
With what currency to fly to Bali. Currency in Bali - the monetary issue of rest in detail. Reasons and features of denomination

How much money to take to Indonesia

Prices in Indonesia are quite democratic and the amount of money required for a vacation in this country depends only on the level of goods and services that a tourist will use.

Buying expensive imported goods, as well as an active excursion program (provided that there are almost no free places to visit here), spa treatments and surf lessons popular at beach resorts can raise the cost of holidays in Indonesia by several orders of magnitude.

Answering the question about the specific cost of daily expenses while vacationing in Indonesia, you can take into account the amount of $ 50 per day per person, excluding the cost of living.

What currency to take to Indonesia

When choosing a currency that is preferable to take to Indonesia, you should focus primarily on US dollars. It should be remembered that the $ 100 series H bills before 2006 are not accepted in Indonesia, and there may be difficulties with any bills issued before 1999, as well as with dirty or dilapidated banknotes.

Credit cards in Indonesia

In large hotels, shops and popular resorts in Indonesia, it is common to pay for services in cash in dollars, euros, currencies of Southeast Asian countries, traveller's checks, and credit cards (Master Card, Visa). The village shops only accept cash.

Going to remote areas of the Indonesian islands, it should be remembered that many of the tribes living there do not use money - there, as in ancient times, natural exchange reigns.

In the resorts of Bali and in other popular tourist destinations, ATMs are ubiquitous. However, many of them have a limit on the maximum amount of issued currency, usually 1-1.5 million ind. rupees. The commission for withdrawing such an amount of cash can also reach a significant percentage.

Many experienced tourists advise, going on vacation to Indonesia, to have with you, in addition to a card, a cash supply of $ 1000 per person. Another way to save on bank interest in Indonesia is to get a bank card (n / m Citibank), which has branches in the country.

Estimated prices in Indonesia

  • Loaf of bread - 16 thousand ind. rupees (43 rubles)
  • Milk 1 l - 14 thousand ind. rupees (38 rubles)
  • Water in a bottle of 1.5 liters - 8 thousand ind. rupees (21 rubles)
  • Rice 1 kg - 10 thousand ind. rupees (27 rubles)
  • Eggs 12 pcs - 17 thousand ind. rupees (46 rubles)
  • Fruit 1 kg - 10-17 thousand ind. rupees (27-46 rubles)
  • Cheese 1 kg - 110 thousand ind. rupees (297 rubles)
  • A cup of coffee in a cafe - 28 thousand ind. rupees (75 rubles)
  • A pack of cigarettes - 10 thousand ind. rupees (27 rubles)
  • Beer 0.5 l - 20 thousand ind. rupees (54 rubles)
  • Wine 0.7 l - 130-200 thousand ind. rupees (351-540 rubles)
  • Lunch in a restaurant with alcohol 400-500 thousand ind. rupees per person (1080-1350 rub.)
  • Entrance to the territory of the temple - 1 thousand ind. rupees (3 rubles)
  • Gasoline 1 liter - 6.5 thousand ind. rupees (17 rubles)
  • Scooter rental - 50 thousand ind. rupees per day (135 rubles)
  • Car rental with a driver - 500 thousand ind. rupees per day (1350 rub.)
  • Massage - 80-400 thousand ind. rupees for 3 hours (216-1080 rubles)
  • Towel and umbrella on the beach - 200 thousand ind. rupees (540 rub.)
  • A room in a 5 * hotel - 1.5 million ind. rupees per day (4050 rubles)

Currency exchange in Indonesia

Currency exchange in Indonesia can be done at exchange offices of banks, which can be found at airports, major train stations and central city streets. Currency exchange is carried out in many large hotels in Indonesia. Another legal (and safe) way to change currency in Indonesia is to use the services of a state-licensed street exchange office, as evidenced by the green PVA Berizin (Pedagang Valuta Asing Berizin) logo on the sign or shop window of such an establishment.

Banks in Indonesia

Banks in Indonesia are open from 08:00 to 16:00 Monday through Thursday and from 08:00 to 13:00 on Fridays. Indonesian banks are closed on weekends. Bank branches located in hotels usually work much longer, and ATMs are open until late at night.

Major banks in Indonesia

  • Mandiri Bank is the largest bank in Indonesia with over 1,700 branches and over 11,000 ATMs throughout the Indonesian archipelago.
  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia is the oldest bank in Indonesia, dating back to the 19th century. Today the bank has more than 4,000 branches throughout the country and ranks among the largest financial institutions in Indonesia.
  • Bank Negara Indonesia is a state-owned Indonesian bank with branches in such world capitals as Tokyo, Singapore, New York and London.
  • Pembangunan Daerah Bali Bank is a government-owned bank in Bali with over 50 branches throughout the island.

Tipping in Indonesia

Tipping in Indonesia is considered good form among visitors. Usually they make up 5-10% of the total cost of the service. Taxi fare is rounded up to 500 ind. rupees, and the cost of the services of a porter can be estimated at 2-5 thousand ind. rupees. For services included in the service price officially (room cleaning, porter services), it is not customary to tip in hotels in Indonesia.

In Bali restaurants, the tip is often included in the final bill, as indicated on the check in the smallest letters.

As a tip, the locals often perceive the payment for the provision of various small services - a short tour of the location, a “fee” for free parking. Usually it is an insignificant amount of 2-3 thousand ind. rupees.

Tourists are usually interested in what currency to take with them. For a traveler, this is an important question. What is the most profitable currency in Bali to exchange?

The dollar and the euro are in the greatest demand on the island.

1.00 dollar (USD) = 12.328 rupees (IDR)

1.00 euros (EUR) = 16,859 rupees (IDR)

The Indonesian currency is the rupee. Bali currency to ruble - approximate rate:

1 RUB = 348.75 rupees (IDR)

What currency should I take with me in Bali?

It is most profitable to change dollars at local exchange offices. Euro is less valuable, and in some exchangers the European currency is not even accepted. Apparently, the closeness of America affects.

It is recommended to take 50-100 dollar bills with you. The year of issue must be no earlier than 2004. Otherwise, the currency may not be exchanged, or it will be offered at a reduced rate. It is better to have the rest of the amount on the card.

How do I pay in stores?

It is better to pay in stores in rupees, since sellers (like taxi drivers) can calculate money at an undervalued rate. It is better to change currency at a normal exchange office, where a receipt is issued, and the money can be counted. It is not recommended to make exchanges on the streets, where they usually offer an overvalued exchange rate. Fraudsters often come across, and you can be left without a significant part of the money. Currency can be exchanged at the airport, but in hotels the rate is small. You should also not be surprised that the course is constantly changing: in the morning it can be one, and in the evening it can be different.

How much money to take with you to Bali?

For one person for 10 days, an amount of $ 500-1000 will be enough. Experienced travelers are advised to have $ 1,000 for incidentals.

Which map is better to open for a trip?

The most important thing is that it is a Visa debit card. It is advised to carry your savings on several cards. Before traveling, you should contact your bank, otherwise the card may be blocked when withdrawing money in Indonesia.

Bali ATMs

At an ATM, you can withdraw a little more than $ 100 at a time. It should be noted that a commission is charged for each operation, and it can be different. For the convenience of customers, ATMs have information on the percentage of the commission. Some ATMs do not dispense a large amount of money, so you have to pay a commission for each transaction. It is recommended to first study the information about the commission on the device itself, so as not to lose a large amount. It is advisable to contact a bank in Bali when withdrawing a large amount.

When you first go to Bali, you are always interested in someone else's experience. Therefore, tourists usually want to receive maximum information about all possible financial transactions on the island in advance. Interested in the currency applicable on the island of Bali, the exchange rate against the ruble, and so on. Russian money should not be taken on a trip - it is better to exchange it for dollars or euros in advance. When exchanging currency on the island, use the authorized exchange offices.

Bali: features of tourism and recreation. Travel information about Bali.

  • Last Minute Tours around the world

The state currency in Bali is the Indonesian rupee (IDR). Domestically, on the price tags, it is usually designated as Rp, and locals call money "perak", which translates as silver.

Typically, paper banknotes are used in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 IDR, as well as coins of 100, 200 and 500 IDR. There are also smaller ones, but in practice it is almost impossible to meet them. One rupee equals 100 sen, but the issue of sen was discontinued due to inflation.

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What money to take with you

In tourist areas, you can pay in both rupees and dollars, but the rate in this case will be extremely unprofitable. It is better to bring foreign currency with you and buy local currency in Indonesia.

It is most profitable to take dollars with you, it will be easier with them. The quote can change several times a day, but usually it fluctuates slightly. Fresh, clean and unwrinkled 50 and 100 USD bills issued after 2004 are especially popular.

Euros can also be exchanged everywhere, but their rate is usually slightly less favorable compared to the American currency. But with rubles, difficulties may arise, so it is better to prepare in advance and go with foreign currency.

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Where to change currency

The most reliable place is banks, followed by official exchange points, but unofficial points of sale and even more so street money changers should not be trusted. There are a lot of exchangers in tourist places in Bali, there are also at the airport, but there is usually not the most favorable rate, so first you need to buy only a few rupees to get to your destination.

In the bank, no one will try to short-count travelers; along with the money they will give out a check, which must be kept until leaving the country. The commission is usually not taken, or its size is indicated next to the exchange rate, usually a small amount of about 200 IDR regardless of the amount. Banks are usually open from 8:00 to 15:00.

Everything is legal in authorized exchange offices, but if you go to a random cashier, then the risk of being deceived is very high. Some of these establishments have a commission of up to 30% on top, others take advantage of the fact that bills in Indonesia are similar to each other and are not particularly familiar to tourists.

When exchanging money, you cannot give money in advance, even if they are allegedly asked to check for falsity, you need to carefully recalculate the amount received and check with the calculator.

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Sometimes travelers prefer to withdraw money from a credit card. This is especially useful if you have a dollar card. The rate for withdrawing cash at bank offices is usually the same as for exchange at the cash desk, but a small commission of 50–100 IDR is charged. You should not use street ATMs, as the ratio of currencies there can be unpredictable.

Almost everywhere there is a limit on the amount for withdrawing money for one operation: 1,500,000 IDR, which is a little more than 100 USD.

In many shops and cafes you can pay by card: Visa and MasterCard are accepted. In large outlets, they usually do without commission, and in small ones they can additionally withdraw 3% of the purchase amount. In addition, before traveling, you need to check with your bank if there is any commission for transactions abroad.

The monetary unit of Indonesia is the Indonesian rupee (IDR, code 360).

The exchange rate of the Indonesian rupee to the ruble and to other currencies can be viewed on the currency converter on the right.

1 Indonesian rupee is equal to 100 sen (currently no change is being made).

In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rupees (2000 series; there are also banknotes of a lower denomination of previous years of issue).

Indonesian rupee banknotes have the following appearance:

In addition to the national currency, US dollars and euros are used in major cities and tourist areas of Indonesia. One hundred dollar bills are especially fond of Indonesians, however, for some reason, banknotes of the AB and CB series of 2001 are not accepted, and the series CA, CD and CF (2001), as well as DX and DH (2003) are accepted at a very bad rate.

Currency exchange in Indonesia

You can exchange currency in Indonesia at the airport, hotels, markets and bank branches. The most profitable rate is in banks, the least - in markets and at airports (in some places up to 20% commission is charged there).

It is best to take US dollars with you to Indonesia. Outside the cities on the islands of Java and Bali, exchanging any currency other than American will require additional hassle. Crumpled and dilapidated banknotes, as well as banknotes with denominations of less than $ 50, are exchanged at a reduced rate.

Banks in Indonesia are open Monday through Thursday from 8.00 to 15.00, and on Fridays from 8.00 to 11.30.

ATMs in Indonesia are becoming more common lately, most of them accept Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and Cirrus.

In major banks, shops and hotels in Indonesia, you can pay with credit cards; and in Bali, credit cards are accepted for payment in small shops and cafes. The most popular credit cards are MasterCard and Visa, followed by Amex.

Rupees - the national currency in Bali

Choosing a vacation on an Indonesian resort island, first you need to decide the money issue - what currency is in use in Bali, how much it will cost you this trip, how much additional money you need to take, what money is preferable in Bali, and so on. And if you decide to visit the island of God through a specialized Russian company, then the range of questions expands, no matter how paradoxical it may seem.

After all, you want to spend a vacation on the shores of an exotic ocean (even two!), Fully enjoy the special atmosphere of ancient Balinese temples, get excellent service and pay an adequate price with all this.

Therefore, we create these articles to minimize real risks and provide a number of specific, proven tips and tricks. Today we will consider a trip to a paradise island using the service of travel agencies, which is probably the best option for those who first decided on this vacation. Well, in the next article we will offer you the best way: "".

How much money to take with you when traveling through a tour operator

Of course, travel agents will try to tell you about Bali as colorful and romantic as possible and, showing a lot of catalogs with beautiful views of the island of God, the money issue will be deliberately left for later. Thus, trying to "zombify" you in a certain way with exoticism and uniqueness, so that you will not be shocked by the final price of the trip, but will be accepted by you as a pleasant given and a reasonable price for "exclusive".

But since today we put the monetary aspect of travel in the foreground, we will try to reveal several secrets and tricks that add up to this rather round sum. But first, a little "financial lesson" of the island of joy.

Bali's monetary unit is the Indonesian rupee (IDR). Their bargaining chip is called sen (1 sen is equal to one hundredth of a rupee). Rupee banknotes are in denominations: 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000. Coins (sen) in denominations: 100, 200, 500, 1000.

The exchange rate of the local currency against the ruble and the dollar, other foreign currencies as of the end of August 2015 is approximately as follows:

  • 1 United States dollar (USD): 14,048.85 rupees
  • 1 Russian ruble (RUB): 198.32 rupees
  • 1 Euro (EUR): 16,151.96 rupees
  • 1 Ukrainian hryvnia (UAN): 623.49 rupees.

Currency Converter

I must also say that the currency in Bali has a rather strange inexplicable shift in priorities. If a year ago the US dollar was best accepted, then they “fell in love” with the Japanese yen for three months, but now the euro is the most quoted on the island, and it can be changed with the greatest benefit. Although, who knows what will happen in a month? Maybe they will spread to the Australian dollar, which, by the way, has also happened there more than once. But this is unpredictable, however, like, and much more in Bali, get used to it ... Naturally, this is the official rate of the central Indonesian bank, which changes daily, and in banks and various exchange offices in Bali there is always a “special” rate of the resort island, and it is often much lower than the official one. It is especially low in hotels and near various shopping centers. It is best to find a state bank (it is usually located quite far from the beaches) or exchange money immediately at the exchange office of the arrival airport.

And to the frequently asked question of tourists who buy tickets for the first time to an amazing island on the equator - how much extra money to take in Bali? - we will answer with very witty words of our former compatriot that he has been living there permanently for 10 years now, working as a guide and diving instructor:

Bali categorically does not accept plans: as it will be, it should be. Some 300 dollars are enough for full happiness and delight, and some spend 10-15 thousand dollars in a week and they do not have enough! And, interestingly, the former return with a bunch of positive impressions, and the latter with a bag of useless clothes, souvenirs and a dejected feeling that their vacation was wasted. These are all Bali "jokes" ...

How much money should I take with me? All the difficulties of answering an incorrect question

Bali currency: small money

As for the question of the money of people who traveled to the resort island through Russian tour operators, it is not entirely correct for many reasons. And the "first tourists" to the paradise island can be understood - they have not yet decided what currency to take in Bali and how much, they have never seen the Balinese rupees, and all this seems scary to them.

Although, since they buy a full package from tourism professionals, they are obliged to bring all this to the attention of their clients in detail, knowing their inexperience and fears. But for some reason, many do not do this, which is categorically wrong even under the law. We're not talking about moral principles.

And everything should be something like this. In addition to beautiful pictures, photographs and the total (it is not clear where it came from!) Amount, a professional and honest seller of vouchers should paint everything:

  1. $ 900 - round trip plane tickets (via Singapore) - and you are in Bali. Fly 15-16 hours. Our guide will meet you at the airport, arrange delivery to your hotel, everything is ready there.
  2. $ 55 - a receipt for payment of the transfer, on the basis of this you will be delivered directly to the hotel.
  3. Nusa Dua. 5-star hotel, suite, insurance, full board for 14 days: from you $ 3550. To the sea 3 minutes. Service, security, Internet, round-the-clock telephone support.
  4. Here is a list of the best excursions and their payment - $ 820.
  5. Organized group trips to supermarkets and exotic markets - $ 500.
  6. Assistance in the exchange of money, the telephone number of the representative in Nusa Dua, the telephone number of the Russian embassy.
  7. Delivery to the airport at the end of the holiday and so on.
  8. Why so expensive? This includes our legitimate commercial wrap, quality service and a guarantee of all our contractual terms and conditions and our obligations to you.
  9. And for "cheap" you will live with three Chinese in one room with mold on the walls and 15 kilometers from the sea, please, but other firms are engaged in this. We value our impeccable, long-term reputation. Thanks.

It should be so, but who can tell us that it was so? Quiet something ...

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