
Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Babich Mikhail Viktorovich

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation


On approval of the distribution of duties between the Minister economic Development Russian Federation and deputies of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Document with changes made by:
from October 3, 2017 N 537;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of October 16, 2017 N 552;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 18, 2017 N 679;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of March 12, 2018 N 114;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of March 16, 2018 N 132;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of March 28, 2018 N 144;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of June 22, 2018 N 326;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of June 27, 2018 N 341;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of July 6, 2018 N 353;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of July 30, 2018 N 402;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of August 21, 2018 N 438;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of October 27, 2018 N 585;
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of November 8, 2018 N 608;

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008, N 437, the Typical Regulations of the interaction of federal executive authorities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2005 N 30, and Typical Regulations the internal organization of federal executive bodies, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2005 N 452,

Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 24, Article 2867; N 46, Art.5337; 2009, N 3, Art.378; N 18, st.2257; N 19, st.2344; N 25, Article 3052; N 26, st.3190; N 38, Art.4500; N 41, st.4777; N 46, Art. 5488; 2010, N 5, Article 532; N 9, Article 960; N 10, st.1085; N 19, Article 2324; N 21, st.2602; N 26, Art.3350; N 40, Article.5068; N 41, Art.5240; N 45, Art. 5860; N 52, st.7104; 2011, N 6, Article 888; N 9, Article 1251; N 12, Article 1840; N 14, Article 1935; N 15, st.2181; N 17, st.2411, 2424; N 32, Art.4834; N 36, Art. 5149, 5151; N 39, Article 5485; N 43, Article.6079; N 46, Article 6527; 2012, N 1, Article 19, 177; N 13, Article 1531; N 19, st.2436, 2444; N 27, Art.3745, 3766; N 37, Article 5001; N 39, Article 5284; N 51, Article 7236, N 52, Article 7491; N 53, Article 7943; 2013, N 5, Article 391; N 14, Article 195; N 33, Art.4386; N 35, Art.4514; N 36, Art.4578; N 45, Art. 5822; N 47, Article.6120; N 50, Article 6606; N 52, Article 7217; 2014, N 6, Art. 584; N 15, Article 1750; N 16, Article 1900; N 21, st.2712; N 37, st.4954; N 40, Art. 5426; N 42, Art. 5757; N 44, Article.6072; N 48, Article 6871; N 49, Article.6957; N 50, Article 7100, 7123; N 51, Article 7446; 2015, N 1, Art.219; N 6, Article 965; N 7, Art.1046; N 16, st.2388; 2015, N 20, st.2920; N 22, Article.3230; N 24, st.3479; N 30, st.4589; N 36, Article 5050; N 41, Art.5671; N 43, Article 5977; N 44, Article 6140; N 46, Article 6377, 6388; 2016, N 2, Art.325, 336; N 5, st.697; N 7, st.994; N 17, st.2409, 2410; N 23, Art.3312; N 28, st.4741; N 29, st.4822; N 31, Article 5013; N 35, Art.5332; N 42, Art. 5943; N 43, Article 6029; N 45, Article.6273; N 50, Article 7099, 7100; 2017, N 1, Article 175; N 5, Article 800; N 8, Article 1258; N 10, Article 1498; Official Internet portal of legal information http://www.pravo.gov.ru, 03/03/2017.

Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 4, Article.305; N 47, Article 4933; 2007, N 43, Art. 5202; 2008, N 9, Article 852; N 14, Article 1413; 2009, N 12, Article 1429; N 25, Article.3060; N 41, st.4790; N 49, Art. 5970; 2010, N 22, st.2776; N 40, Article.5072; 2011, N 34, Article 4986; N 35, Article.5092; 2012, N 37, Article 4996; N 38, Art. 5102; 2015, N 2, Art.461; N 6, Article 965; N 15, st.2281.

Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 31, Art.3233; 2007, N 43, Art. 5202; 2008, N 9, Article 852; N 14, Article 1413; N 46, Art.5337; 2009, N 12, Article 1443; N 19, st.2346; N 25, Article.3060; N 47, Art. 5675: N 49, Art. 5970; 2010, N 9, Article 964; N 22, st.2776; N 40, Article.5072; 2011, N 15, st.2131; N 34, Article 4986; N 35, Article.5092; 2012, N 37, Article 4996; N 38, Art. 5102; N 53, st.7958; 2013, N 13, Article 1575; 2015, N 6, Article 965; N 12, Article 1758; N 15, st.2281; N 30, Article 4604; N 36, Article.5037; 2017, N 9, Article 1357; N 8, Article 1254.

1. To approve the attached.

2. To consider the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from February 1, 2017 No. 33 "on approval of the distribution of responsibilities between the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Deputy Ministers of Economic Development of the Russian Federation."

3. Control over the execution of this order is reserved.

M.S. Oorshkin

Distribution of duties between the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Deputy Ministers of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
july 28, 2017 N 384
(In the editorial office
order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
from November 8, 2018 N 608. -
See previous edition)

Distribution of duties between the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Deputy Ministers of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) establishes the following distribution of responsibilities between the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Deputy Ministers of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the distribution of obligations):

1. Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oreshkin Maxim Stanislavovich:

1.1. Represents the Ministry in relations with other state authorities, citizens and organizations.

1.2. Introduces projects to the Government of the Russian Federation federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents in which the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation is required on issues related to the established field of ministry and to the areas of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, except when otherwise Installed acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Releases orders that are regulatory, on operational and other current issues of the organization of the Ministry of the Ministry - the orders of an abnormative nature.

1.4. Annually approves the Federal Address Investment Program.

1.5. Performs the functions of the subject of budget planning and the main manager federal budget According to the Ministry of Activities enshrined.

1.6. Subject to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for the appointment and released from the post of Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, heads of subordinate minister of federal services and the federal agency and their deputies, exercises the authority of the representative of the employer in terms of concluding and termination of service contracts for passage Federal State Civil Service (on the basis of decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, respectively, on the appointment and release from office, and in the case of the conclusion of urgent service contracts with these persons who have reached the limit age in the civil service, with the consent of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation), As well as submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation on the assignment of class officials to these Federal State Civil servants, as well as proposals for their promotion, awarding or on the use of disciplinary measures to them, which require the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.7. Deals in the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for the limit staff number of employees central apparatus and the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry and the Foundation for the remuneration of their employees.

1.8. Approves the structure I. regular schedule The central apparatus and the coast of the ministry within the wage and number of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.9. Appoints and dismisses from office to submit managers to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, heads of the territorial bodies of federal services and the federal agency, and also appoints to the position and relies from the post of heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Agencies.

1.10. Exercises the following powers of the representative of the employer:

In relation to the deputy ministers, along with the authority specified in subparagraph 1.6:

approves job regulations;

approves vacation schedules;

provides holidays;

signs disability;

With respect to the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization:

provides holidays;

Regarding the heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, along with the authority specified in subparagraph 1.6:

coordinates the provision of vacations;

Regarding the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization:

concludes a service contract and approves the official regulations;

approves vacation schedule;

Regarding directors of departments and assistants (advisers) Minister:

appoints and dismissed from office;

concludes official contracts and approves job regulations;

approves vacation schedules;

provides holidays;

makes decisions about traveling through the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond the territory of the Russian Federation;

In relation to deputy directors of departments and head of the State Secrend \u200b\u200bProtection Department:

appoints and dismissed from office;

contributes service contracts and approves job regulations.

1.11. Makes decisions on the payment of premiums and one-time promotion, about providing material assistance Deputy Ministers, Directors of Department, Assistants (Advisors) Minister, heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization.

1.12. Presents in the prescribed manner of employees of the central apparatus and a ministries of the ministry, subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, their territorial bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Agencies, other persons working in the established field of activities of the Ministry, to the assignment of honorary and awarding the state awards of the Russian Federation, honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, to encourage the announcement of them than gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation, awarding the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation, the announcement of the gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.13. Estimates the signs of distinction and awards with them of employees of the central apparatus and the banking of the ministry, subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, their territorial bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Agencies, as well as other persons operating in the established field of the activities of the Ministry.

1.14. Approves within its competence, the list of information components of the state secret takes advantage of information to the state secret.

1.14.1. Coordinates the departure of the Russian Federation of Deputy Ministers, Assistants (Advisors) of the Minister, heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, directors of departments (temporarily performing their responsibilities according to the order), the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization, admitted to the information constituent The mystery, other employees of the ministry, admitted to the information constituting the state secret, in the first form.

1.14.2. Approves the conclusion about awareness in the information constituting a state secret, in relation to the deputy ministers, assistants (advisers) of the Minister, heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency, directors of departments (temporarily executing their responsibilities according to the order), the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization , his deputy, other employees of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, admitted to the information constituting the state secret, on the first form.

1.14.3. Deciding on the temporary limitation or possibility of departure from the Russian Federation against persons listed in subparagraph 1.14.1.

1.15. When coordinating and monitoring the activities of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency:

approves the annual work plan and indicators of the activities of federal services and the federal agency, as well as reports on their activities;

contributes to the Government of the Russian Federation to submit managers by the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency for the provisions of federal services and the federal agency;

contributes to the government of the Russian Federation to submit managers to the subordinate ministry of federal services and the federal agency proposal on the limiting staff of the federal services and the federal agency and the Foundation for the remuneration of their employees;

contributes to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposals for the formation of a draft federal budget in terms of financial support for the activities of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency;

has the right to cancel the subordinate to the federal legislation of the decision by the Ministry of Federal Services or the Federal Agency, unless otherwise of the cancellation of the decision is not established by federal law;

posters, if necessary, decision by the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency (their leaders) or cancel these decisions, unless otherwise of their cancellations are established by federal law;

approves the schemes for the placement of territorial bodies by the subordinate ministry of federal services and the federal agency;

approves model provisions on the territorial bodies of subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Services and the Federal Agency.

1.16. Ensures the implementation of functions related to the membership of the Russian Federation in the World Trade Organization and the accession and subsequent membership of the Russian Federation in the organization economic cooperation and development.

1.17. Coordinates and controls activities Federal Service state registration, Cadastre and cartography.
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 26, 2018 N 736.

1.18. Agrees the application of the penisters to managers of the territorial bodies of the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography and Federal Agency By management state propertyprovided for in paragraphs 1 -3 part 1 of article 57 and paragraphs 1 -3 of Article 59.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", according to the submission of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, respectively, the head of the Federal State Registration Services, Cadastre and Cartography or Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for Public Property Management.

1.19. Coordinates projects of regulatory legal acts of the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography and the Federal Agency for Public Property Management, if such coordination is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.20. Coordinates and controls the activities of the Department of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting.

1.21. Subparagraph is excluded - ..

1.22. The powers listed in this paragraph, with the exception of those specified in subparagraphs 1.2, 1.3, paragraph five, sixth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, twentieth, twenty-first subparagraph 1.10, paragraph of sub-paragraph 1.15, in subparagraphs 1.14.1-1.14.3 and 1.16, Relevant exclusively to the powers of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) and are not transferred to the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the fulfillment of the Minister during its temporary absence (due to illness, holiday, business trip).

2. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Abramchenko Victoria Valeryevna:

2.1. Performs the functions of the head of the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography.

2.2. Coordinates and controls the work of the real estate department.

3. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management of Presentation Dmitry Vladimirovich:

3. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Babich Mikhail Viktorovich:

(The item is additionally included by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 17, 2019 No. 336 by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 24, 2019 N 361.

Department of Eurasian Integration and CIS countries (with the exception of humanitarian assistance and support for the population of the Southeast of Ukraine);

Department of Development and Regulation foreign economic activity (in terms of providing international forums, conferences, seminars and other activities on border and interregional cooperation with the CIS countries);

Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and special projects (in terms of the national development platform).

4. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Galkin Sergey Sergeevich:

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of February 27, 2019 N 86.

4.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Project Management Department;

Tourism Department;

Department of Organizational Support and Communications.

4.2. Coordinates the work on the organization in the Ministry of Control over the implementation of orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Agency for Tourism.

5. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Gorky Sergey Nikolaevich:

Gorky Sergey Nikolaevich:

6. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Zabulin Vadim Aleksandrovich:

Vadim Vadim Aleksandrovich:

6.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Investment Policy and Entrepreneurship Development;

Department of Regional Development;

Department of Territorial Development Planning.

6.2. Provides the implementation of the functions of the Ministry to managing special economic zones in the manner and limits that are provided for by the Federal Law of July 22, 2005 N 116-FZ "On Special Economic Zones of the Russian Federation", as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Coordinates and controls the scientific activities of the federal state budget educational institution higher education " All-Russian Academy foreign trade Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation "in terms of applied scientific research in the spatial development of the Russian Federation, the socio-economic development of the regions, the placement of productive forces.

6.1. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Sotelsky Peter Vladimirovich:

(Item is additionally included by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 26, 2018 N 736)

Coordinates and controls the work of the Department of Performance and Efficiency.

7. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maximov Timur Igorevich:

Maksimov Timur Igorevich:

(The point in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of June 24, 2019 No. 361.

7.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Trade Negotiations;

Department of Development and Regulation of Foreign Economic Activities (with the exception of providing international forums, conferences, seminars and other events on border and interregional cooperation with the CIS countries);

Department of Analytical Support of Foreign Economic Activities;

Department of Development of Bilateral Cooperation;

Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects.

7.2. Coordinates and controls the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation" in terms of the main directions of its activities.

8. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Nazarov Sergey Makarovich:

Nazarov Sergey Makarovich:

(The point in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of June 24, 2019 No. 361.

8.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Implementation of Regional Investment Programs and Coordination of the Socio-Economic Development of Regions;

Department of Eurasian Integration and CIS countries (in terms of humanitarian assistance issues and support for the population of the South-East of Ukraine).

8.2. Provides the implementation of the functions of the ministry in cases established by the Federal Law of November 29, 2014 N 377-FZ "On the development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol and the free economic zone in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol", in the field of socio-economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Svastopol.

9. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Rasstrigin Mikhail Alekseevich:

Rasstrigin Mikhail Alekseevich:

Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology;

Department of State Regulation of Tariffs and Infrastructure Reforms;

Department of Development Sector Economics.

10. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Talbov Azer Mutalim oglu:

Taliban Azer Mutalim oglu:

10.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Legal department;

paragraph is excluded - order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 14, 2019 N 4;

Financial Department;

Department of state targeted programs and capital investments;

Department of Budget Planning and State Programs;

Department of Business Management;

Department of Protection of State Secrets.
(Subparagraph in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 26, 2018 N 736.

10.2. Coordinates and controls the work of the Department of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting in terms of operational and current issues of organizing activities.

10.3. Exercises the authority of the representative of the employer in relation to the staff of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation, the Department of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, except for the authority of the representative of the employer, assigned to the exceptional powers of the Minister.

10.4. Coordinates the appointment, awarding, promotion, dismissal, as well as job regulations of directors of departments, deputy directories of departments, assistants (advisers) of the Minister.

10.5. It makes decisions on the commissioning of employees of the Ministry, with the exception of deputy ministers, assistants (advisers) of the Minister, directors of departments in the Russian Federation and beyond the territory of the Russian Federation.

10.6. It provides a vacation and approves holiday schedule against the head of the State Secrend \u200b\u200bProtection Department, and also agrees the provision of holidays to the heads of subordinate to the Ministry of Agencies.

10.7. Coordinates and controls activity:

Federal state institution "Support Center";
(Paragraph as amended by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 14, 2019 N 4.

Federal budget institution Health Care "Medical Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation";

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution vocational education "Higher courses of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(center) of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation";

Federal budgetary institution "Federal Resource Center for the Organization of Management Personnels";

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation" (with the exception of issues related to the competence of the Deputy Minister of Labulina V.A. and Maksimova T.I.).

10.7.1. Subparagraph is additionally included by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 26, 2018 N 736, excluded - the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 14, 2019 N 4 ..

10.8. With regard to federal budgetary institutions listed in paragraph 10.7 of this distribution of obligations, the following powers are carried out:

makes decisions on the coordination of the disposal of real estate and especially valuable driving property, enshrined on the right of operational management;

approves financial and economic activities;

determines the lists of particularly valuable movable property and real Estatefixed with them or acquired at the expense of the funds allocated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia for the acquisition of such property;

approves government assignments and regulatory costs for the provision of public services (performance).

10.9. Provides the functions and powers of the founder of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Foundation for the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere" (with the exception of issues related to the competence of the Deputy Minister Gorkykov S.N.).

10.10. Directly coordinates and controls the work on the provision of information in the Ministry of Security, containing information that make up state secrets, service information of limited distribution, as well as other types of protected information.

10.11. Organizes the work on the protection of information from the technical means of intelligence.

10.12. Coordinates the planning and implementation of activities on the use of information technologies in the ministry's activities.

10.13. He has been managed by the activities of the ministry's specialists in the permanent missions of the Russian Federation under international organizations.

10.14. Performs the functions of the representative of the employer in relation to the employees of the Ministry of the Ministry, with the exception of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Orders and its Deputy, as well as the authority to approve official regulations of employees of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization.

10.15. Giving holidays to the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization.

10.16. Coordinates the departure outside the Russian Federation of employees of the Ministry of the Ministry, admitted to the information constituting the state secret, with the exception of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization.

10.17. Approves the conclusion about awareness in the information constituting state secrets, with respect to employees of the Ministry of the Ministry of Ministries, admitted to the information constituting the state secret, with the exception of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the World Trade Organization.

10.18. Deciding on the temporary limitation or possibility of departure from the Russian Federation against the persons listed in subparagraph 10.16.

10.1. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Tarasenko Oksana Valerievna:

(The item is additionally included by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 14, 2019 N 4; as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of April 3, 2019 No. 182.

10.1.1. Coordinates and controls the work of the Corporate Governance Department.

10.1.2. Coordinates and controls the work of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation in Part:

development public Policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of monitoring and supervision in the field of legal protection and use of the results of intellectual activities of civil, military, special and dual-use, created at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget, control and supervision in the specified area of \u200b\u200bactivities in relation to state customers and organizations - executors of state contracts providing for research, experimental and design and technological work, as well as regulatory regulation of issues related to the provision of public services in the field of legal protection of inventions, useful models, industrial designs, programs for electronic computing machines, databases and topologies of integrated circuits, including those part of uniform technology, trademarks , service signs and items of places of origin of goods;

implementation by the Ministry of Powers in cases provided for by the Federal Law "On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

10.1.3. Coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, the Federal Intellectual Property Service.

10.1.4. Controls the activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Foundation for the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere", approves the establishment of a state task for the provision of public services (performance).

11. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Torosov Ilya Eduardovich:

Torosov Ilya Eduardovich:

11.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Financial and Banking and Investment Development;

Department social Development.

11.2. Coordinates and controls the work of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation in terms of the development of state policies and regulatory regulations in the field of support for socially oriented non-commercial organizations.

12. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Shipov Savva Vitalyevich:

(The point in the wording enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of February 27, 2019 N 86.

12.1. Coordinates and controls the work:

Department of Public Administration;

Department of control and supervisory and permit activities;

Adjustment Evaluation Department;

Department legal basis digital economy.

12.2. Coordinates and monitors the activities of the Federal Accreditation Service, the Federal State Statistics Service.

13. Deputy Ministers of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

13.1. Interact (including correspondence) with state authorities and local governments, citizens and organizations, as well as the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern federal District, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Head of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

13.2. Interact (including instructions) with federal services and federal agencies.

13.3. We are holding meetings with representatives of state bodies, local governments and organizations.

13.4. Consider the documents and materials received to the Ministry of Appeal.

13.5. Consider and visiting draft documents submitted to the signature to the Minister.

13.6. Coordinate projects of acts and other documents, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, sign the conclusions on them.

13.7. The authority of the representative of the employer in relation to employees of coordinated departments, except for the authority of the representative of the employer in relation to directors and deputy directors of departments, assigned to the exceptional powers of the minister.

13.8. Make orders on operational and other current issues related to the areas of activity of coordinated departments, unless otherwise attributed to regulatory legal acts and the real distribution of responsibilities for the exclusive powers of the minister.

13.9. Provide effective and uniform fulfillment of the consumables of the ministry, carry out the functions of a representative of the State Customer in the implementation of the procurement of goods, works, services to provide state needs for activities, and also sign state contracts and other civil-law agreements, financial and economic and other estimated documents Ministries on the basis of ministerial powers issued and orders.

Coordinate in part scientific activity State tasks and regulatory costs for the provision of public services (execution state work) Coordinated subordinate federal budgetary institutions.

13.10. They carry out other powers stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Rules of the Ministry, other acts of the ministry and decisions of the Minister.

13.11. Present the ministry in government commissions, councils and organizational committees, interdepartmental coordination and advisory bodies (hereinafter - interdepartmental authorities).

Representatives of the ministry in these interdepartmental bodies are determined by the Minister.

13.12. In order to fulfill the entrusted duties, schedule schedules of deputy directors of coordinated and controlled departments provide them with their leave, agree on the decision on the community on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond the territory of the Russian Federation.

13.13. Considerate the departure of the Russian Federation of employees coordinated by them departments admitted to state secret, with the exception of directors of departments.

13.14. Approve the conclusions of awareness in the information constituting state secrets regarding the employees of the departments coordinated by them, with the exception of the directors of departments.

13.15. Decisions on the temporary limitation or possibility of departure from the Russian Federation regarding the persons listed in subparagraph 13.13.

14. Temporary execution scheme of the duties of deputy ministers:

(The point in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of June 17, 2019 No. 336.

questions Abramchenko V.V. Considers Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Zubilyulin V.A., or, in his absence, Rasprigin MA, or, in his absence, Torosov I.E., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Maximov T.I., or, in his absence, Galkin S. S., or, in his absence, salty P.V., or, in his absence, Babich M.V.;

questions Babic M.V. Considers Maximov T.I., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Pottskaya P.V., or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Viilyulin V.A., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Torosov N. E., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Abramchenko V.V.;

questions Galkina S.S. Considers Talybov A.M., or, in its absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Lishulin V.A., or, in his absence, Toros, I.E., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Potto, P.V., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V. B., or, in her absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Maximov T.I;

questions Viilyulina V.A. Consisters Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Toros I.E., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Pottsky P.V., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V.V., or, in her absence, Babich M. B., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Maximov T.I;

questions of Selodsky P.V. Torosov I.E., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, V. Zhilulin, or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Talbov A.M., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin M.A., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O. V., or, in her absence, Abramchenko V.V., or, in her absence, Maximov T.I;

questions Maksimova T.I. considers Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Sillsky P.V., or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Zaglulin V.A., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Torosov I. E., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Abramchenko V.V.;

questions Nazarov S.M. V.A. Zhilulin considers, or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Raspir MA, or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Toros, I.E., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V. B., or, in her absence, Maksimov T.I., or, in his absence, salty P.V.;

questions Rasstigar MA Considers Toros I.E., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Zubilyulin V.A., or, in his absence, spikes S.V., or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V. B., or, in her absence, Maksimov T.I., or, in his absence, salty P.V.;

questions Talybova A.M. Considers Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Zubilyulin V.A., or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V.V., or, in her absence, Toros I. E., or, in his absence, Maksimov T.I., or, in his absence, salty P.V.;

questions Tarasenko O.V. Considers Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Zubilyulin V.A., or, in his absence, Torosov I.E., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Ssettsky P.V., or, in his absence, Galkin S. S., or, in his absence, Abramchenko V.V., or, in her absence, Maximov T.I;

questions Torosova I.E. Considers Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Lishulin V.A., or, in his absence, Talbov A.M., or, in his absence, Shipov S.V., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in its absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, Abramchenko V. B., or, in her absence, Maksimov T.I., or, in his absence, salty P.V.;

questions Schipova S.V. V.A. Zhulin considers, or, in his absence, Babich M.V., or, in his absence, Talybov A.M., or, in his absence, Rasstrigin MA, or, in his absence, torosa I.E., or, in his absence, Galkin S.S., or, in his absence, Nazarov S.M., or, in his absence, Tarasenko O.V., or, in her absence, Abramchenko V. V., or, in her absence, Maksimov T.I., or, in his absence, Ssettsky P.V.

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"

August 19, 2019, Business Wednesday. Development of competition Approved Rules for the implementation of the Plan of Events "Transformation of Business Climate" Resolution of August 10, 2019 No. 1042, an order of August 10, 2019 №1795-p. Decisions will allow to create comprehensive system For the formation, monitoring and monitoring of the implementation plan "Transformation of the Business Climate", establish the authority of expert groups and increase responsibility for the results of their activities, as well as involve entities of entrepreneurial activities in the process of regulatory improvement of business conditions.

August 15, 2019, National Project "International Cooperation and Export" Approved a strategy for the development of exports of services until 2025 Order of August 14, 2019 №1797-p. The purpose of the strategy is to create prerequisites for increasing competitiveness russian services In global markets and the formation of attractive conditions in Russia based on approaches to regulation and taxation of export activities.

August 12, 2019, history. Memory Approved by the Federal Target Program "Empowerment of the memory of the victims when defending the Fatherland for 2019-2024" Resolution of August 9, 2019 No. 1036. As part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program, the perpetuation of the memory of those killed during the protection of the Fatherland for 2019-2024 "is planned, in particular, the arrangement and restoration of military burials in Russia, applying for memorial plates at the place of burial of the victims of the died when defending the Fatherland.

August 12, 2019. The government has introduced a draft law on changes in the system of state registration of intellectual property Order of August 9, 2019 №1771-p. The draft law is aimed at developing digital services in the field of examination and state registration of intellectual property. It is envisaged, in particular, that patents and certificates of state registration will be issued by Rospatent electronic form. It is also proposed to establish the ability to include in applications for intellectual property objects three-dimensional models of these objects in electronic form.

August 6, 2019, Federal Property Management The government has introduced a bill to the State Duma to change the procedure for approving the requirements for reporting companies with state institutions Order of August 6, 2019 №1750-p. In accordance with the current legislation, the competence of the High Authority of the State Corporation and Public Administration includes the approval of the long-term program of its activities and development providing for the implementation of production, investment and financial indicators, or another long-term planning document. The main planning document of the public-legal company is a development strategy that determines the main directions, targets and the expected results of its activities for a period of at least five years. In order to increase the efficiency of use by state corporations, state-owned companies and public-legal companies of budget funds, the draft law is invited to make changes to a number of federal laws defining legal status State corporations, state-owned companies and public legal companies. The Russian government is invited to endow the authority to approve the requirements for the form and content of their annual reports on the implementation of development programs, development strategies.

July 29, 2019. The Commission on draft law approved the draft law on changes in the system of state registration of intellectual property The draft law is aimed at developing digital services in the field of examination and state registration of intellectual property. It is envisaged, in particular, that patents and certificates of state registration will be issued by Rospatent in electronic form. It is also proposed to establish the ability to include in applications for intellectual property objects three-dimensional models of these objects in electronic form.

July 23, 2019. On the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Order of July 22, 2019 №1630-R

July 19, 2019. About State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Order of July 17, 2019 №1558-p

July 15, 2019. The Commission on Legal Activities approved the draft law on the refinement of the procedure for compensation for the forced dissemination of real estate for state needs on the territories attached to Moscow In pursuance of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2019 No. 9-p. The adoption of the draft law will allow the possibility of implementing the owner or other copyright holder of the identified property of the right to obtain a fair and equivalent compensation for the forced seizure of real estate.

July 8, 2019. Commission on draft law approved the draft law on the formation unified Registry Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Subjects - Support Recipients The draft law provides for the formation of a single registry on the basis of information on the subjects of SME recipients of support, which are included in the relevant registers of federal and regional authorities, local governments, JSC "SME Corporation", are determined by suppliers of such information and the procedure for their submission to the FTS of Russia.


Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation.

The economic situation in the country depends on how effective the activity will lead to. Issues of economics, its development, assessment investment projects, modernization, and so on. The Ministry of Economic Development is engaged. His head stands the Minister of Economy. He is approved by the Government of the country by decree of the president on the basis of the recommendation of the Chairman of the Government. After agreement, the new minister takes office and begins to fulfill his duties. Consider more, who is such a minister of the economy, who is currently it is, what is his duties, what does it do and what is responsible for?

Minister of Economy.

The Minister of Economics is headed by the Ministry of Economy - the Federal Executive Body of the Russian authorities, which develops a strategy for economic development, foreign economic work, trade with other states.

The history of the Ministry of Economic Development began in 2008. Prior to that, he was preceded by other bodies responsible for the country's economy. During its work, the ministry was headed by many well-known politicians. So, from May 2000 - to September 2007, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development was G.O.Gref. From September 2007 - by May 2012 - E.S.Nabiullina. From May 2012 - to June 2013 - A.R. Belousov. From June 2013 - at the moment - Ulyukaev Alexey Valentinovich.

The Minister of Economy appoints deputies who are responsible for the work of 26 departments subordinate to the Ministry, such as the Federal Property Management Agency, Rospatent, Rosrester, Rosstat, Ministry of Justice, FCS, etc.

A.V. Yulukayev was born in Moscow on March 23, 1956. He graduated from Moscow State University in the specialty of economist, graduate school, received the title of Doctor Economy. AUCH and the title of Doctor of Economics of French University in Grenoble. He worked as an adviser on economic issues under government, assistant deputy. The Chairman of the Government, Deputy Finance Minister, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He loves to compose poems (published a collection "Spent and Fire"), has three children, wrote several scientific work on the economic development of the country, has many state awards.

Responsibilities of the Minister of Finance.

The list of duties is quite wide. He is engaged in:

  • leadership of his department,
  • pulling regulatory documents and orders
  • speaking duties between your chammas
  • determines the level of responsibility of the managers of the structures controlled by him,
  • contributes to the appointment or removal from the post of employees of the Ministry,
  • solves questions about the passage of the civil servuel in the state agencies of the country,
  • coordinates staffing and salary fund of the ministry staff,
  • signs the budget for the maintenance of the control unit,
  • awards distinguished employees
  • he is a member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Economy to consider the most important issues and problems of economic and social policy, personnel permutations, inland trade.

The minister also participates in solving economic issues, regulates the relations of the subjects of the country and the state at the international level. It applies to his tasks:

  • Analysis and forecast of the socio-economic development of the country.
  • Development of the business environment and entrepreneurship (SME).
  • Implementation of the state control and municipal supervision of legal entities.
  • Licensing centers to confirm compliance and protection of information constituting the state secret.
  • Regulation of macroeconomics: economic cycles, growth, unemployment rate, price level, money turnover, trade balance of the country, etc.
  • Lobbying anti-corruption policy.
  • Controls for export and import operations.
  • Conducting competitions for the supply of goods and services for the state.
  • Development of solutions for the stable development of the Russian Federation and its foreign economic interactions.
  • Analysis of the situation of the country based on the methods of regulating the economic and social area.
  • Preparation of the rationale for the state, related to the defense capability and state security of the country.
  • Formation of investment policy of the Russian Federation.
  • Creating a complex of measures to optimize the presence of the state in economic activity.
  • Participation in the implementation of the country's security activities, exclusion economic threats From the outside, the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation, the participants of the WED, manufacturers and buyers of goods and services.
  • Policy in the field of internal trade, areas of services and the local market.
  • Creating favorable conditions for the withdrawal of local goods to the world market and infusion of the country into the intercountry trade.
  • Creating a favorable atmosphere to attract overseas investments.
  • Development of measures to regulate monetary and credit relations with other countries.
  • Formation of union policy and relationships, Free Sale zones, one trading space in the CIS countries, the Customs Union,
  • Account Control foreign currency on foreign trade operations.
  • Protection of the population B. emergency situations As part of its competence.
  • Drawing up forecasts for the development of sectors of the economy in short, medium-, long-term perspective.
  • Preparation of reports and reports on economic condition countries, subjects and in relation to other states.
  • Development of measures to eliminate the disproportions of the economy.
  • Search for ways to optimal development of priority industries and transformation of institutions of the economy.
  • Creating draft legislation or rules and making them for consideration into the Russian government.
  • Development of a consolidated balance in the country and subjects, as well as the budget of their development, etc.

Thus, the role of the Minister of Economy and the Ministry of Economic Development in the activities of the country is great. With a competent approach, it can affect welfare and financial stability States both within the country and internationally.

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation) - It is the federal executive body that performs functions to develop state policies and regulatory legal regulation for a number of areas.

Hasional state authority: Government of the Russian Federation.

Source: http://www.economy.gov.ru/wps/wcm/connect/economylib4/mer/main/

Directions of the activities of the Ministry of Economic Development

Currently, the ministry performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the following areas:

  • macroeconomics,
  • financial markets and the International Financial Center,
  • strategic planning, FDP, Faip and HPP,
  • support and development of small and medium-sized businesses,
  • foreign economic activity
  • investment policy
  • anti-corruption policy
  • special economic zones,
  • state guarantees,
  • the property,
  • administrative reform
  • assessment of regulatory impact
  • "Electronic Government",
  • corporate governance
  • regulation of state procurement,
  • energy Efficiency,
  • innovation
  • environmental management
  • restructuring sectors natural monopolies,
  • privatization of federal property
  • effective management of public property,
  • economy social sphere,
  • preparation of management personnel,
  • development of the economy of the regions,
  • competition development
  • geodesy and cartography,
  • formation of a single economic space.

The history of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is the successor of the State University of the USSR, which has existed until 1990. The initial objectives of the department were national development planning national economy USSR and control over the implementation of national economic plans. After the collapse of the USSR, it was necessary to reorient the activities of the department.

The first substantial transformation was carried out in 1990. Instead of the government committee of the RSFSR in economics, the State Committee of the RSFSR was created. A year later, July 30, 1991, the Committee was transformed into the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR. From this point on to the present, the Office reserves the positions of the Federal Ministry.

The ministry has repeatedly changed the name and sphere of competence:

1991 - the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR was united with the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR called the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR;

february 1992 - ministries are again divided into two independent departments: the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

may 2000 - the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation was formed, which was submitted part of the functions of the abolished Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Russian Federation for CIS Affairs, the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation, the State Committee on the Affairs of the North, the Federal Service for the Russian Federation for currency and export control and transformed ministry of the Russian Federation physical culture, sports and tourism;

may 2008 - Functions to regulate trade issues transferred to the Transformed Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the MAR Renamed to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Structure of the Ministry of Economic Development

Management of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is represented by the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and its eight frills.

Source: http://www.conomy.gov.ru/wps/wcm/connect/economylib4/mer/about/structure/ulukaev

The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation leads the activities of Russia's sales offices abroad

Deputy Minister of Minister Ministry of Economic Development

  • Nikolai Radievich Dogyov
  • Fomichev Oleg Vladislavovich
  • Belyakov Sergey Yuryevich
  • Korolev Pavel Eduardovich
  • Reva Igor Alexandrovich
  • ELIN Evgeny Ivanovich
  • (also leader)

Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Economic Development choke key departments. Currently, in the structure of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 26 departments, of which 22 - on the activities of the Ministry, 5 - Foreign Economic Activities, 1 - Legal Department, 3 - personnel and administrative and financial support of the Ministries:

  • Contract System Development Department
  • Department of state regulation in the economy
  • Department of State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency
  • Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments
  • Department of Property Relations
  • Department of Investment Policy and Development of Public Partnership
  • Department of Corporate Governance
  • Department of Real Estate
  • Special Department economic zones, projects for the development of regions and monogenic
  • Department of Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and Competition
  • Department of Development Sector Economics
  • Department of Asia and Africa
  • Department of Ministry's activities
  • Department of Europe and America
  • Department of International Organizations
  • Department of Strategic Management, State Program and Investment Projects
  • Department of Trade Negotiators
  • Department of personnel and organizational development
  • Department of Social Development and Priority Program
  • Department of Interaction with Authorities and Economic Cooperation with CIS countries
  • Legal Department
  • Department of Coordination, Development and Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity
  • Complete Department of Macroeconomic Forecasting
  • Finance Department
  • Adjustment Evaluation Department
  • Department of Innovative Development

Federal services and agencies, jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

  • Federal Accreditation Service (Rosacreditation)
  • Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
  • Federal Agency for State Reserves (Roszerv)
  • Federal State Property Management Agency (Rosimushchestvo)
  • Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent)

Also, a number of medical, research, educational and other institutions, and other institutions, also to the Ministry of Economic Development.

Events of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is the organizer or corpohanizer of a number of events held in Russia and abroad. Including:

  • International Investment Forum in Sochi.


Official website of the Ministry of Economic Development: http://www.conomy.gov.ru/

Address: 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, A-47, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya st., D.1.3

"On the system and structure of federal executive bodies" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of economic development, foreign economic activity, trade, customs, state statistics, tariffs of subjects of natural monopolies, federal property management, Insolvency (bankruptcy) of organizations, management of the state material reserve, real estate, entrepreneurship and small businesses.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation operates directly and through its territorial bodies.

2. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation coordinates the activities of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Service for Tariffs, the Federal Agency for State Reserves, the Federal Agency for Real Estate Objects, the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management .

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation coordinates activities Russian Foundation federal property.

3. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation manages the activities of representative offices of the Russian Federation for Trade and Economic issues in foreign statesah, as well as together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the activities of the Trade and Economic Departments of the Embassies of the Russian Federation.

4. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation independently carry out legal regulationAlso develops and submits to the Government of the Russian Federation projects of federal constitutional laws, federal laws and acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation on the following issues:

1) the formation of programs and plans of socio-economic reforms;

2) analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development, consolidated financial balances in the Russian Federation, subjects and regions of the Russian Federation, industries and sectors of the national economy;

3) monitoring socio-economic processes in the Russian Federation;

4) trade economic relations with foreign states;

5) trade and economic relations and economic integration of the Russian Federation with CIS member states;

6) economic bases the formation of an allied state;

7) the formation of a single economic space;

8) Economic Relations of the Russian Federation with foreign states, their unions and international organizations;

9) technical assistance European Union, foreign countries and international organizations;

10) domestic trade;

11) Development of e-commerce;

12) the use of special protective, anti-dumping and compensation measures during the import of goods;

13) non-tariff and tariff regulation of exports and imports of goods, with the exception of goods subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on export control;

14) governmental support exhibition and fair activities;

15) economic support state program weapons, plans and programs of military construction, law enforcement and state security;

16) Mobilization preparation of the country's economy;

17) State defense order;

18) State Material Reserve;

19) the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

20) Classifiers for technical and economic and social information, national accounts;

21) the functioning of economic information systems;

22) state regulation in economics;

23) depreciation policy;

24) management, disposal and privatization of federal property;

25) state regulation of prices (tariffs);

26) failure (bankruptcy) and financial recovery;

27) the formation of interstate and federal targeted programs;

28) the definition of projects and programs of federal importance, the financing of which is advisable to exercise at the expense of government borrowing among international financial organizations;

29) investment activities and public investment;

30) state export support;

31) entrepreneurial activities, including medium and small business;

32) state statistics;

33) the creation of non-state regulation mechanisms (self-regulation) of entrepreneurial activity;

34) customs tariff policy and customs, except for determining the customs value of goods and vehicle and the procedure for calculating and collecting tax payments;

35) territorial zoning and land relations;

36) land market and other real estate;

37) Cadastral registration of real estate objects;

38) the formation of state and municipal information resources and access to citizens and organizations;

39) Procurement of goods, work, the provision of services for state needs;

41) the development of competition;

42) the creation of Russian exporters of goods and services of favorable conditions for access to the market of foreign countries.

5. Allow the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation to have 2 deputy ministers, as well as up to 16 departments on the main activities of the Ministry.

6. To establish the limit number of employees of the central office of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1940 units (without personnel on the protection and maintenance of buildings), employees of territorial bodies - 346 units (without personnel on the protection and maintenance of buildings).

7. Agree with the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation on the placement in the prescribed manner of its central office in Moscow, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya st., Houses 1 and 3, 1st Brest Str., Houses 2 and 10 , Nikolsky per., 6 (2nd floor), Ovchinnikovskaya Nab.,

18/1, ul. Myasnitskaya, 47, and Smolenskaya Square, 32/34.

8. Recognize invalid:

decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2000 N 488 "Questions of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 28, Art. 2978);

decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2000 N 689 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2000 N 488" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 39, Art. 3867);

paragraph 2 of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2001 N 786 "On Placement structural units Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 47, Art. 4451);

paragraph 1 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2002 N 163 "On Amendments and Additions to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2000 N 488" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 12, Art. 1140).


GovernmentsRussian Federation

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