause sparking are not allowed. Electrical equipment should be explosion-proof execution.

6.5. Holes in metal containers should be closed by traffic jams. It is allowed to remove or unscrew the plugs to the tool made from the material that does not cause spark formation.

6.6. Fire packaging (barrels, bidones) should be stored on specially designated vessels.

6.7. The components of painting compositions, mutually reacting with the release of harmful substances, should be transported and stored separately.

6.8. The amount of paint composition and solvent placed in the workplace must be no more than one working shift.

6.9. When transporting and storing paint compositions, in addition to this section, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the standards for specific types of their.

7. Requirements for working

7.1. Workers who have been trained on common and special issues of labor safety and having a corresponding certificate are allowed to collaborates and having an appropriate certificate. The frequency of instructions in workplaces and testing knowledge on labor safety must be respected according to GOST 12.0.004-90 and SNiPIII-4-80, and medical examinations - in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the USSR.

8. Requirements for the use of individual means of protecting working

8.1. Working should be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with "typical sectoral regulations of the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment for workers and employees engaged in construction, construction and repair and construction work" and "Instructions on the procedure for providing workers and employees of special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, "approved by the USSR State Committee and the Presidium of the WCSPS.

8.2. Individual protective equipment should be applied with regard to working conditions in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers.

8.3. Workers who received personal protective equipment should be instructed on the procedure for using and care.

8.4. At the construction site, funds should be provided to provide first aid and the conditions for fulfilling personal hygiene requirements.

In each brigade, persons must be highlighted and trained to provide first aid and first aid kits were issued, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressing materials,

9. Control of the fulfillment of labor safety requirements

9.1. Control of the implementation of the requirements for the prevention of dangerous production factors should be carried out by engineering and technical workers and specialists of the Safety Safety Safety Service, and harmful production factors - sanitary and epidemiological stations.

9.2. Control of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88, GOST 12.1.016-79 and GOST 12.1.007-76.

Air sampling should be carried out directly at workplaces in production conditions.

9.3. Control over the safe operation of the equipment under pressure and controlled by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules of Device and the Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels" approved by the USSR State University.

9.4. Control over the state of electrical equipment and its safe operation should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations", and the "rules of electrical installations", approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, approved by the USSR State Energy Product.

9.5. Control over noise and vibration during the operation of machines and mechanisms should be carried out according to GOST 12.1.023-80, GOST 12.2.030-83, GOST 12.1.050-86, GOST 12.1.012-90, GOST 16519-78.

9.6. Checking the state of personal protective equipment should be carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the regulatory and technical documentation for these funds.



Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of chemicals most commonly used in painting works

Name of substances

Maximum permissible concentration of mg / m 3

Temperature, ° С





Butyl acetate

Butyl alcohol





Titan and his dioxide

White Spirit

Carbon oxide



Chloride Vinyl

Chromium oxide


Zinc oxole

Ethyl acetate

System of labor safety standards.
Opening painting
GOST 12.3.035-84

State Committee for Construction and Investments

State Standard of the SSR Union
System of labor safety standards.
Opening painting
Safety requirements
Occupational Safety Standards System. CONSTRUCTION.
Painting. Safety Requirements.
Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs of September 4, 1984 No. 154 introduction

from 01/01/85.
This standard establishes safety requirements for preventing the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors in the process of preparing and implementing painting works in the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.
1.1. The organization and technology of painting work should be safe for working at all stages of the production process: preparation of paint materials, surface preparation for color, staining and comply with the requirements of this standard, GOST 12.1.007-76, GOST 12.3.002-75, GOST 12.1. 010-76, SNIP III-4-80, SNIP III-21-73, Fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation works, approved by the State Code of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as sanitary standards and rules approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.
1.2. When performing painting work, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
increased air pollution, skin, overalls with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust;
increased gravity of labor;
increased noise, vibration;
elevated or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility;
high level of static electricity;
fire and explosion hazard;
unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment;
Insufficient illumination at workplaces.
1.3. The concentration of combustible gases, vapors and (or) suspensions in the air of the working area should not exceed the values \u200b\u200baccording to GOST 12.1.004-91.
The content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone and the parameters of the microclimate should not exceed the norms set by GOST 12.1.005-88.
Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of the chemicals most frequently used during painting works are provided in the application.
1.4. Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90.
1.5. The illumination in the workplace must comply with the requirements of CH 81-80.
2. Requirements for technological processes
2.1. In technological processes in the preparation of painting compositions and the fulfillment of painting work, the means of mechanization that provide energy consumptions operating within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88 for the work of medium severity are used.
2.2. When performing technologist

System of labor safety standards.

Opening painting


GOST 12.3.035-84

State Committee for Construction and Investments


State Standard of the SSR Union

This standard establishes safety requirements for preventing the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors in the process of preparing and implementing painting works in the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures.


1.1. The organization and technology of painting work should be safe for working at all stages of the production process: preparation of paint materials, surface preparation for color, staining and comply with the requirements of this standard, GOST 12.1.007-76, GOST 12.3.002-75, GOST 12.1. 010-76, SNIP III-4-80, SNIP III-21-73, Fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation works, approved by the State Code of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as sanitary standards and rules approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.2. When performing painting work, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

increased air pollution, skin, overalls with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust;

increased gravity of labor;

increased noise, vibration;

elevated or reduced temperature, humidity and air mobility;

high level of static electricity;

fire and explosion hazard;

unprotected (non-limited) moving elements of paint equipment;

insufficient illumination at workplaces.

Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of the chemicals most frequently used during painting works are provided in the application.

1.4. Noise and vibration levels on workplaces created by machines and mechanisms should not exceed the rules set by GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90.

1.5. The illumination in the workplace must comply with the requirements of CH 81-80.

2. Requirements for technological processes

2.1. In technological processes in the preparation of painting compositions and the fulfillment of painting work, the means of mechanization that provide energy consumptions operating within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88 for the work of medium severity are used.

2.2. When performing technological operations, direct contact of working with the harmful components of staining compositions must be excluded.

2.3. Prepare painting formulations follows specially intended for this premises equipped with forced ventilation.

2.4. With mechanized staining of ventilated premises, the leading pigments in the painting should not be more than one percent.

2.5. When performing all the work on the preparation and application of paint compositions, including imported, the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions in terms of occupational safety should be observed.

2.6. When performing painting works in hazardous areas, the outfit should be issued to the production of work in the manner prescribed by SNIP III-4-80.

3. Requirements for the premises

3.1. Premises in which painting works are produced should have natural or forced ventilation that ensures the fulfillment of the requirements.

3.2. In places of application of paint compositions that form explosive pairs, wiring and electrical equipment must be de-energized or made in explosion-proof execution. Work using fire in these places is not allowed.

At the entrance to the premises, warning inscriptions and safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76 must be posted.

3.3. The means of heating premises when drying surfaces must comply with the rules of fire safety in the production of construction and installation work and SNiP III-4-80.

3.4. Hazardous areas arising from painting works should be fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407-78 and GOST 12.4.059-89 with security signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76.

3.5. Operactions in walls and overlaps should be closed by temporary inventory or having fencing in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-89.

4. Requirements to the paint compositions

4.1. All batch of incoming source components and finished painting compositions, including imported, should have an analytical passport with the availability of harmful substances, parameters characterizing fire hazard, timing and storage conditions, the recommended method of application, method and regulation of the safe production of painting works, recommendations for means Collective and individual protection.

4.2. It is not allowed to use in the paint compositions of benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methanol.

4.3. Painting formulations should enter jobs ready to use.

5. Requirements for production equipment

5.1. Equipment used for painting works must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.049-80.

5.2. Equipment, during the operation of which harmful substances are distinguished, must be equipped with local suction.

5.3. Performance of painting work should be provided with necessary and serviceable means of mechanization, tools, inventory subordinates, as well as fender devices and protective devices in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-89, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87, GOST 27372-87.

5.4. The electrical safety of used machines and equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78, GOST 12.1.019-79 and GOST

5.5. Production equipment on which static electricity can accumulate must be grounded in. accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.018-86.

6. Requirements for storage and transportation of materials at the construction site

6.1. Storage and transportation of painting formulations must comply with the requirements of GOST 9980.5-86 and fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation work.

6.2. Painting formulations, mastic and solvents should be stored in closed ventilated explosive rooms.

6.3. The container in which the painting formulations are located, must be unbreakable, good and tightly closed. The table should be marked on the name, the party number, the date of manufacture, the name of the manufacturer, the method of safe storage, transportation, application and shelf life. Capacities containing harmful and explosive substances must have a warning color in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76. The mass (gross) of the container coming into the construction site should not exceed 15 kg.

6.4. In the premises where materials that allocate explosive and fire-hazardous pairs are stored, the use of fire, as well as the actions that cause sparking are not allowed. Electrical equipment should be explosion-proof execution.

6.5. Holes in metal containers should be closed by traffic jams. It is allowed to remove or unscrew the plugs to the tool made from the material that does not cause spark formation.

6.6. Fire packaging (barrels, bidones) should be stored on specially designated vessels.

6.7. The components of painting compositions, mutually reacting with the release of harmful substances, should be transported and stored separately.

6.8. The amount of paint composition and solvent placed in the workplace must be no more than one working shift.

6.9. When transporting and storing paint compositions, in addition to this section, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the standards for specific types of their.

7. Requirements for working

7.1. Workers who have been trained on common and special issues of labor safety and having a corresponding certificate are allowed to collaborates and having an appropriate certificate. The frequency of instructions in the workplace and testing of knowledge on labor safety should be respected according to GOST 12.0.004-90 and SNiP III-4-80, and medical examinations - in the manner prescribed by the USSR Ministry of Health.

8. Requirements for the use of individual means of protecting working

8.1. Working should be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with "typical sectoral regulations of the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment for workers and employees engaged in construction, construction and repair and construction work" and "Instructions on the procedure for providing workers and employees of special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, "approved by the USSR State Committee and the Presidium of the WCSPS.

8.2. Individual protective equipment should be applied with regard to working conditions in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers.

8.3. Workers who received personal protective equipment should be instructed on the procedure for using and care.

8.4. At the construction site, funds should be provided to provide first aid and the conditions for fulfilling personal hygiene requirements.

In each brigade, persons must be highlighted and trained to provide first aid and first aid kits were issued, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressing materials,

9. Control of the fulfillment of labor safety requirements

9.1. Control of the implementation of the requirements for the prevention of dangerous production factors should be carried out by engineering and technical workers and specialists of the Safety Safety Safety Service, and harmful production factors - sanitary and epidemiological stations.

9.2. Control of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88, GOST 12.1.016-79 and GOST 12.1.007-76.

Air sampling should be carried out directly at workplaces in production conditions.

9.3. Control over the safe operation of the equipment under pressure and controlled by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules of Device and the Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels" approved by the USSR State University.

9.4. Control over the state of electrical equipment and its safe operation should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations", and the "rules of electrical installations", approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, approved by the USSR State Energy Product.

9.5. Control over noise and vibration during the operation of machines and mechanisms should be carried out according to GOST 12.1.023-80, GOST 12.2.030-83, GOST 12.1.050-86, GOST 12.1.012-90, GOST 16519-78.

9.6. Checking the state of personal protective equipment should be carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the regulatory and technical documentation for these funds.



Hygienic and fire-free characteristics of chemicals most commonly used in painting works

Name of substances

Maximum permissible concentration of mg / m3

Temperature, ° С





Butyl acetate

Butyl alcohol





Titan and his dioxide

White Spirit

Carbon oxide



Chloride Vinyl

Chromium oxide


Zinc oxole

Ethyl acetate

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