
Bank cards: types of bank cards, design, appointment, features and functionality. Terms of issue and maintenance The procedure for the issue and maintenance of bank cards

Pay your MasterCard card by Jay Endi Bank with Apple Pay. And Google Pay!

Bank cards MasterCard

Take advantage of all the advantages of international plastic bank cards MasterCard - a modern and convenient payment agent.

Choose that card that most fully matches your needs:

  • Functional MasterCard Standard
  • Prestigious MasterCard Gold.
  • Luxury MasterCard Platinum

Decide on the currency of the card - to issue a map in rubles, dollars or euros. Do not forget about relatives and friends - several additional cards can be released to your account.

You can connect to the SMS-informing service and order a bank card issue. And all this can be done quickly and on competitive rates.

All bank cards are equipped innovative technology of contactless paymentsPaypasswhat allows you to pay for goods and services in one touch.

Owners plastic cards Jay Endi Bank can independently change the PIN in any ATMs supporting this service.

We care about the security of your Internet settlements, so all bank cards are connected and support 3D-Secure technology. If the online store in which you shop, supports masterCard technology SecureCode, when making a payment, you will be redirected to a special site for entering a secret password. One-time password will be sent to you in the form of an SMS to a telephone number confirmed in the bank to which the map is connected. If the password is entered correctly, the operation will be approved or rejected depending on the result of checking the remaining conditions that are checked when performing the operation on the map (status and validity of the map, the adequacy of funds on the account, etc.). If the phone number is not confirmed in the bank, the operation will be rejected.

Internet bank

Jay Endi Bank offers you to use simple and convenient services of the Internet Bank system.

With the help of an Internet bank you can manage your card:

  • instantly replenish the card from current accounts at any time convenient for you *
  • block the map
  • get information about the card operations (authorization on the map, information about the category TSP, in which the transaction was held (Merchant Category Code)
  • request information on card account operations (account statement)
  • send a letter to the bank about the need to re-remove the card or release new card, indicating the required type of card (Standard, Gold, Platinum), currency cards, code words and Latin name and surname

* There is a day limit of the recharge card. On working days from 10:00 to 16:00: 200 000 RUB / 5 000 EUR / 5 000 USD. The rest of the time: 100 000 RUB / 2 000 EUR / 2000 USD.


How to get a card?

You can open an account and place a bank card:

  • In the Central Office of the Bank daily, except weekends, from 9.30 to 17.30 (on Friday - until 16.30).
  • In the additional office "Tagansky" daily, except weekends, from 11.00 to 19.30 (on Friday to 18.15)

How to replenish the card?

With ways to replenish bank cards, you can read the link.

How to find out the available balance on the map using the SMS service service?

Make sure your card is connected to SMS informs.

Activate the money balance query service by sending SMS to the number 6470 With the text "80,500".

After activating the service to find out the available balance on the map at any time convenient for you, send an SMS to the room 6470 With the text "101", "residue" or "Balance".

In the response SMS, the balance will come on the last released card. If you have several cards, in SMS via space, specify the four last digits of the card.

Example SMS: 1234 residue

The cost of sending a message to the short number is charged by the cellular operator

Do not like PIN? Install your

From March 1, it was possible to establish a new PIN code for your card in any ATMs that support this service. The new option will allow you to change the PIN-code proposed by the Bank on a convenient combination of four digits for you.

When creating your own pin-code, a combination of four identical numbers (1111) and numbers in a row (1234, 4321) are not allowed.

To change the PIN code, you must go to the Main Menu section of the ATM and select the "PIN Change" operation, after which you need to follow the instructions on the ATM screen.

The service is paid according to the Tariffs.

Currency Operations on the map

We draw attention to the possible inconsistency of the amount of the operation performed using the card, and the amount moneyrecorded from the account of the cardholder for this operation, for example, if the operation using the card was performed in a currency other than the account currency (the conversion of funds is carried out at the bank's course). The reflection of the account operations is carried out on the basis of confirming the operation of documents, the day of receipt of which to the bank may not coincide on the day of the operation. At the same time, due to changes in currencies (cross-year cross-courses), it is possible to change the amount of the amount of funds to be debited from an account on the operation performed in a currency other than the currency of the account.

Payment of bank services

Commissions for maintenance of the map and the provision of services in the process of its service are charged in accordance with the Bank's approved tariffs on the fact of the provision of services. The Commission for the annual maintenance of the card (when issuing / re-release) is charged in accordance with the terms of the Card Release and Service Treaty, but no later than the day of receipt of the card. Commission for SMS-informing will be charged on the last working day of the month.

World of Comfort and Privileges

Cards are because they are called "gold" and "platinum", that they open the world of privileges and comfort by their holders. You have released by our bank maincard map GOLD or MasterCard Platinum? Then you have the opportunity to get tangible discounts and special conditions Service when paying for a card in hotels, restaurants and other partner enterprises Jay Endi Bank.


Under no circumstances tell the PIN, the details of the card and do not transfer the map to use to third parties. If there are assumptions about disclosing IDUs, personal data that makes unlawful actions with your account, as well as if the card has been lost, immediately refer to the phone's round-the-clock contact center for the card lock. Until the map lock, you are risk associated with the unauthorized discriting of funds from the account. The Bank may independently suspend the card action in case of obtaining information about its possible compromise or violation of the terms of the contract for the release and maintenance of the card. To unlock the card, you need to contact the Bank's employee.

Safe Card

Debit Bank Card Service Rules

The rules for servicing a debit card are a collection of conditions and rules that must comply with clients receiving plastic and banks issuing it. They contain the main definitions and concepts applied to the cards, duties and the rights of the client, the obligations and rights of the bank itself, the procedure for opening and conducting a debit card account, as well as the procedure for conducting operations on it, the responsibility of the client and Fin. Institutions, procedure for resolving emerging disputes, the procedure for completing the maintenance of plastic.

Rules for use and maintenance debit cards It is usually issued immediately upon receipt of plastic. In a statement on receipt, the client must put a signature that the rules are obtained, and he has been acquainted with them.

If plastic comes by mail, or in the department they forgot to issue rules, then you can always find them on the website of the Issuer's banking organization.

The rules for servicing debit cards can be made changes and additions. At the same time, the bank does not always notify the holder about it.

ABOUT recent changes And add-ons in service rules can be found:

  • On the official website Fin. Institutions (usually about changes there is a note on the news tape on the site or in the "Tariffs" section)
  • In the department (when visiting the Department, the changes can inform the specialist, you can specify yourself during communication with employees or on information stands)
  • By phone hot line (The news of the changes can be broadcast by a hotline voice helper or a call center specialist)
  • In your online office.

The main items of the rules for servicing bank debit cards or to pay attention to.

  1. Terms, concepts, definitions. The rules often use special terminology. To have an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is in question in each item, all the terms and concepts should be studied. Do not forget that the same designation may have a different meaning in different banks. For example, the abbreviation of the DBC in one bank means "contract banking service", And in the other -" remote service ". Or, an update in one case means an additional card that has one common account with the main one, and in the other, which comes as a gift to the main and has a personal account, separate from the main one.
  2. Customer duties. All responsibilities of the client before the bank are painted at this point when using plastic. It is worth paying attention to all items without exception. For example, the point of duty to keep all payment documents on the card (checks, extracts) throughout the term of use of the card and provide them in the first requirement of the bank. Suppose the bank requests from the holder of the statement for the first half of the year in all operations (and there may be more than a thousand if the client actively uses plastic) due to the fact that he considers some transactions illegal. If the client does not provide, then Fin. The institution may suspend the action of the card, block it or refuse the following issue, because the rules of service and the use of plastic were violated. The point of responsibilities of the Client to notify about the disappearance, theft or operations, which the client did not commit. In different banks there are different procedures for the bank alert about it.

    One bank requires only to call hotline. In another - call and the next day to come in person in the department for writing the application. In the third - just send SMS to the short number of the bank. If the specified conditions are not executed by the holder, the Bank has the right to refuse to solve the problem and relieve financial responsibility. Special attention You should pay from what moment the bank takes responsibility. Many banking organizations Specify the period from the next day after the oral notice. It does not happen for fraudulent operations of the first day. The deadlock clause in which the client must make claims to operations. Most often, it is tied to a monthly discharge. But in some organizations a claim may not be taken after a certain period, for example, later than 30 days from the date of discharge.

  3. Client rights. In this paragraph, everything that can do with a client card is registered. The client can receive all the rationale for banking write-offs from his account and dispute them, carry out operations, demand from Fin. Organization for the provision of services in accordance with the rules and other.
  4. Rights and obligations of the Bank. In this paragraph, everything was registered, which is allowed to make a bank: to open card accounts, requesting documents on operations conducted, to provide the discharge holder, write off their remuneration for the provision of services (annual service, SMS notification, etc.). In addition, it is often indicated that the Conditions on the cards can be changed in unilaterallyAnd the client will be notified by the specified way (SMS notification, information on the site or stands, etc.).
  5. Conditions for opening and conducting an account. The conditions are prescribed here, on the basis of which the client can get the bank maps, a list of documents for receiving, the procedure for maintaining a client map account.

Decision of disputes to violate the rules of service and the use of debit bank cards.

All disputes are solved individually. If possible, a mutual-favorable solution is achieved through negotiations of the plastic holder and representatives of Fin. institutions. If the solution is not found or not satisfied with one of the parties, then everything is solved in court.

Where are the tariffs and commissions on debit cards?

Tariffs are a document where all commissions, limits and other services are prescribed. Tariffs and Commissions when using debit cards are issued to the Holder at the time of receipt. The client must put a signature that he agrees with them and acquainted.

For the convenience of customers, changes in the service conditions and bank card tariffs are introduced according to schedule: 4 times a year on January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1, or in other times due to the requirement of legislation.

  • Conditions for the release, maintenance and use of bank cards from October 1, 2019.
  • Appendix 18.1. The form of an application for disagreement with a transaction (Chargeback).
  • Appendix 18.2. Application form confirming the blocking of the map (in case of loss of the card or unauthorized use).
  • Appendix 18.3. The application form for a re-provision of the bank card (in case of loss of a card or IDU).
  • Appendix 18.4. The form of an application for the provision of an additional bank card PJSC Sarovbusinessbank.
  • Appendix 18.5. Application for adjusting activity limits.
  • Appendix 18.6. Application form for connecting, disconnecting or making changes to SMS service service settings.
  • Appendix 18.7. The procedure for providing SMS service to the cardholders.
  • Appendix 18.8. Application for writing money from a card to maintain loans.
  • Appendix 18.9. An application form of an individual on the opening of the current account using the bank card PJSC Sarovbusinessbank.
  • Appendix 18.10. Application for termination of a bank account agreement using bank cards (closing a card account).
  • Appendix 18.11. Restrictions on operations committed using bank cards PJSC Sarovbusinessbank (activity limits).
  • Appendix 18.12. The payment program of remuneration holders of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" (Cashback).
  • Conditions for the release, use and maintenance of virtual cards from October 01, 2018.
  • Appendix 13.1. Application form for a virtual card issue.
  • Appendix 13.2. Receipt in receipt of a virtual card.
  • Appendix 13.3. Application for the refund of the unused card limit.
  • Appendix 13.4. Application form confirming the blocking of the virtual card action.
  • Appendix 13.5. Restrictions on operations performed using prepaid virtual maps of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank (activity limits).
  • Conditions for the release, use and maintenance of prepaid gift cards from October 01, 2017.
  • Appendix 13.1. Application for closing a prepaid gift card and refund unused balance.
  • Appendix 13.2. Application for confirming the blocking of a gift prepaid card.
  • Appendix 13.3. Restrictions on operations committed using PJSC Sarovbusinessbank PJSC (Limits of Activity).

Tariffs for issuing and servicing bank cards (from October 1, 2019)

1. Operations with current card accounts 1

1.1 for current Card Accounts individuals Using bank settlement (debit) cards. Accounts Currency: RF / US Dollars / Euro

1.1.1. Enrollment for cash and non-cash cards

not charged

1.1.2. Cash issuance S. card account (without the map presence) except for paragraph 1.1.3.

1% of the amount of the operation, but not more than 200 rubles. / 3 dollars USA / 3 Euro

1.1.3. Issue cash from a card account (without a map of the Map) on the issuing tariffs " Social card"," Social Protection "," Pension Card."and" pension "

not charged

1.1.4. Maintenance of the current card account after expiration (1 year or more) the last of the Card provided 3

250 rubles / $ 5/5 euros

1.1.5. Non-cash transfers Cash to accounts opened in PJSC Sarovbusinessbank and its branches of additional, operating offices according to the statements of the owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation):

not charged

1.1.6. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other credit institutions according to the statements of the owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation):

- to accounts legal entities In the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the contract with the recipient of funds

1.1.7. Non-cash transfers of funds for accounts and maps open at PJSC Sarovbusinessbank and its branches of additional, operating offices carried out using the SBB online / SBB service remote banking service (only for accounts in RUBLES):

- on your own accounts and client maps

not charged

- to accounts and cards of other individuals

not charged

- to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

0.1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 10 rubles, not more than 1000 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the contract with the recipient of funds

1.1.8. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other banks carried out using the CBB DBB service / SBB Mobile service (accounts only in RF rubles):

- on the accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

0.2% of the amount listed, but not less than 20 rubles, and no more than 1000 rubles, with the exception of tax payments

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the contract with the recipient of funds

1.1.9. Non-cash transfers to payment for services of suppliers registered in the city's federal system, carried out using the CBB DBB / SBB Mobile service

in accordance with the tariffs of the Federal System "City" (the amount of the commission on non-cash translation in favor of a particular supplier is reflected in the registration of the transfer to the CBB DBB Online / SBB Mobile, before the client performs the appropriate cash transfer operation)

1.1.10. Making certificates at customer requests, including the presence / absence of the current Card Account

300 rubles, incl. VAT

1.1.11. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

depending on the type of emission tariff card

1 Operations with current card accounts without the use of maps not specified in this list, current tariffs for the current accounts of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank can be applied.

2 Euro accounts open only for MasterCard payment system cards, US dollars for Visa and MasterCard payment system


1.2. For current card individuals using bank cards with preferential period lending, currency account - Rubles of the Russian Federation

1.2.1. Enrollment for cash and non-cash cards

not charged

1.2.2. Maintenance of the current card account after the expiration date (1 year or more) the last of the Card provided 4

1.2.3. Non-cash transfer of funds for accounts opened in PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" and its branches of additional, operating offices according to the statements of card accounts:

- to the accounts of individuals

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

1.2.4. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other credit institutions according to the statements of card accounts:

- on the accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

1.2.5. Cashless cash transfers to accounts opened in PJSC Sarovbusinessbank and its branches of additional, operating offices, carried out using the SBB Remote Banking Service online / SBB Mobile:

- on your own account accounts;

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to the accounts of other individuals;

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- on accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds;

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to the accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds.

1.2.6. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other credit institutions carried out using SBB / SBB / SBB Mobile Service Remote Banking Services

- on the accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the recipient agreement

1.2.7. Making certificates at customer requests, including the presence / absence of the current Card Account

300 rubles, incl. VAT

1.2.8. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

4 Charged annually no later than the last working decade of the year. In case the balance of cash is less than the size of the established commission, the Commission is set in the amount of the balance on the account.

1.3. Business account for operations using corporate bank cards

5 Charged annually no later than the last working decade of the year. In case the balance of cash is less than the size of the established commission, the Commission is set in the amount of the balance on the account.

1.4. For current card accounts of individuals by the UnionCard payment system cards

1.4.1. Annual account service 7

in the amount of the balance on the account, but not more than 500 rubles.

1.4.2. Enrollment on account of non-cash funds to the account, including pensions, benefits and equivalent to them

the service is not provided 8

1.4.3. Cash enrollment

the service is not provided

1.4.4. Non-cash transfers of funds for accounts opened in PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" and its branches of additional, operating offices according to the statements of current card accounts (only for accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation):

- on your own accounts and cards

not charged

- to accounts and cards of other individuals

20 rubles. For the operation

- to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

0.5% of the amount of the listing, but not less than 100 rubles, not more than 2000 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the contract with the recipient of funds

1.4.5. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other credit institutions according to the statements of the owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation):

- on the accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of a contract with the recipient of funds

1% of the amount of the listing, but not less than 100 rubles, not more than 2000 rubles.

- to accounts of legal entities in the presence of a contract with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the contract with the recipient of funds

1.4.6. Making certificates at customer requests, including the presence / absence of the current Card Account

300 rubles, incl. VAT

1.4.7. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

6 In connection with the completion of the emission of the UnionCard payment system cards, bank cards are not issued, the tariff is applied instead of previous tariffs.

  • "Common for individuals, account currency - rubles",
  • "Pension, UnionCard, account currency - rubles",
  • "Salary, UnionCard, account currency rubles",
  • "Salary for employees budgetary institutions and employees of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank", UnionCard, account currency - rubles "

7 Charged once a year no later than the last working decade of the year, with the exception of accounts open to crediting subsidies.

8 Except for accounts open under the contract to enroll subsidies

2. Emission rates. Issue and maintenance of bank settlement (debit) cards of international payment systems Visa, MasterCard

2.1. "Common for individuals" using calculated (debit) cards, card account currency - US dollars, Euro

Visa Gold.
Mastercard Gold.

Mastercard Gold.

2.1.1. Issue 9 of the main or additional card

15 dollars USA

2.1.2. Annual service in the first year of action of a primary or additional card

not charged

2.1.3. Annual service 10 of the main or additional card in the second and subsequent years

15 dollars USA

2.1.4. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

not charged

2.1.5. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

15 dollars USA

2.1.6. Cash issuance:

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Post Pan" 11

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 12

1% minimum 3 dollars. USA

1% minimum 3 euros

2.1.7. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.1.8. Commission for conversion 13

not charged

2.1.9. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

the service is not provided

2.1.10. Accrual of miles when performing operations using a card in trade and service enterprises for use in the EQVilibria.ru service

the service is not provided

2.1.11. Cashback

the service is not provided


10 The Card service includes the SMS service package.




2.2. "Common for individuals" using calculated (debit) cards, card account currency - Rubles of the Russian Federation

Mastercard Gold.

+ Cashback

+ Miles accrual

Visa Gold.
Mastercard Gold.
Visa Gold.
Mastercard Gold.

2.2.1. Issue 14 of the main or additional card

2.2.2. Issue 15 and maintenance during the period 16 Actions of the additional card sticker

2.2.3. Annual service in the first year of action of a primary or additional card

not charged

2.2.4. Annual service 17 of the main or additional card in the second and subsequent years

2.2.5. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

not charged

2.2.6. Reissue map-sticker for a term (extension)

2.2.7. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

2.2.8. Realcate map-sticker in cases of replacement when damaged, loss of map-sticker or pin

2.2.9. Cash issuance:

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC "Mail Bank" 18

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 19

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 250 rubles.

not carried out

2.2.10. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.2.11. Commission for conversion 20

not charged

2.2.12. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

the service is not provided

2.2.13. Calculation of miles when performing operations using a card or a sticker card in trading and service enterprises for use within the EQVilibria.ru service

the service is not provided

1 mile \u003d 30 rubles.

2.2.14. Cashback

the service is not provided

the service is not provided

14 From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.



17 The service cost includes the SMS service package. Charged annually for each year the card action from the card account. At the same time, the year of service is made equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins on the date of registration of the card, and each subsequent - from the date following the date of the previous year of service. Commission calculations are carried out on the first working day of the year of service of the card, in the absence of funds to the specified date at the end of the operating day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the client map is locked and not serviced. When you first receive money for a card account, the commission for annual service is charged in full, the card lock is removed. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the map.

18 With technical capabilities

19 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

20 The amount of operation B. foreign currency Recalculated in the calculation currency with payment system In accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation on a card account

2.3. "Plus Map" for individuals with deposits or loans in PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank", card account currency - Rubles of the Russian Federation

2.3.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the primary or additional card for the entire validity period

not charged

2.3.2. Release 22 and maintenance during the period of 23 actions of an additional card-sticker (only in rubles of the Russian Federation)

2.3.3. Reversing Maps for a term (extension) 24 primary or additional card

not charged

2.3.4. Reissue map-sticker for a term (extension)

2.3.5. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

2.3.6. Realcate map-sticker in cases of replacement when damaged, loss of map-sticker or pin

2.3.7. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank 25

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 26

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 250 rubles.

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

2.3.8. Commission for conversion 27

not charged

2.3.9. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

21 Maps are issued subject to the placement of the deposit / deposit in the bank or in the presence of the existing loan agreement, and the same when connecting DBO. The view of the map and the card product is determined by the bank. From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

22 The technological features of the sticker map support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies in the presence of the technical capabilities of the card operation using contactless technology A total within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature. Customer on check. Map-sticker in the presence of a card account can be released only as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

23 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the duration of the sticker card is determined by the bank.

24 The Commission is charged under the condition of the customer's cash account at the date of payment, or in the absence of funds in the Client's account, at the date of payment is charged at the first receipt without the additional order of the Client. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the card.

25 With technical capabilities

26 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

27 The amount of operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account.

2.4. Premium For Individuals Visa Infinite, account currency RF / US dollars

Visa Infinite 28.
"All inclusive"

Visa Infinite 29.
"First grade"

Visa Infinite 30.

2.4.1. Issue and annual service 31

30 000 rubles.
/ 550 dollars USA in year

5 000 rubles.
/ 100 dollars USA in year

not charged

2.4.2. Issue 32 and maintenance during the period of 33 Actions of an additional sticker card (only in rubles of the Russian Federation)

not charged

2.4.3. Reversing cards / card-sticker (extension)

not charged

2.4.4. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when damaged a card, change name, loss cards, Pina

15 000 rub.
/ 225 dollars USA

5 000 rubles.
/ 100 dollars USA

5 000 rubles.
/ 100 dollars USA

2.4.5. Realcate map-sticker in cases of replacement when damaged, loss of map-sticker or pin

not charged

2.4.6. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank";

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 34

not charged

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash banks 35

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

it is not charged (it is possible to challenge the Commission by a third-party bank)

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

2.4.7. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.4.8. Commission for conversion 36

not charged

2.4.9. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly on accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation

the service is not provided

2.4.10. Issuance of an access card to VIP-halls of PRIORITY PASS airports

not charged

2.4.11. Bank's costs when making calculations on the payment of services "Priority Pass Limited" for cardholders, is determined based on the amount of the collection set by the company "Priority Pass Limited" for one visit to the VIP-hall of the airport in one person

the first 5 visits per month - without charging the board,
$ 27 37

$ 27 38

2.4.12. Bonus programs (optional) 39:


1 mile \u003d 30 rubles.

1 mile \u003d 30 rubles.

the service is not provided

- accrual of welcome miles when making first purchase on a map for use within the EQVilibria.ru service;

- Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

28 Visa Infinite Card Holders Bank invites Personal Services to SBB Gold offices. The Card Service Card includes the SMS service package, the release of the PRIORITYPASS card, as well as services provided by the payment system: Complex Insurance Policy Visa Cemea Infinite - Privilege Program, Concierge Service, Emergency, and Other special offers. Additionally, a map of the tariff may be released " Virtual Card."without charging the board, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold / Mastercard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the" Executive "tariff, to the Visa Infinite account or as an independent product on the name of the client or in the name of other choices client.

29 The Card Service Card includes the SMS service package, the release of the PRIORITYPASS card, as well as services provided by the payment system: Complex Insurance Policy Visa Cemea Infinite - Privilege Program, Concierge Service, Emergency, and other special offers. Additionally, a map of the "Virtual Card" rate can be released without charging the board, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold / Mastercard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the "Executive" rate, to the Visa Infinite account or as an independent product In the name of the client or in the name of other persons at the choice of the client.

30 Available only within the framework of individual special offers of the bank or marketing actions. The Card Service Card includes the SMS service package, the release of the PRIORITYPASS card, as well as services provided by the payment system: Complex Insurance Policy Visa Cemea Infinite - Privilege Program, Concierge Service, Emergency, and other special offers. Additionally, a map of the "Virtual Card" rate can be released without charging the board, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold / Mastercard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the "Executive" rate, to the Visa Infinite account or as an independent product In the name of the client or in the name of other persons at the choice of the client.

31 Charged annually for each year the card action from the card account. At the same time, the year of service is made equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins on the date of registration of the card, and each subsequent - from the date following the date of the previous year of service. Commission calculations are carried out on the first working day of the year of service of the card, in the absence of funds to the specified date at the end of the operating day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the client map is locked and not serviced. When you first receive money for a card account, the commission for annual service is charged in full, the card lock is removed. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the card.

32 The technological features of the sticker card support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies in the presence of the technical capabilities of the operation on the map using contactless technology at the amount within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature client on the check. The sticker card can only be released as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

33 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the validity of the sticker map is determined by the Bank

34 With technical capabilities

35 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank



38 For accounts in rubles of the Russian Federation - at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation on a card account

39 Bonus program (one of the available: either charge miles or cache) is set when the card is released and cannot be changed until the end of the card

2.5. "Executive" for individuals, account currency RF / US dollars / euro

2.5.1. Issue, reissue map for the validity period (extension) and annual maintenance main card 41

not charged

2.5.2. Issue 42, re-removal for the validity period (extension) and maintenance during the period 43 actions of an additional card-sticker (only in rubles of the Russian Federation)

2.5.3. Capselement cards in cases of replacement of the main card when damaged, change name, loss of card or pin

700 rub. / 15 dollars USA / 15 Euro

2.5.4. Realcate map-sticker in cases of replacement when damaged, loss of map-sticker or pin

2.5.5. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mailt Bank" 44

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 45

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 250 rubles / 3 dollars. USA / 3 Euro

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

2.5.6. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.5.7. Commission for conversion 46

not charged

2.5.8. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

2.5.9. Calculation of miles when performing operations using a card or a sticker card in trading and service enterprises for use within the EQVilibria.ru service

the service is not provided

2.5.10. Cashback

the service is not provided

40 A not more than one card is produced to one card account. From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

41 The technological features of the sticker card support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies in the presence of the technical capabilities of the operation on the map using contactless technology at the amount within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature. Customer on check. Map-sticker in the presence of a card account can be released only as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

42 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the duration of the sticker card is determined by the bank.

43 With technical capabilities

44 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

45 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

2.6. "Virtual Map"

Visa, MasterCard or World "Virtual"

2.6.1. Release card without opening a card account

2.6.2. Card service after expiration

in the absence of a submission of an application by the client about the return of the cash balance for three years, the Commission is charged in the amount of unused balance

2.6.3. Cash enrollment

not charged

2.6.4. Cash issuance

not carried out

2.6.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.6.6. Commission for conversion 48

not charged

46 Cards are manufactured without opening the current card account. The cost of the card issue includes the SMS service package. The type of payment system and the validity of the card is determined by the bank. From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

47 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

2.7. "Gift card"

Visa or Mastercard Unembossed / Noname

MasterCard Gold Sticker

2.7.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the main or additional card

2.7.2. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

the service is not provided

2.7.3. Cash issuance

the service is not provided

2.7.4. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.7.5. Card replenishment

provided that the balance of funds at any time does not exceed 15,000 rubles, and total amount Translated electronic money can not exceed 40,000 rubles during the calendar month

48 Maps are available in the presence of a technical capabilities and without opening the current card account. Released without applying the name of the holder to the card. The validity period and the type of map is set by the Bank

2.8. "Corporate Card"


2.8.1. Issue of the main or additional card for a period of 1 year

2.8.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

2.8.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

2.8.4. Cash issuance 50:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC PAO "Mailway Bank" 51

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks - partners 52

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

4% minimum 250 rubles.

2.8.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.8.6. Commission for conversion 53

not charged

2.8.7. Cash through ATMs PJSC Sarovbusinessbank with Cashin function

not charged

49 Restrictions installed on the map on cash issuance: 100 000 rubles. per day and 150,000 rubles. per month

50 With technical capabilities

51 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank


3. Em session tariffs. Issue and maintenance of banking settlement (debit) cards of the National Payment System "Peace"

3.1. "Common for individuals" using the calculated (debit) cards of the world's national payment system, a card account currency - Rubles of the Russian Federation

The world is premium

3.1.1. Edition of the main or additional card

3.1.2. Annual service in the first year of action of a primary or additional card

not charged

3.1.3. Annual maintenance of the main or additional card in the second and subsequent years

3.1.4. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

not charged

3.1.5. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

3.1.6. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank";

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 56

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks -patners 57

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 100 rubles.

3.1.7. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.1.8. Commission for conversion 58

not charged

3.1.9. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

the service is not provided

3.1.10. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

55 From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free. Charged annually for each year the card action from the card account. At the same time, the year of service is made equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins on the date of registration of the card, and each subsequent - from the date following the date of the previous year of service. Commission calculations are carried out on the first working day of the year of service of the card, in the absence of funds to the specified date at the end of the operating day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the client map is locked and not serviced. When you first receive money for a card account, the commission for annual service is charged in full, the card lock is removed. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the card.

56 With technical capabilities

57 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

58 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

3.2. "Executive" for individuals, account currency Rubles RF

The world is premium

3.2.1. Issue, reissue map for the term (extension) and annual maintenance of the main card 64

not charged

3.2.2. Capselement cards in cases of replacement of the main card when damaged, change name, loss of card or pin

3.2.3. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 65

not charged

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash banks 66

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 100 rubles.

3.2.4. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.2.5. Commission for conversion 67

not charged

3.2.6. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

3.2.7. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

64 No more than one card is produced to the card account.

65 With technical capabilities

66 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

67 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

3.3. "Pension Card" for individuals, currency Account - Rubles of the Russian Federation

World classic disknit 69

3.3.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the main or additional card

not charged

3.3.2. Reversing cards for a term of 70 (extension)

not charged

3.3.3. Reissue map in cases of replacement of the main / optional bank card when damaged the card, loss of card or pin

not charged

3.3.4. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Post Pan" 71

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 100 rubles.

3.3.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.3.6. Commission for conversion 73

not charged

3.3.7. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly

68 Card accounts and cards are opened for pensioners upon presentation of a pension certificate, or persons who have reached the retirement age in accordance with applicable law. For citizens who have permanent residence outside the Russian Federation, a map of the international payment system at the "Executive" rate with the opening of a separate account is issued.

69 Released without applying the name of the holder to the card. The map is not designed to work on the Internet.


71 With technical capabilities

72 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

73 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

3.4. "Social card" social protection "for individuals, currency of the account - Rubles of the Russian Federation

The world is classic anonymous 75

3.4.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the main / additional card

not charged

3.4.2. Reissue map for term 76 (extension)

not charged

3.4.3. Reissue map in cases of replacement of the main / optional bank card when damaged the card, loss of card or pin

3.4.4. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mailway Bank"

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1%, minimum 100 rubles

3.4.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.4.6. Commission for conversion 79

not charged

3.4.7. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

74 The map is designed to enroll the benefits and other social payments

75 Released in the presence of a technical capabilities without applying the name of the holder to the card. The map is not designed to work on the Internet and receiving cash in third-party banks.

76 The duration of the card is determined by the bank. Upon extended, a classical world is issued

78 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

79 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

4. Em session tariffs for salary projects

4.1. "Salary card", Account Currency - Rubles RF

Classic world

Visa Classic.
MasterCard Standard

The world is premium

Visa Gold.

4.1.1. Issue and maintenance during the validity period 81 main / additional card

not charged / 200 rubles. 82.

not charged / 500 rubles. 83.

4.1.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

not charged 86.

4.1.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

4.1.4. Issue 90, reissue for the validity period (extension), reissue in cases of replacement / loss and maintenance during the period 91 Actions of the additional card-sticker

4.1.5. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 92

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 93

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

minimum 100 rubles. 94.

minimum 250 rubles. 95.

minimum 100 rubles. 96.

minimum 250 rubles. 97.

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

4.1.6. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.1.7. Commission for conversion 98

not charged

4.1.8. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not accrued

4.1.9. Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

the service is not provided

80 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of enterprises (organizations) with the exception of budget institutions and organizations, card accounts and cards are opened in the presence of a listing agreement wages and other payments of a social nature on employee accounts using bank cards with an enterprise (organization). The tariff is also applied for employees of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank.

81 The release of cards can be paid to the company (organization) in accordance with the concluded agreement on the transfer of wages and other payments of a social nature to the accounts of employees using bank cards. The duration of the card is determined by the bank.

82 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

83 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

84 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

85 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

86 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

87 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

88 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

89 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

90 The technological features of the sticker card support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies in the presence of the technical capabilities of the operation on the map using contactless technology at the amount within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature. Customer on check. Map-sticker in the presence of a card account can be released only as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

91 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the duration of the sticker card is determined by the bank.

92 With technical capabilities

93 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

94 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

95 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

96 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

97 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

98 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

4.2. "Salary Card for Budget Payments", Currency Account - Rubles RF

Classic world

The world is premium

Premium World, Special Design 100

4.2.1. Issue and maintenance during the validity period of the main / additional card

not charged /
200 rubles. 101.

not charged /
250 rubles.

4.2.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

103 is not charged

not charged

4.2.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

4.2.4. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 106

not charged

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash banks 107

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

minimum 100 rubles. 108.

4.2.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.2.6. Commission for conversion 109

not charged

4.2.7. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

4.2.8. Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

0.5%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

99 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of budget state and municipal bodies, institutions, state extrabudgetary funds; civil servants and recipients of state scholarships. Card accounts and cards are opened in the presence of an agreement on the transfer of wages and other social payments to employee accounts using bank cards with an enterprise (organization).

100 The tariff is intended incl. For individuals - employees of organizations, recipients of payments at the expense of the budget of Sarov under a separate agreement

101 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

102 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

103 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

104 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

105 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

106 With technical capabilities

107 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

108 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

109 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

4.3. "Salary card for employees of Rosatom enterprises in Sarov", Currency Account - Rubles of the Russian Federation

Classic world

Visa Classic or
MasterCard Standard

The world is premium

Visa Gold or
Mastercard Gold.

4.3.1. Producing and maintenance during the term of 111 main / additional card

service is not provided 112

not charged /
500 rubles. 113.

not charged /
700 rub. 114.

4.3.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

the service is not provided

115 is not charged

4.3.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

the service is not provided

4.3.4. Issue 116, reissue to the validity period (extension), reissue in cases of replacement / loss and maintenance during the period 117 of the action of an additional card-sticker

4.3.5. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC "Mail Bank" 118

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 119

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

minimum 100 rubles. 120.

minimum 250 rubles. 121.

minimum 100 rubles. 122.

minimum 250 rubles. 123.

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

4.3.6. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.3.7. Commission for conversion 124

not charged

4.3.8. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not accrued, unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

4.3.9. Bonus programs (optional) 125:

- accrual of miles when performing operations using a card or a sticker card in trading and service enterprises for use within the EQVilibria.ru service;

the service is not provided

the service is not provided

1 mile \u003d 30 rubles.

- Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

110 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of enterprises (organizations) Rosatom, including Russian Federal Tax Service of FSUE "RFYAC-VNIIEF"

111 The release of cards can be paid by the company (organization) in accordance with the concluded agreement on the transfer of wages and other payments of a social nature to employee accounts using bank cards. The duration of the card is determined by the bank.

112 The release of cards is terminated from 04/02/2018.

113 Up to 5 additional cards to one card account are issued without charging. Charged when issuing 6th and subsequent additional cards

114 Up to 5 additional cards to one card account are issued without charging. Charged when issuing 6th and subsequent additional cards

115 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

116 Technological features of the card-sticker support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies if there is a technical capabilities of the operation on the card using contactless technology at the amount within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature. Customer on check. Map-sticker in the presence of a card account can be released only as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

117 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the validity of the sticker card is determined by the bank.

118 in the presence of technical capabilities

119 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

120 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

121 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

122 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

123 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

124 The amount of operation in foreign currency is recalculated in the calculation currency with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency card account at the rate of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank on the day of reflection of the card account operation

125 Bonus Program (one of the available: either charge miles or cache) is set when the card is released and cannot be changed until the end of the card validity period. The default cards are issued with bonus program Cashback.

5. Em session tariffs. Bank card service, the release of which is terminated

5.1. "Common for individuals", "Map Plus Contribution" for maps issued until 04/01/2018

Classic world

Visa Electron or Maestro

Visa Classic 126 or
MasterCard Standard 127.

5.1.1. Edition of the main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.1.2. Annual service in the first year of action of a primary or additional card

not charged

5.1.3. Annual service 128 main or additional card in the second and subsequent years:

- for the tariff "common to individuals";

150 rubles / 5 USD / 5 euros

500 rubles / $ 20/20 euros

- for the tariff "Map plus Contribution"

not charged

5.1.4. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

the service is not provided

5.1.5. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

the service is not provided

5.1.6. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC PAO "Mail Bank" 129

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 130

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 100 rubles.

1% minimum 250 rubles / $ 3/3 euros

5.1.7. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

5.1.8. Commission for conversion 131

not calculated

5.1.9. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

5.1.10. Cashback

the service is not provided

126 From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

127 From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

128 Charged annually for each year the card action from the card account. At the same time, the year of service is made equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins on the date of registration of the card, and each subsequent - from the date following the date of the previous year of service. Commission calculations are carried out on the first working day of the year of service of the card, in the absence of funds to the specified date at the end of the operating day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the client map is locked and not serviced. When you first receive money for a card account, the commission for annual service is charged in full, the card lock is removed. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the card.

129 With technical capabilities

130 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

131 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

5.2. "Pension" for maps issued until July 01, 2017.

Visa Electron or Maestro or MasterCard Standard

5.2.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.2.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

the service is not provided

5.2.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

the service is not provided

5.2.4. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC "Post Pan" 132

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 133

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 250 rubles.

5.2.5. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

5.2.6. Commission for conversion 134

not charged

5.2.7. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly

132 With technical capabilities

133 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

134 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

5.3. "Plus Map" for maps released until 01.10.2019g.

The world is a premium, currency of the card account - Rubles of the Russian Federation

Visa, MasterCard Currency Card Account - US Dollars or Euro

5.3.1. Issue 135 and annual maintenance of the main or additional card for the entire validity period

the service is not provided

5.3.2. Reversing Maps for a term (extension) of the main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.3.3. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

the service is not provided

5.3.4. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

not charged

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs PJSC PAO "Mailway Bank" 136

not charged

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash banks 137

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

1% minimum 100 rubles.

1% minimum 3 dollars. USA / 3 Euro

5.3.5. Commission for conversion 138

not charged

5.3.6. Accrual of interest on the cash balance on the card account

not calculated

5.3.7. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rubles. in the month

the service is not provided

135 From 01.10.2019 SMS service and viber notifications are provided on a fee. When connected by SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided for free.

136 With technical capabilities

137 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

138 The amount of operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account.

6. Emisy tariffs. Bank cards with a grace lending period.

6.1. "Credit Card Cachet"

6.1. "Credit card. Cashka" 135

MasterCard Gold / Visa Gold / Premium World

6.1.1. Edition of the main or additional card

not charged

6.1.2. Annual service in the first year of action of a primary or additional card

not charged

6.1.3. Annual service 139 main or additional card in the second and subsequent years

6.1.4. Reversing Maps for a term (extension)

not charged

6.1.5. Realcate cards in cases of replacement of the main / additional bank card when the map is damaged, the name of the name, the loss of the card or Pina

6.1.6. Issue 140, reissue for validity (extension), reissue in replacement cases / loss and maintenance during the period 141 Actions of an additional card-sticker

6.1.7. Conditions, deadlines and size credit Limita

according to a separate agreement

6.1.8. Cash issuance:

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

4% minimum 300 rubles.

- Through ATMs of the VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC PAO "Mail Bank" 139

4% minimum 300 rubles.

- through ATMs and points for issuing cash banks - partners 140

4% minimum 300 rubles.

- through ATMs and points of issuing cash of other banks

4% minimum 300 rubles.

- Using a sticker card

not carried out

6.1.9. Payment of goods and services by bank card

not charged

6.1.10. Commission for conversion 142

not charged

6.1.11. Translation by card number to other cards

the service is not provided

6.1.12. Cashback

the service is not provided

139 Released in the presence of technical capabilities

140 Charged annually for each year the card action from the card account. At the same time, the year of service is made equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins on the date of registration of the card, and each subsequent - from the date following the date of the previous year of service. Commission calculations are carried out on the first working day of the year of service of the card. With the first receipt of money for a card account, the Commission for annual service is charged in full. The validity period of the card is determined by the bank during emissions and is indicated on the front side of the map.

141 The technological features of the sticker card support the payment of goods and services on non-contact technologies in the presence of the technical capabilities of the operation on the map using contactless technology at the amount within 1000 rubles. Conducted without entering Pina and signature. Customer on check. Map-sticker in the presence of a card account can be released only as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted operations using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main map.

142 Type of payment system, the name of the card product and the duration of the sticker card is determined by the bank.

143 With technical capabilities

144 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

145 The amount of the operation in foreign currency is translated into the currency of calculations with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the calculation currency in the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" on the day of reflection of the operation card account

7. Additional services for bank cards

7.1.1. Connecting to SMS services through an ATM

not charged

7.1.2. SMS service, incl. SMS messages - notifications of each operation using the card to the number mobile phone

59 rub. / 0.9 dollars / 0.9 euros per month 146

7.1.4. PUSH notifications when connected to SBB Mobile

not charged

is not provided

7.2. Providing on the request of the information card holder about the available expenditure limit on a bank card using ATMs of other banks

30 rubles / 0.6 dollars / 0.6 euros for request

7.3. Request documents confirming the operation outside the acquiring network of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank in the presence of an application for disagreement with a transaction

ruble equivalent 5 dollars for each requested document

7.4. Changing PIN in ATMs PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

30 rubles per 1 dollars. USA / 1 Euro

By posting relevant information in the SBB / SBB Mobile Remote Banking System Remote Banking Service;

By sending a notification (information) to the email address;

Obtaining a mini-statement of perfect operations using a bank card in ATMs of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

not charged

146 The monthly charge charge is carried out at the service date after the provision of the service for the full month. The first tariff charge established from 01.10.2019, is carried out starting from 01.11.2019. For services provided in October 2019.

147 The monthly charge charge is carried out at the service date after the provision of the service for the full month. The first tariff charge established from 01.10.2019, is carried out starting from 01.11.2019. For services provided in October 2019, unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization).

148 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

149 The monthly charge charge is carried out at the service date after the provision of the service for the full month.

150 The monthly charge charge is carried out at the service date after the provision of the service for the full month. Unless otherwise specified in the contract with the enterprise (organization)

8. Tariffs for acquiring operations



Types of bank cards

8.1. Performing settlements with trading enterprises for operations performed through the bank terminals in the framework of contracts "On the sale of goods (services) using bank cards (trading acquiring) 151


8.2. Issuance of cash rubles in the ATMs of PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" for cardholders of other credit institutions

not charged


8.3. Issue cash rubles at cash issuance (PVN) PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank" for cardholders of other credit institutions

not charged


8.4. Issuance of cash dollars or euro at cash (PVN) and ATMs of PJSC SarovBusinessbank for Mapholders of other issuers

is not provided


8.5. Maximum amount of cash issuing for one operation using other banks in ATMs of PJSC Sarovbusinessbank

6 000 rub.
200 US dollars
200 euros


8.6. The maximum amount of cash issuing in one operation using other banks in cash issuing points (PVN).

6000 per rubles. or equivalent of US dollars or euro


Table 1

Turnover by terminal calculated for the past calendar month in accordance with paragraph 4.9 of the contract
(hereinafter - "Monthly Turnover")

Part of the remuneration, determined in% of the amount listed by the Bank in accordance with clause 4.3. Contracts
(hereinafter - "variable part of remuneration")

Part of the remuneration determined by the fixed for each terminal established under the contract, depending on the monthly turnover of this terminal,
(hereinafter - "Fixed part of remuneration")

up to 100 000 rubles / month. inclusive

from 100 000.01 to 200,000.00 rubles / month. inclusive

200 000,01 руб. / Month. and more

not charged

151 Charged from a trading enterprise

9. Tariffs on online translations from maps to a map in ATMs PJSC "Sarovbusinessbank"

152 If there is a technical possibility of execution of the operation

  • Appendix No. 4.

    to order approved by the order of 05/22/2015. № 260,

    amended by order of 08.07.2015 No. 359,

    changes made by order of 08/21/2015 No. 417

    amended by order of 09.11.2015 No. 534

    BBR Bank

    (joint-stock company)

    Conditions for the issue and maintenance of bank cards

    1. Terms and definitions

      1. In these Terms of Release and maintenance of bank cards BBD Bank ( Joint-stock company) (hereinafter referred to as conditions) are used as follows. Terms and Definitions:

    • Authorizationthe procedure for obtaining permission from the bank necessary to perform an operation using card / details of the map and generating the bank's commitment to execute the holder orders composed using the card / details of the map. After the implementation of authorization, the holder has no right to dispose of cash within authorized amounts until the amount of the amount of authorized operation from the account or cancellation of authorization is written off.

    • Authenticationcertificate of the eligibility of addressing the cardholder to the bank for committing banking operations Using a bank card / details of the map.

    • Bank - BBR Bank (Joint Stock Company).

    • Bank card(map) electronic tool Payment manufactured by the bank and is a means to compile settlement and other documents payable at the expense of the client.

    • Type of bank card -banking cards of payment systems: Mastercard payment system LLC -Cirrus / Maestro, Standard, Gold, Business ; LLC payment system "Visa" - Electron,Classic, Gold. manufactured by the bank.

    • Map Lockthe procedure for establishing a technical restriction bank for performing operations using a card, providing a bank failure from the provision of authorization.

    • Extract - A document containing information about operations performed using a bank card and account balance at the time of the formation of discharge, as well as other information that the bank considers it necessary to bring to the attention of the holder.

    • Card Currency -the currency in which the holder opened the bill account.

    • Currency of operation - The currency in which the holder has an operation using a b Ankov card.

    • Currency calculations - A currency in which calculations are carried out on operations using bank cards between the bank and the payment system.

    • Holder - Client or representative, in the name of which, in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation and regulatory documents Bank of Russia, a bank card has been released.

    • Authorized representative of the client (hereinafter - "Representative» ) - an individual for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, an additional card has been released.

    • Client - A physical person who has entered into an agreement with the bank, in the name of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, is opened in the bank (account owner).

    • Payment systems -Ao " National System Payment cards ", MasterCard payment system LLC and LLC Payment System" Visa ".

    • Instant map - Banking card of payment systems "MasterCard" OOO- Cirrus / Maestro and LLC Payment System "Visa" - Visa Electron and Visa Classic. (Undembossed), allowing to access non-cash payments for goods and services, cash withdrawal, bank transfer, as well as to remote account management. The Cirrus / Maestro card does not contain CVC / CVV2 and is not intended to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Map Visa. Classic (undembossed) contains an inscription - Electronic User Only.

    • Moto.(Mobili Order / Telephone ORDER ) - type of operations, when executing which, the bank card holder remotely reports the details of the card by phone, fax or e-mail, while the card is physically not involved in the payment.

    • Unresolved overdraft -spending the fund holder over the remainder on the account or above the established payment limit.

    • Mobile operator - OJSC Mobile TeleSystems, JSC MegaFon.

    • Basicmap - Bank card issued to the client.

    • Additional map - Bank card issued to the client's name or the representative of the representative. The representative does not conclude an agreement with the Bank, is not the account owner, but has the right, on the basis of the written authority (power of attorney) of the Client to dispose of funds posted on the Client's account.

    • Pin - personal an identification number, Individual code assigned by the map and used by the holder when performing operations using a card as an analogue of its own signature.

    • Pay limit- The amount of funds available to the holder to perform operations using the B Ankov card and installed as the difference between the balance of funds on the account and the sum of the authorized holder of authorized, but not yet paid operations.

    • Processing Center of the Bank (UCS.) - independent processing center (Cockki JSC) serving operations with bank card cards in accordance with the Agreement between the Bank and the processing center.

    • Settlement information- information presented in in electronic formatFor operations using bank cards, compiled on the basis of documents on operations using bank cards.

    • Score(Abbreviated SCS) bankCustomer based on the contract.

    • Customer Support Service -The system of software and hardware complexes of the bank, allowing the holder after its successful identification through a telephone channel with the participation of the operator - a bank employee, remotely obtain reference information about the operations carried out with the participation of a card or its details, available to the remote on the map, limits, restrictions and locks, carry out operations and also disable / connect services provided by the contract.

    • Bank tariffs - Collection of commissions and various fees charged by the Bank for the provision of services for the release and maintenance of bank cards.

    • SMS-informing -service operational alert I Customer, bank card holder on authorizations conducted.SMS. - Message goes directly After the operation on the card / details of the card to the mobile phone number specified by the client. The SMS message is considered to be received by the holder at the date of departure of the SMS message by the Bank.SMS-informing is carried out by sending an SMS message, indicating the type, the amount of the operation, the card number, using which is done this operation, as well as information about the availablepayment lIM on the map at the time of completion of the current operation.

    • Special equipment for drawing up operations for operations using bank cards:

    • ATM (ATM) - Electronic software and technical complex intended for issuing and receiving (if there is an appropriate opportunity in an ATM) of cash, drawing up operations on operations, issuing information on the account, implementation of non-cash payments using B Ankov cards. Upon completion of the issuance operation, cash reception and cashless payment services are issued a check, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation, an affordable balance on the bank card at the time of the current operation and economic essence operations;

    • Cash issuance point (PVN)- Place (cashier of the bank, cash desk of the bank, cash desk of an additional office of the bank, cash desk of the Bank's operating office) of operations on receiving, issuing cash with the use of bank cards. Upon completion of the issuance or cash intake operation, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation and the economic essence of the operation;

    • Trade and Service Enterprise (TSP) - An organization receiving bank cards for payment for sold goods or services. Upon completion, the payment operation is issued a check, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation and the economic essence of the operation;

    • Electronic terminal - Electronic software and technical device designed to perform operations using b Ankov cards. Upon completion of the operation, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation and the economic essence of the operation;

    • Imprinter - a mechanical device designed to transfer the defective details of a bank card to a document on operations using bank cards compiled on paper. Upon completion of the operation, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation and the economic essence of the operation.

    • Receipt(Document for operations using bank cards) -the basis for the implementation of calculations on operations using a bank card and a confirmation of their committing, compiled using special equipment with the participation of a bank card details of a card on paper and / or in electronic form, Predi-signed by a holder or certified by a pin-code or disposable password3D-Secure protocol.

    • Service "UCS SMS-Banking" -the remote access of the holder to its card accounts and other services provided by the Bank to the client using cellular communication (by the number (s) of mobile phone (s)).

    • Service "Autoplating" - The service for automatically replenishing the balance of the phone (l / s subscriber) in cellular operators in rubles of the Russian Federation, when it decreases to the established threshold, from the bank card account on the basis of the client's instructions.

    • 3D-Secure. - Protected protocol for authorizing a bank card holder forCNP operations (without a map presence). This technology is applied to the security of payment of goods and services on the Internet using disposable passwords.

    General provisions

    Conditions of banking services of individuals from Sberbank of Russia, a memo holder of bank cards, an album of tariffs for services provided by OJSC Sberbank of Russia to individuals, an application for banking services, an application for a bank card in the aggregate is concluded between the client and the Bank of the Treaty on the issue and maintenance of a bank card (hereinafter referred to as a contract).

    The Bank issues a map to the client on the basis of an application for a bank card by the Bank's bank card established (hereinafter referred to as the "Application Card" application), a properly completed and signed by the Client. The release of the card and the opening of the card account is carried out in the case of the Bank's acceptance of a positive decision on the possibility of issuing a map of the Card declared by the Client.

    The client undertakes to comply with the terms of the contract.

    Features of the release and maintenance of individual card products are determined in section 7 of these Terms of Use of Maps. In the case of contradictions between the main provisions of the terms of the use of maps and the features of the issue and maintenance of the card product, as defined in Section 7, the latter are prevalent.

    Expenditure limit - cash amount available for card operations including balance own funds The client on the card account and the sum of the overdraft limit on the card account, minus the amounts of operations blocked on the card account, taking into account the relevant Commission. Blocking the amount of the card account (reduction of the expenditure limit) is performed at the time of confirmation by the client of the operation through remote service channels, or when performing an operation using an authorization card, or when making money transfer from the card account in accordance with the terms of the contract. Other terms used in the "Terms of Use of Banking Cards of Sberbank of Russia OJSC (hereinafter referred to as" Card Use Conditions "), are the same meaning as in the" Conditions of Banking Services of individuals from Sberbank Russia. "

    Bank card

    The map is the property of the bank and is issued to temporary use.

    The Bank has the right to refuse without explaining the reasons for issuing or re-careing the map in the absence of the person specified in the application for the receipt of the card, registration (registration) on the territory of the Bank's service, providing them with a statement to receive incorrect information, unstable financial position or any other Data indicating the impossibility of issuing (reissue) cards this person, as well as in cases provided for by law.

    The card can be used by the holder for paying goods and services, receiving / contributing to cash in credit institutions and through ATMs, to make other banking operations on the accounts / deposits of the Client provided for by the Treaty. The ability to use a card is determined by the presence of a logo of the payment system, taking into account the constraints set by the Bank for some types of card products.

    Using the Card, the Client is able to perform operations and receive information on its accounts, deposits, displaced metal accounts in a bank through remote service channels.

    The Bank reserves the right at any time at its own discretion to change the set of operations, services and functions performed using the card. Carding operations through the self-service devices provided for by the Treaty may be limited in ATMs of other banks.

    The client has the right to contact the Bank at the place of reference with a written application for an additional card, with the exception of card products for which the release of an additional card is not provided in accordance with Section 7 of these "Card Use Conditions" section.

    When receiving a card, the holder is obliged to sign a map in a specially designated place on the map. The absence or inconsistency of the signature on the signature map is affixed by the holder on a document using a card operation, may be the basis for the failure to carry out an operation using a card and withdrawing such a map from the circulation.

    The card is valid until the last day of the month indicated on the front side of the card, inclusive. It is prohibited to use the card (its details) with expired actions. The Bank is not responsible for the late receipt by the cardholder released on new term actions.

    The bank has the right to reissue the card (including an additional) after its expiration date if the client did not notify the Bank in writing for 60 calendar days before the expiration of the card to refuse to use the card.

    The card is not reissued in the absence of operations using a map during the year preceding card reissue.

    To reissue the map before its expiration, the client must submit a written application to the Bank at the Map Account.

    Visa Classic map, Mastercard Standard with individual design.

    The map with an individual design is manufactured with applying the image card selected by the client.

    Applying for the release of maps with an individual design is carried out via the Bank's website. The client itself signs an application for a card upon receipt of a manufactured card in the Bank's division.

    The client creates the design of the front side of the card with an individual design: - By choosing a map of the design of the designs available in the bank; - By downloading the image, including the photo image, which is available to the client.

    When the map is released with an individual design with the image of the image provided by the client, the client guarantees that it has the right to use and dispose of this image, including the right to provide it to the placement jar on the map with an individual design, and what is the use of the image does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including rights private property, inviolability of privacy, exceptional (property) rights, as well as personal non-property and other rights.

    The client is obliged to notify people captured in the image that this image will be used to accommodate on the map with an individual design, and get their consent to such use. The Bank has the right to request evidence to confirm the consent of the persons specified in the image or confirmation of the use of the image to the client.

    It is forbidden to use to place on maps with an individual design image containing:

    phone numbers, numbers, texts, letters, addresses (including electronic), Internet sites in any languages, any calculus systems;

    medals, coins, monetary marks, brands, bills, incl. old and unsupened;

    political, religious, religious slogans and symbols, flags, emblems and other symbols of power, with restrictions - the form of any kind of troops (including images of people in the form);

    materials that have any attitude to antisocial / prohibited groups, minorities, events and events;

    materials and symbols of anticultural, antireligious, antisocial, racial and discriminatory orientation;

    any materials and images of sexual character;

    photos or images of public people, such as well-known musicians, writers, athletes, leading, etc., fictional characters (heroes of cartoon films, etc.);

    families from movies, cartoons, illustrations to books;

    promotional materials, trademarks and mechanisms, abbreviations, symbols and names of companies, as well as products of registered trademarks and maintenance signs (including cars and other equipment with trademarks and service signs);

    image of a person (including the image of the card holder), which implies use for identification purposes;

    images of people in equipment / workwear with recognizable / readable brands / trademarks / service marks, images of cars and other equipment with recognizable brands / trademarks / service marks;

    any images of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (including bottles, wine glasses and other attributes of peetic establishments), as well as tonic drinks, cigarettes, cigars, tubes, cards, roulettes, slot machines, toters, other gambling attributes;

    images associated or associated with the manufacture and use of drugs;

    images of weapons and military equipment: pistols, automata, tanks, military aircraft, ships, rockets, etc.;

    images that may entail problems when maintaining a map in trade / services enterprises;

    other images recognized by the bank and / or an international payment system are invalid to accommodation on the map.

    In case of violation of the above requirements, the Bank has the right to refuse to the Client in the Card Release and ask to replace the image.

    The image on the map with an individual design can have minor differences from the image on the monitor screen, due to the features of the color reproduction settings (calibration) when applying by the client via the Internet.

    When issuing a map with an individual design with the image provided by the client, the client is responsible to the Bank and third parties on any complaints and claims that can be brought to the Bank or International Payment visa systems International and Mastercard International due to violation of copyright and other rights caused by the placement of this image on the map with an individual design. The client undertakes to compensate for the bank to the damage caused in connection with the violation of copyright and other rights in the cases specified in this paragraph.

    The release of additional cards to the card account with an individual design is carried out with the design corresponding to the design of the main card with an individual design.

    A card with an individual design is reissued with the image selected by the client when the specified card is released.

    Changing the design with an individual design card with an individual design for any reason is allowed with the consent of the Bank and if the Bank has the relevant technical capabilities.

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