
Benefits of working in banking. Is it possible to get a job in a bank without work experience. Elena Tkacheva, Head of Human Resources Department, CJSC Bank Solution

The question arose: what are the requirements for candidates for bankers. Some kind of banking education or depends on a particular bank? Or is it regulated by law?

Would you like to work in a bank?
It seems to me that now it is no longer the Soviet Union, and any person with any higher education is hired as a teller. The main thing - that he was trained.
And the chairmen of the boards of large banks, far from all of us have an economic education.
In any office, for any position, you need a good specialist who will fulfill his duties. The bank is no exception.
I have a friend who is generally a tailor by education, but works as a teller.

With what education are they hired in a bank

Yes, rightly noted, you can work in a bank without special education.
For example, Oliver Hughes is the chairman of the board of directors of Tinkoff Credit Systems bank, his salary is under 100 million rubles a year, is that okay?
Prior to that, he worked for Visa. And do you think when Tinkov took him to work, it was important to him which educational institution he graduated from?
He was looking at what Hughes was doing at Visa.
Or Anisimov. Oleg Anisimov is now vice-president of marketing, and, by himself, sort of like a journalist, he worked for ten years as a correspondent, editor, editor-in-chief. And now the vice-president of the bank (top manager). We can say that Tinkov took him to work by acquaintance. So what? Tinkov is also not a fool.
But if at the household level, in order to get a job from scratch as the head of some small branch in a remote town, then they really may not be hired due to lack of education and work experience.

With what education are they hired in a bank

With anyone) An actress who does not boom-boom works with my sister in the bank ...
Resolving connections...

With what education are they hired in a bank

And what is the point of a bank hiring those who do not understand?
They themselves lose credibility, customers leave.

With what education are they hired in a bank

Yes, and here in general some kind of cronyism?
Blat is when they hire top management, and not even blat, but a banal acquaintance.
What's wrong with taking Tinkov Anisimov as the head of the marketing department?
Well, yes, acquaintance, so what?
And there are enough simple operators. Tinkov recently said that he could not find cool center operators for 25 thousand rubles in Moscow in his bank.

With what education are they hired in a bank

A bank is a financial institution. If the presence of an employee at work will bring additional profit to the bank, then they take him. Even if the education is not in the profile. The most important thing is that a person has a desire to work and earn money for the bank. Another thing is that a career in a bank can be built if you have at least some economic education. Otherwise, the path to higher positions is closed.

With what education are they hired in a bank

It all depends on what position the specialist is applying for. If this is an ordinary specialist, then any higher education is enough, somewhere even higher education can be dispensed with. If we talk about a managerial position, then, of course, it is better if you have an education by profession. Although, there are exceptions to all rules.

Several million Russians work in the banking sector. There is an opinion that employees of financial institutions receive high salaries. How realistic it is to get a job at the bank, we found out from Anna Chukseeva, head of public relations at the Job.ru service.

– What kind of education is needed in order to get a starting position in a bank with the possibility of further growth?

– For front-office positions (consultants or operators), employers do not impose strict educational requirements on candidates. As a rule, students come here from the faculties of economics, law, management and banking. But, it happens that people with a humanitarian education also send resumes to this position. When it comes to starting a position in a functional department (retail banking, mortgage, etc.), specialization is looked at more closely.

- What positions are taken without work experience?

– There are always a lot of starting positions in banks that do not require work experience. For example, a lending consultant, teller, Service Desk specialist, call center specialist. Special knowledge is not required here, as they teach everything necessary “in the fields”. Such positions are a good start for young people. Many already manage to grow vertically or horizontally in a year and a half. In the first case, they become specialists/senior/leading specialists. In the second, the front office is used as a springboard to move to the back office.

What salary should a university graduate expect?

- In Moscow, a cashier-operator can earn 28-35 thousand rubles, a credit manager without work experience - from 40 thousand rubles, a call-center operator - 25-30 thousand rubles.

– Does the recruiter pay attention to the external data of the candidate if the position involves communication with clients?

- The bank is a conservative structure, so you should not surprise the employer with your bright appearance and outrageous answers. I recommend that you take a serious approach to choosing an image for an interview: an office style is preferable. At least give up ultra-colors, rough accessories, and don't advertise piercings or tattoos.

- Are there any specific competitions in banks when applying for a job? (For example, in Svyaznoy, it seems that they used to play a robbery of a store and you had to quickly prove yourself.)

- I have not heard about that.

– Do employees need to sign any papers on non-disclosure of information about clients (after all, many have access to complete account information).

– Registration with a bank always involves a security check. Each employee is briefed by the security service, where they are told about the requirements for working with information within their area of ​​responsibility. Signing of documents on non-disclosure of commercial secrets in banks is also mandatory, as in many companies in other segments.

During a crisis, working in the banking sector is like sitting on a barrel of gunpowder: the likelihood that it will “explode” soon and you will have to look for a new place is very high. There are fewer and fewer career opportunities in this sector: according to some reports, by the end of 2016, the number of open vacancies in banks will be reduced by 70%.

For bank employees, the crisis means a "freeze" of a career - in a stagnating financial system, there are few opportunities for growth. But such a freeze is not the worst option. The Central Bank has already revoked licenses from dozens of banks, and this affects not only customers, but also employees. When banks are liquidated or merged, white-collar workers are left without work. Numerous middle managers are among the first in line for layoffs. It is they who will face a career transformation in the near future: since there are no vacancies in banks and will not appear in the near future, it is worth thinking about changing direction.

Where should a former bank employee go so as not to lose catastrophically in position and salary, and at the same time the work was interesting?

As part of the career guidance course for adults at Anti-Slavery, we developed a career map for middle managers working in the banking system. These are the most likely career options for someone who has recently lost their job or sees no prospects for development in the banking sector.

Option 1. In mutual funds and investment funds - for various positions, from an analyst to a leading associate.

With such a transition, the candidate wins both in salary and in position. Moreover, his tasks will be more diverse and interesting than in his last job. However, it will be difficult to find a vacancy in these companies during the crisis: like all financial organizations, mutual funds and investment funds are more likely to reduce employees than open new positions.

Option 2. Your business.

In the midst of the last financial crisis, many startups were born that are worth billions today. The examples of Airbnb, Dropbox, Pinterest and Groupon launched in 2008 and 2009 convinced us that the crisis is the right time to start a business. Of course, entrepreneurship comes with many risks and stress - this option is clearly not suitable for those who need a stable income.

Option 3. In a company that works closely with loans from banks - as a CFO (responsible for managing the financial flows of the business).

A very good option is the opportunity to earn much more than in the bank itself, and to develop professionally. Experience in a bank will do you good, but there are always few open vacancies for a financial director on the market, so the competition among candidates will be high.

Option 4. In state-owned companies and government agencies - for the position of head of department or leading specialist.

A good option for applying your skills: in the civil service, an experienced bank manager will be welcomed with open arms. However, you should not expect a significant promotion compared to your previous job, and you will be paid less than in a commercial company.

Among the bonuses of this path are numerous benefits due to employees of state-owned companies: transport, medical, tax, increased pensions, etc. The reverse side is specific restrictions: a ban on doing business, the need to provide information about family income and expenses, a ban on foreign accounts and property. Recently, many state-owned companies have raised the issue of restricting the travel of their employees abroad. So, if you are used to regular vacations in Europe, or if you are going to send your children to study in foreign universities, the civil service is not your option.

Option 5. In consulting - the head of the department or the leading specialist.

In terms of professional development and earnings, this is an excellent option. But it should be borne in mind that consulting income consists of a usually small salary and remuneration for closing large contracts. The disadvantages of this path are stress and instability. The consulting industry has a high turnover of staff. Few people know how to sell big contracts. And those who do not know how, leave on their own - without interest from contracts, the salary of a financial consultant is not impressive. If you are not ready to master the art of selling big contracts, or do not feel such abilities in yourself, there is no point in becoming a consultant.

It looks simple on paper, but how do career transformations happen in real life? Here are some real-life stories from Anti-Slavery listeners who have moved on to new jobs in recent months.

Story 1

N has been investing in a large fund for a long time. Due to objective reasons, the fund began to reduce activity, and there was no interesting work for N there. Not really understanding what to do next, N came to Anti-Slavery.

Talking to N, we realized that he loves art and culture and even does occasional fundraising for cultural projects. For N it was a hobby - he just liked to find investments for his wife's projects, auctions, interesting events that he liked. As a result, N formed a huge number of contacts of people associated with the sphere of culture.

After several meetings with N, we realized that something very interesting could come out of his passion for culture and professional skills. Now huge areas that previously did not really need investments, for example, education and culture, are looking for just such people who can engage in fundraising. We had a lot of negotiations to convince N that he needs to pay attention to these areas.

N laughed and said that he did not represent himself in culture. But in the end, he was inspired by this idea and recently became the director of fundraising and financial strategy for the largest state museum.

This story confirms that when vocational guidance for an adult is important to find out not only his professional skills, but also what he enjoys outside of work.

Story 2

Girl Y worked for quite a long time in the financial control group in a large company. Y got there immediately after college and as a result had absolutely no idea how everything works in other places, what types of work there are and what generally happens in business. Y was in good standing, but when the company got worse and layoffs began, she realized that it could come to her.

After an interview at Anti-Slavery, Y and I decided that we needed to expand our career horizon - after all, she worked in only one company and did not see anything else. Therefore, while there was still such an opportunity, it was necessary to try myself in another. And we sent her, firstly, to learn, and secondly, to try to mentor various startups in terms of financial discipline. This kind of mentoring is especially needed for startups that have already received small private investments, but can not optimize the control of money, so that investors understand where their funds are going.

Y has worked with three startups, and as a result, she didn't even have to look for a job, because one fund invited her to be a lead financial auditor. As a result, Y also rose in salary. The fund now has about ten startups, and Y oversees their financial discipline.

Story 3

Z was the head of sales in one of the large banks, which fell under a tough reorganization. He was in charge of work with corporate clients, that is, he was a middle-level manager, and he had an "airbag". The difficulty was that Z did not want to leave the field: he said that he was interested in working in banks and doing exactly what he was doing. And there are very few such positions now, because banks are being sanitized. Realizing that he did not want to work in any other industry, we explored all the possibilities and found a Cypriot bank, which was then looking for employees to supervise the Russian direction.

The vacancy had a slightly different profile, and the bank initially refused to consider the candidate. We came up with the following format: we persuaded Z and a Cypriot bank to let Z work there for free for a month. This practice is not at all common, because free internships are usually taken by young people with no experience. Both the bank and the candidate were initially skeptical about this undertaking. But since Z had money (the very same rehabilitation allowance), he, in principle, would not have lost anything if the experiment failed. In any case, a month of such a warm-up in an unfamiliar environment would benefit Z. As a result, everything turned out well: Z “got accustomed” and liked the employer, now he and his family have already moved to Cyprus.

The career ladder in the bank is very high and steep, climbing it is always difficult. Yes, and at first you should not count on a cosmic salary either. In order for the career elevator to work in the right direction, you will have to make every effort, all your knowledge and endurance. However, in comparison with past times, today it has become easier to get to work in a bank “from the street”. Let's find out how to start a career in a bank, and what circles of hell you have to go through to break into the TOPs.

Advantages and disadvantages of starting work in a bank

It's better to start with something pleasant:

  • Good help for future career growth
  • When combining work in a bank and distance learning, an employee can always go on paid study leave, which is no less important.
  • The average salary in the banking sector for newcomers is higher than in many other industries.
  • Official employment, social package and other bonuses.
  • A large selection of banking and other credit organizations where you can get a job.
  • Often, working in a bank means a stable schedule and working hours, comfortable working conditions, etc.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • Having a dress code. T-shirts that cause accessories, dresses and ripped jeans will have to be left outside the doors of the organization. A suit and shirt is the new way of life.
  • It is always more difficult for a beginner to establish contact with customers. Working with people is always a difficult process, and if you add money relations here, then the tension doubles. Not everyone can withstand daily communication with hundreds of different people who can be nasty and send you to hell.
  • Long-term training and internship. Of course, the specifics of the work of a bank employee is almost the same everywhere, but each organization has its own program, variety of products, etc. Therefore, you will first have to study and train, and how long it takes depends only on the employee.
  • Working in a bank is a big responsibility, and first of all financial. You will literally have to answer for every mistake with your “head” or funds from your personal wallet. And as you know, most people make mistakes at the initial stage.

The nuances of education and employment

Without education, it is more difficult to break through in this business, and you can not count on career growth. However, if you are interested in a long-term perspective with the possibility of promotion, there is nowhere without a higher economic education.

The specialty of the applicant should be as similar as possible to this direction (financial management, accounting, in general, where economic science is taught without fail).

When the coveted diploma is in your hands, do not hesitate to knock on closed doors. Now the most important thing is to start somewhere and gain the necessary experience for further employment in a more solid organization or in a more prestigious, highly paid position. Here, a well-written resume is half the success. In the early stages, the position does not matter:

  1. Operationist
  2. Lending or banking product consultant
  3. Hotline employee
  4. Service Desk Specialist
  5. Credit agent, sales manager, etc.

The average salary in Moscow for these positions varies from 28 to 50 thousand rubles. Accordingly, in many regions it will be somewhat lower.

Applicants for these positions do not even always have to have a special economic education. As a rule, beginners are taught all the skills on the spot. Accept all offers. Many job seekers start their careers as loan agents. And if you believe the statistics, then this category of employees breaks up faster than the rest.

Back-office employees deal with banking documentation. Due to the specifics of their work, such qualities as attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to work with a large volume of documents continuously are important for them. Punctuality and accuracy are always held in high esteem.

Employees of the front office are literally and figuratively the “face” of a banking organization. It is for such a factor as the quality of service that many customers choose a bank for themselves. For specialists dealing with the client base, such qualities as beautifully delivered competent speech, the ability to express one's thoughts, communication, a friendly attitude, a presentable appearance, a beautiful smile are important.

What can be achieved and after how much?

Here I would like to note that stable career growth is easier to do in a large bank than in a small "family" one. Here, leadership positions are often placed by acquaintance. In large organizations, this is much less common, so getting the coveted place will depend only on you.

A beginner has two growth options:

  1. Start from the bottom in one particular bank, studying its scope and product line, slowly but surely moving up.
  2. Change banks with a promotion or change of activity.

Of course, the first path is more likely to make a high-level professional out of a specialist, but as far as promotion is concerned, it does not guarantee rapid growth.

It is impossible to name specific figures for the number of years. The next promotion will depend not only on you, but also on the bank, market orientation, your position, even the specific situation at that time. Here I would like to note that growth in sales is faster than in office positions and start a career in banking it's easier from this position.

Bank employees do not need to know foreign languages ​​or have a diploma from the best educational institution. They just need to have the right motivation.

Professional qualities are determined step by step, in the course of work. First, he must go to the personnel department to fill out a questionnaire there and have an interview with the manager. After that, with the help of computer technology in the test organization, they begin to evaluate the personal characteristics of the candidate.
As a result of this simple procedure, appropriate conclusions are drawn: whether this person is suitable for work in this banking institution. Then this applicant is checked for the presence of a criminal record. At the same time, a check is carried out not only in relation to him alone, but all his close relatives are checked.

An ideal bank employee must necessarily take into account not only the interests of regular and internal customers, but also external ones. He must carry out organizational procedures for joint work between the bank and the consumer so that mutual profit is obtained. Thus, this employee must be in an intermediary who can conclude transactions on behalf of clients. He must constantly increase his indicator of professionalism. Have ambition and a good attitude, as well as take the initiative. He must be constructive, systematic and able to work well in a team.

Such an employee should have the following qualities: purposefulness, conflict-free, sociability. He must have an active life position, which is revealed by the possibility of obtaining the desired results. Efficiency, professional skills, initiative, upholding one's own opinion, the ability to cope in stressful situations, the ability to learn, as well as the application of new information are also very important qualities of a bank employee.


  • what are bank employees

The impression you make during an interview with an employer depends on more than just your skills as described in your resume. Appearance is also of great importance. Looking at your clothes, hair and makeup, a potential boss can conclude what kind of person you are and whether he wants to work with you.

Strict and elegant

For most interviews, business attire will do. A person in a suit is subconsciously associated with such qualities as diligence, responsibility, determination, seriousness. Such an employee will be to the taste of the employer. But you don't have to settle for standard black trousers or a skirt and white blouse. Today you can make a more interesting combination, which at the same time will look strict.

A white shirt can be replaced with beige, pistachio, blue, lavender, light pink. Pants or skirt can be brown, navy blue, plaid. Instead of a jacket, you can put on a jacket. The main thing is that things are clean, ironed and fit perfectly on you.

creative dress code

Most employers will not welcome if an employee expresses himself excessively through his clothes, ignoring corporate style. However, in some professions it is encouraged. If you get a job as an editor in a fashion magazine or, your appearance should emphasize that you are a good specialist. The latest items from fashion shows in your wardrobe will give you an extra plus.

Those wishing to get into a team consisting mainly of informal youth can also deviate from the business style by replacing the jacket with a cardigan, and pumps with comfortable moccasins. If you are not sure how it is customary to dress for employees of the company where you hope to get, it is better to stop at the business version. After all, you need to impress your boss and get accepted, and future colleagues walking around the office in jeans and sneakers no longer need this.


When going to an interview, you should pay attention to your shoes. It is best to stay on the expensive classics. When in doubt about what to wear, take black or beige pumps with a steady heel. Put a brush in your bag so that you can clean up your shoes before you enter the office of your future boss, because during the trip they are likely to be covered with dust.


Properly selected accessories will help you complete the image of a collected and responsible worker. Do not try to put on all the best and most expensive. Watches can be expensive on you, but otherwise it is better to show moderation. A set of earrings and a bracelet or a chain and a ring, elegant and discreet, will come in handy.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state