
Regulations of overhaul and current repairs. Overhaul. Concept. List and types of work. Term of overhaul. Reasonable time

  1. Before proceeding with the direct implementation of capital repairs or the reconstruction of capital construction facilities, the subjects of the construction contract agreement must first commit a number of sufficiently complex and necessary procedures, but depending on the object of real estate subject to reconstruction, overhaul, as well as whether to reconstruct , the overhaul of the property is a construction permit or not, their number and content will depend on. Given the outlined procedure, the procedure for reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities includes the following steps:

preparation of project documentationwhich includes getting architectural and planning taskPreparation architectural projectcarrying out engineering Exquisites, Examination this documentation;

- and only after that

implementation of reconstruction or overhaul.

As noted, in some cases, the reconstruction, the overhaul of capital construction facilities can be carried out without the preparation of project documentation (individual housing facilities), without obtaining architectural and planning assignment, the preparation of the architectural project, holding the state examination of project documentation and obtaining a construction permit, concrete which will be discussed below.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 48 GRK RF, project documentation It is prepared on the task of the customer or developer and is a documentation containing materials in text form and in the form of cards (schemes) and defining architectural, functional and technological, constructive and engineering and technical solutions to ensure construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects, their parts, capital Repair.

Project documentation is prepared in relation to the objects of capital construction and their parts, reconstructed within the borders of the land-owned land plot, as well as in cases of major overhaul of capital construction facilities, if the constructive and other characteristics of the reliability and security of such objects are affected. Wherein no project documentation preparation is required With reconstruction, overhaul of individual housing facilities (separate residential buildings with the number of floors, no more than three, intended for the residence of one family). In this case, the preparation of project documentation can be carried out at the discretion of the developer. Thus, in the implementation of the reconstruction of capital construction facilities, the preparation of project documentation is necessary in almost all cases (with the exception of the above), and during overhaul - only if the characteristics of the reliability and safety of real estate objects are affected.

The main document regulating legal and financial relations, mutual commitments and responsibility of the parties is treatyconcluded by the Customer with the project documentation project, design organizations, other legal entities and individuals attracted to the development of project documentation. According to Art. 758 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, contract contract for project and survey work It is a document by which the contractor (designer, the sister) undertakes on the customer's task to develop technical documentation and (or) perform survey work, and the customer undertakes to accept and pay for their result. From this contract, the customer's duty conveys the delivery task to design, as well as other source data necessary to compile technical documentation, and the Contractor is obliged to comply with the requirements contained in the task and other source data to perform design and survey work, and have the right to retreat from them only With the consent of the customer (Art. 759 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, an integral part of the contract (contract) must be design assignment. The architectural and planning task is part of the documents that are the basis for issuing a construction permit, and serves the objectives of the executive authorities of management functions for regulation and control of investment construction activities and land use in the subordinate territories and improving the quality of architectural and planning solutions in design and construction ( Recommendations on the composition of the architectural and planning task for the design and construction of buildings, structures and their complexes, approved by the Resolution of the Russian State System dated April 1, 1998 No. 18-28, hereinafter referred to as N 18-28 recommendations). Such a task is issued by the architecture and urban planning authority at the request of the customer (developer) to objects requiring construction permits. The basis for issuing an architectural and planning task are:

- Application of the customer (developer);

- decision of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or local self-government on the design of the object;

- Justification of investment in the construction of the object;

- the necessary set of source-permissive documentation, including documents certifying the ownership (lease, use) of the customer to the land plot.

The architectural and planning task should contain requirements arising from the rights and obligations of subjects of urban planning activities that meet the legal norms of Russian legislation, the regulatory legal framework of the subject of the Russian Federation and local self-government, as well as the provisions of the approved urban planning documentation, mandatory environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fireproof requirements of the under construction Object, requirements for the protection of monuments of history and culture, guidelines for construction in special conditions (seismozon, the zone of permafrost, etc.), the requirements for respecting the rights of citizens and legal entities, the interests of which are affected during this construction (paragraph 3 of Article 3 Federal Law of 11/17/1995 N 169-FZ "On Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation"), recommendations N 18-28).

In the issuance of architectural and planning tasks, it may be denied if the intentions of the customer (developer) contradict the current legislation, regulatory legal acts, urban planning regulations, the provisions of the approved urban planning documentation, the rules for building a city or other settlement. However, such a refusal may be appealed by the Customer (Developer) in court (Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 11/17/1995 N 169-FZ, recommendations N 18-28).

Based on and in accordance with the architectural and planning task, it is developed architectural project. An architectural project that takes into account the requirements of urban planning legislation, state standards in the field of design and construction, construction standards and rules, relevant city planning standards, rules for building a city or other settlement, tasks for designing and architectural and planning tasks, is a document required for all implementation participants Architectural project from the date of receipt on its basis for construction permission.

One of the stages of preparation of project documentation are engineering surveys, since in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 47 GRK of the RF without their holding preparation and implementation of project documentation is not allowed. Engineering survey represent the study of natural conditions and factors of technological impact in order to rational and safe use of territories and land areas within their limits, preparation of data on the substantiation of materials necessary for territorial planning, planning of the territory and architectural and construction design (clause 15 of Art. 1 GRK RF ).

To implement the above objectives, engineering and geodesic, engineering and geological, engineering and hydrometeorological, engineering and environmental, engineering and geotechnical surveys, as well as geotechnical research, surveys of the state of soil bases of buildings and structures, their building structures, and exploration of groundwater for purposes Water supply, local monitoring of environmental components, exploration of soil building materials, local surveys of soil and groundwater pollution (a list of engineering surveys approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2006 N 20 "On engineering surveys to prepare project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities ").

The need to perform certain types of engineering surveys, composition, scope and method of their implementation are established taking into account the requirements of the technical regulations of the engineering survey program developed on the basis of the task of the developer or customer, depending on the type and purpose of capital construction objects, their design features, technical complexity and potential Dangers, stages of architectural and construction design, as well as the complexity of topographic, engineering and geological, environmental, hydrological, meteorological and climatic conditions, on which the reconstruction of capital construction facilities, the degree of study of these conditions will be reconstructed.

The requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory technical documents of the federal executive bodies (the mandatory requirements of the current construction norms and rules) in the part, not contrary to the Federal Law No. 184-ФЗ "On Technical Regulation" and the RF GKK, should be respected. Engineering surveys and their individual species can be carried out by individuals or legal entities that comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are presented to persons performing engineering surveys. In particular, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 47 GRK RF Type of Engineering Reviews, which have an impact on the safety of capital construction facilities, should be carried out only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities who have issued a self-regulating certificate of admission to such types of work. The list of types of such works was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. 624 (as amended by 11/14/2011) "On approval of the list of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, for construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that Influence the safety of capital construction facilities. "

As already noted, the basis for the implementation of engineering surveys is concluded in accordance with § 4 of the chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a contract for the implementation of design and survey work, to which the technical task and program of engineering surveys are attached. The subjects of this contract jointly determine the composition of the work carried out during engineering research of both basic and special species, their volume and method of implementation, taking into account the specifics of the relevant territories and the land plots located on them, the conditions for transferring engineering surveys, as well as other conditions. The requirements for the composition and design of the task and the program of engineering surveys are established by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia). The contractor (the skeleton) is obliged to use measurement tools that have passed the metrological calibration (calibration) or certification in the implementation of engineering surveys.

The results of engineering surveys are drawn up in the form of reporting documentation on engineering surveys, consisting of textual and graphic parts, as well as applications to it (in textual, graphic, digital and other forms), and reflecting information about the tasks of engineering surveys, the location of the territory, on which is planned to carry out the reconstruction of the capital construction object, the types, on the volume, on the methods and on the timing of work on the implementation of engineering surveys in accordance with the engineering research program, the quality of engineering surveys, on the results of a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the specified territory, including the results of the study, assessment and forecast of possible changes in natural and man-made conditions of this area in relation to the capital construction object in the implementation of the reconstruction of such an object and after their completion and the results of assessing the impact of the reconstruction of such an object to other Capital construction projects (p. 4.1 Art. 47 GRK of the Russian Federation, paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the implementation of engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities approved by the Government Decree of January 19, 2006 N 20).

  1. As follows from the legislative definition of the concept of "project documentation" (see above), the design documentation consists of textual and graphic parts. The text part contains information on the object of capital construction, a description of the accepted technical and other solutions, explanations, references to regulatory and (or) technical documents used in the preparation of project documentation, and the results of calculations that substantiate decisions made. The graphic part displays adopted technical and other solutions and is performed in the form of drawings, schemes, plans and other documents in graphical form. In order to implement in the process of reconstruction, the overhaul of architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the project documentation for the object of capital construction, working documentation is being developed, consisting of documents in text form, work drawings, specifications of equipment and products.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 02.04.2009 No. 108 approved the rules for the implementation and registration of textual and graphic materials, which are part of the project and working documentation, according to which the implementation and design of text and graphic materials that are part of the project and working documentation are carried out in accordance with national Standards "System of Project Documentation for Construction" (GOST R 21.1101-2013. National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for project and working documentation ", approved and enacted by order of Rosstandard from 11.06.2013 N 156-st ).

It should also be borne in mind that if there is insufficient requirements for the reliability and safety requirements established by regulatory technical documents to develop project documentation for the object of capital construction, or such requirements are not established, the development of documentation should be preceded by the development and approval in the established procedure for special technical specifications. (p. 3-5 provisions on the composition of the sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87).

Project documentation can be developed in relation to the entire process of work on reconstruction, overhaul, also with respect to individual stages of reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities. Under stage of reconstruction, overhaul Reconstruction (overhaul) of one of the objects of capital construction, reconstruction (overhaul) of which is planned to be carried out on one land plot, if such an object can be commissioned and operated autonomously, that is, regardless of other objects of capital construction on this land plot, As well as reconstruction (overhaul) of a part of the object of capital construction, which can be commissioned and operated autonomously, that is, regardless of the reconstruction (overhaul) of other parts of this object of capital construction. The need to develop project documentation for the object of capital construction in relation to individual stages of work is established by the customer and is indicated in the design task. The possibility of training such project documentation should be justified by calculations confirming the technological possibility of implementing the adopted design solutions in the implementation of reconstruction, overhaul on stages. In this case, the project documentation for a separate stage of construction and repair work is developed in the amount necessary for the implementation of this stage.

According to paragraph 12 of Art. 48 GRK RF, in the composition of the project documentation Objects of capital construction, along with the results of engineering surveys, the following documents are included (sections):

explanatory note with source data for reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities (with the results of engineering research, technical conditions). This section of the project documentation should contain in the text part of the details of the document, on the basis of which it was decided to develop project documentation (Federal Target Program, the Development Program of the Directory of the Russian Federation, a comprehensive program for the development of municipality, departmental target program and other programs; decision of the President of the Russian Federation, government The Russian Federation, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in accordance with their authority; Decision of the developer). The explanatory note indicates the details of the design task (if the project documentation was prepared on the basis of an agreement), reporting documentation on the results of engineering surveys; title documents for the object of capital construction; the approved and registered plan of the land plot provided for the placement of the capital construction facility; Documents on the use of land plots on which the action of urban planning regulations does not apply or for which urban planning regulations are not established, details of technical conditions, if the operation of the projected capital construction object is impossible without connecting it to network engineering and general use networks; documents on the coordination of deviations from the provisions of technical conditions; permits for deviations from the limit parameters of the permitted construction of capital construction facilities; acts (decisions) of the owner of the building (structures, buildings) on the removal of capital construction and elimination of the object (if demolition (disassembly) is required); other source-permissive documents; Decisions of the local self-government authority on the recognition of a residential building emergency and to be demolished (if necessary, the demolition of a residential building). These documents (their copies decorated properly) must be made to the explanatory note in full.

land Planning Organization Scheme, Completed in accordance with the town-planning plan of the land plot. This section reflects the characteristic of the land plot provided to accommodate the object of capital construction; substantiation of the borders of the sanitary protection zones of capital construction objects within the boundaries of the land plot (if necessary, the definition of these zones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation); The substantiation of the planning organization of the land plot in accordance with urban planning and technical regulations or documents on the use of the land plot (if the land-building regulation does not apply to the land plot or the urban planning regulations are not established); Technical and economic indicators of the land plot provided for the placement of the capital construction facility; Justification of the decisions on engineering training of the territory, including decisions on engineering protection of the territory and objects of capital construction from the consequences of hazardous geological processes, flood, surface and groundwater; Description of the relief organization vertical layout; Description of the decisions on the improvement of the territory; zoning the territory of the land plot provided to accommodate the object of capital construction, the rationale for the functional purpose and the concept of placement of zones, the rationale for the placement of buildings and structures (main, auxiliary, utility, warehouse and maintenance) of capital construction objects, transport communications schemes providing external and internal (including interception) freight transportation, characteristics and technical indicators of transport communications (with such communications) (for production facilities); Justification of transport communications schemes that provide external and internal entrance to the capital construction object - for non-production facilities.

This section should also include land Planning Organization Scheme With the display: places of placement of existing and designed capital construction objects with the indication of existing and projected entrances and approaches to them; borders of the zones of public servitude (if available); buildings and structures of the object of capital construction subject to demolition (if available); planning, improvement, landscaping and illumination of the territory; stages of construction of the object of capital construction; vehicle movement schemes at the construction site; land plan; consolidated Plan of Engineering Systems with the designation of the locations of the designed capital construction object to existing engineering and technical support networks; situational plan The placement of the object of capital construction within the boundaries of the land plot provided for the placement of this facility, indicating the boundaries of settlements directly adjacent to the boundaries of the specified land plot, the boundaries of the zones with the special conditions of their use, the boundaries of the territories subject to the risk of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, as well as with the display of designed transport and engineering communications with the designation of places of their accession to existing transport and engineering communications (for production facilities);

architectural, constructive and volume and planning solutions. The "Architectural Solutions" section includes a description and substantiation of the external and inner species of the object of capital construction, its spatial, planning and functional organization; substantiation of accepted volume and spatial and architectural and artistic solutions, including in terms of compliance with the limit parameters of the permitted construction of the capital construction facility; Description and rationale for used composite techniques in the design of facades and interiors of the capital construction object; Description of solutions for finishing the premises of the main, auxiliary, servicing and technical purpose; architectural solutions providing natural lighting of premises with a permanent stay of people; architectural and construction measures to protect the premises from noise, vibration and other impact; solutions for the lighting of an object that ensure the safety of aircraft flights (if necessary); solutions on the decorative and artistic and color finishing of the interiors (for non-production facilities). The graphic part of this section contains the display of facades, their color solution (if necessary); For non-production facilities - floor plans for buildings and structures with the exploration of premises; other graphic and exposure materials performed if the need for this is specified in the design task;

- information about engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions. This section should consist of subsections "Power supply system", "Water supply system", "Watering system", "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, thermal networks", "communication networks", "gas supply system", "technological solutions". Each of the listed subsections consists of textual and graphic parts, the specific composition of which is determined by clause 16 - 22 of the provisions on the composition of the partitions of project documentation and the requirements for their maintenance;

project organization of construction Must contain the characteristic of the region at the location of the object of capital construction and construction conditions; evaluation of the development of transport infrastructure; information on the possibility of using the local labor force in the implementation of construction; a list of activities to attract for the construction of qualified specialists, including to carry out work by the Watch method; Characteristics of the land plot provided for construction, justification of the need for use for the construction of land outside the land plot provided for the construction of an overhaul object; a description of the features of the work in the conditions of the current enterprise, in the locations of underground communications, power lines and communication (for industrial facilities); a description of the features of work in the conditions of cramped urban development, in places of underground communications, power lines and communication (for non-production facilities); The rationale for the adopted organizational and technological scheme, which determines the sequence of the construction of buildings and structures, engineering and transport communications, ensuring compliance with the construction of deadlines established in the calendar plan (its stages); a list of types of construction and installation work, responsible structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks to be examined with the preparation of appropriate acts of acceptance before the production of subsequent works and the device of subsequent structures; technological sequence of work when erecting capital construction objects or their individual elements; substantiation of the needs of construction in personnel, main building machines, mechanisms, vehicles, in fuel and fuel and lubricants, as well as in electrical energy, pair, water, time buildings and structures; Justification of the size and equipment of sites for storing materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly;

project organization of work on demolition or dismantling objects of capital construction, their parts. This section of the project documentation is prepared if it is necessary to demolish the object (dismantling) of the object or part of the capital construction object and should contain a basis for the development of a project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of buildings, buildings and structures of capital construction facilities; The list of these buildings, as well as a list of measures to eliminate capital construction facilities; measures to ensure the protection of liquidated buildings, buildings and structures from the penetration of people and animals into the danger zone and inside the object, as well as the protection of green plantings; Description and justification of the adopted demolition method (dismantling); calculations and justification of the sizes of collapse zones and hazardous zones depending on the adopted demolition method (dismantling); assessment of the probability of damage when demolishing (dismantling) engineering infrastructure, including existing underground networks of engineering and technical support; Description and justification of protection methods and protective devices of engineering and technical maintenance networks, coordinated with the owners of these networks; solutions for secure methods of working on demolition (dismantling); a list of measures to ensure the safety of the population, including its alerts and evacuation (if necessary); Description of solutions for export and disposal of waste; a list of activities for reclamation and landscaping of the land plot (if necessary); information about the remaining after demolition (dismantling) in the land and in water bodies of communications, structures and structures; information on the presence of permits of state supervisory authorities to preserve such communications, structures and structures in the land and in water bodies, in cases where the presence of such permission is provided for by law; Information on the presence of coordination with the relevant government agencies, including the bodies of state supervision, technical solutions to demolition (dismantling) of an object by explosion, combustion or other potentially hazardous method, a list of additional safety measures when using potentially hazardous demolition methods. The plan of the land plot and adjacent territories are attached to this section, indicating the placement of the defendant object, engineering and technical support networks, collapse zones and hazardous zones during the demolition (dismantling) of the object, indicating the places of storage of disassembled materials, structures, products and equipment and protective drawings engineering infrastructure and underground communications;

list of measures for environmental protection and fire safety Includes two sections of the "List of Environmental Protection" and "Fire Safety Activities". The first section contains the results of an assessment of the impact of the object of capital construction on the environment; The list of measures to prevent and (or) to reducing the possible negative impact of the intended economic activity on the environment and the rational use of natural resources for the reconstruction period (overhaul) and the operation of the capital construction facility. The second section is devoted to the description of the fire safety system for the object of capital construction;

- a list of activities to ensure access of persons with disabilities to health care, education, culture, recreation, sports and other sites of social and cultural and utilities, transport facilities, trade, catering, business, administrative, financial, religious facilities, housing facilities The Fund (in the case of preparing the relevant project documentation) includes a list of activities to ensure access of persons with disabilities to the above objects, as well as the rationale for adopted, volume-planning and other technical solutions that ensure safe movement of disabled people on these objects, their evacuation from the specified objects in case of fire or natural disaster; Description of project decisions to arrange disabled jobs (if necessary). The graphic part of this section should contain a scheme of the planning organization of the land plot (or fragment of the scheme), which listed objects listed, indicating the ways of disabled people and floor plans of buildings (structures, structures) of capital construction facilities, indicating ways of disabled people by capital construction, as well as ways of their evacuation;

requirements for secure operation of capital construction facilities. In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of 28.11.2011 N 337-FZ rules for ensuring the safe operation of buildings, structures should contain:

1) Requirements for methods for carrying out measures for the maintenance of buildings, structures, during which there is no threat of disruption of the safety of building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems;

2) the minimum frequency of the implementation of inspections, inspections and examination of the state of building structures, grounds, networks of engineering and technical support and systems of engineering and technical support of buildings, structures and (or) the need for environmental monitoring, the state of grounds, construction structures and engineering systems and engineering systems providing in the process of operation of buildings, structures;

3) information for users and operational services on the values \u200b\u200bof operational loads on building structures, engineering and engineering networks and engineering systems that are unacceptably higher in the process of operation of buildings, structures;

4) information on the placement of hidden electrical wiring, pipelines and other devices, the damage to which can lead to the threat of causing harm to life or the health of people, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

- Estimation for reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities financed at the expense of the relevant budgets. This section of the project documentation consists of an explanatory note to estimate documentation and estimated documentation. The explanatory note to the estimated documentation should contain information about the location of the capital construction object; List of collections and catalogs of estimated standards adopted to compile estimated construction documentation; The name of the contracting organization (if available); Justification of the features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for the object of capital construction; Other information on the procedure for determining the estimated cost of construction of the capital construction facility characteristic of it.

Immediately, the estimated documentation itself must contain a consideration summary, a consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction, object and local estimated calculations (estimates), estimated calculations for certain types of costs. The estimated documentation is drawn up in the estimated prices that have developed to the time of its preparation. The consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction is drawn up with the distribution of funds by chapters: Chapter 1 - Preparation of the construction site, Chapter 2 - The main objects of construction, chapter 3 - objects of the subsidiary and maintenance, chapter 4 - Energy facilities, chapter 5 - facilities of transportation and communications , Chapter 6 - external networks and facilities of water supply, drainage, heat supply and gas supply, Chapter 7 - Improvement and gardening of the territory, Chapter 8 - temporary buildings and structures, Chapter 9 - Other works and costs, Chapter 10 - Customer Service, Construction Control, Chapter 11 - Preparation of operational personnel for the capital construction facility under construction, chapter 12 - design and survey work;

- A list of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of buildings, buildings, structures of accounting devices of the energy resources used. This list includes: indicators characterizing the specific amount of energy resources consumption in the building, structure and construction; Requirements for architectural, functional and technological, constructive and engineering solutions affecting the energy efficiency of buildings, buildings and structures; Requirements for individual elements, structures of buildings, buildings and structures and their properties, to those used in buildings, buildings and structures, devices and technologies, as well as to those included in project documentation and used in construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of buildings, buildings and structures Technologies and materials to eliminate the inertial consumption of energy resources both in the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings, buildings and structures and in the process of their operation; Other established energy efficiency requirements. In addition, this section provides a substantiation of the choice of optimal architectural, functional and technological, constructive and engineering solutions and their proper implementation in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul in order to ensure the compliance of buildings, buildings and structures with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of their equipment instruments of accounting used energy resources; As well as a list of energy efficiency requirements, which the building, structure and construction must comply with the commissioning and during operation, and the timing, during which the specified energy efficiency requirements should be fulfilled during operation. The graphic part presents the location schemes in buildings, buildings and structures of the instruments of accounting for energy resources used;

other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws. This section should contain documentation, the need to develop which in the implementation of the design and reconstruction (overhaul) of the object of capital construction is provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation, including: the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities developed at the design stage; Declaration of safety of hydraulic structures developed at the design stage, etc.

The specific composition and requirements for the content of design documentation sections depend on the type of capital construction facility. So, in particular, the project documentation of the objects of use of atomic energy (including nuclear installations, storage points of nuclear materials and radioactive substances), hazardous production facilities, especially dangerous, technically complex, unique objects, defense and security objects should include a list of activities According to civil defense, measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies. The composition of the project documentation sections on linear overhaul objects and the requirements for the content of these sections are determined by section III provisions on the composition of the partitions of project documentation and requirements for their content. At the same time, the positions of sub. "B" clause 2 of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 authorize the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to clarify certain requirements for the content of project documentation sections, with respect to project documentation for military infrastructure facilities and security objects, respectively.

Preparation of project documentation is carried out either by an independently developer or attracted by it on the basis of a treaty by individuals or legal entities that meet the requirements of the subjects of the contract. The contract for the preparation of project documentation may be provided for the assignment for engineering surveys, ensuring technical conditions. In the event that the preparation of project documentation is carried out by not the customer (developer), but by a physical or legal person on the basis of the contract, the developer or customer is obliged to provide this person to the city planning plan of the land plot; The results of engineering surveys (in the event that they are missing, the contract must be provided for the task for the implementation of engineering surveys); As well as the technical conditions (if the operation of the projected capital construction object cannot be provided without connecting such an object to engineering and technical support networks). The technical conditions are data on the maximum load at possible points of connection; The term of connecting the object of capital construction to engineering and technical support networks, as determined, among other things, depending on the periods of the implementation of investment programs; The term of technical conditions, but not less than 2 years from the date of their issuance (paragraph 10 of the rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting the object of capital construction to engineering and technical support networks, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.02.2006 No. 83 "On Approval of the Definition Rules and providing technical conditions for connecting the object of capital construction to networks of engineering and technical support and rules for connecting the object of capital construction to engineering and technical support networks). Specifications, as well as information on the connection board, which includes the connection rates on the connection, the expiration date of the specified tariff, the date of re-circulation for information on the connection board, are provided by organizations that operate the operation of engineering and technical support networks, without charging Boards for fourteen days at the request of local governments or copyright holders of land plots.

Project organization - general designer for each designed building (or buildings group) appoints chief engineer project and chief architect project. A specialized project organization performing a separate section of the project, appoints the chief engineer (architect) of the project responsible for this section of the project. At the same time, the customer of the design and estimate documentation represented by the Director, the Chief Engineer and the Chief Architect (Engineer) of the project - the general designer or a specialized project organization (firm) is responsible for complying with approved in the task of designing technical and economic and planning indicators of reconstructed (repaired) buildings , for the quality of design and estimate documentation, the correct definition of the estimated cost and priority of work, for the timely development and completeness of design and estimate documentation, as well as for introducing in design and estimate documentation within the established period of change recommended in the conclusions of the executive authorities, investors, general contractors organizations and expertise. The contractor imposes responsibilities for the performance of work in accordance with the task and other source data on the design and contract, coordinating the finished technical documentation with the Customer, and if necessary, together with the Customer with the competent state bodies and local governments. The contractor is obliged to transfer the customer the ready-made technical documentation and the results of survey work, while he is not entitled to transfer technical documentation to third parties without the consent of the customer. In addition, the Contractor must guarantee the customer the lack of third-party rights to prevent the performance of work or limit their implementation on the basis of the technical documentation prepared by the contractor (Article 760 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on the contract for the implementation of design and survey work, the Contractor is responsible for improper drafting of technical documentation and performing survey work, including the shortcomings found later during the reconstruction (overhaul), as well as during the operation of the facility created on the basis of technical documentation and Data survey work. When the deficiencies in the technical documentation or in survey work, the Contractor at the request of the customer is obliged to freely remake the technical documentation and, accordingly, make the necessary additional survey work, as well as compensate for the customer caused damages if the law or contract of the contract for the implementation of project and survey work is not established otherwise (st . 761 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

  1. Finished project documentation requires approval by its customer or developer. However, the legislation provides for another procedure relating to project documentation and prior approval - state Examination of Project Documentation, After the positive results of which the customer (developer) has the right to approve it. At the same time, the legislator follows the path of exception, determining only cases when the conduct of state expertise is not required.

First, paragraph 2, 3, 3.1 of Art. 49 GRK of the Russian Federation defines objects for which the state expertise of project documentation, as well as the results of engineering surveys is not carried out.

Secondly, it is not required:

- in relation to all other capital construction facilities, if for their reconstruction, overhaul is not required to obtain a construction permit, namely, in cases of reconstruction of objects that are not capital construction (kiosks, canopies and others), changes in capital construction objects and (or ) Their parts, if such a change does not affect the structural and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and does not exceed the limit parameters of the permitted reconstruction, established by the urban planning regulations (paragraph 7 of the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the State Examination of Project Documentation and Engineering Reviews, approved by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation from 05.03.2007 N 145);

- With regard to typical project documentation or modification of such project documentation that does not affect the constructive and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction facilities. In accordance with the GRK of the Russian Federation, a unified state examination of the project documentation of capital construction and engineering results, which replaced from January 1, 2007, all previously specialized expertise, is not carried out for project documentation, which has already received a positive conclusion of state examination and re-applied, t. e. Typical project documentation.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 29.03.2013 No. 106 approved the rules for the formation and maintenance of the registry of typical project documentation, as well as the composition of information on project documentation, which is subject to the registry, and the form of its submission. The specified registry includes information on project documentation against residential and administrative buildings, social and cultural and utility facilities (objects of culture, education, health care, sports buildings and structures, etc.), in the preparation of which modern economical Resource and energy-saving, architectural and planning, structural, engineering, technological and organizational solutions and which is recommended for mass re-use when creating capital construction facilities due to or involving funds of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets . Information on project documentation is included in this Registry, provided that the capital construction object for which project documentation has been prepared, being similar to the appointment, type and technical and economic indicators to other capital construction facilities, information on typical project documentation for consideration for consideration The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation or which are included in the above registry, has the best indicators of the ratio of the value of the construction of the capital construction facility to the current service life, useful area to the total area of \u200b\u200bcapital construction object, resource consumption per unit of power required to operate the capital construction object, and Equal indicators - during its preparation, previously not used architectural and planning, structural, engineering, technological and (or) organizational solutions were applied. The decision to enter into a registry of information on typical project documentation is issued by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

It should be borne in mind that applied typical project documentation is subject to expertise only in terms of the results of engineering surveys and foundations, if it is provided for by Article 49 of the RF GDC (paragraph 8 of the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the State Examination of Project Documentation and Engineering Reviews, the order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russia of 29.03.2013 N 106).

The state examination of project documentation and the state expertise of engineering surveys may be carried out by the General Directorate of the State Vnesitary Expertise (Glavgosexpertiz of Russia) under the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Communication (Order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of 16.03.2007 N 64 "On a state institution, authorized to conduct a state examination of project documentation and engineering research results"), the executive authorities of the Directory of the Russian Federation authorized to conduct a state examination of project documentation, or subordinated state-owned state (budgetary or autonomous) institutions.

The authorities of the Glavgosexpertization of Russia include the organization and conduct of state expertise against objects, reconstruction and (or) major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in the territories of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation; objects, reconstruction and (or) major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the inner sea waters and in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, as well as with respect to objects related to the placement and disposal of waste I - V hazard class; objects of defense and security, other objects, information about which is made up of state secret (with the exception of objects, the state examination in respect of which are attributed by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation to the powers of the federal executive authorities); cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the federal significance (during capital repairs in order to preserve them); Particularly dangerous and technically complex objects, as well as unique objects.

State examination for other facilities, and in particular objects, the state expertise in respect of which are attributed by the Decludes of the President of the Russian Federation to the powers of other federal executive bodies, is carried out by authorized to conduct a state examination by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the subordinate government agencies at the location of the location The land plot on which is planned to be reconstructed, overhaul of the object of capital construction. However, in case of the impossibility of conducting state expertise in the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of such a land plot, by order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of 02.07.2007 No. 187 approved the procedure for transferring project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys for state expertise when impossible Her holding in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the land plot, which is expected to carry out construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the object of capital construction.

According to paragraph 2 of the named regulatory act, the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state expertise of project documentation and the results of engineering surveys, which received a statement of state expertise on the object of capital construction, in respect of which such an examination of this body (subordinated state institution) does not seem Possible, have the right to contact Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.05.2008 N 724 "Questions of the system and the structure of federal executive authorities" the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services is abolished, and its functions are transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia asking for the direction of project documentation and ( or) the results of engineering surveys to the state examination into the organization for the state examination of another subject of the Russian Federation. Such an appeal must contain a substantiation of the impossibility of conducting state expertise and the name of the organization for the conduct of state expertise, which proposes to conduct a state expertise of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys.

The appeal includes: a copy of the statement of state expertise; inventory set of documents filed; A document confirming the consent of the authorized body of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, which proposes to transfer the conduct of state expertise; Information confirming the possibility of holding the state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys with the relevant organization for the conduct of state expertise. The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia on time no later than fifteen working days is considering the received appeal, based on the results of which it decides on coordinating the direction of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys to the state expertise to the organization for the state examination of another subject of the Russian Federation or the refusal of documents. The decision to refuse in the direction of documents can be accepted only in the event of non-submission of all necessary documents. At the same time, the appeal can be submitted repeatedly, if there are deficiencies that appeared for refusal. It should be noted that re-state examination in this organization is carried out without obtaining the coordination of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, if such coordination has already been obtained for the primary state examination.

So, determined with the authority authorized to hold stateexpertization (in paragraph 2 of the provisions on the organization and conduct of the state examination of project documentation and engineering research results, such bodies are named with state expertise organizations), the applicant must submit an application for an examination indicating F.I .O., Details of documents certifying the identity, postal address of the place of residence of an individual entrepreneur, the full name, the location of the legal entity of the developer (customer), as well as performers; The names of the object, the intended reconstruction, overhaul, postal (construction) address of such an object, its main feasibility and economic characteristics (area, volume, length, number of floors, production capacity, etc.). With a statement, project documentation on the object of capital construction, a copy of the task of designing, engineering survey results, a copy of the task of engineering surveys, a positive conclusion of state environmental impact assessment in the event that the project documentation for capital construction facilities, reconstruction or The overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the inner marine waters or in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, as well as in relation to objects related to the placement and disposal of waste I - V hazard class, artificial land on water bodies; Documents confirming the applicant's powers to act on behalf of the developer, the customer (in case the applicant is not a customer and (or) the developer); A certified copy of the certificate issued by the self-regulatory organization for the admission of the contractor to the appropriate type of work on the preparation of project documentation and (or) engineering surveys acting on the date of signing an act of acceptance of work performed, and a copy of the act of acceptance of work performed in the event that in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Obtaining admission to such work is mandatory. At the same time, in such a document, the applicant's special authority should be specified in the conclusion, change, execution, termination of a state examination agreement.

If the examination is carried out only with respect to the results of engineering research to the direction of project documentation for state expertise, all the same documents, with the exception, respectively, project documentation and copy of the design task are submitted to the appropriate organization for the state examination. When conducting a state examination of project documentation After the examination of the results of engineering surveys, carried out to prepare such project documentation, all the above documents are submitted (except for a copy of the task for engineering surveys, as well as a certified copy of the certificate issued by the self-regulating organization, the certificate of adhering to the appropriate type of work on Engineering surveys) and a positive conclusion of the state examination of the results of engineering surveys, while the results themselves are not reactive.

To conduct a state examination of engineering research results in cases where the reconstruction of the capital construction facility will be carried out using typical project documentation or modification of such project documentation, along with the above-mentioned documents to the organization for state expertise, it seems: Project documentation for external engineering networks and constructive decisions of foundations ; Positive conclusion of state expertise on applied typical project documentation (modified typical project documentation) issued to any person not earlier than seven years before the day of submission to the state examination of the results of engineering surveys; As well as a document confirming the right to developer (customer) to use typical project documentation, the exclusive right to one belongs to another person (an agreement on the alienation of an exclusive right, a license agreement, a sub-license-agree, etc.).

It should be noted that the legislator submits the Organization for the State Examination The right to additionally require the applicant to represent the settlements of constructive and technological solutions used in project documentation, as well as engineering research materials. These calculations and materials should be submitted to the applicant within five days after receiving the relevant request. The applicants of other information and documents are not allowed (paragraph 13 - 17 provisions on the organization and conduct of the state examination of project documentation and engineering surveys).

Having received relevant documents, an organization for the conduct of state expertise within three working days from the date of their receipt, it carries out their verification, which is carried out within a period of no more than ten working days. During this period, the applicant submits (sent) a draft treaty with the calculation of the amount of fee for conducting state expertise, signed by the Organization for the State Examination Organization, or a motivated refusal to accept documents submitted for the state examination, or the specified documents must be returned without consideration . Documents are subject to refund to the applicant without consideration if the state examination should be carried out by another organization for the conduct of state expertise.

The grounds for refusing the adoption of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering research aimed at state expertise are either the inconsistency of the submitted documents on the content and form of the requirements of the legislation, the failure to provide all the necessary documents, or the preparation of their persons who also do not meet the requirements imposed on Its legislator (for example, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity does not have evidence of admission to relevant types of work).

Having concluded a contract for the State Examination of Technical Documentation, which is regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the contract of compensated provision of services, an organization for conducting state expertise, after submitting documents to the applicant, confirming the payment for its conduct, proceeds directly to the expertise itself.

The subject of state expertise are an assessment of the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of technical regulations, including sanitary and epidemiological, environmental requirements, the requirements of the state protection of cultural heritage facilities, the requirements of fire, industrial, nuclear, radiation and other security, as well as the results of engineering surveys, and an assessment of the compliance of engineering research results requirements of technical regulations. The term of state examination should not exceed 60 days. At the same time, legislation has established a shorter period - no more than forty-five days in the implementation of state expertise regarding the results of engineering surveys, which are aimed at state expertise before the project documentation for this expertise; project documentation or project documentation and results of engineering research in relation to residential capital construction facilities that are not related to unique objects; Project documentation or project documentation and engineering research results for capital construction facilities, construction, reconstruction and (or) overhaul of which will be carried out in special economic zones.

Moreover, the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may establish shorter deadlines for state expertise With regard to objects, the state expertise of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys on which the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the public institutions subordinate to them (paragraph 30 of the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the State Examination of Project Documentation and Engineering Reviews) are held.

When identifying in project documentation and (or), the results of engineering research in the process of conducting the state examination of the shortcomings (lack of (incomplete) of information, descriptions, calculations, drawings, schemes, etc.) The organization for the conduct of state examination immediately notifies the applicant about the identified disadvantages and Sets the time to eliminate them if necessary. If the identified disadvantages cannot be eliminated in the process of state expertise or the applicant did not eliminate them within the prescribed period, the organization for the conduct of state expertise is entitled to refuse to further conduct an examination and raise the issue of early termination of the contract, which will notify the applicant in writing with the applicant's motives in writing.

If the reconstruction, the overhaul of capital construction facilities is planned to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the inner sea waters, in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, with respect to objects related to the placement and disposal of waste I - V hazard class, On the lands of specially protected natural territories, along with state expertise it is still required conducting state environmental impact. In this case, the design documentation by applicants (customers, developers or authorized by any of them from them) for urban-planning expertise and environmental impact assessment seems directly or sent by mail with an attachment description in accordance with paragraph 2, 4 of the draft design documentation of objects, construction , the reconstruction, the overhaul of which is expected to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural territories, for state expertise and state environmental impact assessment, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.11.2008 N 822.

The prerequisite for the adoption of materials on the state environmental impact assessment is the presence of in them (as part of the sections of an examination object or in the form of applications) data on environmental impact assessment of the environmental and other activities and the environmental substantiation of the admissibility of its implementation. The object of examination is presented in two copies, other materials in one instance. The authorities authorized to conduct an environmental impact assessment are entitled to request additional information from the Customer necessary to assess the admissibility of the impact of the environmental environmental environment, including data of special environmental research, the results of calculations and analyzes, other materials necessary for Preparation of the conclusion of state environmental impact assessment.

The term of state environmental impact assessment is determined depending on the complexity of expert work, taking into account the volume of materials presented on the examination, the natural features of the territory and the environmental situation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe planned activity and the features of the impact of the planned activity on the environmental environment, but should not exceed four months. In the process of conducting a state environmental impact assessment, if necessary, the timing of it can be changed, but the total period of its conduct should not exceed six months (clause 4, 6, 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting state environmental impact assessment approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.06. 1996 N 698).

The results of the state examination project documentation and state environmental impact assessment of project documentation of facilities, construction, reconstruction, the overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural territories, are the corresponding conclusions. The result of the state examination of project documentation is conclusion of compliance (positive conclusion) or inconsistency (negative conclusion) Project documentation The requirements for technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys, requirements for the content of project documentation sections, as well as on the compliance of the results of engineering research requirements of technical regulations (in case the results of engineering surveys have been aimed at a state examination simultaneously with project documentation). If the results of engineering surveys were aimed at state expertise to the direction of project documentation for state expertise, the result of the state examination is the conclusion of compliance (positive conclusion) or inconsistency (negative conclusion) of engineering research results of technical regulations. According to paragraph 2 of the order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of 02.07.2007 N 188 "On the requirements for the composition, maintenance and procedure for issuing a state examination of project documentation and engineering surveys", the conclusion of the state examination contains four sections: General ; grounds for carrying out engineering surveys, development of project documentation; A description of the considered documentation (materials) and conclusions based on the results of consideration.

The conclusion prepared by the Expert Commission acquires the status of the conclusion of state environmental impact assessment from the date of its approval (paragraph 20, 24 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting state environmental impact assessment).

In the presence of a negative conclusion of state expertise Project documentation Project documentation cannot be approved by the developer or customer. At the same time, the negative conclusion of the state examination can be disputed by the developer or the customer in court, as well as the developer or the customer is entitled to send (two or more times) project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys on the state examination after making the necessary changes in them. In the event that the disadvantages that served as the basis for the negative conclusion of the state examination can be eliminated without the return of these documents and the applicant does not insist on their return, the organization for the conduct of state examination establishes the deadline for eliminating such shortcomings. After their finalization, the applicant submits to the organization for the conduct of state expertise, part of the project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys with changes and a certificate describing these changes. The expert assessment during the re-state examination is subject to part of the project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys, which have been amended, as well as the compatibility of changes made with project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys, for which the state expertise was previously conducted ( Clause 44, 45 provisions on the organization and conduct of the state examination of project documentation and engineering surveys).

Conducting other state examinations of project documentation in accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 49 GRK RF is not allowed.

At the same time, the developer or customer or on the basis of a contract with the developer or customer, the person's preparation of project documentation on its own initiative can send project documentation and the results of engineering surveys committed to prepare such project documentation on non-state examination. Non-state examination of project documentation And the results of engineering surveys are carried out by accredited organizations on the basis of the contract. Accreditation of organizations for the right to carry out a non-state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia of 27.03.2012 No. 127 approved a list of directions of activity of experts and requirements for the content of these areas to obtain a legal entity accreditation for the right to carry out non-state examination of project documentation and (or) non-state examination of engineering research results. The object of non-state examination is the project documentation in full or its separate sections, as well as the results of engineering research of any object of capital construction (a separate stage of construction, reconstruction, overhaul), including the object of capital construction, the project documentation of which in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation subject to mandatory state expertise.

The question of what is going on to non-state examination (project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys), as well as in which project documentation is subject to verification in carrying out non-state examination (in full, partly, if partly, in which part) and For compliance with what requirements, project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys are subject to verification, is determined in the contract. In view of this, the subject of non-state examination of project documentation may be an assessment of the compliance of project documentation with technical regulations (including sanitary and epidemiological, environmental requirements, the requirements of state protection of cultural heritage facilities, the requirements of fire, industrial, nuclear, radiation and other security); Results of engineering surveys; estimated standards; urban planning regulations; urban planning plan of the land plot; national standards; standards of organizations; Task for design. The subject of non-state examination of engineering survey results is to assess their compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and the task of conducting engineering surveys.

The result of non-state examination is the conclusion containing conclusions either on compliance (positive conclusion), or on inconsistency (negative conclusion) of project documentation or its sections with the requirements of legislation; as well as about compliance (positive conclusion) or inconsistency (negative conclusion) of engineering results of the requirements of technical regulations and (or) task for conducting engineering surveys. The conclusion may contain recommendations for making changes to project documentation and improving project decisions. The conclusions prepared by various expert organizations have the same legal force and can be used by the applicant at its discretion, including the establishment of a building permit (Section 3 - 7, 9 - 10, 13 of the Regulations on the implementation of non-state examination of project documentation and The results of engineering surveys approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2008 N 1070 "On the non-state examination of project documentation and engineering research results").

It should be borne in mind that the direction of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys for the non-state examination does not exempt the developer (customer) from the obligation to send these documents to the state examination, if the mandatory state examination is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. The next stage, preceding the direct work on the reconstruction and overhaul of real estate, is obtaining a construction permit In the event that it is covered with constructive and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such objects. Construction permit It is a document confirming the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot or project planning and project of the territory of the territory (in case of construction, reconstruction of linear facilities) and the developer has the right to build and reconstruct capital construction facilities (Art. 51 of the RF RF).

The issuance of building permits is not required In the event of the reconstruction of objects that are not objects of capital construction (kiosks, canopies and others); Changes in capital construction and (or) of their parts, if such changes do not affect the constructive and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and do not exceed the limit parameters of the permitted reconstruction established by urban planning regulations, as well as in other cases. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 11/17/1995 N 169-ФЗ, construction permit is also not required if construction work does not entail changes in the external architectural appearance of the current building of the city or other settlements and their individual objects and do not affect the characteristics of reliability and safety buildings, structures and engineering communications.

Depending on the legal status of the land plot, which contains the object of capital construction, to be reconstructed or overhaul, the authorities are determined by the authorities authorized for the issuance of construction permits. Thus, the construction permit on the land plot, which does not apply to the action of urban planning regulations or for which the urban planning regulation is not established is issued by the federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government body in accordance with their competence. If the legislation is allowed to withdraw, including the redemption of the land plot, with the objects of capital construction of federal, regional or local importance subject to reconstruction, overhaul, the construction permit is issued by the authorized federal executive authority, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or Local self-government.

In all other cases, construction permit is issued by the local government body at the location of the land plot, which is located the object of capital construction, subject to reconstruction or overhaul.

In order to obtain permission to build a capital construction object, the developer must submit to one of the above bodies, depending on their competence, the application for issuing a construction permit to which the package of documents is attached - see, eg, Decision of the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 27, 2014 in case No. A41-42467 / 13.

The statement may also make a positive conclusion of a non-state examination of project documentation.

A slightly other package of documents is required to obtain a construction permit for the purpose of reconstruction, the overhaul of the object of individual housing construction. In this case, the developer, together with the statement of issuing a construction permit, presents the right-pointing documents for the land plot, the city planning plan of the land plot and the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot with the designation of the placement of the object of individual housing construction.

The above lists of the documents required to obtain a construction permit are exhaustive: in paragraph 10 of Art. 51 GRC RF directly established a ban on the recovery of other documents. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not allowed to issue construction permits in the absence of land use and development rules, with the exception of construction, reconstruction of federal objects, regional objects, localities of municipalities, capital construction facilities on land, which does not apply to The action of urban planning regulations or for which urban planning regulations are not established, and in other cases provided by federal laws. These provisions do not apply to the issuance of permits for the construction of capital construction facilities in the territories of rural settlements before June 1, 2014 (Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 191-FZ).

Having obtained these documents, authorities authorized for the issuance of construction permits within ten days are obliged to verify the availability of documents attached to the application; Compliance of project documentation or scheme of the planning organization of the land plot with the designation of the place where the object of individual housing construction is the requirements of the city planning plan of the land plot, red lines. In case of issuing a permit to a deviation from the limit parameters of permitted construction, the reconstruction is carried out verification of the project documentation or the specified scheme of the planning organization of the land plot for compliance with the requirements established in permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction.

According to the results of the inspection, authorized bodies issue construction permit Or refuse to issue such a permit indicating the reasons for refusal. The main causes of failure are the absence or inconsistency of the documents submitted to the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, as well as the requirements established in permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction. At the same time, the refusal to issue a construction permit can be challenged by the developer in court.

The form Construction permits Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2005 N 698 "On the form of permission to build and form a permit for commissioning". According to the instructions on the procedure for filling out the formation of the construction permit, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2006 No. 120, in the construction permission to be specified, who exactly it is issued (FF. Citizen, if the basis for issuing permits for Construction is an individual statement, or the full name of the organization, if the basis for issuing a building permit is a legal entity statement); At what specifically the type of construction: construction, reconstruction, overhaul (one of the listed types of construction is left to the construction permit, the remaining types of construction are stricged); and also indicates the name of the object of capital construction in accordance with the project documentation, the address of the location, brief design characteristics (the total area of \u200b\u200bthe capital construction object; land plot; number of floors and or height of the building, structure, structures; construction volume, including underground part; Number of places, capacity, power, performance; the estimated cost of the capital construction object, according to the designative documentation approved in the prescribed manner, during the reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities funded at the expense of the relevant budgets; the specific value of 1 square meters. m area during reconstruction, capital repair of capital construction objects financed at the expense of the relevant budgets; number of queues (start-up complexes) of the capital construction object). In case of issuing permits for construction for objects in the field of use of atomic energy, these licenses are indicated for the right to conduct work in the use of atomic energy, including the right to build an object of use of atomic energy.

It should be noted that at the request of the developer, construction permission can be issued to separate stages of reconstruction, which should also be reflected in the document itself: the name of the reconstruction stage is indicated and a description of such a stage is indicated.

Building permission should also be reflected his validity. Thus, construction permission is issued for the term provided for by the project to organize the construction of a capital construction facility, and permission to individual housing construction is issued for ten years. At the same time, the term of construction permission can be extended by the bodies issued a construction permit, according to the development of the developer, filed at least sixty days before the expiration of such permission. In the extension of the term of the construction permit should be denied if the reconstruction, the overhaul of the capital construction facility was not started before the expiration of such an application. It is important to keep in mind that in the transition of the right to land and capital construction objects, the construction permit is maintained.

Resolution signed by authorized employees, with deciphering his position and signature. The authenticity of the signature is certified by the seal of the authority authorized to issue a construction permit. The issuance of construction permits is carried out without charge charges.

The issuance of building permits entails certain consequences in the form of duties arising from both the authorized body and the developer. Thus, the authorities authorized to issue permits for construction, within three days from the date of issuing permission, are obliged to send a copy of such permission to the federal executive body, authorized to implement the State Construction Supervision, if permission to build objects, reconstruction, capital The repair of which is supposed to be carried out in the territories of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation, embassies, consulates and representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf, in the inner sea waters, in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, with respect to objects related to The placement and disposal of waste I - V class of hazards, objects of defense and security, other objects, information about which is made up of state secrets, roads of federal significance, cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the federal significance, Dangerous, technically complex and unique objects. With regard to other objects of capital construction, a copy of the construction permit is sent to the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized to implement the State Construction Supervision.

In turn, the developer for ten days from the date of receipt of the construction permit is obliged to send free to the authorized body, issued a building permit, information about the area, about height and the floors of the planned object of capital construction, and the engineering and technical support networks, one copy Copies of engineering surveys and one copy of copies of project documentation sections or one copy of a copy of the planning organization of the land plot with the designation of the placement of the object of individual housing construction to accommodate in the information system to ensure urban planning activities.

  • 2.2. The procedure for the implementation of major repairs and reconstruction and commissioning of the object of capital construction

  1. The logical conclusion of the procedures for the conclusion of the construction contract, as well as the preparation of project documentation established by the Law of the Stages of Preparation, implementation of major repairs or reconstruction Object of capital construction. The basic rights and obligations of the customer and the contractor are usually determined by the contract of construction contract (they were discussed in § 1.2 of chapter 1 of this manual), but by virtue of the specifics of these types of construction work, the procedure for the implementation of both reconstruction and overhaul is regulated in detail by still Near various norms, rules, state standards. Important in the implementation of the reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities is both construction control and construction supervision that have a significant impact on the order and conditions for their conduct.

So, before proceeding to the start of work, the developer or customer in advance, but no later than seven working days before the start of reconstruction, the overhaul of the object of capital construction, the project documentation on which is subject to state expertise, should be sent to state-owned authorities notification of the beginning of such works, with a copy of the construction permit; project documentation in full, and in cases of issuing permits for a separate stage of reconstruction in the amount necessary for the implementation of the relevant stage of reconstruction; Copies of the document on the area of \u200b\u200bincidence of retirement from red lines; general and special journals in which the work is carried out; Positive conclusion of the state examination of project documentation. Such a notice with the documents attached to it is the basis for developing an official of the authority of the State Construction Supervision Program of Checks within seven working days from the date of receipt of such notifications (clause 6 of the procedure for conducting inspections in the implementation of the State Construction Supervision and issuing conclusions on the conference constructed, reconstructed Repaired capital construction facilities with technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts, project documentation (RD-11-04-2006), approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision of December 26, 2006 N 1129).

The contractor in the implementation of the reconstruction or major overhaul of the capital construction object is obliged to act in accordance with the task of the developer or customer, project documentation, the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, the requirements of technical regulations, and at the same time ensure the safety of work for third parties and the environment, the fulfillment of labor safety requirements, The preservation of cultural heritage objects. In the implementation of construction work on the reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities, compulsory conditions are: availability of a contract with the customer; the presence of design and estimate documentation during construction and reconstruction; the presence of building elements (building materials, products, designs, equipment); Professional level of skill and qualifications of the Contractor and its knowledge of safety requirements and sanitary standards; The presence of regulatory and technical documents on the work carried out. When providing overhaul and reconstruction services, parts must be made of certified materials and are protected from the effects of adverse environmental factors (SNiP 2.03.11, SNiP 31-02).

New products must be suitable for use in the construction and operation of facilities in the Russian Federation and is confirmed by technical evidence. The audit and confirmation of suitability is subject to new products, on which the operational properties of buildings and structures, their reliability and durability, safety for the life and health of people, their property, as well as the environment.

Does not require verification and confirmation of the suitability of new products planned in full compliance with the current construction regulations and regulations, as well as the developed and supplied in accordance with state standards or technical conditions approved in the prescribed manner (clause 3, 5, 5 rules for confirmation of the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction). In the process of carrying out work on the reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities, the safety of the development and health of the developer, the protection and safety of labor in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III-4, SNiP 12-03 should be provided. If you need to disassemble the old building designs before the reconstruction, the Contractor shall develop measures to ensure the safety of work. Fire safety during construction or repair work should be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004. The internal gas pipeline must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.04.08. Sources of thermal energy (including furnaces and fireplaces), cooking plates and chimneys should be placed taking into account the requirements of the fire safety at home and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05. The wiring must be made by cable or insulated wires with shells that do not propagate burning.

When providing repair and construction services, environmental safety should be ensured by compliance with the established environmental requirements in accordance with applicable regulatory documents. In the process of providing services for the construction and repair, paintwork, insulating, explosive or harmful substances are stored in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation. During construction work and at the end of their wastewater, the construction trash should be removed without contamination of the territory and aquifers (SNiP 31-02) (GOST R 52059-2003).

The previously mentioned EAS 61-89 (P) is regulated by the design of the reconstruction and overhaul of residential buildings up to 16 floors inclusive. According to these standards, with the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings equipped with lifts with a carrying capacity of up to 350 kg, the dimensions of the elevator mines, machine rooms and sites in front of the elevators can be saved. At the same time, the width of the site in front of the elevator should be at least 1 m. If the width of one of this site is less than 1.2 m, the elevator must have sliding doors. If it is impossible to use standard elevators, non-standard elevators manufactured by industry are allowed. Hydraulic elevators are also allowed. It is allowed to maintain existing sizes of tambourines. If the device is not possible, double doors should be provided, including opening in different directions, equipped with sealing gaskets and door closers. Existing garbage disposals in residential buildings during reconstruction and overhaul should be saved. Residential buildings with the floor of the top floor from the ground level of 14 m and more should be equipped with garbage supplies. In the equipment of buildings, garbage supplies should provide their airtightness and regulatory noise for residential premises adjacent to the garbage reconciliation chambers. In the reconstructed or capitally repaired houses with the height of residential floors, more than 2.8 m is allowed to maintain an existing height of the floors.

During the reconstruction of such houses in additive, exhaustable or embedded volumes, it is allowed to take the height of residential floors more than 2.8 m, if it is caused by the need for a composite association of the stored and built parts of the building. It is allowed to preserve the protruding structures if the height of the residential premises in the floor from the floor to the Niza of these structures is at least 2.2 m, and the shortage of the volume of residential premises is compensated by an increase in area.

In case of major repairs of residential buildings, as well as an extension of additional volumes of less or equal footing, without changing the layout and replacement of structures in an existing building, those in a technical condition that do not require replacement can be maintained, wooden interhesives (with the exception of cuisine overlaps) subject to ensuring The limit of their fire resistance corresponding to the degree of fire resistance of the building after its repair, interior partitions with voids bounded by non-combustible materials, overlapped with voids, if the recent plants of adjacent apartments are filled with non-combustible materials on a length of at least 25 cm, the stairweight pads of the width equal to the calculated march width But not less than 1 m, balconies and loggias regardless of their size. Five-storey residential buildings are not lower than III degree of fire resistance, as well as ten-story houses not lower than II degree of fire resistance during reconstruction is allowed to extend by one floor under the condition of the device in it and the underlying floor of the apartments in two levels. When reconstructed, it is necessary to enable entry into each closed courtyard. It is allowed to preserve closed yards of up to 400 square meters. m without entry. In reconstructed houses with a height of more than two floors of the apartment, all windows overlook the closed courtyard, should have transitional balconies between sections or exits to evacuation stairs.

In case of major repairs of residential buildings, non-calcular reinforced concrete roofs can be stored in compliance with regulatory requirements if these roofs according to technical condition and operational qualities are not subject to replacement. Bescaneous roofs of the structured performance of a multilayer design with a flowing insulation are subject to replacement. When replacing, the attic roofs should be arranged. This is only a small list of conditions that must be respected by contractors in the implementation of the reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities. The procedure for the implementation of reconstruction and overhaul is also regulated standardsSNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ", adopted by the decision of the Russian State Building of July 23, 2001 No. 80, SNiP 12-04-2002" Labor Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction Production ", approved by the decision of the Russian State Building of 17.09.2002 N 123, SNiP 1.04.03-85" The norms of construction duration and launched in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures ", approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Building and Murnan of the USSR on 04/17/1985 N 51/90, GOST R ISO 9000-2001 "Quality Management Systems. The main provisions and the dictionary ", adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of August 15, 2001 No. 332-art and others.

Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ (as amended by 02.07.2013) approved the technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures, the provisions of which are applied to buildings and structures of any destination (including those part of the network of engineering and technical support. and engineering systems), as well as related to buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition). In accordance with the Federal Law of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2010 N 1047-p approved a list of national standards and arrangements of rules (parts of such standards and drafts of rules), as a result of the use of which the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Safety Regulations are compliance with the requirements. buildings and structures. "

In the process of reconstruction, the overhaul of the capital construction facility, the contractor (the developer or customer) should be held control over performancethat affect the safety of the object of capital construction and in accordance with the technology of reconstruction, overhaul, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after the performance of other works, as well as the safety of building structures and sections of engineering networks, if the elimination of identified The process of conducting construction control deficiencies is impossible without disassembling or damage to other building structures and sections of engineering and technical support networks, for compliance with the specified works, designs and sections of networks, the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation. Before controlling the safety of building structures, control over the implementation of all works, which affect the safety of such structures and in accordance with the technology of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after the performance of other works, as well as Cases provided for in project documentation, technical regulations, such structures should be carried out.

According to the results of monitoring the implementation of these works, the safety of these structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks are drawn up acts of examination of these works, structures, sections of engineering networks. Since the start of work and before their completion, the contractor leads magazines manufacturing work. The general journal of work, which keeps accounting for the performance of work during the reconstruction, the overhaul of the capital construction object, is the main document reflecting the sequence of reconstruction, the overhaul of the capital construction facility, including the timing and conditions of the implementation of all work during the reconstruction, overhaul of the capital Construction, as well as information on construction control and state construction supervision. Sections of the General Journal of Works are committed to the management of such a journal by representatives of the developer or customer, persons engaged in the construction, state-building supervision authority. Records in the general magazine are made from the date of commencement of work on the reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility to the date of the actual end of the implementation of work on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility.

Special journals of work, which keeps accounting for the performance of work during the reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility are documents reflecting the implementation of certain types of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility. Special journals of work leads an authorized representative of a person engaged in the construction of its graph, starting from the date of the implementation of a separate type of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction object to the date of the actual end of the implementation of a separate type of such work. After completing the execution of certain types of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility, the completed special journals of work are transferred to the developer or customer (clause 3, 8, 10 - 11 of the procedure for maintaining a common and (or) special journal of accounting for construction, reconstruction , the overhaul of capital construction objects of the RD-11-05-2007, approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision of 12.01.2007 No. 7).

In order to prevent, as well as identifying and suppressing admitted by the developer, a customer, a person carrying out reconstruction, overhaul on the basis of a contract with a developer or customer, violations of the compliance of the work carried out in the process of reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction of works of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation In the course of repair and construction work in cases established by law, construction supervision is provided. The State Construction Supervision is carried out by the State Construction Supervision authority from the date of receipt of the notice of the beginning of work to the date of issuance of the conclusion of a reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation.

State construction supervision is carried out in the form of verificationduring which compliance with the requirements for the performance of work on the preparation of the object of capital construction for reconstruction, work on strengthening and (or) installation of the foundation and structures of underground and elevated parts, the change in the parameters of the capital construction object, its parts and quality of engineering and technical support ( Reconstruction) and requirements for the preparation of the object of capital construction for major repairs, repair and restoration work, including work on strengthening the foundation and replacement of structures underground and overhead parts, engineering and technical support networks (including internal and external networks), engineering Systems and equipment (with major repairs). Such inspections are carried out by an official of the state building supervision authority, authorized on the basis of the relevant order (order) of the state building supervision authority and on its behalf, to carry out such supervision in accordance with the program of inspections, as well as in the case of appeals of individuals and legal entities, government bodies and bodies local self-government. If the inspection is detected by violations, the official of the state building supervision body is drawn up with an act (in two copies), which is the basis for issuing a customer, a developer or contractor (depending on who is responsible for the violations) of the prescription to eliminate such violations. The prescription indicates the type of violation, reference to the technical regulations (norms and regulations), other standard legal acts, project documentation, the requirements of which are violated, and the deadline for eliminating violations taking into account the constructive and other features of the capital construction facility. Other test results are recorded in general and (or) special magazines (paragraph 8 - 11, 14, 15, the provisions on the implementation of the State Construction Supervision in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2006 N 54).

Other types of state supervision in construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, except for state construction supervision, as well as state environmental surveillance in terms of facilities, construction, reconstruction of which are carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, In the inner sea waters, in the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the lands of specially protected natural territories, on artificial land plots on water bodies (clause 7 of Article 54 of the RF RF).

To ensure construction control, the Contractor is obliged to provide access to the territory on which the reconstruction is carried out, the overhaul of the capital construction, representatives of the developer or customer, the authorities of the State Construction Supervision, provide them with the necessary documentation, to notify the developer or customer, representatives of the State Construction Supervision Surveillance bodies Works that are subject to verification to ensure the elimination of the deficiencies identified and do not begin to continue work before drawing out acts to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

  1. After the actual end of the reconstruction, the overhaul of the object of capital construction, the elimination of all violations made in the reconstruction, the overhaul of the object of capital construction, executive documentation related to the implementation of all work on the reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction object, as well as the use of building materials (products ), carried out acceptance of a reconstructed or repaired capital construction objectwhich is issued act about the reception-delivery of renovated, reconstructed, modernized facilities of fixed assets (The form of this act N OS-3 was approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2003 No. 7 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of fixed assets"). The act reflects information about the customer, the executor of the work, the contract number, the timing of the work of work, as well as the conclusion of the Commission on the completeness of the work performed, on the tests carried out, changes in the characterization of the facility by capital repairs, reconstruction, information about who passed and who accepted reconstructed or Renovated capital construction object. The act is signed by members of the Acceptance Commission or the person authorized to accept the facilities of fixed assets, as well as a representative of the organization (structural unit), which carried out repair, reconstruction, upgrades. Approved by the head of the organization or the person authorized by him and surrenders to the accounting department. The customer or developer, if the implementation of the State Construction Supervision is envisaged, the body of the State Construction Supervision on the end of the specified works.

Based on this notice by the official of the construction supervision authority within seven working days after receiving the notice is assigned summary checkFor which no later than three working days before it, the official of the State Construction Supervision authority notifies the developer or customer. When conducting a summary test, a visual inspection is subject to a reconstructed, repaired object of capital construction in full (including individual work performed, building structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks and the applied building materials (products)). In addition, all acts (prescriptions, notifications) on the elimination of violations (shortcomings) identified in the implementation of state construction supervision and construction control are subject to verification. The result of the final audit is issued as an act, which is the basis for the conversion of a developer or customer for issuing a conclusion on the compliance of the reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation.

After registration of the act of the final audit, the customer (developer) appeals to the state building supervision authority conclusions about report Reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, which is issued within ten days after receiving the appeal. In the absence of grounds for issuing a conclusion, the state-building supervision authority decides to refuse to issue such a conclusion. Conclusion of this conclusion or decision on the refusal to issue such a conclusion is drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by an official of the state building supervision authority, which carried out the final audit, and is approved by the order (by order) of the head of the state-building supervision authority. The first copy of the conclusion about the confidence or decision on the refusal to issue such an opinion is sent (awarded) by an official of the state-building supervision authority to the developer or customer who appeal to the issuance of concluding, or their representatives on the basis of a properly decorated representative document. The second copy of the conclusion of conformity or decision on the refusal to issue such a conclusion remains in the case of the state building supervision.

It is important to note that the adoption by the state building supervision authority decisions on refusal in issuing a conclusion about does not interfere with reapplies The developer or customer for issuing a conclusion about confrontation after eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for the adoption by the authority of the state-building supervision of the specified decision.

Decisions of state-building supervision authorities are often subject to consideration in the courts - see, eg, Resolution of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal of 07.08.2013 in case No. A55-34068 / 2012.

  1. One of the most important and responsible moments ending the entire process of reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities is commissioning. To commission the object into operation, the developer addresses the federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government authority, issued a building permit, with a statement about issuing permission to enter the object of operation.

In the legislative procedure, in order to obtain the full information necessary for the formulation of the capital construction object to state accounting, this list of documents may be expanded, and such a right is provided to the Government of the Russian Federation. However, in the absence of such a regulatory act, it is required to require other documents not listed in paragraph 3 of Art. 55 GRK of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

After the adoption of documents within ten days from the date of receipt of the application for issuing permission to commission the Object to operation, the body issued a construction permit is obliged to ensure that the availability and correctness of the paperwork and conduct an inspection of the capital construction. However, if, during the reconstruction, the overhaul of the capital construction object is carried out by the State Construction Supervision, the inspection of such an object by the body that issued a construction permit is not carried out. According to the results of the audit, the body issued a construction permit issues the applicant permission to enter the object into operation.

Permission to enter the object into operation It is a document that certifies the implementation of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction facility in full in accordance with the construction permit, the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired object of capital construction of the urban planning plan of the land plot and project documentation. In permission to enter a facility, information should be reflected on the object of capital construction in the amount necessary for the implementation of its state cadastral accounting, namely, the composition of information corresponding to the graphical and textual parts of the technical plan. According to paragraph 2 - 7 of Art. 41 of the Federal Law of 24.07.2007 N 221-FZ "On the State Cadastre of Real Estate", in technical terms, as well as in commissioning information, information about the building, building, room, information about the part or parts of this should be indicated. Property object. These information is reflected in graphical and text form.

Graphic information There are reproduction of the cadastral plan of the relevant territory or cadastral statement of the corresponding land plot, as well as the location of such a building, structure or an object of unfinished construction on the land plot. The room is a floor plan or part of the floor of the building or structure, indicating the location of such a room, and in the absence of a story at the building or structure, a building plan or structure or a plan of the corresponding part of a building or structure, indicating the location of such a room. The location of the room is established by graphic display of the boundary of the geometric shape, formed by the inner sides of the exterior walls of such a room, on the floor plan or part of the building of the building or the structure, and in the absence of a floor at a building or structure on a building or structure or facilities, or on the plan of the corresponding part of the building or structure. Text information includes data on the form of a real estate object (land plot, building, structure, room, an object of work in progress); Cadastral number and date of making this cadastral number to the State Cadastre of Real Estate; Description of the location of the property on the land plot; The cadastral number of the building or facilities in which the room is located, the room number on which this room is located (with the presence of floors), a description of the location of this room within this floor, or within a building or structure, or the corresponding part of the building or structure, if the object real estate is room; Place the building or room.

Moreover, as additional information The cadastral number of the land plot can be considered, within which the building is located, structure; address of the property or in the absence of such an address description of the location of the object of real estate; Information about real estate objects and the owners of these rights in the amount of information that is contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him; Information about the cadastral value of the property, including the date of approval of the results of the determination of such a value; appointment of the building, premises; View of residential premises (room, apartment), if the object of real estate is a residential premises located in an apartment building; appointment of the structure; number of floors (floors), including underground floors; The material of the exterior walls, if the object of real estate is the building; postal address and (or) email address for which communication with the owner of the real estate object is carried out; The year of commissioning a building or structure upon completion of its construction or the year of completion of its construction.

The authority issued a construction permit may decide and refusal to issue such a permit indicating the reasons for refusal. Such reasons may be lack of necessary documents for obtaining permission, the inconsistency of the capital construction object with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot or the requirements established in building permission, as well as the inconsistency of the parameters of the reconstructed, repaired capital construction object of the project documentation. It should be noted that this foundation is not applied to individual housing facilities.

In addition, the basis for refusing permission to enter the object to operation may be the failure to comply with the developer of the obligation to transfer to the body that issued permission to build, information about the area, about height and the floors of the planned object of capital construction, on the networks of engineering and technical support, One copy of the copy of the results of engineering surveys and on one instance of copies of project documentation sections or one copy of the planning scheme of the land plot with the designation of the placement of the object of individual housing construction to accommodate in the information system to ensure urban planning activities. In this case, permission to enter the object to operation is issued only after the transmission of these documents. Failure to issue permission to enter the object of operation may be challenged in court.

Another condition for obtaining permission to commission is the obligation of the developer for free to transfer a copy of the scheme that reflects the location of the reconstructed, repaired capital construction object, the location of engineering and technical support networks within the land plot and planning organization of the land plot, to accommodate such a copy in the information system of ensuring town planning. The permission to enter the commissioning is also the basis for making changes to the documents of the state accounting of the reconstructed capital construction facility.

  • 2.3. Legal consequences of the unauthorized reconstruction of capital construction facilities

The problem of the legal consequences of the unauthorized reconstruction of capital construction facilities is quite difficult, since a new object of real estate can be created both as a result of its construction and in the process of reconstruction (completion, restructuring) of already existing real estate. In this case, it is very important to establish whether the reconstructed object of unauthorized construction is or not, from this will depend on the legal consequences for the further fate of such an object. In court practice, there was no consensus on this matter, since in each particular case, this fact is established on the basis of the study of the actual circumstances of each particular case.

Due to the fact that the fate of the reconstructed real estate object depends on the recognition of it as a unauthorized construction, it should be further discharged in more detail on this concept, which is defined in Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the provisions of the specified norm, unauthorized builder It is a residential building, another building, a construction or other immovable property created on a land plot that is not designated for these purposes in the manner prescribed by law and other legal acts without obtaining necessary permits and with a significant violation of urban planning and construction norms and rules. To recognize the construction of a unauthorized structure of one of the above grounds.

Provisions of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not determine which way (construction or reconstruction) creates a unauthorized construction, and therefore this norm can be applied in that, in another case. By virtue of this, theoretically, based on the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the reconstructed property of real estate can be recognized as a unauthorized construction, if a new property has been created as a result of the reconstruction, and the works themselves were produced:

- on the land plot not allocated for these purposes in the manner prescribed by law and other legal acts;

- without receiving necessary permits for it;

- with a significant violation of urban planning and building standards and rules.

Following example from judicial practice Visually demonstrates the main criteria for recognizing the reconstructed building by unauthorized construction. Thus, by the resolution of the FAS of the North-Western district of April 18, 2014 in case No. A56-12112 / 2013, the requirement to recognize the building by unauthorized construction was satisfied about the obligations of the defendant to demolish the construction. According to the circumstances of the case, the defendant without permits with violation of urban planning standards and rules elevated a new capital construction object. The requirement is satisfied with the court, since the structure is a newly created object, with the construction of which numerous violations of construction standards and rules are made, which creates a threat to the life and health of citizens, as well as the property of citizens and legal entities.

However, the question of creating a new real estate object as a result of the reconstruction. For example, by the decision of the FAS of the Moscow District dated January 28, 2014 N F05-2573 / 2011 in case No. A40-34007 / 10 denied the requirement for recognizing an extension to the building by unauthorized construction, since it was not established that a new appeared as a result of creating a disputed entrance group. Object of real estate in relation to the building itself.

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation N 10, Plenum of the Russian Federation No. 22 dated April 29, 2010 "On some issues arising in judicial practice in resolving disputes related to the protection of property rights and other real rights" reveals the main provisions of judicial disputes associated with unauthorized buildings . So, according to paragraph 29 of this resolution of the provision of Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, do not apply to relations related to the creation of an unimpressed objects that are not immovable property, as well as redevelopment, reorganization (re-equipment) of real estate, as a result of which a new property object has not been created . Persons, ownership or legal possession of which is violated by the preservation of such objects, may apply to the court with a claim to eliminate the violation of the right, not connected with the deprivation of ownership (Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In cases where an unimpressed object that is not new or immovable property, creates a threat to life and health of citizens, interested parties have the right on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 1065 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to apply to the court to prohibit the operation of the operation of this facility.

So, the fundamental point for determining the legal consequences of the unauthorized reconstruction of capital construction facilities is the recognition (non-recognition) of the reconstructed real estate facility by unauthorized construction.

If the reconstructed object of real estate is recognized as a unauthorized construction, the main legal consequence of the construction of unauthorized buildings is the rule that, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the person who has fulfilled the unauthorized construction, does not acquire ownershipIn particular, he is not entitled to dispose of the construction: sell, give, take rent, perform other transactions. Even more serious consequences are the provisions of the legislation that unauthorized construction is subject to demolition by her face or at his expense. However, such extreme measures concern only those who are not right to land on which unauthorized buildings are erected.

Provisions of paragraph 3 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of legalizing an unimpressed building for individuals, owned by the inherited ownership, permanent (indefinite) use of which the land plot is located, where the construction was carried out by turning to court. However, the exception is the case when the preservation of the construction violates the rights and protected interests of others or creates the threat of life and health of citizens. In case of recognition by the court of ownership of the newly created immovable property, a judicial decision on such a case is the basis for state registration of this right in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of 21.07.1997 N 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him" For which copies of the decisions and definitions of courts that have entered into force on real estate rights are subject to a three-day permanent court to the judicial authorities into a body that carries out state registration of rights. According to Art. 28 of the named law, the rights to immovable property established by the decision of the Court are subject to state registration, in which the state registrar has the right to refuse only in strictly defined specified cases.

The rights to real estate established by the court decision are subject to state registration on the general basis. State registration of rights is carried out no later than a month from the date of submission of the application and documents necessary for state registration. Copies of acts of courts that have established rights to immovable property are submitted to the state registration of rights at least in two copies, one of which, after the state registration of rights, should be returned to the copyright holder. If the court's decision does not contain information that the State Registrar is obliged to enter into a single state register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it, a state registrar or a copyright holder if there is a state registrar in the written form of a state registrar, it is entitled to request a court on the procedure for executing this solution (p. 6 - 8 Methodological recommendations on the procedure for state registration of rights to real estate on the basis of judicial acts approved by the Order of the Federal Registration Service of 07.06.2007 N 112).

Concerning extrajudicial procedure for the legalization of unauthorized reconstruction of real estate, there are a number of problems here. Obstacles for accepting such objects commissioned in an extrajudicial manner are seen, firstly, in the absence of a preliminary permit for reconstruction (which includes the mechanism of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the absence of local government authorities to legalize the unauthorized buildings, and, secondly, in Significant percentage of object deposits. The elimination of these obstacles would allow the local governance authority to assess the compliance of the reconstructed object in the process of accepting it into operation, and the need to appeal to the court would have arisen in one case if the local governance authority came to the conclusion about the inconsistency of the reconstructed capital construction facility established and insisted bringing the object to the previous state, and the owner of the reconstructed object would require leave an object in the reconstructed state<17>.


<17> Male S.V. The consequences of the unauthorized reconstruction of real estate objects // Russian Justice. 2005. N 7.

Regardless of the civil legal consequences of the unauthorized reconstruction of the person who carried out reconstruction without a construction permit in the event that it provides for its implementation to obtain construction permits, can be attracted to administrative responsibility under paragraph 1 of Art. 9.5 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (hereinafter - the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) in the form of an imposition of a fine on citizens in the amount of from two thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials - from twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without the formation of a legal entity - from twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or the administrative suspension of their activities for a period up to the ninety day; On legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles or the administrative suspension of their activities for a term before the ninety day.

RESOLUTION of the Plenum of the Supreme Arms of the Russian Federation of 02/17/2011 N 11 (as amended from 01/25/2013) "On some issues of applying the special part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" clarifies that subjects of responsibility for the administrative offense, provided for by part 1 of Article 9.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, There may be an developer (Customer under the construction contract), because, by virtue of Article 51 of the RF GRK, it lies a duty to obtain a construction permit, as well as other persons carrying out appropriate work, such as a contractor or subcontractor, since they are obliged to make sure that That the developer, attracting them to the implementation of work on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, has an appropriate building permit.

However, the question of attracting responsible for one or another type of responsibility should be solved every time taking into account all the circumstances and the reasons why the appropriate permission was not received - see, eg, Definition of the Russian Federation dated 04/17/2014 N you-4695/14 in case N A20-345 / 2013 on revision in the order of supervision of judicial acts in the case of the abolition of the decision on bringing to responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 9.5 Administrative Code for the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities without permission to build.

Departmental construction norms

Reconstruction and overhaul of residential buildings.
Design standards

VNN 61-89 (P)


State Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning at the USSR

Moscow 1989.

Developed: TsNIIEP Housing of the State Committee of the State Architecture (head of the topic of the Cand. Tech. Sciences E.G. Porter, Cand. Tech. Science A.N. Spivak, Inzh. V.I. Orlova, V.L. Veksler); TsNIIEP engineering equipment of the State Architecture (Cand. Tech. Sciences M.A. Latushchenkov, Ing. A.O. Pavlov); Leningrad Research Institute of Accents. K.D. Pamfilova Muzh RSFSR (Cand. Arch. M.M. Kamenskaya); Strolremprotek Muzh of the Ukrainian SSR (Cand. Ekon. Sciences A.I. Pigur, Cand. Tech. Sciences V.I. Kovalchuk, Arch. V.V. Malin, Ing. L.G. Schlakanova).

TSNIIEP housing of government committee

Prepared for approval by the management of the reconstruction, restoration and overhaul of residential and public buildings of the State Communications Architecture (ARH. M.N. Vinogradov), the scientific and technical management of government committee (Inzh. T.S. Fomicheva).

1.3. Firefire requirements

1.3.1. With the overhaul of residential buildings, as well as in the case of an extension Additional volumes of less or equal flooding without changing the layout and replacement of structures in the existing building, which cannot be saved in a technical condition that do not require replacement, the following structures:

wooden interhesive floors (with the exception of cuisine overlaps), subject to the limit of their fire resistance, corresponding to the degree of fire resistance of the building after its repair;

interior partitions with voids bounded by non-flammable materials;

overlapping with voids, if the latter on the adjoining areas of adjacent apartments are filled with non-combustible materials on a length of at least 25 cm;

staircases width equal to the calculated march width, but not less than 1 m;

balconies and loggias regardless of their size.

1.3.2. Five-story residential buildings at below III degree of fire resistance as well ten-story houses are not lowerII. the degree of fire resistance during the reconstruction is allowed to extend in one floor under the condition of the device in it and the underlying floor of the apartments in two levels.

1.3.3. For the passage of firefighters and other cars is allowed to use Existing passages with dimensions in the light at least: width - 3 m, height - 3.5 m.

When reconstructed, it is necessary to enable entry into each closed courtyard. It is allowed to preserve closed courtyards with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 400 m 2 without entry. In such yards there should be a pedestrian passage without doors and steps of a width of at least 1.5 m and a height of at least 2 m. In the reconstructed houses, the height of more than two floors of the apartment, all windows of which go to the closed courtyard should have transitional balconies between sections or Outputs on the evacuation stairs of the third type.

1.3.4. When placed in the basement or basement floors of residential buildings up to 5 The above-ground floors of storerooms for storing fuel, business of economic domestic and vegetables are allowed a device for a separate exit through the staircase cell of the residential part under the condition of the separation of the staircase within the first floor of the Firefire of the type 1 and the device of the fire door from the basement on the staircase.

1.3.5. Smoke removal from economic premises of up to 50 m 2, placed in The first, basement or basement floors is allowed to provide through windows in the ends of the corridor.

2. Apartment

2.1. In the capitally repaired residential buildings, it is allowed to maintain an existing Composition of apartments.

2.2. The total area of \u200b\u200bapartments (small - a and large - b) in the reconstructed houses in Depending on the number of rooms (such as an apartment) should be taken at least specified in the table.


Type of apartment

Minimum total area, m 2

The maximum area of \u200b\u200bapartments is determined in accordance with SNIP 2.08.01-89. In addition, in the reconstructed homes, it is allowed to increase the area of \u200b\u200bsome apartments if the need for this is caused by the constructive-planning features of these houses, and the excess of the total indicators of the apartment area at home is no more than 15% of the maximum allowable SNIP 2.08.01-89.

2.3. Located a number of apartments during reconstruction or overhauls can Be converted to adjacent apartments for families consisting of several generations. Each component of apartments should be designed in accordance with the design requirements for individual apartments, and the message between them should be carried out through the doorway width of less than 0.8 m, located in the wall or partition separating the front, internal corridors or kitchens.

2.4. In residential buildings are allowed rooms with a depth of more than 6 m under the condition of the device exhaust ventilation from the zone most remote from the window opening and providing in it normalized natural lighting.

2.5. The width of the premises should be at least: a common room - 2.8 m, bedrooms - 2.2 m, Front - 1.2 m.

2.6. In one-bedroom apartment type 1B and two-room apartments of type 2B is allowed Keep a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 6 m 2.

2.7. The entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen is allowed upon the condition that the kitchen area exceeds Regulatory not less than 1 m 2.

2.8. It is not allowed to accommodate gasified cuisines directly above and under residential rooms.

2.9. Allowed fixing devices and pipelines of restrooms and bathrooms Directly to the living rooms enumerations and continue outside the rooms, if the walls are made of brick or natural stone with a thickness of at least 0.38 m and the regulatory requirements for sound insulation are observed.

2.10. Kitchens that have no natural light can be saved provided Their equipment by electroflits, exhaust ventilation and fluorescent lighting. Such kitchens should adjoin the room with natural lighting. At least 30% of the partition area between this room and the kitchen should have translucent glazing.

2.11. Passing of drainage risers through the utility rooms of apartments in The case of an internal drainage device under the condition that the desired isolation and the regulatory sizes of these rooms are required.

3. Building designs

3.1. When designing the reconstruction and overhaul of a residential building or his Parts should take into account the results of engineering surveys (technical examination) of this object, made in accordance with the requirements of section 3 of the VSN 55-87 (P) / Gosgrazhdanstroy.

3.2. The project should provide for strength measures, The stability and required indicators of the fire resistance of the building as a whole, its individual elements and structures, as well as the carrying ability and stability of the base of the base at all stages of the implementation of repair and construction work and subsequent operation.

3.3. When strengthening, measures must be provided providing Effective collaboration of enhancement elements and persistent structures.

3.4. Values \u200b\u200bof loads and types of influences on the design and base, as well as on the building In general, should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85.

3.5. Calculation and design of elements of a building from various materials (metal, Reinforced concrete, wood, waterproofing materials, etc.) must be carried out according to the requirements and provisions of the relevant heads of SNiP (part 2, group 03 by the classifier SNiP).

3.6. Existing building designs that do not match constructive The requirements of current norms, but possessing the necessary estimated bearing capacity, can be saved without increasing the loads on them.

3.7. Grounds and foundations should be designed in accordance with the requirements and The provisions of the heads (part 2, group 02 according to the classifier SNiP).

3.8. When designing embedded and attachments to a reconstructed building (including Loggias, elevator mines, rizazalites, garbage chutes, etc.) should provide for the measures to ensure the minimum difference of the sediment of the existing building and the volumes additive to it and the possibility of their mutual displacements without reducing the performance of the building and its elements.

The device of deformation seams indoors is not allowed.

3.9. The protection against noise and sound insulation should be designed in accordance with Reference requirementsII-12-77.

Apartments in which noise protection measures do not allow to reduce its level to permissible, should not be used as a permanent dwelling.

3.10. Additional insulation of enclosing structures is allowed not to perform Only in the case when these structures have a durable high-quality finish and their actual heat transfer resistance is at least 90% of the economically appropriate, defined in accordance with SNiPII-3-79 **.

3.11. The roof designs or the parapent of the building must be equipped with Devices for fastening the technological equipment used in the repair of facades.

3.12. Dimensions of light openings are allowed to change if necessary, if not The architectural appearance of the building worsens and the necessary carrying ability of structures and the requirements for natural lighting and insolation of apartments are ensured.

3.13. When designing the reconstruction of reinforced concrete roofs, guided by the requirements of the WGN 35-77 / State Agency, and wooden - SNiPII-25-80.

With the major repairs of residential buildings Bescaneous reinforced concrete roofsIII -We, according to the classification of section 1 of the specified IRN, can be stored in compliance with regulatory requirements if these roofs for technical condition and operational qualities are not subject to replacement. Bescaneous roofs typeI. (The construction of a multi-layered design with a falling insulation) is subject to replacement.

When replacing the attic roofs (reinforced concrete types I andII. or wooden).

The roofs should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiPII-26-76.

4. Engineering equipment

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Replacing elements of engineering equipment systems of residential buildings should Considering the actual state of elements of systems determined by the methods of visual and instrumental examination.

4.1.2. Choosing materials and products for replacing and repairing engineering systems Equipment should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the VSN 40-84 (P) / GOSGRUDANSTROY.

4.1.3. Laying engineering communications networks in places, Inaccessible for maintenance and repair.

In the absence of technical floors and basements in reconstructed homes, the device is allowed to disprovers and semi-pass channels under the first non-residential floors. Under the first residential floors, you need a device of technical underground or passing channels with an insulated input.

4.1.4. For laying engineering communications allowed to use The existing technical underground with a height of at least 1.6 m, having a separate output outward through the door, the height of which at the specified height of the technical underground should be at least 1.4 m. The crossing of the passages and door openings by pipelines and other wiring is not allowed.

4.1.5. When laying engineering communications below the foundation of the building needs Provide measures excluding the transfer of loads from foundations on pipelines.

4.2. Heating and ventilation

4.2.1. In the reconstructed residential buildings, the built-in and attached boiler rooms.

4.2.2. Automated individual thermal items (ITP) is allowed Place in the basement rooms of reconstructed residential buildings, and in the absence of basements - in the premises of the first floors. The ITP room must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.07-86 and SNIP 2.08.01-89, be separate from other premises and have an independent way out.

4.2.3. In the presence of pumping equipment and water heaters, ITP is allowed Place only under non-residential premises.

4.2.4. With the impossibility of the device in the microdistrict (quarter) of the central thermal Point of accession of residential house heating systems to thermal networks should be provided on a dependent scheme. Attachment on an independent scheme with the ITP device should be technically and economically substantiated.

4.2.5. If it is impossible, the device of centralized heat supply is allowed In case of major repairs, to maintain the commercial gas water heaters, and such water heaters, cooking and heating furnaces (slabs) on solid fuel.

4.2.6. If it is impossible to replace the damaged areas of the central pipelines Heating, laid in concrete heating panels, or such a heating system as a whole, should be designed openly paired heating systems with installation of radiators or convectors. Steel radiators should be applied with regard to water quality according to the heat supply organization.

4.2.7. In the absence of centralized hot water, towel dryers in Bathrooms should be connected to heating systems.

4.2.8. In the capital repaired residential buildings can be saved by a floor Heating of staircases.

4.2.9. With parallel gasket of feed and return pipes distance Between them in the light should be at least 80 mm.

4.2.10. With insufficient performance of individual exhaust channels Additional supply grilles in windows or outer walls should be arranged. In the apartments of one - two top floors that are not equipped with gas water heaters, individual fans suitable in isolated channels with the release of the channel to the atmosphere should be provided. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the flow of exhaust air from the apartment to the apartment vertically. The length of horizontal sections of the channels in apartments should be no more than 1.8 m.

4.2.11. When redeveloping apartments leading to a change in position, sizes Sanitary cabin or additional bathrooms, the exhaust of them should be designed by the device of horizontal boxes or air ducts to the scene in the existing vertical ventilation channels. Unused channels in the ventilation blocks should be sealed in the places of their connection with the ventshach.

4.2.12. It is allowed to maintain central air collectors with located in them. Pipelines for countercurrent movement of the coolant and air, if the slope of pipelines from the air collector is at least 0.002, and the speed of the coolant in the highways is at least 0.25 m / s.

4.3. Water supply and sewage

4.3.1. It is allowed to maintain in good technical condition Internal fireproof water supply, the device of which is not required for valid standards.

4.3.2. When designing internal water supply and sewage, it is not allowed:

laying water pipes in flue and ventilation channels;

the intersection of water pipes with smoke and ventilation channels;

the device of water and sewer risers in the passage of the building.

4.3.3. It is allowed to lay the pipes of intravartvatal water supply networks through the basement or underground residential buildings, except located in seismic districts and (or) on subsidence. At the same time, the pipes must be laid in the casing.

4.3.4. When replacing the internal water supply system, it should, as a rule, keep it The former layout scheme, if it meets the current standards.

4.3.5. When combining watershed risers of the hot water supply system in Sectional nodes in homes, without warm attics or technical floors, ringing jumpers are allowed under the top floor ceiling through the utility rooms of apartments and staircases.

4.3.6. Entering water supply, as a rule, should be designed from cast-iron pressure pipes. With input diameter less than 65 mm, from steel galvanized pipes with enhanced anti-corrosion insulation.

4.3.7. In the absence of centralized hot water supply in residential buildings, Regardless of their floors, it is allowed to maintain gas flow water heaters, provided that the premises in which they are posted, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.08-87 and the "safety regulations in the gas economy".

4.3.8. Watering taps placed on the base of the building must be installed on height from 400 to 800 mm from the mark of the sideways (sidewalk). The eyeliner to the watering crane should be equipped with a device excluding the freezing of the water supply.

4.3.9. In the lobby or on the first floors of the stairwells for their maintenance (washing, cleaning) should include the installation of hot and cold water cranes with a diameter of 25 mm, located in niches or cabinets with locking metal doors.

4.3.10. In the apartment inputs of cold and hot water should be provided The device of water flow regulators.

4.3.11. In cramped conditions, the distance in terms of water supply and sewage to The circumcision of the foundations of the building is allowed to take 1.5 m under the condition of performing water supply from steel, and sewage - from cast-iron pressure pipes, laid in a protective case at a mark that exceeds the base of the base of the foundation by 0.5 m.

4.3.12. Joining the internal sewage to the area of \u200b\u200bthe courtyard sewage passing through the building must be performed only in wells installed outside the building.

4.3.13. It is allowed to maintain indents of the sewer risers, if there is no lower The attachment of sanitary devices and, provided that the amount of incidence in the axes does not exceed 2 m, and the slope of the inclined section is at least 0.2.

4.3.14. Audits on sewage risers should be located at an altitude of 1 m from the floor To the center of the revision, but not less than 0.15 m above the board of the attached device.

4.4. Gas supply, electrical and communication devices

4.4.1. When installing gas devices in previously attached rooms, Adapted under the kitchens should be provided for the bookmark of the internal windows overlooking these rooms or the device of deaf binding.

4.4.2. It is allowed to provide for the gasket of the chimensing pipes of gas Water heaters through bathrooms, provided the tightness of these pipes.

4.4.3. Chimneys in the outer walls can be stored subject to conformity The thickness of the outer wall of the chimney is fire and heat engineering.

4.4.4. It is allowed to preserve the deviation (bypass) of smoke channels from gas devices At an angle of no more than 30 ° to vertical with the horizontal no more than 1 m. Inclined areas must have a constant section along the entire length, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich should be at least the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe vertical sections.

4.4.5. When designing electrical devices and communication devices in residential Homes should be guided by VSN 59-88 / State Commistituities and ACT 60-89 / State Committee.

5. Improvement of the house territories

5.1. Improvement of the local territories should be provided within Quarter (microdistrict), groups of houses or for a separate house.

5.2. The area of \u200b\u200bgreen springs of the quarter (microdistrict) should be at least 10 % of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential area. This norm can be reduced to 7% when the territory is adjacent to the park, forest park, city garden or a scanner. The area of \u200b\u200bgreen spaces during the improvement of one house or group of houses is not normalized.

5.3. With the improvement of the territory of the group of houses, it should be provided for Residents of these houses Children's playgrounds, private car parkings, as well as sites for physical education, recreation and economic purposes.

5.4. The distance from the windows of residential buildings should be taken no less (in meters):

before playgrounds for preschool age - 5;

to playgrounds for school age and physical education -20;

to sites for cleaning households and to garbage collectors - 15;

to the place for drying linen - 10.

On the perimeter of housekeeping sites should include a living fence or a decorative wall.

5.5. Arranges along the facades that do not have windows and inputs can be placed no closer:

1 m with the length of the facade of the building not more than 20 m;

2 m with the length of the facade of the building more than 20 m.

5.6. In cramped conditions, it is allowed to provide a swivel platform for A trigon-radiation scheme with sizes and rotation radii at least 8 m.

5.7. In areas of low-rise buildings of passages with a length of no more than 150 m It is allowed to arrange a width of 2.75 m with roads with dimensions 6´ 15 m, located at least 75 m. At the same time, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks should be provided for the movement of pedestrians.

5.8. The sidewalks at the inputs overlooking the Red Street line with high intensity The movements of the transport, in the absence of a green separation strip between the sidewalk and the roadway, should have a fence with a length of 20 m along the roadway opposite the entrances to the building (10 m in both sides of the entrance).



Building residential

The building intended for permanent residence of people (residential building), as well as to resolve people during the period of work or study (hostel).


A part of the building intended for the residence of a family of various numerical composition or one person containing residential and utility rooms and having a separate access to the staircase, a gallery, in a corridor or outward.

Apartment in two levels

Apartment, residential and utility rooms of which are placed in two adjacent floors and are connected by an intra-quarter staircase.

Equipment Engineering residential buildings (apartments)

A complex of technical devices providing favorable (comfortable) living conditions of living, including systems of cold and hot water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, gas supply and power supply, as well as precipitating and fire extinguishing agents, elevators, telephonification, radio and other types of internal improvement.

Living room

The room in which on the current standards is possible equipment of permanent beds for residents (shared rooms, bedrooms).

Available room

Room, intended day of hygienic or household needs of living (bathroom, restroom, kitchen, pantry), as well as front, intra-quarterly hall and corridor.

Reconstruction of a residential building

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the residential building (the number and area of \u200b\u200bapartments, the construction volume and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house) or its appointment and implemented in order to improve the living conditions and bring the operational indicators of the residential building to the level Modern requirements.

The reconstruction of a residential building may include: a change in the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and with justifications - partial disassembly of the building;

increasing engineering equipment, including external networks (except trunk);

replacement of worn and morally obsolete structures and engineering equipment for modern, more reliable and effective, improving the performance of a residential building;

improving the architectural expressiveness of the building, as well as the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Building repair

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear, not related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

Capital building repair

Building repair in order to restore its resource with replacement, if necessary, design elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improved operational performance.

Building repair

Repair of the building in order to restore the health (performance) of its designs and systems of engineering equipment, as well as maintaining operational indicators.

These norms apply to the design of the reconstruction and overhaul of residential buildings up to 16 floors inclusive.

The norms establish additions and clarify the requirements of the current construction standards and the rules for the design of residential buildings, their designs and systems of engineering equipment, due to the volume-planning and constructive features of the reconstructed and capitally repaired residential buildings.

Norms do not apply to the design of repair and reconstructive events in residential buildings related to architectural monuments, culture and history. The norms also do not determine the conditions for the settlement of residential buildings after reconstruction or overhaul, made with the separation of residents and (or) tenants.

During the reconstruction and overhaul of residential buildings, the requirements of the current construction norms and the rules and the real EAS should be followed.

1. Residential buildings

1.1. General requirements

1.1.1. The project of overhaul or reconstruction of a residential building, as well as the project of improvement of the territory adjacent to it, should be linked to the architectural and artistic decision of the residential building (quarter, microdistrict) or with the project of its reconstruction.

1.1.2. Posted in the basement or first floors of the enterprise and public institutions:

Communication branches;

Catering enterprises;

Self-service laundries;

Points of reception of glass containers;

Workshops. Repair of household machines and devices, repair of shoes;

Automatic telephone stations intended for telephoneization of residential buildings;

House kitchens;

Shops, including specialized fish and vegetable - it is allowed to maintain without increasing the occupied area, the number of places or performance (power) subject to the requirement of the current standards and rules for their design.

1.1.3. If existing trade and catering enterprises are loaded in the house of goods and products from the courtyard or end facades with the windows of residential premises and inputs to apartments, the location of the download should have a visor or canopy. Installing conveyors under residential premises apartments is not allowed.

1.1.4. When equipping residential buildings with elevators, as well as during reconstruction or overhaul, it is necessary to provide regulatory noise protection of residential premises adjacent to elevator mines.

1.1.5. With the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings, equipped with lifts with a carrying capacity of up to 350 kg, the dimensions of elevator mines, machine rooms and sites parade elevators can be saved. In this case, the width of the site in front of the elevator should be at least 1 m. If the width of this site is less than 1.2 m, the elevator must have sliding doors.

1.1.6. If it is impossible to use standard elevators, non-standard elevators manufactured by industry are allowed. Hydraulic elevators are also allowed.

1.1.7. It is allowed to maintain existing sizes of tambourines. If the device is not possible, double doors should be provided, including opening in different directions, equipped with sealing gaskets and door closers.

1.1.8. Existing garbage disposals in residential buildings during reconstruction and overhaul should be saved. Residential buildings with the floor of the upper floor from the ground level of 14 m in more should be equipped with garbage supplies. In the equipment of buildings, garbage supplies should provide their airtightness and regulatory noise for residential premises adjacent to the garbage reconciliation chambers.

1.1.9. The outer organized drainage can be saved in residential buildings of any floors.

1.2. Source planning and design solutions.

1.2.1. V.Ronstructed or capitally repaired houses with the height of residential floors more than 2.8 m is allowed to maintain an existing height of the floors. During the reconstruction of such houses in additive, exhaustable or embedded volumes, it is allowed to take the height of residential floors more than 2.8 m, if it is caused by the need for a composite association of the stored and built parts of the building.

It is allowed to preserve the protruding structures if the height of the residential premises in the floor from the floor to the Niza of these structures is at least 2.2 m, and the shortage of the volume of residential premises is compensated by an increase in area.

In the pantry placed in the basement and basement floors for the needs of residents of the house, it is allowed to maintain a height of the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of the overlay overlap of at least 1.7 m.

1.2.2. In the residential sections of the buildings located on the red line, the floor marker of the first floor must exceed the mark of the breakfast or the sidewalk at least 0.45 m.

1.2.3. It is allowed to preserve existing stairs with the normalized limit of fire resistance and the limit of the spread of fire in designs, including stairs with overtakers, light lights in the coating, subject to the equipment of the apartment with automatic fire alarm with the signal output to the combined dispatch point; In buildings with a height of more than 5 floors with light lights in the coating, a port of air should be provided with a staircase during a fire. Requirements for the design of airflow installations should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89.

1.2.4. Redevelopment of apartments, as well as an increase in the dimensions of the reconstructed building, should not lead to a decrease in the duration of the insolation and the deterioration of the conditions of natural coverage below the normative level, both in it, and in the surrounding buildings.

1.2.5. Apartments with unsecured regulatory levels of insolation or natural lighting should not be used as a constant dwelling.

1.3. Firefire requirements

1.3.1. With the major repairs of residential buildings, as well as in the case of an extension of additional volumes of less or equal floors, without changing the layout and replacement of structures in the existing building, those in a technical condition that do not require replacement, the following structures can be stored:

wooden interhesive floors (with the exception of cuisine overlaps), subject to the limit of their fire resistance, corresponding to the degree of fire resistance of the building after its repair;

interior partitions with voids bounded by non-flammable materials;

overlapping with voids, if the latter on the adjoining areas of adjacent apartments are filled with non-combustible materials on a length of at least 25 cm;

staircases width equal to the calculated march width, but not less than 1 m;

balconies and loggias regardless of their size.

1.3.2. Five-storey residential buildings at below III degree of fire resistance, as well as ten-storey houses not lower than II degree of fire resistance during reconstruction. It is allowed to extend in one floor under the condition of the device in it and the underlying floor of the apartments in two levels.

1.3.3. For the passage of firefighters and other cars, it is allowed to use existing passages with dimensions in the light at least: width - 3 m, height - 3.5 m.

When reconstructed, it is necessary to enable entry into each closed courtyard. It is allowed to preserve closed courtyards with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 400 m 2 without entry. In such yards there should be a pedestrian passage without doors and steps of a width of at least 1.5 m and a height of at least 2 m. In the reconstructed houses, the height of more than two floors of the apartment, all windows of which go to the closed courtyard should have transitional balconies between sections or Outputs on the evacuation stairs of the third type.

1.3.4. When accommodating in the basement or basement floors of residential buildings up to 5 aboveground floors of the storerooms for storing fuel, business consideration and vegetables, the device of a separate output through the staircase cell of the residential part is allowed under the condition of the separation of the staircase within the first floor of the Fire-Groomed Partition 1 type 1 and the Fire Door Device From the basement on the stairs.

1.3.5. Smoke removal from economic premises with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 50 m 2, placed in the first, basement or basement floors, is allowed to be provided through windows in the ends of the corridor.

2. Apartment

2.1. In the capitally repaired residential buildings, it is allowed to maintain the existing composition of the premises of the apartments.

2.2. The total area of \u200b\u200bapartments (small - a and large - b) in reconstructed to maxi, depending on the number of rooms (such as an apartment), should be taken no less specified in the table.

Type of apartment

Minimum total

area, m2

The maximum area of \u200b\u200bapartments is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89. In addition, in the reconstructed homes, it is allowed to increase the area of \u200b\u200bsome apartments if the need for this is caused by the design and planning features of these homes, and the excess of the total indicators of the apartment area at home is no more than 15% of the maximum permissible SNiP 2.08.01-89.

2.3. Nearby apartments during reconstruction or overhauls can be converted to adjacent apartments for families consisting of several generations. Each component of apartments should be designed in accordance with the design requirements for individual apartments, and the message between them should be carried out through the doorway width of less than 0.8 m, located in the wall or partition separating the front, internal corridors or kitchens.

2.4. In residential buildings, rooms are allowed in a depth of more than 6 m under the condition of the exhaust ventilation device from the zone that is most remote from the window opening and providing normalized natural lighting in it.

2.5. The width of the room should be at least: a common room is -2.8 m, bedrooms -2.2 m, front -1.2 m.

2. 6. In one-room apartment type 1B and two-room apartments, Tina 2B is allowed to maintain a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 6 m 2.

2.7. The entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen is allowed under the condition that the kitchen area exceeds the normative at least than 1 m 2.

2.8. It is not allowed to accommodate gasified cuisines directly above and under residential rooms.

2.9. It is allowed to fasten the instruments and pipelines of the restrooms and baths directly to the residential rooms of the inter-weltering walls and to their continuation outside the rooms, if the walls are made of brick or natural stone with a thickness of at least 0.38 m and the regulatory requirements for sound insulation are performed.

2.10. Kitchens that do not have natural light can be stored under the condition of their equipment with electric stoves, exhaust ventilation and luminescent lighting. Such kitchens should adjoin the room with natural lighting. At least 30% of the partition area between this room and the kitchen should have translucent glazing.

2.11. Passing of drainage rims through the utility rooms of the apartments in the case of an internal drainage device under the condition of ensuring the desired isolation and the normative dimensions of these rooms.

3. Building designs

3.1. When designing the reconstruction and overhaul of a residential building or its parts, the results of the engineering surveys (technical examination) of this object, made in accordance with the requirements of section 3 of VSN 55-87 (P) / Gosgradanstroy, should be taken into account.

3.2. The project should provide for measures that ensure strength, stability and required indicators of fire resistance of the building as a whole, its individual elements and structures, as well as the carrying capacity and stability of the base of the base at all stages of repair and construction work and subsequent operation.

3.3. When strengthening, measures should be provided to ensure the effective joint work of the elements of strengthening and the persistent structures.

3.4. The values \u200b\u200bof loads and types of influences on the design and base, as well as the building as a whole should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85.

3.5. Calculation and design of elements of a building from various materials (metal, reinforced concrete, wood, waterproofing materials, etc.) must be carried out according to the requirements and provisions of the relevant heads of SNiP (part 2, group 03 on the classifier SNiP).

3.6. Existing building designs that do not comply with the constructive requirements of the current norms, but possessing the necessary settlement bearing capacity, can be saved without increasing the loads on them.

3.7. The grounds and foundations should be designed in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the heads of the SNIP (part 2, group 02 according to the classifier SNiP).

3.8. When designing embedded and attachments to the reconstructed building (including loggias, elevator mines, rizazalites, garbage chutes, etc.), measures should be provided to ensure the minimum difference of the sediment of the existing building and the volumes additives and the possibility of their mutual displacements without reducing operational qualities Buildings and its elements.

The device of deformation seams indoors is not allowed.

3.9. Protection against noise and sound insulation should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II -12-77.

Apartments in which noise protection measures do not allow to reduce its level to permissible, should not be used as a permanent dwelling.

3.10. Additional insulation of enclosing structures is allowed not to be performed only in the case when these structures have a durable high-quality finish and their actual heat transfer resistance is at least 90% of the economically appropriate defined in accordance with SNiP II-3-79 **.

3.11. The design of the roof or the parapent part of the building must be equipped with devices for fastening the technological equipment used in the repair of facades.

3.12. The dimensions of light openings are allowed if necessary, if it does not impair the architectural appearance of the building and the necessary carrying capacity of structures and the requirements for natural lighting and insolation of apartments are provided.

3.13. When designing the reconstruction of reinforced concrete roofs, the requirements of the WGN 35-77 / State Agency, and the wooden - SNiP II -25-80 should be guided.

With the major repairs of residential buildings, Bescane-free reinforced concrete roofs of types III, according to the classification of Section 1 of the specified AVN, can be stored in compliance with regulatory requirements if these roofs for technical condition and operational qualities are not subject to replacement. Bescaneous roofs of the type Ui (the desired implementation of the multi-layer design with a falling insulation) are subject to replacement.

When replacing the attic roofs (reinforced concrete types I and II or wooden).

The roofs should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II -26-76.

4. Engineering equipment

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Replacing elements of engineering equipment systems of residential buildings should be carried out taking into account the actual state of elements of systems determined by the methods of visual and instrumental examination.

4.1.2. The choice of materials and products for the replacement and repair of engineering equipment systems should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the VSN 40-84 (P) / Gosgradanstroy.

4.1.3. Laying engineering communications networks in places inaccessible to maintenance and repair are not allowed.

In the absence of technical floors and basements in reconstructed homes, the device is allowed to disprovers and semi-pass channels under the first non-residential floors. Under the first residential floors, you need a device of technical underground or passing channels with an insulated input.

4.1.4. For laying engineering communications, it is allowed to use the existing technical underground with a height of at least 1.6 m, which have a separate output outward through the door, the height of which at the specified height of the technical underground should be at least 1.4 m. Crossing the passages and doorways by pipelines and other wiring It is allowed.

4.1.5. When laying engineering communications, the foundation of the building needs to be provided to measures eliminating the transfer of loads from the foundations to pipelines.

4.2. Heating and ventilation

4.2.1. In the reconstructed residential buildings, it is not allowed to preserve embedded and attached boiler rooms.

4.2.2. Automated individual thermal points (ITP) is allowed to be placed in the basement rooms of the reconstructed residential buildings, and in the absence of basements - in the premises of the first floors. The premises of the ITP must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.07-86 and SNiP 2.08.01-89, be separated from other premises and have an independent exit to the street.

4.2.3. In the presence of pumping equipment and water heaters, the ITP is allowed to be placed only under non-residential premises.

4.2.4. If the device is impossible in the microdistrict (quarter) of the central thermal point, the addition of residential house heating systems to thermal networks should be provided on the dependent scheme. Attachment on an independent scheme with the ITP device should be technically and economically substantiated.

4.2.5. If it is impossible, the device of centralized heat supply is allowed during major repairs to maintain consumption gas water heaters, and such water heaters, cooking and heating furnaces (plates) on solid fuel.

4.2.6. If it is impossible to replace the damaged areas of the central heating pipelines, laid in concrete heating panels, or such a heating system as a whole, the heating systems with the installation of radiators or convectors should be designed. Steel radiators should be applied with regard to water quality according to the heat supply organization.

4.2.7. In the absence of centralized hot water, heated towel rails in the bathrooms should be connected to heating systems.

4.2.8. In the overhaul of residential buildings, floor heating of staircases can be preserved.

4.2.9. With parallel gasket of feed and return pipelines, the distance between them in the light should be at least 80 mm.

4.2.10. With insufficient productivity of individual exhaust channels, one should arrange additional supply grilles in the windows or outer walls. In the apartments of one - two top floors that are not equipped with gas water heaters, individual fans suitable in isolated channels with the release of the channel to the atmosphere should be provided. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the flow of exhaust air from the apartment to the apartment vertically. The length of horizontal sections of the channels in apartments should be no more than 1.8 m.

4.2.11. When redeveloping apartments leading to a change in position, sizes of sanitary cabin or additional bathrooms, the exhaust of them should be designed by the device of horizontal boxes or air ducts to the scene to the existing vertical ventilation channels. Unused channels in the ventilation blocks should be sealed in the places of their connection with the ventshach.

4.2.12. It is allowed to maintain central air collectors with pipelines located in them with countercurrent movement of the coolant and air if the bias of pipelines from the air collector is at least 0.002, and the speed of the coolant in the highways is at least 0.25 m / s.

4.3. Water supply and sewage

4.3.1. It is allowed to maintain the internal fireproof water supply in good technical condition, the device of which is not required for valid standards.

4.3.2. When designing internal water supply and sewage, it is not allowed:

laying water pipes in flue and ventilation channels;

the intersection of water pipes with smoke and ventilation channels;

the device of water and sewer risers in the passage of the building.

4.3.3. It is allowed to lay the pipes of internal water supply networks through a basement or underground residential buildings, except those located in seismic areas and (or) on sedimentary soils. At the same time, the pipes must be laid in the casing.

4.3.4. When replacing the inner water supply system, it follows, as a rule, to maintain its former layout scheme, if it meets the current standards.

4.3.5. When combining watershed risers of the hot water system in section nodes in homes, without warm attics or technical floors, ringing jumpers are allowed to be laid under the top floor ceiling through the utility rooms of apartments and staircases.

4.3.6. Entering water supply, as a rule, should be designed from cast-iron pressure pipes. With input diameter less than 65 mm, from steel galvanized pipes with enhanced anti-corrosion insulation.

4.3.7. In the absence of centralized hot water supply in residential buildings, regardless of their floors, it is allowed to maintain gas flow water heaters, provided that they are complied with the premises in which they are posted, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.08-87 and the "safety regulations in the gas economy".

4.3.8. Watering taps placed on the building base must be installed at an altitude of 400 to 800 mm from the mark of the sideways (sidewalk). The eyeliner to the watering crane should be equipped with a device excluding the freezing of the water supply.

4.3.9. In the lobby or on the first floors of the staircases for their maintenance (washing, cleaning), it is necessary to establish the installation of hot and cold water cranes with a diameter of 25 mm, located in niches or cabinets with locking metal doors.

4.3.10. In the apartment inputs of cold and hot water, it is necessary to provide a device for water flow regulators.

4.3.11. In the cramped conditions, the distance in terms of water supply and sewage to the edge of the building foundations is allowed to receive 1.5 m under the condition of performing water supply from steel, and sewage - from cast-iron pressure pipes, laid in a protective case at a mark, exceeding the base of the base of the foundation by 0.5 m.

4.3.12. The connection of the internal sewage to the site of the courtyard passing through the building should be performed only in the wells installed outside the building.

4.3.13. It is allowed to maintain the indents of the sewage risers, if there is no connection to the attachment of sanitary devices and, provided that the amount of incidence in the axes does not exceed 2 m, and the slope of the inclined section is at least 0.2.

4.3.14. A revisions on sewering risers should be placed at an altitude of 1 m from the floor to the center of the revision, but not less than 0.15 m above the board of the attached device.

4.4. Gas supply, electrical and communication devices

4.4.1. When installing gas devices in a previously attached premises adapted under the kitchens, it should be provided for a bookmark of internal windows overlooking these rooms, or a device of deaf binding.

4.4.2. It is allowed to provide for the gasket of smoking pipes of gas water heaters through the bathrooms under the condition of the tightness of these pipes.

4.4.3. Chimneys in the outer walls can be stored under the condition that the thickness of the outer wall of the chimney is fire and heat engineering.

4.4.4. It is allowed to maintain a deviation (volition) of smoke channels from gas appliances at an angle of no more than 30 ° to vertical with referring no more than 1 m. Inclined areas must have a constant cross section over the entire length, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich should be at least the area of \u200b\u200bthe vertical sections.

4.4.5. When designing electrical devices and communications devices in residential buildings, VNC 59-88 / Goscomcoctacles and VNC 60-89 / Goscomcoctacles should be guided in residential buildings.

5. Improvement of the house territories

5.1. Improvement of the local territories should be provided for within the quarter (microdistrict), groups of houses or for a separate house.

5.2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe green springs of the quarter (microdistrict) should be at least 10% of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential area. This norm can be reduced to 7% when the territory is adjacent to the park, forest park, city garden or a scanner. The area of \u200b\u200bgreen spaces during the improvement of one house or group of houses is not normalized.

5.3. With the improvement of the territory of the group of houses, children's playgrounds should be provided for residents of these houses, personal car parking, as well as sites for physical education, recreation and economic purposes.

5.4. The distance from the windows of residential buildings should be taken no less (in meters):

before playgrounds for preschool age - 5;

to playgrounds for school age and physical education -20;

to sites for cleaning households and to garbage collectors - 15;

to the place for drying linen - 10.

On the perimeter of housekeeping sites should include a living fence or a decorative wall.

5.5. Arranges along the facades that do not have windows and inputs can be placed no closer:

1 m with a length of the facade of the building not more than 20 m;

2 m with the length of the facade of the building more than 20 m.

5.6. In cramped conditions, it is allowed to provide a rotary pad along a triangular radiation scheme with sizes of the parties and radius of rotation of at least 8 m.

5.7. In the areas of low-rise buildings, the passage with a length of no more than 150 m is allowed to arrange 2.75 m wide with rifles with dimensions of 6x15 m, located at least after 75 m. At the same time, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks should be provided for the movement of pedestrians.

5.8. The sidewalks at the entrances overlooking the Red Line of the streets with the high intensity of transport movement, in the absence of a green separation strip between the sidewalk and the carriageway, should have a fence with a length of 20 m along the roadway opposite the inputs to the building (10 m in both sides of the entrance).




Building residential

The building intended for permanent residence of people (residential building), as well as to resolve people during the period of work or study (hostel).


A part of the building intended for the residence of a family of various numerical composition or one person containing residential and utility rooms and having a separate access to the staircase, a gallery, in a corridor or outward.

Apartment in two levels

Apartment, residential and utility rooms of which are placed in two adjacent floors and are connected by an intra-quarter staircase.

Equipment Engineering residential buildings (apartments)

A complex of technical devices providing favorable (comfortable) living conditions of living, including systems of cold and hot water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, gas supply and power supply, as well as precipitating and fire extinguishing agents, elevators, telephonification, radio and other types of internal improvement.

Living room

The room in which on the current standards is possible equipment of permanent beds for residents (shared rooms, bedrooms).

Available room

Room, intended day of hygienic or household needs of living (bathroom, restroom, kitchen, pantry), as well as front, intra-quarterly hall and corridor.

Reconstruction of a residential building

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the residential building (the number and area of \u200b\u200bapartments, the construction volume and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house) or its appointment and implemented in order to improve the living conditions and bring the operational indicators of the residential building to the level Modern requirements.

The reconstruction of a residential building may include: a change in the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and with justifications - partial disassembly of the building;

increasing engineering equipment, including external networks (except trunk);

replacement of worn and morally obsolete structures and engineering equipment for modern, more reliable and effective, improving the performance of a residential building;

improving the architectural expressiveness of the building, as well as the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Building repair

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear, not related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

Capital building repair

Building repair in order to restore its resource with replacement, if necessary, design elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improved operational performance.

Building repair

Repair of the building in order to restore the health (performance) of its designs and systems of engineering equipment, as well as maintaining operational indicators.

1.3.1. With the overhaul of residential buildings, as well as in the case of an extension Additional volumes of less or equal flooding without changing the layout and replacement of structures in the existing building, which cannot be saved in a technical condition that do not require replacement, the following structures:

wooden interhesive floors (with the exception of cuisine overlaps), subject to the limit of their fire resistance, corresponding to the degree of fire resistance of the building after its repair;

interior partitions with voids bounded by non-flammable materials;

overlapping with voids, if the latter on the adjoining areas of adjacent apartments are filled with non-combustible materials on a length of at least 25 cm;

staircases width equal to the calculated march width, but not less than 1 m;

balconies and loggias regardless of their size.

1.3.2. Five-story residential buildings at below III degree of fire resistance as well ten-story houses are not lowerII. the degree of fire resistance during the reconstruction is allowed to extend in one floor under the condition of the device in it and the underlying floor of the apartments in two levels.

1.3.3. For the passage of firefighters and other cars is allowed to use Existing passages with dimensions in the light at least: width - 3 m, height - 3.5 m.

When reconstructed, it is necessary to enable entry into each closed courtyard. It is allowed to preserve closed courtyards with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 400 m 2 without entry. In such yards there should be a pedestrian passage without doors and steps of a width of at least 1.5 m and a height of at least 2 m. In the reconstructed houses, the height of more than two floors of the apartment, all windows of which go to the closed courtyard should have transitional balconies between sections or Outputs on the evacuation stairs of the third type.

1.3.4. When placed in the basement or basement floors of residential buildings up to 5 The above-ground floors of storerooms for storing fuel, business of economic domestic and vegetables are allowed a device for a separate exit through the staircase cell of the residential part under the condition of the separation of the staircase within the first floor of the Firefire of the type 1 and the device of the fire door from the basement on the staircase.

1.3.5. Smoke removal from economic premises of up to 50 m 2, placed in The first, basement or basement floors is allowed to provide through windows in the ends of the corridor.

2. Apartment

2.1. In the capitally repaired residential buildings, it is allowed to maintain an existing Composition of apartments.

2.2. The total area of \u200b\u200bapartments (small - a and large - b) in the reconstructed houses in Depending on the number of rooms (such as an apartment) should be taken at least specified in the table.


Type of apartment

Minimum total area, m 2

The maximum area of \u200b\u200bapartments is determined in accordance with SNIP 2.08.01-89. In addition, in the reconstructed homes, it is allowed to increase the area of \u200b\u200bsome apartments if the need for this is caused by the constructive-planning features of these houses, and the excess of the total indicators of the apartment area at home is no more than 15% of the maximum allowable SNIP 2.08.01-89.

2.3. Located a number of apartments during reconstruction or overhauls can Be converted to adjacent apartments for families consisting of several generations. Each component of apartments should be designed in accordance with the design requirements for individual apartments, and the message between them should be carried out through the doorway width of less than 0.8 m, located in the wall or partition separating the front, internal corridors or kitchens.

2.4. In residential buildings are allowed rooms with a depth of more than 6 m under the condition of the device exhaust ventilation from the zone most remote from the window opening and providing in it normalized natural lighting.

2.5. The width of the premises should be at least: a common room - 2.8 m, bedrooms - 2.2 m, Front - 1.2 m.

2.6. In one-bedroom apartment type 1B and two-room apartments of type 2B is allowed Keep a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 6 m 2.

2.7. The entrance to the bathroom from the kitchen is allowed upon the condition that the kitchen area exceeds Regulatory not less than 1 m 2.

2.8. It is not allowed to accommodate gasified cuisines directly above and under residential rooms.

2.9. Allowed fixing devices and pipelines of restrooms and bathrooms Directly to the living rooms enumerations and continue outside the rooms, if the walls are made of brick or natural stone with a thickness of at least 0.38 m and the regulatory requirements for sound insulation are observed.

2.10. Kitchens that have no natural light can be saved provided Their equipment by electroflits, exhaust ventilation and fluorescent lighting. Such kitchens should adjoin the room with natural lighting. At least 30% of the partition area between this room and the kitchen should have translucent glazing.

2.11. Passing of drainage risers through the utility rooms of apartments in The case of an internal drainage device under the condition that the desired isolation and the regulatory sizes of these rooms are required.

3. Building designs

3.1. When designing the reconstruction and overhaul of a residential building or his Parts should take into account the results of engineering surveys (technical examination) of this object, made in accordance with the requirements of section 3 of the VSN 55-87 (P) / Gosgrazhdanstroy.

3.2. The project should provide for strength measures, The stability and required indicators of the fire resistance of the building as a whole, its individual elements and structures, as well as the carrying ability and stability of the base of the base at all stages of the implementation of repair and construction work and subsequent operation.

3.3. When strengthening, measures must be provided providing Effective collaboration of enhancement elements and persistent structures.

3.4. Values \u200b\u200bof loads and types of influences on the design and base, as well as on the building In general, should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85.

3.5. Calculation and design of elements of a building from various materials (metal, Reinforced concrete, wood, waterproofing materials, etc.) must be carried out according to the requirements and provisions of the relevant heads of SNiP (part 2, group 03 by the classifier SNiP).

3.6. Existing building designs that do not match constructive The requirements of current norms, but possessing the necessary estimated bearing capacity, can be saved without increasing the loads on them.

3.7. Grounds and foundations should be designed in accordance with the requirements and The provisions of the heads (part 2, group 02 according to the classifier SNiP).

3.8. When designing embedded and attachments to a reconstructed building (including Loggias, elevator mines, rizazalites, garbage chutes, etc.) should provide for the measures to ensure the minimum difference of the sediment of the existing building and the volumes additive to it and the possibility of their mutual displacements without reducing the performance of the building and its elements.

The device of deformation seams indoors is not allowed.

3.9. The protection against noise and sound insulation should be designed in accordance with Reference requirementsII-12-77.

Apartments in which noise protection measures do not allow to reduce its level to permissible, should not be used as a permanent dwelling.

3.10. Additional insulation of enclosing structures is allowed not to perform Only in the case when these structures have a durable high-quality finish and their actual heat transfer resistance is at least 90% of the economically appropriate, defined in accordance with SNiPII-3-79 **.

3.11. The roof designs or the parapent of the building must be equipped with Devices for fastening the technological equipment used in the repair of facades.

3.12. Dimensions of light openings are allowed to change if necessary, if not The architectural appearance of the building worsens and the necessary carrying ability of structures and the requirements for natural lighting and insolation of apartments are ensured.

3.13. When designing the reconstruction of reinforced concrete roofs, guided by the requirements of the WGN 35-77 / State Agency, and wooden - SNiPII-25-80.

With the major repairs of residential buildings Bescaneous reinforced concrete roofsIII -We, according to the classification of section 1 of the specified IRN, can be stored in compliance with regulatory requirements if these roofs for technical condition and operational qualities are not subject to replacement. Bescaneous roofs typeI. (The construction of a multi-layered design with a falling insulation) is subject to replacement.

When replacing the attic roofs (reinforced concrete types I andII. or wooden).

The roofs should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiPII-26-76.

4. Engineering equipment

4.1. General requirements

4.1.1. Replacing elements of engineering equipment systems of residential buildings should Considering the actual state of elements of systems determined by the methods of visual and instrumental examination.

4.1.2. Choosing materials and products for replacing and repairing engineering systems Equipment should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the VSN 40-84 (P) / GOSGRUDANSTROY.

4.1.3. Laying engineering communications networks in places, Inaccessible for maintenance and repair.

In the absence of technical floors and basements in reconstructed homes, the device is allowed to disprovers and semi-pass channels under the first non-residential floors. Under the first residential floors, you need a device of technical underground or passing channels with an insulated input.

4.1.4. For laying engineering communications allowed to use The existing technical underground with a height of at least 1.6 m, having a separate output outward through the door, the height of which at the specified height of the technical underground should be at least 1.4 m. The crossing of the passages and door openings by pipelines and other wiring is not allowed.

4.1.5. When laying engineering communications below the foundation of the building needs Provide measures excluding the transfer of loads from foundations on pipelines.

4.2. Heating and ventilation

4.2.1. In the reconstructed residential buildings, the built-in and attached boiler rooms.

4.2.2. Automated individual thermal items (ITP) is allowed Place in the basement rooms of reconstructed residential buildings, and in the absence of basements - in the premises of the first floors. The ITP room must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.07-86 and SNIP 2.08.01-89, be separate from other premises and have an independent way out.

4.2.3. In the presence of pumping equipment and water heaters, ITP is allowed Place only under non-residential premises.

4.2.4. With the impossibility of the device in the microdistrict (quarter) of the central thermal Point of accession of residential house heating systems to thermal networks should be provided on a dependent scheme. Attachment on an independent scheme with the ITP device should be technically and economically substantiated.

4.2.5. If it is impossible, the device of centralized heat supply is allowed In case of major repairs, to maintain the commercial gas water heaters, and such water heaters, cooking and heating furnaces (slabs) on solid fuel.

4.2.6. If it is impossible to replace the damaged areas of the central pipelines Heating, laid in concrete heating panels, or such a heating system as a whole, should be designed openly paired heating systems with installation of radiators or convectors. Steel radiators should be applied with regard to water quality according to the heat supply organization.

4.2.7. In the absence of centralized hot water, towel dryers in Bathrooms should be connected to heating systems.

4.2.8. In the capital repaired residential buildings can be saved by a floor Heating of staircases.

4.2.9. With parallel gasket of feed and return pipes distance Between them in the light should be at least 80 mm.

4.2.10. With insufficient performance of individual exhaust channels Additional supply grilles in windows or outer walls should be arranged. In the apartments of one - two top floors that are not equipped with gas water heaters, individual fans suitable in isolated channels with the release of the channel to the atmosphere should be provided. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the flow of exhaust air from the apartment to the apartment vertically. The length of horizontal sections of the channels in apartments should be no more than 1.8 m.

4.2.11. When redeveloping apartments leading to a change in position, sizes Sanitary cabin or additional bathrooms, the exhaust of them should be designed by the device of horizontal boxes or air ducts to the scene in the existing vertical ventilation channels. Unused channels in the ventilation blocks should be sealed in the places of their connection with the ventshach.

4.2.12. It is allowed to maintain central air collectors with located in them. Pipelines for countercurrent movement of the coolant and air, if the slope of pipelines from the air collector is at least 0.002, and the speed of the coolant in the highways is at least 0.25 m / s.

4.3. Water supply and sewage

4.3.1. It is allowed to maintain in good technical condition Internal fireproof water supply, the device of which is not required for valid standards.

4.3.2. When designing internal water supply and sewage, it is not allowed:

laying water pipes in flue and ventilation channels;

the intersection of water pipes with smoke and ventilation channels;

the device of water and sewer risers in the passage of the building.

4.3.3. It is allowed to lay the pipes of intravartvatal water supply networks through the basement or underground residential buildings, except located in seismic districts and (or) on subsidence. At the same time, the pipes must be laid in the casing.

4.3.4. When replacing the internal water supply system, it should, as a rule, keep it The former layout scheme, if it meets the current standards.

4.3.5. When combining watershed risers of the hot water supply system in Sectional nodes in homes, without warm attics or technical floors, ringing jumpers are allowed under the top floor ceiling through the utility rooms of apartments and staircases.

4.3.6. Entering water supply, as a rule, should be designed from cast-iron pressure pipes. With input diameter less than 65 mm, from steel galvanized pipes with enhanced anti-corrosion insulation.

4.3.7. In the absence of centralized hot water supply in residential buildings, Regardless of their floors, it is allowed to maintain gas flow water heaters, provided that the premises in which they are posted, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.08-87 and the "safety regulations in the gas economy".

4.3.8. Watering taps placed on the base of the building must be installed on height from 400 to 800 mm from the mark of the sideways (sidewalk). The eyeliner to the watering crane should be equipped with a device excluding the freezing of the water supply.

4.3.9. In the lobby or on the first floors of the stairwells for their maintenance (washing, cleaning) should include the installation of hot and cold water cranes with a diameter of 25 mm, located in niches or cabinets with locking metal doors.

4.3.10. In the apartment inputs of cold and hot water should be provided The device of water flow regulators.

4.3.11. In cramped conditions, the distance in terms of water supply and sewage to The circumcision of the foundations of the building is allowed to take 1.5 m under the condition of performing water supply from steel, and sewage - from cast-iron pressure pipes, laid in a protective case at a mark that exceeds the base of the base of the foundation by 0.5 m.

4.3.12. Joining the internal sewage to the area of \u200b\u200bthe courtyard sewage passing through the building must be performed only in wells installed outside the building.

4.3.13. It is allowed to maintain indents of the sewer risers, if there is no lower The attachment of sanitary devices and, provided that the amount of incidence in the axes does not exceed 2 m, and the slope of the inclined section is at least 0.2.

4.3.14. Audits on sewage risers should be located at an altitude of 1 m from the floor To the center of the revision, but not less than 0.15 m above the board of the attached device.

4.4. Gas supply, electrical and communication devices

4.4.1. When installing gas devices in previously attached rooms, Adapted under the kitchens should be provided for the bookmark of the internal windows overlooking these rooms or the device of deaf binding.

4.4.2. It is allowed to provide for the gasket of the chimensing pipes of gas Water heaters through bathrooms, provided the tightness of these pipes.

4.4.3. Chimneys in the outer walls can be stored subject to conformity The thickness of the outer wall of the chimney is fire and heat engineering.

4.4.4. It is allowed to preserve the deviation (bypass) of smoke channels from gas devices At an angle of no more than 30 ° to vertical with the horizontal no more than 1 m. Inclined areas must have a constant section along the entire length, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich should be at least the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe vertical sections.

4.4.5. When designing electrical devices and communication devices in residential Homes should be guided by VSN 59-88 / State Commistituities and ACT 60-89 / State Committee.

5. Improvement of the house territories

5.1. Improvement of the local territories should be provided within Quarter (microdistrict), groups of houses or for a separate house.

5.2. The area of \u200b\u200bgreen springs of the quarter (microdistrict) should be at least 10 % of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential area. This norm can be reduced to 7% when the territory is adjacent to the park, forest park, city garden or a scanner. The area of \u200b\u200bgreen spaces during the improvement of one house or group of houses is not normalized.

5.3. With the improvement of the territory of the group of houses, it should be provided for Residents of these houses Children's playgrounds, private car parkings, as well as sites for physical education, recreation and economic purposes.

5.4. The distance from the windows of residential buildings should be taken no less (in meters):

before playgrounds for preschool age - 5;

to playgrounds for school age and physical education -20;

to sites for cleaning households and to garbage collectors - 15;

to the place for drying linen - 10.

On the perimeter of housekeeping sites should include a living fence or a decorative wall.

5.5. Arranges along the facades that do not have windows and inputs can be placed no closer:

1 m with the length of the facade of the building not more than 20 m;

2 m with the length of the facade of the building more than 20 m.

5.6. In cramped conditions, it is allowed to provide a swivel platform for A trigon-radiation scheme with sizes and rotation radii at least 8 m.

5.7. In areas of low-rise buildings of passages with a length of no more than 150 m It is allowed to arrange a width of 2.75 m with roads with dimensions 6´ 15 m, located at least 75 m. At the same time, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks should be provided for the movement of pedestrians.

5.8. The sidewalks at the inputs overlooking the Red Street line with high intensity The movements of the transport, in the absence of a green separation strip between the sidewalk and the roadway, should have a fence with a length of 20 m along the roadway opposite the entrances to the building (10 m in both sides of the entrance).



Building residential

The building intended for permanent residence of people (residential building), as well as to resolve people during the period of work or study (hostel).


A part of the building intended for the residence of a family of various numerical composition or one person containing residential and utility rooms and having a separate access to the staircase, a gallery, in a corridor or outward.

Apartment in two levels

Apartment, residential and utility rooms of which are placed in two adjacent floors and are connected by an intra-quarter staircase.

Equipment Engineering residential buildings (apartments)

A complex of technical devices providing favorable (comfortable) living conditions of living, including systems of cold and hot water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, gas supply and power supply, as well as precipitating and fire extinguishing agents, elevators, telephonification, radio and other types of internal improvement.

Living room

The room in which on the current standards is possible equipment of permanent beds for residents (shared rooms, bedrooms).

Available room

Room, intended day of hygienic or household needs of living (bathroom, restroom, kitchen, pantry), as well as front, intra-quarterly hall and corridor.

Reconstruction of a residential building

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the residential building (the number and area of \u200b\u200bapartments, the construction volume and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house) or its appointment and implemented in order to improve the living conditions and bring the operational indicators of the residential building to the level Modern requirements.

The reconstruction of a residential building may include: a change in the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and with justifications - partial disassembly of the building;

increasing engineering equipment, including external networks (except trunk);

replacement of worn and morally obsolete structures and engineering equipment for modern, more reliable and effective, improving the performance of a residential building;

improving the architectural expressiveness of the building, as well as the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Building repair

A complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear, not related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

Capital building repair

Building repair in order to restore its resource with replacement, if necessary, design elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improved operational performance.

Building repair

Repair of the building in order to restore the health (performance) of its designs and systems of engineering equipment, as well as maintaining operational indicators.

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