
Banking services technology large corporate clients and trends in their development. In the discipline of "banking services of corporate clients" service of large corporate clients of the bank

Proposals for improving the business process "Service of corporate clients" in a commercial bank

Mikhailova Anastasia Mikhailovna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
student Faculty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", Department "Business-Informatics"

The article presents proposals to improve the process of "servicing corporate clients" in a commercial bank developed on the basis of the analysis of the process performed in the framework of the research work of students in the financial university.


Mikhailova Anastasia Mikhailovna.
The Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation
student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Business Informatics

The article presents some proposals for improving the business process «Corporate customer service» in commercial bank that were based on the process analysis and made in the framework of the scientific research work of the students of The Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Mikhailova A.M. Proposals for improving the business process "Service of corporate clients" in a commercial bank // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2016. No. 9 [Electronic resource] .. 02.2019).

Scientific Director: Tchochilina Tatyana Evgenievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department "Business Informatics", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

In modern conditions, rigid competition banks are forced to constantly improve their business processes, to form their own image and attract platital customers.

The bank under consideration is a universal commercial bank, which offers the full range of financial services; Standards of client service of legal entities and individuals. Corporate Customer Service is one of the priority areas in the activities of the Bank under consideration, since the incluses on the accounts, the amount of single payments of a separate corporate client in a significant amount exceeding similar indicators on the invoices of an individual. Thus, according to the National Rating Agency, loans to private companies account for 31705151.00 thousand rubles, which exceeds the amount of loans to individuals - 2665651.00 thousand rubles as of December 1, 2015 (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - The ratio of the amount of loans to private companies and individuals

A gradual decline in customer satisfaction with the quality of banking services and arising in the service error process forces corporate clients to look for alternative sources of problem solving, for example, by transferring key accounts to banks-competitors. In this regard, the issue of improving the process of servicing corporate clients to the bank is relevant.

Within the framework of research work in order to develop proposals for improving the business process "Corporate Customer Service" in the bank, the following tasks were resolved:

  • training techniques of modeling and reengineering of business processes, as well as the SADT methodology;
  • information is collected and analyzed about the activities of the Bank, including the study of documents "Charter Bank", "Annual Reports", "Reports on Significant Facts", etc., Interviewing Bank employees;
  • built a tree of the bank's goals;
  • the external counterparties of the bank were identified;
  • the environment of the process of "maintenance of corporate clients" is determined;
  • the model of the Corporate Customer Service Process model is built in the form of a chart hierarchy using IDEF0, DFD, IDEF3 modeling notes;
  • analysis (ABC, UDP, SWOT) and documentation of the developed process model was carried out;
  • the disadvantages of the process were identified, methods of improving the process were proposed.

The analysis showed that the main counterparties of the Bank are the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state bodies, media editors, customers, Russian partner banks, foreign partner banks, correspondent banks, insurance companies.

Surrounded by the Business Process "Service of Corporate Customers" in the bank you can allocate the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, customers, leading accountants, operations, financial monitoring department, IT department.

In the process of servicing corporate clients, the following structural divisions are involved: Department for the placement of funds, department of calculation services, financial services department, lending center, remote banking department.

The business process "Corporate Customer Service" can be represented as a set of following related subprocesses.

  • Subprocess "Management of Corporate Clients Departments", which is managed by the head of the Central Directorate for Corporate Customer Services, controls all the lower banking operations through instructions and directives.
  • Department for the placement of funds processes a request for issuing an urgent bill.
  • The calculation department receives requests from its customers and enrolls funds to open accounts.
  • The work on the formation of a securities portfolio is engaged in the Financial Services Department.
  • The credit center processes the application for a loan, the client data is checked according to the "Regulations on the procedure, registration, credit issuance", the decision to issue a loan is made on the verification.
  • Connection to the client-bank system carries out the remote service department.
  • Departments for the provision of services directly related to corporate clients are obliged to harmonize all the operations with the Corporate Client Administration Head, and in the end of their activities, provide a detailed report on the quality and number of services rendered.

Analysis of the developed model of the process of "maintenance of corporate clients" has shown that subprocesses are under the control of one main subcost "Management of Corporate Customer Service Departments". Thus, it may seem that work with corporate clients is completely coordinated, and there should be no problems. But why was the decline in customer satisfaction with the quality of banking services?

To answer this question, it was necessary to carry out a deeper analysis of the process, as a result of which the following proposals were formulated to improve the process of "servicing corporate clients" in the bank.

First of all, it is necessary to simplify the work on connecting SMS and Email to inform corporate clients. As of today, in this commercial bank, there is a separate program that is responsible for connecting the specified remote customer informing methods. It is necessary to enable this separate program to the main software to ensure the unloading of the state and its attraction to other areas of work. Thus, thanks to the combination of a separate program and the main software, the need for customer requests for receiving requests, their subsequent processing and is already directly transmitting information to customers. In turn, customers will significantly more quickly receive information on discoveries and other operations.

The next disadvantage in the "Corporate Customer Service" process is the use of outdated versions of the system of the Center for Financial Technologies (CTT). Programmers are forced to correct the mistakes that have already been taken into account the CTT. Thus, it is necessary to take to consider the procedure for a timely upgrade system. The result of modernization should be introduced into the Bank of the latest version of the CTT with the amendments taken to this point. If the CFT system "as is" is left to adapt the bank's business processes under the system, and not vice versa, since it is the existing system that can reduce risks and increase the efficiency of the bank.

The concept of personal client management involves servicing each of the Bank's customers with a certain enshrined personal manager, which:

  • responsible for the effectiveness of all client operations;
  • carries out control of the quality of service of each client from all involved bank services;
  • provides a client a comprehensive analysis of his project when carrying out the most complex, integrated operations;
  • gives qualified consultations, attracting in the case of the need for industry experts, controls the implementation of specific financial transactions.

Personal managers provide advice to private and corporate banking banks. Service of personal managers to individuals differ from those that the Bank offers corporate clients. This is due to differences in the legal status, customer needs and legislation and regulatory framework. The number of services offered by individual (private) persons to personal managers of the Bank depends on the viability and customer needs.

Currently, the tasks of personal managers when working with individuals are very limited and include the preparation of expert opinion on capital investment (cash), trust (trust) customer property management.

The tasks of specialists responsible for servicing corporate clients are more difficult. They conclude:

  • identifying corporate clients in banking services;
  • creating conditions for the development of its client portfolio;
  • establishing and maintaining partnerships with its corporate clients.

If necessary, with the consent of the leaders of corporate clients, the personal manager carries out financial management of the enterprise. It involves managing income, expenses, asset and customer financing. Income management is carried out by developing a strategy for the development of an enterprise (created and operating), analyzing the sensitivity of the profitability of the company to changes in the market conjuncture; Development or adjustment of the pricing policy of the enterprise.

The cost management of the banking client involves the creation of a system for controlling its costs. For this purpose, they are carried out:

  • cost classification and determination of factors affecting cost dynamics;
  • assessment of the current (according to existing enterprises) and the planned (for the enterprises created), the cost structure in order to identify elements to be systematic control;
  • formation of an internal cost accounting system as an information support.

Management of enterprise assets is carried out as follows:

  • the industry features of the structure of assets of the company are determined and economically expedient relationships between assets groups are proposed;
  • events on the management of current reserves are held - their normalization and planning changes in the structure of working capital, stock optimization;
  • the liquidity of the enterprise is estimated and the management model is selected.

In the process of managing finance management, attention is drawn to the following points:

  • financing needs are defined for existing and newly created enterprises;
  • the structure of the capital is studied, its assessment and prediction of the effect of the financial leverage is carried out;
  • a real estimate (taking into account taxation) of the cost of attracting financial resources;
  • various forms of attracting long-term sources of financing are compared - own capital and borrowed funds.

The process of developing banking services for corporate clients includes a number of stages, among which the following are distinguished:

  • development of new banking services and discussing the possibility of their implementation into practice;
  • compliance with the banking package of the Bank's goals;
  • forecasting the costs and income of the bank after the introduction of a new package of services;
  • analysis of the compliance of the banking market for the new package of the existing organizational structure of the Bank;
  • obtaining an assessment of the new banking package from the client;
  • the selection of persons who will be engaged in the sale of services;
  • development of marketing plans and an assessment of the compliance of implemented service packages to these plans;
  • deciding on the implementation of a new package of services;
  • adjustment of the provision of banking services. The role of consultancy managers in promoting banking services for corporate clients is significant and includes:
  • organizational, legal and information support of consultancy managers in the enterprise and in the bank;
  • choosing and evaluating the effectiveness of organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship;
  • establishing financial management requirements for information support;
  • development of a system of internal analytical accounting and requirements for it;
  • selection of software and technical means of ensuring financial management.

An important place in the process of financial management of the Client's activities is allocated to managing the liquidity of the enterprise and the choice of model of control of it. This process includes a set of events:

  1. definition of financing needs for existing and newly created enterprises;
  2. analysis of the capital structure, evaluation and prediction of the effect of the financial lever;
  3. a real estimate (taking into account taxation) of the cost of attracting financial resources;
  4. comparative characteristics of various forms of attracting long-term sources of financing (equity and borrowed funds).

Banking specialists responsible for servicing major corporate clients deserve their needs in banking services; are engaged in the formation of their client portfolio; Install and maintain partnerships with their corporate clients.

Frequently used corporate customer types of bank products replace new banking services. New banking products include such as financial consulting, trust operations, investment services, underwriting, cash management (accounts), brokerage and insurance services, real estate operations, mortgage, direct investment, leasing, factoring and fortification operations.

Banking products offered by personal managers for corporate clients have a number of features related to the criteria for their selection, granting, the possibility of a combination of services, the availability of an information base. For the right choice of strategy and tactics in the field of expanding banking services and the creation of new banking products, personal managers need to examine the needs of corporate clients. To do this, various methods can be used: differentiation of services; market segmentation; Studying sectoral client features. Important to clarify the needs of customers in the banking product has direct communication of the Bank employee with the management of the enterprise. This can occur in the form of a so-called commercial conversation, to which a specialist of the bank must carefully prepare: to study the characteristics of the client's economic and financial activities, to fulfill the rules of effective negotiations, to own the methods of customer belief.

By carrying out individual comprehensive maintenance of corporate clients, most banks apply various tools and technologies.

1. Tools to improve the efficiency of customer financial management:

  • creation of the settlement center of a large corporate client (RCC.). The Customer Settlement Center is a system of aggregate service of all corporate client structures, which has a network of branches and representative offices in cities where branches of the bank are present. RCC allows you to make information about loan and debit revolutions of the entire structure and thereby daily;
  • creation of conditions for conjugate indicators of undertaking-bird-based activities with the results of economic activities;
  • optimization of maintenance of financial flows;
  • the organization of operational control by the head office over the financial activities of its structures in other regions;
  • minimizing the volume of borrowed funds through operational use within the holding of funds accumulated on the accounts of all divisions;
  • an increase in the volume and improvement of the conditions of possible current and long-term funding in the Bank;
  • use in the financial activities of non-monetary forms of calculations.

Three main options for organizing the account management structure are possible:

  1. regional, when the client's divisions in the regions independently manage their accounts, and the head office only performs control functions;
  2. centralized when cash is received on the subaccount of the head office opened in the regions, followed by transfer to the main account of the head office at its location;
  3. estimated when the accounts of the client's units and the subaccount of the client's head office are opened in the regions. The merchants from the commercial activities of the units enter the subaccount of the head office in the regions with the subsequent transfer of the part of funds to the accounts of the units (according to the estimated costs of current needs), and the balance of funds is listed on the account of the head office at the location.

2. Customer Business Development Tools:

  • building a customer sales network based on a bank network (branches, additional offices, operating cash desks);
  • promoting the development of customer business contacts;
  • implementation of joint discount programs.

For calculating large companies with their payers, banks are developing modern technology structuring information on all receipt of funds for settlement and current client accounts, including:

  • prompt provision of information on non-cash receipts in full format;
  • ensuring the docking of information on the receipt of funds to the Customer's account provided by the Bank, with the accounting system of the Client Company;
  • automatic separation of the company's accounting system of all incoming funds on the facial accounts of each payer within 1-2 hours.

In addition, for more comfortable maintenance by the corporate enterprise of its clients (individuals), banks offer the use of remote payment technologies by telephone, via the Internet or by WAP banking. Thanks to the application of such technologies for the organization of cash collection of payments, the public payments are made in rubles and foreign currency through the network of operating cash desks, branches and departments of banks with the subsequent credentials of the Customer's current account; Automatic separation in the accounting system of all incoming funds on the facial accounts of each payer within 1-2 hours; Automatic processing of invoices with the diagnosed bar code of each subscriber; Implementation of customer service maps, express pay cards, etc. The use of bank settlement technology over the Internet allows us to pay payments in the Bank - Client-Online system, calculations in the framework of Internet commerce, as well as remotely manage accounts for physical Persons, operations at the external foreign exchange market Forex, operations on the Russian stock market, depository management.

Clients with a wide network of counterparties (dealers, agents) Banks, as a rule, offer:

  • bill forms of calculations, as well as credit lines in the form of an overdraft to regulate emerging cash ruptures;
  • guarantees for counterparties (guarantees of fulfillment of obligations, transfer of funds, etc.), as well as accredient forms of settlements for regulating the risks of non-credible funds for the goods and services (for example, jointly with Aeroflot OJSC has implemented the technology of providing guarantees of the fulfillment of obligations of adventures Implementation of air transportation within the limits established to the bank).

Such a wide distribution received such a banking service as building bills. Better programs allow, firstly, to reduce the cost of servicing financial flows and ensure the replenishment of working capital by minimizing interest rates and, secondly, to balance monetary and non-monetary components in incoming and outgoing financial flows. So, when building promissory programs, the Bank provides:

  • formation of market bills;
  • development of optimal options for carrying out bills in terms of compliance with tax legislation;
  • designing and financial support of bills of exchange circuits when servicing inventory flows.

Attractive for the client can be such a bank service as discounting payables. Banks offer several forms of discounting:

  • direct, i.e. Repayment of the customer's debt to the lender is made at the expense of the customer's own funds with a discount;
  • by restructuring obligations in time, i.e. due to credit resources or granting a delay to fulfill obligations;
  • assisting in the restructuring of various types of mandatory payments;
  • the use of the Bank's capabilities to regulate the fulfillment of debt repayment obligations in accordance with the approved restructuring program.

Much attention in the bank should be paid to the creation of a client's sales network based on a bank network (branches, additional offices, operating cash desks). Facilizing the Client in the implementation of its goods and services, the Bank must be ready to perform functions on receiving payments for the services of companies on its sites and provide account payers with execution, express payment service cards and other documents. In addition, it is necessary to provide free information support for the client's business in all branches, branches, additional offices (advertising, information references, etc.), optimize work with the client strict reporting form. Most banks today have successful experience in building sales networks. They carry out this work in the form of receiving payments for services and the implementation of rapid payment cards (for telecommunications companies, Internet providers); Through the distribution of discount cards, bonus programs and on the basis of remote accuming (for trading houses and retail sales networks), as well as in the form of distribution of strict reporting forms, receiving payments to pay for tourism services (for travel companies).

Separate commercial banks based on the experience of European banks, as an additional banking service assist the development of customer contacts, and also implement joint discount programs. Discount programs contribute to an increase in the number of consumers of goods and customer services and provide for discounts of bank card holders. Information on the services of the participant of the Justice Programs is posted on the websites of banks, and also turns on to the advertising products of the participants and is distributed among all payment card payment cards.

Significant benefits for the bank can be implemented by the agency service, which includes:

  1. personal service of customers suggesting the provision of personal manager services for VIR clients; implementation of coordination of the activities of the Bank's divisions when servicing clients; optimization of the Customer Cash Operations of the Client to minimize payment costs; regulation of tariffs for RKO, provision of advice on bank services and legal issues, the development of individual services to meet the needs of a particular client;
  2. personal service of the enterprise of the industry or the sector of the economy;
  3. financial management of enterprises, promoting bank customers in planning and reducing tax payments, which include such activities:
    • development and implementation in conjunction with the Bank of Financial and Commodity Schemes on Cretakes and Crediters with Recycles and Creditors;
    • search for sales markets for goods and debt obligations of the Client;
    • assistance in carrying out barter operations;
    • creating an over-the-counter information client system (information on sales markets, commodity markets, barter operations, debtors and creditors of enterprises).

The concept of consulting as an additional service for the Bank's customers appeared in Russia relatively recently. Consulting (From English Consalling) means a consulting service. Depending on the nature, species, methods and volumes of additional information, consulting is divided into:

  • remote and immediate;
  • financial, legal, economic;
  • complex, target and operational;
  • with the involvement of specialists of the bank or other companies.

Remote consulting is usually carried out by constantly specialists of the Bank's structural divisions using communications and Internet communications. The tasks of remote counseling is timely and accurate informing about actual changes in the regulatory framework, the economic situation on the macro and micro level, the current state of the client's account. Unlike remote direct counseling, it is advisory in nature, includes analytical forecasts for the future, taking into account the established and expected changes.

Advanced banks are actively expanding the range of services performed by them, improve customer service quality. Banks offer their customers such services as:

  • opening and maintenance and current accounts;
  • bank bill of emission syndicate;
  • acquisition of savings certificates and ordinary registered shares;
  • providing the necessary information;
  • individual customer service.

The services listed above are the bank's services - only a small part of the spectrum of banking operations and customer service services. Modern banks tend to fully expand their number and improve the quality of operations performed by them in order to attract more customers and increase their revenue base.

One of the varieties of financial consulting is financial engineeringThis is a source of financial innovations, those inventions that enable the financial market participants more efficiently respond to changes occurring in the world, adapting for these purposes already existing or developing new financial instruments and operating circuits. Financial engineering is dealing with the development and creative application of technological means to solve financial problems of customers and using their hidden financial capabilities. Operating systems of financial engineering are based on solutions with a suitable combination of theoretical structures and financial instruments. Along with lending in Russian rubles and foreign currency, these may be operations with tax planning and consulting, various bills, hedge operations with securities, various emission projects. Such services are carried out, as a rule, on a contractual basis for a specific fee.

Information ServicesThe bank provided by the Customer is different. It can be:

  • provision of reference materials;
  • providing customers with regulatory, information, advertising materials of the bank;
  • accommodation in the bank of advertising and information materials of customers;
  • postal and telecommunication services. The listed services are ranked depending on the form of provision, economic content, as well as on the cost of banking services.

Among other consulting services and operations, banks offer services for the development of non-standard financial schemes and reconciliations for enterprises and organizations - bank customers, as well as to assist enterprises to exit the crisis situation.

Information and consulting service includes:

  • providing operational and retrospective information on requests in the area:
    • banking services
    • financial and banking legislation,
    • economics and finance of enterprises,
    • accounting and taxation,
    • financial markets conjunctures
    • events of the economic life of peace, country and region;
  • providing reference information about addresses and details of banks, enterprises and institutions, as well as interest rates, quotes and courses of financial instruments;
  • newsletter with various means of communication of the bank information products (Bank Bulletin, Bank Information Information, Press Digests).

And Russian, and foreign companies banks provide financial counseling According to a wide range of issues, in particular, such as restructuring, protection against acquisitions, privatization, search for financing methods, etc.

In addition to banking issues, the client may also quickly receive a qualified Council of Lawyers of the Bank for any financial, tax and other civil-related issues. One of the most promising areas of the Bank's work is advice on optimizing the taxation of enterprises and employees employed on them. Legal Hluzhba Bank, consisting of qualified specialists in the field of economic and financial law, offers customers an extensive range of legal services. Among legal advice are allocated:

  • consultations on all branches of law
  • preparation of motivated objections to acts of inspections of tax, currency and other state control bodies,
  • examination and preparation of projects of economic contracts.

Along with financial and legal advice, banks provide customers with a wide range of managerial and financial service services, the development of reporting, the decision of tax problems, methodological support and audit, conduct workshops on accounting, tax legislation, currency and customs regulation with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Finance RF, MNS of the Russian Federation, publish collections of regulatory documents and methodical materials. Bank specialists help in consideration of controversial and legislatively unresolved issues of accounting, taxation, currency control and customs regulation. Banks work with enterprises of various fields of activity and forms of ownership. Among the customers of banks are large trading houses, wholesale trade enterprises, enterprises - importers and exporters of products, industrial, transport and construction organizations. The list of enterprises with which banks operate on an ongoing basis are steadily growing.

Inviting various corporate clients to cooperate, banks should strive to keep them. To do this, it is necessary to ensure guarantees of quality of service, responsibility, competence with the unconditional confidentiality of the information about the client. To attract the clientele, the banks at the conclusion of contractual contracts can be formed free of charge a preliminary examination of the state of accounting reporting, identifying the amount of work, identifying a circle of issues requiring special attention. Permanent customers have the right to use discount cards, as well as a complex of services offered by the Bank on preferential terms. All financial consulting services are aimed at developing a financial function in customer companies by increasing the efficiency of the financial accounting system, budgeting, company management compensation and personnel.

Banks help customers in a short time to create an effective budgeting system.

Specialists of banks are offered methods for continuous reduction in costs and increasing productivity by switching from the traditional cost accounting system for cost accounting method based on company business processes. Banks provide customers with services and when implementing a system of functional accounting costs.

Despite the wide range of consulting services provided, Russian banks, in contrast to overseas practice, cannot offer its customers such services as a complete accounting of accounting, conducting training of financial employees in advanced training courses in various activities of enterprises, the implementation of a full range of audit services in In accordance with generally accepted standards and methods aimed at:

  • collection and concentration of evidence of the objectivity of financial statements;
  • establishing the efficiency and integrity of control systems;
  • audit support of the firm during the reporting period;
  • representing the interests of the enterprise in the tax authorities;
  • maintenance of affairs in the arbitration court.

      A corporate client has a need for credit resources to maintain uniformity and timely implementation of daily current payments. A feature of the economic activity of the enterprise is the presence of a large number of suppliers of various confectionery raw materials, on the one hand, and the presence of a large number of wholesale buyers of finished confectionery products, on the other hand. The main volume of turnover on the settlement account is receipts from buyers and payment to suppliers, the number of those and other payments comes to several hundred daily.

Based on the types of bank loans existing in the modern Russian practice (providing a lump-sum loan, the opening of the credit line, the provision of a loan in the form of overdraft), choose the most suitable way to lend the client and justify the choice.

      An analysis of the work of banks with corporate clients has shown that among the criteria for the choice of corporate clients of the service bank is allocated:

    international relations of the Bank with financial and credit institutions;

    developed network of correspondent relations of the bank;

    the presence of credit lines of foreign banks and export agencies;

    flexible Correspondent Account Management System;

    an effective credit risk management system with the presence of individual debt debt restructuring programs;

    developed Executive Infrastructure;

    solid client base;

    high qualifications of banking personnel in the field of documentary operations;

    high qualifications of banking personnel in the field of international settlements, etc.

Arrange these criteria for their importance for corporate clientele when choosing corporate clients of the serving bank. Explain the content of each of the specified criteria. Justify your decision.

      The active introduction into the practical activity of banks of express analysis of corporate clientele allows not only the general parameters in the activities of clients, but also the specific features of their activities in the online mode, in particular, to calculate analytical financial indicators.

Qualitative analysis enhances the position of the Bank when making decisions on specific issues of interaction with the client: the issuance of a loan, investment into securities emitted by the client, the issuance of guarantees, etc.

Name and characterize the sources of information necessary for the express analysis of the Bank's corporate client.

      Modern banks provide the opportunity to corporate customers to have a financing form, which is optimally suitable for their business, in particular:

    financing short-term cash gaps in the absence of money at the current account;

    one or long-term, renewable loan for short-term commercial operations or acquisition of fixed assets;

    acquisition of equipment and equipment on credit with the classification of all costs on the loan for the cost and the possibility of accelerated depreciation of the purchased property, etc.

Name these financing form. Give the definitions of the forms of financing by banks of corporate clientele.

      Letter of credit, as you know, one of the modern methods of calculations in international trade. Corporate customers of banks are actively using this method of payment delivered goods or services.

Expand the benefits of using a letter of credit for the buyer and seller. What is the interest of the Bank, acting as a financial intermediary, which opens and exposes an entitled to any country in the world on behalf of his client?

Does the bank can provide this service to his client?

What is needed primarily by the bank to provide this service to its customers?

      The Bank's corporate client - CJSC "Baby Publisher" Avanta + "" is experiencing a need for credit resources for the production of printed products - additional editions of the volumes of the "Mira Stones" and "Cars of the World" series "The most beautiful and famous". Credit resources will be sent to post And binding the book by Fortun Print exports (Slovenia), the purchase of paper from the State Enterprise St. Petersburg Factory of the Goznak, payment for the possession of the Book Party at the customs warehouse of temporary storage and the payment of the author's fees.

Based on the types of bank loans existing in the modern Russian practice (providing a lump-sum loan, the opening of the credit line, the provision of a loan in the form of overdraft, financial leasing), choose the most suitable way to lend the client and justify your solution.

      During the personal meeting and negotiating the manager, the Bank manager became clear that the financial director and the chief accountant of the enterprise - a potential partner of the Bank - with difficulty pose the possibilities of the Bank in solving their financial problems, are not ready for the adoption of concrete solutions to establish partnerships with the Bank and the development of further cooperation with him.

Attempts by the manager to promptly explain the advantages of the bank and its products were not crowned with success - the lack of time, the fatigue of the negotiation partners affected. I had to offer to complete the negotiations and offer a re-meeting.

Issues on the analysis of this situation:

    What is the manager's errors at this meeting?

    What are the actions to successfully establish contact with potential bank customers?

    What are the subsequent actions of the manager?

      For the successful development of corporate clients business is relevant:

    provision by the service bank of syndicated loans (for export contracts of companies);

    conducting settlement and documentary operations for low tariffs (for domestic importers) using correspondent networks of large foreign banks.

Justify the arising benefits for corporate clients when organizing and conducting the service bank:

    sydicated loan;

    documentary operations;

    settlement operations.

In what nature of its activities, the corporate client will give the advantage of this or that banking service (product).

      The customer manager was tasked - to establish contact on the phone with a potential bank client - an enterprise, which in the past two years achieved good economic results in its activities and is an attractive client for any bank. The successful result of your work may be the consent of the head of this enterprise to meet directly in the bank's operating room.

What actions should the manager should take to solve the task?

      OJSC "Typography" News "" He has a need for credit resources for profitable acquisition of the Japanese Printing Machine Komori, located at an exhibition in Moscow.

Based on the types of bank loans existing in the modern Russian practice (providing a lump-sum loan, the opening of the credit line, the provision of a loan in the form of overdraft, financial leasing) Select the most suitable way to lend the client and justify the choice.

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The Bank "MBA-Moscow" is a universal credit and financial institution and seeks to strengthen its market positions using a full range of modern and technological products and services. Basic principles of financial policy of the Bank "MBA-Moscow": reliability, liquidity, efficiency, quality. An important direction of servicing legal entities is an individual approach based on the understanding of the needs of each client.

The Bank currently exists a diversified on branches and types of business of corporate clients, including the largest Russian companies.

The Bank "MBA-Moscow" provides a full range of services for cashiable services for corporate clients, ensuring operational calculations both through the Cash Center (RCC) of the Central Bank of Russia and through its correspondent network. To ensure high-quality and rapid payments in foreign currency, the Bank is connected to the SWIFT system and has correspondent accounts in foreign clearing banks. Payments and settlements with the International Bank of Azerbaijan (MBA) are conducted in the "real-time" mode.

For the organization of effective work between trading partners, the Bank "MBA-Moscow" recommends that its customers use documentary forms of payments in foreign trade and offers to use such forms of documentary operations as bank guarantees and letters of credit.

Bank "MBA-Moscow", performing the functions of the currency control agent, offers its customers the implementation of currency control over all types of currency transactions.

The Bank "MBA-Moscow" offers organizations to cooperate on the provision of services and services for acquiring and installing the necessary equipment for carrying out cashless payment operations using bank cards. Bank experts have developed proposals for the "Salary Project", which gives a number of advantages to both organizations and their employees who are holders of bank cards and paying wages. The presence of its own processing center allows you to emiate bank cards in the minimum time and exercise their quality service.

One of the priorities of the activities of the Bank "MBA-Moscow" is commercial lending. Based on the principles of establishing long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, improving the quality of service and the protection of customer interests, the Bank "MBA-Moscow" provides a set of lending services, allowing to meet the needs of customers - legal entities in borrowed funds to finance their current and investment activities. The Bank provides assistance in choosing the most suitable way of financing or a specific loan product, as well as in the development of financial and credit schemes.

Along with the traditional form of settlement service, the IBA-Moscow Bank offers its customers a remote account management through a telephone or computer. The Bank-Client system can significantly accelerate and simplify the procedure for conducting settlements and information exchange with the bank. Equipment of the system by all necessary means of forming an electronic signature and encryption, ensures reliable delivery of documents to the bank from the point of view of the adopted information security standards.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state