
What is included in engineering surveys - composition, features, tasks. Engineering surveys for construction work Engineering surveys in construction

All works are classified according to their purpose. So, according to the direction and specifics of activity, 3 main groups are distinguished:

  • Geodetic activity. Mandatory work before the construction of a property, which includes the preparation of a topographical picture of the area. After collecting the data, they are transferred to paper - they make a drawing, general planning. The creation of drawings is carried out by a geodetic engineer who studies the terrain. Surveys for the design of this type allow you to carry out vertical planning, plan landscape design. Topographic surveys recreate a picture of the area around the object.
  • Geological activity. Engineering and geological surveys - a set of actions at the initial stage of construction, which are aimed at assessing its feasibility. The specialist studies the condition of the soil so that it is possible to determine the appropriate type of foundation, the features of the fasteners and the structure itself.
  • Ecological activity. The specialist studies the ecological climate of the area. When risk factors are detected, they are eliminated and optimal conditions for construction are selected. The result of the survey is included in the permit documentation. Indications must be taken into account when drafting projects.

The organization of engineering surveys in construction ends with a document - permission of the commission for the construction of the facility. As a result, the developer receives all the data to create a safe, environmentally friendly facility available for living. If at least one of the types of surveys has not been completed, a building permit will not be issued.

Composition of engineering activities

The engineering activity includes several studies. The territory is analyzed from an economic, technical and environmental point of view. The analysis is carried out to collect the full amount of data about the area.

Surveys in construction are mandatory procedures for the construction of the following types of objects:

  • civil;
  • industrial;
  • residential;
  • road, transport interchanges and others.

What is included in engineering surveys is determined by the following factors:

  • how accessible and studied the object is;
  • what is the scale of the planned work;
  • what is the purpose of the building?
  • how the construction will go.

Types of engineering surveys are combined into a single large-scale work of specialists. They carry out calculations that allow you to see the real characteristics of the terrain on paper. All data received is recorded and legal force. Information about the territory is the basis for planning the construction.

In addition to the above, there are other types of research that can confirm, refute or clarify previously obtained data. For example, they additionally study the external environment, the state of the soil, soil, groundwater. The builder can obtain detailed results of the laboratory analysis of all samples and samples.

Goals and objectives of engineering surveys

Surveys are carried out in accordance with the requirements of building regulations and norms of SNiP 11.01-1995 for the following purposes:

  • get full information about the site;
  • make a forecast about possible changes in the future;
  • draw up a three-dimensional layout based on accurate data;
  • eliminate possible negative factors in construction;
  • get an idea of ​​the natural potential of the site;
  • take into account all the details in the design;
  • create documentation of the object with the designation of all accurate measurement data;
  • establish the scope of interaction of real estate with the external environment;
  • make the facility as safe and convenient as possible;
  • improve the reliability, stability and operational properties of objects.

Also, engineering surveys allow you to track the relationship between the design of the object and the general natural environment.

Thus, surveys in construction are a set of mandatory procedures that are aimed at studying all the characteristics of the construction area. The survey results are legally fixed and form the basis of documents for construction.

Additional services

In addition to the main types of work, engineers also offer the so-called additional services, in which there is a need in disputable situations. They often appear during the construction of large objects.

Secondary studies include:

  • geotechnical diagnostics of the territory;
  • a project after the fact with the initially obtained data - soil samples,
  • water analysis results;
  • identification of potential risks from man-made and natural disasters;
  • creation of convenient engineering protection of the object from negative factors environment;
  • full survey during the entire construction period.

Additional services and expertise are carried out throughout the construction. The approach includes an analysis of the quality of construction, building materials. The results of the analysis are also recorded on paper. You can contact her later if there are disputes or the case goes to court.

Survey types

There are the following types of research:

  • engineering and geotechnical - study of the earth, soil composition;
  • engineering and hydrological - analysis of the natural environment and features of the conditions of the territory;
  • engineering and hydrometeorological - weather conditions of the area;
  • engineering and environmental - environmental situation;
  • engineering-geological - natural environment from the point of view of geological activity;
  • engineering and geodetic - panoramic survey of the area from different angles;
  • engineering and topographic - topographic survey of the site of future development and the adjacent territory.

Engineering and economic and engineering and construction factors are also taken into account.

The final result of engineering surveys

Construction always begins with the creation of a project and the study of the documentation that survey engineers receive as a result of a prolonged analysis of the site. The results of their work include:

  • topographic survey with reflection of the terrain, communications, engineering structures;
  • geological report, including the specifics of the area and laboratory analysis of the soil;
  • hydrological information about weather conditions;
  • environmental assessment of water and air quality.

Planning and implementation of engineering activities

The work during which a detailed report is compiled consists of several stages.

  1. Preparatory stage: request from the developer or owner of the territory, collection of primary information and access to archived data. Planning the scope and duration of work.
  2. Field activities: carrying out all types of work, from geological to engineering and technical surveys.
  3. Office stage: analysis of the received data, systematization of information, preparation of documentation.

The procedure for conducting engineering surveys

All types of work that must be carried out before the start of construction begin only if there is a written permit for them. Permission is required for both legal entities and individuals.

All preparatory work is carried out in order to:

  • obtain data on the natural area of ​​the site and man-made factors;
  • take into account possible changes in the environmental side and develop a construction option with maximum conservation of nature;
  • obtain information for documentary reporting.

Before starting work, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • urban planning of the territory, documentary permission for targeted land development;
  • extract from unified register about the cadastral number of the allotment;
  • technical characteristics of the object.

The urban planning plan is issued within a month after the request. After that, engineering surveys are carried out, a construction project is drawn up, and a three-dimensional layout is made. The project is developed on the basis of norms Urban Planning Code and other regulatory legal acts.

Then begins the long process of planning the construction or reconstruction of the facility. All design options are submitted for consideration by the commission, which agrees on the final result.

If the design takes too long, the permission to connect engineering and technical networks loses its legal force. In this case, the owner or developer applies to the municipal authorities for a new permit.

To avoid delays, when applying, you need to provide a number of information:

  • level of permissible load when connected;
  • period for real estate connection.

The term of validity of the technical conditions is 2 years from the date of issuance of the permit.

Technical characteristics are also indicated in the documentation, all the nuances are described in the contract. After choosing an organization that will provide engineering services, they negotiate with the company that will make the connection. Information about the terms and methods of payment and connection must be provided within 2 weeks.

Engineering survey- a set of works carried out to obtain the information necessary to select an economically viable and technically justified location of the structure, to solve the main issues related to the design, construction and operation of structures.

Surveys are divided into: preliminary at the stage of feasibility study (feasibility study) or feasibility study (FEA); at the project stage; on the stage working documentation.

In addition, research is divided into economic and technical.

Economic surveys precede technical ones, determine the economic feasibility of building a structure in a given location, taking into account the provision of raw materials, building materials, transport, energy, labor, etc. Technical surveys are carried out in order to obtain information about the natural conditions of the site in order to best take into account and use them in design and construction. They include topographic-geodesic, engineering-geological, hydrological, soil and other works. With two-stage design, technical surveys are divided into preliminary (for drawing up a technical design and estimate documentation) and final (for drawing up working drawings).

Engineering surveys are carried out separately for each design stage. For complex objects, additional surveys are carried out, which are necessary to finalize and clarify the project. For individual simple objects surveys can be performed in 1 stage.

Engineer. surveys are carried out in 3 periods: preparatory, field and cameral. In preparation. collection period. and study the necessary data on the object of research and outline organizational measures for the production of survey work. During the field period, in addition to field work, a part of office and laboratory work is carried out, which is necessary to ensure a continuous field survey process and control the completeness and accuracy of field work. During the office period, all field materials are processed.

Tasks of engineering surveys- a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (region, district, site, section, route) of construction objects, making forecasts for the interaction of these objects with the environment, justifying their engineering protection and safe living conditions for the population.

Based on the materials of engineering surveys for construction, the development of project documentation, including urban planning documentation and justifications for investments in construction, projects and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, including expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, operation and liquidation of facilities, maintenance of state cadastres and information systems settlements, as well as recommendations for the adoption of economically, technically, socially and environmentally sound design decisions.

Engineering surveys - main types: engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys; engineering and geodetic surveys; engineering and environmental surveys; engineering and hydrometeorological surveys.

Engineering and geological surveys include the study of soils as an environment and the foundation of structures, features of the hydrogeological regime of the construction area associated with the activity of groundwater, physical and geological processes and phenomena, the prominent representatives of which are mudflows, landslides and landslides, as well as karst-suffosion processes and flooding of the territory .

Usually, the following types of work are performed during engineering and geological surveys:

1. Engineering and geological reconnaissance:

Inspection of the site of survey work;

· description of existing outcrops, including quarries, construction workings, etc.;

description of water manifestations;

· description of geobotanical indicators of hydrogeological and ecological conditions;

· description of external manifestations of geodynamic processes.

2. Drilling of wells and excavation of pits are carried out for the purpose of:

Determining the geological structure of the site, the conditions for the occurrence of soils and groundwater;

Taking soil samples to determine their composition, condition and properties, as well as groundwater samples for their chemical analysis;

Conducting field studies of soil properties, determining the hydrogeological parameters of aquifers and performing geophysical surveys.

3. Field studies of the strength and deformation properties of soils are carried out using the methods of static or dynamic sounding, as well as stamps or pressuremeters.

4. Hydrogeological studies in engineering geological surveys are carried out in cases where groundwater is widespread in the area of ​​interaction between the designed object and the geological environment, the process of flooding is predicted or groundwater has a significant impact on changes in soil properties, as well as on the intensity of development of geological and engineering geological processes (karst, suffusion, landslides, heaving, etc.).

Engineering and geodetic surveys reflect the features of the surface of the territory intended for construction, the position of underground and surface utilities.

Engineering and geodetic works are divided into:

topographic and geodetic surveys;

· marking works;

Structural alignment;

monitoring of deformations of structures.

Topographic and geodetic works include:

· construction of the state geodetic network;

Creation of a planned high-altitude survey justification;

topographic survey;

· construction of large-scale plans for the filmed area.

Hydrometeorological surveys study the climate of the territory and the features of existing open watercourses.

Increasing attention in recent times is given to engineering and environmental surveys, the purpose of which is to assess radiological, sanitary-chemical, sanitary-epidemiological and biological safety. In the course of surveys, the information necessary for the environmental justification of project documentation is obtained.

Materials of engineering and environmental surveys are used to develop:

· the section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA) in the justification of investments;

· section "Environmental Protection" in the construction project;

· petitions of intent and urban planning documentation.

Scope of work:

· geoecological testing and assessment of contamination of underground and surface waters, soils, soils and atmospheric air;

research and assessment of the radiation situation;

· gas geochemical studies;

· research and evaluation of physical impacts (noise, vibration, electromagnetic field);

· Sanitary-epidemiological and medical-biological studies;

· cameral processing of materials and preparation of reporting technical documentation with graphic and text applications.

Linear surveys have a number of features and are distinguished in some cases by great complexity. Therefore, research in the design and construction of iron and highways, channels, pipelines, power lines, telecommunication lines, etc., are isolated separately.

One of the most difficult tasks in the construction of new structures within urban development is to preserve the integrity of previously built structures and, in particular, historical buildings: in accordance with the current regulatory documents, the deformation (settlement, shear) of these buildings during the construction and operation of a new structure should not exceed first millimeters. Such deformations are possible when opening a pit, a building under construction, changing the level of groundwater associated with pumping water from this pit during the construction process, or backwater of an underground flow as a result of its blocking by impervious structures in the pit, etc. The forecast of all these phenomena and, as a result, possible deformations of the existing building and the justification of design solutions that ensure the trouble-free coexistence of the old and new structures is also the task of engineering surveys.

Engineering surveys are carried out on the basis of an engineering survey program, which must fully comply with the Customer's specifications.

In the event that complex natural and man-made conditions are identified during engineering surveys that may have an adverse effect on the construction and operation of structures and the environment, the engineering survey contractor must notify the customer of the need for additional study and amendments and additions to the engineering survey program and an agreement (contract) in terms of increasing the duration and (or) cost of engineering surveys.

Survey products must be handed over to the customer in the form of a technical report on the completed engineering surveys, drawn up in accordance with the requirements normative documents and state standards of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, consisting of text and graphic parts and applications (in text, graphic, digital and other forms of information presentation).

In the text part of the technical report, it is necessary to provide information about the tasks of engineering surveys, the location of the area (sites, routes), the nature of the designed construction objects, types, volumes and methods of work, the timing of their implementation and the performers of the work, compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the contract, materials and results data complex study of natural and man-caused conditions of the territory of the construction site.

The graphical part of the technical report on the completed engineering surveys contains: maps, plans, sections, profiles, graphs, tables of parameters (characteristics, indicators), data catalogs containing the main results of the study, assessment and forecast of possible changes in the natural and man-made conditions of the construction object.

The technical report must be submitted to the customer, as well as transferred to in due course in accordance with the agreement with the preservation of authorship to the territorial funds of engineering survey materials of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government and other funds.

The materials of the performed field work are not included in the technical report, are not transferred to the customer and must be stored together with the original technical report, in the archive of the engineering survey contractor.

Engineering survey materials are subject to mandatory state expertise in terms of completeness, quality and reliability of data for the design of buildings and structures, ensuring environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

When conducting engineering surveys, the most modern methods are used, such as the aerospace method. To speed up survey work and improve their quality, aerial methods are used, which are especially effective in areas that are difficult to access for land-based study (swampy lowlands, deserts, etc.). Widespread in modern conditions received satellite imagery methods, for which special equipment was developed, methods for deciphering images, which make it possible to obtain high-precision and reliable information.

The emergence of new aviation technologies for collecting geospatial data, primarily laser radars and digital aerial cameras, provides significant advantages both in technological and economic aspects, significantly reduces the time to obtain the final result (areal survey performance during aerial surveys for the manufacture of large-scale cartographic products is 1000 sq. km in less than 12 hours of flight, and the processing time of aerial imagery data is comparable to the time of data collection). A number of public and private domestic companies have accumulated significant experience in this area, having achieved some success. Thus, the use of aviation remote sensing methods is reasonable and economically feasible.

Engineering surveys for construction are called works carried out in order to obtain the necessary materials for design and obtaining permits. This is a very important stage of any construction, since without engineering surveys it is impossible to take the correct technical and economic decisions, predict the impact of the future facility on the environment and the environment, assess the level of safety. It is the results of the survey that determine the complexity and cost of conducting construction works, reliability and durability of the constructed facility.

Types of survey work

The following types of engineering surveys are used in construction:

    Engineering-geological - complex work on the study of soil and groundwater.

    Engineering and geodetic - research, measurements and calculations aimed at obtaining information about the relief of the site and the situation of the area.

    Engineering and environmental - assessment of the current ecological state of the territory and forecasting changes in the future.

    Engineering and hydrometeorological - the study of the climatic features of the area, the hydrological regime of natural reservoirs and groundwater.

Engineering surveys - a thorough and comprehensive study of the natural and man-made characteristics of the site to justify construction, obtain permission to perform construction work, create a project and erect a reliable, sustainable, safe, functional and durable facility.

As a result of the work carried out, a site topography, an engineering and geological report, an environmental assessment and a forecast of changes are obtained. All this is presented in the form of a single technical report, which is necessary during the design to justify the construction and obtain a permit for construction work.

Geological and geodetic surveys


We carry out surveys for construction before the start of construction

Organization "GeoCompany" provides services for all types of engineering surveys for construction on the most favorable conditions. We have been working in this industry for more than twelve years, we have modern equipment, thanks to which we can guarantee the highest quality of work. Over the entire period of work, our specialists have successfully implemented more than 2,500 objects on the territory of the Russian Federation, while we work with both large organizations and individuals. If you want to order a survey for construction, then you need to contact us in any convenient way:

  • Send an application through the site;
  • Call us by phone;
  • Visit our office in Moscow.

We are ready to receive you at any time, and in order to conclude an agreement, you absolutely do not need to visit our office, since all Required documents can be signed already on the spot.

Why you should contact us

  • Affordable survey prices;
  • Full range of works;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Fast deadlines for the execution of work and the preparation of a report;
  • Convenient payment methods;
  • Along with the report, you also receive certificates;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • High professionalism;
  • We save you time and money.

The construction of all types of structures is carried out according to projects that require knowledge of a number of economic and technical issues.

Therefore, the drafting of the project is preceded by engineering surveys, i.e. an extensive complex of field, office and laboratory work aimed at studying the conditions for the construction and operation of a future engineering structure.

The engineering survey program includes economic, engineering geodetic, engineering geological, hydrological, soil, climatological, surveys of deposits of local building materials, survey of existing engineering structures and collection of initial data for drawing up a construction organization project and estimates. geodetic soil economic climatological

Engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out to obtain materials necessary for the design and construction of engineering structures.

Engineering and geodetic surveys include:

  • 1) study of the topographic conditions of the future construction area;
  • 2) collection and analysis of materials from previously performed geodetic works: triangulation, polygonometry, leveling and survey networks, topographic surveys;
  • 3) creation of new planned and high-rise geodetic networks;
  • 4) creation of a filming justification;
  • 5) topographic surveys;
  • 6) tracing work;
  • 7) various marking and surveying works for other types of surveys:
    • - geotechnical (drilling and mining exploration, electrical exploration, seismic exploration, magnetic exploration, gravimetric exploration, search for building materials);
    • - hydrogeological;
    • - hydrological, etc.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out in compliance with the requirements and recommendations of the regulatory documents of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography.

For each construction site, a program of engineering and geodetic surveys is drawn up, in which, in addition to information about the topographic and geodetic knowledge of the territory, a rationale for the proposed types of geodetic and topographic work should be given, a project of basic geodetic work is given with an accuracy calculation, a measurement technique, tools and sequence are recommended works. The program is accompanied by diagrams and cartograms that make it possible to establish the location of the object and the main content and scope of topographic and geodetic work.

As you know, the structure under construction must be strong, stable, and its long-term trouble-free operation must be ensured. To meet these requirements, a comprehensive consideration of the natural conditions at the site of future construction is necessary. In addition, a deep study of local conditions helps to reduce the time and cost of construction.

Engineering geology studies rocks and geological processes in connection with human engineering activities - the construction of engineering structures.

The level of modern construction equipment is very high and the construction of structures is practically possible in any engineering and geological conditions. However, to overcome unfavorable conditions, their deep study is necessary. Insufficient study of engineering-geological conditions, and sometimes ignoring them in the design and construction, leads to accidents and complete destruction of structures.

In the course of engineering and geological surveys and subsequent drawing up of a conclusion, it is necessary to obtain a clear idea of ​​the geological structure of the area and, in particular, of stratigraphy, tectonics, lithology and physical and geological phenomena of the area under study.

Knowledge of stratigraphy allows the geologist to find out the genesis and history of the formation of layers and the nature of occurrence, it is advisable to designate the places for laying geological workings and, as a result, give a correct assessment of the rocks as the foundation of the structure.

The study of rock tectonics and their basic properties makes it possible to obtain important information about faults (faults, shears), which are very dangerous for most structures.

The need for the geodesist to know the basic information from engineering geology is dictated by the fact that the geodesist, like other specialists, takes part in finding the best place for the structure, in the construction of the structure and in observations of it during its operation. Without knowledge of the basics of engineering geology, the geodesist experiences difficulties in choosing the places and depths of laying the initial geodetic signs and signs on the structure when organizing observations of the deformations of structures.

Not knowing the tasks and techniques for performing geological exploration, the surveyor is not able to consciously relate to the requirements of accuracy and methods of tie-down work. Knowledge of the basics of engineering geology enables the geodesist to technically competently conduct surveying - topographic work, reflect on the plans (maps) elements of the situation and relief, allowing the geologist to make indirect judgments about the type of rocks and the nature of their stratification. Implementation into practice geological work aerial photography, combined with spectral and other types of surveys, also deepens the contact between geological research and geodetic work.

The general task of the engineering-geological survey is the assessment of the engineering-geological conditions of the site of the proposed construction. The main final survey document is an engineering-geological map, but simultaneously with obtaining a map, surveying allows more rationally solving a number of important problems, such as choosing the composition, methodology and sequence of exploration work, field and laboratory testing of soils, etc.

According to the degree of detail, engineering-geological surveys can be divided into survey scales of 1:200000 or less, small scale 1:100000-1:50000, medium scale 1:25000-1:10000, large scale 1:5000-1: 1000. The choice for surveying one or another scale depends on the type of structure, the design stage, the complexity and size of the survey site.

The geodetic basis of engineering-geological surveys is a topographic map of the same scale as the scale of the survey or a larger one, or aerial survey materials (photoschemes, photoplans). The geological basis of survey and small-scale engineering-geological surveys is a general geological map.

Ground engineering-geological survey is carried out by laying routes that evenly cover the entire study area. Routes are designed in advance on a map or aerial survey materials, and specified during field work. Observation points are marked on each route and shooting is carried out sequentially from point to point.

Planned and altitude positions of observation points are established (depending on the scale of shooting) in one of the following ways: according to maps, topographic plans or aerial photographs - along the contours of the terrain, semi-instrumentally, instrumentally - by laying tacheometric, theodolite, leveling, barometric passages to the nearest points of the geodetic base or waypoints. The composition of observations along the route is quite diverse and subject to some changes depending on the type of facility and the design stage.

The objects of observation along the survey route are: soils, vegetation cover, geomorphological features of the relief, natural outcrops and artificial workings, watercourses, reservoirs, groundwater outlets, areas subject to physical and geological processes, existing engineering structures, deposits of building materials.

During the engineering-geological survey, geophysical studies of soils are carried out, places for laying geological exploration workings are outlined.

When studying groundwater sources, special attention is paid to the depth, type and thickness of the aquifer, its flow rate, the nature of nutrition and regime. Examination of existing structures allows, using the example of their design, specific loads on the soil, deformations (cracks), to establish the degree of reliability of the foundation and the strength of foundations, to identify the influence of hydrogeological conditions, and much more.

The final stage of the engineering-geological survey is cameral processing, during which all the collected information and materials are first applied to the field working map, and then, after linking and agreeing on all load elements, they make the final map. The maps are accompanied by sketches and photographs, sections of exploration workings, geological and lithological profiles, tables of laboratory analyzes of the physical and mechanical properties of soils.

A significant drawback of the ground engineering-geological survey is the slow pace of work. To eliminate this shortcoming, air transport began to be used. Airplanes and helicopters are often used to survey survey areas.

Obviously, it is expedient to use aerial methods only when surveying large construction sites or on long routes. In the latter case, the use of aerial methods can be especially useful, since geological conditions can change significantly along the route.

The survey is carried out either by routes or areas, on a small, medium or large scale, depending on the type of structure, the design stage and the complexity of the site.

During the survey, they map and give a description of surface water bodies and rivers, natural sources - springs, hollows; artificial workings - wells, mines, exploration workings. When describing water sources, if possible, indicate the depth of groundwater, their debit and chemical composition, low water flow in rivers, etc. If there is a sufficiently dense network of workings on hydrogeological maps, the horizon of groundwater and groundwater can be shown in the form of hydroisogypses and hydroisopieses , their pressure.

In hydrogeological surveying and compiling a hydrogeological map, it is useful to use materials from aerial photography and geobotanical surveys.

In the process of hydrogeological survey, exploration work is being carried out. At the same time, shallow (10–15 m) wells are drilled; to determine the flow rate of water in wells, test pumping is carried out.

When surveying hydraulic structures and for water supply, wells are drilled to great depths (up to 100 m or more) and with a large diameter. Special attention in the course of drilling, it is used to fix each aquifer, to determine its thickness, water reserve in it and other characteristics.

Hydrological research is based on the science that studies the water regime of rivers and reservoirs and is called land hydrology.

Land hydrology is closely related to climatology, meteorology, soil science, hydrogeology, hydraulics, geodesy, mathematics and other sciences. Without presence necessary information from hydrology it is impossible to design engineering structures.

Calculation of water resources for supplying cities and industrial facilities, for irrigating agricultural land, identifying the regime of temporary and permanent watercourses for the construction of bridges, dams and hydroelectric stations - all this requires special long-term observations of water levels, flow rates, water flows, determining the direction of jets and flow slopes, sediment accounting, water chemistry and much more. To obtain these data, special water-measuring posts and hydrometric stations are arranged.

Hydrological surveys are necessary in the construction of many structures, and especially in the design of bridge crossings and hydraulic structures. Of the large and varied complex of hydrological studies, the geodesist usually has to carry out large-scale survey and leveling work in the territories of water-measuring posts and hydrometric stations, at dam sites and river crossing sites, determining catchment areas, performing channel surveys, arranging water-measuring posts and organizing observations of levels; determination of river slopes; measurement of flow velocities and direction of flow jets. The listed works do not differ in any complexity, however, their conscious, technically competent execution requires the performer to know some theoretical issues from the hydrology course.

Close to the engineer-surveyor are issues related to the determination of some of the most important parameters of structures, such as the design elevation of the bridge, the height of the dam, etc. Moving water usually moves a certain amount of soil particles - sediment. Accounting for sediments is important when assigning the design slopes of irrigation and water canals, which during operation should ensure the imperviousness and non-silting of the canals, as well as when determining the so-called dead volume of the reservoir.

The role and content of economic research depends on the type of engineering structure. For example, for industrial facilities, economic surveys are designed to: determine the economic feasibility of placing a structure in a given location, taking into account its provision with raw materials, fuel, electricity, water, gas, and also find out the conditions for implementation finished products; to determine the most advantageous ways and means of communication within the region and the conditions for joining the network of existing roads; establish the possibility of cooperating the object with existing and under construction enterprises; find out the prospects for the resettlement of workers and employees for the period of construction and operation of the facility.

When designing transport facilities, economic surveys make it possible to determine the most profitable type of transport (road, rail, water), to establish the most rational passage of the route on the ground, the size of freight and passenger traffic, and to determine the main parameters of the structure.

Economic research in the design of cities and workers' settlements is carried out to a somewhat lesser extent, since there is no need to collect information about the raw material base and consumers of products. Economic research at such facilities should determine the population and the prospects for its growth, the degree of employment, the degree of provision of the population with living space, establish the degree and prospects for the development of industry, transport, a network of cultural and community enterprises; the availability of free territories for the construction of buildings and the organization of recreation for workers, etc.

The main scope of work in economic research is the survey and collection of materials for the construction area, processing, systematization and analysis of the collected materials. A detailed list of information collected, of course, depends on the type of structure being designed, and in some cases (on automobile and railways) it comes down to obtaining data on the prospective size of freight and passenger traffic, in others - to collecting information about existing industrial enterprises and their products, about the possibility of economic and technological connection with them, about energy supply, about raw materials area, about communication routes, about the conditions for future construction and preparation for it.

The detailed composition of economic surveys during the construction of the main types of engineering structures is established by special instructions.

Regardless of the type of structure, during economic surveys, it is necessary to find out the conditions for providing future construction with building materials (cement, sand, gravel, clay, rubble stone) and elements of prefabricated structures, the degree of equipment of contractors with mechanisms and construction equipment.

The collection of the necessary economic data is usually carried out by government agencies. planning bodies, ministries, statistical offices, as well as locally: in local councils of deputies, in district organizations, at existing enterprises, at transport hubs. Economic data should take into account growth prospects industrial enterprise, growth in the number and well-being of the population of cities and towns, an increase in the size of transportation by water and dry routes.

According to the nature of economic research, they are divided into problematic and title ones.

Problem is called this type of economic research, in which a number of options are considered, different in direction, but resolving one common economic problem. They are often conducted without linking the structure to a specific location. For roads, for example, without determining the position of the road and its end points (only interconnected economic regions). At industrial construction the need for problematic research arises in cases of designing complex and large industrial complexes when, first of all, the general prospects for the economic development of the region as a whole should be clarified.

Problematic surveys are carried out during the off-stage period, i.e., during the preparation of a feasibility study.

Title or object economic surveys are carried out for the design of a specific structure - a title with its binding to a specific area: a dam - to a target on a river, a road - to junction points, an industrial or civil structure - to a selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory. Economic surveys in this case should cover not only the future construction site, but also the surrounding areas. Title economic surveys in two-stage design are carried out mainly at the stage of a technical project for the purpose of a detailed and comprehensive study of the region's economy.

Economic surveys are not carried out for the detailed design stage, and only in some cases some refinements of previously performed calculations may be required here.

In the course of designing engineering structures, especially transport and hydraulic engineering structures, several possible solutions project task, to a greater or lesser extent satisfying the requirements. Each of these solutions is called a variant.

Quite often, when researching, there are from two to five options, and sometimes more. Comparison of such competing options allows you to find best solution tasks. It is not advisable to involve a large number of options, since in this case the advantage of one option over another often turns out to be insignificant, and calculations for a large number of options lengthen the time for making a final decision.

The appearance of several options is possible both in problematic and title economic research. In the latter case, they are called intra-object comparison of options.

Intra-object comparison of options is usually carried out according to economic and technical indicators. Economic indicators options are reflected in the estimate documentation. The calculation of the cost for each option is carried out taking into account the costs of construction and the subsequent period of operation of the facility. When calculating the cost of construction, two main types of costs should be taken into account:

  • a) directly for the construction of the structure or direct costs;
  • b) for other works caused by the construction of the structure, or additional costs.

Direct costs consist of the cost of labor, building materials, finished structures, the cost of transport, electricity, operation of construction machines, etc. They characterize, for example, the cost of 1 m 3 of an earthen dam, 1 linear meter. km of road, pipeline, tunnel.

The appearance of additional costs is due to the fact that the structure being erected comes into contact with the surrounding area and in one way or another affects it. For example, the construction of a dam on a river leads to the formation of a reservoir, in the distribution zone of which many objects may fall, requiring their transfer, reconstruction or protection. Some of the objects, such as roads, communication lines, power lines, agricultural land, are completely lost. All this causes damage to the economy, requires significant additional cash costs.

The amount of additional costs depends on the type of structure. From the above example, it is clear that the additional costs of building a hydroelectric power plant can be quite significant. The role of additional costs in hydraulic engineering construction is also significant because their magnitude to a certain extent affects the main parameters of the structure. Indeed, the greater the head pressure, the greater the power of the hydroelectric power station. At the same time, with an increase in the head height, the flooded area increases, sometimes very sharply, and, consequently, additional costs increase. In this case, only the materials of economic surveys make it possible to choose the optimal variant of the HPP design pressure, i.e. one of the main parameters of a hydraulic structure.

Additional costs for other types of structures are usually less and their impact on the technical parameters of structures is not so great.

List of victorious literature:

  • 1. Klimov O.D. Fundamentals of engineering surveys. M., Nedra, 1974, p. 256.
  • 2. Zakatov P.S. Engineering geodesy M., "Nedra", 1976, p. 583
  • 3. Levchuk G.P. Applied geodesy M., "Nedra", 1981, p. 438

Engineering survey for construction - work carried out for a comprehensive study of the natural conditions of the area, site, section, route of the planned construction, local building materials and water supply sources and obtaining the necessary and sufficient materials for the development of economically viable and technically sound solutions for the design and construction of facilities, taking into account the rational use and environmental protection, as well as obtaining data for making a forecast of environmental changes under the influence of the construction and operation of enterprises, buildings and structures.

There are the following main types of surveys in construction:

  • engineering and geodetic surveys;
  • engineering and geological surveys;
  • engineering and environmental surveys;

Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction - these are works carried out to obtain topographic and geodetic materials and data on the situation and terrain (including the bottom of drains, reservoirs and water areas), existing buildings and structures (ground, underground and aboveground) and other planning elements (in digital , graphic, photographic and other forms) necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (water area) of construction and justification for the design, construction, operation and liquidation of facilities.

Engineering and geodetic surveys can be carried out by specialized organizations or state organization. For example, in Moscow, engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out by the State Unitary Enterprise MosGorGeoTrest.

The main purpose of the survey is to obtain topographic survey materials for a comprehensive assessment of the conditions of the construction site. Such work is carried out at the pre-project stage of development of the territory for the justification and evaluation of the project, at the stage of construction of real estate or road construction, and in the conditions of operation and liquidation of buildings and structures. Moreover, they can be carried out both in combination with other engineering surveys, and as a separate study.

The complex of works on engineering and geodetic surveys allows solving a number of issues related to the rational placement of the construction object on the ground, its binding to existing buildings and the necessary connection to engineering networks. Based on the results of the research, experts give a full assessment of the layout of the area and predict the behavior of the object in time, taking into account possible changes in the relief of the site, especially for areas with complex terrain and the presence of seismically active zones, karsts, landslides or other geological phenomena.

Engineering and geological surveys- this is a set of measures and studies designed to determine the conditions of the site for the construction of buildings and structures. In the course of the work carried out, specialists identify the features of the relief, study the composition of soil rocks and their bearing capacity, the climatic and hydrological regime of the selected area. The data obtained become the basis for the development of project documentation: with their help, you can choose the type and depth of the foundation arrangement, determine the construction and finishing materials.

The complex of engineering and geological surveys for construction includes several types of work at once:

  • Determination of the physical and chemical properties of soil and soil. To do this, it is important to study plasticity, slump, filtration performance, fluidity and corrosivity.
  • The study of the hydrological regime of the territory, the level of groundwater, the size of the channel and the nature of natural reservoirs.
  • Geophysical research to identify potentially dangerous geological processes that prevent the construction and arrangement of engineering communications.

Engineering and geological surveys are necessary for the strength calculation of the foundation and rational design of the foundations of buildings and structures.

Engineering and environmental surveys for construction make it possible to comprehensively investigate the ecological situation of the building site and identify the conditions for living and conducting various types of activities, as well as the impact of these types of activities on the environment.

Engineering and environmental surveys are carried out to implement the following tasks:

  • study man-made and natural conditions on the territory of placement and economic use of the facility under construction;
  • Assess the current state of the main components of the environment in the territory of the planned development;
  • To identify unfavorable man-made and natural factors;
  • Give an accurate forecast possible negative consequences that may occur at the stage of engineering operation or construction of the facility;
  • Develop a set of measures to prevent negative environmental manifestations;
  • Develop an environmental impact assessment of the facility;
  • Organize an effective monitoring system.

For designers and developers, the final results of engineering and environmental surveys for construction are the most important tool for the development of environmental and hygienic measures and the formation of an environmental justification for construction. When drawing up a technical report on engineering and environmental surveys, the following are applied:

  • Protocols and expert opinions of an accredited laboratory by type of research;
  • Certificate of background concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air;
  • Information about climatic characteristics.

The development of the "Environmental Protection" section is mandatory for all objects subject to examination, therefore, engineering and environmental surveys must also be carried out without fail.

All surveys are carried out by specialized organizations and issued as a report, which undergoes an examination together with project documentation.

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