
What about the BPS Bank. Reviews - BPS Sberbank OJSC. Investment and Commercial Financing, Factoring

JSC "BPS-Sberbank" is included in the Sberbank of Russia. This is one of the largest banks of Belarus. He originated in the twenties of the 20th century. Throughout the Soviet period of history, the Bank was financing capital construction Transport and industry of the USSR.

In 1959, the Bank becomes the Belarusian branch of the Constructionbank of the USSR and focuses in his hands financing 90% of all capital investments republic.

In 1987, as a result of the next banking reform, the Bank becomes part of Promstroybank of the USSR.

At the end of 1991, a Joint-Stock Commercial Belpromstroybank was created on the basis of the bank, which in 1992 becomes an open joint-stock company.

Since December 2009, 93% of BPS-Bank shares belong to Sberbank of Russia, and since the end of 2011 he began to be called OJSC BPS Sberbank.

Servicing the accounts of enterprises and entrepreneurs, the bank provides a variety banking services in the field of financing, lending, deposits and other things. Among his clients there are the largest enterprises of all branches of the Belarusian economy. Branches and bank divisions are available in all regions of Belarus.

Services of Bank BPS

BPS Sberbank offers a wide range of lending services. The following forms of loans are provided:

  • lump-sum loan;
  • connection overdraft;
  • providing a credit line.

At the same time, credit rates are applied, the size of which depends on the market situation, the type and term of the loan, the solvency of the client.

To guarantee the return of the loan, the borrower uses the risk insurance of loan, warranty deposits, collateral, guarantees, guarantees.

Investment and Commercial Financing, Factoring

One of the main activities of the Bank with paramount importance is the financing of investment business projects.

Investment loans can be issued to the creation of new or modernization of existing enterprises, buying buildings, structures, equipment, agricultural machinery and transport. At the same time, the Bank prefers projects to promote an increase in the release of goods for exports, the development of high-tech industries, as well as projects using domestic raw materials.

Constantly growing limits of foreign banks to the Bank "BPS Sberbank", its high reputation abroad and work with foreign export credit agencies allow the Bank to confidently serve foreign trade operations of Belarusian enterprises.

The Bank provides customers with factoring, concluding one-time or general (urgent) contract with them. This service makes it possible to establish clients at the expense of the bank to replenish their coverages and increase the turnover, providing customers to the delay in the payment of goods.

Bank guarantees BPS

Thanks to the best experience and high reputation on international markets The Bank is able to provide the entire range of services for providing guarantees to foreign companies.

The provision of these services makes it possible to reduce the risks of enterprises in foreign trade operations, as well as to reduce their costs of financing foreign trade operations.

Bank guarantees also help optimize economic operationsconducted within the country.

Cash and electronic banking services

The bank carries out a qualitative maintenance and cash operations, guaranteeing their highest speed and reliability. Customers at the same time receive additional amenities. According to flexible tariffs, the Bank opens and conducts accounts, conducts all types of payments and transfers on them, performs transactions with cash.

The Bank provides customers with a permanent connection with it through the BS-Client remote service system. The subsystem "Bank-Client" of this system provides a high degree of reliability of working with confidential information and reliable protection against unauthorized use. Electronic digital signatures are used to confirm the authenticity of documents.

Currency Operations and International Calculations

The use of payment systems such as SWIFT, Telex allows the bank as quickly and effectively and effectively money transfers In countries - partners of the Republic of Belarus.

Through. currency transactions The bank serves foreign economic activity enterprises. In addition, the Bank is assigned tasks currency control Over operations.

Banking Storage and Collection Services

The bank carries out the collection and delivery of cash or other values \u200b\u200bon special transport on a convenient schedule.

For storing documents and values \u200b\u200bof the enterprise and individuals Can use banking safes.

Placing and maintaining free cash

BPS Sberbank can offer the following accommodation and preservation of free funds:

  • bank deposits (deposits);
  • bank bills.

Deposits allow customers to store temporarily free funds and receive additional income from this. In this case, they keep the ability to again let these funds in turnover. Flexible bets and terms of deposits allow customers to choose optimal conditions for the placement of funds.

The impeccable reputation of the Bank "BPS Sberbank" allows him to provide its customers with such a service as bills. These papers serve as an analogue of the deposit with the only difference, which is issued for the bearer and can be sold to a third party. The client has the ability to return his money, or selling a bill, or using them as a means of means.

Securities operations, depositories

The bank in the interests of customers carries out the sale of state and corporate securities, provides primary placement Securities on stock exchanges, registers the transaction committed by the Client securities, Calculates on them, based on the transactions concluded by the client.

In addition, the Bank carries out the depositary storage of securities acquired by the Client.

BPS Sberbank online - Internet banking in the Republic of Belarus. Represents an intuitive web interface to communicate a client with a bank from anywhere in the world where there is access to the World Network. This article tells how to register and log in.
With the development of banking activities, the Internet banking service has received great distribution. Sberbank offers its customers comfortable systemallowing payments, transfers and many other operations without leaving home. Those who wish to always have a bank should be bought by Internet banking.

bPS Sberbank Internet banking entrance

The entrance to the Internet banking system BPS Sberbank is made by entering the login and password in a special form, which is on the Sberbank online page:

https://www.bps-sberbank.by/loginsbolor click on the input form

If necessary, change the password or login, you need to go through the link "Create a login and password" and then pass the data replacement process.

Sign up for Internet banking can customers BPS-Sberbank, who have a valid bank card and a telephone number of the Belarusian mobile operator (or identity document).

Registration and login is performed at www.bps-sberbank.by/registration-sbol. To start the registration procedure, under the form of login and password, click on the "Registration" link.

At the first stage of registration you need to enter a mobile phone and number payment card or an identification number Document certifying the identity of the client. When specifying the necessary information, press "Continue".

In the second stage, come up with a login and password, payment password and confirm the data from the SMS message that must be received on your phone indicated in the previous step.

Near each field for data entry there are tips, read them carefully, and you will not be mistaken.

Put a tick next to agree with the contract for the provision of Sberbank online services, " Mobile Bank"In OJSC" BPS Sberbank "and click the" Register "button.

After registering, you will get to the main page of the personal account.


You can call Sberbank BPS Contact Center by calling:

  • 148 - from stationary and mobile networks of the Republic of Belarus
  • (+37529) 5-148-148 - Because of the border

BPS Sberbank has a long history of development, which began in 1923. It was then that the oldest financial institution in the country, known for the name Belpromstroybank, was founded. The current name of the BPS Sberbank in Belarus received only a few years ago, after the government has concluded an agreement with Sberbank of Russia on the acquisition of shares by the last.

Today BPS Sberbank is a developed modern financial Organizationoffering customers a wide range of services. The main activities are electronic service of the population, cash Operations, lending and opening deposit deposits, Trade and investment financing. Official web resource pages are present full list Affordable services with a detailed description. In the same place, on the site, you can find out all the addresses of departments and ATMs in the desired city and see their location on the interactive map.

Internet banking BPS Sberbank in the Republic of Belarus is an intuitive web interface of the self-service system of customers of the bank. This article tells how to register and log in to your personal account.

IN personal Cabinet you can

  • Find the nearest branches and ATMs
  • View currency courses
  • Get information about maps, accounts and loans
  • Make an extract for a certain period
  • Pay off credit and make a payment
  • Transfer money between your cards and on customer cards of other banks
  • Set up auto plates

BPS Sberbank online: registration of a new user

Sign up for Internet banking can customers BPS-Sberbank, who have a valid bank card and a telephone number of the Belarusian mobile operator (or identity document).

Registration and login is performed at www.bps-sberbank.by/loginsbol. To start the registration procedure, under the login and password form, click on the link "Registration".

At the first stage of registration, you need to enter a mobile phone and payment card number or the identification number of the document identity. When specifying the necessary information, press "Continue".

In the second stage, come up with a login and password, payment password and confirm the data from the SMS message that must be received on your phone indicated in the previous step.

Near each field for data entry there are tips, read them carefully, and you will not be mistaken.

Put a tick next to agree with the contract for the provision of Sberbank online services, Mobile Bank at OJSC BPS Sberbank and click "Register".

After registering, you will get to the main page of the personal account.

BPS Internet banking: Login

Consider the functionality of the personal account.

Main page

On the main page of Sberbank BPS online there is a list of Customer Customer, accounts, loans and deposits.

Payments and translations

This section consists of 2 subsections: Transfers and payments.

With the help of "Translation between your cards" and "Translation of the Bank's Client", you can transfer money from one of your cards to another or client's Customer of another bank, respectively.

The payment "Payments" consists of: "Payment by one button" (payment of several services within 1 operation), "arbitrary details", "Payment of service in Sberbank online" (payment of DBB Bank - remote banking services), access to the system of the ERIP (single calculated and information space).

Below is the "Arbitrary Payment" window and payment by one button.

This looks like "Payment of DBO" and the system "Calculation" of the ERIP.

This section contains information on active cards, balances on them. You can make one of the maps of the calculated, configure SMS alert and block the card.

Here are all current accounts and deposits of the client. You can see the balance on them, make an extract and replenish the bill.

The "Loans" section displays the amount of the following payment and the full amount to repayment. The menu functionality allows repayment of the loan (monthly payment).

Displays accounts closed over the past 6 months.

Using the Internet banking BPS Sberbank online remember that the password is required to log in. If you ask other information (number bank card, mobile phone, Personal data), immediately exit Sberbank online and contact the bank.

You can call Sberbank BPS Contact Center by calling:

  • 148 - from stationary and mobile networks of the Republic of Belarus
  • (+37529) 5-148-148 - Because of the border

To get modern management tools current accountIt is worth connecting the BPS Sberbank Internet Banking - BPS-Sberbank Online Banking, which allows you to perform a lot of operations and opens up opportunities for full information about the remnant to use.

Entrance to the BPS Sberbank Internet banking and login for business customers

\u003e https://i.bps-sberbank.by.<

Thanks to the benefits of Internet banking, you can track the movement of finances on a card or deposits. Special amenities are tangible by customers when paying services. telephone communication, Television, Internet, etc. The ability of the system allows you to make payments for a loan issued by JSC BPS Sberbank, make deposits and replenish them.

The client can also freely block or unlock the card, change the password that provides access to the system. The Bank enjoys the right to change and supplement the list of operations, to fulfill which Internet banking opportunities are applied.

BPS Sberbank Registration of a new user online

To take advantage of the service, it is required to register, for which the cardholder will need to contact one of the representative offices. financial institution and provide documents that certify his identity and personal data. To familiarize yourself with the provisions of the contract regulating the provision of services, you need to visit the official information resource Companies. The user also needs to be issued a statement that allows you to register services and get at your disposal special tools for activation. For all provided financial operations The so-called session keys are used.

The service process involves activation, for which the card holder is required to register in the item intended for this procedure. When performing these actions, the client will provide its personal numberwhose symbols are entered exclusively Latin capital literals. The correctly prescribed password allows you to immediately be on main page Systems.


But it is worth it to be especially attentive when entering a password, three unsuccessful attempts will be able to block the entrance by two hours. If the user cannot remember the password, it is worth using the provided service that allows you to restore it. Simple and convenient navigation provides speed and comfort in using the menu options. To ensure the security of information on finance, you should completely eliminate access to password information or session keys for third parties.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state