
Deposits for 2 years with an increased rate. The level of reliability confirmed by the Central Bank

Deposits for 2 months are of fixed-term types. Interest rates on such offers are lower than when opening an account for a longer period. Some banks offer to take advantage of the offer. It is more often developed for individuals.

Terms of deposits for two months

Before choosing a suitable deposit for a short period, focus on:

  • for the presence of capitalization;
  • or an increase in the amount;
  • interest accrual period.

For two months, they can be opened in rubles or in foreign currency. More often, interest is calculated at the end of the contract. If the client decides to terminate interaction with the institution before the planned date, interest is charged on demand.

Capitalization is recognized as profitable when the accrued interest is added to the main money. Time deposits in rubles are more profitable than in foreign currency.

They offer deposits for 2 months with the possibility of prolonging the contract. You can make a bank deposit with a choice of the most suitable offer. To do this, use our. Users will not only find where it is better to put funds, but also get acquainted with the conditions. To, you need to come to the bank, taking your passport with you.

For convenience, it is possible to go directly to official page bank, find a branch convenient for its location.

A 2-year investment in Moscow is a medium-term product that is very popular among Russians. It is a reliable and simple tool that allows you to increase your savings and get passive income. It is often possible to deposit money at interest in the bank from the age of 14. Interest will be accrued throughout the entire period of validity of the concluded agreement. At the same time, only those banks that have a special license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can attract funds.

Detailed description

The contract is most often concluded in their own name, but there are options for opening an account for their children. Parents indicate situations when their children become owners of this money:

  • coming of age;
  • start of studies;
  • wedding.
  • Not only citizens of Russia, but also citizens of other countries have the right to use such a product. Depending on the terms of the agreement, you can replenish the account and receive interest on the card. If you need to postpone a certain amount by a specific date, then you can just put the money and forget about it for a while. To do this, choose a product with capitalization. In this case, the interest will go to increase the amount on the account. You can choose the top-up option, which will allow you to save gradually, saving free money every month. You can deposit money not only in rubles, but also in another currency. In the latter case, the percentages are usually much lower.

    Conclusion of a contract

    Having decided to put your savings in the bank for 2 years, be sure to pay attention to the procedure for accrual and conditions for early termination. Some organizations allow early withdrawal of funds with the preservation of accruals in part or in full. The contract between both parties is concluded in writing. Banks issue a passbook, certificate or other document that meets legal requirements. The contract defines:

  • Name;
  • the initial amount of the client;
  • interest rate;
  • conditions of return and its term.
  • Quick search for a profitable solution

    You can quickly find the best product on the website. To do this, it is enough to indicate the amount and duration. In accordance with the entered parameters, the system will display all suitable offers, and you can choose the best of them. Today our financial portal, which is one of the largest in the Russian Internet, is a platform for establishing a dialogue between banks and website visitors. For the first, this is an opportunity to attract new customers, for the second - to find best offers... Every month, users of our resource leave more than one hundred thousand applications.

    Our portal contains data on the majority of domestic banks and MFOs. At the same time, we regularly publish up-to-date and reliable information about financial market... We also have our own analytical and rating centers, information Agency and various interactive services. To discuss topics of a financial nature, a forum was created where you can ask a question of interest or raise an important topic.

    Two-year deposits are long-term by the standards of banks and their clients. During this time, not only the financial position of the depositor may change, but also the rates on banking market may fall or rise noticeably. The deposit rate will change with macroeconomic indicators, and here it is hardly possible to make an accurate forecast for two years ahead. Perhaps that is why in many banks the deposit rate is 2 years higher than for six months or a year, and sometimes even higher than the rate of deposits for 3 and 5 years.

    Anyway, improving the situation in Russian economy, which we all hope for, will rather lead to a decrease in both deposit and credit rates, as can be observed in more stable countries. Owners of temporarily free funds should not expect a significant increase in interest on deposits in the near future, but choose a bank for their savings now, while you can still find a yield of about 10% per year.

    In the review, we have selected 10 best contributions in Moscow banks from the first hundred in terms of reliability. Each of the deposits is distinguished high rate and its own special offer for contributors with different needs.


    Contribution name

    Max. rate (1 million rubles, term 2 years) (%)



    New Child

    A deposit that can be opened in favor of the child

    Moscow Regional Bank


    Deposit with partial withdrawal up to the minimum balance

    National Bank "Trust"

    TRUST-Leader 2014

    Deposit with early termination on preferential terms

    Ji Money Bank

    Right choice

    Contribution from monthly capitalization when interest is paid at the end of the term

    Bank "Narodny Credit"

    Narodny Capital

    Deposit with monthly rent



    The best conditions for choosing the term of the deposit



    Interest increases additionally when opening a deposit via the Internet

    The deposit is opened only within premium package services "Whole World".

    Bank "Ugra"

    Gold of Ugra

    With absence expense transactions on the deposit, the bank charges additional interest

    Renaissance Credit Bank

    Renaissance Lucrative

    Contribution from favorable conditions early termination

    Vneshprombank, deposit "New Children's"

    The highest rate deposit to date. With an investment amount of 500 thousand rubles and a storage period of 2 years, the rate will be 10.65% per annum. The deposit can be replenished without restrictions.

    The main feature of the deposit is that it opens in favor of a third party, in in this case in favor of a child under the age of 14. The deposit is popular among parents concerned about the future education for their children. To study in good educational institution you can take out a loan, or you can save up. In two years (this is the only term offered for the deposit) one million rubles will bring profit of 213,200. If a year after opening the account the child is already 14 years old, then he will be able to receive interest accrued for the previous year. At the option of the depositor, interest can be capitalized once every 12 months.

    Moskovsky Regional Bank, contribution "Record th "

    The interest rate will be slightly lower (10.5%) than for the previous proposal, but the terms of placement here are much more interesting. Firstly, the minimum amount for opening a deposit is 300,000 rubles, and its size does not affect the profitability in any way. For 2 years, having invested 1 million rubles, the depositor can count on income in the amount of 210 216 rubles. Secondly, interest is paid monthly. Thirdly, in addition to replenishment, it is also possible to partially spend funds up to the minimum balance equal to 100,000 rubles. Early termination is carried out on favorable terms, with the preservation of the rate of 7%, if the money has been kept in the account for more than a year.

    National Bank "Trust", deposit "TRUST-Leader 2014"

    With an investment amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles, the interest rate is 10%, from 1,000,000 - 10.3%. Interest is paid at the end of the term. The deposit can be replenished with amounts of 3,000 rubles or more. Having marked out 1 million rubles on the account, the depositor can earn 206,210 rubles. When opening a deposit through the remote system banking services"TRUST ONLINE" rate is increased by 0.2%. It is possible to close the account ahead of schedule while maintaining the rate up to 8.5%, depending on the actual storage period for funds on the deposit.

    Ji Money Bank, "Correct Choice" deposit

    A fairly high rate on this deposit (10.25%) is possible when opening an account in the amount of 250,000 rubles or more. Interest is paid at the end of the term, but at the same time it is capitalized every month, which significantly increases profitability. By investing 1 million rubles for 2 years, taking into account capitalization, you can get a profit of 226,710 rubles. As you can see, the amount of interest exceeds all previous ones, although the declared rate is lower.

    The terms of the deposit do not include additional contributions, but you can withdraw funds in parts to the minimum balance. Early termination is possible on favorable terms.

    Bank "Narodny Credit", deposit "Narodny Capital"

    The minimum amount for opening an account is 100,000 rubles, but only by investing an amount of 1 million rubles or more, you can get 10.25% per annum. In 2 years, the income will be about 205,000 rubles. Interest on this product is paid monthly and is not capitalized. The deposit can be replenished with contributions from 30 thousand rubles, but no later than 30 days before the end of the placement period. Expense transactions will result in the recalculation of interest at the rate on demand accounts.

    Nota-Bank, deposit "Nota-Capital"

    This deposit can be opened for any period of 1 month or more. Interestingly, the maximum term of the deposit is set by agreement of the parties. The depositor receives the highest income under this product 10.25% with a storage period of 1 year and a deposit amount of 1 million rubles. For 2 years, the amount of interest paid only at the end of the term will amount to 205,210 rubles. Receipt and expense transactions on the deposit are not provided.

    Loko-Bank, deposit "Loko-Investor"

    Half of the deposits presented by us can be managed via the Internet. But only the National Bank "Trust" and Loko-Bank add additional interest to the rate if the account is opened by the depositor remotely. The additive in Loko-Bank will be 0.25%. Thus, the maximum yield for two-year contracts is possible at the level of 10.35%.

    Under normal conditions, the deposit rate, the exact value of which depends on the amount, in 734 days will be 9.9-10.1% per annum. There are three sum ranges here: from 10,000, from 270,000, from 1,000,000 rubles. Capitalization is not provided, income is paid at the end of the term. If we take into account the increase of 0.25% for the special promotion, then the profit will be 207,230 rubles. There are no benefits for early termination, so the withdrawal of funds ahead of time will entail a decrease in the rate to the level of “demand”.

    B&N Bank, deposit "Zurich"

    Having marked on this deposit from 700,000 rubles for a period of 2 years or more, you can get an income of 10.05%. Interest is paid at the end of the term, in just 2 years the profit will be 201,207 rubles. The terms and conditions provide for replenishment of the account, but with time limits (acceptance of additional contributions stops 45 days before the expiration of the contract). The deposit is automatically prolonged, with each prolongation the rate increases by 0.15%.

    Note that this deposit is opened only within the framework of the "Whole World" premium service package.

    Bank "Yugra", deposit "Gold of Yugra"

    This deposit, with not the highest interest rate of 10.05% (with an investment amount of 1 million rubles and a period of 2 years), has rather attractive conditions:

    - replenishment is possible in amounts from 10 thousand rubles, but no later than 30 days before the end of the contract;

    - provided partial withdrawal- 1 time, while the amount of savings must remain in the amount category for which interest was previously accrued;

    - Maybe early dissolution deposit agreement with partial preservation of the established interest rate (up to 4.75%), depending on the actual period of stay Money on the deposit.

    If the depositor did not partially withdraw funds during the term, the bank charges an additional 0.25%. In this case, the income on a deposit of 1,000,000 rubles, paid at the end of the term, for 2 years will amount to 206,210 rubles.

    Bank "Renaissance Credit", deposit "Renaissance Profitable"

    By placing on this deposit only 5,000 rubles for a period of two years, you can count on 10% per annum. Interest is paid at the end of the term, and with a deposit amount of 1 million rubles, the income will be 200,000 rubles. Replenishments and partial withdrawals are not provided here, but in case of early closure of the deposit, you can keep the rate up to 8.5%, provided that the funds have been kept in the account for more than a year.

    A strict economy, hard work, an inheritance or a gift can give you a free amount of money that you can use the most. different ways: hide money in a secret place, invest in a business, buy real estate, etc. V recent times Deposits in Moscow are becoming more and more popular. They allow you to guarantee the preservation of capital, including through state insurance, as well as receive additional income in the form of interest paid.

    Deposit rates in Moscow banks

    Since the interest on deposits in Moscow in many ways determines how much of the deposit will be added to the original, many consider them the most important condition of the deposit and on this basis make the choice of the program and the bank.

    Of course, deposit rates have a big impact on the profitability of deposits in Moscow, but they are not the only ones that can decrease or increase your profit. So, the type of deposit itself can greatly affect the profitability of the entire deposit program:

    • term deposits with a strict limitation of the period of saving savings are characterized by the highest interest rates;
    • perpetual or short-term deposits are usually accompanied by lower rates on deposits in Moscow banks.

    Thus, if you want to open a deposit under high interest rates, then try to correctly plan your budget in order to be ready to comply with certain restrictions:

    • closing ban bank deposit in Moscow ahead of schedule;
    • prohibition on partial withdrawal of funds placed on the deposit.

    Violation of these rules on deposits in Moscow banks can lead to penalties from the bank and a decrease in the initial rate.

    In addition, you can choose the interest payment period for yourself. There are several options:

    • daily;
    • once a week;
    • once a month;
    • once a quarter;
    • only at the end of the term.

    All interest is charged on deposits of individuals in Moscow every day, but may differ from each other by the presence of capitalization.

    In which bank in Moscow is it better to open a deposit?

    In 2020, many banks work with deposits: Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank, Alfa Bank, etc.

    To open a deposit in Moscow on the best terms, you will have to spend time studying all the relevant options, making calculations, and consulting with specialists.

    The deposit calculator on this page will help you quickly get all the necessary information on current deposits:

    1. Enter your deposit requirements.
    2. Get a complete list of current deposits in Moscow banks for today updated.

    After that, you will be able to make a balanced choice, as well as immediately submit an online application for the selected deposit program.

    Deposits for a period of 2 years are optimal investment instruments to increase your savings. By placing savings in the bank, according to a well-chosen program, the depositor will receive a source passive income, as well as the ability to manage the finances on the account in a convenient way. A 2-year deposit is offered by many Russian banks. It is important to understand by what criteria to evaluate the program, so that the capital does not stand idle, but increases. Consider the offer of three large banks, which have two-year deposits in their lineup.

    Svyaz Bank: deposit for 2 years

    Svyaz Bank provides for deposits in three currencies: rubles, euros and dollars. You can open a deposit with an amount of 30 thousand rubles or more, but not exceeding 100 million rubles. The interest rate is formed on a specific amount and term. So, a 2-year deposit with replenishment can bring its owner from 6.20 to 6.75%. You can replenish the deposit up to established by the bank limit, but in the case of a two-year contribution only during the first 367 days.

    Capitalization is provided, but the disadvantages include the inability to claim part of the funds from the deposit. Interest is calculated monthly on the date on which the deposit was opened. Early termination of the contract is possible, but in this case, the client's income is minimal, since interest will be calculated at a rate of 0.01%. For this reason, it is very important to estimate in advance the likelihood that savings will be required within two future years.

    Rosselkhozbank deposits for a period of 2 years

    Rosselkhozbank offers profitable deposits for 2 years, including under the Profitable program. The terms of the deposit are as follows:

    • minimum deposit - 3 thousand rubles;
    • rate for a period of 730 days - 7.05%;
    • accrual of interest according to the system chosen by the depositor (monthly or at the end of the deposit);
    • replenishment - absent;
    • partial withdrawal - absent.

    The bank also offers to open a free debit card to the deposit, provided that the deposit amount reaches 50 thousand rubles. You can open a deposit remotely without visiting the bank's office.

    Tinkoff: deposits online

    Tinkoff Bank can also open a deposit for 2 years with a maximum interest rate 7.22%. The advantages of the program are the ability to manage funds on the account, allowing you to partially withdraw money from the deposit, as well as replenish the account to increase its profitability. Savings can be saved not only in rubles or dollars, but in three currencies at once, including euros. Interest is accrued every month, at the client's choice to a card or bank deposit account. The lack of the program is in the influence of the term on the rate, which in this case is unprofitable for the depositor, since a deposit opened for 2 years provides for a rate of 6%. To calculate the profitability of a deposit, you can use online calculator... So, for example, by opening a deposit for a minimum amount of 50 thousand rubles, in 24 months, the depositor will accumulate 56 thousand 358 rubles.

    A 2-year deposit can be opened online. To do this, it is enough to send an application, open a Tinkoff debit card, which the courier can deliver, and then replenish the deposit account in a convenient way.

    mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state