
Lukashenko spoke of unresolved issues in the EAEU. EAEU: Lukashenko causes a preventive strike? Elimination of barriers and seizures in the EAEU market

According to the Belarusian leader, he had to apologize to Putin

The leaders of the Eurasian Economic Union are gathered in St. Petersburg. Discussed the current activities of the EAEU and the nearest plans. The meeting was chaired by Vladimir Putin. The President noted the success of cooperation in a number of industries, as well as an increase in the export of products of the Union's countries to foreign markets. At the meeting, disagreements between partners were also discovered. The head of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, was dissatisfied with the tariffs, for which Russia supplies gas to his country.

Energy, Space, Digital Economics, Financial Sector - The main topics of the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, notes. The results of the outgoing year, which supply the chapters of six states that are included in the EAEU, Vladimir Putin called successful. The aggregate GDP of the Union countries has increased. Production is growing in industry and agriculture. Commodity turnover only inside the Alliance rose to $ 44 billion.

"Commodity turnover with external partners increased by 21% - to 548 billion dollars, and mainly due to the extension of our exports. EurAsEC improved its position in international ratings, in particular, in business. According to Doing Business-2018, according to the weighted average indicators of the state He moved to the 31st place. Let me remind you, in 2017 it was 40 of the 190 economies of the world, "Putin said.

The main current task of the EurAsEC with the removal of trade barriers, ensuring equal access to energy resources. The overall market of oil, petroleum products and gas, according to experts, should add to the GDP of the Union of Nine billion dollars. Creating such space will take some time. However, the effect of the not yet created market leader of Belarus, for example, wants to feel now.

"In our country, on the border with the Smolensk region costs almost $ 130 per thousand cubes. And the established wholesale price for consumers of the same Smolensk region of business entities - $ 70, almost twice as lower. A simple question: how to compete in this situation?" - said Lukashenko.

"It is not a tariff, but the final price of the gas is important, which includes this rate. Today, Belarus has 129 dollars for a thousand cubic meters, next year will be 127, and in Germany - 250. And this is definitely a big advantage for our allies on EurAsEC ", Putin replied.

"But our main partner, unfortunately, or fortunately, not Germany, but the Russian Federation. And our major not only partners, and competitors and other are Russians. It seems to be fighting against Germany together, and our people who are not dead after the war , have such a situation. They have 200 have dollars, and we, let's say, 130, because there are three more thousand kilometers to download. Therefore, they have such a price. That's why, "Lukashenko argued.

"But if there was a market for Belarus - there would be no 129 and 127, it would be under 200, this is what the whole thing. But let's, we already subside later in the closed mode," Putin called.

"Good," the President of Belarus answered him.

After the closed part of the meeting, Alexander Lukashenko admitted to journalists that he apologized to Vladimir Putin for a dispute about the price of gas. Details of the dialogue, as the Belarusian leader expressed, the press is better not to know. But did not cause disagreement discussion of the prospects for the joint development of space. For the next year, the Union countries are planning to create a unified orbital grouping of remote sensing satellites of the Earth. The production of new devices, which will exceed foreign analogues. The project is commercial. And it is possible that they are interested in new EurAsEC partners - China, Iran, Singapore, Israel, Serbia, India and Egypt. It is so union and saw his inspirer - Nursultan Nazarbayev, when in 1994 he proposed to unite efforts.

"Then I imagined a powerful economic alliance, which over time is transformed into a large player not an international arena and will attract your actions to others who want to work with us. Today, this idea has become a reality, we work in it," said President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

At the same time, the Union itself is expanding - the leader of Moldova Igor Dodon took part in the meeting as an observer. Currency and financial policies are actively coordinated inside the EAEU. In the fall, representatives of the central banks of the Alliance countries signed an agreement on the harmonization of relevant legislation.

"This is a big step towards the formation of a general financial space. We propose to work out the issue of creating a general settlement structure to the EurAsEC using modern financial technologies. This would increase the sustainability of national payment systems of our countries, making them less dependent on the dollar and other foreign currencies. It is in the literal sense of the word increase in economic sovereignty, "said Russian President.

At the end of the meeting, Vladimir Putin presented a panel with colleagues with the national flags of the countries participating in the Union by the National Flags. Leaders continued to meet in an informal setting and already in an extended composition with the heads of the CIS countries. In the evening, all of them at the invitation of the Russian president of arrived in the Mariinsky Theater, where the "Nutcracker" ballet is given.

Alexander Gorodnikov. Julia Oleinik. "TV Center".

December 6, 2018, 15:24 President of Belarus criticized the work of the Eurasian Economic Union. According to Alexander Lukashenko for EAEEC 2018, he became ambiguous both with political and economic point of view.

He stated this on December 6 at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in St. Petersburg.

"Today we sum up the results of the general work in the format of the Union for this year and determine the benchmarks of interaction on the following. With regard to the completed period, it is quite ambiguous as with political and from an economic point of view,"- said Alexander Lukashenko.

Among the positive achievements, the president noted the entry into force of the Treaty of the Customs Code of EAEU, putting Moldova by the status of the observer. Member States of the Union also signed a temporary agreement leading to the formation of the Free Trade Zone with Iran, and the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation with China.

"Belarus expects that the rules enshrined in these documents will be fully implemented. Each of them was taken with the back for the future and with the calculation of a significant economic effect",- said the head of state.

At the same time, he noted that there are important issues that still remain unresolved. They concern the elimination of barriers to trade, the formation of common gas and oil markets and digitalization of EAEU countries.

Speaking at the Summit, the head of state noted that there are several important issues that still remain unresolved in the EAEU. Lukashenko stopped at each of them and presented the position of the Belarusian side to resolve.

"I have to talk about it, but I will not speak from the point of view of a wedding and sobbing, but from the point of view of what we agreed, but did not. And from the point of view of the fact that our Union (fortunately I was at the origins of his Creation) formed on certain freedoms of movement of labor, capital, services, goods. And the most important thing we agreed on, creating our unified economy, that all business entities and our people will have equal conditions. If there are no such equal conditions, then no and the Union ",- His press service leads to Lukashenko.

Elimination of barriers and seizures in the EAEU market

The President stated that in early 2018, Russia as Chairman in the EAEEC bodies continued to work to eliminate barriers, seizures and restrictions that prevent the formation of the general EAEEC market. "This is indeed one of the most sharp problems of our Union, which a few years ago was marked by the Belarusian side. However, this issue is solved in dismissal slowly. Moreover, new ones are being replaced by the barriers. And it has become a practice," -he drew attention to the head of state.

Alexander Lukashenko believes that this is a completely unacceptable situation that violates the agreements reached. "As practice has shown, it is important not only to eliminate obstacles, but also in parallel to create conditions that exclude the possibility of their re-occurrence. In this regard, we suggest providing our Eurasian Economic Commission to make decisions in the event of a re-introduction by any State party of restrictions or extension already acting ",- he said.

According to the Belarusian side, this will not affect the national interests of the states, while eliminating protectionism, which makes serious damage to integration processes. "All sitting at this table to world protectionism in trade responded, calling him rudely - economic wars. So why create them? -asked the president. - It is also necessary to increase the responsibility of representatives of the executive power of our countries for making decisions going against the principles enshrined in our Union Treaty. "

Formation of common markets

Belarus stands for ensuring the all-enforcement and unconditional fulfillment by all states of the EAEU of the Allied Norms and the obligations undertaken. Lukashenko reminded that the parties agreed for 2025 to create general gas markets, oil and petroleum products.

"We are obliged to fulfill everything within the planned time and ensure the work of the Union in the conditions of a stable and fair fuel and commodity policy, - He stated the head of state. - In allied relations there are no interests of suppliers and consumers of energy resources. There is a holistic system - the Eurasian Economic Union. And under this we have been conceptually and specifically signed. "

The President expressed Solidarity with the opinion of the Russian side on the importance of developing new areas of cooperation, including nuclear energy and renewable energy sources.

However, he noted, the lack of agreement on the principles of formation of the main oil and gas market does not allow the EAEU to progress the faster pace, the Belarusian leader believes. The solution to this key issue will allow countries to begin development and other directions.

The stumbling block was the price of gas for Belarus - Lukashenko was indignant that it was higher than the domestic Russian. However, then the Belarusian leader apologized for the discussion in a "bad form." What did Putin replied?

Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin. Photo: Mikhail Metsel / Tass

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko argued due to gas prices. This happened in St. Petersburg at the Summit of the Eurasian Economic Union. The dispute began the President of Belarus. He, and not the first time complained that the domestic Russian gas prices are significantly lower than for Belarus.

But the countries are striving for a single economic space, including energy, said Alexander Grigorievich. Vladimir Putin replied Lukashenko, leading an example of the price of Russian gas for Germany. Translation from St. Petersburg led TV channel "Russia 24":

Alexander Lukashenko: "The current pricing procedure for the natural gas supplied to Belarus: the tariff used by Gazprom for the Belarusian side to transport gas from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District to our border is almost 3 dollars per thousand cubic meters by 100 kilometers, while The domestic tariff is about one dollar, three times less. Taking into account these circumstances, our country, gas on the border with the Smolensk region costs almost $ 130 per thousand cubic meters, and the established wholesale price for consumers of the same Smolensk region of business entities - $ 70. Almost two times lower. A simple question: how to compete in this situation? "

Vladimir Putin: "Not a tariff is important, but the final price of the gas is important, which includes this rate. And here you are right, you need to think about it. But I draw attention to the fact that today Belarus has 129 dollars per thousand cubes. The following year will be 127, and in Germany - 250. And this is definitely a big advantage for our allies according to EurAsEC, although, of course, we must strive for complete unification. But for this you need time and another level of integration between our countries. "

However, Alexander Lukashenko did not calm down on this and recalled that the main partner of Belarus is not Germany, and Russia. And again spoke about equal conditions for fraternal countries. Putin responded again in the example of Germany. And then Lukashenko remembered the Great Patriotic War:

Alexander Lukashenko: "Our main partner, unfortunately or fortunately, not FRG, but the Russian Federation. And our basic not only partners, and competitors and so on are Russians. If we produce in Belarus "BelAZ" tractor, "MAZ" and so on, everyone says - here is Belarusian products. In order for you to know, in this Belarusian product, you know this, we have discussed, and in the village I have discussed this issue, 60-70% of the components of the Russian Federation, so the main partner is not Germany, but the Russian Federation. And we need to be equal conditions, above all, our fraternal Russia and Belarus. That is the question".

Vladimir Putin: "I just pay attention to the fact that today our partners have sufficient advantages. I mentioned FRG not just like that. And in Belarus should not be 250 per thousand cubes. But if Belarus had had no advantages related to integration, but would form the price on market principles, it would not be 129 and not 127, but 200. That's what the difference. "

Alexander Lukashenko: "Vladimir Vladimirovich, this is the wrong calculations. We have the worst conditions than Germany. I have already spoke once about it. It seems to be fought against Germany together, and our people who have not yet died after the war have such a situation. They are 200 dollars, and we, let's say, 130, because there are still three thousand kilometers to download, so they have such a price. That's why".

Vladimir Putin: "Yes, but if there was a market [price] for Belarus, there would be no 129 and 127. She would be under 200. That's what's all the case. Well, let's, we already subside later in the closed mode. "

Alexander Lukashenko: "Okay".

However, Alexander Lukashenko then told that he apologized to Putin for the fact that in the "bad form" initiated a discussion on a gas issue.

In addition, Vladimir Putin recalled that by 2025 the unified energy market of the EAEU countries should be formed. And here Lukashenko completely supported the Russian president, but added that for this you need to do steps. "And if we go and there will be no questions," Lukashenko assured.

The President of Belarus also said that in a week it plans to meet with his Russian counterpart in order to discuss a number of accumulated issues.

Multicolored with political and from an economic point of view, the Belarusian leader is assessed from the political and from an economic point of view. Alexander Lukashenko outlined his position in St. Petersburg.

Among the positive achievements, the president noted the entry into force of the Treaty of the Customs Code of EAEU, putting Moldova by the status of the observer. Member States of the Union signed a temporary agreement leading to the formation of a free trade zone with Iran, and the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation with China. The norms enshrined in these documents is calculated by the leader of the Republic of Belarus, "will be fully implemented. Each of them was taken with the back for the future and with the calculation of a significant economic effect."

At the same time, he noted that there are important issues that still remain unresolved. They relate to the elimination of barriers to trade, the formation of general gas and oil markets, digitalization of EAEU countries, development of cooperation in the provision of space and geo-information services.

The President stated that at the beginning of this year, Russia as Chairman in the EAEEC bodies continued to work to eliminate barriers, seizures and restrictions that impede the formation of the common EAEEC market. "This is indeed one of the most acute problems of our Union, which a few years ago was marked by the Belarusian side. However, this issue is solved in dismissal slowly," the head of state drew attention.

He drew his colleagues on the need to ensure the work of the Union in a stable and fair fuel and commodity policy. In allied relations, he added, "there are no interests of suppliers and consumers of energy resources. There is a holistic system - the Eurasian Economic Union. And under this we have been conceptually and specifically signed up."

President of Russia, in turn, decided to compare fraternal Belarus with Germany. According to him, today for Belarus, the price for a thousand cubic meters of gas is $ 129, and next year will be $ 127, while in Germany - $ 250. Such a situation on a background of a much lower gas price in Russia itself, Vladimir Putin, described as "a big advantage for our allies." At the same time, he agreed that the parties should strive for complete unification. "For this you need time and another level of integration between our countries. This is the subject of negotiations," the Russian leader stated and suggested continuing the discussion with the Belarusian counterpart in a closed presses.

Lukashenko expressed solidarity with the opinion of the Russian leader. He drew attention to the importance of developing new areas of cooperation, including nuclear power and renewable energy sources. However, he noted, the lack of agreement on the principles of the formation of the main oil and gas market does not allow the EAEU to progress the faster pace. The solution of this key issue, in his opinion, will allow countries to begin development and other directions.

The agenda of the Summit of the EAEU, as the "Union" has already been reported, a question on the development of cooperation in the provision of space and geo-information services based on national data sources of remote sensing of the Earth has been made. The implementation of this initiative believes the President of the Republic of Belarus, "taking into account its high multiplicative effect on the development of related industries and sectors, a powerful impetus to our innovative and industrial cooperation will be given."

Speaking about the prospects for the further development of the EAEU, the leader of Belarus noted that Eurasian construction should cover all new areas of cooperation. "No one should have doubts that the EAEEC is an effective joint project aimed at raising the level of economic well-being of all Member States," he summarized.

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The meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council was held in St. Petersburg. On the eve of Belarus, the President of Belarus stated the need to revise many conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Belarusian officials even threatened the country output from the EAEU if the position of Minsk would not hear.

The heads of the states of the EAEU on Wednesday met in narrow and expanded compositions. The development of integration processes was discussed, the implementation of the Digital Agenda of the Union, the formation of general gas markets, oil and petroleum products. The agenda includes and issues relating to the main directions of international activities of the EAEU, competition in transboundary markets, cooperation in the provision of space and geo-information services. In St. Petersburg, an informal meeting of the heads of the CIS heads was also held.

Events that in recent years have often been formal, on the eve of the severity and intrigue gave the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who said that he would seek the revision of some agreements in the EAEU and compliance with uniform working conditions for enterprises.

At first, he spoke on this topic during the EAEEC summit at the level of the heads of government, then the ability to say everything he thinks to him by the TV channel "Russia". In a large interview dedicated to the EAEEC summit in St. Petersburg, the President of Belarus stated that it would continue to achieve the main principles of integration - free movement of labor, capital, services and goods. "If we talk about our cooperation with Russia within the framework of the Allied State and EAEU, I have one problem: we agreed on the free movement of labor, capital, services, goods, and so on. Without this there can be no EAEU and even the Customs Union, "said Alexander Lukashenko. "It is important for us that us with Smolensky, Moscow, St. Petersburg enterprises worked in equal terms. Then the competitiveness is created normal. What is if an enterprise in Kazakhstan or Russia works in better conditions than ours? This means that in our enterprises with time you can put a cross, "the President of Belarus is convinced. He stressed that to achieve equal terms - the main goal of his participation in the current summit.

Now the question of equal conditions is completely applied and has the price. She was recently called Deputy Minister of Finance of Belarus Andrei Belkovets. Russian tax maneuver can do Belarus in $ 10 billion, he said. "For six years of losses for Belarus, if not changing anything, they will make up about $ 10 billion, of which 3 billion revenues falling out of the budget. 6 billion - the deterioration of the economy of two oil refineries, "he said, speaking on the forum for foreign investors Belaruscrossway'18. "The situation is heavy, and source that would revealed income from the export of oil and petroleum products, now not. Therefore, disputes with Russia will continue, and the Belarusian side will occupy the toughest position, "he clarified.

Moreover, Andrei Belkovets threatened that if the parties do not come to a compromise, it would be necessary to return "to the issue of the feasibility of finding Belarus in such an alliance, its further existence." "Such actions of Russia contradict the essence of the creation of a single economic space, which assumed the creation of a single energy market. In fact, these agreements will be disavowed. When one side considers it possible to defend only their interests, and others must agree with this, there will be no such thing, "he said.

Another initiative of Belarus, voiced on the eve of the Summit by Alexander Lukashenko, is the revision of the distribution mechanism of customs duties in the EAEU. He stated that Belarus would not support the proposal to extend the valid value of the distribution of duties. Recall that in accordance with it, the proportion of Belarus is 4.56%, and Russia is 85.265%. "Two years have passed, we looked: yes, we are not allowed a certain amount. We understand, at the expense of whom. Russia also misses these funds a little. Therefore, we say: let's do how then they negotiated, in two years we return and look at that in fact, "said Alexander Lukashenko.

Local observers did not fail to note that before traveling to the summit, the President of Belarus was enlisted by the support of his colleague Nursultan Nazarbayev. On Tuesday, the Presidents of Belarus and Kazakhstan talked on the phone. Experts remind that two political Aksakala rarely, but the Metako join the Alliance within the framework of the EAEU. "For example, they strongly performed once against a single currency and political addipractions within the framework of Eurasian integration," resembles a political observer Alexander Claskovsky. Now we can talk just about the coordination of the position on the mechanism of distribution of customs duties, since the issue of energy prices for Kazakhstan is not relevant.

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