
Che with Eric Davidovich. Eric Davidovich - the latest news: when will he be released. And the eternal battle ...

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation reviewed the case of blogger Eric Davidich at the request of the defense. The presidium of the court recognized the detention of the man in custody for two years, while the investigation into the fraud was underway, illegal. The blogger will be paid moral damage - soon non will be released.

It was simply impossible to release the blogger from the courtroom - the day before he was found guilty under articles of fraud and sentenced to 4 years and 8 months in prison. According to the law, a day spent in a pre-trial detention center is equal to one and a half days in a colony - thus, during the two years of the investigation, Davidich can already be said to have “rewound” most of his term. He will be released, according to preliminary data, in nine months.

When will Eric Davidovich be released?

The lawyer of the blogger Erik Kituashvili, better known as Erik Davidich, filed an appeal against the verdict of the Dorogomilovsky court in Moscow. Kituashvili was found guilty in a criminal case of car insurance fraud.

“On October 29, within 10 days, the pronouncements of the verdict were handed over, I filed an appeal, in which I asked to acquit my client in full, in all the episodes. Because he was acquitted only on the first episode, on two episodes he was released from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, "said Andrei Romashov, Davidich's defender, to" 360 ".

He hopes that the blogger will be acquitted in at least one more episode. The lawyer noted that Eric himself will also write a complaint and count on an acquittal.

Romashov noted that during the trial, the support of caring people was very important to Erik Daviditch.

Earlier, the court sentenced Erik Kituashvili to four years and eight months in a general regime colony.

Kituashvili was detained back in February 2016. Then he was suspected of fraud. The founder of the Smotra.ru community was charged with staging the theft of expensive cars for the sake of insurance payments.

A money laundering case was also opened. The total amount of damage was ten million rubles.

Kituashvili himself did not admit his guilt and said that all the charges against him were fabricated.

Eric Daviditch's arrest unlawful - Supreme Court

The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized that blogger Eric "Davidich" Kituashvili for two years

Prior to this, the ECHR sided with the convict and admitted that the law enforcement agencies had no reason to keep the blogger in the pre-trial detention center during the investigation of the case. The European Court ruled that the blogger should be paid 2.1 thousand euros. After that, the Supreme Court decided to review the decisions on the detention of the man in connection with the new circumstances.

The court found that Kituashvili was unlawfully kept in a pre-trial detention center from April 2016 to January 2018. The Deputy Prosecutor General agreed to reopen the proceedings so that a number of court orders to extend the measure of restraint could be canceled.

Kituashvili's lawyer, Andrei Romashov, believes that his client was kept in a pre-trial detention center to suppress his will. According to the lawyer, he will ensure that the blogger celebrates the New Year already at large.


Eric Kituashvili was born on July 8, 1981. His parents worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Until 1988 he studied at the Moscow school number 265, after which he served in the army. At this time, Kituashvili's father left the service and went into a business related to the repair and maintenance of luxury cars.

Returning from the army, Kituashvili began to help his father and himself began selling, repairing and tuning expensive foreign cars. He quickly made acquaintances among the owners of luxury cars and street racers in Moscow, began to participate in races that were organized on Vorobyovy Gory.

In 2009 Kituashvili opened the site "Smotra", which got its name from the Observation Deck on Vorobyovy Gory. This is a kind of social network for lovers of expensive cars, which also publishes news about the world of cars, information about test drives, advice from repair specialists. Now the site has 233 thousand registered users.

In December 2009, Kituashvili, who took the nickname Davidich, created a YouTube channel, which quickly developed. At the moment, 2 million 688 thousand subscribers have subscribed to it, the videos on the channel have been viewed 541 million times. With the advent of the channel, the autoexpert began to record not only car reviews, but also videos about the work of traffic police officers who violate duty. They brought him special fame on the Internet.

Such a vigorous activity of the blogger did not go unnoticed, he became not only the leader of Moscow night street racers, but also the idol of young people. Davidich became recognizable on the streets of the capital thanks to the gold BMW X5 - his main pride and dream. The auto expert began to be invited to television, he conducted programs about cars on several channels.

Since 2010, Kituashvili began to organize rallies around the country. During one of them in July 2010, an incident occurred that was actively discussed in the media and social networks. Participants of the rally, among whom was Davidich, made a scandal in a hotel in Samara because of the long procedure for checking in. As a result, the administrator settled the guests, but in the morning she called a police squad, which still could not stop the participants of the rally.

In 2014, Daviditch and his street racing friends helped the police catch the so-called "GTA gang", which stopped cars and killed drivers on the Don highway. Kituashvili was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for his deed.

In December 2015, the blogger posted two films on the Internet about alleged corruption in the Moscow traffic police. According to Davidich, bribes were given, including by some heads of divisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, for promotion. Within the framework of the criminal process, Kituashvili, among other things, was charged with libel.

According to the latest news for March 2018, Erik Daviditch is still in custody. Even two years later, the traffic police did not forgive the blogger for revealing films on the Youtube channel. But the defendant's lawyer continues to fight for the release of his client, providing the court with new evidence of the absurdity of the charges. And only recently, classified information became available to the public after the ban on the disclosure of confidential information about the course of the proceedings was lifted.

Eric Davidovich: f acts from biography

Erik Kituashvili was born into a family of Interior Ministry employees and from early childhood got used to the fact that the law should work correctly. The family of the future race car driver was prosperous and close-knit. He was accompanied through life not only by his parents, but also by his younger sister, who still remains one of the main people in the life of a blogger.

Eric, who later took the pseudonym "Davidich", immediately after military service began to earn his living in a car service on his own. The duties of a specialist for foreign cars included the maintenance and repair of cars, the sale and reinstallation of alarms. In connection with the death of David Vakhtangovich's father in 2015, the novice specialist tried to bring his earnings to a high level.

As a man, he took it upon himself to help provide for the family. Also, over several years, the blogger was able to bring income to a fairly high level and began to further promote the channel called Smotra.TV on Youtube. The resource was founded on 02.12.2009, and has successfully gained subscribers among fans of driving foreign cars and watching fascinating videos. The channel currently boasts impressive views ranging from 1.7 to 4.4 million.

Over time, Davidich managed to gain about 2.5 million fans who follow the latest news on the channel even in 2018. However, at the present time, interesting videos have ceased to appear. All the accents are placed on the dissemination of information that the blogger is unreasonably in custody, and the collection of votes from people who are in favor of his release.

Also, on the channel of a famous motorist, records regularly appear about the progress of the investigation. The defendant's lawyer seeks to attract public attention in order to prove the truth, referring to irrefutable evidence.

Brief overview of events

Since 2010, the well-known blogger Erik Daviditch has acted as the person who has managed to unite fans to drive at high speeds into an automobile club, so it is not surprising that the latest news about his conclusion for 2018 is requested in search engines around the world. Over the next years, desperate racers made a test drive of foreign cars in order to squeeze all the horsepower out of it and plunge into the world of vivid adrenaline emotions. The main goal was to tell about the foreign car and enjoy the event.

"Smotrovites" acted not only in the role of professionals, but also engaged in charity work. Making runs across the territory of the Russian Federation and to other countries, they visited orphanages and delighted the children with gifts and attention. But in the future, the club had other entertainment.

Erik Kituashvili set himself the goal of eradicating corruption from the traffic police structures by "fishing with live bait". The club went hunting and actively violated traffic rules, while acting very deliberately. Car enthusiasts rode in a column, in the middle of which was the famous Daviditch, acting as a decoy. A camera is pre-installed on the blogger's car, recording the violation of traffic cops and their requests for bribes.

Over the years of work in conjunction with the "review", Erik Davidich managed to collect significant compromising evidence that is in demand among the public, tracking the latest news of 2018. Before the story of the detention, the blogger managed to release two films, where he used the collected over the years of work information. The traffic police departments tried to reduce the staff of guilty employees as quickly and efficiently as possible, giving the cases publicity in the news bulletins.

But further events began to develop very rapidly and acquired a completely different meaning. When blogger Davidich told the world community that he was challenging corruption among law enforcement officials, they decided to suppress his desire to prove his case. According to the lawyer and the defendant, as well as the majority of fans of the Smotra.TV channel, the traffic police tried to disrupt the release of the third film. It was he who was supposed to reveal interesting details about the leadership and corruption within this structure.

Literally immediately after the announcement of the February release date of the fascinating movie, Eric Kituashvili was arrested on charges of fraud under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On the road where the blogger spent most of his life, he was stopped by a traffic police officer.

Then there was an arrest with the involvement of the special police unit, which seized from the car all the materials of Davidich, who had organized the fight for justice. A similar situation happened in the apartment of a motorist, with the subsequent arrest of his common-law wife Anna Mikhailovna Kaganskaya.

They were charged with fraud with the insurance company "Ingosstrakh", as well as with the creation of a criminal group. According to the investigation, the blogger deliberately crashed cars and received insurance on fake documents, where more serious breakdowns were indicated. The main witness in the case was an employee of the insurance company, who confirmed the fact of fraud. According to him, Anna and Davidich were regular customers receiving insurance according to a well-developed scheme.

The lawyer of the blogger Erik Kituashvili, better known as Erik Davidich, filed an appeal against the verdict of the Dorogomilovsky court in Moscow. Kituashvili was found guilty in a criminal case of car insurance fraud.

“On October 29, within 10 days, the pronouncements of the verdict were delivered, I filed an appeal, in which I asked to acquit my client in full, in all the episodes. Because he was acquitted only on the first episode, on two episodes he was released from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, ”said Davidych's defender Andrei Romashov.

The defenders filed an appeal against the verdict against the blogger and founder of the Smotra.ru movement Erik Kituashvili, better known as Erik "Davidich". The blogger was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months in prison. he can be released before the New Year.

In his complaint, the lawyer asks to change the verdict in part of the two remaining episodes that are incriminated to the blogger.

Davidovich today 2018: news

He hopes that the blogger will be acquitted in at least one more episode. The lawyer noted that Eric himself will also write a complaint and count on an acquittal.

Romashov noted that during the trial, the support of caring people was very important to Erik Daviditch.

Earlier, the court sentenced Erik Kituashvili to four years and eight months in a general regime colony.

Why Davidovich was detained

Kituashvili was detained back in February 2016. Then he was suspected of fraud. The founder of the Smotra.ru community was charged with staging the theft of expensive cars for the sake of insurance payments.

A money laundering case was also opened. The total amount of damage was ten million rubles. Kituashvili himself did not admit his guilt and said that all the charges against him were fabricated.

Davidovich proved he was right

The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized that blogger Eric "Davidich" Kituashvili for two years

Prior to this, the ECHR sided with the convict and admitted that the law enforcement agencies had no reason to keep the blogger in the pre-trial detention center during the investigation of the case. The European Court ruled that the blogger should be paid 2.1 thousand euros. After that, the Supreme Court decided to review the decisions on the detention of the man in connection with the new circumstances.

The court found that Kituashvili was unlawfully kept in a pre-trial detention center from April 2016 to January 2018. The Deputy Prosecutor General agreed to reopen the proceedings so that a number of court orders to extend the measure of restraint could be canceled.

Kituashvili's lawyer, Andrei Romashov, believes that his client was kept in a pre-trial detention center to suppress his will. According to the lawyer, he will ensure that the blogger celebrates the New Year already at large.

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