
Loading and unloading on the construction site. Loading and unloading work in construction, their organization and ways to increase efficiency loading unloading work at the construction site

→ Construction work

Loading and unloading work

To the number of goods, loading and unloading of which is carried out mainly manually, belongs to carbohydrate construction goods. At the same time, a large number of building materials deteriorate.

The main directions of development national economy and improving the efficiency of transport and input-unloading work in construction is envisaged: - significantly improve the structure of the transport park expand the production base, which ensures the maintenance of vehicles in good condition; - improve the structure and organization of management of construction transport for the purposes of mass introduction of centralized transport; - improve the methods of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations; - Create a network of mechanized cement warehouses, to introduce inventory metal silos for applicable warehouses; - develop the transport of building materials using containers, pallets, packaging and pre-equipment of goods.

Transportation of small goods and bricks with the mandatory use of containers, packages and pallets will allow almost completely mechanizing the loading and unloading operations on the vehicle, reduce the unproductive costs and the number of movers employed on these operations.

The construction should find a wide application of specialized motor vehicles with a heating of the driver's cabin and engine warming. For construction in hard-to-reach areas it is advisable to expand the use of helicopters.

In order to reduce heavy physical labor on loading and unloading work and improving workers, it is planned to: - significantly increase the use of universal loaders instead of use on loading and unloading operations of excavators;
Introduce the most progressive pneumatic loaders with sets of replaceable work equipment, allowing to expand the use of loaders; - significantly expand the use of gripping devices and other snapshots to various types of cranes (tower, pneumatic, tracked, etc.).

In order to mechanize work on intraceptible transportation of materials, it is advisable to apply motor moto-lifting capacity of 0.3-1 t and other machines. Special attention It should be addressed to the creation and implementation of funds for transporting materials on overlapping buildings.

Loading and unloading. In the process of transporting construction goods, loading and unloading are the most time-consuming operations. Mechano, the latter is carried out by using1 self-disseminating parenisports (automobiles, dumps, dumps, etc.) and special loading and unloading machines and fixtures.

Currently, cranes, single-line excavators, auto-loaders, universal single-line loaders, loaders and unloaders (multi-lifted), mechanical and pneumatic unloaders, etc. are used for the production of loading and unloading work on construction sites.

On loading and unloading of precast concrete products, metal structures, equipment, materials transported in packages and containers, special loading and unloading cranes and conventional cranes intended for construction and installation works (crane-beams, bridge cranes, gantry, cable, cable, Tower, boom on a pneumatic wheel and tracked run, truck cranes, etc.). Cranes can also be used for loading and unloading rubble, gravel, sand and other bulk materials. For these purposes, they are equipped with special gripping devices and grabes.

Forklift truck - Loading machine general purposeIt is intended for mechanization of overload and lifting and transport work predominantly on platforms with solid coating. The main working body is a telescopic lift with a fork picking; Buckets, clamps for piece goods, crane arrow and other devices can serve as interchangeable equipment. Machines are available with a loading capacity of 0.5; one; 2; 3.2 and 5 tons.

Universal single-knife loaders are equipped with a bucket for loading and unloading bulk and lump materials, in addition, forkillers, jaw seizures, a bulldozer dump, a ripper, an excavator bucket (reverse shovel), etc.

Single-line loaders are produced from the front unloading of the bucket, with unloading to the side by turning the boom (half-turn) and with unloading back "

In urban construction, universal loaders can be used to unload and move materials for small distances, feeding them to lifting and transport machines, loading the receiving devices of mortar and concrete nodes, as well as for various auxiliary work.
Loader loaders 0.3; 0.5; 0.8; 1.25; 2; 3.2 and 5 tons.

Continuous-acting loaders (multi-loving) are intended for loading bulk and small-sided materials in the automotive industry and other vehicles. The multi-lifted loader is a self-propelled machine, on the frame of which is strengthened by a fracturing feeder and a bucket elevator or conveyor. Such machines are produced by several types, differing in the main design of the skipping organ (prigidnoying screws, scratching the ball head, swearing paws, etc.).

Mechanical unloaders (scraper shovels) are used to unload from wagons and barges cement, lime, sand, gravel, etc. For unloading cement and other powdered materials, it is more expedient to use pneumatic (suction) unloaders that exclude the possibility of dusting the unloaded material.

Delivery of cement, lime and gypsum on construction objects should be carried out by auto-cement agents with automatic loading of them from bunker warehouses and pneumatic unloading from the consumer.

In order to reduce the cost of loading and unloading operations, small-piece materials are necessary to deliver to objects in containers or on pallets with unloading with a mechanized manner and feed directly to workplace without additional overload.

Principles of organization of work of vehicles.

There are 2 transport traffic circuits:

- pendulum (use cars with non-unique links, in this case, the burden is idle in the places of unloading and loading; the scheme is applicable in the presence of warehouses);

When transporting along a pendulum scheme, cars or road trains with non-unique links are used. The tractors inevitably stand up from the boot and unloading of vehicles. The pendulum diagram of road transport is effective in the presence of priest warehouses or with mass construction of structures consisting of identical structural elements. In the latter case, specialized road trains are involved in the transport cycle. Each road train or a group of road trains transports products to a certain nomenclature, followed by their unloading in parts under construction of the same type of objects.

- Shuttle (tractor works with several trailers, better than 3rd (1 - at factory, 2 - on the site, 3 - on the way). The shuttle method allows transportation with minimal time spent, since downtime under loading and unloading to this case excluded; There are only minor time loss (5.-. 7 min) on the trailer and capture of semi-trailers.

With a shuttle road transport scheme, one saddle tractor operates sequentially with two semi-trailers and more. Their number depends on the distance between the enterprises of the construction industry and building buildings. The highest distribution was obtained by a three-semi-trailer for the work of a trailer with three semi-trailers, when one trailer is under loading (for example, at the plant of the precast concrete), the other is under unloading at the construction site, and the third is on the way.

Delivery of construction goods to the object is associated with the need for their loading at the site of departure and unloading at the site of arrival. Currently, loading and unloading operations are almost completely mechanized. This uses general construction and special machines and mechanisms.

On the principle of operation, all machines and mechanisms carrying out loading and unloading operations are divided into the following groups:

1. Working independently of vehicles (special loading and unloading and conventional mounting cranes, cyclic and continuous loaders, mobile belts conveyors, mechanical shovels, pneumatic unloaders, etc.)

Special loading and unloading and conventional cranes (Crane beams, bridge cranes, gantry, tower, booms, on a pneumocole and tracked run, truck cranes, etc.) are widely used on loading and unloading reinforced concrete and metal structures, equipment, materials transported in packages, containers, etc. Cranes, Equipped with special grippers and grabs, can work on loading and unloading timber, gravel crushed stone, sand and other bulk small-sided materials.

Loaders (IV.9) In the construction gained great distribution. With their help, about 15% of all volumes of loading and unloading works are already being performed. The wide use of loaders in construction is explained by their high mobility and versatility. The most widely in construction use universal single-line loaders, forklift trucks and multi-lifted loaders.

A) universal single-loving self-propelled loaders (Fig. IV.9, but-in)equipped with a bucket for loading and unloading bulk and lump materials, in addition, fork picking, jaw grab, a bulldozer dump, a ripper, an excavator bucket (reverse shovel) and others. Single loaders are released with the front unloading of the bucket, with the unloading to the side by turning the boom (half-current ) And with unloading back. In construction, universal loaders are used to unload and move materials for small distances, feeding them to lifting and transport machines, loading the receiving devices of mortar and concrete nodes, as well as for various auxiliary work. Load capacity of single-lift loaders 2; 3; 4; 6i 10 t.

C) multi-lifted loaders (continuous) are designed for loading bulk and small-sided materials in the automotive industry and other vehicles. The multi-lifted loader is a self-propelled machine, on the frame of which the scum is strengthened - the feeder and the bucket elevator or the conveyor (Fig. IV.9, d).Such machines produce several types that differ in the main design of the scooping organ (printed screws, a scratching ball head, clutter paws, etc.). This group of loading and unloading machines includes mobile belt conveyors, which are used during loading bulk, lump and small cargo.

C) Forklifts (Fig. IV.9, e)the working body has a telescopic lift with a forkit pickup, and as a replacement organ - bucket, clamps for piece goods, a crane arrow and other gripping devices.

2. Come on the design of vehicles (car dump trucks, transport devices with self-regulating platforms, means for self-loading, etc.).

TO. self-discharge vehicles In addition to the automobiles and cement trucks, there are also self-disseminating cars, which have devices for irregular self-loading of long structures, timber, etc. or crane equipment for unloading and loading piece construction goods.

Depending on the delivery method, loads are divided into piece, bulk and bulk. All of them in turn are divided into other types:
piece - on small-piece (weighing up to 50 kg) - wooden and metal products, roofing and thermal insulation materials, packages, carno-piece, etc.; building construction - Panels, farms, blocks (Santekhkabins, Lift mines); Metal rolling - rod, corner, schwell; and pipes of pipes; Containers and packages; cargo sets (piece goods selected on the technological stage); long; technological equipment and construction machines (when transporting to objects); Forest - round forest ,;
bulk - on bulk (, non-metallic materials) and halob-shaped (rock rock, buttone); porous aggregates for concrete (, thermolite, aglopeoritis); powdered and dust-like materials (cement, lime, ash, mineral powder); bulk - on water; Semi-liquid loads (concrete and mortar mixtures); bitumen and mastic (heated to 200 ° C); Kittle cargo - hot asphalt; lime milk; liquid fuel.

The most effective form of material and technical support (MTO) of the facilities under construction is the complete set - complete delivery of materials, products and structures on a given time, subordinating the MTO system of the technological rhythm of flow industrial construction. Complete delivery of goods to the construction site is calculated in advance and is prepared by the management service of the production and technological configuration (PSC).

Three main types of sets are distinguished: technological, delivered and transport. Technological kit - a set of material resources required when erecting an object or its part (floor, section, capture), the supplied kit is part of the technological kit, supplied to the construction site in order of time for timing, a transport kit-part of the supplied kit delivered to the construction site For one flight, taking into account the technological sequence of the construction of the object.

In order to improve the warehousing of goods in the UPTC and at the facility, as well as to increase the level of mechanization of loading and unloading operations, containers and packages are widely used. The container is an inventory special packag of reusable use under mass piece construction materials and products adapted for mechanized loading, unloading, short-term storage of goods. For carrying capacity, containers are divided into low-tonnage (0.625 and 1.25 tons), medium-hole (2.5 and 5 tons) and large-capacity (10, 20 and 30 tons). Package is enlarged pieces of piece goods (boards, joinery, brick). Packed goods are transported on pallets, which in their design are divided into flat, rack and cells.

In addition to the advantages discussed above, the equipment provides: the centralized delivery of material resources directly to the construction object; improving storage and loading and unloading work; reduction to a minimum of stocks of materials at the construction site; eliminate intermediate warehouses of materials in all units of construction organizations; High labor productivity.

Loading and unloading Currently, they continue to be very laborious, about 10% of all workers in construction are occupied. To reduce the complexity of these works, they should be carried out in strict accordance with the PPR, where the volume of freight transportation of goods on the nomenclature and timing, the organization of warehousing at the facility, the location and equipment of the building discharge points, the order of unloading and storing the main goods.

Loading and unloading should be carried out on a specially designated area with smooth and durable coating (concrete, rubble, milking) and compliance. Work is allowed on planned soil sites capable of perceiving the estimated (on the project) load from stored cargo, motor vehicles and lifting vehicles.

Performing loading and unloading work should be the most mechanized. Mechanization level is determined by the coefficient
where q is the amount of cargo submerged or unloaded by the mechanized method 20bch - the total amount of submerged or you. loaded cargo.

The construction uses a large number of specialized loading and unloading machines. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into cars and installation of cyclic, continuous and pneumatic action, as well as machines designed to work with bulk materials on rail transport:
Cyclic Action Machines - Used when working with bulk cargoes: equipped with direct shovel, draglin, loading buckets or special loading equipment; Excavators-scheduler; single-line universal loaders; electric loads; Special loaders and unloaders; Cyclic action machines used to work with bargaining different kinds boom self-propelled cranes; ordinary performance and crane loaders; gantry cranes, timber trucks, electric staples, electric hoists;
continuous operation machines - designed for drawing, transportation and loading bulk and small cargoes with a continuous flow: multi-lifted loaders; conveyors (tape, bucket tape, elevators, augers);
Pneumatic machinery machines - used for cargo processing of powdered and dusty building materials: pneumatic unloaders of suction and suction and discharge; Pneumatic screw lifts and pumps; chamber and inkjet pumps; Aerations; Pneumatic bottom and tank unloaders;
Machines and installations for unloading railway cars and platforms with bulk cargo: various types of unloading machines operating on the conveyor principle of loading and transporting cargo; Machines and installations for the restoration of the flowering of fatty materials based on loosening (vibration pellers, vibrational action, burglar rippers) and cutting; Cleaning machines luxurries; Maneuvering devices (for moving cars along unloading fronts).

Transportation of construction cargo includes loading at the place of departure and unloading at the site of arrival. The loading and unloading processes are currently fully mechanized, for these purposes, machines and mechanisms of general and special purpose are used.

According to the principle of operation, all mechanisms for loading and unloading work are divided into two groups operating independently of vehicles and mechanisms that are part of the design of vehicles.

  • 1. The first group of mechanisms include all types of cranes, cyclic and continuous loaders, mechanical shovels, mobile belt conveyors, pneumatic unloaders, etc.
  • 2. The second group includes car dump trucks, vehicles with self-regulating platforms, autonomous means for self-loading and loading, etc.

Cranesthe booms, on a pneumatic and tracked run, tower, gantry, bridge, crane beams are widely used when loading and unloading reinforced concrete and metal structures, equipment, materials transported in packages, containers, etc. Cranes equipped with special gripping devices and grabers are used when loading and unloading timber, rubble, gravel, sand and other bulk and small-sided materials. For feeding to the place of production of concrete mixture, cranes are used equipped with special bodies bunkers.

Loadersfound widespread in construction. With their help, there are a significant amount of loading and unloading operations due to their high mobility and versatility. The most widely in construction uses universal single-line loaders, many-lifted loaders and forklift trucks.

Single-line self-propelled loaders are equipped with a bucket for loading and unloading bulk and lump materials. As a mounted and interchangeable equipment, they can be equipped with fork pickups, jaw grab, a bulldozer dump, a ripper, an excavator bucket of the reverse shovel. Single-line loaders are released with the front unloading of the bucket, unloading to the side and unloading back. At construction sites, loaders are used to unload and move goods for small distances, moving them to lifting and transport mechanisms, to load receiving bins of mortar and concrete nodes, for various auxiliary work.

Multifungal loaders (continuous mechanisms) are designed to load bulk and small-sided materials in the automotive industry and other vehicles. This is a self-propelled machine, on the frame of which the drawing mechanism is strengthened - feeder and elevator or conveyor. Such machines produce several types, they differ in the feeder design - the screws of the scarring ball head, clutter paws, etc.

Forklifts as a working body have a telescopic lift with a forkit capture; As replaceable equipment, a crane arrow, buckets, clamps for piece goods and other devices are used.

The loaders with a telescopic arrow are widely used, which can be called universal, as they are able to ship bulk building materials, containers, can be used both as lifts with a platform for workers. Raised cargo reaches (from different manufacturers) 3.2 ... 4.5 m, lift height - up to 13 m. Constructive solution The universal trolley on the pneumocole move allows you to easily and quickly change and attach the attachments, including the application, lengthening the arrow, a variety of buckets, a crane hook, and a baud for concrete. The speed of moving loaders reaches 25 km / h. The drive into two or four wheels, the hydrostatic transmission and rotation of the rear axle by 90 ° provide high power and maneuverability. The advantage of this type of loaders is the full rise and lowering of the boom within 10 seconds, extension and retracting - respectively, up to 14 with the telescopic loader can be used because of this as a controlled belt conveyor to move goods through the opening of the room and from it. When the loader works with the lifting platform, all the mechanism and arrow control functions can be switched to the platform.

In addition to dump trucks and cement trucks, self-discharge vehicles include cars with devices for irregular self-loading of long structures or autonomous crane devices. Construction residential room

The massive use on the construction sites of small-piece materials and products has led to the packaging - the formation and bonding into the integrated unit of such goods, providing in the delivery under established conditions their integrity, safety and allowing mechanization of loading and unloading and warehouse work. Apply special technical means - packages, universal and special containers, intended for the transport of a certain type of cargo.

To ensure safe working conditions during loading and unloading work, it is necessary, first of all, the most mechanized time-consuming processes, equipping all the discharge points with auxiliary lifting devices and devices.
Loading and unloading operations are performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.009-76 * and the requirements of SNiP W-4-80, the rules of the device and the safe operation of lifting cranes approved by the USSR State University.
It is also necessary to observe GOST 12.3.020-80 and departmental rules.
Materials are immersed and unloaded on the equipped sites or points that are systematically cleaned from garbage, dirt, and in winter - from snow and ice. Passages and jobs sprinkle with sand or slag. At night, the site is well covered.
Loading and unloading operations are performed using cranes, loaders and means of small mechanization. The mechanized way of maintaining work is obligatory with weight of goods more than 50 kg, as well as when lifting goods as a height of more than 3 m. The mechanized method, as a rule, it is necessary to immerse and unload dusty materials (cement, lime, gypsum). With a small volume of dusting materials in exceptional cases, it is allowed to work manually, but necessarily in dustproof clothing, in tarpaulin mittens, respirators and dustproof glasses. It is strictly forbidden to unload the cement by manually at a temperature of + 40 ° C above.
During the loading of precast concrete structures, they are purified from snow, ice, soil, if necessary, mounting hinges are adjusted.
All loading and unloading and movement of goods should be carried out under the guidance of administrative and technical, which is obliged to instruct movers and teach them safe work techniques, as well as provide good mechanisms and adhesions. All workers entering the construction organizations as movers for three months teach secure labor methods of 6 ... 8-hour program; Received positive estimates issue certificates for the right to conduct in movement and unloading work. The loader performs only the job that is written in its outfit.
Loading and unloading work provide a special inventory and tool that meets the safety requirements of their production. During the implementation of such work using railway or road transport equipment, it is necessary to comply with the rules for safety and industrial sanitation with input-unloading work on railway transport, approved by MPS, and safety regulations for road transport enterprises.
When applying for warehouse driveways, the speed of movement should not exceed 10 km / h. Platforms and wagons standing on the paths of loading and unloading must be connected, injected and secured by brake shoes or lining. Staying people on the railway tracks are prohibited.
Open the hatches of the semi-haul, the door of the wagons and board platforms are necessary for special levers, which ensures the finding of workers out of the zone of a possible drop in cargo, the hatch side. It is not allowed to be located in a half-haul with open hatches when unloading bulk and small-piece materials.
Works are allowed only after the end of maneuvers and fixing the wagons in place in the brake shoes. Opening or closing the door of the car, it is necessary to be behind her cloth to avoid the bruise by cargo. When boarding the platform, the workers must stand in its ends. Leave the board closed to one hook is categorically prohibited. For the passage of carriages and transition of movers from the car to the wagon, bridges 1 m wide, made from a thickness of 0.05 m thick, bonded from the bottom with iron or wooden straps after 0.5 m. To fasten the bridges for the door rail, bridges are equipped with hooks.
On the loading and unloading operations use outclosures, rolled boards, stretchers and portable stairs. They are manufactured from healthy wood, and longitudinal bars - from solid material.
On the ropes used on the loading and unloading operations, there must be tags with an indication of the allowable load. Use faulty rigging, tools and devices are prohibited.
Loading and unloading bags, boxes, barrels. When unloading cargo in bags (for example, cement), laying them in height in six rows. But if necessary, then after the sixth row make gasket from the boards. Raising the load above the seventh row is permitted only by similar to the transverse planets stamped on them, on the 10th row - using a substituted worker. Cargoes in wagons or warehouses should be laid in stable stacks.
During the loading and unloading of barrels, drums, round forests, the pipes are used and lowering, which are made of solid rocks with a diameter of at least 150 mm in a thin end, 4 ... 6 m long. To the upper ends of the slightest crossing of strip steel a thickness of at least 15 mm; The lower ends of a wedge-shaped slight shape must be driven by metal. Steam out and slopes fasten with each other three transverse screed.
Full loads in most cases with weight up to 35 kg are unloaded and immersed by manually by rolling, if the flooring of the car and warehouse are at the same level, and on the end with the help of ropes, if the floors of the car and the warehouse at different levels.
In the wagons, loads are placed in rows with the laying of boards. Barrels with liquid loads are stacked up.
The workers are prohibited to transfer the rod-barrel loads on the back, regardless of their weight, and be ahead of the rolled cargo. Place of workers - on the sides of the moved cargo. In order to avoid injury on items on the path of the cargo rolling, it is forbidden to ride it with a push by the edges. Acids and other goods are allowed to unload into special warehouses whose floors are on the same level with the floor of the carriage. The place of work should have water for immediate washing of places burned with acid or alkali. If, during the loading and unloading work, a container was broken with an acid or a caustic substance, workers in gas masks neutralize them with lime milk, and this place sprinkle with sand and carefully remove the mixture with a shovel.
Loading and unloading of stone materials. Stones weighing up to 50 kg tolerate stretchers or transported cars. Big weight stones are loaded and unloaded with cranes and other mechanical devices. When unloading heavy stones from wagons or platforms, it is forbidden to faced their hands. You should use scrap, facing the load on the ladder or rink.
Unloading timber. When unloading logs from the wagons, it is necessary to adhere to such a sequence: the rack from the side opposite to the unloading front is supported by levers, after which the upper link is cut in all of these racks, cut off the average linkage from the unloading side at the average racks, remove them and replace 1.5 m; set two pairs of running from the unloading side, one pair - on the discharged logs, and the second to the platform; Spilute the two remaining discharges of the rack to the level of the second on top of the row of logs; Unload the top row of logs, for which two workers located on the platform, with the help of the scrambled by the agreed simultaneous movements, pumped out the log behind the log. Each log is discarded after the previously removed the previous and working, which is lower, has applied a conditional signal.
In some cases, logs are transported on platforms without gaskets, then they are unloaded as follows. From the side of the unloading, the platform board opens and set out, they cut one extreme rack and cut the middle wire linking. The end of the chopped rack is chosen from the platform's rack socket and replaced with a special resistant, fastening easy linking with the opposite. After replacing the second extreme rack and removal of medium, the safety glasses open, then the workers who are on the side of the platform, with the help of ropes tied to glass levers, fold fuses, and the logs under the head of the stack fall apart.
When unloading sawn timber, also strictly follow the rules of safe operation. Before loading, it is necessary to ensure that the extreme racks on both sides of the platform are supported by retaining levers, after which the average is removed and cut from about half the extreme. Unloading part of the platform, the lever supports move below and cut the extreme racks again. And so until the platform is completely unloading. In order to avoid the cargo, the unloading must be performed with horizontal rows.
Containers, rolling, electrocars and rechargeable loaders. In order to ensure the safety of loading and unloading work, it is prohibited to put loaded or empty containers in two tiers on the inclined plane, as well as lifting a crane with a grip in less than four end. Inclined and screw descents for safety purposes are protected from the sides along the entire length to eliminate the possibility of cargo falling.
When operating battery loaders and electrocars, it is forbidden to smoke and light fire around charging batteries, touch the bare current-leading parts. The driver when lifting or lowering the cargo, it is necessary to carefully examine the place of unloading and follow the rules of the traffic instruction. Ways of movement of electrocars and loaders should always be covered.
Car transportation is widely used for the carriage of goods. Each car before issuing a job should be technically certified. Only technically serviceable cars equipped with Decments of the traffic police can be allowed to work.
When laying in the body of a car or trailer of the cargo in bulk, it must be placed in the body not above the sides, the piece, laid above the level of the sides, should be linked to solid ropes or soft ropes.
When transporting equipment and other cargo, accompanied by movers, it is necessary to take measures to prevent people from the body. The materials at the same time are evenly placed over the entire site of the car body, and piece goods - to exclude the possibility of arbitrary displacement of them on the way. The trailer intended for the transportation of long cargo is equipped with a turning device (turnstile), the loading height of which should be on the same level with a vehicle floor.
Dump trucks during unloading on embankments, as well as during the backfill, the recesses should be installed not closer to the I M on the brow of the natural slope. Loading with a hoist that does not have protective (jackhamped) bars is prohibited. Loading of goods into the onboard cars in bulk is allowed only to the level of sides of the body.
Cars that transport cylinders with compressed gas are equipped with special racks with upholstered felt recesses on the diameter of cylinders.
Explosive, poisonous, flammable and other dangerous goods are transported in accordance with the instructions agreed in the prescribed manner and the supervisory authorities.
Raised body of car dump trucks workers, being on Earth, purified with scrapers or shovels with an elongated handle.
It is not allowed to transport long peasants on car dump trucks, including with trailers.
Moving loads manually. With manual loading and unloading of timber, you need to use strong outstanding, winches, crowds and other devices. It is not recommended to immerse and unload the cargo shipments by hand. However B. construction organizations In exceptional cases, these works are permitted manually. At the same time, workers standing on the ground or platform must be on the side of the lifting or lowered cargo, which must be supported by the rope from the opposite side. It is not allowed to be behind the lifting load raised or in front.
Beams, rails, pipes and other long-term materials are transferred only by special grips in the form of steel ticks. It is forbidden to transfer them on the cuttings shovel. The weighting weight, which can be transferred along the horizontal surface, kg:

For men older than 18 years old ............ 50
For women »» »............ 15
For adolescents aged 16 to 18 years ..... 16,6
The same, female ............... 10,25

Lifting loads manually at a height of more than 3 m is not allowed.
Acids, caustics unload and plunge only in glass containers placed in wicker baskets. It is forbidden to carry bottles with acids, cylinders with gases on the back or shoulders. The latter are first only in trolleys or transfer manually two workers in wicker baskets on specially equipped stretchers.
Storage of materials. The flammable and combustible materials must be stored in special premises in a closed container (barrels, bids) with hermetically closing lids or traffic jams.
Poisonous substances are stored in separate rooms remote from housing, as well as from the locations of any work. The places of their storage should be fencing, hanging warning inscriptions both indoors and outside. An empty container from under poisonous and flammable substances should be stored in specially reserved places.
Various acids are stored in a special container (braided bottles) in closed rooms. Each bottle should have a tag with an acid title and an indication of its concentration.
It is not allowed to store on the construction site for an overtime lime, harated stored in limestone pits, closed shields from boards, with hatches and fences height up to 1 m or in a special container.
Explosives should be stored, to use and take into account in accordance with the current "instructions on the procedure for storing, use and accounting explosives."
Dinitrophenol and dinitrophenolate sodium should be stored in a wet state in tightly closed barrels.
Cylinders with compressed gases and oxygen are stored in special closed ventilated rooms isolated from open flame sources.
Storage in one room of drums with carbide calcium and cylinders with oxygen, cylinders with acetylene or coke gas is prohibited.
Construction and assembly pistols and cartridges are stored in a warehouse in separately sealed (sealable) steel cabinets.
Storage of special building materials. The organization of proper storage and placement of materials both in warehouses and on construction sites is of great importance for normal and safe maintenance of all construction work. On the territory allotted for storage, building materials are placed so that they do not cover windows, doors, fire trading.
The materials will be taken to the construction site in small quantities. Place them so that the passages between the stacks were at least 1 m, the width of the passages is established depending on the dimensions of the vehicles.
The brick delivered without containers is placed in the cells with a plaffron height of 25 rows, and on the edge of the rows. The brick in containers is folded into one row, and in packages on pallets - in two tiers.
The brownstone, asbestos cement and plaster plates are placed by stacks to a height of 1 m. Zspsznobetonic rigels, jumpers and columns are stacking up to 2 m with wooden strips between rows. Reinforced concrete slabs of floors and floorings are placed by stacks up to 10 ... 12 rows, but not higher than 2.5 m. Foundation blocks and blocks of basement walls are stacking with strips of not more than four rows up to 2.5 m high. Long-term building materials (steel beams, pipes of large diameters) are laid with a height of 1.2 m with gaskets between the rows and strengthen the stops so as not to roll.
Bulk dust-like materials (cement, gypsum, alabaster, chalk) are stored in warehouses or under sheds in bags that are stacking up to 3 m in height. When laying the stacks above 1.5 m, it is necessary to arrange convenient stepladders with railings. If the bulk materials do not do in bags, they are stored in bulk in closed marks on the construction site, and in warehouses - in bunkers. The fracture makes the size of 1x1 m. The loading holes of the bunkers (silos) at the depth of the hopper 1.5 m and more should be closed with lattices. Sand, gravel and crushed stone stored in bulk, taking into account the angle of natural slope or satisfy the robust retaining walls.
The round forest (logs) is laid by stacks with a height of 2 m with gaskets between rows. In order for the logs not rolled out, it is satisfied with the stops in the form of racks with a pink. Boards are placed by stacks or cells. They can be laid parallel to each other with gaskets after five rows of not more than half of the width of the stack. The direction of laying boards can be changed after each row, reaching the height of no more than the width of the stack. Barrels with construction materials fold no more than two rows in height with gaskets, and in a lying position - with gaskets and case-stops so that they do not roll.
Radiators are placed: separate sections with stacks height not more than 1 m, and in the assembled form - in one row.

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