
Cash bag cover slip. Bag cover slip: form. Sample bag invoice

According to the decree of the Bank of Russia, each credit institution working with cash and having a cash desk is obliged to donate surplus funds to the bank. An institution such as a bank in the same way hands over the cash limit either in central bank or in your head. This happens with the help of a collection service.

Preparatory steps for depositing cash

Cash transfer procedure, required documents

Before transferring money into the hands of collectors, a number of requirements must be met:


  • Prepare funds that must be sorted and packaged in accordance with the requirements of Cetrobank
  • Draw up the accompanying documents, namely the accompanying sheet, it is called the invoice. It is drawn up in triplicate, one is put into the bag, the second is in the hands of the collector, and the third remains with those who donate it.
  • Prepare a sample of the seal on a printed cardboard sheet
  • Then check with the collector for the availability of documents and a power of attorney to receive cash


  • Got to count the money back
  • Sign the documents that I agree with the amount, etc., as well as the receipt or expense order
  • Put the funds in bags and seal with a seal
  • Compare the statement with the specified amount

Sample bag invoice

A cover slip for a bag of ruble cash

  • in the graph Cover sheet to the bag with ruble cash № " the serial number of the document is indicated.
  • in the graph "_____________ 20__" the date of collection of the client is indicated, in this case, a verbal-digital dating method is used.
  • in the graph "From whom" the name of the organization that donates the funds is indicated.
  • in the graph "Recipient" the name of the organization to which the funds are deposited is indicated.
  • in the graph "Credit" the number of the personal account of the recipient organization is indicated.
  • in the graph "Payee's bank" the name is indicated credit institution receiving funds.
  • in the graph "Amount (total)" the amount of funds invested in the collection bag is indicated in numbers.
  • in the column "Suma in cuirsive" the amount of funds that arrive at the cashier is recorded. In this case, the amount is indicated in words with a capital letter and from the beginning of the line.
  • in the graph "Symbol" the symbol (symbols) of the parish article is indicated.
  • in the graph "Sum" are indicated in figures of the amount corresponding to the articles of the receipt indicated in the column "Symbol".
  • in the graph "Cashier" the cashier of the organization, who formed the bag, signs.
  • in the graph "Cashier" the cashier of the cash desk of the credit institution undersigns with a positive reconciliation of the amount of money that actually turned out to be in the bag with the amounts indicated on the front and back sides of the accompanying sheet.
  • in the graph "Supervising employee" the supervising employee of the cash desk of the credit institution undersigns with a positive reconciliation of the amount of money actually in the bag with the amounts indicated on the front and back sides of the cover sheet.
  • graphs "Act" filled in if there is a discrepancy between the amount of money actually found in the bag with the amounts indicated on the front and back sides of the accompanying sheet.
  • On Back side " the accompanying statement to the bag with ruble cash, the cashier of the organization makes a cash breakdown of the money to be handed over, indicates the list of submitted checks and summarizes these handed over values.

Handing over the bag to the collector on the waybill

To return the bag to the collector, the cashier draws up an accompanying sheet, which indicates the delivery person and the recipient of the proceeds, Bank details, according to which funds are credited. The reverse side of the forwarding sheet contains a bill-to-bill list of all transferred cash. The cover sheet is filled in in 3 copies:

  1. 1st copy of the cover sheet
  2. 2nd copy of the invoice
  3. 3rd copy - receipt for the cover sheet). The cover slip is inserted into the cash bag, after which the bag is sealed.

Important! The second copy of the accompanying sheet, called the invoice, is given by the cashier to the collector in exchange for an empty bag of the corresponding numbering.

The bag with cash received from the collector is opened in the bank and the invested funds are checked against the data of the accompanying sheet. In the event of a discrepancy in the amounts or non-payment funds (fake) by bank employees in unilaterally an act is drawn up. After verification, the money is credited to the client's account of the organization, which is confirmed by the return of the second copy of the statement to the accounting department.

What you need to check when depositing money

  • Does the received bag with cash have any damage - patches, tears of fabrics, outer seams, damaged locks or seals, a broken harness, or knots on the harness.
  • The integrity of the cash bag and the seal on it.
  • Does the number of the bag with cash correspond to the number indicated in the invoice for the bag, if the bag with cash is accepted from the collectors.

If inconsistencies are identified in the accompanying documents, an appropriate entry is made

If the bag is damaged, the bag is opened in the presence of the persons presenting the bag (collectors), and the cash is accepted by counting sheets of paper. If a surplus or shortage of cash is identified, an act of opening and recalculation of the invested money is drawn up.

The act specifies:

- Name of the banking organization, date.

- The name of the organization that donated the money.

- Details of the packaging.

- The reason for opening the bag.

- Job titles.

- the full name of the employees who performed the recount and were present at the recalculation of cash.

- Information about the room in which the cash was recounted.

- Cash amount according to data cash documents and the actual amount of cash.

Transferring cash to a bank requires documenting, the cashier who hands over the money is faced with the preparation of an accompanying sheet for the bag, the form and sample of which we offer to download for free below.

The form valid for 2017 is contained in the appendix to Bank of Russia Ordinance 3352-U dated July 30, 2014.

The cover sheet for the bag must be filled in in triplicate. One will remain in the organization, the second will be put into the bag of the collector with in cash, the third will be handed over to a bank employee who will accept the organization's cash.

The form that remains in the organization must be signed by the collector who accepted the cash for delivery to the bank. Based on this form, entries are made in the following reports:

  • report ,

Corrections and corrections are not allowed in the accompanying sheet. If you make a mistake, you need to cancel the completed form and start the process over.

Since three copies of the statement are required, in order to avoid unnecessary actions, a carbon copy is used, which is inserted between the sheets of the document. If the form is generated in an automated way, then this problem disappears.

Sample of filling out the cover sheet

The form does not tolerate corrections, therefore, when filling out manually, you need to be very careful, you should fill in the following fields of the accompanying sheet:

  • № - ordinal numbering is usually used;
  • Date - the day when the form is filled in;
  • the number of the bag is indicated;
  • from whom - the name of the organization that donates money to the bank, the full name of the representative may also be indicated;
  • recipient - the name of the organization to whose account the funds are credited;
  • debit - the number of the personal account of the banking institution serving the organization;
  • credit - the number of the client's account where the money will be credited;
  • amount - in digital form, the same amount is written in words in the field at the bottom of the cover sheet to the bag;
  • the bank of the payer and the recipient - the details of the banks of the indicated persons;
  • source of income - the type of receipt of funds by an organization, for example, the sale of services, goods, or otherwise;
  • the reverse side contains data on banknotes and coins that will be inserted into the collector's bag (denomination, quantity and total amount).

Form and example of filling

Blank cover sheet to the bag -.

A sample of filling out a cover sheet for a bag free download.

Discussion: 3 comments

    Finally, I was able to find a normal article, where it is easy and accessible to tell how to fill out the cover sheet. Previously, our senior cashier always did it, but now he is on vacation and I have to do everything, and no one explained how and what to fill out.

In the event that the organization submits proceeds to the bank for depositing funds in the bank account, incl. through the collectors, the transferor draws up a cover sheet to the bag in which the cash is transferred. Such a statement includes three components: the statement itself, the invoice and the receipt. Let's consider each of them.

General Provisions

Cover sheet

The form of the document is contained in Appendix 7 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3352-U dated July 30, 2014.

The description of the requisites (fields) of PVS 0402300 and the rules for filling it out are contained in the Appendix.

The specified document is filled in by the bank's client and contains, in particular, the following details: date, document number, name, TIN legal entity, name of the bank of the depositor and the recipient, the amount to be transferred, description of the cash, signature official.

If the transfer of a bag of cash to cash-in-transit workers is carried out on behalf of a legal entity, then the statement itself is sent inside a sealed bag, and the receipt and invoice are attached to the bag.

Receipt for PVS 0402300

Appendices 7 and 9 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3352-U dated July 30, 2014, respectively.

Invoice for PVS 0402300

The specified document is filled in by the bank's client, transferred to the collector along with the bag (attached from the outside) and contains, in particular, the following details: date, document number, name of the transferor and recipient, name of the bank of the payer and recipient, amount transferred, description of cash, signature official.

The form of the document and a description of the details (fields) are contained in Appendices 7 and 9 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3352-U, dated July 30, 2014, respectively.

You can download a sample of filling out the cover sheet for the bag.

When there is a transfer of cash from the cash desk of the enterprise to banking organization, a document called “ Bag cover slip". The "bag" means a special collection case, which stores cash from the moment it is received from the cash desk of the enterprise and until it is transferred to a credit institution.


When and by whom the statement is drawn up

The statement is filled in by the specialist of the accounting department of the enterprise before placing the money in the collection bag. After drafting, the document is also embedded in it and is retrieved only along with the finances.

Why do you need a statement

This document allows you to clearly record the amount transported from the organization's cash desk to the bank, ensures its inviolability and safety.

If, when accepting funds from a collector, the data from the statement does not coincide with the practically available cash, the responsibility for the shortage falls directly on the service provider (i.e. the collector).

The procedure for applying the cover sheet to the bag

In accordance with the law, banking institutions are required to accept cash from organizations in the presence of the following accompanying documents:

  • and an accompanying sheet (which, in addition to the sheet itself, includes an invoice and a receipt).

The collection bag is filled in by the financially responsible employee of the legal entity (cashier or accountant), who also draws up the cover sheet. In this case, the bag must be sealed in such a way that the seal cannot be broken without obvious signs of a break-in attempt. The statement is inserted inside the cash-in-transit bag, and the invoice and receipt, which are also included in the accompanying documentation set, remain outside.

How to draw up and arrange a cover sheet for a bag

This document has unified form under the OKUD code 0402300, mandatory for use. It includes everything necessary information:

  • information about the company and the credit institution to which the money is sent,
  • account numbers,
  • the transported amount, broken down by banknotes,
  • source of income,
  • the date of the move.

Also, the statement contains originals of signatures responsible persons:

  • client,
  • accountant
  • and the cashier of the bank, who is in charge of accepting the bag with the exact amount specified in the statement.

It is not necessary to certify the document with the seal of the organization, since since 2016 legal entities have been exempted from the obligation to certify their papers with seals and stamps. However, if the use of impressions is registered in accounting policy firms, the form must be stamped (do not forget that some credit institutions by inertia require legal entities to print on documents, despite the repeal of this requirement in the law).

How many copies does the statement have

The statement is being written in three copies(they mean the statement itself, invoice and receipt):

  • first of which it is put together with the money in a cash-in-transit case,
  • second transferred to an employee of a credit institution (he must be necessarily stamped with the collector's seal),
  • third remains in the accounting department of the company, which transfers money from the cash desk to the bank.

The last copy must be certified by the autograph of the collector, in the future this document serves as the basis for entering necessary information in the cash register of the company.

It should be noted that it is best to fill out the statement through special carbon paper, in which case all copies will be absolutely identical, not to mention that this will save some time.

What to do if there are mistakes in the document

The statement belongs to strict reporting documents, therefore, you need to be extremely scrupulous in filling it out, trying to avoid any inaccuracies and errors. Corrections in the statement are unacceptable, therefore, if any errors did occur, you should issue new form document.

Sample preparation of a cover sheet for a bag

First, it is written at the top:

  • number of the collection bag to which the statement is attached,
  • date of preparation of the document (it must correspond to the date of transfer of money from the company to the banking institution).

Then the column “ From whom". The details of the sender of the money are indicated here (if this is a responsible employee of the enterprise, his position, last name, first name, patronymic should be entered, and if the money is transferred through a collector, then it is enough to enter the full name of the organization whose money is being transported).

In the column " Recipient»The addressee of funds is written (most often the names in the above two lines are the same).

The line titled " Debit"The number of the recipient's bank account is entered, in the line" Credit»- the number of his current account. Below is the recipient's TIN and again the account number.

The next thing to write in the document:

  • the names of the depositing bank and the receiving bank of the transported cash,
  • indicate their BIC (bank identification code),
  • as well as the amount (in words) and the source from which the funds were received.

In the corresponding cells on the right, the following is entered again:

  • amount (now in number),
  • receipt symbol (meaning the source code of the receipt - if you have any difficulties with this parameter, you can consult a bank specialist),
  • breakdown of the amount depending on the source code (if the money was received in different ways).

On the second side of the statement form is given inventory of funds to be handed over... Signs here:

  • the number of banknotes, depending on their denomination
  • and the sum for each row (calculated by multiplying the value from the first column by the value of the second).

In conclusion, the statement should be signed all responsible employees involved in the transportation of funds.

Such a statement includes three components: the statement itself, the invoice and the receipt. Let's consider each of them. General Provisions In accordance with clause 2.4 of the Regulation No. 318-P approved by the Bank of Russia on April 24, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), cash is accepted by the bank on the basis of:

  • cash announcements 0402001;
  • incoming cash order 0402008;
  • the accompanying sheet to the bag (download form) 0402300, which includes a statement, invoice and receipt.

According to clause 4.2 of the said Regulation, the bags are filled in and drawn up by the cashier of the transferring legal entity so that the integrity of the bag and the seals cannot be broken without obvious traces. The bag is accompanied by PVS in the form 0402300 as follows: the statement is sent inside the bag, and the receipt and invoice are attached outside.

Bag cover slip

If, when accepting funds from the collector, the data from the statement does not coincide with the practically available cash, the responsibility for the shortage falls directly on the service provider (i.e. the collector). The procedure for applying the accompanying sheet to the bag In accordance with the law, banking institutions are required to accept cash from organizations in the presence of the following accompanying documents: The collection bag is filled in by the materially responsible employee of the legal entity (cashier or accountant), who also draws up the accompanying sheet. In this case, the bag must be sealed in such a way that the seal cannot be broken without obvious signs of a break-in attempt.
The statement is inserted inside the cash-in-transit bag, and the invoice and receipt, which are also included in the accompanying documentation set, remain outside.

Bag receipt. okud 0402300

A sample of filling out a cover sheet for a bag How to draw up a cover sheet correctly:

  • The serial number of the document is entered in the line "statement number".
  • The number of the bag is entered in the allotted field
  • The point "from whom" indicates who represents the organization transferring funds (full name)
  • The “recipient” line contains the name of the organization to which the funds are transferred. In the event that cash is transferred to the bank for the purpose of crediting to the current account of the organization itself, then the same name of the organization should be entered.
  • The line "debit" is the number of the recipient's personal bank account
  • Line "credit" - the number of the beneficiary's current account
  • The amount of money is prescribed in numbers.

Bag cover slip (form and sample)

BIK Indicated in accordance with the BIC Directory of Russia, the bank identification code of the credit institution, which accepts a bag of cash for crediting funds to the bank account of the organization. 12 Name of the receiving bank The full corporate (abbreviated) name of the credit institution, the full (abbreviated) name of the branch, the name and (or) number of the internal structural unit(if any) or other identifying signs of an internal structural unit (in the absence of a name and number) with an indication of its belonging to a credit institution (branch) in which the organization's bank account is opened, to which funds are credited.

Bag Cover Sheet: Form

Bag receipt. OKUD 0402300 - a document containing the results of operations to receive cash from clients of a particular credit institution. The document has a code according to the OKUD classifier. Before carrying out cash collection, it is necessary to carry out an organizational event in which samples of an imprint of seals are provided to the bank institution, which will subsequently be used to seal bags with cash. After the end of this stage, the cashier in mandatory must write a receipt for the bag, as well as a statement and invoice, which, together with cash, are handed over to the bank.
It should be borne in mind that all these documents have the same document form code - 0402300.
Table of contents:

    • How to fill out the documents correctly when collecting a client
    • Collection of proceeds and delivery of cash from the bank, paperwork
    • Primary documents of collection management and their meaning
  • Primary documents of collection management and their meaning
    • How is the collection of funds going, what documents are being filled in?
  • How is the collection of funds going, what documents are being filled in?
    • The procedure for handing over money to collectors
  • Bag slip: sample and fill form

How to fill out the documents correctly when collecting a client Within the next 15 minutes, the Contractor's authorized person contacts the Client's cashier by phone and receives a confirmation of the refusal.


Online CCP: who can take the time to buy a cash register Some business representatives may not use online CCP until 07/01/2019. True, there are a number of conditions for the application of this delay (tax regime, type of activity, presence / absence of employees). So who has the right to work without a cash register until the middle of next year?< …


The bank's refusal to conduct an operation can be appealed The Bank of Russia has developed requirements for an application that a bank client (organization, individual entrepreneur, individual) can send to the interdepartmental commission in the event that the bank refuses to make a payment or conclude an agreement bank account(contribution).< … Главная → Бухгалтерские консультации → Cash transactions Update: October 4, 2016. In the event that the organization submits proceeds to the bank for depositing funds in the bank account, incl.

Bag slip: sample and fill form

Denomination of banknotes, coins Indicated in decreasing order of denominations of banknotes, coins of the Bank of Russia, invested in the bag. 26 Number of banknotes and coins to be handed over (sheets, pieces) The corresponding number of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia put into the bag is indicated for each denomination. 27 Amount in figures Indicate in figures the amount for each denomination of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, invested in the bag. 28 Statement of opening the bag and recounting the deposited cash Date The date of opening the bag and recounting the cash invested in the bag is indicated. 29 Actual amount in figures Indicated in figures, the actual amount of cash invested in the bag, based on the results of the conversion. 30 Amount of shortage in figures Indicated in numbers is the amount of shortage of cash, revealed when recalculating the cash invested in the bag.



Full text of the instruction (without attachments) on this page. Download sample new form The accompanying sheet to the bag, the very indication of the Central Bank of Russia and the procedure for filling out the form: are presented in the publication "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" No. 91-92 dated October 7, 2014 Download (PDF) [Source 1] Download the form: Guideline to the bag OKUD 0402300 in excel Description details (fields) of the accompanying sheet to bag 0402300 and the procedure for filling and processing it. (Appendix No. 9 to the instruction. Source 1). This page was last updated December 2014.

Number of the requisite (field) Name of the requisite (field) Content of the requisite (field) 1 2 3 1 Covering sheet to the bag Name of the set of documents. 2 STATEMENT TO THE BAG, INSIDE TO THE BAG, RECEIPT TO THE BAG Name of the document included in the set of documents of the accompanying sheet to the bag 0402300.

Sample of filling out the collection form

If the transfer of a bag of cash to cash-in-transit workers is carried out on behalf of a legal entity, then the statement itself is sent inside a sealed bag, and the receipt and invoice are attached to the bag. Receipt to PVS 0402300 The purpose of this part of the PVS is proof of the fact that the collector has accepted a bag with cash. After handing over the bag, this document remains with the organization with the signature of the cash collector and the imprint of the corresponding stamp (see.

(See also Letter of the Bank of Russia dated October 16, 2015 No. 29-1-1-OE / 4065). The form of the document and a description of the details (fields) are contained in Appendices 7 and 9 to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3352-U, dated July 30, 2014, respectively.

Samples of filling out forms for collection

Compensation for unused vacation: ten and a half months go in a year. When an employee who has worked in the organization for 11 months is dismissed, compensation for unused vacation must be paid to him as for a full working year (clause 28 of the Rules, approved by the NKT of the USSR on April 30, 1930, No. 169). But sometimes these 11 months are not so worked up.< … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Pension Fund finally put an end to the debate about the need to represent form SZV-M in relation to the head of the sole founder.
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When transferring cash to the bank, you need to prepare a cover sheet for the bag, which is drawn up according to certain rules. Cover sheet for the bag. How to prepare without mistakes When cash collection is performed, this statement must be issued in triplicate.

  • The first is to stay in the organization
  • Second - fits in a collection bag
  • Third - given to a bank employee

The collector signs one copy and gives it back to the cashier who prepared the collection. From this document, the cashier enters the data into a special journal of the cashier-operator (form KM-4) and makes the necessary postings.

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