
Controller Bank Profession. Performance of work by profession "Controller (Savings Bank). Required quality and skills

Profession, cashier.

Tens of millions of people use the services of savings banks. It is convenient to citizens and favorably to the state.
The controller is one of the main specialties of savings banks; It directly contacts the client. Workplace The controller is in the operating part of the savings bank. The controller can combine its functions with the functions of the cashier.
The responsibilities of the controller include: keeping accounting for perfect operations; Accounting cash cash, values \u200b\u200band valuable blanks; Conclusion operating day; Checking the conformity of the cashier from the cashier by the end of the day of money and values \u200b\u200baccording to the operational diary, drawing up daily reporting on operations. The controller participates in the opening and closing of monetary storage and repository.
The cashier of the savings bank performs all cash transactions. Every day, the movement and remnants of money, values \u200b\u200band valuable blanks are checked every day.
Registration monetary document Passport is performed. After checking the correctness of documents, the cashier controller signs them, receives money and issues documents.
Working with a client is an equally important and responsible part of the service charges of the controller than the design of documents. The controller will best fulfill its official debt if it finds the right tone of communication with the client.

The savings bank controller, the cashier must have the following qualities:

  • good concentration
  • good color - and form perm
  • stress tolerance
  • streetness
  • accuracy
  • tact
  • distribution of attention
  • good prompt memory
  • histority
  • politeness
  • principle.

Working profession "Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier"

I.General characteristics of activity.

1. The implementation of banking operations according to job descriptions.

2. Education required for profession - secondary general; Professional education level - primary education.

Tariffication of the work of the Controller of the Savings Bank, the cashier is established directly at the enterprise in accordance with the current tariff system in the country.

Further advanced training can be carried out in a system of secondary and higher vocational education to achieve a higher level of qualification.

3. The model of a graduate for the working profession "The Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier" includes professional and personal components, as well as psycho-physiological and special requirements.

3.1. A professional-activity component consists of a certain level of special knowledge, skills and skills, the requirements for which are determined taking into account the regulatory documents and functional responsibilities for the profession "Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier".

II.Professionally active component.

1. Types of professional activity.


Theoretical bases of professionalactivities

Common Fefession Parameters

Carries out banking operations in accordance with legislative acts.

Basics legal regulation Bank activities.

The ability to evaluate marketing opportunities for a particular bank.

Basics of bank marketing.

Compliance with service etiquette and communication rules.

Culture of business communication.

Professional parameters

The implementation of banking operations in accordance with job descriptions and regulatory documentation.

Bank operations.

Maintenance documentary reflection banking operations.

Basics accounting in banks.

Having computed literacy, the ability to carry out bank operations using a personal computer.

Automation of banking operations.

Ability to use sources economic information To solve financial issues.

Basics cash circulation and finance.

2. Requirements for the preparation of a graduate in the working profession "Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier".

2.1. General requirements for education.

A graduate for the working profession "The Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier" meets the following requirements:

· Owns the foundations of humanitarian sciences, knows how to use the knowledge gained in professional activities.

· Knows ethical norms regulating the attitude of a person to a person.

· Possesses the culture of thinking, competently uses professional vocabulary, is able to apply knowledge of a foreign language in his professional activities.

· It has an idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle, owns the skills and skills of physical improvement.

· Understands the essence and social significance of his profession, has a sense of professional responsibility for the results of his labor.

· Ready to implement professional functions.

· Able to organize its work.

· Ready to use computer equipment in the field of professional activity.

· Ready to interact with colleagues at work.

· Aware of the need to improve the qualifications, is capable of independently mastering knowledge in the field of professional activities.

2.2. Requirements for the level of training on disciplines and production (professional) practice.

2.2.1. According to general humanitarian disciplines.

In the field of introduction to modern social studies.

Have a presentation:

· About society as a holistic system in cooperation with nature and world civilizations and have a sense of homeland in the Triad: Russia is a family - spirituality.

In the field of foreign language:

· To own a lexical and grammatical minimum necessary for reading and translation (with a dictionary) of foreign texts of professional orientation.

In the field of physical culture:

· To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of physical culture in the general cultural, professional and social development of man.

· To be able to use physical education and sports activities to promote health.

2.2.2. According to disciplines of additional education.

In the field of personality psychology.

Have a presentation:

· On the psychological foundations of their own professional activity.

· On the psychology work with the client.

· Manage attention, regulate cognitive, emotional processes, own emotional state, to build communication with the client on the business level.

In the field of valeology.

Have a presentation:

· On the peculiarities of psycho-emotional tension in the process of professional activity.

· About the basic criteria for health and healthy lifestyle in modern conditions.

· About diseases of the century and their prevention.

· Make a rational mode of labor and recreation that ensure health.

· Resect the consequences of fatigue during the working day.

· Use ways to mobilize organism reserves.

In the field of speech culture.

· Use speech communication skills in the process.

· Apply the developed skills and skills of rational speech skills in various situations.

· Own oral speech.

· Meetings of professional dialogue, to ensure a complete understanding of the parties.

In terms of production training, a graduate for the working profession "The Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier" must own the skills and have experience:

· With regulatory documentation, legislative acts, with reference books, other information sources.

· Work on the personal computer on the processing of information and the use of modern information technologies.

· Work with clients to create a favorable moral and psychological climate.

· Performance of the entire list of operations related to the controller's activities, cashier bank.

· Clear paperwork, operations.

· Safety.

In the process (study) practice, a graduate for the working profession "The Controller of the Savings Bank, the cashier" must consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the learning process, to acquire skills and skills in all types of professional activities.

III.Personal component.

The personality component involves the development of such qualities as:



A responsibility;


Susceptibility to criticism from the side;

The desire for personal improvement, enhance its common culture, the development of intelligence.

The specifics of the work of the graduate in the working profession "The Controller of the Savings Bank, the cashier" lies in a large number of contacts with different people. This places high demands on communicative skills that are related to:

Ownership of the skills of effective behavior in business and problem situations;

Set up for cooperation, the establishment of substantive and correct relations with other people;

The ability to clearly and logically state the necessary information both in writing and orally.

Graduate for the working profession "Controller of the Savings Bank, Cashier":

Configured to keep a healthy lifestyle;

Knowing the main criteria of a healthy lifestyle, risk factors to reduce health quality in hypodynamine and intense minded labor, methods of prevention of diseases of the ages, organizational basics of life safety;

Knows how to organize a rational mode of labor and recreation in situations of standard and emergency for this professional activity (hypodynamics, constant contact with the computer, psycho-emotional overwork, environmental discomfort, etc.);

Owns the skills to mobilize the reserves of the body in the conditions of intense labor.

Psychophysiological and special requirements:

· The ability to process in large numbers verbal and non-verbal information, especially digital;

· The ability to continue in time to turn on in monotonous work, preferabity;

· High concentration, distribution and switching attention;

· Labeliness, thinking flexibility;

· Observation;

· Long-term and RAM;

· Attentiveness, the ability to analyze their activities;

· Honesty, responsibility, politeness.

Specific requirements.

The age of admission to work is not under the age of 18. Paul - not regulated. Medical restrictions are regulated by the list of contraindications of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.

Description of the profession

« Bank controller "

Each person in his life at least once (and in the overwhelming majority and all life) in contact with the bank, whether it is a loan, payment for utilities, telephone, transfer funds to another person, payment of fines and taxes, as well as a variety of contributions for further arrived.

The person who tells us how to behave in the world of banking operations and economic information, and also makes banking operations and their control is called the Savings Bank controller.

The controller is one of the main specialties of savings banks; It directly contacts the client. The workplace of the controller is in the operating part of the savings bank. The controller can combine its functions with the functions of the cashier. The responsibilities of the controller include: keeping accounting for perfect operations; Accounting for cash, values \u200b\u200band valuable blanks; conclusion of the operational day; Checking the conformity of the cashier from the cashier by the end of the day of money and values \u200b\u200baccording to the operational diary, drawing up daily reporting on operations. The controller participates in the opening and closing of monetary storage and repository. Working with a client is an equally important and responsible part of the service charges of the controller than the design of documents. The controller will best fulfill its official debt if it finds the right tone of communication with the client.


Controller of Savings Bank


Controller of Savings Bank

Training term for profession in educational institutions of primary vocational education:

On the basis of the average (full) general education - 10 months

On the basis of the main general education - 2 years 10 months

Tens of millions of people use the services of savings banks. It is convenient to citizens and favorably to the state.

The controller is one of the main specialties of savings banks; It directly contacts the client. The workplace of the controller is in the operating part of the savings bank. The controller can combine its functions with the functions of the cashier.

The responsibilities of the controller include: keeping accounting for perfect operations; Accounting for cash, values \u200b\u200band valuable blanks; conclusion of the operational day; Checking the conformity of the cashier from the cashier by the end of the day of money and values \u200b\u200baccording to the operational diary, drawing up daily reporting on operations. The controller participates in the opening and closing of monetary storage and repository.

The cashier of the savings bank performs all cash transactions. Every day, the movement and remnants of money, values \u200b\u200band valuable blanks are checked every day.

The registration of the monetary document is made according to the passport. After checking the correctness of the paperwork by the controller, the cashier signs them, receives money and issues documents.

Working with a client is an equally important and responsible part of the service charges of the controller than the design of documents. The controller will best fulfill its official debt if it finds the right tone of communication with the client.

The implementation of banking operations in accordance with job descriptions and regulatory documentation.

Be bank the employee is prestigious.

Work in the bank is a high salary and in demand knowledge.

Bank controllers must have the following qualities : initiative, executive discipline, communicability, partnership, the ability to conduct business negotiations with clients in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics.

Bank control is necessary: Good RAM, predisposition to painstaking work with numbers and documents, the ability to focus on, high emotional-volitional stability, calm, friendly character.

To study this profession in college there are: laboratory with technical training, computer class, offices, office equipment.

A graduate who has mastered the PPKRS SPO by profession 38.01.03 Controller of the Savings BankMust have professional competencies, relevant main types of professional activities:
1. Cash operations.
PC 1.1. Perform and execute profitable and expendable cash transactions.
PC 1.2. Perform cash transactions when using software and hardware.
PC 1.3. Perform and execute operations with dubious, insolvent and having signs of fake monetary signs Bank of Russia and foreign countries.
PC 1.4. Perform and execute operations with commemorative coins and precious metals.
PC 1.5. Control cash operations.
PC 1.6. Perform and execute operations with foreign currency and checks.
2. Recalling operations by bank deposits (deposits).
PC 2.1. Advise customers on deposit operations.
PC 2.2. Perform and execute deposit operations with individuals in currency Russian Federation and foreign currency.
PC 2.3. Perform and execute deposit operations with legal entities.
PC 2.4. Perform and execute operations to attract precious metals into deposits.

  1. Carries out banking operations cash Cash Services and lending to the population, enterprises, organizations and institutions with a different form of ownership.
  2. Accepts deposits, other types of savings, payment documents, monitors the correctness of their design.
  3. Prepares extracts to the client on a settlement account, is business documents, calculates by interest rate Dimensions of payments, draw up letters of credit, translations, estimated checks, sale and purchase valuable papers (certificates, lottery, bonds, stocks).
  4. Sells and buys currency.
  5. Provides information and reference services to the Bank's customers.

For activities necessary: \u200b\u200bgood RAM, predisposition to painstaking work with numbers and documents, the ability to focus on, high emotional-volitional stability, calm, friendly character.

Medical contraindications

Work is not recommended to people with: impacts of view and hearing, violations of speech suffering from spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, suffered by spine injury), hypertensive disease, neuropsychiatric diseases

Professional training requirements

Must be: good preparation for mathematics, geography. Must know specifications and the rules of operation of settlement and cash registers, instructions, decisions, orders for customer service issues. Must be able to use computing technology, to own the skills of banking operations. Desirable knowledge of a foreign language.

Related professions

Accountant, tax inspector, insurance agent, financier.

Source: https://www.rabotka.ru/infoworker/0036.php.


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Source: http://financestrades.ru/banki/18351

Controller - Where to learn, salary, benefits of profession

The livelihood of a civilized society was built on the basis of a huge number of rules, laws, norms and standards that cover almost all spheres of our life: from entertainment to the production of various goods.

And this was the controller - man, professional activity which is to control both the quality of products and the compliance of the rules and laws.

The livelihood of a civilized society was built on the basis of a huge number of rules, laws, norms and standards that cover almost all spheres of our life: from entertainment to the production of various goods.

Naturally, someone must observe compliance with the stated requirements.


And that someone became controller - A person, whose professional activity, is to control both the quality of products and the compliance of the rules and laws.

Immediately, I would like to note that the profession of the controller "on the teeth" is not every person, since despite the seeming ease official dutiesIt is characterized by the specific features that we will talk about in this article.

Who is the controller?

Controller - executiveauthorized to control the work and verify the results of the actions of other specialists or consumers of goods and services.

Today, almost all enterprises, companies and organizations are somehow faced with the activities of controllers: either these specialists enter the staff of the enterprise, or attend the organization as inspectors.

The name of the profession occurred from the French Contrôle (check, observation, supervision), which fully discloses the meaning of the main job responsibilities of the specialist.

History of development professions of controller Takes its beginning in a distant antiquity: the first documented information on the existence of such specialists can be considered the inscriptions on the Hoeop Pyramid, containing detailed information on the number of products issued to builders, which relate to 2560-2540 BC.

Today, the controller is customary to call any specialist, one way or another related to inspections, supervision and control: this is the auditor, and the conductor, and the auditor, and the ticket, and the inspector, and the capperiner.

In addition, there are specialty, the name of which directly indicates the nature of the specialist class: Controller OTV, Cashier-Controller, Financial Controller, Controller Production, Housing and Utilities Controller, Bank Controller, etc.

Official duties depend on the scope of the controller. For example, the conductor sells travel tickets and controls their availability from passengers, the Controller SLE checks the quality of products, the Housing and utilities controller specializes in checking accounting devices communal servicesAnd the bank controller monitors all banking operations.

What personal qualities should the controller have?

feature profession of controller It is that he should notice more than everyone else. Therefore, it must necessarily be attentive and observant. In addition, regardless of specialization, the representative of this profession should have such personal qualities as:

  • principle;
  • accuracy;
  • communicability;
  • stress tolerance;
  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • concentration;
  • emotional-volitional stability;
  • patience;
  • demandingness (both to itself and to others);
  • honesty.

In addition to personal qualities job controller It implies the presence of professional knowledge and skills that depend on the direction of work.

For example: Controller OTV should know all the features of the production of that products, the quality of which he checks, the auditor and the auditor - to understand all the nuances of accounting, and the KapelDiner is not only free to navigate the theater's premises, but also possess wide knowledge in literary and theater creativity.

Advantages of the profession of controller

Basic the advantage of the profession of controller is the constant demand for such specialists on modern market Labor. As mentioned above, the controllers can be found almost everywhere today, while the sphere of their activities is constantly expanding, and as all new and new specialization of this profession appear.

Another advantage of the profession of the controller can be considered that, as a rule, this work is not related to severe physical labor, therefore, not only young and physically enduring people can master this specialty, and people aged for which more "heavy" professions are not available .

Disadvantages of the profession of controller

If we talk about disadvantages of the profession of controller, First of all, it should be noted that it is even a permanent, but a fairly small source of income. In other words, the remuneration of controllers is very difficult to name competitive, which is the main cause of a huge "fluidity" of personnel.

It is impossible not to mention that almost all directions of work of the controllers are invariably connected with a large number of conflict situations.

This deficiency is characteristic of conductors who have been communicating with a huge number of various people throughout the working day, including not quite honest, seeking to take advantage of transport services for free (that is, to drive a "hare").

Where can I get the profession of the controller?

Choosing an educational institution in which you can get the profession of controller It depends solely on the sphere of activity that you closely. If you want to work in accounting, audit or finance controller, then you need to choose trade and economic and financial institutions.

To become a session controller, it is necessary to obtain technical education. Accordingly, the tax inspector must have "by shoulders" the formation obtained in the profile university, and the production controller is in the educational institution of the appropriate orientation (for example, machine-building, construction, food industry, etc.).

It should be noted that some specializations of the controller profession do not require special education at all. So, a capperiner can be any man interested in theatrical art, and pensioners are quite often becoming conductor, no matter who they worked before, who do not want to sit at home and seek to have additional earnings.

If we talk about best educational institutions RussiaIn which you can get the profession of the controller, it should be noted such as:

  • Moscow State Technical University. AD Bauman;
  • Siberian Federal University;
  • South Federal University;
  • St. Petersburg state University economy and finance;
  • Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

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Material useful?

Source: https://fulledu.ru/articles/156_osobennosti-professiy-kontroler.html

Bank controller

  • Banks
  • Loans
  • Insurance
  • Finance
  • Forex and stock

Appointment of profession:

The implementation of banking operations in accordance with job descriptions and regulatory documentation.

Be bankthe employee is prestigious.

Work in the bank is a high salary and in demand knowledge.

Bank controllers mustpossess the following qualities: initiative, executive discipline, communicability, partnership, the ability to conduct business negotiations with clients in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics.

Bank control is necessary: Good RAM, predisposition to painstaking work with numbers and documents, the ability to focus on, high emotional-volitional stability, calm, friendly character.

Requirements for the results of the development of a training program for qualified workers serving

A graduate who mastered the PPKRS must have common competences that include the ability:

  • Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show sustainable interest.
  • Organize your own activities based on the purpose and methods of its achievement determined by the head.
  • Analyzing the work situation, carry out current and outcome control, assessment and correction of our own activities, to be responsible for the results of its work.
  • Search for information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
  • Work in the team, effectively communicate with colleagues, leadership, clients.
  • Working with customers using basic knowledge of business Russian and foreign languages \u200b\u200band taking into account inter-ethnic and ethnic differences.
  • Effectively use the office equipment and appropriate means of protection against dangerous and harmful factors, comply with safety regulations.
  • Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

A graduate who mastered the PPKRS must have professional competences corresponding to the main types of professional activities:

  1. Cash operations.
    • Perform and execute profitable and expendable cash transactions.
    • Perform cash transactions when using software and hardware.
    • Perform and execute operations with dubious, insolvent and signs of counterfeiting by banknotes of the Bank of Russia and foreign countries.
    • Perform and execute operations with commemorative coins and precious metals. Control cash operations.
    • Perform and execute operations with foreign currency and checks.
  2. Maintain operations on bank deposits (deposits).
    • Advise customers on deposit operations.
    • Perform and make deposit operations with individuals in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currency.
    • Perform and execute deposit operations with legal entities.
    • Perform and execute operations to attract precious metals into deposits.

The Profession "Controller of the Bank" was opened in 1998, during this time 250 people were released.

Our profession is in demand now. All graduates are employed. The best students continue their education in higher educational institutions.

To study this profession in the school, there are: laboratory with technical training, computer class, cabinets, office equipment.

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Performance of work by profession "Controller (savings bank)"

There are existing deposit accounts. Based on the classification, there may be taqueequers, as sources of deposits, the immigration destination, the degree of profitability, etc. However, the category of deposit seizure shapes are most often in qualitirity.

Commonlements legal entities The largest collector attracting a resource to the bank is its turnover of customer (current) accounts and correspondent accounts. According to the ineconomic essence, these accounts are reports of demand.

- Deposituridas (enterprises, organizations, other banks);

- Deposits individuals.

2) poeconomic content:

- Forms of withdrawal;

- Exactly use of stored means.

3) Subsupportment of funds:

- urgent separations;

- Depositudo in demand;

- Savings of the population.

All the deposits of both legal and individuals in the form of seizures are divided into:

  • demand deposits (commitments that do not have a specific period);
  • term deposits (commitments that have a certain period);
  • conditional deposits (funds to be withdrawn at the occurrence of pre-agreed conditions).

Iniquit of Western banks deposits of the causality of their withdrawal are divided into the following categories:

- "hot," which is highly probablyed to be withdrawn (for example, deposits that are sensitive to changes in the amount of interest);

- unreliable, which can be removed within25-30% of their size;

- Stableness (main deposits), the probability of which is minimal.

1. Create a collection of cash in a commercial bank


Cash acceleration sketch and timely enrollment money On the accounts of enterprises of organizations, banks carrying monetary revenue. Money dealers are invisited under the agreements to the spreads.

Entered the Cassus credit organization Expanded collectors in closed, oscalued bags. The amount of cash in the bag is filled with prepayment in 3 copies,

1-yebectery is inserted into the bag in the bag of revenue and is the basis for money intention in cash,

The 2-yectery is overlighted and outstanding on hand when transmitting hens. If you recalculate and enroll the client's account, this instance is sent to the confirmation of the adopted amount

3-yebectery (receipt) with a receipt of the Cassion of receiving the bags remains in the bank.

Attaching bags with revenue. Collector is a certificate of identity, power of attorney and a fracture card on assembly and at the same time on a refilled bag.

Sumkais revenue, overlaid to them, jumpers, brigadier collectors in principle of all the brigade in the evening bank.

Registered Industry are transmitted to the cashier for receiving themselves from the collector. Overhead and jumpers come to the accountant-controller in the evening cash register, which register in the journal number bags ISumma revenue announced in the invoice.

Allowed in 2 copies for everyiacrut of the collector. Both specimens are attached by the cashier, the accountant of the Islev Collectors of the Brigade.

The afterwards of the sum in the evening cash registers, the older instance of the olden instance is issued, and the fading cards are returned.

On the total number of days taken for day and a separate certificate is drawn up, where it is given total amount Revenue referred to overhead.

The morning working day of the bag with revenue, overhead and empty bags are transmitted to the Castle to recalculate. Recalculated cashiers hand over the head of the cash register receipt in the control list. The cashier transfers the invoice of the accounting and operating decisions of the enrollment of the amounts taken by the amounts of Customer accounts of 20202.

The remaining compliants and the magazine of registration of adoption are transmitted to the head of the cashier. For the acceleration of the wrapperiness of monetary environments and to ensure timeliness, customers are allowed to use revenue before its actual activation.

The operation of the Operation Cash Operations transferred to the economists of the accounting and operating party, which constitute a list of summal co-owned revenues to the Customers of Revenue. Inventory with intermediate results of individual customers accounts before recalculating on account40906 in Customer accounts, i.e. ADDREDCOD40906 K40702.

Then there are overlayed in the cash register and on the excessive lacking shortcomings identified in the process detects are drawn up accounting and wraps: Izznyshid40906 K40702 on the summislishki, the disadvantaged 40702 K40906 on the summoud-stop. The actual sum of the recalculation of the transmission revenue relates about20202 and the wiring is compiled20202k40906.

The balance on the account 40906 should not be at the end of the day.

Source: https://studfiles.net/Preview/2947783/

Financial Controller: Responsibilities, Features and Reviews

Economic control is very important at any enterprise. Responsibility for this work falls on the financial controller. On the duties, features and features of the representative of this profession and will be told in this article.

About profession

Financial controller is a specialist who is engaged in maintaining the information structure of the enterprise, conducts various audit checks, Controls accounting for compliance with the standards and is engaged in many other cases in the field of finance and economics. At each enterprise, there must be a financial controller. That is why the profession under consideration is so important.

Being a financial controller is not so simple. It is necessary to work very carefully. After all, the main task of the representative of the profession under consideration is to search for shortcomings and mistakes in the enterprise farm. However, if the financial controller works simply and competently, then in the future it has every chance of becoming a financial director.

Any worker has its own functions and duties. Not an exception and financial controller. Responsibilities at the representative of the profession under consideration must be said very extensive. Here are just some of them:

  • Drawing, analysis and implementation of the enterprise budget.
  • Compilation financial reports According to established standards.
  • Participation in the work on achieving the indicators of the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Work on minimization of enterprise losses.
  • Drawing up financial forecasts.
  • Evaluation of financial efficiency.

Financial controller has many other duties. However, they will all work out with difficulty. It is worth adding only one thing: the profession under consideration is very complicated and in some extent heavy. But this is its prestige.

All obligations performed by a specialist apply only to certain official areas. Thus, the representative of the profession under consideration is responsible only for some functions of a particular enterprise. What can it be for functions?

First, it is, of course, a different kind of relationship with financial organizations, banks, government agencies etc. Secondly, this is the organization of management accounting, its preparation. Thirdly, this is supporting the adoption of various solutions.

The most important and basic functions were named above. But some other powers can be attributed here. This, for example, the introduction of operations on internal control, support for business projects, etc.

Education necessary

It's easy to get any good position. The financial controller should also be educated person. About where you can learn to work in the profession under consideration will be described further.

Economy specialists must have higher economic Education. The same applies to the financial controller. But, among other things, such a specialist should have good knowledge in the field of accounting. Simply put, before the post under consideration, it is still necessary to grow: for some time you have to work a simple accountant.


If you need to work in international companyYou will have to get a special certificate (CIPA, IFRS). In addition to this, you must know at least two foreign languages \u200b\u200b(one of them is English).

Thus, the financial controller is a specialist who should have an extremely wide range of knowledge.

About the responsibility of the financial controller

In the profession under consideration there is a special job description. The financial controller, according to this document, is endowed with certain rights and obligations. There is a section and responsibility of the employee. What is spelled out there?

  • The financial controller is obliged to be responsible for complying with the timing of the execution of its functions.
  • The specialist must be responsible for compliance with the rules for which accounting is conducted. The rules for accounting in the enterprise must also be observed, as well as closely monitor the execution of tax legislation.
  • The financial controller is responsible for the safety of all existing enterprise assets.

Financial controller rights:

  • Block payments.
  • Interact with government agencies, management and statistical authorities.
  • Interact with audit companies, banks.
  • Make decisions on costs (in accordance with established standards - up to a certain amount).

Required quality and skills

As in any other work, representatives of the profession under consideration are needed certain qualities, skills, character traits, etc. The financial controller is endowed with a whole range of powers and rights. Official duties from him is incredibly extensive.

Of course, not everyone may take a prestigious position of the controller. That is why a person who wants to get this work must have certain qualities.

These include: attention to detail, the ability to competently express priorities, sociability, stress resistance and much more.

Financial controls and certain skills are essential. This is an introduction to the SAP, ERP, SAGE system, etc. you need to have excellent knowledge of business restructuring, as well as for "merger and acquisition".

Only possessing the above qualifications, knowledge and skills listed above will be hoped for a cherished position.

About career growth

Of course, nothing about the career growth of a specialist will not say job description. The financial controller, however, has tremendous opportunities to improve its skills, knowledge and skills, as a result of which to move on the career ladder is even higher. What opportunities is the representative of the profession under consideration?

The development of new systems (for example, MBA) will help him significantly increase the chances of becoming a financial director. Thanks to a stubborn work, it is possible to grow up general Director. But for this, it is necessary, of course, to master new skills, skills, acquire precious experience, to introduce more and more working systems, etc.

It is worth saying that many financial controllers still remain satisfied with their workplace and especially do not seek to hold higher positions. After all, in submission of the representative of the profession under consideration, and so there are many people. These are all sorts of specialists, assistants of the financial department and other employees of the company.

On the advantages and disadvantages of the profession. Reviews about profession

The advantages of the profession under consideration are obvious: it's high wage, and prestige, and the possibility of fast career growth. This can also be attributed to work with subordinates, the primacy over the entire accounting, as well as some freedom of action.

Of the shortcomings it is worth allocating, of course, excessively high responsibility. After all, on the financial controller, almost the entire budget of a particular enterprise is being held.

This also includes the hard development of various special systems, as well as the difficulty of working with them. Interaction with subordinates can be attributed both to the advantages of the profession and to disadvantages.

Here everything will depend primarily from the controller itself.

What are the financial controllers themselves say and write about their profession? Perhaps it should be known, because it is from them that you can get the most reliable information about the profession. Here are some reviews:

"The main thing is to show this, living interest in the company in which you work. It is necessary to truly hurt for it, perhaps even live it. Only then work will be truly beloved and valuable. "

"In my work, the main thing is discipline. Only by planning every little thing in advance, you can succeed. In the work of the financial controller there is no place of error. "

"My profession is really complicated. To keep track of everything is simply impossible. However, the competent planning of activity helps. It is important to understand that you are a huge responsibility. Often, understanding of this stimulates to efficient work. "

It is proud of its profession almost every financial controller. Reviews of work are usually positive. And it is fully justified.

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Job description Bank cashier controller [Name, organizational and legal form of the bank]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The cashier controller refers to the category of technical performers.

1.2. The cashier-controller of the Bank is appointed and exempt from it by order [Position of the Bank's Head] on the Submission of [Head structural unit; other official].

1.3. As a cashier-controller, a person having a secondary (full) person is appointed general education and special training according to the established program for each type of settlement and cash, exchange and exchange operations, operations with securities, work experience in a credit organization is no less [meaning] years.

1.4. The Bank's cashier controller is guided in his labor activity The legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documentsregulating banking In the Russian Federation, including: Civil Code RF Federal law from 10.07.2002 of the year N 86-FZ "On Central Bank Of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), the situation of the CBD of April 24, 2008 N 318-P "On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions and the rules of storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions in the Russian Federation", the situation of the CBR from 03.10 .2002 N 2-P "On non-cash calculations", the situation of the CBR from 05.01.1998 N 14-P "On the rules of the organization of cash flow in the territory of the Russian Federation", the situation of the CBD of March 26, 2007 N 302-P "Rules for maintenance of accounting accounting in credit institutions located in the Russian Federation ", other regulatory legal acts, instructions and methodical recommendations, concerning the activities of credit institutions.

1.5. Cashier-controller bank should know:

Forms of banking, including cash documents;

Rules for admission, issuance, accounting and storage of cash, securities and other values;

The procedure for issuing profit and expenditure documents;

The procedure for maintaining a cash journal, cash reporting;

Rules of operation of electronic computers;

Basics of Labor Organization;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.6. The cashier controller must have skills:

With the means of mechanization and automation of cash transactions to determine the authenticity of securities when performing cash processing operations, to determine the authenticity of bank cards;

With a personal computer;

With specialized programs, information and reference systems.

1.7. The cashier-controller must possess, along with professional knowledge, skills and skills, the following moral qualities: a sense of responsibility, discipline, accuracy, attention. When working with clients of the bank, the cashier controller must be polite and tactful.

1.8. The bank's checkline is subject to [Head of the Structural Unit; Another official].

1.9. The cashier-controls are subject to [Name of the posts of bank specialists, such as cashier of the currency box office, etc.].

1.10. The cashier controller in the process of its work is prohibited:

Carry out instructions of customers to carry out cash transactions bank accounts, deposit accounts (deposits), bypassing accounting workers, in the absence of a control system provided for in paragraph 2.6 of the CBR positions of April 24, 2008 N 318-P;

Customized from the field of view of the client received from him, issued to him in cash, documents before the end of the operation and issuing a customer signed by a cashier-signed by a cashier of the parish, expenditure cash document with an imposed print of the cash stamp;

Store on the desktop cash worker previously taken from customers cash;

Destroy, produce quenching of dubious, having signs of counterfeiting banks of the Bank of Russia, including by simplication of stamps, punching holes, cutting, and also issue, return them to the client.

1.11. The cashier controller belongs to the list of positions and works, replaced by or executed by employees, with whom the employer may conclude written agreements on complete individual liability for the launch of entrusted property approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2002 N 85.

1.12. For storing cash and other values \u200b\u200bduring the working day, the cashier-controller is provided by individual storage facilities (metal cabinets, safes, trolleys closed type, special tables having individual locks of locks).

1.13. At the moment of the absence of a bank controller (sickness, vacation, travel, etc.), his duties fulfills the person appointed in the prescribed manner serving full responsibility for their proper execution, in accordance with this Instruction and current legislation.

2. Functions

2.1. The following functions are assigned to the Bank's cashier-controller:

Fast, clear and high-quality customer service - individuals;

Directly performing banking operations on receiving, accounting, issuing and storing cash, securities and other values \u200b\u200bwith mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety;

Ensuring the formation of daily reporting on the bank's office;

Issues of the organization of the activities of the cashier and the control of settlement and cash and exchange operations of the Bank.

3. Official duties

3.1. To perform the functions assigned to it, the cashier-controller must:

When performing operations on deposits and accounts, as well as monetary transfers and settlement and cash maintenance of individuals: carry out checks received from customer cash documents, check on the authenticity of funds made, make out the relevant cash receipt and expenditure documents, conduct cash journals reflected in the amount of arrival and consumption; take or issue cash in the currency of the Russian Federation and in foreign currency; reflect the amount of accepted or issued money on bank account client, to check the actual availability monetary sums and securities at the checkout with the residue in the cash journal; make cash reports in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia regulatory acts governing accounting issues in credit institutions in the Russian Federation; transfer in accordance with the established procedure Cash to collectors;

Perform operations using bank cards: cash withdrawal in the currency of the Russian Federation and in foreign currency on banking cards, drawing up settlement and other documents for reflecting or enrolling the amounts of operations performed using bank cards;

Perform operations with securities, lottery tickets in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, regulating these issues;

Give oral advice to clients on the activities of the Bank within the limits of the competence provided;

Fill in references and make up required documents and reports on the issues of the Bank's settlement and cash activities provided for by the requirements of the Bank of Russia regulatory acts governing accounting issues in credit institutions in the Russian Federation;

Carry out separate service orders of their direct supervisor;

Take care of the values \u200b\u200bentrusted to him carefully, to take all measures to ensure the safety of the funds entrusted to him, securities and other values \u200b\u200band prevent damage;

To report in a timely manner ([the head of the structural unit, the security officer]) of all the circumstances threatening to ensure the safety of the values \u200b\u200bentrusted to him.

Do not disclose the information known to him about the operations of the bank's values, their transportation, the Bank's protection system, as well as individual information on the calculated cash operations of customers, the state of their accounts.

4. Rights

4.1. The bank's cashier controller has the right to:

All social guarantees provided for by law;

Demand from the leadership of the Bank to assist in the execution of their official duties and the implementation of rights;

Require creating conditions for the performance of official duties, including the provision of necessary equipment, technical means, etc.;

Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Bank's leadership regarding its activities;

To submit proposals for the management of the Bank to improve the organization and improvement of the methods of work performed;

Request personally or on behalf of the direct supervisor the documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;

Improve your professional qualifications.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Bank's cashier controller is responsible:

For non-fulfillment or improper performance of its official duties provided for by this Official Instruction - within the limits defined by the current labor laws of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation;

For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities, within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal, civil law of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Ignorance by the cashier-controller requirements of regulatory acts regulating the order of reference cash Operations, can not serve as a basis for liberating it from responsibility in case of the assumptions of any violations.

The job instruction is designed in accordance with [Name, number and document date].

Head of the Structural Unit

[Signature] [initials, surname]

[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[Signature] [initials, surname]

[day month Year]

The instructions are familiar with:

[Signature] [initials, surname]

[day month Year]

1. To make a classification of deposits of commercial banks.

There are a variety of deposit accounts. The classification of their classification may be such criteria as sources of deposits, their intended purpose, the degree of profitability, etc. However, the category of the depositor and the form of seizure of the contribution are most often as criteria.

Among the deposits of legal entities, the largest source of resource attracting resources to its turnover is customer funds at the calculated (current) accounts and in the accounts of corresponding banks. By its economic essence, these accounts are deposits to demand.

- Deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, other banks);

- Deposits of individuals.

2) Economic Content:

- in forms of withdrawal;

- in order to use stored funds.

3) in the form of dissemination of funds:

- urgent deposits;

- demand deposits;

- Savings deposits of the population.

In turn, deposits of both legal and individuals in the form of seizure of funds are divided into:

    demand deposits (commitments that do not have a specific period);

    term deposits (commitments that have a certain period);

    conditional deposits (funds to be withdrawn at the occurrence of pre-agreed conditions).

In the practice of Western banks, deposits as possible their withdrawals are divided into the following categories:

- "Hot Money", which are likely to be withdrawn (for example, deposits that are sensitive to changes in interest rates);

- unreliable, which can be removed within 25-30% of their size;

- Stable funds (main deposits), the probability of the withdrawal of which is minimal.

2. Make a document flow scheme "Operations on cash flow rates from the bank's office"

1. Create a collection of cash in a commercial bank.

Accounting revenue.

In order to accelerate the circulation of cash and the timely crediting of funds to the accounts of enterprises and organizations, banks carry out the collection of monetary proceeds. Cash revenue is invisited under contracts with enterprises ..

The revenue entered in the cashier's cash register for rent to collectors in closed and sealing bags. In the amount of cash in the bag, the transmittory statement in 3 copies is filled,

The 1st copy is invested in the bag along with the revenue and is the basis for posting money to the cashier,

The 2nd instance is the invoice and is issued to collectors in the hands when transferring to it bags. When recalculating and crediting money to the client's account, this instance is sent to the client in confirmation of the amount adopted,

The 3rd instance (receipt) from the receipt of the cashier in the reception of the bag remains in the bank.

When receiving a bag with a revenue, the collector places an identity card, a power of attorney and a turning card for collecting revenues and simultaneously to return the blank bag.

Bags with revenue, overlaid to them, uncertic cards, brigadier collectors in the presence of the entire brigade leaving in the evening cashier of the bank.

Registered invoices are transmitted to the cashier to receive bags from the collector. Overhead and clarification cards come to the accountant - the controller in the evening cash register, which registers in the magazine number of bags and the amount of revenue announced in the invoice.

The magazine is conducted in 2 copies for each route of the collector. Both copies are signed by the cashier, an accountant and all collectors of the brigade. After receiving the amount in the evening cash register, the 2nd instance of the magazine is issued to the older collector, and the uncertic cards are returned. On the total number of bags taken for the day, a separate certificate is drawn up, where the total amount of revenue announced on the overhead is given.

In the morning the next working day, bags with revenue, overhead and empty bags are transmitted to the cashiers to recalculate. Recalculated money cashiers hand over the head office on receipt in the checklist. The Cassian Head reports the invoice of the accounting and operating department to enroll the amounts adopted on the relevant customer accounts in correspondence with account 20202.

The remaining documents and the registration log of adopted bags are transferred to the head office. To speed up cash and ensure the timeliness of calculations, customers are allowed to use revenue before its actual recalculation.

To start the operation, the Operation Cashier transfers the invoices to the economies of the accounting and operating department, which constitute a list of the sums of the invoices on the charged revenue clients. Inspection amounts with intermediate results on the accounts of individual customers before recalculation refers to account40906 in correspondence with customer accounts, i.e. Conditions are made 40906 K40702. Then the invoices are transmitted to the cashier of recalculation and the excess and shortages detected in the process of recalculation are compiled accounting wiring: excessively 40906 K40702 in the amount of surplus, the disadvantaged 40702 K40906 in the amount of shortage. The actual amount of recalculated collector revenue refers to the account20202 and the wiring 32202 K40906 is compiled. The balance on the account40906 should not be at the end of the day.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state