
Tender credit: concept and conditions for obtaining. Participation in the tender. Tender loan Loan for participation in auctions tenders

Tender loan to secure an application- This is a target loan that a legal entity can receive so that the company can participate in the auction without withdrawing its own funds for this purpose.

Obtaining a tender loan will be of interest to participants in tenders, competitions or electronic auctions, who need to confirm their ability to pay.

At the moment, the organization and conduct of tenders and auctions is an integral part of almost any line of business. This method allows you to quickly and profitably select a supplier or contractor to perform work.

The holding of state tenders is regulated by Federal Law N 44-FZ of 04/05/2013.

In particular, the law says that each competitive bid must be confirmed by a special fee, the amount of which is from 0.5% to 5% of the contract amount. Such a contribution is necessary because it confirms the solvency of the bidder, and also guarantees his interest and serious intentions.

However, not all enterprises have the opportunity to withdraw from circulation the amount required for collateral. Therefore, in many cases it is much more expedient to obtain a tender credit.

Tender credit: difference from loan and guarantee

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of tender credit, loan and bank guarantee.

As for the loan, it is intended for the execution of the state order. A similar financial product is a bank guarantee. It is a guarantee that the company that wins the tender will not subsequently refuse to sign the contract, as well as to complete the entire scope of work on time.

Bid Security Loan - Benefits of Obtaining

The main advantages include the following:

  1. Simplicity of the registration procedure - in order to obtain a positive decision on the application for a tender loan, the borrower only needs to provide the bank with a minimum package of documents, which includes confirmation of the company's participation in the tender and financial statements confirming the absence of debt.
  2. You can do without a guarantee and collateral.
  3. After a positive decision is made to provide a tender loan, the money will be credited to the account of the legal entity at a time.

Tender loan - the main purposes of obtaining

A tender loan may be needed in several situations. In any case, the use of this financial service will allow the company to solve many problems with minimal costs.

  1. A bid security loan is an excellent solution if a company has the ability to compete for a serious order, but does not have free cash or cannot withdraw the necessary amount from circulation in order to secure participation in the tender;
  2. Thanks to this loan, small and medium-sized businesses have a unique opportunity to apply for several competitions at once. At the same time, there is no need to withdraw part of the funds from circulation;
  3. Thanks to the receipt of a tender loan, a large number of companies can take part in the auction. Therefore, the organizers of tenders have the opportunity to choose the most suitable contractor or service provider.

Ltd IWC"RusTender"

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Evgeny Malyar


# Business loans

Terms and conditions for entrepreneurs

One of the first tenders on the territory of the Russian Federation was held in 1654 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. His decree on the contract price for the delivery of flour and crackers to Smolensk has survived to this day.

Article navigation

  • What is a tender loan
  • Loan or credit
  • Loan from microfinance organizations
  • How to apply for a loan in the MFI
  • Differences between a tender loan and a bank guarantee
  • How to get a tender loan
  • Conditions for the provision of a tender loan
  • Where to get a tender loan or loan
  • conclusions

State order or contract is the goal of many companies. You can get it by winning an auction, also called a tender. But there is one limiting point - a necessary condition for taking part in such a competition is the deposit of a security in the amount of up to five percent of the amount of the proposed contract.

The task becomes more complicated if the enterprise applies for several state orders or contracts. It is often difficult or impossible to do without the use of borrowed funds. Lending for the amount of the security deposit is called tender. An article on how to get it, where it is issued and under what conditions.

What is a tender loan

The product is unique in that not all businessmen even know what it is and what this banking product is for. If the company does not fulfill government orders and does not participate in tenders, then the issue is removed by itself.

Federal Law 94-FZ indicates that enterprises whose participation in tenders is unsuccessful receive a refund of the deposited security within five days after the end of the auction. The receipt of these funds to the current account is not income - according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it refers to deposits and does not entail fiscal obligations (Article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

This means that in most cases we are talking about a relatively small amount (compared to the contract price) withdrawn from circulation for a short period (the period from the application to the end of the auction plus 5 days). The task of the security deposit is to confirm the actual financial stability of the participating enterprise. In other words, the firm must demonstrate its solvency.

In practice, however, the company may not have this amount at the moment, or its withdrawal is critical, especially if the business is small or medium. There is only one thing left - to borrow funds for the tender. It should be recognized that the risks in this case are minimal.

Based on the above circumstances, it is possible to derive indicative conditions for tender borrowing:

  • term - up to three months, most often with repayment within a few days after the end of the auction;
  • rate - from 17 to 20% of the annual accounting.

Loan or credit

These concepts seem to be synonymous, but they are not fully so.

A tender loan is a loan security for participation in a tender received from a bank licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, for its execution, it is necessary to go through the entire procedure, including filing an application, providing a pledge or guarantee, collecting a package of documents, etc. It will take up to three weeks to complete the formalities, and a positive decision is not always guaranteed.

Tender loans are issued by microfinance organizations (MFIs) and investment funds. The process is greatly simplified and usually takes up to three days. Pledge, guarantee and, important for the bank, MFIs are not required. For such loyalty, customers pay more than with conventional lending.

Loan from microfinance organizations

If the borrowing of "live" funds can be made by any financial institution (for a loan - a bank, for a loan - an MFI), then there are strict restrictions on the bank tender guarantee. Already from the name itself it is clear that only a bank can provide it, but not any, but that meets the following requirements:

  • with a capitalization of 1 billion rubles or more;
  • with a license for the type of activity "issuance of guarantees";
  • operating for over five years.

Fundamentals of the Bank Tender Guarantee:

  • The principle of irrevocability. If a guarantee is issued, then it is valid in any case provided for by the contract.
  • The principle of non-transferability. The beneficiary always remains the same.
  • The principle of specificity. The effect of the guarantee extends to securing participation in one single obligation.
  • The principle of independence. The principal is obliged to fulfill his obligations in any situation, with the exception of force majeure circumstances (force majeure).

The disadvantages of a bank tender guarantee compared to a loan are:

  • relatively long processing times;
  • high requirements for a credited company;
  • extended package of documents.

The consequences of a bank guarantee in the event that the contractor fails to fulfill its obligations under the terms of the contract are expressed by the following sequence of events:

  • the guarantor bank covers the financial losses of the beneficiary (customer);
  • the guarantor goes to court with a claim to recover the amount of loss from the principal (executor).

How to get a tender loan

Knowing what a tender loan is and how it differs from a loan, it should be understood that the very concept of a tender is absent in Russian legislation. Thus, in the legal aspect, we are talking about targeted lending, which is subject to normal banking practice.

You can draw up a loan agreement by performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Selection of the most acceptable conditions from the current offers of banks offering targeted lending.
  2. Formulation and submission of an application.
  3. Collection and submission to the bank of all required documentation about the credited enterprise.
  4. Obtaining approval of the application.
  5. In case of success of the previous points - receipt of funds and payment by them of the invoice issued by the organizer of the tender.

Conditions for the provision of a tender loan

Tender loans, like any other, banks seek to secure against default. A deposit may be required, but not always. Firms that have proven themselves with a previous good credit history can avoid the need for material security.

The package of documents complies with the usual requirements of the bank for lending.

Where to get a tender loan or loan

Loans can be obtained from the following companies:

Credit institution Conditions of the tender loan (commission, RUB, annual rate %) Processing time, days Periodlending Amount, rub.
Promsvyazbank individually 2 individually Up to 150 million
Lokobank From 1% + commission 1 Up to 12 months Up to 15 million
Veles Tender From 3.3% of the loan amount 1 individually Up to 3 million
adept Commission 4.5% not less than 14 thousand rubles. 1 At the time of the auction From 100 thousand to 1 million
RIM Corporation 13% + commission 4% 1 Up to 2 months Up to 3 million

Offers of banks on tender loans and guarantees vary. An example is Sberbank, which offers two programs.

A tender credit is a loan the purpose of which is to secure an application for participation in a tender or auction. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the concept of "tender" does not exist at all, but as practice shows, such loans still have their own division.

Loan types

Currently, there are the following types of loans, which are issued by tender participants:

  1. Credit to secure an application for participation in the competition.
  2. A loan intended for the performance of work by the winner of a government contract.
  3. A loan secured by the existence of acts on the fulfillment of any obligations under an order agreement.

The main difference between such loans and conventional lending is the borrowing of a certain amount of money by organizations that take or were directly involved in the competition.

Tender security loan

In Russia, it is customary that each customer at the tender, whether it be a municipal or state company, put up a certain one. According to it, all enterprises are required to have an initial payment for the project, which is approximately 5% of the total amount of the future contract. It is for this reason that many firms are simply forced to resort to the help of financial institutions. This is due to the fact that most large firms are simply not ready to take advantage of such a significant amount by withdrawing money from the company's turnover for a certain period, which usually ranges from 1 to 2 months.

Serious problems related to the financial situation of participating organizations can also be encountered when an institution decides to submit bids in several tenders. If such a situation arises, the management is forced to spend large amounts of money, the withdrawal of which from circulation would simply be inappropriate. If a company finds itself in such a situation, then it has to either contact the bank and apply for a loan for the tender, or completely stop participating in the competition or auction.

One of the main solutions for applying with collateral in the absence of own funds is to take a loan. The company can use both the services of a credit broker and the financial institution itself. Most of the loans issued through such a specialist have the same cost as bank loans. The differences in such lending in this case are a significant reduction in the terms of the loan agreement, as well as the ability to take the required amount without providing property documents as collateral. Bank employees always require collateral.

Tender loans in terms of relations with credit institutions

The classification of loans for tenders in this case is represented by the following types of loans:

  1. One-time loans. Their design allows you to participate only in a specific tender, all data on which must be carefully indicated in the loan agreement. If the organization has paid all the debt on time, then for the next applications it will have its own privileges in the form of a reduction in the annual percentage and a reduction in the consideration period.
  2. Revolving credit line. In this case, the company is allowed to take part in several tenders during the year. To consider the application, the time and amount of tranches must be agreed in advance. To get a new loan, you need to pay off the previous ones.

The decision is made in the shortest possible time - most often it is only one or two working days. The annual interest rate for such types of loans is 14% or more, while tranches can be drawn up for no more than 3 months.

Using the services of a credit broker, the company greatly simplifies the procedure for considering and issuing a loan. For such offices, you only need to provide a financial statement for the year and indicate in the application the desired competition or auction.

Tender loan under government contracts

Such a loan is usually needed at a stage when the company already knows the results of the tender and has been chosen as the winner for the implementation of the state order.

You may need to apply for a loan in two situations:

  • when the customer needs confirmation of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in the form of a security (its size is usually up to 30% of the total amount stipulated by the contract);
  • when it is not possible to carry out the necessary work on the project due to lack of own finances.

As for applying with a loan broker, such an organization is also ready to provide a loan in the amount of up to 30% of the total contract value. Tender lending in such cases is carried out much faster than the above. Such a loan is characterized by a small number of documents and a convenient schedule for making payments on the debt.

Tender credit for the execution of the contract

A fairly common occurrence in our country is the presence of regular failures in terms of fulfilling obligations on orders submitted in the tender. For this reason, most organizations involved in such projects may simply delay certain work. In order to avoid such situations, the company is forced to resort to the help of financial institutions that are ready to provide them with loans. The main part of these delays falls on projects created by regional budget companies.

It is not even necessary to investigate the reasons for such delays, since their main factors are the ability to fulfill the order and the reduction in volumes within the enterprise itself.

Banks issue loans issued on the basis of acts on the work performed with a pledge in the form of income received from the customer in accordance with the terms of the contract. The total amount in this case should not be more than 15% of the project price. If the organization that wins the tender plans to take out a loan for this purpose, then it should provide the financial institution with documentation on the execution of work on the order, the total cost of which should be more than 100 million Russian rubles.

The security service and bank staff usually conduct all the necessary checks on the financial statement of the enterprise for one year and require the completion of a special questionnaire if you plan to apply for a tender loan from the relevant broker of similar services. When applying to the bank, you will be required to provide a wider list of documents for your company.

How can I get a loan and in which institution?

A tender loan is the same loan as a regular bank loan. Therefore, you can take it in this financial institution. You have the opportunity to apply for a loan for a tender either directly at a bank branch or using the services of a loan broker, who in this case is an intermediary in the transaction.

Brokers who have established themselves as successful specialists usually do not charge any fee for the very payment of funds in debt. This is due to the fact that they already receive remuneration from banks, not only for a new client, but also for ongoing operations to complete the necessary documents. But there are exceptions. You can also find a loan broker who will ask you to pay a one-time commission in the amount of 1% of the loan amount, and in rare situations this procedure can cost you even 2%.

Experienced loan brokers know their job inside and out. When applying for a loan, the whole process will take place very quickly, and you will be required to have the most minimal package of documents. You will also receive a decision on issuing a loan quite quickly compared to a bank one. In addition, another advantage of this type of lending is the ability to select the most optimal option among those offered by various financial institutions.

There are many different institutions that are ready to lend money to companies without the client providing any property in the form of collateral.

Such organizations have the following advantages:

  1. Issuance of tender loans depending on various options.
  2. Opportunity to get a loan throughout the Russian Federation.
  3. The maximum short terms for the issuance of results and the issuance of the loan itself.
  4. No need to provide collateral for registration.
  5. The minimum package of documents for applying.
  6. The ability to select a specific bank in accordance with your wishes and desire to get a profitable loan.

If you are planning to become a participant in a tender or auction, but do not have your own funds for the implementation of the project and do not know what a tender loan is, then you can always contact the branch of any financial institution, whose specialists will explain all the important points to you.

If you need an application for a tender loan to be considered in a short time, please contact MCC "ZELO". We are ready to help in obtaining a loan (credit) to secure applications for participation in bids and auctions. Take a smart tactical step that will allow you to actively participate in public procurement and conclude profitable contracts in the future.

Why do you need a tender loan

The obligation of organizations participating in tenders for concluding contracts with state customers is to provide security for the application. The amount, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, is up to 5% of the starting price. At first glance, 5% is an insignificant cost. However, please note that the financial security is non-refundable. In addition, there is a risk that another organization will become the winner of the bidding. If a company - a medium or small business - actively participates in such auctions, the total amount of security in this case can be quite large. To take a tender loan (credit) in this situation means to make sure: you do not withdraw money from the business turnover, and in case of winning, the attracted funds pay off.

What do you need to get a loan

To receive a tender loan, you need to provide a minimum of information in the form of the following package of documents:

  • loan applications;
  • data of the balance sheet and income statement for the last 5 reporting periods;
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • history of fulfilled obligations under government contracts (in the form of a list);
  • indication of the account of the electronic platform to which funds must be transferred.

How to get a tender loan (loan)

In order to receive a tender loan (credit) to the MCC "ZELO" you can simply send an application and documents via electronic means of communication and document flow. No need to come to our office and waste time, no need to open an account with a creditor bank.

Terms of Service

The loan is provided under the following standard conditions:

  • the amount of borrowed funds can range from 50,000 to 50,000,000 rubles;
  • when granting a loan, a one-time commission is charged in the amount of 3% of the loan amount;
  • the period for granting a tender credit can be from 30 days. If the loan amount does not exceed the amount of the bid security for participation in a specific auction, then the loan is granted for a period not exceeding 60 days;
  • for regular customers there is a system of discounts and individual calculation of interest.

You will receive a decision on granting financial support no later than 3 hours after applying. With a positive decision, money transfer is possible on the same day. Obtaining a tender loan will give you the opportunity to participate in several auctions simultaneously without diverting funds from your own turnover. Fill out an application for a call back and find out how much a tender loan costs.

Modern banks offer various types of loans. Each of them has its own design features and conditions. So, in the bank you can get a tender loan. Officially, such a concept does not exist in the law, it is a colloquial style phrase. But since there is still such a term unofficially, it should be analyzed in more detail.


A tender loan is a variant of issuing a loan provided to participants in auctions, tenders, and competitions. It is used for government purposes. These loans are issued only by official credit institutions - banks. They are used to facilitate the participation of firms in competitions.

Registration of a tender loan has its own characteristics and conditions. And, in order to choose a suitable program, as well as a financial institution, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Then it will be possible to avoid many mistakes.

Types of lending

The modern classification of lending methods is very large, but they are divided mainly according to certain criteria.

By frequency:

  • One time loan. Granted when a member can use money in a particular auction.
  • Permission to renew the line of credit. This option is great for regular buyers.

Depending on work:

  • Loans for completed work. Used in the construction industry when a contractor is needed to complete a contract. If there are no procurement materials, then the contractor takes a loan against the act of work performed. The contract is drawn up between the creditor and the contractor. It states that the payment will be after the end of the activity.
  • Tender credit for the execution of the contract. Such loans are granted after the victory of the borrower. Under the contract, you need to pay for the security of the application in the amount of 30% of its price.


A special loan is given to those who want to finance an application at an auction or competition. Russian banks operate in 3 areas:

  • Auction applications are credited. This area includes government and commercial areas.

  • Issuance of loans to entrepreneurs and legal entities who want to become participants in the tender for the execution of the state order.
  • Lending of acts of work performed by contractors with whom an agreement has been drawn up.

What is such a loan for?

Tender loans are needed in cases where the organization fails to withdraw financial resources from circulation without consequences in order to participate in tenders and auctions. Such events provide an opportunity for companies to receive large orders and close deals.

It often happens that the firm has the necessary mechanisms to fulfill the order, but the problem is the lack of free money to pay the secured fee. Many people have a need to participate in several activities. By paying the security deposit, the bidder freezes working capital for several months.

Tender loans are needed for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. They can participate in several competitions without suspending their work, and without withdrawing funds. And the organizing company gets the opportunity to increase the list of service providers and select a partner that meets all the conditions of the contract.


Applying for a tender loan takes place in stages:

  1. Leaving an application.
  2. Communication with the manager.
  3. Sending documents.
  4. Getting approval.
  5. Account payment.

The money is credited to the account on the electronic trading platform. Loans are issued in national currency. But they are also provided in dollars or euros. Much is determined by what currency will be used to write off money when participating in a tender.

What's next?

Applications will be accepted for the next 30 days. After that, another 30 days are allocated for making a decision. By the way, in order to take part in the tender, you need to pay 5%, securing your candidacy. With this action, the company confirms its solvency and desire to make a deal.

In some cases, the firm is forced to participate in several auctions. And when paying a security deposit on one of them, the working capital of this company will be frozen in the account. In such a situation, a tender loan comes to the rescue, which can be attributed to additional financial instruments that can provide assistance.

Where to get?

A tender loan can be issued at a bank or through a loan broker. In the first case, many issues will have to be resolved independently, which is quite problematic. You will have to contact the bank where such services are provided, choose the appropriate program and start processing all the necessary documents.

If you turn to a broker, he will select the appropriate conditions and take care of the formalities. These specialists receive payment for their work from a banking organization.


Typically, a tender loan is obtained at a rate of at least 14%. But the final rate directly depends on the amount of the loan and the term for which it is taken. The period for consideration of the application is no more than 2 days.

The first tranche of the loan passes quickly - the next day after the execution of the contract. If a legal entity needs to reduce the package of documents, then you should contact a broker.

Borrowers are provided with different amounts - up to about 10 million rubles. The term also varies - up to about 12 months. As a rule, a guarantee is required.

On bail

Participation in a tender involving a loan often requires collateral. This is a requirement for commercial loans from banks. If this condition does not suit you, you need to contact a credit broker, as you can find banks that do not require collateral.

But in general, the decision to grant a loan depends on the size of the loan, accounting reports and income documents. If the company has been working for a long time, there are profitable projects, then it is possible to avoid making a deposit.

Tender loans from Sberbank

Tender loans can be obtained from many banks, but Sberbank is the leader in such services. In this case, the rate is chosen individually, but it is in the range of 14-21%. Loans available up to 3 months.

You can get a tender loan from Sberbank on your own, but there is another option - contacting a loan broker.

It should be said that Sberbank itself does not issue such loans, but it owns a special system designed for these purposes. It is called "Sberbank-AST". Such loans are based on specialized electronic platforms. Bidders are considered borrowers. Sberbank works with other financial institutions, and therefore such a service is performed together.

Sberbank programs

To ensure the provision of these services, the bank has 2 types of programs:

  • Lending. With it, it will be possible to issue up to 9 million rubles for a period of up to 2 months. Consideration of the application occurs quickly - about a day. Processing takes up to 3 days. The rate is 14-21%. Sberbank takes a commission of 1.5% of the contract price.
  • Microcredit. An amount of up to 500 thousand rubles is provided, and the terms are up to 2 months. The decision is made within 1 day, and the registration will take two days. The rate can be in the range of 16-22%. The commission is 2%.

If there are no funds to participate in the tender, then a loan will be the best solution. You just need to choose an acceptable program that will meet all your requirements.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state