
Loading and unloading works in construction. Loading and unloading works. Transport and loading and unloading operations. Loading and unloading operations with small-piece wall materials

Transport and loading and unloading operations. Loading and unloading operations with small-piece wall materials

Loading and unloading operations with small-piece wall materials

Persons loading, unloading and lifting packages of small-piece wall materials to the workplaces of masons must have a slinger's certificate.

All load handling devices used in the delivery of small-piece wall materials are subject to inspection and testing with a load that is 25% higher than their rated load capacity, with exposure under load for 10 minutes.

When loading and unloading, the packages must be raised above the sides of vehicles or cargo not lower than 0.5 m and not higher than 1.5 m. packages on pallets to the workplaces of masons with load-handling devices without enclosing devices. It is strictly forbidden to unload and lift packages onto a building under construction with slings.

When lifting packages on pallets with three-wall lifting cases, the angle of inclination of the back wall to the vertical must be at least 12 °. After climbing to a height of no more than 1 m, the slinger must inspect the open side of the package and remove unstable bricks and their fragments.

When lifting packages without pallets using self-tightening grips, make sure that bricks cannot fall out during lifting. The jaws of the safety device must be closed. If the jaws are not closed, the gripper with the load should be lowered onto the platform and the work should be stopped until the malfunctions are eliminated. When using pin clamps, after lifting the package to a height of 0.5 m, it is necessary to bring a safety device from below.

When performing loading and unloading operations, it is not allowed for unauthorized persons to be in the bodies of the rolling stock of road and rail transport, as well as in the area of ​​operation of hoisting machines.

Loading and unloading operations with piece construction cargo

When carrying out work with packaged cargoes, containers, packaging means, as well as specialized lifting devices should be used to prevent the cargo from falling out. Roofs of containers, devices for their slinging and fastening to vehicles must be cleared of foreign objects, ice and snow.

Loading, unloading and storage operations with containerized and packaged cargo must be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes.

Containers and packaging equipment supplied for loading must be technically sound, have markings indicating the nominal gross weight and tare weight.

Containers and packaging equipment must be loaded with materials, products and structures to their full capacity, but not more than their carrying capacity (equal to the difference between the nominal gross weight and tare weight).

Cargoes in containers and palletizing devices should be placed in accordance with their loading schemes, which should exclude the possibility of movement of goods inside containers and palletizing devices during transportation and ensure a uniform load on the floor and pressure on the walls.

When performing loading and unloading operations with containerized and packaged cargo, it is not allowed: the presence of unauthorized persons in the bodies of vehicles and on container platforms in the area of ​​​​the lifting machines; loading and unloading of containers and packaging means without removing them from the vehicle; movement of slingers through containers and packages. It is allowed to transport containerized and packaged goods in the bodies of motor vehicles, provided that mutual damage is excluded.

Transportation of people in vehicles together with containerized and packaged cargo is not allowed.

Loading and unloading of powdered building materials

Loading and unloading operations with dusty materials (cement, lime, gypsum) must be performed mechanized. Bulk cargo stacks must have slopes with a steepness corresponding to the angle of repose for this type of cargo, or must be fenced with strong retaining walls.

Manual work on unloading cement at an air temperature of 40 ° C and more is not allowed. Workers should be provided with overalls, respirators and dust goggles.

It is forbidden for unauthorized persons to be in the working area of ​​the cement warehouse equipment and vehicles.

Accidents during the unloading of railway wagons occur when the doors of covered wagons, sides of railway platforms, etc. are not opened correctly.

During loading and unloading operations, the railway car must be braked with a parking brake or shoes must be placed under the wheels. During the loading and unloading of the wagon, it is prohibited to carry out repair work, repair the body and the bunker of the loaded wagon, walk on the roof of the wagon if there is snow or ice on it.

In places of loading and unloading of cement on racks, fences should be provided for safe work on the roof of the car. It is strictly forbidden to be inside the wagon during its unloading.

Opening the top hatch of a cement car with pneumatic unloading and cement trucks of all types is allowed only if there is no pressure in the tank. When manually opening the lower hatches of gondola cars, as well as opening the doors of cars and platform sides, special levers must be used. It is forbidden to be in the area of ​​a possible fall of the load, side or hatch cover. It is strictly forbidden to be in the receiving device and bodies of the rolling stock during the operation of unloading machines of all types.

When working on elevated tracks and overpasses under the loading hoppers, hazardous areas must be indicated. The lock of the side of the platform must be opened with a crowbar, first of all in the middle, and then at the ends of the platform. In this case, the worker must be at a distance of at least 1 m from the side of the platform. Wagon hatches must be closed using hatch lifters. In the absence of them, the hatches of gondola cars are manually closed by a team of at least three people: two of them lift the hatch cover on crowbars, after which the third puts the crowbar into the eye and presses it to the frame of the gondola car; the cover is fixed and safety sectors are installed.

When unloading the material, the bottom of the load stack must be at least 2 m from the nearest rail.

For the transfer of loaders with cargo from the platform of the vehicle to the warehouse and back, bridges, gangways, ladders should be used, the deflection of the flooring at maximum load should not exceed 20 mm (Fig. 4.3.1). With a length of ladders, bridges of more than 3 m, intermediate supports must be installed under them. Bridges and gangways should be made of boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm and fastened from below with rigid planks at intervals of no more than 0.5 m. Metal bridges must be made of corrugated sheet metal, at least 5 mm thick.

Rice. 4.3.1. Gangways for unloading railway wagons

The tanker must be placed on support legs only on a flat surface and hard ground or special pads. Coupling, uncoupling can be done only with a braked tank and a low speed of the tractor. It is forbidden to hitch, unhitch on a slippery surface.

During the operation of the container, it is necessary: ​​when loading the container with powdered material in the warehouse, it is obligatory to use a cleaning mesh installed on the opening of the loading hatch and a filter-dust suppressor; when loading containers onto railway and road rolling stock, people are not allowed to be between the containers, and the containers should be secured to each other by threading the loop into the loop from above, using the container ladder for this purpose; containers installed on the railway platform must be unloaded only from the end (it is forbidden to pull containers from the middle of the row).

During the operation of the pneumatic unloader of dusty materials, it is not allowed to approach its intake device closer than 1 m. When eliminating the hanging of cement in silos, it is prohibited for a person to be in the tank.

To supply bulk cargo over a short distance or height, belt conveyors (conveyors) are used. Drums and conveyor belts must have a solid fence. Mobile belt conveyors should not be moved on the construction site for long distances or on uneven surfaces. When moving, conductive wires must be disconnected. Passages and driveways, over which conveyors are located, must be protected by canopies that extend beyond the dimensions of the conveyor by at least 1 m.

It is forbidden to work on the conveyor with the truss raised or hanging on the rope, and also to leave the truss on weight without installing it on the clamps. It is also forbidden to work on the conveyor when the belt is skewed or when it suddenly stops, clean the moving belt and clean under the conveyor belt and drums while the conveyor is running. During the operation of the conveyor, it is forbidden to repair, move and change the position of the truss.

For the transition of workers on bulk cargo, which has a high fluidity and suction capacity, ladders or decks with railings should be installed along the entire path of movement. For the passage (lift) to the workplace, sidewalks, stairs, bridges, ladders that meet safety requirements must be provided.

The territory of the warehouse for cement and other powdered materials must meet the following safety requirements:

The territory must be kept clean, without potholes and holes. Driveways and walkways must be illuminated at night (at least 2 lux per area of ​​4 m2);

Passages must be protected from driveways;

Driveways and passages must have hard surfaces and drains. Scaffolds and platforms for servicing the cement warehouse, located 1 m above ground level, as well as working stairs and pits, are protected by railings 1 m high.

Local lighting in industrial premises and portable hand lamps are equipped with lamps with a voltage of 12-36 V and are provided with a serviceable cord and a safety switch.

Closed warehouse premises, as well as workplaces at unloaders, pneumatic screw hoists, augers and other equipment must be provided with ventilation made in accordance with the project or devices that prevent spraying of cement.

Loading and unloading works in construction

Loading and unloading operations of the main material elements of construction processes (non-metallic materials, building structures, timber, metal, etc.) are now almost completely mechanized. For the mechanization of loading and unloading operations are used

general construction and special machines and mechanisms. According to the principle of operation, all machines and mechanisms that carry out loading and unloading operations are divided into the following groups: those operating independently of vehicles and being part of the vehicle structure. The first group includes special loading and unloading and conventional assembly cranes, loaders of cyclical and continuous action, mobile belt conveyors, mechanical shovels, pneumatic unloaders, etc. The second group includes dump trucks, transport devices with self-unloading platforms, self-unloading facilities, etc. Special loading and unloading and conventional cranes (beam cranes, overhead cranes, gantry, tower, pneumatic wheeled and caterpillar boom cranes, truck cranes, etc.) are widely used for loading and unloading reinforced concrete and metal structures, equipment, materials transported in packages , containers, etc. Cranes equipped with special gripping devices and grabs can work on loading and unloading timber, crushed stone, gravel, sand and other bulk small-sized materials.

Loaders in construction have become widespread. The widespread use of loaders in construction is due to their high mobility and versatility. The most widely used in construction are universal single-bucket loaders, auto-loaders and multi-bucket loaders.

Bucket loaders (continuous action) are designed for loading bulk and small-sized materials into dump trucks and other vehicles.

Forklifts are general purpose material handling machines. They serve for the mechanization of reloading and lifting and transport operations on sites, mainly with a hard surface. The main working body is a telescopic lift with forks.

Types of soils, their technological properties.

In the construction industry, soils are called rocks that occur in the upper layers of the earth's crust. The properties and quality of the soil affect the stability of earthworks, the complexity of development and the cost of work. To select the most efficient way of performing work, it is necessary to take into account the following main characteristics of soils; density, moisture, cohesion, looseness and angle of repose. Density is the mass of 1 m3 of soil in its natural state (in a dense body). Humidity is characterized by the degree of saturation of the soil with water, which is determined by the ratio of the mass of water in the soil to the mass of solid particles of the soil and is expressed as a percentage. With a moisture content of more than 30%, the soils are considered wet, and with a moisture content of up to 5%, they are considered dry. Cohesion is determined by the initial shear resistance of the soil. From the density and adhesion between soil particles mainly. depends on the productivity of earthmoving machines. The classification of soils according to the difficulty of their development, depending on the design features of the earth-moving machines used and the properties of the soil, are given in the ENiR. So, for single-bucket excavators, soils are divided into six groups, for bucket-wheel excavators and scrapers - into two, and for bulldozers and graders - into three groups. When developing soils manually, they are divided into seven groups. Building codes and regulations set the slope steepness values ​​for permanent and temporary earthworks, depending on their depth or height. The slopes of embankments of permanent structures are made more gentle than the slopes of cuts. Steep slopes are allowed when constructing temporary pits and trenches.

Due to the fact that some processes performed during earthworks are associated with the passage of electric current through the soil (dehumidification by electroosmosis, thawing by current), the electrical conductivity of the soil is also of practical importance. Since the mineral particles that make up the soil are usually not conductors, the electrical conductivity of the soil depends on the degree of its saturation with moisture. In the process of earthworks, one has to deal with the phenomena of freezing and thawing of the soil, and these processes can be natural and artificial. Therefore, the thermophysical characteristics of soils are also important - their heat capacity and thermal conductivity. They are also more dependent on soil moisture, as the corresponding values ​​for water are much higher than for mineral particles.

Types of earthworks

According to the duration of use, earthworks can be permanent or temporary. Permanent structures are constituent elements of facilities under construction and are intended for their normal operation. Such structures include canals, excavations and embankments of roads and railways, dams of hydraulic engineering and regulatory structures, water wells, etc.

Temporary earthworks are arranged during the construction of an underground or buried part of buildings, engineering networks, communications, etc. After that, they are partially or completely eliminated. The recesses, in which the width is commensurate with the length, but not less than 1/10 of the length, are called pits, with a width of less than 1/10 - trenches. Pit pits are dug out, as a rule, during the construction of the buried part of bulk structures (foundations, basement floors: technical rooms designed to accommodate equipment for sanitary and technological systems). Trenches are dug when laying linearly extended communications, external networks of water supply, sewerage, gas supply, heating, power supply, etc. When arranging excavations at construction sites that do not have width restrictions, as well as in order to ensure the maximum level of mechanization of earthworks, earthworks with a trapezoidal cross profile. Its main characteristics are depth (h), width along the bottom (b) and on top (B), laying of slopes (a), slope base, slope angle. The depth of development is determined by the difference in the marks of the day surface of the working (edge) and the bottom (slope base).

The width along the bottom of the excavation is equal to the width of the structure element being erected in the excavation (A) plus the size of the gaps (c), depending on the nature of the processing of the external surfaces of the element. The value of the broadening of the bottom of the pit (c) must be at least 0.6 m. In recesses of a rectangular profile, the value of the broadening, in addition, depends on the depth of the recess and the type of wall fastening. The width along the top of the excavation is determined as the sum of the width along its bottom (b) plus the value of the two slopes (a). Under the laying of the slope is understood the value of the projection of the slope line on the horizontal.

The reciprocal of the slope is called the slope factor (m). The value of m is determined by the type of soil, the degree of its watering, the duration of the excavation and its depth. The more monolithic the soil and the greater its water content, the greater the steepness of the slope of the excavation. With a depth of excavations of more than 6 m, it is necessary to install small horizontal platforms called berms. Slopes below berms tend to be less steep than those above berms. The exception is when the soils below the berms are dry and stronger than in the upper horizons. In temporary recesses, the steepness of the slopes is assumed to be greater than in permanent ones.


There are the following most common methods for determining L SR. :

a) analytical (method of static moments);

b) grapho-analytical (Kutinov's method);

c) graphic;

d) on the basis of a chess balance sheet;

e) based on linear programming (transport problem).

1 Grapho - analytical method

Based on the construction of graphs of progressive results on the sides of the construction site. The average distance of soil movement in this case is found by the formula

L CP \u003d L x 2 +L y 2, m

where: L x , L y - respectively horizontal and vertical projection L SR, m.

L x =W x /∑V Bi

where: W x , W y - the area of ​​the figures, limited by the graphs of the cumulative results of excavation and embankment along the horizontal and vertical sides of the site, respectively, m 3.

2. Graphical method

after plotting the progressive totals on the sides of the construction site, parallel to the X and Y axes, the middle lines are drawn, spaced from the axes at a distance of V H /2 and V B /2. After that, the points of intersection of the middle lines with the graphs of cumulative totals are set and they are demolished on the site plan. At the intersection of the projection lines from the points, we obtain the position of the centers of gravity of the embankment and excavation, respectively. As L SR, the distance between the obtained centers of gravity is taken

3. Analytical method.

It is based on finding the centers of gravity of the cut and fill by the method of static moments of the cut and fill points relative to the X and Y axes according to the formulas

X V DH =S B y /∑V Bi =∑ V Bi х X Bi /∑V Bi , m

Y V DH =S B x /∑V Bi =∑V V i х X V i /∑V V i , m

X H CT =S H y /∑V H i =∑V H i x X H i /∑V H i , m

Y N CT =S N x /∑V N i =∑V Hi x X Hi /∑V Hi, m
where: S B y , S H y , S B x , S H x - static moments of excavation and embankment relative to the Y and X axes, respectively, m 4 ; V Bi , V Hi - the volume of the i - point of excavation or embankment, respectively, m 3 ; X Bi , X Hi , Y Bi , Y Hi - coefficients of the centers of gravity of the i -th point of the cut or embankment in the coordinate axes XOY.

After finding the centers of gravity of the excavation and embankment, L СР is determined as the distance between them according to the Pythagorean theorem

L CP \u003d (X V C.T. - X N C.T.) 2 + (Y V C.T. - Y N C.T.) 2, m

4. Based on the chess balance sheet

The distribution of soil from cut points to fill points can be carried out in the following ways:

a) common sense

b) by the smallest distances

At the final stage, the following soil movement distances are determined:

a) the total average distance of soil movement within the construction site L СР

L O CP =(∑V ij x L ij +∑V kj x L kj +åV p j x L p j)/(∑V ij +∑V kj +åV p j) , m

where: V ij , V kj - volume of soil moved from excavation points i or “pit” to embankment points j, m 3 ; L ij , L kj - distance of soil movement from excavation points i or “pit” to embankment point j, m.

b) the average distance of soil movement from the leveling cut to the leveling embankment L CP

L PL SR =∑V ij х L ij /∑V ij , m

c) the average distance of soil movement from the pit to the leveling embankment L CP

L K CP =∑V to j x L kj /∑V kj , m

When determining L O CP, the volumes of soil of the reserve and dump in case of a distance of removal or delivery of soil is more than 3. . .5 km are not taken into account.

5. Based on linear programming methods

average travel distance

L 0 SR \u003d L PL. SR. m

37 The calculation of LIA is to determine the required amount pumping units, filter pitch and depth of their immersion.

S=h gr +0.5+e ; m

where S is the required lowering of groundwater, m

h gr - groundwater height

e is the height of the capillary rise of water, m;

where k is the filtration coefficient

where Y is the pressure at the design point, m

H is the thickness of the aquifer

A \u003d √F u / π; m

where A is the reduced radius of the dewatering system, m

F u - reduced area of ​​the inner contour of the wellpoint system, m

R=A+2*S*√k*H ; m

where R is the radius of influence of the system, m

Q c =(2*π*k*m*(H-Y))/(lnR/A); m 3 / day.

where Q c is the total inflow of water, m 3 / day.

Q c h \u003d Q c / 24; m 3 / hour.

where Q c h is the total inflow of water per hour, m 3 / hour.

where m is the average flow thickness, m.

N y =L ktotal /L before; PCS

where N y is the number of pumping units, pcs;

L ktot - the total length of the collector, m;

L before - the maximum length of the collector

L k = L ktot / N y ; m

where L k is the length of the collector per 1 installation, m

Q y =Q c / N y ; m 3 / day.

where Q y is the inflow of water to one installation, m 3 / day.

Q y h \u003d Q y / 24; m 3 / day

where Q y h is the influx of water to one installation per hour, m 3 / day.

n=L k /2*G; PCS

where n is the required number of wellpoints, pcs;

G – step of wellpoints, m.

q= Q y h / n; m 3 / day

where q is the water inflow to each wellpoint.

The limiting flow rate of one wellpoint is determined according to the schedule.

The distance from the aquiclude to the reduced GWL at the wellpoint is determined at a different step:

y g ’ \u003d y n -h in + ξ * Q y / (k * h) + 1.34 * 10 -7 * ξ 1 * Q y 2; m

where y g ’ is the distance from the aquiclude to the lowered GWL, m;

y n - the height of the pump axis above the aquiclude, m;

h in - the estimated suction lift of the pump

ξ - value depending on the service life of the installation at the facility

ξ 1 - coefficient of pressure loss in the suction system, day 2 / m 5.

Let's define the condition of water filtration:

y g \u003d H-S * (1 + 2 * π * Ф * m ’ / (N * n * ln (R / A)); m

where m ’ is the flow thickness on the wellpoint line, equal to y;

Ф – coefficient of resistance filtering;

According to the curve, we determine the pitch of wellpoints

Scraper traffic patterns

Depending on the size of the earthen structure, the location of cuts, embankments, cavaliers or dumps, the following schemes of their movement are most often used during the operation of scrapers: elliptical, "eight", spiral, zigzag, shuttle-transverse and shuttle-longitudinal.

Work "on an ellipse" (Fig. 1, a) and "eight" (Fig. 1, b) is applicable when erecting embankments from one- and two-sided reserves, when arranging excavations with laying soil in embankments, dams and caves, during planning work in industrial and civil construction. When working with the "eight" in one pass, the scraper performs two operations of loading the bucket and two operations of its unloading, which shortens the path of an idle run and, as a result, increases the productivity of the scraper.

Fig.1. Scraper movement scheme

a - along an ellipse; b - eight; in - in a spiral; g - zigzag; e - according to the shuttle-transverse scheme; e - according to the shuttle-longitudinal scheme; rectangles show loading areas; shaded rectangles - unloading areas

The spiral scheme (Fig. 1, c) is used in the construction of wide embankments from bilateral reserves or wide excavations with a height or depth of up to 2.5 m. At the same time, work is carried out without the arrangement of exits and congresses.

Work "in a zigzag" (Fig. 1, d) is carried out during the construction of embankments up to 6 m high from reserves with a grip length of 200 m or more.

The shuttle-transverse scheme (Fig. 1, e) is used more often when erecting embankments and dams with a height of less than 1.5 m when working from bilateral reserves or when constructing canals and excavations up to 1.5 m with laying soil in dams or cavaliers. The productivity of the scraper along the zigzag is 15% higher, and with the shuttle-transverse - by 30% compared to the elliptical scheme.

The shuttle-longitudinal scraper movement pattern (Fig. 1, f) is used in the construction of embankments 5 ... 6 m high with slopes not steeper than 1: 2 ° with soil transportation from bilateral reserves.

The traffic pattern for each specific case should be chosen taking into account local conditions so that the traffic paths are the smallest. The greatest slopes of earth-carrying roads should be for scrapers: in the freight direction - when lifting - 0.12 ... 0.15, and when descending - 0.2 ... 0.25; in an empty direction - when lifting 0.15 ... 0.17, and when descending 0.25 ... 0.3.

Physical methods of drilling.

The main physical methods of drilling are thermal and hydraulic. Electrohydraulic, plasma, ultrasonic and some other methods are under development and production testing.

With the thermal method of drilling, rocks are destroyed by a high-temperature heat source - an open flame. The working body of the thermal drilling machine is a thermal drill with a fire-jet burner (Fig. VI. 3, a), from which a high-temperature gas jet is directed to the bottom of the well at supersonic speed. A mixture of finely dispersed kerosene with gaseous oxygen is fed into the combustion chamber through a nozzle. Formed inside the chamber, gaseous combustion products with a temperature of up to 2000°C under the action of pressure inside the chamber fly out at a speed of about 2000 m/s through the holes in the bottom of the burner and act on the bottom of the well. With the help of water, the burner is cooled and the destroyed rock is removed from the well.

Mobile thermal drilling machines on caterpillar and automobile tracks and hand-held thermal drills have, in principle, a similar device. A manual thermal drill (Fig. VI. 3, b) is a metal casing rod with a diameter of 30 mm, in which there is a burner with a cooling system. Kerosene and gaseous oxygen enter the burner at a pressure of 0.7 MPa, and water for cooling - at a pressure of 1.3 MPa.

Mobile thermal drilling machines can drill holes and wells with a diameter of up to 130 mm and a depth of up to 8 m, and hand-held thermal drills can drill holes with a diameter of 60 mm and a depth of 1.5 ... 2 m.

A variation of thermal drilling is the drilling of holes with the help of heated compressed air. In this way, holes are drilled with a diameter of 50 ... 70 mm and a depth of up to 2 m in frozen soils. For drilling, an installation consisting of a compressor, a heater and an air heater is used. From the compressor, compressed air is supplied through hoses to the heater through air tubes built into it and a preheating coke oven. A jet of compressed air, heated in an air heater to 90°C, is directed into the soil through a sleeve with a perforated tip, warms it up, loosens it and throws it out of the well.

The thermal method of drilling holes in comparison with the mechanical one is more efficient, and its productivity is 10...12 times greater when drilling the rocks of the crystalline structure.

The hydraulic drilling method (Figure VI. 3, c) is used to develop wells in light loams and quicksand. With this method, water is injected into the well through a string of pipes and a special slender nozzle attached to the bottom of the string. Water erodes the bottomhole, and the pipes sink into the ground. The hydro mass formed by the erosion of the soil is squeezed out under the pressure of water along the outer walls of the casing pipe, which is extracted from the soil by a winch. With the help of hydraulic drilling, wells up to 8 m deep can be drilled at a speed of up to 1 m/min.

Soil compaction with rollers

Rolling is carried out by self-propelled and trailed pneumatic rollers. The compaction force is achieved due to high contact stresses created by the gravity of the roller and the ballast load on the rolling plane (line) (up to 8 MPa).

Pneumatic rollers can be single-axle (weighing 10 - 25 tons), two-axle trailed (weighing up to 50 tons) and semi-trailed (single or two-axle weighing up to 100 tons). With light rollers, the required compaction of loose soils with a layer of 20 - 30 cm is achieved with a working width of up to 2.5 m. semi-trailed pneumatic rollers are most effective, they provide high-quality compaction of cohesive and non-cohesive soils with a layer of 40 - 50 cm with a grip width of 2.7 - 2.8 m. ). Trailed and self-propelled drum rollers are less efficient than cam rollers due to the large area of ​​pressure distribution.

To increase the contact pressure on the compacted soil and achieve high performance, cam or lattice rollers are used. The cams are steel profile pins 200 - 300 mm long, welded around the circumference to the drum shell. Such rollers are used to compact only cohesive soils. When compacting soils from coarse rocks, instead of cams, steel gratings from a corner or other steel profile are welded to the surface of the drums. Cam and lattice rollers provide soil compaction with a layer of 25 - 50 cm with a capture width of 2.7 - 3.3 m in 4 - 10 passes along the track.

Rolling of each layer of soil is carried out, as a rule, according to a spiral-ring pattern. The length of the grip is assumed to be 250 - 300 m. When compacting soils on grips of small width (it is difficult to turn the rollers), mainly self-propelled drum rollers are used, moving in a reciprocating pattern.

61. Compaction and vibrocompaction of soils.

The method of soil compaction by tamping is based on the transfer of shock loads to the compacted soil. Unlike vibration and vibrotamper methods, this method has a significantly higher impact energy due to the high speed of load application at the moment of impact of the working body with the soil, due to which this method provides compaction

cohesive and non-cohesive soils in layers of great thickness (practically up to 2 m). The method of soil compaction by tamping has found the widest application in industrial construction when arranging soil cushions under the base of the foundations of buildings and structures, technological equipment and floors. This method is also used for ramming pits in subsiding soils when constructing columnar foundations.

The combined method of soil compaction is based on the use of various combinations of static, vibration, vibrotamping and tamping loads on the soil. This method allows you to compact all types of soils and is mainly used for a wide range of works.

The method of soil compaction by vibration is based on the transmission of mechanical harmonic vibrations from working bodies (drums, wheels, plates, vibrating heads) to the compacted soil. The vibration method is divided into superficial and deep. The method of surface vibrocompaction of the soil is characterized by the fact that during operation the compacting working body is located on the surface of the soil and, making oscillatory movements, acts on it. With the deep method, the compacting working body is located inside the soil during operation.

The surface vibration method has found application in the compaction of non-cohesive and weakly cohesive backfill soils. The deep vibration method can be effectively used in the compaction of sandy soils, especially those in a water-saturated state. Depending on the main parameters of vibration, which are the frequency and amplitude of oscillations, vibration machines for surface soil compaction can also operate in vibro-impact mode. The amplitude of their oscillations is much larger, and the frequency of oscillations is less than that of vibration machines. In this case, vibration machines are called

vibrotamping, and the method of compaction is vibrotamping. The method of compacting soils by vibrotamping has found application in construction when compacting backfills in cramped places.

62. Deep compaction of soils.

Compaction with soil piles, displacement of soil during its radial compaction in the process of punching or punching wells and subsequently filling them with soil and layer-by-layer compaction

Deep compaction methods:



Drainage (vertical drainage)



Soil compaction with piles

Soil compaction with pneumatic punches

Compaction with a spiral screed

Sealing with a working body in the form of a screw pile


water + vibration

(hydro-vibration compactor)

When compacting the soil, it is necessary to ensure optimal moisture, at which the least energy consumption is required.

With sequential compaction, work is performed in a checkerboard pattern. The impact method is used to form wells. Duration of compaction of 1 layer - 30 sec. With 10-15 hits. For bulk and subsidence soils to a depth of 5-25 m. The surface (buffer) layer should be compacted.

Deep vibration compaction - for sandy water-saturated bases: bulk and alluvial sands. The implementation of the method is carried out by sequentially immersing the vibrating bar into the soil while simultaneously supplying water through the internal cavity, after immersing the vibrating bar to the required deep water supply stops and is carried out in addition to 4-5 lifting-lowering dry . Deep compaction with pre-soaking - for the device of subsidence properties reduced by deformability and compaction of soils: loess, loam, silty soils with a high filtration coefficient of at least 0.2 m / day. The compaction process is carried out under the action of the soil's own mass during soaking, and is quite long 2-3 months. Reducing the time of soil compaction up to 3-7 days is achieved with the use of additional compaction due to comflet explosions.

63. Quality control of soil compaction.

The quality of soil compaction can be controlled by the following most common methods: standard, cutting rings, radioisotope, probing, stamping, waxing, hole method. The choice of one or another method depends on the equipment of the laboratory, the nature of the structure, the volume of the embankment being erected and their class. seals determine the optimum moisture content and the maximum standard density using the SoyuzdorNII device. The method of cutting rings in determining the density of the soil skeleton in embankments is based on determining the density of wet soil in the volume of a metal ring with a capacity of 300 ... 400 cm3 (d / h = l), pressed into the compacted layer, and the moisture content of this soil. due to its simplicity, it is the most acceptable and widespread. At present, radioisotope methods are most widely used in construction practice, since soil field laboratories on large earthworks were equipped with devices that use the absorption and scattering of gamma radiation and neutrons. The method of static and dynamic sounding as one of the types of control of the degree of compaction of soils in embankments and backfills is the most efficient and simple of all existing methods of control. The stamp indentation method is used to determine the strength of soil foundations. In particular, this method is widely used to control the quality of soil compaction of foundations under the floors of industrial buildings and foundations. The waxing method is mainly used to control soil compaction in winter conditions. clods. The quality of the soil laid in the body of the embankment can be considered acceptable if the number of control samples with soil density deviating from that specified by the project does not exceed 10% of the total number of control samples taken on the site, and the density of the soil skeleton in the samples should be no more than 0.5 g/cm3 below the density required (minimum).

64. Closed development of soils by a puncture method.

A puncture is the formation of holes due to the radial compaction of the soil when a pipe with a conical tip is pressed into it. The indentation is made with a hydraulic jack. A pipe link with a tip is laid in the pit and, after alignment with a jack, is pressed into the ground for the length of the rod stroke. After the rod returns to its original position, a pressure pipe (ramrod) is inserted into its place, and the process is repeated. At the end of the indentation of the first pipe link to the full length, the ramrod is removed, the next link is lowered into the pit, which is butt welded to the one already crushed into the ground. Next, the welded link is crushed, and the cycle is repeated a sufficient number of times until a puncture over the entire length of the section that cannot be dug in the traditional way. For each cycle, the pipe advances by 150mm. This method is practiced in highly compressible soils, holes are “pierced” for pipes with a diameter of 100 to 400 mm at a depth of more than 3 m. In slightly compressible soils (sand, sandy loam), in order to ensure the stability of the walls, in addition to the horizontal force, it is necessary to apply transverse and vibration effects. At the same time, holes with a diameter of up to 300 mm are made.

65. Closed development of soil by punching.

The method is used for laying steel pipes with a diameter of 500 mm to 1800 mm, or collectors of square (rectangular) cross-section at a distance of up to 80 m. The technology is as follows: pipe links are sequentially pressed into the soil, inside which the soil is developed and removed by means of a screw installation. In easily eroded soils, removal is carried out by the hydromechanical method (the soil inside the pipe is washed away with a jet of water and the pulp is pumped out with a pump). Often pipes are used as cases for placing the main pipelines in them. The method of horizontal drilling in closed excavation.

Drilling is used for laying pipelines in clay soils with a diameter of 800 to 1000 mm for a length of up to 100 m. The end of the pipe is equipped with a cutting crown of increased diameter, the pipe is driven by a motor installed on the edge of the pit. The translational movement of the pipe is reported by a rack jack with an emphasis on the back wall of the pit. The soil filling the pipe from the inside can be removed through the pipe being laid using a screw installation by the hydromechanical method by washing out the soil inside the pipe with a jet of water and then pumping out the pulp with a pump (in easily eroded soils) or bailers with an extension of their handle.

Purpose and types of piles.

According to the method of deepening into the ground, the following types of piles should be distinguished:

a) driven reinforced concrete, wooden and steel, immersed in the ground without excavation with the help of hammers, vibrators, vibropressing and indenting devices, as well as reinforced concrete shell piles buried by vibratory drivers without excavation or with partial excavation and not filled with concrete; b) reinforced concrete shell piles, buried by vibratory drivers with excavation of the soil and filled partially or completely with a concrete mixture; arranged in the ground by filling drilled wells with a concrete mixture or installing reinforced concrete elements in them; and driven piles, in addition, on low-compressible soils ty. Hanging piles should include piles of all types, based on compressible soils and transferring the load to the base soils with their lateral surface and lower end. Driven reinforced concrete piles with a cross section of up to 0.8 m incl. and shell-piles with a diameter of 1 m or more should be divided: transverse reinforcement and without it; b) according to the shape of the cross section - into square, rectangular, tee and I-section piles, square with a round cavity, hollow round section; c) according to the shape of the longitudinal section - into prismatic, cylindrical and with inclined side faces ( pyramidal, trapezoidal, rhomboid); d) by design features - into solid and composite piles (from separate sections); hollow piles with a closed or open lower end or with a camouflage heel. Stuffed piles are divided into: a) stuffed open, arranged by immersing inventory pipes, the lower end of which is closed by a shoe or concrete plug left in the ground, with the subsequent extraction of these pipes as the wells are filled with concrete mixture; in the form of a pipe with a pointed lower end and a vibratory driver attached to it; Drilled piles according to the device are divided into: a) bored piles of solid section with and without widening, concreted in wells drilled in silty-clay soils above the groundwater level without fixing the walls of the wells, and in any soils below the groundwater level - with fixing the walls wells with clay mortar or inventory retrievable casing pipes; b) bored hollow circular cross-section, arranged using a multi-section vibrocore; the formation of widening with an explosion and filling the wells with a concrete mixture; with or without broadening, laying monolithic cement-sand mortar and lowering cylindrical or prismatic solid-section elements with sides or diameters of 0.8 m or more into the wells; reinforced concrete pile.

Separate concreting

Principles of the organization of work of motor transport.

In construction, 2 schemes of transportation are used:

- PENDULUM (use cars with non-coupling links, in this case the tractors are idle at the places of unloading and loading; the scheme is applicable in the presence of warehouses);

When transporting according to the pendulum scheme, cars or road trains with non-coupling links are used. Tractors inevitably stand idle at the places of loading and unloading vehicles. The pendulum scheme of road transport is effective in the presence of on-site warehouses or in the mass construction of structures consisting of the same structural elements. In the latter case, specialized road trains participate in the transport cycle. Each road train or group of road trains transports products of a certain range with their subsequent unloading in parts at similar objects under construction.

- SHUTTLING (the tractor works with several trailers, preferably 3 (1 - at the factory, 2 - at the site, 3 - on the way). The shuttle method allows transportation with minimal time, since downtime during loading and unloading in this case are excluded, there are only minor losses of time (5.–.7 min) for hitching and uncoupling semi-trailers.

In the shuttle scheme of road transport, one truck tractor works in series with two or more semi-trailers. Their number depends on the distance between the enterprises of the construction industry and the buildings under construction. The most widespread is the operation of a truck tractor with three semi-trailers, when one trailer is under loading (for example, at a precast concrete plant), the other is under unloading at a construction site, and the third is on the way.

Delivery of construction materials to the facility is associated with the need to load them at the place of departure and unload at the place of arrival. Currently, loading and unloading operations are almost completely mechanized. For this, general construction and special machines and mechanisms are used.

According to the principle of operation, all machines and mechanisms that carry out loading and unloading operations are divided into the following groups:

1. working independently of vehicles (special loading and unloading and conventional assembly cranes, loaders of cyclical and continuous action, mobile belt conveyors, mechanical shovels, pneumatic unloaders, etc.)

Special handling and conventional cranes(beam cranes, overhead cranes, gantry, tower, jib, pneumatic-wheeled and caterpillar, truck cranes, etc.) are widely used for loading and unloading reinforced concrete and metal structures, equipment, materials transported in packages, containers, etc. Cranes, equipped with special gripping devices and grabs, they can work on loading and unloading timber, crushed stone, gravel, sand and other bulk small-sized materials.

Loaders(IV.9) in construction are widely used. With their help, about 15% of all volumes of loading and unloading operations are already being carried out. The widespread use of loaders in construction is due to their high mobility and versatility. The most widely used in construction are universal single-bucket loaders, auto-loaders and multi-bucket loaders.

A) Universal single-bucket self-propelled loaders(Fig. IV.9, a-in) equipped with a bucket for loading and unloading bulk and lumpy materials, in addition, fork pickup, jaw grip, bulldozer blade, ripper, excavator bucket (backhoe), etc. ) and with unloading back. In construction, universal loaders are used for unloading and moving materials over short distances, feeding them to lifting and transport machines, loading receiving devices for mortar and concrete units, as well as for various auxiliary works. Loading capacity of shovel loaders 2;3;4;6i 10 t.

B) Bucket loaders(continuous action) are designed for loading bulk and small-sized materials into dump trucks and other vehicles. A bucket loader is a self-propelled machine, on the frame of which a scooping body is mounted - a feeder and a bucket elevator or conveyor (Fig. IV.9, G). Such machines are produced in several types, differing mainly in the design of the scooping body (raking propellers, scooping ball head, raking paws, etc.). This group of loading and unloading machines also includes mobile belt conveyors, which are used when loading bulk, lumpy and small-piece cargo.

C) Forklifts(Fig. IV.9, e) as a working body they have a telescopic lift with a fork, and as a replaceable body - a bucket, clamps for piece cargo, a crane boom and other gripping devices.

2. which are part of the construction of vehicles (dump trucks, transport devices with self-unloading platforms, self-unloading devices, etc.).

TO. self-unloading vehicles, in addition to dump trucks and cement trucks, there are also self-unloading vehicles that have devices for craneless self-unloading of long structures, timber, etc. or crane equipment for unloading and loading piece construction cargo.

Many complex machines, mechanisms, lifting and other equipment are involved in construction work. What nuances should be taken into account when taking into account loading and unloading operations and transportation? Can these costs be included in tax expenses? The answers are in our article.

Organization of work

Vehicles and equipment used for loading and unloading operations must correspond to the nature of the cargo being moved.

The sites for these works are planned in such a way that they have a slope of no more than 5 degrees, and their dimensions and coverage correspond to the project for the production of works.

The movement of vehicles on the territories of construction sites and access roads to them should be regulated by generally accepted road signs and signs.

When performing loading and unloading operations, the requirements of the legislation on the maximum norms for carrying heavy loads and the admission of workers to perform these works must be observed. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to transfer materials on a stretcher along a horizontal path only in exceptional cases and at a distance of not more than 50 meters, and it is strictly prohibited to carry materials on a stretcher up stairs and ladders. Employees are allowed to work on loading (unloading) dangerous and especially dangerous goods only upon the results of a medical examination. In addition, these employees must undergo special training in occupational safety with subsequent certification. And also know and be able to apply first aid techniques.

The procedure for accounting for work, as well as reflecting transportation costs and costs for loading and unloading operations, depends on what kind of own or rented machines and mechanisms the construction organization uses.

Rental of transport and equipment

Relations arising in connection with a lease agreement are regulated by Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Under a lease agreement for a vehicle with a crew, the lessor provides the lessee with a vehicle for a fee for temporary possession and use and provides services for its management and technical operation on its own. The obligation of the lessor to maintain the vehicle is established by Article 634 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Operations for the sale of services in Russia on the basis of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are recognized as subject to VAT. Thus, the lessor organization is obliged to issue an invoice to the tenant construction organization for rental services. The amount of VAT presented by the lessor is taken into account in the debit of the account and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”. Based on the invoice issued by the lessor and after reflecting the rental services on the balance sheet, the amount of VAT is deductible. In accounting, an entry is made in the debit of account 68 “Calculations on taxes and fees” and the credit of account 19 “Value added tax on acquired values”.

The set of documents for renting machines and mechanisms includes:

The act of providing services;


Machines and mechanisms rented by the organization are accounted for on the off-balance account "Rented" in the amount specified in the lease agreement.

For accounting purposes, the rental of construction equipment is an expense for the organization for ordinary activities. When forming the tax base for income tax, payment for the rental of construction equipment is included in other expenses associated with production and sale (subclause 10 clause 1 article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Use of involved machines and mechanisms

A construction organization may engage specialized organizations for work under contracts for the provision of services.


The work of the involved machines and mechanisms should be documented in a specialized organization with shift reports and waybills according to standard intersectoral forms.

The performance of the work by the machine (mechanism) is confirmed by the signature and stamp of the construction organization on the shift report (form No. ESM-1, No. ESM-3) or the waybill (form No. ESM-2). Settlements with specialized organizations for the work (services) performed are carried out according to the certificate of the standard form No. ESM-7. It is issued separately for each report (). It is necessary to strictly follow the procedure for issuing the above certificates, to ensure that they contain all the necessary signatures and seals. The work (services) performed, reflected in the certificates, must relate to specific objects of the construction organization.

As a rule, the general contractor organization performs all works on the construction of the facility or most of them by subcontractors. At the same time, according to the terms of subcontracts, the general contractor may assume the obligation to provide construction with appropriate machines and mechanisms, involving specialized organizations (mechanization departments) for this.


To participate in the technological process of construction, transport can be involved under contracts concluded with motor transport organizations. They must define the essential terms of the contract. So, if the terms of cargo transportation, their volumes and kilometers, type of vehicles are not fixed in the contracts, then in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such contracts cannot be considered valid. The work of the attracted vehicles is documented by waybills of standard intersectoral forms: No. 4-C - when paying for the work of vehicles at piece rates; No. 4-P - when paying according to the time-based tariff. They are approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

Form No. 4-P of waybills contains tear-off coupons. Their reverse side is filled in by the construction organization as the customer of the transport and serves as the basis for the organization - the owner of the vehicle to present an invoice to the customer.

Work is carried out using own property

To account for the operation of construction machines (mechanisms), a magazine is used according to the standard intersectoral form ESM-6. The accounting log is filled in by the foreman.

According to the journal, it is established at which construction sites machines and mechanisms worked, the amount of time they worked (machine-hours, machine-days), the correctness of wages for workers. In addition, according to acts of acceptance of work performed (form No. KS-2), the types of work and the legality of their performance using machines and mechanisms are determined. For registration and accounting of the assignment for piece work, measured in kind, the “Report - work order on the work of the construction machine (mechanism)” (form No. ESM-4) is used. It is the basis for the calculation of wages for service personnel. The report is filled in in one copy by an authorized person and issued to the drivers for the entire period of work. When using the document in organizations that have machines (mechanisms) on their balance sheet, the work performed is confirmed by the person responsible for their implementation.

Considering costs...

The costs of maintenance and operation of construction machines and mechanisms, as well as vehicles are taken into account as expenses.


The indicated costs are taken into account by construction organizations on account 25 "General production costs".

In order to ensure a reliable reflection of the costs by types of construction machines and mechanisms, a sub-account “Expenses for the maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment” should be opened for the account. It reflects:

The cost of inventories used for the maintenance and operation of construction equipment, including spare parts, fuels and lubricants, as well as various types of energy;

Expenses associated with the operation of machines and mechanisms;

The costs associated with maintenance, deductions for the creation of a repair fund are also reflected here;

Wages of employees involved in the management and operation of machines and mechanisms, as well as UST and contributions to pension and social insurance;

Expenses for installation and dismantling of construction machines and mechanisms;

Costs for the maintenance and repair of access and crane runways;

Payment for the services of third-party organizations that provide

rental of specialized construction equipment;

Other costs.

At the end of the month, these costs are distributed to other accounting accounts (20, 23, 29). The order of their distribution is established in the accounting policy of the organization. Most often, the basis for the distribution of these costs is the number of machine shifts or machine hours.


For the purpose of calculating income tax, the costs of the organization for the acquisition of works and services of an industrial nature performed by third-party organizations or individual entrepreneurs, as well as the costs of performing these works (rendering services) by the structural divisions of the organization, are treated as material costs (subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the costs of paying for services related to the implementation of loading and unloading operations provided by third-party organizations can be accepted as expenses that reduce the tax base for the tax paid by the organization in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system. This is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 8, 2007 No.

№ 03-11-04/2/163.


Safety in the performance of transport and loading and unloading operations at the construction site is ensured by the fulfillment of the requirements of the norms and rules of SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. They were approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated July 23, 2001. In addition, when carrying out these works, the rules for labor protection in road transport, intersectoral labor protection rules and state standards must be observed.

→ Construction work

Loading and unloading works

Among the goods, the loading and unloading of which is carried out mainly by hand, are packaged construction goods. In this case, a large number of building materials deteriorate.

The main directions for the development of the national economy and increasing the efficiency of transport and loading and unloading operations in construction envisage: - significantly improve the structure of the transport fleet, expand the production base that ensures the maintenance of vehicles in good condition; - improve the structure and organization of construction transport management in order to massively introduce centralized transportation; – improve methods of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations; - create a network of mechanized cement warehouses, introduce inventory metal silos for on-site warehouses; – to develop the transportation of building materials using containers, pallets, packaging and pre-bundling of goods.

The transportation of small-piece cargo and bricks with the obligatory use of containers, packages and pallets will make it possible to almost completely mechanize loading and unloading operations on vehicles, reduce unproductive costs and the number of loaders employed in these operations.

In construction, specialized vehicles of increased productivity with heating of the driver's cab and engine warm-up should be widely used. For construction in hard-to-reach areas, it is advisable to expand the use of helicopters.

In order to reduce heavy physical labor in loading and unloading operations and increase the output of workers, it is planned to: - Significantly increase the use of universal loaders instead of using excavators in loading and unloading operations;
to introduce the most progressive pneumatic wheel loaders with sets of interchangeable working equipment, allowing to expand the possibilities of using loaders; - significantly expand the use of grippers and other equipment for various types of cranes (tower, pneumatic wheel, crawler, etc.).

In order to mechanize work on the intra-object transportation of materials, it is advisable to use motorized carts with a carrying capacity of 0.3-1 tons and other machines. Particular attention should be paid to the creation and implementation of means for transporting materials along the floors of buildings under construction.

Loading and unloading facilities. In the process of transporting building materials, the most time-consuming operations are loading and unloading. The mechanization of the latter is carried out by using1 self-unloading transport vehicles (dump trucks, gondola hopper cars, dump cars, etc.) and special loading and unloading machines and devices.

Currently, for the production of loading and unloading operations at construction sites, cranes, single-bucket excavators, forklifts, universal single-bucket loaders, loaders and unloaders of continuous action (bucket), mechanical and pneumatic unloaders, etc. are used.

When loading and unloading prefabricated concrete products, metal structures, equipment, materials transported in bags and containers, special loading and unloading cranes and conventional cranes designed for construction and installation work (beam cranes, overhead cranes, gantry cranes, cable cranes, tower, boom on pneumatic-wheeled and caterpillar tracks, truck cranes, etc.). Cranes can also be used for loading and unloading crushed stone, gravel, sand and other bulk materials. For these purposes, they are equipped with special gripping devices and grabs.

A forklift truck is a general-purpose loading and unloading machine designed for mechanization of handling and lifting and transport operations, mainly on hard-surfaced sites. The main working body is a telescopic lift with forks; bucket, clips for piece cargo, crane boom and other devices can serve as interchangeable equipment. Such machines are produced with a carrying capacity of 0.5; one; 2; 3.2 and 5 tons.

Universal single-bucket self-propelled loaders are equipped with a bucket for loading and unloading bulk and lumpy materials, in addition, fork lifts, jaw gripper, bulldozer blade, ripper, excavator bucket (backhoe), etc.

Single bucket loaders are available with front dumping of the bucket, with unloading to the side by turning the boom (half-turning) and with unloading back.

In urban construction, universal loaders can be used to unload and move materials over short distances, feed them to hoisting and transport machines, load receiving devices for mortar and concrete units, as well as for various auxiliary works.
Lifting capacity of loaders 0.3; 0.5; 0.8; 1.25; 2; 3.2 and 5 tons.

Continuous loaders (multi-bucket) are designed for loading bulk and small-sized materials into dump trucks and other vehicles. A bucket loader is a self-propelled machine, on the frame of which a scooping feeder and a bucket elevator or conveyor are mounted. Such machines are produced in several types, differing mainly in the design of the scooping body (raking screws, scooping ball head, raking paws, etc.).

Mechanical unloaders (scraper shovels) are used to unload cement, lime, sand, gravel, etc. from wagons and barges. To unload cement and other powdery materials, it is more expedient to use pneumatic (suction) unloaders, which exclude the possibility of dusting the unloaded material.

Delivery of cement, lime and gypsum to construction sites should be carried out by cement trucks with automatic loading from bunker warehouses and pneumatic unloading at the consumer.

In order to reduce the cost of handling operations, it is necessary to deliver small-piece materials to objects in containers or on pallets with mechanical unloading and supply directly to the workplace without additional reloading.

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