
Raw Materials of Belarus. Mineral resources of the Republic of Belarus. Environmental technologies when mastering mineral resources

Republic of Belarus does not have an impressive mineral resource baseAnd in connection with this, a large number of fuels and raw materials are imported into the country. But, nevertheless, the geological and exploration work on the territory of the country constantly replenishes the reserves of its mineral resources.

Currently, almost 5 thousand deposits representing about 30 types of mineral raw materials were revealed in the depths of Belarus. Strategically important resources in terms of the country's economy include potash and stone salts, oil, peat, building materials and raw materials for their production, underground fresh and mineral waters.

The fuel mineral resources of Belarus include oil, petroleum gases, peat, brown coal and combustible shale. In total, 52 oil fields are taken into account, about 30 of them are operated, and the rest refer to the category of intelligence or canned. Despite the presence of reserves of oil, associated gas, peat, brown coal Belarus is unable to meet the needs for fuel resources at the expense of its own raw materials. The amount of oil production in the country is only 12-13% of the need and in the future this ratio will not change.

Mining chemical raw materials Posted by potash and stone salts, phosphorites, mineralized brine. Potash salts relate to the most valuable mineral resources of Belarus, on the industrial reserves of which the country is at one of the first places in Europe. Mining and processing of potash salts in high-quality mineral fertilizers provide the country not only an increase in crop yields, but are one of the sources of foreign exchange earnings by exporting products. RUE "According to Belaruskali" annually produces 28-32 million tons of potash ores, of which produces about 4 million tons of potash fertilizers. The company fully provides the needs of the domestic market in the products manufactured and significantly exports export deliveries to the countries of far and neighboring countries.

Stone salt stocks Estimated as practically inexhaustible. Only on three explored deposits, they exceed 22 billion tons.

Peat resources are significantly exhausted due to intensive use at previous stages. economic Development Belarus. If the general predictive peat resources are estimated at 3.0 billion tons, and only 240 million tons are suitable for industrial production. The remaining reserves are within the limits of environmental zones or are part of the land fund.

Deposits of combustible shale In the south of Belarus form a large shale pool with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 thousand km2. Combustible shales are considered as a potential raw material base for the development of energy, the chemical industry and the production of building materials.

The territory of Belarus is promising for rudes of black and non-ferrous metals. Two deposits of iron ores with common reserves in category A + B + C1 - 340 million tons and forecasts - 1.5 billion tons, their use will be determined in many ways to solve the fuel and energy problem in the country.

Belarus has pretty powerful mineral resource Base for the production of building materials. The most significant reserves of cement raw materials, dolomite, chalk, construction and facing stone, clay for the production of coarse ceramics and light aggregates, silicate and building sands, sandy-gravel and other materials. At the same time, there is a deficiency in glass sands, clays for the production of high-quality bricks.

The study and involvement of mineral groundwater is expanding. 58 sources of mineral waters with common reserves of 14320.8 m3 per day are developed, 50 sources are being developed. Mineral waters are used for the purposes of sanatorium-resort treatment, as well as implemented through a trading network as mineral healing and canteens.

On the possibilities of ensuring the needs of the economy of the Republic of Belarus with their own mineral resources

[Informational and analytical magazine " Science and Technology News"/ Founder of the GU" Belisa ". - Minsk: GU "Belisa", 2010, № 3 (16)]

V. V. Karpuk,
Director of the Department of Geology of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

A. M. Kucheto,
Deputy Director of the Department of Geology of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Sustainable socio-economic development of the country, its economic safety is largely determined by the state of the mineral resource base, rational and integrated use of subsoil resources. On the basis of explored deposits, the production and processing industry, energy, construction, agrochemical and other sectors of the economy develops dynamically developing.

As a result of the many years of work of geologists in the republic, numerous mineral deposits, formed a mineral resource base for the development of the construction industry, the production of potash and carbonate fertilizers, oil production, peat, stone salt, fresh and mineral underground waters. On the territory of the Republic of Belarus, deposits of oil, stone and potash salts, dolomites, cement raw materials, brown coals, combustible shale, construction stone, plaster, clays, glass and building sands, fresh and mineral waters and other types of minerals are revealed. There are prerequisites for the opening of industrially significant fields of phosphorites, graphite, pyrothillitis, non-ferrous and noble metals and other minerals.

However, not all the needs of the economy of the Republic of Belarus are satisfied at the expense of their own raw materials. The Republic imports oil, natural gas, stone coal, apatite concentrate, sulfur (for the production of phosphate fertilizers) and some other types of minerals. In addition, mineral deposits abroad are actively mastered, for example, in Venezuela and Iran, with delivery to the Belarusian market of the obtained share of mineral resources produced.

What is the current situation with ensuring the needs of the economy of the Republic of Belarus with their own minerals and what are the prospects for the import substitution of mineral resources purchased abroad?

Oil consumption in the national economy of the republic is determined by oil refining in Mozyr and Novopolotsk oil refineries (refineries), as well as the volume of its use as fuel and raw materials for petrochemical industry. About 94% of the oil refined on the refinery comes from Russia and only 6% is oil produced in Belarus.

In the territory of the Republic of Belarus (Pripyatsky Prohibition) identified 74 fields of oil, including 2 oil and gas condensate deposits. Since 1964, more than 120 million tons of oil was produced (maximum production in 1975 amounted to 7.952 million tons), or 69.2% of the reserves of exploited deposits. The amount of oil produced is more than 36% of the total resources of the Pripyatsky deflection, estimated at 332 million tons. The explosability of potential oil resources in the Pripyatsky deflection is 53%. Residual industrial oil reserves make up more than 56 million tons, of which 45% are highly viscous and difficult to remove oil. For the Pripyatsky deflection, a long period of sustainable production level (2-1.7 million tons / year) was occurring with a tendency of its decline of 10-20 thousand tons / year. The provision of oil reserves in the production level of 2009 is about 33 years.

As a result of executed geological exploration for 2006-2009. Five new oil deposits are open. By the end of 2010, another two new oil deposits are expected. According to the results of work for 2006-2010. The increase in oil reserves of industrial categories in the amount of 7.4 million tons is expected.

Thus, by 2021, the potential of hydrocarbon raw materials in this region will be made up of oil fields under development, and new deposit fields, which will provide oil production in the republic throughout the first half of the XXI century.

In 2010, it is planned to obtain 1.7 million tons in Belarus, deliver oil from Venezuela and Iran, as well as to import about 18 million tons of oil from Russia.

In 2011-2020 The needs of oil in the republic is planned to be maintained at the same level with annual consumption of 21.5-22.0 million tons, which will amount to 217.88 million tons. With annual imports in 21.0-21.5 million tons, the volume of deliveries for this period will be 211 , 0 million tons. From own deposits it is planned to produce 15.9 million tons and put on export 6.5 million tons.

The oil transportation infrastructure in Russia is rapidly developing, which may entail an increase in exports by other than today, directions, and, as a result, will cause rise to prices for imported hydrocarbon raw materials imported to Belarus. To solve this problem in the republic, measures to diversify countries from which hydrocarbon raw materials are imported, and work is activated to save traditional fuel and energy resources with the transition to the use of alternative sources of energy resources, such as energy of subsoil, wind, water and sun, as well as other Types of energy. As an example of the use of renewable energy sources should be launched in the trial operation of the first geothermal station "Berestye" in the Brest district, which will allow to save up to 1 million m 3 gas annually.

The Pripalent oil and gas region is promising in relation to the possibility of detecting deposits natural Gas. This determines the feasibility of conducting special gas pipelines in the Pripalent oil and gas region. Within its limits, two deposits of natural gas were revealed with reserves of 982 million m 3 on the Borshchevsky oil and Krasnoselsky oil and gas condensate deposits. In addition, natural gas in Belarus is mined along the operation of oil fields. As of the beginning of 2010, 8.3 billion m 3 of recoverable reserves of associated gas is in depractions of 66 deposits. Based on the explored reserves, the proposed embodiment of the hydrocarbon potential of the subsidized NGO subsidiary and the predicted amount of oil produced (8.7 million tons), in 2005-2010. It will be produced from its own deposits about 1 billion m 3 of associated gas (220-205 million m 3 per year), in 2011-2020. - 1.88 billion m 3 (at 210-150 million m 3 per year).

In 2009, RUE "Belorusneft" "mined 205 million m 3 of associated gas, recycled at the Belarusian gas processing plant (BGPZ), which practically satisfied the needs of the republic in liquefied gas. According to the BelTopgaz concern, for the needs of the population and public utilities in 2009, more than 170 thousand tons of liquefied gas were spent. In 2010, an insignificant increase in the consumption of liquefied gas is planned.

For full loading of the BGPZ, the production facilities of which allow processing 500 million m 3 gas per year, raw materials (wide fractions of light hydrocarbons) is purchased in Russian Federation. Excess liquefied gas are exported.

Given the increase in the consumption of liquefied gas, its own raw materials to ensure the needs of the economy of the republic will not be enough. It will be necessary to purchase a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons and liquefied gas outside the republic. Since the supply of natural gas to European countries is carried out through the territory of Belarus and BelTransgaz OJSC, with the participation of the Russian Gazprom, this company will remain a gas supplier to the near and long-distance perspective. For the purpose of energy security, the country has been looking for alternative suppliers of natural and liquefied gas.

IN last years Annual production volumes peat Decreased to 2-3 million tons and are determined mainly by peat extraction for the fuel and energy needs of the enterprises of the BelTopgaz concern of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus. Peat mining for agricultural use (fertilizer) by enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is almost terminated.

Peat industry enterprises are developing 46 peat deposits with operational reserves of about 100 million tons (at 1.01.2010) with conditional 40 percent moisture, of which 78.2 million and 32.8 million tons are suitable for the production of peat fuel for use in rural economy. All the peat deposits developed in detail and do not require additional geological exploration, except for the reassessment of deposit reserves.

About 32 million tons of peat, including about 22 million tons for the production of fuel briquettes and 10 million tons for the production of fuel briquettes and 10 million tons for the production of fuel briquettes and 10 million tons for agricultural use, occur at the designated enterprises. BelTOPGAZ. The reserves on the remaining non-reserved part of the raw materials bases (18.1 thousand hectares) for the production of briquettes are about 55 million tons. Existing commodity resources provide the provisions of peat production and production of peat products up to 2021. Residual reserved reserves of peat (as of 1.01.2021) On the raw materials bases of the fuel industry enterprises will be about 78.7 million tons, that is, with the annual need of peat, about 2 million tons are provided by the reserves of peat for another 40 years.

Currently coal Imported from Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Kazakhstan in volumes of 250-300 thousand tons per year. At the same time, on the territory of the republic at the depths of 20-80 m, 3 deposits of brown coal in the Prienyskaya deflection will be explored: Zititovichi (stocks 70 million tons), Brune (30 million tons) and Sundress (42 million tons). Of these, the Zhitkovichskoye field was prepared for industrial development, which allows the construction of a coal cut with a capacity of 2 million tons per year, and the Brine deposit with industrial stocks 30 million tons, on the basis of which production facilities may be built for the production of brown coal as energy and utilities Household fuel.

Belarus has prospects for creating exploration with stable production of geological exploration for 7-10 years of their own coal raw materials base due to preparation for the development of Lelchitsy, Bukkkhan and Tobolovichi USA with total coal resources of about 450 million tons.

One of the sources of fuel and energy resources can be furious shale. Currently, two slate deposits were revealed in the Sladen Slaceland: Lyuban and Tours with total forecast resources of about 3.9 billion tons, of which reserves 1.2 billion tons are pre-explored.

By qualitative indicators, combustible shale is not effective solid fuel due to high ash content (75% or more), low heat combustion (average 5.8 MJ / kg) and the removal of the resin (within 7-8%). However, liquid and gaseous components obtained by heat treatment of shale and gas components (pyrogenetic water, primary gas, gas gasoline) are of interest as the initial raw material to obtain a number of valuable products. For example, phenols, ketones, volatile bases and acid are retracted when cleaning swept waters. In the pyrolysis of the primary gas, gasoline and light fraction products, you can get the heating gas, fuel oil, benzene, toluene and solvent. Shale half-bed can be used as raw materials for mineral wool and aglopeoritis. The oar of combustible shale can be used as a filler in dense and cellular concrete, suitable for the production of ceramic products (facing and refractory ceramics), for the production of binders, for example, as an additive to cement (20-30%), which significantly increases its hydraulic activity, as well as in agriculture to lime soil.

Thus, combustible shale are complex energy technological and promising raw materials for the development of the domestic fuel and energy and chemical industry.

Another type of energy is geothermal resources subsoil. The main advantages of geothermal energy before other types of energy are: a renewable type of energy, is available everywhere, does not depend on the season of the year and time of day; Significant potential resources in the depths of the Earth to 10 km depth, 50,000 times higher than the energy contained in all the reserves of the gas and oil deposits of the world; The possibility of associated extraction dissolved in brine useful elements, such as bromine, iodine and others in the selection of geothermal energy.

The leading position in the practical use of the heat of the subsoil to generate electricity is occupied by the countries of the North American continent and Central America, Australia, Indonesia, Iceland, Turkey, Japan and even developing countries - Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand and Kenya. In Europe, Iceland, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Portugal, France, Germany and Austria are leaders in the use of underground heat in the production of electrical energy. By 2008, the installed capacity of geothermal stations and plants in the world reached 40 GW.

Geothermal waters of Belarus refer to low-costalpic sources with low temperature. In most part Belarus, the temperature of sedimentary rocks to a depth of 1 km varies from 6.5-7 to 20 ° C. In the deep sedimentary basins - the Podlas-Brest and Orsha Vpadin - it in some cases at a depth of 2 km reaches 35-40 ° C and only in the Pripalent of the progress at the depths of more than 3 km, it is sometimes higher than 100 ° C in high-mineralized waters (brine). High salt content complicates groundwater use as sources of geothermal energy.

Sources with a temperature of more than 150 ° C, allowing electrical energy to produce, not identified in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Despite this, modern thermal pumps make it possible to extract geothermal energy when the primary heat carrier is supplied to their inlet with a temperature of only 5-10 ° C and at the same time provide a temperature of 50-65 ° C at the output, sufficient for the heating of buildings and structures.

At the beginning of 2010, 20 geothermal production facilities in the republic are located on the territory of the republic with a total installed capacity of about 2 MW.

In addition, about 100 heat-pump installations operate on water intakes around Minsk, Brest, in the vicinity of Novopolotsk, on sewage pumping stations, and also used for cottage heating. Thermal pumps do not require individual buildings, occupy a small area and can be placed near other technological equipment. However, they require uninterrupted power supply to drive compressors and completed automatic control devices. The total thermal power of the installations installed in Belarus is about 4.5 MW, which is negligible in comparison with the annual consumption of our country about 35 million tons. t. For the production of energy resources.

Consumers of heat can be enterprises and organizations involved in building buildings and structures (including housing), wood drying, heating of agricultural facilities (machine yards, workshops, livestock farms, grain dryers, etc.), greenhouse-greenhouses. Presents practical interest to the creation of heated swimming pools in settlementsheated ponds for fish breeding, etc.

To intensify the use of geothermal energy, it is necessary to resolve the issue of reducing electricity tariffs consumed by geothermal installations; make changes to regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the design and construction of buildings and structures with the possibility of using geothermal energy; Develop inhibitors to reduce the temperature and pressure for salt falling in order to develop the technology of using geothermal energy from pickles and develop innovative designs of domestic heat pumps with thermal power from 5 to 100 kW.

Mining of Sylvinite ore and the production of potash fertilizers in the republic leads RUP "on" Belaruskali "in the Stornobinskoye deposit potash saltsOpen in 1949 and developed since 1963. In recent years, the association produces about 29-30 million tons of Sylvinite ore per year, from which 3.7-4.2 million tons of potash fertilizers are produced, ensuring the needs of the domestic market and supply to export. In 2008, the exports of Belarusian potash fertilizers amounted to 6.5 million tons, in 2009 - 3 million tons, which fully ensures the need of the domestic market of the republic and allows for exports to export (about 90% of production). Since the beginning of operation of the Stornobinskoye field, more than 1 billion tons of ore, including 907.1 million tons (without breaking breeds), was produced. During this period, 351 million tons of raw salts were explored. According to the Belneftekhim concern, in 2009, about 32 million tons of potash salts were produced at the Stornobinskoye deposit. In 2011-2020 The extraction of raw potash salts in the amount of 300.0 million tons is predicted. Mining is regulated by the internal needs of Belarus and export deliveries.

Despite the significant reserves of potash salts of the Stornobinsky field (5.4 billion tons, including 2.4 billion tons of the developed mineral fields) ensure the reserves of individual mines and horizons uneven. To compensate for disposal capacity in 2010, the Nezhinsky section will be prepared for industrial development with reserves of 200 million tons to 2 o and the specification of the northern plot with reserves of 30 million tons of 2 on the Stornobinskoye deposit. This will ensure the RUE "on Belaruskali" with raw materials for a long term with stable potash salt mining of about 30 million tons, to meet the needs of the domestic market of the republic and strengthen the export potential of the enterprise (about 90% of the total production). It should be noted that in addition to the Starobinsky field, the October and Petrikovskoe deposits and a number of potash salts are not developed, which can become a new raw material base for the development of the potash industry of the Republic of Belarus, possibly with the involvement of foreign investors.

Extra extraction "Extra" is currently produced in the Mozyr field and is about 365 thousand tons per year. Stone salt production (food, fodder and technical) minority in the Stornobinskoye deposit began. The total mining of salt in 2009 amounted to about 800 thousand tons.

In addition to the developed deposits, Sestovichsky, Zhilichevsky, South Copatkevichsky, Komarigovsky, Oktyabrsky and Omelkovsky plots with favorable mining and technical conditions for the layers of stone salt and total reserves of more than 28 billion tons, which can be a new raw material base for the development of industry using a stone salt As raw materials, perhaps with the involvement of foreign investors.

Currently gypsum Imported to the republic as raw materials for the construction industry in volumes of more than 300 thousand tons per year. In connection with the introduction of new capacities in cement factories, the demand of the enterprises of the republic in the gypsum in 2011 will be about 0.6 million tons, by 2015 - about 1 million tons. At the same time, on the territory of Belarus, its own plaster deposit was revealed - Brune ( Gomel region). Pre-explored gypsum reserves at this field are estimated at 182.5 million tons of gypsum stone. The raw material of the Brurya field is suitable for the production of construction and medical gypsum, additives in cement, the production of valuable fertilizers - ammonium sulfate, complex sulphate-potash fertilizer. Based on mining and geological conditions, the deposit can be developed by a mining method. At the Brine field there is a real opportunity to prepare a raw material base with a capacity of 1 million tons of gypsum per year. Preliminary calculations show that on the basis of these stocks it is possible to create a mining enterprise with an annual capacity of 1 million tons of gypsum stone and 10 thousand m 3 of saw blocks to obtain a facing tile, which will satisfy the internal needs and export deliveries of products. To master the field, its detailed intelligence, a feasibility study of the development of plaster, the search for the Customer for the development of the field, which must define the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

In the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, more than 25 deposits and manifestations were studied in one degree or another. dolomita. Large deposit of dolomites Ruba with explored stocks Over 930 million tons is developed by JSC Dolomit for the production of dolomite flour, crushed dolomite, mineral powders for roofing roofing and asphalt concrete coatings, as well as other materials. The provision of proven reserves of the enterprise is about 100 years. The factory capacity fully ensures the needs of the republic, and also allow the production of dolomite flour to 6.5-7 million tons (with the annual demand of the republic in carbonate fertilizers 2-3 million tons) and ensure the export of products in the event of a sales organization finished products.

Sapropeli Widely developed in Belarus lakes and in peat deposits. It is detailed and listed on the balance of 85 fields with operating reserves of conditioning raw materials about 74 million m 3 of 2.6 billion m 3 (according to preliminary estimation) located in Belarus, which guarantees the extraction of sapropes of lake and peat deposits for a long term. Sappropels are used in agriculture as organometric fertilizers, mineral-vitamin feeding of animals and birds, medicine - therapeutic mud and on their basis of therapeutic drugs, for the production of building materials (porous ceramic products, aglopeoritis, thermal insulation materials), drilling solutions, etc. Currently, only 6 fields (Benin, Wild, Sergeyevskoe, Subol, Ulla, Chervonoe) are developed, from which in 2009 it was produced about 40 thousand tons.

Glauconite It is a raw material for obtaining mineral paints, sorption of radioisotopes, reducing water rigidity, increasing the yield of crops due to presence of potassium and trace elements. Glauconic rocks are represented by glauconit-quartz sands, quite widespread in the south of Belarus and are accessible to open development. Currently, an additional study of glauconite is being carried out, the development of technologies for its integrated use and the search for consumers.

Belarus traditionally covers the needs of phosphoric fertilizers and production phosphoric acid Partly due to the importation of finished products, partly due to the importation of raw materials. OJSC "Gomel Chemical Plant" annually captures more than 200 thousand tons of apatite concentrate and more than 100 thousand tons of phosphoritic flour. For the rhythmic work of the plant requires supply of apatite concentrate in the amount of about 40 thousand tons per month. Such a supply can only be provided with uniform procurement of phosphoric fertilizers to agriculture of the republic and timely calculations for them.

In the republic, 2 fields of phosphorites are pre-explored: Mstislavskoye, Lobkovich (Mogilev region). Searching is estimated by the Orekhovskoye and the border deposit (Brest region). Rudes of deposits belong to poor low-oleseese rusty ores and are suitable for obtaining phosphorite flour. Phosphorus pentaoxide reserves (p 2 o 5) in four fields are about 50 million tons. In 2010, detailed intelligence of the Mstislavsky deposit will be completed and methods for mining and enrichment of phosphorites are determined.

Zeolitis-containing silicitis, explored on the territory of the republic, are represented by trepal, ooks and diatomites. In total, 6 Silcite deposits are known in the republic: steel, friendship, owl, Murashkino (Krasovka), Perlovskoye and Ivanovo (Mogilev region). Silicites are used in the manufacture of additives to cement, industrial sorbents, filters, supplements in animal feed and bird, means to reduce the degree of radioactivity of plants grown in contaminated areas in the production of paints, fertilizers, insulating materials.

Detailed intelligence with the statement of stocks of industrial categories in the amount of 30 million tons is made at the flushed steel deposit, which can be developed in the open method. It is required to determine the organization-developer and sources of financing (with the possibility of attracting foreign investors) of the integrated use of sylycites.

Currently, supplements for the production of cement to Belarus (Krasnoselskcement, "Krchevtemtošifer" and the Belarusian cement plant) will be taken from the Fokinsky trees of the Bryansk region. At the same time, the reserves of the deposit will allow the cement plants in Belarus for active mineral supplements for more than 60 years.

Belarus has a fairly powerful raw material base for production building materials. In 2009, mining enterprises produced:

  • for the cement industry: Mergel - more than 2 million tons, chalk - more than 5 million tons, clay - about 1.4 million tons;
  • for the ceramic industry: clay - more than 1 million m 3, clay refractory - more than 100 thousand tons;
  • for the construction industry: Building stone - about 6.3 million m 3, Silicate sand - about 900 thousand m 3, construction of construction - more than 1.5 million m 3, chalk for the production of lime - more than 1.3 million tons, sand Gravel mixture - more than 4 million m 3, clays and loams for the production of clay and agloporith - more than 200 thousand m 3, the sands of quartz (glass and molding) - more than 700 thousand tons.

At the same time, due to the lack of certain types of mineral raw materials, insufficient explorations of individual deposits or the unavailability of Belarusian minerals prepared for industrial development, Belarus imports bentonite clays, trembled production, cement, gypsum, kaolin, pebbles and crushed stone, calcined soda, phosphorites , quartz sands, salt (including dining room), chalk, magnesite, lime and stone for monuments.

At the same time, according to some kind of mineral raw materials: tremies, chalk, bentonite clay, quartz sands, gypsum - there are prepared facilities for industrial development and replacement of imported mineral raw materials for their own needs and production of expert pro-duction.

For example, give brief description such objects.

Hotislav deposit chalkand Silicate sands (Maloritsky district of the Brest region). Useful fossil is represented by silicate sands (locked in the upper part of the field) and chalk (sitting under the sand). Balance reserves of sands available to open development are 26,281 thousand m 3, chalk - 74,129 thousand tons.

The field is divided in detail as a raw material base for the construction of a building materials production plant with annual productivity: construction lime - 300 thousand tons, cement - 1 million tons, silicate bricks - 120 million pieces, heat-insulating panels - 120 thousand m 3, small walls Blocks - 240 thousand m 3, panels and slabs of silicate concrete - 50 thousand m 3. When organizing annual production: sand - 760 thousand m 3, chalk - 1030 thousand m 3 - the provision of the enterprise with reserves of mineral raw materials will be: in the sand - 33 years, in chalk - 37 years. The estimated amount of capital investments necessary for the construction of an enterprise - $ 62 million. Currently, the deposit is practically not developed, because in connection with a close arrangement to the border with Ukraine, interstate environmental issues are solved, and continues to remain a promising raw material base for the construction of a large plant for the production of building materials and termination of imports to Belarus, lime and cement.

Ostrogian deposit bentonite clay (Lelchitsky District of the Gomel region) with industrial stocks of clay 12.3 million tons. Clays are suitable as raw materials for molding mixtures in the manufacture of small cast iron castings and castings from non-ferrous metals, produced by hydraulic powders for drilling fluids, as well as waterproofing materials in the construction industry . According to the developed embodiment, on the basis of reserves of air deposits with an annual production of bentonite clay mining, 110 thousand tons, a commercial clay - 85 thousand tons and activated powder - 20 thousand tons, the provision of inventories of such production will be more than 100 years.

Field quartz sands The city (Stolinsky district of the Brest region) has the stocks of sands of industrial categories of more than 15 million tons, including for the molding production of more than 7 million tons. In natural video Sands are suitable for the production of bottles, glass reinforced and patterned, economic dishes, silicate blocks, facade tiles and as molding materials in the production of large, medium and fine steel and cast iron. After enriching the sands are suitable for the production of highly transparent glassware. The field is not being developed, and quartz sands are imported into Belarus mainly from Ukraine. Currently, the issue of creating a city mining enterprise on the basis of the deposit on the basis of the deposit, but also enriched quartz sands for the production of high-quality glass and its products. When creating a mining enterprise on the basis of this deposit with a capacity of 200 thousand tons of researched sands per year, the company's security will be more than 70 years.

Analysis of the state of the mineral resource base shows that the building materials industry is provided with its own mineral resources for a long time, and in such minerals, as a stone facing, construction stone, dolomite, mergel, chalk, Silicate sand, sand-gravel mixture, clay, enterprises The branches are provided more than 50 years.

However, individual enterprises have different deadlines for the reserves of mineral raw materials. For enterprises with durations of ensuring reserves for 5-10 years, exploration is already required for the purpose of searches and exploration of various types of minerals for their own needs and exports.

Annual exports from Belarus of the main types of building raw materials and received from it of commercial products: crushed stone - more than 2.5 million tons, cement - about 200 thousand tons, lime - more than 60 thousand tons, sands of all kinds of all kinds - more than 35 thousand . t, \u200b\u200bchalk, dolomite, etc. The main consumers exported from the republic are Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.

Given the constant extension of the volumes of metal and metal coogel production, the republic imports scrap metal. In 2009, the need for it was more than 2 million tons. In this situation, the creation of its own mineral resource base of metallurgical production is relevant through the implementation of the project of developing Okolov or Novoselkovsky deposits.

Stocks iron Rud. The Okolovskoye field (Stolbtsovsky district of the Minsk region) of industrial categories amounted to 145.4 million tons of ore, including 21.4 million tons of iron magnetite and 35.3 million tons of iron, with an average content of magnetite iron in ore, 15.44%, Iron total - 25.52%. According to the technological assessment, the ferrous quartzites of the Okolovsky field refer to the category of easily uncredible and very easily enriched. At its base, capacity can be created for the production of magnetite concentrate - 789.2 thousand tons, metalized pellets - 572.3 thousand tons, meeting the requirements of the RUE "Belarusian Metallurgical Plant" technology.

The pre-explored reserves of the Novoselkovsky field (Karelichsky district) to a depth of 700 m are 130 million tons with an average iron content of a total of 24.7%. Their composition contains magnetite iron - 20 million tons, industrial contents of titanium and vanadium.

Mining conditions for pre-explored diabaz redocketal Deposits, stocks and quality ores allow the expediency of the transition to detailed exploration of this field in order to prepare it for industrial development as raw materials for the production of rare metals, as well as mineral fibers used as a heat-sounding material, and rubble.

Aluminum It is one of the most important metals of the modern industry. On the scale of production and consumption, it ranks second after iron. It is used in transport engineering, electrical industry, as a protective means of protection against corrosion of steel and cast iron products, in the production of rocket fuel, packaging materials and other purposes.

Until recently, the only raw materials for the aluminum industry were bauxites - ores consisting mainly from aluminum hydroxides, as well as oxides and hydroxides of iron and clay minerals. The limitations of bauxite reserves led to the need for use to obtain aluminum of new fields of non-traditional alumina raw materials: Alunites, Nethelinits, Lasonites.

At the search stage of the study, there is a Zazonita deposit in the Gomel region. At depths from 400 to 1000 m, deposits with an average of authorsonite from 38 to 26% were revealed. Reserves of long-line ores are sufficient for the construction of a mine with an annual productivity of 3 million tons.

In the current conditions, it is advisable to make a feasibility and economic assessment of the need to master the closed deposit, taking into account the new market relations, and if there is a customer, ready to finance this work, return to the question of the potential opportunity to organize the production of alumina and soda.

In recent years, the problem of the gold relationship of the republic is becoming increasingly relevant. According to the results of the work performed, the presence of gold was established in the developed deposits of sandy-gravel material and products of its processing, paleogene sediments of the south of Belarus (up to 0.15 g / m 3), potash (up to 0.3 g / t), and iron (up to 4 , 7 g / t) ores, as well as in a number of sulfide manifestations in the rocks of the crystalline foundation.

According to the results of geological exploration on the Okolovskoye field in ferrous quartzites and their fixed breeds, direct search signs are installed self-tag Miscellaneous (gold, platinum), which made it possible to allocate in an independent Object Obolovsky noble-made ore, which can be classified as a perspective ore field. It is necessary to continue the work on the search for industrial deposits of noble metals in a radical occurrence and overlap, as well as assess the profitability of the associated extraction of gold, platinum and silver when developing ore minerals.

Belarus has great resources of fresh groundwater, the explored operational reserves of which are 6.4 million m 3 / day. Minsk, regional and industrial centers, big cities And urban villages are provided with reserves of fresh groundwater to the perspective. One of the first priorities is to prepare for industrial development of fresh groundwater in the next 10-15 years to fully translate centralized economic and drinking water supply to underground sources, excluding the use of surface waters for these purposes.

Republic has a significant variety mineral Water. Among them are the most common chloride, sulfate, sulfate-chloride, chloride sulfate, as well as hydrogen sulfide, ferrous and radon mineral waters. On their basis, many health resorts, sanatoriums and pretractors are functioning, enterprises and workshops on the spill of therapeutic drinking and medical and table mineral waters work. However, this type of mineral resources are currently unfortunately not used as a source of export raw materials and currency revenues to the budget of the republic.

Potential raw materials for establishing in Belarus own production iodine, bromine and other rare elements are high-mineralized (300-450 g / l) Underground chloride type brinesrevealed within the Primary Progress. To date, the technology of obtaining bromine and iodine has been developed by an electrochemical way and an experimental-industrial plant for extracting iodine and bromine from highly mineralized brusons has been created.

Significant costs are necessary for the development of prepared deposits. Essentially, the implementation of projects by iron, potassium, gypsum and, moreover, according to the foundation, cannot be carried out only at the expense of public funds. Obviously, such projects must be carried out by joint ventures in the form of joint stock companies Open-type, the founders of which should be, on the one hand, the state, represented by one or several authorized representatives, and on the other - specialized mining enterprises, including foreign companieshaving a stable financial and business reputation.

The additional source of mineral raw materials is the participation of the republic in the development of mineral deposits abroad. The greatest experience has accumulated in the field of oil production. RUE "BELARUSNEFT" "leads oil production in Venezuela and Iran. Unfortunately, little used potential of mining in the Russian Federation. The proposed projects with the possible participation of Belarus in the development of oil and gas fields in conjunction with russian companies On the territory of the Russian Federation, they were also not beneficial to the Belarusian side due to the significant investments necessary to prepare for the development of oil deposits located in hard-to-reach areas with a weakly developed infrastructure.

Geological enterprises of the republic are studying the possibility of implementing projects for the exploration and development of gold deposits in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Particular attention should be paid to the countries of the Caspian Sea basin, and, first of all, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, which have significant hydrocarbon reserves and import it. With these countries united with the Belarusian Mountain Charter of the States Parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States, joint ventures for the search, exploration and mining of minerals can be created in their territories.

As for the participation of the Republic of Belarus in the development of mining deposits already prepared for industrial development, in which the republic is interested in, such participation is most acceptable in the form of supply to the Belarusian side on the contractual conditions of machines, mechanisms and other products of Belarusian production in exchange for supplied mineral raw materials or its products Recycling.

In Belarus, there was a stereotype that our country is poor minerals. This opinion was based because it is based on a comparison with Russia, which is the most rich country In the world in the deposits of minerals. Our population, especially the people of the elderly, remember the Soviet Union and know Russia well, but they are badly represented as far as resourceful other countries, for example, the same European countries. And the comparison with these countries suggests that Belarus is included in the first 10-ku among European countries for their mineral resources.

In the depths of Belarus at present, more than 30 mineral deposits were revealed with varying degrees of study. Currently explored reserves of mineral resources make it possible to fully ensure the needs of the country in potash and cooking salts, lime and cement raw materials, ceramic and refractory clays, sands of construction and sand-gravel materials, construction stone, fresh and mineral underground waters.

For excellent student. In public opinion, both residents of Belarus and neighboring Russia since Soviet times there is a conviction that Belarus is poor minerals that we have nothing, with the exception of the potash salts. In the 1970s. There was such an anecdote "Belarus in the area divided into three equal parts - a third of forests, a third of the swamp and a third of potatoes." It is the lack of minerals that explained the poor state of the economy now. This is deeply erroneous delusion. Belarus is no less rich in minerals than, for example, Italy, Spain or Bulgaria, and much richer countries such as Japan, Belgium, Czech Republic or Switzerland.

In Belarus are available stocks of world level Potash (40-45 billion tons) and stone (over 20 billion tons) salts, peat (about 5 billion tons) and combustible shale (over 10 billion tons), as well as stocks european (Regional) level - stone (up to 600 million tons) and brown (750-800 million tons) coal, oil (over 100 million tons with annual production of 2 million tons), phosphorites (about 500 million tons), iron ores (1 , 5 billion tons).

Belarus is completely for dozens and even hundreds of years ensured by cement and lime rates (about 3.5 billion tons), clay clay (more than 200 million tons) and refractory (over 60 million tons), glass sands (0.6 million. T), molding (over 22 million tons) and construction (over 290 million m 3), sand-gravel mixtures (about 550 million m 3), construction stone (about 370 million m 3), Kaolin (over 25 million tons), dolomite (about 820 million tons), as well as sapropel (1.5 billion tons).

Belarus has tremendous reserves of fresh and mineral groundwater for economic and drinking water supply, ensuring the entire vital activity of the country's population, primarily large cities.

Conclusion: Belarus is not a poor country enough if to evaluate the availability of minerals. But in any case, and in the mining, especially, you must first invest significant investments in the fact that then for a long time will give returns, many times greater than the initial costs.

Belarus is imported from other regions a significant amount of raw materials, in particular: oil, gas, coal, combustible shale, glass sands, clay molding, tremble, gypsum, kaolin, calcined soda, raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers, block stone for facing plates, high-strength crushed stone .

Until the end of the 1940s. The extraction of mineral raw materials on the territory of Belarus was considered a low-prospective, since in addition to peat, clay, sand, gravel and dolomite did not reveal other minerals. The riches of the country's departments were discovered as planned targeted geological and filmmaking, search, exploration and research works.

Currently, more than 30 mineral types have been engraded in Belarus, the most important of which are: oil, coal, combustible shale, stone and potash salts, dolomite, iron, rare metals, pullsonitis, mineral waters, a variety of building materials, sapropels. The prospects for identifying industrial iron, gypsum gypsum, zeolitis-containing silicides, phosphorites, glauconite, pyroophyllite, raw materials for the manufacture of mineral fibers, amber, rare, non-ferrous and noble metals, etc.

Chemical raw materials. Belarus takes one of the leading places in the world on industrial reserves potash salts. Stocks - 10 billion tons

Stocks stone Soloi. Detected in even larger sizes - 22 billion tons. Since 1993, 350-550 thousand tons of stone salt are produced annually in Belarus: food, stern and technical. That is, the explored stamped salt reserves are enough for at least 60 years.

Available phosphorite ores (total reserves - 400 million tons) and dolomite(520 million tons). The annual volume of production from dolomite of dust-like materials is 2 million tons. Over 70% of products manufactured by Dolomit OJSC is used in agriculture to deoxine soils. Mining is conducted at the Ruba field, which is under Vitebsk.

Raw materials for building materials. In Belarus D.come on dolomites. Raw materials are used for the production of highly denominated rubble, facing stone, as a powder for asphalt, in the glass industry, metallurgy. Mining is conducted on the basis of the Mikashevichi field, where RUPP Granite works.

Flashing fossils.Search oil From the 1950s, the first Rechitskoye deposit was open in 1964. And already in 1965, industrial mining was launched in Belarus. The search and exploration of oil fields are engaged in the RUE "Belgeology" and RUE "according to Belorusneft", oil production - RUP "on" BelarusNeft ", recycling - Novopolotskoye OJSC" Naftan "and Mozyr oil refinery. Annual mining is about 1.8 million tons, which ensures the needs of the country by 8-10%. The residual oil reserves make up 62.5 million tons. With the current volume of oil reserves, it is enough for 30-40 years.

When oil production is minimized gas.Total gas resources are 45.7 billion m3. This is 1% of the current Gaza need for the economy of Belarus. However, in the future, as gas reduces in the fuel and energy balance of Belarus, this percentage may grow.

First deposit brown coal- Zhitkovichi - revealed in 1969. Then a few more deposits were revealed. The total reserves of brown coal in Belarus are estimated in the amount of 1.5 billion tons. By 2005, Zhitkovichi and Brune deposits were prepared for development of deposits with reserves of 99.3 million tons, which makes it possible to design coal careers with mining coal quarries - 2 million . T coal per year. The deposits of brown coals in Belarus are promising for mining in an open way and can fully ensure the needs of the population by household fuel.

Stocks peatamount to 4.35 billion tons (more than 9 thousand peat deposits on common Square 2.4 million hectares, more than 10% of the territory of Belarus). It is used as fuel, for the production of fertilizers, biostimulants, feed yeast, wax, drugs. The total annual flow rate of peat is about 14 million tons per year. At the same time, about 17 thousand km 2, up to 2 million tons of peat are remedied annually on the unworn swamps. That is, with the current amounts of use of the peat, it is enough for 360 years.

Metal fossils.In Belarus, in the times of the Soviet Union, high-quality and easy-huge iron ores were found, the reserves of which are 175 million tons. (4th largest deposit in the USSR, which was still preparing for development). These iron ores have not yet begun to extract how Belarus is missing. own funds For the purchase of expensive equipment (ores are located at a depth of 700 meters in the column and Korelich region). A few years ago tried to find foreign investor And to give at least one of these two fields in concession.

The groundwater.About 250 deposits are divided fresh underground water, the operational reserves of which are more than 6 million m 3 / day (600 liters per resident of Belarus). Mineral water Detected in many areas of the territory of Belarus. The total reserves of open more than 80 fields of mineral waters are more than 20 thousand m 3 / day. On their base, there are plants on the spill of mineral waters in the cities of Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Borisov, Brest, Gomel, Minsk, Mogilev, Ushachi, Zhdanovichi settlements (Minsk district), Porechye (Grodno district), Narochi (Moedell district). There are wells in many sanatoriums, precortion and recreation houses. Mined in Belarus and industrial watersTo which there are ground brine with strong mineralization containing valuable components in industrial quantities. The brine in natural occurrence has a temperature from 40 to 90 ° C, which gives the base to attribute them to thermal waters. Their forecast reserves make up 35 thousand m 3 / day. These waters are used in agriculture, construction, medicine. On their basis, an experienced production of iodine and bromine has been established.

Consumption of drinking water per capita over the cities of Belarus is 180-370 l / day, which is significantly higher than in most European countries (120-150 l / day). On average, 218 liters per day for 1 residents are used for economic and drinking needs.

Other minerals.In Belarus in the Khabinkovsky district found amber. Forecast resources of 92.3 thousand tons. Suitable for use as a jewelry-dial stone (80-90%), as well as in pharmacology, paint and paint and perfumery industry.

Belarus also identified deposits - graphite (in the Uzdensky district), marble (in the Korelich district), non-ferrous metals, gypsum, etc.

Conclusion: The following industries can develop on its own raw materials - the food industry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, tourism, glass industry, chemical industry.

Almost 5 thousand deposits and mineral deposits were revealed in the depths of Belarus. In general, they contain about 30 species of mineral raw materials.
In Belarus, we know two deposits of iron ore, 10 oreroy and a number of mineralization zones.
LowSonit is currently being considered as potential raw materials for the production of aluminum and soda. According to experts, this is the only industrial field in the CIS.
The ores of rare metals and rare-earth elements are revealed. There are manifestations of gold.
According to the reserves of potash salts, Belarus takes 3rd place in the world and produces more than 10% of the world's potash fertilizer on Soligorsk potash combines.
On the basis of the Mozyr field, an excreated plant was operating on the release of the cooking salt of Extra varieties, which satisfies the needs of the republic by only 50%. Work is underway.
On the territory of Belarus has long been known gypsum and anhydrite. Gypsum and anhydritis are used not only in construction but also when developing valuable nitrogen fertilizer.
Belarus is rich in carbonate raw materials, it is represented by chalk, limestone.
In the republic there is a famous mela field with rather large industrial reserves.
Almost every entire Belarus has sands and sandy-gravel deposits. In the republic, the deposits of molding sands are explored. In Belarus, adequate reserves of glass sands in the Brest and Gomel regions, but they are only suitable for the production of window and barn glass. High-quality sands for the production of crystal can only be obtained by enrichment.
Almost throughout the territory of the republic, the deposits of building materials, the reserves of which are sufficient to meet the needs of the construction industry. Three building stone deposits are divided
The manifestations of marble and volstonite were found.
Belarus is rich in sapropel. The sapropels are used as local fertilizers, impurities to feed for livestock, light building materials, for the production of chipboard and tree-fiber plates. Sappropels in mudsight are widely used. Finding amber on the territory of Belarus are known from antiquity. Most often, it was found in the Brest, Grodno, Gomel and Minsk regions.
Liquid minerals are represented by fresh groundwater, mineral therapeutic waters and metal tolls.
Mineral waters are quite widespread. Embodied 63 sources. On the basis of them a number of sanatoriums, rest houses.

The assessment of the natural resource potential of Belarus shows that it cannot provide all of its national economic needs under current conditions and the existing structure of the economy.

12. Evaluation of the level of use of mineral resources in RB
Mineral resource potential of Belarus is the material basis of the country's economy and its national Security.
In the bowels of Belarus, more than 30 types of mineral raw materials were revealed. According to the degree of readiness for use, deposits are highlighted: with detailed reserves of mineral raw materials, which are economically advisable and technically possible to develop at present (oil, peat, potash and stone salts, etc.), not yet prepared to industrial development, which is still It does not allow to design them the development and conduct of additional geological exploration and the development of new technological methods of production and complex processing of raw materials (brown coals, combustible shale, iron ores, etc.); Perspective areas, according to which there are scientifically based prerequisites for the identification of industrial types of mineral raw materials among them after additional exploration (glauconite, pyroophyllite, amber, diamonds, raw materials for the manufacture of mineral fibers, rare, colored and noble metals).
Oil. As of January 1, 2008, 71 oil deposits in 2007 were opened in Belarus in 2007. 1.76 thousand tons of oil was produced. The provision of its explored reserves in 2007 is 34 years.
In 2011-2020 The needs of oil in the republic is planned to be maintained at the same level with annual consumption of 21.5-22.0 million tons, which will amount to 217.88 million tons. With annual imports in 21.0-21.5 million tons, the volume of deliveries for this period will be 211 , 0 million tons. From own deposits it is planned to produce 15.9 million tons and put on export 6.5 million tons.
Gas. Currently, Belarus does not have industrial fields of natural gas. When developing oil deposits, associated gas is obtained in the amount of about 250 million m3. The deposits of associated gas are revealed in the territory of the Pripyatsky deflection, its reserves are about 1 billion m3. In 2009, RUE "BELARUSNEFT" "mined 205 million m3
Peat. Geological reserves of peat (9192 deposits) on January 1, 2008 account for about 4 billion tons and are located in all areas of the country. In 2007, 2.9 million tons of peat on fuel and agricultural needs were produced. Existing commodities provide the provisions of peat production and production of peat products up to 2021. Residual explored peat reserves (as of 101.2021) on the raw materials bases of the fuel industry enterprises will be about 78.7 million tons, that is, with annual needs The peat is about 2 million tons. The republic is provided by the reserves of peat for another 40 years.
Brown coals. In the Gomel region, there are 3 deposits of brown coals about 150 million tons. 77 million tons were prepared for industrial development.
Combustible shale. Two large fields of combustible shale are revealed in Belarus with total forecast resources of about 3.9 billion tons. For quality indicators, combustible shale are not effective solid fuel due to high ash content (75% or more), low heat combustion (average 5.8 MJ / kg) and the release of the resin (in the range of 7-8%). However, liquid and gaseous components obtained by heat treatment of shale and gas components (pyrogenetic water, primary gas, gas gasoline) are of interest as the initial raw material to obtain a number of valuable products.
Potash salts belong to the most valuable mineral resources of Belarus. The state balance of potash salts was taken into account 3 fields of RUP "On Belaruskali" on the Stornobinskoye field, 28-32 million tons of potash ores annually produced, from which about 4 million tons of potash fertilizers produces.
Rock salt. The explored stained salt reserves reach almost 22 billion tons. Salt mining is more than 360 thousand tons. The available stoneware stocks will ensure the country's promising needs in food and technical salts and organize in large amounts of delivery of these products to export.
Dolomites. Large deposit of Dolomites Ruba in the Vitebsk region with explored stocks over 900 million tons. The need of Belarus in carbonate fertilizers has decreased to 2-3 million tons per year. The power of the plant allows you to bring the production of dolomite flour to 6.5-7.0 million tons.
Iron ores. On the territory of Belarus, two iron ore deposits were installed: capacities of mining and enrichment of ore in the amount of 4 million tons can be created on the basis of the deposit.
The country has sufficient resources of building materials to fully ensure internal needs. These include: raw materials for cement and lime, construction and facing stone, construction sands, quartz (glass and molding), sandy-gravel mixtures, clays ceramic, refractory and for the production of light aggregates, kaolins and other building raw materials. The building materials deposits are found in almost all parts of Belarus.

Geothermal waters of Belarus relate to sources with low temperatures. In most part Belarus, the temperature of sedimentary rocks to a depth of 1 km varies from 6.5-7 to 20 ° C. In deep sedimentary basins, it is 35-40 ° C and only in the Pripyan deflection at depths of more than 3 km, its significance is sometimes higher than 100 ° C in highly mineralized waters (brine). High salt content complicates groundwater use as sources of geothermal energy. At the beginning of 2010, 20 geothermal production facilities in the republic are located on the territory of the republic with a total installed capacity of about 2 MW. The total thermal power of the installations installed in Belarus is about 4.5 MW, which is negligible in comparison with the annual consumption of our country about 35 million tons. t. For the production of energy resources.

13. The role and importance of material resources in national Economics.
Material resources are labor items consumed in the production process, which include basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products and components, fuel and energy to technological needs.
Saving material resources is a combination of measures aimed at reducing the consumption of material costs per unit or volume of products when providing a given level of quality or improving it, as well as compliance with the requirements of social and environmental characteristics.
The rational use of material resources is reasonable, the maximum use of all useful components of material resources, not always accompanied by a decrease in the material consumption of products, but always meaning the cost savings of total social labor and the increase in its performance.
Criteria of the relationship of material resources saving with improving production efficiency:
- Primary criterion economic efficiency It comes to maximizing profits per unit costs with high quality products, and the most significant sources of increasing profits are the growth of sales (implementation) and the reduction of production and implementation costs. Thus, the savings of material resources is the most important source of cost reduction, which means that the most significant source of profit growth and increase the profitability of production.
- Another aspect is the factors of product competitiveness.
Improving the efficiency of material resources provides an increase in production volumes with the same amounts of material costs, contributes to the economies of financial resources in the extractive industries.
Material, resources are objects of extractive labor, i.e. They accumulate in themselves the cost of labor and fuel and energy resources associated with production, mining and operation of material resources.

There are not the concepts of absolute and relative limited material resources. The relative limitations of material resources is associated with the exceedment of the growth rate of their consumption over the growth rate of their production or reproduction. A significant part of material resources comes from non-renewable sources. This is due to both the real threat to the depletion of traditional species of raw materials and with a dangerous scale of environmental pollution at the existing current methods of their extraction and disposal.

14. Composition Classification and characteristics of material resources in economic systems.
Material resources - This is the combination of labor items available in the country, which are used directly to produce various products.
Under the raw materials, everyone is the subject of labor, the production and production of which work was spent and which in the process of processing changes its natural shape, acquiring all new quality properties.
Exist different groups Material resources:
- By the nature of participation in the manufacture of products, the raw material is divided into the main and auxiliary. The main types of raw materials include those that make up the basis of products manufactured; The auxiliary raw materials participates in the manufacture of products without being its material basis, but only gives it certain properties, quality;
- in character and size of labor costs, raw materials are divided into primary and secondary (production and consumption waste);
- According to the criterion of origin, raw materials can be industrial and agricultural. Industrial is divided into raw materials obtained in the extractive and manufacturing industry. Agricultural raw materials - products of agricultural sectors and products of the manufacturing industries obtained as a result of processing of agricultural raw materials;
According to the nature of the formation, raw materials is divided into mineral, organic and chemical;
According to the degree of reproducibility, raw material resources can be non-refined and reproducible.
All material resources are classified according to the following qualitative features:
maintenance of basic useful components;
depth of occurring;
fiber length and strength;
breed, etc.
Qualitative characteristics Raw materials are determined by the applied technique, equipment, technology, production volumes, competitiveness of products, predetermine all technical and economic indicators of production, and therefore affect the level of production efficiency.
Materials are understood by labor products that have passed one or more stages of pretreatment and intended for further processing in the process of manufacturing finished products.
The raw materials include producing production (ore, oil, coal, sand, crushed stone) and agricultural products (grain, potatoes, beet), and to materials - manufacturing products (black and non-ferrous metals, cement, flour, yarn).

There are basic and auxiliary materials. The main materials are called, which in natural form are part of the finished product, constituting its material basis. Auxiliary materials are not included in the finished product, but only contribute to its formation.

15. Composition, classification and characteristics of fuel - energy resources in economic systems.
By the nature of participation in the production process, fuel refers to auxiliary raw materials, but due to substantial significance in the economy, it is allocated to an independent group. Fuel promotes the production of finished products in the form of thermal energy, is used as technological raw materials.
Election of electricity to an independent element contributed to cases of technological use and direct effects of it on labor items as instruments of labor (electric welding, electric spacing, laser rays).
There are potential and real fuel and energy resources (TER):
- Potential TER is the volume of stocks of all types of fuel and energy, which has one or another economic area, the country as a whole.
- Real TER is a combination of all types of energy used in the country's economy.
In a narrower sense, TER understands:
Natural TER (natural fuel) - coal, slate, peat, natural gas and useful firewood, etc.; Natural mechanical energy of water, wind, atomic energy; fuel of natural sources - sun, underground steam and thermal waters;
Fuel recycling products - coke, briquettes, petroleum products, artificial gases, enriched coal, soles, etc.;
Secondary energy resources obtained mainly technological process - Fuel waste, combustible and hot gases, spent gas, physical heat of production products, etc.
All types of raw materials consumed in the national economy are divided into two groups from an economic point of view:
1) industrial raw materials, which is produced and manufactured in industry and is consumed mainly in the heavy industry;
2) Agricultural raw material, which is produced in the agricultural sectors and is mainly consumed in the light and food industry.
Industrial raw materials in turn shares two subgroups:
1) raw materials of mineral origin (mineral raw materials), i.e. raw materials obtained from the depths of the earth;

2) artificial raw materials, i.e. Raw materials, materials obtained by artificial means.

16. Indicators of the level of utilization of material and fuel and energy resources in Nats. Economy, calculation method.
To evaluate the level of use of material resources, indicators are used:
- generalizing (material intensity of production, material production, indicators of absolute and relative change in the volume of mat. Costs, intensification of the use of materials of the Material resources, indicators of the structure of consumption of material resources)
- single (private, local) - indicators useful use Material resources and indicators characterizing the share of waste, losses Mater. resources and the degree of their involvement in production.
- Scientific and justified. Consumption rate of material resources.
The material intensity of production of meter is the level and effectiveness of the use of Materia resources as a whole for production, regardless of the CONKR. species produced products. Distinguished national economic, regional, industry, enterprises. Sectoral material intensity is calculated by branches of Nar. Farms as the ratio of the volume of the Mater. Costs for the production of products to the volume of their gross or commercial products.
The material intensity of the enterprise is calculated specifically for each entity of the host.
Material consumption of products:
- Common - harm the cost of all mat costs either on the product or to units. The cost is made. Products:
IM \u003d MZ / VP
- Absolute- determines the consumption of the mat. Costs or individual species per unit CONKR. Products.
- Determination of a certain type of material resources per unit of operational or technical specifications of products.
- relative - the proportion of material resources and their individual elements in the cost structure of production and sales of products.
Material rating indicator of material consumption.
Private indicators. They are numerous and dependent on the spicial industry.
In the metallurgy is, the coefficients of the extraction of the product from the initial raw material of the cooling, which are calculated as the ratio of the mass of the planned or actually extracted product of the product, to the mass or volume of this product, contains. In the initial raw materials, the NDC: KEMP \u003d (LEF. / Long) * 100%
In the easy, food, in woodworking, etc. The product output indicator is used from the Raw Svois raw materials - this is the ratio of the amount of products produced or semi-finished product in to the number of spent raw materials Sun: KVS \u003d (V / SP) * 100%
In mechanical engineering and metalworking - coexe use material - the ratio of the clean mass of the product or the parts of the RF to the rate of the material consumption on its manufacture of HP: K is \u003d (HF / HP) 100%
Expendable coefficient Krasch-indicator, reverse coefficient use. It is calculated as the ratio of the rate of consumption of material resources of HP to their useful consumption of RPOL: - Krasch \u003d (HP / RSPC) 100%
Coef. Waste and loss:
Ko \u003d RP / P \u003d (RNORM-RPOL) /RNM\u003d1-PPP
RP- size of waste and loss, R - Total consumption of material resources
RNormal Material Consumption. Reservations, Rapol- useful consumption

PP.I.- Indicator of the useful use of Mother resources.

17. The system of factors to improve the efficiency of material and fuel and energy resources in the national economy
The dynamics of the efficiency of the material consumption and the level of material consumption of products is formed under the influence of numerous factors.
The basis of their classification is the grouping on external and internal (internal production) factors, as well as division on factors of a technical, technological, organizational and economic nature.
External factors include:
1. State regulation resource saving - state programming; tax system; pricing system; Depreciation policy.
2. Market conjuncture - Proposal and prices for material resources; Demand and price of enterprise products; Level of transport and procurement expenses, etc.
3. Scientific and technical development - the emergence of new materials; new technologies; Knowledge.
4. Obneconomic factors.
5. Other factors - environmental; natural climatic; Political, etc.
Internal factors are nothing more than a reaction to the impact of external factors. However, it is the internal factors that determine the direct level of use of material resources in the enterprise.
Technical factors manifest themselves at the design stage and have an impact on a decrease in the consumption of individual types of material resources per unit of products and improved quality and technical characteristics products. IN this group We include factors related to improving the designs of the products already available in the range:
reduction of absolute and (or) specific mass of the product;
improving the quality of consumed materials;
Replacing expensive and scarce materials.
Technological factors act at the production stage of products, due to the decline in waste and loss of materials. These include:
the introduction of new equipment with improved technical characteristics, modernization and reconstruction of the existing one;
the introduction of progressive material-saving technologies;
the introduction of strengthening technology;
Improving methods for manufacturing and processing parts;
Improving the level of mechanization and automation of production.
Organizational factors are aimed at improving the structure and organization of production in order to increase the efficiency of consuming. They include:
improving the organization of production;
Improving the materialization system of material resources;
improving the accounting of the actual use of material resources;
improving the system of providing material resources;
making control of the quality of blanks and products in order to prevent marriage;
structural shifts in the production of products;
Composition, movement and qualifications of personnel.
Economic factors determine the creation of conditions that contribute to the rationalization of the process of using material resources in the enterprise. Economic factors include:
system of economic (moral and material) stimulation of employees;
system of economic responsibility for the irrational use of material resources;

Economic condition of the enterprise.

18. Methods for assessing the efficiency of material and fuel and energy resources at various levels of national economy management.
Numerous indicators apply to estimate the level and efficiency of the use of material resources.
The most acceptable to perception is the system of indicators of material resources, which includes groups of generalizing and single (private, local) indicators, as well as scientifically based material resources consumption.
The generalizing indicators include the material intensity of production and products, material production, indicators of the absolute and relative change in the volume of material costs, indicators of intensifying the use of material resources, indicators of the structure of consumption of material resources, etc.
In the group of single indicators allocated: indicators of useful use of material resources and indicators characterizing the share of waste, loss of material resources and the degree of involvement in production.
It should be distinguished by the categories of material intensity of production and material consumption of products.
Material intensity of production characterizes the level and efficiency of the use of material resources as a whole for production, regardless of the specific types of products manufactured.
Since material costs are a multidimensional category, parameters such as energy intensity, metal-intensity and fueling production should be included in the system of indicators. The most common in the practice of accounting and statistics are the energy and metal consumption of gross domestic product.
Sectoral material intensity is calculated by industry national economy As the ratio of the volume of material costs for the production of products to the volume of their gross or commercial products.
The material intensity of the enterprise is calculated similar to the industry, but specifically for each business entity.
At the level of the industry and enterprises are also calculated specific indicators of resource-intensity (metallo-, energy intensity etc.).
The following indicators of the material consumption of products are distinguished:
General - characterizes the cost of all material costs either on the product, or per unit value of manufactured products;
Absolute - determines the amount of consumption of material costs or their individual species per unit of specific products (metal consumption or fuel per unit, etc.);
Specific - characterizes the flow rate of a certain type of material resources per unit of operational or technical characteristics of the product (metal consumption or electricity per unit power unit, per unit of reliability, durability, carrying capacity, etc.)
Relative - represents the share of material costs and their individual elements in the cost structure of the production and sales of products.
Indicators of manufacturing materials and products are inverse material consumption and calculated as the ratio of the volume of products produced to the magnitude of all material costs.

The group of private, local or individual indicators should include indicators of useful use of material resources. They are numerous and vary depending on the sectoral specifics. Indicators of useful flow and loss levels can be different with the same material consumption of products. This group of indicators include various coefficients of extracting the useful component from the feedstock, product output coefficients or semi-finished products from the source raw materials or material, material use coefficients, cutting coefficients, as well as various consumable coefficients.

19. The main directions of the rational and economic use of material resources in economic systems
In general, the main directions of work in the field of rational consumption and the economical use of material factors of production are:
use of achievements of scientific and technological progress to bring the technical condition of production to higher world-class, the use of highly efficient equipment and waste-free technologies, improving product quality; improving the use and application of new types of raw materials and materials; Changing the design and technical characteristics of products;
Improving the organization of production and consumption of material resources, improving the accounting and reporting, the use of modern methods of planning and optimizing resource use, an increase in labor discipline;
Improving the material and technical supply and use of material resources, which is reflected in reducing the norms of consumption of raw materials and materials, reducing their cost by reducing the procurement and warehousing costs.
Progressive structural and investment policy, providing preferential growth in production results compared to material costs;
the use of all elements of the economic mechanism to increase the material interest of labor collectives in the most rational spending of resources, reduce their losses during mining and processing, transportation and storage;
The implementation of the noted activities will contribute to strengthening the regime of optimal savings, the rational use of past labor and, ultimately, improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises and the enterprises of the sphere of treatment.

Implementation of an effective material resource savings program on industrial enterpriseFirst of all, due to the presence of a competently organized and systematically functioning system for analyzing their use.

20. Essence and content economic categories Resource saving and resource efficiency
Resource Saving - Activity (Organizational, Economic, Technical, Scientific, Practical, Information), Methods, Processes, Complex of organizational and technical measures and events accompanying all stages of life cycle of objects and aimed at rational use and economical resource spending.
Resource Efficiency - the result of targeted activities for saving material and other resources at the stages of the product life cycle and in the elimination of waste at all stages of their technological cycle
A complex of organizational, regulatory and technological measures for resource efficiency is intended to ensure the rational use of all types of resources at all stages production cycles and consumption cycles. Resource Efficiency is based on improving the structure of resource consumption, deeper processing of material resources, an increase in the share of effective resource efficient technologies in all sectors.
The process of resource efficiency is based on the complex of normalizing and defining requirements:

Efficient use of resources at any level of management should be based on the prediction of absolute, structural, relative and specific indicators of resource intensity, and also to be focused on saving resources at all stages of the object's life cycle and, to be determined by the organizational and technical level of the economy, international and domestic factors of the competitive advantage of the economy .

Natural resources are a large-scale potential of a country that can be involved in economic activities.

In the natural resource fund of Belarus the most important role Written by land, mineral, forest and water resources. Their ratio, as in other countries, is distinguished by a certain unevenness, which affects the labor specialization of specific regions.

Water resources

(Braslav Lakes, the territory of the Belarusian Posior)

The Republic of Belarus is determined to the geographical area with classical water availability in the CIS. There are over 10,000 lakes and reservoirs in the country, the total water volume in which is almost 6 billion m 3. In Belarus, 7 large rivers extended over 500 kilometers, and the total number of river reservoirs is 21,000. Their total length is 91,000 km.

(Lake Naroch)

The system of groundwater of fresh type is developed in all regions of the republic. Currently, only 13% of the total predicted resources are explored. However, this is enough to answer in a timely manner for the needs of the state. In general, the current water resources of the country correspond to the needs of the population and the national economy. Moreover, there is a certain reserve for further growth of individual industries. Nevertheless, there is a problem of uneven distribution of water resources and the complex water supply of citizens in some areas. Interestingly, the consumption of drinking water per person in Belarus is several times more than in European states. At the same time, the main pollutant of water resources is agricultureWith imperfect plants protection techniques. Over the past decade, the mineralization of water in Belarus has grown several times.

Land resources

The land fund of the republic is almost 21 million hectares, with 45% of the territory - the land of agricultural purposes. Approximately 90% of land are in public use. Luxury lands in this group are the most productive. Most of all are located in the Mogilev region. Almost 35% of agricultural land is allocated for pastures and haymaking. Most of all such territories in Belarusian Polesie. A complex relief and inhomogeneous soil composition limit the ability to expand these land.

In general, the land potential of the state is quite high. The structure of the resource fund changes due to the reorganization of the natural and economic importance of land and the transfer of unproductive land to companies of a forestry profile. In comparison with Western European states, in Belarus a higher security indicator of agricultural lands and preservation of marsh and forest territories. Nevertheless, radioactive pollution of resources remains the most important problem of the earthen fund of Belarus.

Forest resources

(Typical Belarusian forest)

Forest Fund of Belarus is unlimited natural resourceSince the land covered with forest is more than 85% of the entire republic. Most of all in the country of young forests whose age does not exceed 50 years. Approximately 55% of the Forest Foundation refers to household forests that have operational importance. It is worth noting that during the accident on the Chernobia in Belarus, 1/5 of all forests were contaminated in Belarus, in which only partial wood blank is possible.

Mineral resources

(Development of phosphoritites)

There is no large-scale base of mineral raw materials in the republic. However, geological exploration activities are constantly being conducted, and today about 5,000 deposits of 30 species of mineral components have been found in Belarus. The most important for the economy, resources can be attributed to oil, peat, combustible shale, brown coal, stone and potash salts, mineral and fresh water of underground origin. Despite the impressive reserves of petroleum products, their production satisfies only 15% of the country's needs in fuel resources.

The most important mineral, mined in the mountains of Belarus, is the potassium salt, in the reserves of which the republic occupies a leading position in Europe. Stone salt reserves are generally considered as inexhaustible. The combustible shale is present, mainly in the south of the country. Currently, the high perspectives of Belarus on the production of ore of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Also in the republic is a rich base for building materials: dolomite, chalk, clay, sand.

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