
Loan against a contract for legal entities. Loans for contracts and auctions. Credit for the execution of a government contract

31.10.2013 | Rosfirm news service

Contract financing

The Solev company offers a relatively new credit product-contract financing.

A distinctive feature of this financial service for borrowing funds is that funds are provided against the security of claims under the concluded contract.

This type of financing has long been used in a number of countries, helping businesses to develop harmoniously and making them less dependent on unstable cash receipts from customers.

What is contract financing for?

Nowadays, many enterprises and organizations do not have enough funds to quickly perform work, even with lucrative signed contracts.

The problem is that the receipt of funds from customers is sometimes delayed or, in general, the advance payment is not provided for by the contract, and the contractor has to carry out work on own funds which are often quite limited. Especially often, this phenomenon occurs when performing construction and installation work of a large volume, government supplies and the release of high-tech and expensive products with a long production cycle. Such a state of affairs is fraught with failure to meet the deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations, and with rush jobs and large penalties.

It is in order for enterprises to start work on time under the contract that this financing exists, which is most often in the form of a revolving credit line. This frees companies from payment problems. wages employees, and payments for supply and outsourcing contracts.

Benefits of Contract Finance

  • You can lend to enterprises and organizations with a significant debt burden. The main condition in this case will conclude a contract with reliable customers (state, enterprises oil and gas complex, large retail chains and industrial holdings)
  • When financing a group of companies, one can take into account not only the financial condition of an individual company, but also the entire group as a whole.
  • No collateral is required, the provision of which can be quite problematic and is associated with the collection and provision of a large number of documents.
  • It is possible to provide credit lines even to enterprises with relatively low turnover, which gives them the opportunity to develop economically and increase production volumes.
  • Opening a revolving line of credit allows businesses to more freely dispose of funds, re-borrow and repay debt at their discretion. This saves the management of the companies from looking for funds during the execution of the contract.
  • Renewable credit line can be opened opens immediately after the start of the contract, which allows you to get started faster.
  • Interest on this kind lending is average for the market, which does not create an increased financial burden for the enterprise.

Thanks to all these advantages, contract financing will allow campaigns to expand and develop through the conclusion of large contracts, while avoiding financial problems... This will increase profits and help create jobs, etc.

Sberbank offers New Product for small businesses, aimed at supporting entrepreneurs. Credit "Business Contract" allows you to finance or refinance the costs of the execution of government, export contracts and contracts domestic market, as well as refinance similar loans from other banks.

In this article, we will consider the features of the loan, tell you on what conditions Sberbank provides bank guarantees, and also analyze the terms of loans for the execution of government contracts of other large banks.

What is a bank guarantee?

How do you convince your supplier that payments for goods and services will come? Most The best way Is to get a personal guarantee from an independent financial institution... Thus, the bank guarantee ensures the fulfillment of the assumed contractual obligations and does not require direct financial investments. In the absence of payment in deadlines the supplier can apply to the bank to receive payment for goods and services.

A bank guarantee under a government contract remains the most reliable and in a simple way securing the contractual obligations of both parties. Its essence lies in the provision by the bank of the written obligations of the state company about monetary compensation in case the contractor does not fulfill his obligations under the contract.

To provide public procurement only an irrevocable guarantee with severe restrictions is used (the bank cannot recall, reduce or amend the documents without the knowledge of the state company). You can get it in almost all large banks, for this you need to write an application and attach the necessary documents.

There are such types of warranty obligations:

· Payment guarantee - the bank pays the agreed amount to the manufacturer or seller in case of non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

· Guarantee of the return of the advance payment - the bank returns the advance payment if the applicant refuses to fulfill his financial obligations.

· Tender guarantee - issued to the participant of the auction and guarantees to its organizer the payment of funds in case of victory of the participant.

· Guarantee for the tour operator - mandatory for all tour operators and guarantees the fulfillment of obligations to tourists and travel agencies.

· Guarantee in favor of the customs and tax authorities.

The best conditions are usually offered by the banks in which the company is served. The longer the period of cooperation, the more favorable the terms of the guarantee. Even if you have found a better option on the side, it is worth informing your bank. So as not to lose regular customers credit institutions try to maintain a flexible policy and make concessions. It should be borne in mind that a prerequisite for issuing a guarantee is to open a bank account.

Program conditions

In Sberbank, a Business Contract loan is issued for a period of up to 36 months in the amount of RUB 500,000 to RUB 200,000,000 (in some cases up to RUB 600,000,000). However, the maximum amount cannot exceed 70% -80% of the contract amount. Interest rate is determined individually and depends on financial condition borrower, collateral and other factors. Roughly 15,000,000 to 50,000,000 rubles for a period of 24 months will accrue 15.69% per annum. The payment schedule is adjusted to the receipt of the proceeds under the contract.

The security can be a surety of individuals or legal entities, a pledge of property rights under a contract or a pledge of movable (immovable) property, as well as guarantees from the Agency of Credit Guarantees.

Commission for the issuance of the contract and for early repayment is absent, however, monthly for half of the loan term, a loan service fee is taken for the execution of the export contract in the amount of 1.5% per annum of 70% of the loan amount. Insurance of the pledged property is compulsory, except for cases of pledging property rights for the entire amount of the transaction.

The application is considered by the bank within 3-5 working days, financing is made in the form bank loan, credit line with free regime or sampling schedule, frame line. A loan can be obtained by companies-residents of the Russian Federation with an annual revenue not exceeding 400,000,000 rubles, operating for at least 3 (trading companies) or 12 months (other enterprises). When submitting an application, it is necessary to provide constituent and registration documents, financial statements and documents on economic activities.

Offers from other banks

Otkritie Bank offers the Bank Guarantee program, which provides loan obligations without diverting funds from the company's turnover in the amount of up to 6,000,000 rubles without collateral. The warranty period is determined individually within 24 months. Collateral can be movable and real estate, transport, equipment, goods in circulation. The interest rate and commission are set on a case-by-case basis.

The Bank of Moscow operates the State Contract program. The loan is issued to finance a state or municipal order for a period of up to 24 months. The amount is calculated depending on the size of the contract and can range from 1,000,000 to 150,000,000 rubles, but no more than 70% of the transaction value and no more than 85% of the cost of executing an order at the same time.

Funds under the contract are issued in a lump sum or within the framework of a credit line with a disbursement limit. The payment schedule is set depending on the conditions of the delivery. The size of the interest rate depends on the financial condition of the borrower and is determined after assessing the creditworthiness. A prerequisite for the client, the term of doing business is not less than 12 months (in this area) and the distance from the bank unit is not more than 200 kilometers.

In Rosselkhozbank under the "Goskontrakt" program, loans are issued in the amount of up to 45,000,000 rubles and may be equal to the maximum transaction price. The repayment schedule is set separately for each client, depending on the timing of the receipt of the proceeds. Funds for the execution of a state or municipal application are issued for a period of up to 12 months and are secured by a guarantee of the spouse (for individual entrepreneurs) or key shareholders, as well as a pledge of property. The term of the company must be at least 12 months.

Benefits of financing

The market for government and commercial contracts in last years has become quite relevant, it has great potential, so banks are actively developing this area.

The Business Contract product allows Sberbank to finance the execution of orders and offers favorable conditions for the development of private business and participation in public procurement. On this moment Sberbank ranks first in terms of the number of issued bank guarantees in the segment up to 8,000,000 rubles and continues to actively develop the market.

To participate in the auction for the right to conclude an agreement with government organization you need to have security for the application - the amount of money established by the conditions, which will be returned in case of refusal to cooperate or will act as a guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations. However, after the conclusion of the state contract, money is needed to implement it. Legal entities that belong to the category of small businesses, not all can afford to withdraw money from circulation; therefore, an alternative option for business development are loans for performance against collateral and without it.

Conditions for obtaining a loan for a government contract

A loan can be issued in a standard form - a one-time disbursement of funds or in the form of a credit line (revolving or not). Sometimes requirements are put forward according to which entity to finance government contracts must open a checking account with the lender.

Terms of issue:

  1. In Russian rubles.
  2. No more than 90% of the contract amount or the company's annual revenue (the highest value is chosen).
  3. Validity - the period for concluding the contract and an additional 30 days. However, in the absence of payment from the outside budgetary institution, which is not uncommon, an extension or refinancing is possible.
  4. The period and amount of repayment depend on the terms of payment specified in the contract.

Table - Tariffs for loans

Name B&N Bank Alfa Bank Loco Bank Oriental
Minimum amount, rub. 1 000 000 100 000 500 000
Lending limit, rub. 45 000 000 50 000 000 70% of the contract amount 20 000 000 50,000,000, but not more than 30% of the contract price
Term, months 24 12 Contract period Contract period + 60 days, but not more than 36 months 63
Opening a current account necessarily Not necessary
pledge Equipment, transport, real estate, deposit Contract revenue Contract revenue Revenue from the contract and surety from business owners Equipment, transport, real estate, contract proceeds
Payment grace period, months 3 Individually discussed No Payment at the end of the contract
Interest rates,% per year 10,5 Installed for each client separately 11% 19,5-22 18,5

Important! The loan is targeted and is allocated in accordance with Article 96 of Law No. 44-FZ. The purpose of lending from organizations is to replenish working capital to fulfill the terms of the contract or investment financing within the framework of Federal Law No. 223-FZ.

The repayment of the principal debt is established in one of the following ways:

  • monthly or quarterly;
  • at the end of the contract.

Requirements for clients

To receive money for the execution of the contract, it is necessary:

  1. Conduct activities for at least 6 months, for individual entrepreneurs - 12.
  2. Have a positive story.
  3. Experience in performing contracts in the last 12-24 months.
  4. The reporting should not include overdue debts to suppliers and contractors, outstanding obligations to the Federal Tax Service and personnel.
  5. Lack of measures to declare the company or owners insolvent (bankrupt).

The surety of the business owners will be required.

Many credit institutions have restrictions on the types of activities of the borrower. They will not issue a loan if there are types:

  • gambling business;
  • production and / or sale of prohibited products (weapons, drugs);
  • leasing;
  • microcredit;
  • pawnshop;
  • insurance.

Consumer cooperatives are likely to be rejected for applications, but they often do not meet other criteria.

The documents

To receive money, you need to prepare:

  1. Articles of Association, decision on the establishment of a legal entity and the appointment of a director.
  2. Financial statements for 12-18 months.
  3. Management reporting.
  4. Information about participation in tenders and execution of similar contracts.
  5. Signed contract.
  6. Help from the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service on the status of settlements.

Individual entrepreneurs submit OGRNIP, SNILS, extract from USRIP, extract from bank account for the last reporting period.

Stages of registration

To receive funds, the application can be filled out remotely, and after the preliminary decision of the bank, visit the branch with the documents.

  1. The bank will analyze economic activity, according to accounting statements, will consider the application at the credit committee and make a decision.
  2. If the decision is positive, agree on the payment schedule and the form of the loan.
  3. Sign a loan agreement and a pledge agreement.
  4. Comply with the terms of the contract.

The term for making a decision is 1-21 days, depending on the availability of a complete package of documents and information to assess the solvency and stability of a potential borrower.

Important! When using a loan for the execution of a state order, you do not have to worry about a possible force majeure, since even due to non-compliance with the terms, obligations to the bank will be repaid with future proceeds! If the conditions are not met, the legal entity or individual entrepreneur is deprived of the right to participate in tenders and public procurements for 24 months.

(+) Benefits

  1. There are no quantity restrictions credit agreements one client, which means you can participate in several projects.
  2. There is no moratorium on partial and full repayment.
  3. Do not withdraw funds intended for business development and renovation of fixed assets.
  4. Improve competitiveness.
  5. Formation of a positive image of the company and credit history.


Question number 1: In the absence of payment after the completion of the contract, is it possible to obtain additional financing to replenish working capital?

Answer: Yes. The security for the new contract will be an act of completed work. If under the previous agreement the form of issue was a line of credit and maximum limit on it is not exhausted, you can get the difference to replenish assets.

Question number 2: If banks refuse, where can you get a loan?

Answer: Money under a government contract will be issued in any financial cooperative and microfinance organization, you can also use the services of a private investor. The principal difference beneficial for the company will be a short period for consideration of an application, a minimum package of documents. A negative aspect of cooperation is a high interest rate and a limitation on the amount, as a rule, the limit does not exceed 10,000,000-20,000,000 rubles and only liquid property - real estate and transport - is taken as collateral.

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Contract and auction credits can be used to purchase inventory, perform work, settle with third parties in transactions, or pay for various services.

A loan against the execution of a contract is:

No need to use your own working capital;
- fast receipt the required amount and favorable terms of loan repayment;
- the need to provide a minimum set of documents.

Credits for participation in the auction and competition

Credits for participation in the auction and competition - this is the opportunity to take part in the auction even if there is no opportunity to deposit the amount of funds from your own reserves to the account of the event organizer.

Credit for participation in a competition or auction is:

No need to withdraw your own funds from circulation to secure the application;
- the ability to take part in several auctions at the same time
and even in large tenders);
- no need for collateral.

Why is it better to work with us?

The company "Tender-Garant" has been offering the possibility of obtaining loans for contracts and auctions for several years already. favorable terms... Our cooperation with clients is based on the following advantages:

1. Within 5 days
Obtaining loans for contracts and auctions within 1-5 working days after the application (the issuance of such a loan with a normal application to the bank takes 2-3 times longer).

2. Free services
We receive remuneration from our partner banks.

3. Reliability
We work only with trusted partners, which reduces the likelihood of problems in the process of obtaining loans for contracts and auctions.

4. Minimum documents
You will need to present the minimum number of documents, and the location of the client does not matter (Tender-Garant works with all cities of Russia).

5. Profitability
The interest rate is low (from 15 percent per annum).

How to get a loan to participate in a tender or to fulfill obligations under a contract?

In order to receive loans for contracts and auctions, clients need to contact our employees and present:

The documents financial statements(required to provide data for the last 4 quarters);
- a completed application form;
- a link to an auction, tender, competition.

The company "Tender-Garant" will help you in obtaining loans for contracts and auctions, and you can save your own cash, directing them to the development of their business.

The program to stimulate lending to SMEs (Program 6.5) is a state mechanism financial support, which ensures the availability of long-term investment and circulating lending to SMEs at fixed interest rates.

The credit line includes 5 products for which funds are provided under the 6.5 Program, including 2 products that are provided directly from the SME Bank:

TERMbefore 60 months
SUMfrom 10 before 25 million rubles

Financing of investments aimed at the creation or acquisition of fixed assets

TERMbefore 84 months
SUMfrom 25 before 500 million rubles
BID9,1% annual (for medium-sized businesses)
10,1% annual (for small businesses)

The funds can be used to purchase fixed assets (at least 70% of the total loan amount) and to cover current expenses, incl. financing of working capital (no more than 30% of the loan amount).


Financing the costs associated with the execution of contracts under federal laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ

TERMbefore 36 months
SUMfrom 10 before 250 million rubles
BID9,6% annual (for medium-sized businesses)
10,6% annual (for small businesses)

With a loan amount of up to 25 million rubles, only future receipts under the contract are taken as collateral. Loan amount - from 10 to 250 million rubles, but not more than 70% of the contract amount, reduced by the amount of the received advance and by the amount of payments made for the execution of the contract from the customer. Loan term - no more than 36 months, but no more than the term of the contract, increased by 90 days.

Where to start to get a loan for a business at a reduced rate

You can do an independent search for the information you need, buy a program for monitoring purchases and hire tender specialists with suitable experience, or apply to the Entrepreneurship Support Center and we will provide you with the full range of required services at the most affordable prices with a guarantee of a positive result.

We will promptly check your organization for compliance with all criteria, order an extract and report the result. After that, we will agree on a cooperation agreement with you and prepare the constituent documents and declarations required for further work with contracts and financing.

When the preparation is completed, we will assign you a personal manager who will manually select transactions according to your criteria, according to which advance payments and short settlement times are approved, as well as provide access to the Multifunctional Cabinet, which will provide you with all the information you need.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state