
Rules of production and acceptance of construction work

Work current repairs Performed directly by the service personnel of federal state institutions. To assist the decision of the commander of the part, a personal composition or staff of the military unit may be highlighted. The service personnel is obliged to perform the planned work of current repairs. They are also required to conduct systematic traversal and inspection of residential and non-residential premises, parts and structures of buildings and structures assigned to employees for permanent service. To eliminate small damage on their own. They also entrusted the implementation of unforeseen work and elimination of accidents.

Works by current repairheld throughout the year. Maintenance repair work try to fulfill in the summer. Works related to the preparation of facilities by winter should be completed 15 days before the heating season.

Technical guidance and control over the work of the current repairs performed in military units, plots and branches of the federal state institution. The operation of the current repairs, depending on the method of their execution, should be made on the basis of documents. In the manufacture of works by repair and construction organizations and specialists of the plots - according to orders or orders, the established form, issued by the apartment and operational bodies in accordance with the work-post planners.

In the production of works by civilian staff or personnel military units - According to the prescription on the production of works, issued by the deputy commander of the part on the rear in accordance with the plans-conduction work of the work of the current repair of the object.

These documents must be issued to performers before the start of work. During the design of these documents, attention is drawn to the correct application of norms and rates for repair and construction work and the inadmissibility of overstating the rates or volume of work. Experienced building materials and semissions are not allowed.

These documents are issued separately for each building or structure in accordance with the work plan of the work of the current repairs.

In the production of works on designs that are hidden by subsequent works, acts should be drawn up on hidden work. Acts for hidden work are drawn up in the following cases:

When performing work by contracting construction organizations, the representative of this organization and the workselm to work (the leadership of the military unit);
- when performing the forces of the military unit (economic manner) - the apartment-operating service of the part and the commander of the unit responsible for the object.

The work performed on the current repairs are accepted on the act of acceptance of work, which is the basis for compiling military part Reports on the execution of a current repairs plan. It is forbidden to accept and include in the act of acceptance of the work on which the entire laid technological process is not fully completed.

The acceptance of the work performed by the current repair is made by the Commission of the military unit appointed by the commander. The commission of the Commission should include specialists of the branches of the federal state institution, the head of the apartment and operating service of the military unit and the commander of the division, which is responsible for the technical condition and operation of the building or construction.

When accepting the work of current repairs are checked:

Compliance with the work performed approved plan;
- quality of work performed;
- the correctness of the application of norms and rates;
- the correctness of the work shown in the reporting volumes of work carried out by the measurement;
- the actual costs of current repairs at the expense of internal resources, according to the accounting magazine;
- availability of acts for hidden work;
- The correctness of the write-off in accordance with the norms of building materials.

Acts of acceptance of work are compiled separately for each object and are approved by the person approved by the Commission. Acts are compiled in two copies. One is left in the military unit, and the other is sent to the superior operational body along with the report on the implementation of the current repairs plan.

In the act of acceptance of work other than work on planned current repairs, work performed on unforeseen current repairs. At the same time put a mark "Unforeseen work". The cost of these works is determined by the volume of accounting magazine and the cost of work on unforeseen current repairs.

The cost of work included in the act is evaluated in estimated prices According to rates operating for this region. The act is the final acceptance document of the work performed and the basis for accounting and reporting. Superpalane works can only be performed by mobilizing the internal resources of military unit or sections of branches of a federal state institution. They are not the basis for applied additional funds.

The main reporting document is a report on the consolidation of funds received for the current repairs. The report serves as the basis for financing the work of the current repair of military units by satisfying bodies.

Reports are provided as they received previously obtained amounts, but at least once a quarter to the 25th day of the last month. A report on the consolidation of funds received for the current repairs is drawn up on the basis of acts of acceptance of the work performed, which is attached to the report and data on the actual costs.

The report indicates the cost of work performed in estimated prices, the amount of actual costs, as well as the need for moneyah for the subsequent production of repair work. Funds allocated for current repairs are prohibited to use on overhaul (Reconstruction) and capital construction.

Data on the costs of the current repairs in the estimated prices are made annually into individual accounts of buildings and structures. Responsibility for the timely introduction of these data is assigned to the head of the apartment and operating service of military unit and the master of the site that leads to the service personnel.

Summing up the consideration of the third question, it should be noted that the operations of the current repairs are carried out directly by the attendant personnel of federal states or contractors under the contract. By solving the commander of the part of them to help, a personal composition or personnel of units may be highlighted.

The service personnel is responsible for the implementation of the planned work of current repairs. They are also required to conduct a systematic traversal and inspection of residential and non-residential premises. To eliminate small damage on their own. They also entrusted the implementation of unforeseen work and elimination of accidents.

The operation of the current repairs, depending on the method of their execution, should be made on the basis of documents. In the manufacture of works by repair and construction organizations and specialists of the plots - according to orders or orders, the established form, issued by the apartment and operational bodies in accordance with the work-post planners.

The completed works of the current repairs of buildings and structures are accepted on the act of acceptance of work. Special attention It turns on the completeness and quality of the work performed, the correctness of the application of the norm and rates.

Financing of military units and plots are made taking into account the actual execution of the work of the current repairs. The remnants of cash and materials at the end of the reporting period are taken into account, according to the report, on the consolidation of funds received for the current repairs.

Examined on lectures questions maintenance and current repairs need to assimilate that all buildings and structures in military towns must be under constant supervision officials military unit and technical staff. Both are a large block of measures for planned and unscheduled inspection of objects and current repairs.

Current repairs - Repair complex construction work to restore faults of objects of objects and maintaining their operational performance. The provision of related qualities of buildings and structures depends on the proper and timely of its organization and conduct. And they, in turn, affect the provision of livelihoods of troops.

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  • Part 2. Production and acceptance of work

    1. General Provisions

    In the construction of maritime gas pipelines, proven experience should be applied technological processes, Equipment and construction equipment.

    2. Welding pipes and methods for controlling welded connections

    2.1. Connections of pipes during construction can be performed using two organizational schemes:

    With pre-welding of pipes in two or four-pipe sections, which are then welded into continuous thread;

    Welding individual pipes into continuous thread.

    2.2. The welding process is performed in accordance with the "technical specifications for pipe welding and non-destructive testing" in one of the following methods:

    Automatic or semi-automatic welding in the protective gas environment by melting or non-melting electrode;

    Automatic or semi-automatic welding self-protecting wire with forced or free formation of metal metal;

    Manual welding electrodes with coated primary type or with cellulose coating;

    Electro-contact welding with continuous melting with post-coating heat treatment and radiographic control of welded joints.

    When welding two or four-pipe sections on auxiliary line, automatic welding can also be used under flux.

    "Technical Conditions" are developed as part of the draft contractor and are approved by the Customer on the basis of conducting research on the weldability of the experimental batch of pipes and obtain the necessary properties of welded ring compounds, including their reliability and performance in the hydrogen sulfide environment, and carry out the appropriate certification of welding technology.

    2.3. Before starting construction work, welding methods, welding equipment and materials taken to use should be certified on a welding base or on a pipe-laying vessel in conditions approximated to the construction conditions, in the presence of customer representatives and adopted by the Customer.

    2.4. All operators of automatic and semi-automatic welding, as well as welders, should be certified in accordance with the requirements of DNV (1996) or BS 8010, taking into account additional requirements for the resistance of welded connections when operating in a hydrogen sulfide environment.

    Certification should be carried out in the presence of customer representatives.

    2.5. Welders that should perform welding under water, additionally must pass appropriate training, and then special certification in the pressure chamber with the simulation of the seafood at the bottom of the sea.

    2.6. Welded ring connections of pipes must comply with the requirements of "technical conditions for pipe welding and non-destructive testing."

    2.7. Ring welded connections are 100% radiographic control with duplication of 20% joints by automated ultrasonic control with the recording of the results of control over the tape.

    If you agree with the Customer, it is allowed to use 100% of automated ultrasound control with a 25% duplicate radio control record.

    Accepting welded connections is made in accordance with the requirements of "technical conditions for pipe welding and non-destructive testing", which should include the norms of permissible defects in the welds.

    2.8. Ring welds are considered accepted only after their approval by the Customer's representative based on browsing radiographic snapshots and records of ultrasound control results. Documentation with records of the results of the welding process and control of welded joints of pipes remains the operating pipeline by the organization throughout the service life of the marine pipeline.

    2.9. With the appropriate justification, it is allowed to connect the piping of the pipeline or repair work at the bottom of the sea, using docking devices and hyperbaric welding. The process of underwater welding must be classified by appropriate tests.

    3. Corrosion protection

    3.1. The sea gas pipeline should be isolated over the entire outer and inner surface of the anti-corrosion coating. Pipe isolation should be made in factory or basic conditions.

    3.2. The insulating coating must comply with the requirements of "technical conditions for the outer and internal anti-corrosion coating of pipes" for the entire period of the pipeline service in the following indicators: breaking strength, relative lengthening at operating temperatures, stroke strength, adhesion to steel, the limiting area of \u200b\u200bpeeling in seawater, Mushrooms, resistance to indentation.

    3.3. Insulation must withstand tests on a breakdown at a voltage of at least 5 kV per millimeter thickness.

    3.4. The insulation of welded joints, crane nodes and fittings should in their characteristics comply with the requirements for insulation of pipes.

    Insulation sites for connecting electrochemical protection devices and instrumentation, as well as restored insulation on damaged areas, should provide reliable adhesion and protection against corrosion of pipe metal.

    3.5. When performing insulation work, it should be done:

    Quality control of materials used;

    Officer quality control of the stages of insulation work.

    3.6. During the transportation, loading and unloading and storage of pipes, special measures must be provided that exclude mechanical damage to the insulating coating.

    3.7. Insulating coating on completed construction areas of the pipeline are subject to control by the method of cathode polarization.

    3.8. Electrochemical protection of the system of marine pipelines is performed using protectors. All electrochemical protection equipment should be calculated for the full service life of the system of marine gas pipelines.

    3.9. Protectors should be made of materials (aluminum or zinc-based alloys), which have undergone maturity tests and meet the requirements of "technical conditions for the material for the manufacture of anodes" developed in the project.

    3.10. Protectors need to have two connecting cables with a pipe. Bracelet type testers are installed on the pipeline in such a way as to avoid their mechanical damage during transportation and laying the pipeline.

    Drainage cables of protective devices should be connected to the pipeline using manual argon arc or condenser welding.

    When agreeing with the customer, you can use manual electric arc welding with electrodes.

    3.11. The sea pipeline should be ensured by the potentials continuously throughout its surface during the entire period of operation. For seawater, the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bof protective potentials are shown in Table 2. These potentials are calculated for seawater with salinity from 32 to at temperatures from 5 to 25 ° C.

    table 2

    Minimum and maximum protective potentials

    Electrode comparison

    Minimum protective potential in

    Maximum protective potential in

    Medical unformed saturated



    3.12. Electrochemical protection should be entered into action no later than 10 days from the end of the work on the laying of the pipeline.

    4. Restores of the pipeline ashore

    4.1. For the exit of the pipeline to the shore, the following construction methods can be used:

    Open earthworks with a device of tongue fencing on the coastal strip;

    Directional drilling at which the pipeline is flown through a pre-drilled well on the coastal area;

    Tunnel method.

    4.2. When choosing a way to build a pipeline in seats to the coast, the relief of coastal sites and other local conditions in the construction area, as well as equipment, should be taken into account construction organization Technical means used for the production of work.

    4.3. The pipeline outputs to the shore using oblique-directional drilling or tunnel should be justified in the project of the economic and environmental expediency of their application.

    4.4. When building a pipeline on the coastal plot using underwater earthworks, the following technological schemes can be applied:

    The vacuum of the required length of the required length is manufactured on a pipe-laying vessel and stretches to the shore along the bottom of the previously prepared underwater trench using the traction winch installed on the shore;

    The pipeline's vacuum is made on the coastal site, hydrostatic tests passes and then stretches into the sea along the bottom of the underwater trench using a traction winch installed on a pipe-laying vessel.

    4.5. The construction of a seabed pipeline on coastal sites is made in accordance with the requirements of "technical conditions for the construction of a pipeline with the intersection of the coastline" developed in the project.

    5. Underwater Earthworks

    5.1. Technological processes of the development of trenches, laying the pipeline into the trench and its backfill soil must be as combined as possible in time, taking into account the alternateness of the trenches and re-form its transverse profile. When drinking underwater trenches, technological measures should be developed that reduce to a minimum of the loss of the soil beyond the boundaries of the trench.

    The technology of underwater trench development should be agreed with environmental authorities.

    5.2. The parameters of the underwater trench must be minimal as possible, for which the increased accuracy of their development should be ensured. Requirements of increased accuracy also apply to pipeline backfill.

    In the zone of transformation of sea waves, it is necessary to assign a more gender slope to reflect the cross-section of the trench.

    5.3. The parameters of the underwater trench in areas whose depths, taking into account the removal and tidal and tidy oscillations of water level, less precipitation of earthmoving equipment, should be taken in accordance with the norms of exploitation of ships and ensure safe depths within the borders of workers' movements of earthmoving equipment and serving its ships.

    5.5 #. The volumes of the temporary dumps of the soil must be minimized. The location of the storage of the soil developed must be selected taking into account the minimum pollution ambient and coordinated with organizations that control the environmental condition of the construction district.

    5.6. If the project is allowed to use local soil to fill the trench, then during the construction of a multi-influential pipeline system, a trench with a laid pipe is allowed to float the soil belonging from the trench parallel thread.

    6. Staying with a pipe-laying vessel

    6.1. The choice of the styling of the marine pipeline is made on the basis of its technological feasibility, economic efficiency and environmental security. For large depths of the sea, methods for laying a pipeline on an S-shaped and J-shaped curve using a pipe-laying vessel are recommended.

    6.2. Laying of the marine pipeline is made in accordance with the requirements of "technical conditions for the construction of the marine section of the pipeline" developed in the project.

    6.3. The pipe dressing vessel before the construction of construction work should be tested, including testing welding equipment and non-destructive testing methods, equipment for insulation and repair of welded joints, tensioning devices, winches, control devices, and control systems that provide movement of the vessel on the highway and laying the pipeline to the project marks.

    6.4. In shallow parts of the track, the pipe-looping vessel should provide styling of the pipeline into the underwater trench within the tolerances defined by the project. To control the position of the vessel regarding the trench, the scanning echo sounders and circular review hydrocators should be used.

    6.5. Before starting the styling of the pipeline, the trench should be performed by the submarine trench and make controls with the construction of a longitudinal trench profile. When dragging the pipeline along the bottom of the sea, it is necessary to calculate the traction force and the intense state of the pipeline.

    6.6. Traction tools are chosen at the maximum calculated traction force, which in turn depends on the length of the piping pipeline, the friction coefficient and the pipeline weight in water (negative buoyancy).

    The values \u200b\u200bof sliding friction coefficients must be assigned by engineering Exquisites Taking into account the possibility of immersion of the pipeline into the ground, the supporting ability of the soil and negative buoyancy of the pipeline.

    6.7. To reduce traction efforts when laying, pontoons can be installed on the pipeline, which reduce its negative buoyancy. Pontoons must be tested for strength from the effects of hydrostatic pressure and have devices for mechanical detuning.

    6.8. Before laying a pipeline on a deepwater section, it is necessary to calculate the stress-deformed state of the pipeline for the main technological processes:

    Start laying;

    Continuous laying of a pipeline with a bend on an S-shaped or J-shaped curve;

    Laying the pipeline on the bottom during the storm and its rise;

    End of laying work.

    6.9. The laying of the pipeline should be carried out strictly in accordance with the project of the construction organization and the project manufacturing project.

    6.10. In the process of laying the pipeline, the curvature of the pipeline and voltage occurring in the pipeline should be continuously monitored. The values \u200b\u200bof these parameters should be determined based on loads and deformations before starting the pipeline laying.


    7.1. The mounting of the coastal slopes after laying the pipeline is performed above the maximum estimated level of water and should provide protection against the coastal slope from destruction under the influence of wave loads, rain and melting water.

    7.2. In the manufacture of progenic work, applying environmentally friendly structures, technological processes and work should be applied in accordance with the requirements of "technical conditions for the construction of a pipeline with the intersection of the coastline and progenitor measures."

    8. Control over construction quality

    8.1. Control over construction quality should be carried out by independent technical divisions.

    8.2. For achievement required quality Construction work it is necessary to ensure control of the quality of all technological operations for the manufacture and installation of the pipeline:

    The process of delivery of pipes from the manufacturer before the mounting site should guarantee the lack of mechanical damage on the pipes;

    The quality control of wetting pipes should be carried out in accordance with technical requirements for the supply of promonated pipes;

    Incoming pipes, welding materials (electrodes, flux, wire) must have certificates that meet the requirements of technical conditions for their supply;

    When welding pipes it is necessary to carry out systematic operational control over the welding process, visual inspection and measurement of welded joints and checking all ring welds by non-destructive testing methods;

    Insulation materials intended for mounting joints of pipes should not have mechanical damage. The quality control of insulating coatings should include checking the coating continuity using flaw detectors.

    8.3. Sea earthmoving equipment, pipe-laying barges and their vessels must be equipped with an automatic orientation system designed to continuously monitor the planned position of these technical means in the process of their work.

    8.4. Control of the depth of the pipeline in the soil must be performed using telemetry methods, ultrasonic profilographs or diving surveys after laying the pipeline into the trench.

    If the depth of the pipeline in the soil is insufficient, correctional measures are being taken.

    8.5. In the process of laying the pipeline, it is necessary to monitor the main technological parameters (position of the stinger, pipeline tension, the speed of movement of the pipe-laying vessel, etc.) for their compliance with project data.

    8.6. To control the state of the bottom and position of the pipeline, it is necessary to periodically with the help of divers or underwater vehicles to produce a survey, which will determine the actual location of the pipeline (erosions, provisions), as well as possible deformations of the bottom along the pipeline caused by excitement or underwater flows in this zone.

    9. Cleaning the cavity and test

    9.1. Sea pipelines are subjected to hydrostatic tests after laying on the seabed in accordance with the requirements of "technical conditions for testing and commissioning of the maritime gas pipeline" developed as part of the project.

    9.2. The preliminary test of the piping of the pipeline on the shore is performed only if the project provides for the manufacture of a piping of the pipeline on the shore and their laying in the sea in the way of pulling in the direction to the pipe-laying veset.

    9.3. Prior to the start of hydrostatic tests, it is necessary to clean and control the internal cavity of the pipeline using scrapers equipped with control devices.

    9.4. The minimum pressure during hydrostatic tests for strength is taken 1.25 times higher than the calculated pressure. In this case, ring voltages in the pipe during the test for strength should not exceed 0.96 on the flow rate of the pipe metal.

    The exposure time of the pipeline under pressure from the hydrostatic test should be at least 8 hours.

    The pipeline is considered to be withstood crimping, if during the last four hours of tests there were no pressure drops.

    9.5. Check the tightness of the maritime gas pipeline is carried out after testing for strength and reduce test pressure to the calculated value during the time required for inspection of the pipeline.

    9.6. Removing water from the pipeline should be made with a passage of at least two (basic and control) pistons-separators under pressure of compressed air or gas.

    The results of removal of water from the gas pipeline should be considered satisfactory if there is no water ahead of the separator's control piston and it has not been separated from the gas pipeline. Otherwise, the flow of the control piston-separator in the pipeline must be repeated.

    9.7. If the test of the pipeline or leakage in it occurs during the test, then the defect must be eliminated, and the marine pipeline is subjected to a re-test.

    9.8. The delivery of the marine pipeline is commissioned after final purification and calibration of the inner cavity of the pipeline, the initial diagnosis and filling in the pipeline by the product.

    9.9. The results of the production of work on the purification of cavity and testing of the pipeline, as well as removing water from the pipeline must be decorated with acts according to the approved form.

    10. Environmental Protection

    10.1. In marine conditions, all types of work require a thorough choice of technological processes, technical means and equipment that ensure the safety of the environmental environment of the region. It is allowed to use only those technological processes that will provide minimal negative impact on the environment and its rapid restoration after the construction of the offshore gas pipeline system is completed.

    10.2. When designing a marine gas pipeline system, all environmental protection activities should be included in the appropriately approved environmental impact assessment plan (EIA).

    10.3. When building a system of marine gas pipelines, it is necessary to strictly implement environmental requirements russian standards. On the waters with commercial fisheries, it is necessary to provide measures to preserve and restore biological and fish resources.

    The deadlines for the beginning and end of underwater earthworks using hydromechanization or explosive work tools are established taking into account the recommendations of the fishewed bodies, based on the timing of spawning, feeding, the migration of fish, as well as the cycles of the development of plankton and benthos in the coastal zone.

    10.4. The EIA plan should include a complex of constructive, construction and technological measures to ensure environmental protection in the construction and operation of the Marine gas pipeline system.

    In the process of developing an EIA, the following factors are taken into account:

    Source data in natural conditions, background environmental state, water biological resources characterizing the natural state of the region;

    Technological I. constructive features Systems of the marine gas pipeline;

    Terms, technical solutions and technology of underwater and technical works, a list of technical means used for construction;

    Evaluation of the modern and predicted state of the environment and environmental risk indicating the sources of risk (man-made impacts) and probable damage;

    The main environmental requirements, technical and technological solutions for environmental protection in the construction and operation of the maritime gas pipeline and the implementation of their implementation on the facility;

    Measures to ensure control over the technical condition of the system of marine gas pipelines and the operational elimination of emergencies;

    Environmental monitoring in the region;

    Dimensions capital investments in environmental, social and compensation activities;

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental protection and socio-economic measures and compensation.

    10.5. During the operation of the marine gas pipelocking system, it is necessary to predict the possibility of breaking the pipeline and emissions of the product with an assessment of the expected damage to the biota of the sea, taking into account the possible accumulation of fish (spawning, migration, arrival time) near the pipeline system, and implement protective measures for the pipeline and the environment provided for such cases of the project.

    10.6. To protect and preserve the natural environment in the sea water area and in the coastal area, an organization of constant supervision is needed to comply with environmental measures in the process of the entire period of technological impact caused by the production of work in the construction and operation of the maritime gas pipelines.

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