
How does the conversion between currencies take place in webmoney? Do I need to open an additional wallet? Exchange of electronic currencies WebMoney (wmz, wmr, wmu) in Exchanger and monitoring of exchange offices How to change the webmoney wallet to rubles

Today's article will be devoted to the exchange of various WebMoney currencies for each other (for example, wmr for wmz, or vice versa). You probably already know that the system allows you to operate with various currencies, for which you will need to create separate wallets (R, Z and others).

In this regard, quite often it becomes necessary to exchange one type of currency for another. Let's say you have rubles WMR, and you need to make a payment or transfer in dollars WMZ. You can find a great variety of options to change them for each other, just by googling a little.

But the problem will be that you will be charged a certain commission. Today I want to tell you about a way to lose as little as possible on this matter. And even often make money. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

But first, let's look at the opportunities that are provided to us by the so-called electronic money exchangers, of which there are a great many at the moment.

However, if you need to exchange WebMoney for yourself, but in different equivalents (for example, rubles for dollars), then exchangers will no longer be the best and optimal option for carrying out this operation.

As I said above, any exchanger is a business project that makes a profit in the form of a commission from operations. This commission, in the worst case for you, can reach 10 percent, which, in my opinion, cannot be an acceptable loss. Here you will definitely need to score on them and use the option described below.

Well, we got to the main character of our article, meet - the service for the exchange of electronic currencies Exchanger.ru .

What is noteworthy is that this service belongs to the WebMoney system itself, and therefore no commission is charged on transactions carried out through it. The only commission you pay is the notorious 0.8 percent for transferring electronic money from one wallet to another.

Moreover, this commission can be more than covered by the favorable exchange rate between wmz, wmr or wmu, which is often even more pleasant than the rate of the central bank.

But let's talk about everything in order. Exchanger works in automatic mode, so operations in it take a few seconds. Why this service is exactly an exchange, I think you have already guessed. The fact is that exchange operations there are carried out directly between the participants of this payment system.

Those. some participants submit their exchange offers (wmz, wmr, wmu, etc.), indicating the amount and rate they have. Depending on the profitability, these offers will be placed higher or lower in the corresponding section of Exchanger.ru.

Above will be the most advantageous offers... Other service members wishing to buy the currency put up for sale click on the line with the offer that interested them and enter the amount that they want to change at the proposed exchange rate in a special form.

The amount that they will need to give as a result of the exchange operation will also be shown, and if everything is fine, then after performing standard manipulations to confirm the payment in WebMoney, the required amount in the currency you need will come to your wallet, and the corresponding amount will be withdrawn from the other the amount in the currency that you exchanged.

The whole operation, in total, takes a minute, which, in my opinion, is very efficient.

Itself the exchange acts as a guarantor the fact that the exchange will take place exactly on the specified conditions and no one will deceive or throw anyone. Money is not transferred directly from the buyer's wallet to the seller's wallet, but in transit through the Exchanger wallets. And it is the exchange that monitors and is responsible for ensuring that both parties transfer money.

How to exchange WebMoney at the best rate in Exchanger

So, now everything is the same, but only in more detail and with pictures. What do you think? This is the blog of KtoNaNovenkogo, and it’s always like that.

Let's start with what you need go to the section and select the items "Work in section" - "Current WM-> WM" from the top menu.

As a result, a table will open with offers for the exchange of various currencies. First you will need to select from the drop-down list exchange direction:

In the table below you will see the amount in the currency you need, which the applicant offers for exchange (in the "Amount" column), the amount in another currency that he wants to receive (in the "Amount needed" column), as well as the rate that is calculated by dividing the first digit by the second.

If the amount in the application is more than the one you want to exchange, then there is nothing to worry about. There is no need to look for the most suitable figure in the table - just click on the first line with the best rate and enter the part you need in the form provided. You will kind of take a bite and pay only for a slice of the pie offered to you.

Above the table on the Exchanger service, by the way, the official rate of non-electronic currencies will be given and you will be able to evaluate the profitability of the offers. The most advantageous offers are located at the top and their offers are usually a few percent better than those of the central bank.

It is noteworthy that all placed funds are already secured with electronic money, which has been transferred from sellers' wallets to Exchanger transit wallets. Therefore, as soon as you make a payment, you will immediately receive a payment in return.

For specifics, let's choose the exchange direction "I want WMR to give WMZ", because I have to withdraw funds to the account of the individual entrepreneur, and the Guarantee Agency allows you to do this only in rubles. True, you have to use just this exchange, and not the standard services of this service. Read the article for details.

If you work with the system through Keeper Classic (read about how to install and work with it at the link given at the beginning of the article) and do not use Enum for this, then run this program.

In the case of a keeper, in this window you will need to click on the "Login" button and enter the digital code shown on this page into the opened window of the Keeper Classic program. If you have successfully logged in to Exchanger, you will see the window below.

I usually use the field "How much WMZ it will be, taking into account + 0.8%" to enter the amount that I have on my dollar account for exchange, and when I click on any other field, all other columns will be filled in automatically, except for the wallet, where it should be drop the exchanged amount in rubles (you can copy it from your keeper):

I draw your attention to the fact that the WMR number you entered must belong to the same(personal identification number in WebMoney) as your dollar WMZ. Otherwise, the exchange of electronic currencies will not be possible.

If everything suits you, click on the "Pay for the application" button. As a result, you will see a pop-up window in which you will have to confirm your intentions once again:

In the next window, click on the "Continue" button and go to the WebMoney Merchant payment page. Your actions to pay for the application will not differ in any way from the standard actions.

After payment from your dollar wallet, the required amount will be debited, and its equivalent will be transferred to the ruble wallet. That's it, the operation is over. Fast, profitable and efficient. What was required to be shown.

True, a situation may arise that during your authorization on the Exchanger website (using Keeper Classic or in some other way), the application for the exchange of the currency that you have chosen (the most profitable, of course, and they do not last long, i.e. because everyone wants to save money) has already been closed(implemented) by other, quicker or more successful users.

This happens, by the way, often. In this case, you will have to start all over again and select another application in the section of this exchange you need.

Creating a request for a WebMoney exchange in Exchanger

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the exchange offers in the direction you need to Exchanger, then you can create your own application with the conditions that you need. To do this, you will need to follow the link " Submit a new application", authorize on the exchange and fill in all the fields of the" Submitting a new request for WM exchange "form:

Then you will have to carry out the standard operation of transferring the required amount to the transit wallet of this exchange. That's it, now you can see your application in the corresponding exchange section of Exchanger. Can't you see her?

This can happen if your exchange rate is very different for the worse from the best available at the moment. Only if the general dynamics of changes in the exchange rate moves in the direction of yours (i.e. grows), then it will appear in this section.

Therefore, if you want to quickly change the electronic money you have, then set the rate close to the best at the moment, and if the amount is important and time is not running out, then you can try to set the rate that is favorable for you and wait, maybe someone will bite.

Some, by the way, use Exchanger for speculation. For example, they buy a currency in the hope that over time they will be able to sell it at a better rate.

You can manage the created orders "". On the same page you can see which part of the amount you offered has already been purchased and how much is still left.

Exchange in the WebMoney Keeper Classic program

As for the relevance of using Exchanger, you may have doubts that the keeper has the ability to do the same. It seems that what could be more convenient - without leaving the program to perform all the exchange operations. To do this, you just need to right-click on the desired wallet and select the "Exchange WM * to WM *" item from the context menu.

Everything is simple and convenient, but, unfortunately, the rate there will differ for the worse of what the exchange discussed above can offer us. See for yourself:

Therefore, Exchanger rules and probably will rule in the near future.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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in your WebMoney Keeper
one currency to another

Many owners of a WebMoney wallet are faced with the need
exchange one currency for another in your wallets. For example - you have
WMR, and you urgently need WMZ, which you have in your wallet, for this
moment, no.

For this purpose, you need to use the services
sites for exchanging electronic currencies on the Internet.

There are many such sites on the Internet, but I use an exchange site
electronic currencies Obmennik.ws. The site Changer.ru, with which I worked before, has closed, but for now, it is in the pictures of this site that I will explain how to exchange money between my wallets. When I prepare material from the Obmennik.ws website, I will change it.

Currency exchange between WMR and WMZ purses in WebMoney Keeper

Currency exchange
between purses WMR and WMZ
in WebMoney Keeper

At the beginning of the exchange operation - enter your keeper.

We start working in the upper block
(blue background) "Instant exchange".

Enter the amount to be changed in the upper left line - in the upper right line, select from which wallet (R, Z or another). In the bottom right line, select the wallet to which we will change. I changed WMR (rubles) to WMZ (dollars) and in the screenshots below you will see the further process.

In the bottom left lines, the system will fill in the commission line itself
WebMoney (for an exchange) and will calculate how much you receive upon exchange
to another wallet. The exchange rate during exchange is written in the same block.

And you, after entering the amount and choosing wallets,
click the "Continue" button below.

A new window will open.

At the top of the new window are the confirmed exchange amounts,
and below we enter the numbers of the R and Z-wallets participating in the exchange.
Your mail address (E-mail) and click the "Continue" button.

In the next window, you can check the correctness of the entered data and it is possible to go back and correct errors (button at the bottom left). If everything is correct, press the "Continue" button.

In a new window, you are notified of the need to proceed to payment in WebMoney Transfer and are invited to return to the Obmennik.ws website after payment. Actually, a return to the site is needed to confirm the correctness of the exchange operation performed. To confirm this, it is proposed to leave a review of the operation performed.

After reading this information - click the "Continue" button.
And we proceed to payment already in WebMoney Transfer.

But for everyone, after choosing our keeper, we remember the verification code
(numbers) and click "Next" at the bottom. In a new window, enter the verification code.

And in the next window, select
depending on your settings in the keeper.

Or immediately confirm the payment. We press "Confirm".

Or click on the button "Get the code by SMS"
(as in my screenshots below).

How to set up?

If you have not done this yet during registration, then read about the settings in Keeper Classic. And the settings in Keeper Mini can be made from your account and in the same way as in Keeper Classic. Except for entering your account on WebMoney Transfer from the keeper.

In the meantime, back to the topic of currency exchange and how
the monetary transaction is confirmed by SMS.

After choosing Keeper Classic, such a window will open in front of you.

After clicking on the button "receive a code by SMS", a confirmation window from WebMoney Transfer will appear that an SMS has been sent to you. At the bottom of which you need to click the "OK" button. This window will close, and additional buttons will appear at the bottom of the main window.

If you have got yourself two wallets in the Webmoney payment system in rubles and dollars, then sooner or later there will be a need to exchange WMR for WMZ and vice versa. Our article will tell you how to correctly convert rubles to dollars in Webmoney. We have presented three methods for making a translation, the first is easy, the other two are slightly more difficult.

Webmoney Keeper program

Click on the menu button at the top of the program, find the line: "exchange WM * for WM *". Click on it, the transfer window will pop up, first specify the Z-format dollar wallet, then select the R-format ruble wallet, from which we transfer.

Now specify the amount in rubles and the program will immediately display the amount in dollars required for the exchange, you can do it and vice versa. Below you will see the current exchange rate and system reserve. Then click the Next button. Confirm the transaction by entering the captcha and after a few seconds the system will transfer the funds to your WMZ wallet.

Photo instruction

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

Video instruction

Specialized exchangers

Automatic monitoring services of exchange offices, for example BestChange.com, will help you to find the right rate. Go to the service website and select the exchanger with the best rate. A randomly selected site with BestChange makes transfers at the rate of 1 WMZ = 60.39 WMR (including a commission of 60.87 rubles).

  1. If you see negative reviews that do not have an administrator's response, then you should not choose such a service. I note that this is a rare case, usually the owners respond to the claims of their users and solve the problems that have arisen.
  2. If you notice that the reserve of the exchanger is zero or close to it, then do not rush to change the currency here. The transfer will be delayed until the reserve of the exchange machine is replenished, so it is better to choose another option.
  3. Please note that some exchange offices work in manual or semi-automatic mode, so it will not be possible to quickly transfer WMR to WMZ. Choose an automatic service whenever possible.
  4. View information about the WM identifier (WMID). The correct option is a certificate of a seller, registrar, payment machine or Capitaller, but a personal passport is also suitable. The higher the Webmoney BL, the better. WMID, of course, no claims or claims. These are the main characteristics of a secure WM identifier.

Exchange WM. Exchanger

This is the official WebMoney service for the automatic exchange of title units (WMR, WMZ, WME, etc.) between system participants. Going to the site, you will see a list of applications, select the appropriate rate for the transaction, enter the exchange data and click the "Pay for the application" button. The funds will arrive in a few seconds.

Among the pluses of WM. Exchanger: self-creation of applications at your rate, instant exchange process. At the time of this writing, the most profitable order for 1 WMZ required 59.8 WMR (including a commission of 60.28 rubles).

If you want to know about the reverse exchange, that is, how to transfer dollars to rubles in Webmoney, then the above methods will certainly work in this case.


If you need to get a small amount of dollars in exchange for rubles, you can transfer currency in the Webmoney Keeper program. It is fast, convenient and reliable. But if you have a task to transfer large amounts or you simply need the most profitable option, then you should definitely use the WM exchange. Exchancher or third-party exchangers. Remember, the ruble protects a penny!

How to change currency in the keeper of your WM purse

Maybe this has happened to you. When you need to pay a certain amount in rubles via WebMoney, and, as luck would have it, the wallet just doesn't have enough. And it's a shame because of such a trifle to drop everything and go to replenish your wallet. Moreover, there is money on the dollar wallet.

In this post I will tell you how you can quickly solve this problem and pay the required amount without leaving your home. WebMoney has provided for the possibility of exchanging rubles for dollars and vice versa, dollars for rubles inside your wallet

If someone just thought, and who does not know? Why write about obvious things, I answer: “Not everyone knows! I am writing this post for them! "

I have WebMoney Kipper Classic installed.

1. Open your wallet. In my example, I have RUB 22.45. and $ 4.72. Right-click on the wallet, then select "Exchange", then "Exchange WM to WM". A table will appear, with the help of which we can calculate how many rubles or dollars need to be exchanged.

Everything is clear here. In the upper windows, you select the currency you want to buy and sell, respectively.

Of the three boxes on the right, you fill in one, and the rest are filled in automatically. In my example, in the middle window, I wrote the amount that I want to exchange. Above appeared the amount that will change minus the 0.8% commission. And from below - how many rubles will I get.

2. And if you do not need to make a calculation, you can immediately right-click on the wallet and select "Exchange WM to WM". A table like this appears:

Here we write the amount we want to change and click "Next".

Everything. You will hear the sound of pouring coins, and in the wallet you will see the result of your exchange. Everything worked out!

Wish you success! See you!

WebMoney is the first virtual payment system in Russia and neighboring countries. Today, within your account, you can create wallets in a wide variety of currencies, the list of which is very wide. And the list continues to grow.

Despite the fact that this wallet has been working for more than a dozen years, many are only now beginning to understand all the advantages of WM. At the same time, beginners may have difficulties. In this article, we will tell you how to conduct automatic WebMoney exchange. This will allow you to significantly save time and exchange currency with the greatest benefit.

Between which wallets exchange is possible

Before talking about which currencies can be exchanged, first let's look at what wallets are in WebMoney at all:

  • - dollars.
  • - rubles.
  • WMU - hryvnia.
  • WMB - Belarusian rubles.
  • WME - Euro.
  • WMG - Gold (equivalent to 1 gram).
  • - Bitcoins.
  • WMK - tenge (KZT).
  • WMV - Vietnamese Dongs.
  • WMC - dollars for purchases on credit.
  • WMD - dollars for debt sale.

As you can see, the list is quite wide. In this case, an exchange is possible between all these accounts. For example, you can easily exchange WMR to WMU and vice versa.

Since WebMoney is not a banking institution, the exchange rate here is different.

Of course, it cannot be very different from the one appointed by the national bank, but nevertheless, it is slightly different. And not always for the worse.

So, we got to the main question. There are many ways to change the currency in WebMoney:

  • Through Keeper, these are programs for managing wallets, which also have several varieties:
    • Standard (on the website in your personal account).
    • Keeper WinPro (formerly called Classic).
    • Keeper Mobile.
  • Set up automatic exchange on the wm.exchanger exchange.
  • Through online exchangers.

If we talk about WebMoney Exchanger (exchange), then its own rules work here and everyone sets their own course. But, at the same time, everyone understands that if you hit too high a price for a particular currency, then no one will buy it, therefore, this option will allow you to perform an exchange, in some cases, with the best profit. In addition, you can leave your orders and set your own price. And if this price seems acceptable to someone, they will exchange title units with you. Another advantage of wm exchanger is that you can set up automatic exchange in WebMoney.

Exchange via Exchanger

Exchanger is a WebMoney exchange where residents (users) of the payment system exchange title units. Many play on the difference in the rate, others simply exchange currencies. And here there are two options, how to transfer rubles to dollars on WebMoney or exchange any other currency:

  1. Select an existing application.
  2. Create your own application.

In the first case, you just have to indicate the direction of translation and choose from the list of available applications, choosing from the already installed courses. In the second case, you yourself create an application, indicate the rate and the number of title units available for exchange. How exactly to proceed is up to you. We will consider both options.

Exchange via wm.exchanger for existing applications

So, first you need to enter the WebMoney Exchenge exchange. The follow-up is very simple. For example, let's exchange dollars into rubles:

After that, just confirm the payment and that's it. The amount specified in the application in the required currency (in our case, WMR) will be sent to the wallet you specified. In this case, the corresponding amount will be debited from your WMZ. This is the first way to change WMZ to WMR in WebMoney. And it is one of the most beneficial. The only caveat is that you have to look for a suitable application. At the same time, applications change quite quickly, so you need to seize the moment.

Create your own application

If you could not find a suitable application on the exchange, you can create your own. Let's take an example of how to convert hryvnia to rubles in WebMoney through the Exchange. To do this, go back to the VM exchange and do the following:

Next, you just need to pay for the application. That is, the exchange will issue you an invoice for the specified amount, you pay it (the money goes to the exchange). After someone uses your application, the specified amount of title units will be sent to your specified hryvnia wallet. If no one uses the application, then you can withdraw it and get your money back. The commission for these actions is charged upon payment of the application and amounts to 0.8%. In case of cancellation of the submitted application, the commission is not refunded. That is, if you canceled the exchange for 1000 rubles, you will return 992 rubles back.

In this non-tricky way, you can convert any currency, for example, dollars to rubles or vice versa, buy WMX (bitcoin) and so on.

Fast exchange

You can also set up automatic purchase of counter orders. To do this, do the following:

Further, according to the well-known scheme - we pay for the application, and it starts working. In this case, after payment, an automatic purchase of the required currency (for the amount indicated to you) will be made at the most favorable rates. Thus, auto-exchange is configured in WebMoney.

Keeper exchange

As mentioned above, hryvnia can be converted into dollars through your personal account. At the same time, the so-called Keeper is used to manage wallets. It comes in three different types:

  • Mobile (application for smartphones and tablets.
  • WinPro (formerly Classic) is a Windows program.
  • Standart (aka Mini) - control via the browser and the official website.

Each of the options can be convenient in a given situation. However, it will not be superfluous to note that Keeper WinPro has the largest set of tools and is the most convenient. Although in convenience lately he can argue with him. Online currency exchange in WebMoney through Keeper is more convenient in comparison with the method described above (through the exchange). However, it is also a little less profitable, since the course here is specific, and you cannot choose or regulate it. So, let's take a closer look at these options.


This method is in demand only for the reason that it does not need to be configured. It is activated from the moment of registration. And only through this Keeper will you be able to rebuild your wallet management methods by adding certain methods. But, in addition to this, it is possible to exchange, for example, dollars for hryvnias. This is done as follows:

This completes the exchange of WMZ for WMU. As you can see, everything is pretty simple.

You will learn more about this Keeper from the article "".


Wallet management through Keeper WinPro (aka Classic) is one of the most convenient. But only if you always use one computer, for example, at home or at work. The fact is that first you need to find the program (available on the official website), install it and configure it correctly. All these subtleties are described in the article "".

After setup, everything becomes elementary. For example, let's exchange WMU for WMR:

Thus, you can exchange WMB for WMZ (Belarusian rubles for dollars) and any other currency. It's pretty simple. You probably remember that there are three ways to manage wallets, but only two of them have been described. The thing is that the mobile application has a very similar design with Keeper Standart (mini). Accordingly, the exchange procedure is almost identical. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe it.

Exchange through online exchangers

Honestly, this method, how to change currency in WebMoney, given that there are more convenient and profitable options, is used extremely rarely, only in extreme cases. It consists in finding a service for online exchanges and through it to perform the desired translation. However, it should be borne in mind that the commission in this case will be about 3% (each exchanger sets its own commission). In general, the algorithm is not complicated, and is similar to the previous ones:

  • First you need to find an exchanger. To do this, you can use the site bestchange.ru. He will help you choose a trusted service that will help you complete the desired translation.
  • In the column "Give away", select the currency that you want to give.
  • In the column "Receive" - ​​indicate the wallet to which we want to receive funds.
  • A list of exchangers will appear in the central part. We choose the most suitable one in terms of the rate, commission and reserves.

When you get to the website of the exchanger, you need to do the same operation again. Plus, you will need to indicate the amount of the transfer. This is another way to change the currency in your WebMoney wallet. But, it should be noted right away that the method is not the most profitable. Of course, funds are debited and received instantly. But, after all, with other options, the operation is performed quickly. You will have to wait only if you use the Exchange WebMoney exchange, and then only if you yourself have created an application.

Comparison of exchange methods

If we compare all types of exchange, then we can draw several conclusions:

    To get the most benefit, the WebMoney exchange is right for you. After all, you yourself can adjust the course. The only caveat, given that in this case you will have to pay a commission of 0.8%, it will be more profitable to change large amounts, since you will lose more on small exchanges. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to wait for someone who is satisfied with your conditions. Or you will have to look for applications that suit you.

    If there is no time to wait and the translation needs to be done urgently, then it is better to do it yourself through Keeper (in any way convenient for you). However, in this case, you will not be able to regulate the exchange rate, since the system sets it independently. And it may fluctuate, so when exchanging, be sure to pay attention to the current value.

    On third-party services, you can find a better exchange rate than even on the exchange, but due to high commissions, all savings are leveled.

Now you know all the methods of currency exchange, their pros and cons, and you can choose the most appropriate option for your needs.

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