
Will the mortgage interest rate decrease. Mortgage: After subsidies. Requirements for the borrower

The policy of the Bank of Russia contributes to a decrease in rates in the mortgage market, but record low rates on the mortgage at 6-7% per annum costs to wait only in the perspective of two or three years, the credit organizations are believed to be observed. The banking market can not reduce rates in a short time for several percentage points, as this will lead to a negative margin, they explain.

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday that the macroeconomic conditions in the Russian Federation as a whole were ripe to ensure that mortgage rates decreased to 6-7% per annum.

According to the Central Bank, mortgage rates of Russian banks in the first quarter of 2017, averaged 11.8%, decreased by 0.67 percentage points compared with the annual limitation indicator.

"The market is ripe for banks to take the course to reduce interest rates. However, the banking market will not be able to reduce the loan rate for several percentage points for a short period, as this will lead to the unbalancement of assets and liabilities. Cheap liabilities are gradually replaced by more expensive funds raised from the market, thanks to which financial and credit organizations gradually reduces the rates, "the director of the Department of Lending and Insurance Products" Absolut Bank "Anton Pavlov commented.

Not so fast

The demand for a mortgage at a rate on this product is 6-7% will undoubtedly increase. Borrowers will appear on the market, for which a higher level of bets was inexpervantia, the head of the mass market and credit products of Raiffeisenbank Andrei Morozov was confident.
However, the total level of mortgage rates at 6-7% this year should not be waiting for the representatives of banks unanimously.

"With the world's most favorable economy and the continuing trend on a decline in the key rate, it is possible to approach the upper border of this level not earlier than the end of 2018," the frost believes.

The Bank "Revival" predicts that at the end of 2017, as well as in 2018, mortgage rates on the market will decrease by about 1-2 percentage points.

"Most likely, this year we will see an unequivocal bet on the market. The rate of 6-7% is a prospect of two or three years, "they say to the" Absolut Bank ".

The general forecast until the end of 2017 and for 2018 promises a decrease in mortgage rates even about an average of the market for 1-2 percentage points, they speak Promsvyazbank.

In the mortgage bank "Deltacredit", in turn, believe that in inflation in 3-4% and the growth of the economy, the average mining rate on the mortgage by 2019-2020 may amount to 8-9%, and in the absence of economic growth - 9.5% annual.

At the same time, the total trend on the decline in the bet is absolutely justified, bankers consider. The positive dynamics of mortgage lending is explained not only by the abolition of state support, but also the current value of the funding of banks and the expected decline in inflation, noted, in particular, in Promsvyazbank.

"It is also necessary to take into account the demographic factor and increasing the financial literacy of the population - now you can observe the emergence of a new generation of solvent borrowers. It is predicted that the real disposable incomes of the population will start moving up in 2017 after three years of decline, "the head of the Mortgage Products and Refinancing of Promsvyazbank Elena Nazarenko said.

Bank plans

All banks assure that they intend to keep track of the market situation and, if possible, reduce mortgage rates.

"With regard to further changes in the banks in the" Revival "bank, while maintaining the current trend towards a decrease in the cost of funding and to a decrease in key bet, our rates will also be reduced," said Oleg Korkin, deputy head of the Retail Business Block.

According to the Bank, the current volume of its mortgage portfolio is 44 billion rubles. In 2017, the Mortgage Portfolio of the Bank "Revival" will grow at least 30%, which corresponds to the growth dynamics in 2016, Korkin added.

"Absolute Bank" also intends to adjust the mortgage rate if conditions are for this. "For this, it is important that the situation in the economy remains stable, the Central Bank continued the course to reduce the key rate, which, among other things, will help reduce the cost of the formation for market participants. Another important factor is the development of infrastructure projects, the establishment of interaction with departments in order to reduce operating expenses and risk components, "Pavlov listed.

Since the beginning of the year, the bank has already reduced mortgage rate three times. Currently, the minimum rate according to standard lending programs is 10.25% per annum, and within the framework of affiliate programs - 7.7% per annum in rubles.

At the same time, the decline in the rate without subsidies to 6-7% will mean that the bank works with a negative margin, since the cost of money for market participants is now higher. In addition, the Bank spends funds for maintaining infrastructure, making a transaction, etc., which should also be put in the cost of the product, explained Pavlov.

At the moment, the Mortgage portfolio "Absolut Bank" is 65.1 billion rubles, and by the end of the year will overcome the mark of 80 billion rubles, expect to be in a credit institution.

Promsvyazbank in 2016 increased the volume of issuing mortgage loans 4.3 times in annual terms, and the Bank's mortgage portfolio increased by 39% last year. The average amount of mortgage loan in the bank for March 2017 amounted to 1.78 million rubles.

"The main criteria and trends in 2017 in the mortgage business will be two elements: rigid competition at rates - customers have accustomed to low rates during the period of the state subsidy program, and the second element is a simplification of the process: the minimum package of documents, deleted and electronic issuance channels and Registration of transactions, "Nazarenko noted.

"We want to be" in the market "and in the future we can consider the possibility of reducing rates, but there are no prerequisites for a more substantial decline," said Alexey Tartyshev, head of the marketing department of the Deltracredit Bank.

As of May 1, the Mortgage Portfolio of Deltacredit Bank is 140.1 billion rubles. In the bank, it is predicted that at the end of the year he will grow by 23% - to 172.5 billion rubles.

If briefly, then in the primary market, the bets will grow a little at the beginning of the year, but then they will decline, none of the analysts predicts serious changes in 2017. Now, according to VTB 24, the middle rate is at 12.73%. But almost half of the market is state support in new buildings at a rate below 12%, and the average loan rate for secondary housing is at the level of 13.4-13.5%.

"After the cancellation of this program (mortgages with state support - approx. Compare.ru), the rate of loans for new buildings and ready-made housing is leveled and stabilized in the 13% area," the Senior Vice-President VTB 24 Andrei Osipov expects.

At the Agency for Mortgage Housing Lending, it is believed that in early 2017 there is a small increase in interest rates for the purchase of housing under construction, but it will be partially offset by joint shares of banks and developers. By the end of the year, the rates can decrease to a level of 11-11.5%. "Already in 2018, mortgage rates will devote below 10%," predicted in the AHML analytical center.

Here is the head of the Directorate of Mortgage Sales of VTB Georgy Ter-Aristokeyantz sees the prerequisites for a small decline in bets next year. "According to the basic rates on the mortgage, which are now slightly higher than the rates on state support, it is still possible to reduce 0.5-1 percentage points," he says.


At the beginning of the year, a small increase in mortgage rates on new buildings will be associated with the completion of the state program. It is worth noting here that the share of state support in January-August, according to the estimates of the financial director of Deltacredit Bank, Elena Kudlik, accounted for 35.8% of all mortgage loans issued and 38.3% of the volume. The program worked well, but it will already be extended, analysts consider it.

"The program of gossyssidation in its current edition lives at a key rate level above 9.5%, and now it is already 10%. I think there is a high probability that at the beginning of the first quarter of 2017 or even at the end of this year, the Bank of Russia will still make another and reduce it to 9-9.5%, and then there will be no economic meaning in the extension of the state program, since At the level of rates at 12.5%, the market lives well by itself, "says Andrei Osipov.

Moreover, at such a level, the bet will also not stay for a long time - again the decrease in the key rate, and therefore the cost of funding for banks, the reduction of inflation rates will make their kind business. "As the Bank is achieved by the Bank of Russia, the target reference guide in 4%, mortgage rates will continue to decline," say to AHML.

When to execute?

There is no Unified Council here - as a rule, experts advise to make a mortgage as soon as she needs, and not to faith the moment. In addition, the real estate market can not be focused only on the level of mortgage rates. Housing prices are played by a big role.

But in general, based on the short-term influence, which will have the termination of state support, it is worth the first quarter of 2017. "At the moment, all major players have already reduced the rates following the decline in the cost of funding and a decrease in the key rate of the Central Bank. There are no prerequisites for further reducing rates yet, so positive changes can be expected not previously ended the first quarter of 2017, "Elena Kudlik believes.

Thanks to the reduction of mortgage rates in 2017, the housing conditions of 700 thousand families improved. CEO of Ayzhk Alexander Plotnik answered questions about the current situation and the prospects for the housing market.

1. In 2017, mortgage rates decreased markedly. In recent weeks of this year, is therefore their further decline?

The country consists of improving the macroeconomic situation. At the end of September, the mortgage rate for buyers of new housing was 9.88%, on the secondary, 10.14%. Increases the number of new loans at a rate of less than 10% per annum. The most significant decline in 2017 is already behind, but in the remaining weeks the rate can be reduced by the tenths of the percent.

2. When people turn to banks, they often offer to take a mortgage for more than 11%. This is normal?

The largest banks rates are 9-10%, but some financial institutions are trying to earn more on commissions and additional payments. The State Duma is planned to discuss the law that provides an indication on the first page of the contract of all payments and all amounts in absolute terms. In the case of its adoption, the lending conditions will become clearer and more visually.

3. Recently, the head of Sberbank Herman Gref said that in the future it will be possible to make a mortgage at 5%. This is real?

In the future, the decline in bets to such a level is really possible. Prerequisites: Improvements in the economy and reduce the key rate of the Central Bank. In the medium term, it is possible to reduce to 8-7%.

Today, AHML has programs with actors using which you can make a mortgage from 6% per annum. Such a level is achieved by subsidizing a part of rates for preferential categories of the population. Thanks to AHML, the mortgage rate in the area of \u200b\u200b9%, 2-3% is compensated for by the regional budget.

4. What is better for borrowers: make a mortgage immediately or wait for further reducing rates?

Housing prices are not growing yet. Therefore, it is not worth a hitch with a mortgage loan. If it is possible, you need to improve housing conditions. Making a mortgage, the borrower fixes the price of the apartment. A possible reduction in rates should not stop, since the loan can be refinanced.

5. There is an alarming information about the soldering market. The offer in some regions by 30-40% exceeds demand. Will AirlC somehow stimulate the demand for surplus housing?

The main task of the AHML is to stimulate the housing sector as a whole, that is, demand, and suggestions. In some regions, there are really problems with taxing, but they are connected not so much with the lack of demand, but with the flaws of developers. Developers could not provide a comfortable urban environment, did not take care of the improvement.

In conditions of raising rates, many people are ready to buy more expensive housing, but they wish to be in a comfortable and saturated urban environment. Wealthy buyers are no longer interesting apartments, located on walking distance from kindergartens, schools and shops.

The work of AHML is now aimed at being built really comfortable accommodation. Land plots are provided for the most successful projects. The land is distinguished not near the cities, but within the urban trait, inside the current building. People must pay not just per square meters, but for a comfortable urban environment of residence.

In 2016, in the territory of the Russian Federation, the demand for mortgage loan products has sharply increased. Such popularity is more related to the introduction of various programs with state participation. In their conditions, the banks reduce up to 12.00% of annual interest rates, and the difference to them the state reimburses from the budget. This initiative was picked up by many financial institutions, and they could widely expand their client bases. In 2017, the action of such programs was continued, so Russian citizens have the opportunity on preferential terms to take part in them.

How can a mortgage loan be issued in 2017?

Most financial institutions do not plan to globally change the conditions for mortgages in 2017. Age limitations for individuals will remain in the previous borders: at least 21 years, a maximum of 65 years. First of all, Russian banks will be considered as candidates for participation in mortgage lending to customers with a positive credit history. If citizens never issued loans and they have not yet formed a credit history, they can issue a mortgage, presenting a documentary confirmation of their solvency and official employment.

In 2017, mortgage will be issued for the acquisition of the following real estate objects:

  • ready and built apartments;
  • country houses;
  • townhouses;
  • land;
  • for construction, repair, etc.

According to experts, the lowest interest rates should be expected in those financial institutions that take part in mortgage lending programs:

  • Sberbank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • VTB24, etc.

Mortgage interest rates in 2017 - Table

Name of financial institution Programs with state support for mortgage lending (minimum rate) Credits for the purchase of finished housing (minimum rate) Mortgage on the purchase of real estate under construction (minimum rate)
Ak Bars Bank 11,20% 13,50% 13,50%
MTS Bank 12,00% 13,50% 13,50%
Sberbank 12,00% 10,25% 11,00%
Binbank 10,50% 11,25% 11,25%
VTB 24 11,90% 12,10% 12,10%
Absolut Bank - 11,50% 11,50%
Rosenergobank - 11,50% 11,50%
Svyaz-Bank - 12,50% 12,50%
Transcapitalbank - 13,00% 8,00%
Bank of Moscow - 11,60% 11,60%
Raiffeisenbank 12,00% 11,50% 11,00%
Bank opening - 12,50% 12,50%
Promsvyazbank - 12,00% 12,50%
Rosselkhozbank 12,00% 7,00% 7,00%
SKB Bank - 13,00% 8,50%
Gazprombank - 11,00% 11,00%
Bank Rosgosstrah - 11,75% 11,75%
UniCredit - 13,00% 13,00%
Loko Bank - 13,90% 13,90%

The most profitable offers of Russian banks in 2017

Today, individuals can issue on more favorable terms. Russian banks in 2017 offer permanent and new customers mortgage programs for which acceptable interest rates and comfortable conditions are established:

  1. . This financial institution takes part in the state program, so many categories of citizens have the opportunity to improve housing conditions. At such a mortgage there is a low interest rate in the amount of 11.90% per annum (the initial contribution in the amount of 500,000 rubles) is needed. For salary clients of VTB24 offers standard mortgage products on more flexible conditions - 13.10% per annum.
  2. Sberbank of Russia. In this financial institution in 2017, you can get. In mortgage lending, employees of the social sphere can be attended, for which the annual interest rate is established in the amount of 12.00%. It is worth noting that only those individuals will be able to take part in preferential lending to issue insurance policies (lives, disability and health). Only military, which make up a mortgage with state support are released from this duty.
  3. Raiffeisenbank. In 2017, this financial institution offers to Russian citizens, as well as standard programs for buying housing. Taking part in preferential lending, individuals can count on an annual interest rate starting from the indicator 11.00%. To make a mortgage to the clients of Raiffeisenbank, it is necessary to make an initial contribution of 20%. They can count on a loan of 8,000,000 rubles.
  4. Rosselkhozbank. In 2017, the mortgage in this financial institution can be issued in total on two documents. The bank is also a member of the state program, which provides for lending to socially unprotected categories of citizens. The maximum validity of the mortgage is 25 years, and the size of the initial contribution is at least 40% of the cost of purchased real estate. To make a mortgage, you need to purchase a full insurance policy, it is forbidden to attract coaches (only spouses can act in this capacity).

The mortgage rate is what interests everyone who is going to take or already issued a loan for an apartment. For the first, this is a way to save on refinancing, and for the second - an attempt to verify the correct time so that the percentage is comfortable.

Experts give encouraging forecasts! They believe that by the end of the year the mortgage rate will decrease and reaches its historical minimum, which will certainly revive the real estate market.

To take a look at the apartment and chat with representatives of banks, and learn more about mortgage percentages, come to the exhibition "Real Estate from Leaders", which will be held in the Gostiny Dvor (Ilyinka, 4).

To get to the event, you need to register on the site and get a ticket.

Causes of decrease in interest

More experts are inclined to believe that the percentage of the mortgage rate will decrease to 7-8%. This will contribute to the economic situation, which is projected in Russia.

In addition, the president of Sberbank Herman Gref often speaks about the decline in the percentage of the mortgage rate in 2019 in its interview. He argues that the cost of mortgages will largely depend on the central bank.

Already, the Central Bank is working on this issue - inflation slowed down and secured at a mark of 4%.

In addition, to reduce the cost of the mortgage will affect:

  • Exchange rate;
  • Petroleum quotes;
  • Economic development;
  • State subsidization program for families in which the 2nd and 3rd child were born

Also, the President of Sberbank is confident that the economy of the Russian Federation has already overcame the crisis and passes, though small, but growth, which will be an additional reason for reducing the mortgage rate.

How to reduce mortgage rates to affect the real estate market

The reduction in the mortgage interest rate will definitely lead to an increase in the demand for apartments. This is especially true of families who fall on various government programs, for example, maternity capital.

This statement is confirmed by the fact that in 2017, when Sberbank, and after him, other banks reduced the mortgage interest rate to 9-9.5%, people began to buy apartments more, the average percentage of increasing transactions was 20%.

Given this experience, experts predict that at the end of 2018 and early 2019 the real estate market will be revived, and the share of transactions will increase by almost 50%. This trend can be beneficial not only to consumers, but also the Russian economy as a whole.

Now is the time to buy an apartment! And where to do it? Of course, at the exhibition "Real Estate from Leaders", which will be held in the Gostiny Dvor (Ilyinka, 4).

To get to the event and learn more about the decline in the mortgage rate, you need to register on the site and get a free ticket.

What will be the buyer?

In addition to the information about the decline in interest rate, the President of Sberbank German Gref loves to share an exemplary portrait of the buyer, who, one way or another, will change together with the cheapness of the mortgage.

The average age of the borrower should decrease. Young people will stop so much to be afraid of the mortgage, as it is observed now.

In addition, young families and people who are planning to buy apartments for their children, people 23-25 \u200b\u200byears will be added to potential buyers. It will be especially noticeable if, together with the percentage rate on the mortgage, the initial contribution will decrease, the Head of Sberbank.

Mortgage for the preferential category of citizens

Military and large families can also count on the decline in mortgage interest rate in the coming year.

Already, we can see positive trends - for military personnel, they increased the maximum amount to which they can expect, and more opportunities for the use of maternal capital.

To learn more about the prospects for reducing the mortgage rate in Sberbank and other credit institutions, come to the exhibition "Real Estate from Leaders", which will be held in the Gostiny Dvor (Ilyinka, 4).

To get to the event, you need to register on the site and get a free ticket.

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