
Loko bank deposits. Loko-Bank deposits. Special offer "sounds profitable"

All deposits of the Loco-Bank are insured in order, sizes and on the conditions that are established by the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposit Insurance Bank Russian Federation»№ 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003.

From January 1, 2019, the Depositor is a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, a stateless person, including entrepreneurial activities, or a legal entity, assigned in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to small enterprises, information about which is contained in single Registry Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, the maintenance of which is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - a small enterprise), which concluded a bank deposit agreement with the bank or a banking agreement Accounts or any of these persons in favor of which contributed.

Contribution - cash in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currencyPlaced by depositors or in their favor in the bank in the Russian Federation on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement, including capitalized (aimed) interest on the deposit amount.

Deposits insured in accordance with FZ No. 177 - FZ dated 23.12.2003:
Deposits posted in banks - participants in the deposit insurance system are subject to insurance (including deposits certified by savings certificates) in accordance with the procedure, sizes and conditions established by the FZ No. 177-FZ.

Cash is not subject to insurance:
1) placed in bank accounts (in deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such bank accounts (deposits) are open to the implementation provided by the Federal Law of Professional Activities;
2) posted in bank depositswhose introduction is certified by deposit certificates;
3) transferred to banks in trust;
4) placed in deposits in the branches of the Russian Federation, located outside the Russian Federation;
5) who are electronic cash;
6) posted on the nominal accounts, with the exception of individual nominal accounts that are opening to guardians or trustees and beneficiaries for which the wards, mortgage accounts and ESCRO accounts, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;
7) placed in subordinated deposits;
8) Placed legal entities or in their favor, except moneyplaced by small enterprises or in their favor.

Reimbursement on deposits in the Bank, in respect of which the insured event came, is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100% of the amount of deposits in the bank, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation" No. 177- FZ dated December 23, 2003.

If the depositor has several contributions to the bank, the total amount of obligations of which on these deposits before the depositor exceeds 1,400,000 rubles, the reimbursement is paid for each of the contributions in proportion to their size.

The Deposit Insurance Agency was established in January 2004 on the basis of the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation". In order to ensure the operation of the Deposit Insurance System, the Agency pays to the depositors of reimbursment of deposits upon insurance case; maintains a register of bank insurance participating system; Controls the formation of the Deposit Insurance Fund, including due to bank contributions; Manages the funds of the Deposit Insurance Fund.

Full name: State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency"

Postal address / address of the location: 109240, Moscow, ul. Vysotsky, d. 4

Telephone " hot line"(Free call in Russia): 8-800-200-08-05.

Loco-Bank is among the banks accredited by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DC). The Bank has the right to act as a bank-agent for paying insurance compensation Depositors of banks in respect of which an insured event has come. For the convenience of depositors, in accordance with the law, the ASV may receive depositors' statements and pay them compensation on deposits through the banks-agents acting on his behalf. The list of accredited banking agents includes 79 banks.

Taxation of income individuals carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 214.2. Tax Code Russian Federation.

Not subject to taxation (exempted from taxation) the following types of income of individuals:
- Income in the form of interest received by taxpayers on deposits in banks located in the Russian Federation, if:

  • interest on ruble deposits is paid within the amounts calculated on the basis of the current refinancing rate Central Bank Of the Russian Federation increased by five percentage points during the period for which the indicated interest is calculated;
  • set rate does not exceed 9 percent per annum on deposits in foreign currency;
  • interest on ruble deposits, which at the date of concluding a contract or the extension of the Agreement were established in the amount not exceeding the current refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by five percentage points, provided that during the interest rate percentage of interest on the contribution did not increase and From the moment when the interest rate on the ruble contribution exceeded the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by five percentage points, passed no more than three years.

From January 1, 2016, the importance of the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia is equal to the value of the key rates of the Bank of Russia, determined by the appropriate date. Information about the size of the key rate is posted on the Bank of Russia website

Contributions to individuals are drawn up in Loko Bank at the initiative of the client under the conditions that are most suitable for him. As part of various deposits in 2017, the conditions are distinguished, which makes it possible to choose a placement method own funds. Potential depositors will be able to choose the most promising option with the most acceptable conditions.

Existing deposits of 2017

In Loko, the bank of deposit programs is not so much, but all the main features for the depositor are concentrated in them - you can choose with a maximum rate or replenished, long-term or currency, charitable or conservative. When choosing can be focused on the following options:

  • Rates on the deposits of Loko Bank in 2017;
  • Duration of the deposit;
  • Terms of the contract concluded with an individual: the possibility of expenditure operations, a method of interest payments, etc.

Interest on deposits of Loko Bank depend on the currency open accountas well as from the selected program and other key options. The potential depositor in 2017 can choose any optional investment. On the this moment The bank has the following proposals for the placement of own funds of individuals:

  • Simple control;
  • Bet for summer;
  • Revenue strategy;
  • Good interest.

Consider each program more.

Interest on deposits in currency for individuals

Currency deposits imply the placement of funds not only in national currencyBut in others. The most popular are dollars or euros. In Loko, the bank deposits for which you can choose in which currency to open an account are presented in 2017 by the following programs:

  • Simple management: Opens for a period of 370 days, in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. or 300 dollars / euro. Interest rates reach 7.50 or 0.75, or 0.5 percent per annum, respectively. Replenishment I. partial removal It is allowed, an additional contribution should not be less than 1 thousand rubles or $ 50 / euro. You can make funds no later than 30 days before the expiration of the contract. Payment of interest is a monthly bill.
  • The rate for the summer: valid up to 400 days, under 9.5 / 1.4 / / 1.1 percent per annum. Maximum values \u200b\u200bare indicated. Minimum amounts and rules of replenishment for individuals, receiving income - as in the previous program. Note: For currency accounts, the replenishment is not provided. Partial removal is not allowed.

Loko Bank deposit rates in rubles

Interest on deposits in national currency, as in any other, depend on the term and the amount of funds placed in 2017. The following deposits can be opened exclusively in national currency:

  • Profitable strategy: open up to 400 days per bet in 11% (maximum). It acts as a special offer for those who have invested in the life insurance program. Minimum amount of 100 thousand rubles, maximum - 2 million rubles. Replenishment is not provided, partial removal - until the abnormal residue in the last 100 days of the contract. Payment of dividends - monthly on a separate account.
  • Good interest: a program with a charitable element (deduction at the end of the term of the contract 0.035% of the final amount). Differs in the following key options: an extremely possible interest rate: 9.5%, the minimum amount of 10 thousand rubles., Maximum - 5 million. Replenishment by an individual is perhaps at least 1000 rubles, limitations on terms: the reception is stopped 30 days before the end of the contract If the deposit duration is at least 100 days. For deposits operating 400 days, replenishment is possible in the first half of the contract. Interest is paid every month.


In Loco, the bank deposits to individuals can be decorated for any of the described programs. The potential depositor itself selects the most acceptable conditions for placing your own funds, taking into account the key options of each program. We can safely say that in the bank in 2017 there is an active rates above the average market.

Closed Joint-Stock Company Loko-Bank has been operating since 1994. The broad geography of activity is confirmed by the fact of the presence of 62 branches located in the 21st region of the country. The Bank's customer base increases with a moderate pace, which contributes to the expansion of the line of services provided. Today, the Loko-Bank demonstrates high indicators of profitability of assets and general authorized capitalas well as stable growth economic indicators. The Bank expands its geographical presence in the regions and offers potential customers a wide range of products.

A separate niche in the field of services provided is occupied by deposits for individuals. Many depositors consider deposits as a safe cash investment that is capable of bringing their dividends. Deposit rates are formed depending on the number of additional options. The depositor can open an account in rubles, dollars or euros. Multicurrency programs provide for the possibility of transition from one currency to another at any stage of cooperation. It should be noted that a large number of options on a separate deposit program will contribute to the fact that interest on deposits will decrease.

Contributions without possible replenishment or early removal are able to bring maximum profits. Separate attention deserve deposits for pensioners. In this case, there is a special loyalty program that allows you to earn a good amount for a short period of time.

Contacts Bank

On the map

Department of Bank ATM Several close-based objects

Summary of Loco-Bank

KB "Loko-Bank" is open in the form joint Stock Company. Represents universal commercial Bank. The financial institution is reliable, which is confirmed by the largest international agencies.

The Loco-Bank operates on the basis of a license, has all the necessary certificates. Financial Organization is aimed at comprehensive service customers. In the list of services provided:

    1. Provision financial support in the organization of small and medium businesses;
    2. Cooperation with individuals in the securities market;
    3. Customer credit;
    4. Attracting customers to invest and design deposits.

Can be used remotely. Availability electronic system Allows you to build long-term, comfortable and trusting relationships.

Online banking is available in the mobile version. In official stores (PlayMarket, AppStore) there is an official application. Thus, the holders of devices on the Android OS, iOS can use the bank services online.

Interesting products from Loco-Bank

Loco-Bank offers its customers a contribution service. Financial organization with care belongs to depositors, therefore it offers interesting banking products, the purpose of which is to increase the existing capital.

Product Overview "Profitable Strategy"

The product "Profitable Strategy" allows you to get a good profit from the initial amount. You cannot pay the amounts during the entire period, but you can make money. Interest rate It can be 9% per annum. Money financial organization invests in securitiesthat allows her to make a profit.

The income on the amount of the depositor is charged within 300 days. At the end of the term of the contract, the Client receives its amount and interest accumulated during this time. They are paid monthly by transferring to your plastic card (Optional Loko-Bank).

With the help of an online calculator, you can find out the income for 300 days. If you make 100,000 rubles (which is twice the minimum amount), the rate will reach maximum size - 9%, and the income will be 7397. As a result, a person will decide 107,391 rubles at the end of the contract.

Distinctive features of the "profitable strategy":

    1. The contract with the bank operates 300 calendar days;
    2. Partially removing money is allowed in the last 100 days, but the amount should be no less than the abnormal residue, otherwise the rate will decrease to 0.5%;
    3. Account currency - Rubles of the Russian Federation;
    4. Additional funds cannot be made - interest is accrued to the initial contribution when opening the account;
    5. Automatic extension of the period is not provided;
    6. The maximum amount is limited to a two-time contribution to the insurance program, but not more than 2 million rubles;
    7. Employees have the right to discover the contribution on the day of the conclusion of the life insurance contract, one contract - one account "Profitable Strategy".

Special offer "sounds profitable"

Financial organization makes customers a special offer. Maximum rate The product "sounds profitable" - 9%. You can store money in foreign currency. The contract with the bank is different time (at the request of the client). The Loco-online application is available at gratuitous conditions.

Special offer conditions:

    1. Rate - up to 9% per annum (depends on the selected period);
    2. The duration of the contract is 100, 200, 1100 days (when storing money in rubles), 1100 days (if an invoice in euro or dollars);
    3. Currency: Ruble RF, Dollar, Euro;
    4. Permissible limits of the amount: rubles (50 thousand - 5 million), Euro and dollar (300-80 thousand);
    5. In the ruble currency and under a period of 1100 days, you can replenish the account from 1000 rubles in the first 100 days after the conclusion of the contract, in other situations, the replenishment is not provided;
    6. The percentage of ruble accounts is accrued every month, in foreign currency - every quarter;
    7. You can close the contribution in advance, but in order not to lose interest, it is done at the end of the percentage period.

Comfortable product for individuals "Simple control"

This banking Product Fully justifies its name. It is proposed to manage finance to manage individuals: if necessary, replenish the contribution and partially withdraw money from the account. The only limitation is the presence of an unsigned residue.

What is good product "Simple Management"?

  • Annual income - up to 6.5%;
  • The term of concluding a contract with the bank is 370 days;
  • The abnormal residue can be fixed (50,000 rubles, 300 cu) or equal to twenty or tenfold initial contributions;
  • Partial removal is allowed, but the account should always be on the account (depends on the terms of the contract, it can be a fixed and 10- or 20-fold initial contribution);
  • It is possible to replenish the contribution, but in the last month of the actions of the contract this cannot be done - the minimum amount of the replenishment of 1000 rubles, 50 cu;
  • The payment of interest occurs every month by transferring to a map of any bank of the country;
  • The score opens in the national (ruble of the Russian Federation) or foreign currency (dollar, euro);
  • There is an automatic extension under conditions current on the end of the main contribution;
  • The initial amount cannot be less than 50,000 rubles, 300 cu (with a fixed or twenty-time absenty residue), 1500 cu (with a tenfold abnormile residue);
  • A start-up refund reduces the percentage of ruble accounts to 0.5%, and on deposits in foreign currency - up to 0.1%.

"Good interest" for good customers

Convenient contribution to citizens - "Good interest." Customers are invited to participate in charity and get 9% of profits. The percentages come every month to the card specified in the design of the contract (optional Loco-Bank).

Charitable deductions are made to Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Fund. This is a partner of Loco Bank. With the amount of the depositor, which is on the score on the day of closing the percentage period, is accrued 0.035%.

What is the interesting product "Good interest"?

  • The maximum rate is 9% per annum;
  • The deposit period may be 100 or 1100 days;
  • The minimum amount is 50,000 rubles, the maximum is limited to 5 million rubles;
  • Contribution ruble, open the account in foreign currency will not work;
  • Percentages are accrued at the end of the month to the depositor map;
  • When opening a contribution for 1100 days, it is allowed to replenish the score from 1000 rubles in the first 100 days (there will be no other days of that opportunity), when concluding a contract for 100 days, make money will not work;
  • Automatic prolongation is available (conditions are determined by the date when the main contribution has ended, but the client did not require the return monetary sum with the account);
  • When returning funds ahead of time From the score, open for 100 days, the rate of 0.5% per annum is valid. If the contract is issued for 1100 days, during the closed period, interest is accrued in accordance with the rate, and for the unlocked period - 0.5%;
  • When closing ahead of time, the money listed at the expense of the charity foundation, the depositor is not returned.

Features of registration of the application

You can become a depositor in two ways. The most familiar option for most customers is to visit the banking department. On the official website you can find a map with the offices of the Loco Bank of your city. Take advantage of this opportunity to find out the address of the nearest point. The second option is filling online applications. Select the product you like, with the help of an online calculator, calculate profit (specify the amount initial contribution And the time) click on the "Leave Application" button and fill out the form you open. Specify personal data, telephone to contact you, relevant email, as well as check the desired conditions (term, amount, product type). Bank employee Contact you to clarify the information received.

The Loco-Bank takes care of the comfort of customers, so pays monthly and quarterly interest on your card - it can be released by any bank. At the notes of the client, the profit is credited to the account, but in the Loco-Bank. After the expiration, the depositor receives the principal amount to the account, which indicates the contract.

Attention! On this site, all information is presented only to familiarize. The site is not engaged in the collection and processing of personal data. the federal law Of July 27, 2006, N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is not violated.

Today, Russian citizens are given the opportunity to earn money on personal savings. They are also offered in other financial institutions for which acceptable conditions are established. You can arrange for any time that customers choose themselves. Evoid popular among Russians, as it provides for the capitalization of interest income. Despite a large amount available programs, in 2017, the Loko-Bank deposits remain out of competition, which are drawn up at the most favorable terms.

Why do individuals choose Loco-Bank?

The contributions of the Loco-Bank proposed to individuals in 2017 are popular not only because of the favorable conditions for placing savings. Many Russians choose this particular financial institution due to its impeccable reputation. Loco Bank during its existence on financial market He managed to establish himself as a reliable partner who can save and multiply trusted funds.

The benefits of this financial institution can be found:

  • availability of a bank license;
  • has the right to place deposits of individuals;
  • engaged in brokerage and dealer activities;
  • annually strengthens its position in Russian banking sector etc.

Lockers' deposits for individuals for 2017

Today Loko-Bank offers russian citizens 4 programs for each of which are installed profitable terms. Before making a choice in favor of a particular deposit, individuals should carefully examine all the conditions.

"Profitable Strategy"

Such a contribution of the Loco-Bank is issued in Russian rubles under 11% per annum. Individuals can take part in this program if they have savings in an amount exceeding 100,000 steering wheel. The maximum deposit amount is 2,000,000 rubles. Validity deposit Treaty It may not exceed 10 months (300 days).

Customers of this financial institution can receive interest income on bank card once a month. This deposit program does not provide a partial output of funds, so people should consider this nuance when applying. If an individual does not plan to terminate the contract with the bank in 2017, it will be prolonged automatically for the same period and conditions that act at the time of extension.

When decorated in 2017, the contribution of the "profitable strategy" from customers will not be charged additional contributions. The financial institution does not prevent the early closure of deposits. This procedure is considered complete if the contributor will need to return part or the full amount of its savings. At the same time, interest income will be accrued for every day of finding money on a deposit account at a rate of 0.50% per annum (in Russian rubles).

Council: To design such a deposit program, individuals should be performed by one bank condition. The contribution can be opened on the day of signing the life insurance contract and payment of this policy.

"Glacial period"

The contribution of the Loco-Bank "The Ice Age" can be decorated for a period of 100 to 400 days in Russian rugs and for a period from 400 to 1100 days in foreign currency. Guide financial institution It offers customers to use online banking for savings control, according to which there is no subscription fee. The contribution may be decorated both in Russian rubles and in foreign currency (in euro and American dollars). The minimum and maximum amount of funds that can be made to the "Ice Age" deposit are established in the ranges:

  • in Russian rubles - from 10,000 to 2,000,000 rubles;
  • in US dollars - from 300 to $ 60,000;
  • in euro - from 300 to 60,000 €.

The interest rate on the ruble contribution starts from the indicator of 7.00% (100 days) and increases as the term of the deposit increases to 11.00% (400 days). The interest rate on a dollar deposit starts from the indicator of 1.75% (400 days) and decreases as the term of the deposit is increased to 1.00% (1100 days). The interest rate on the euro deposited in the euro starts from the indicator 1.15% (400 days) and decreases as the term of the deposit is increased to 0.50% (1100 days).

Individuals in 2017 may make deposit programs for the following dates:

  • In rubles per 100, 200, 300, 400 days.
  • In American dollars and euros at 400, 800, 1100 days.

The contribution of the Loco-Bank "Ice Age" in 2017 is issued on the following conditions:

  1. Interest is paid monthly (transferred to a bank card).
  2. The amount of additional contribution is 1000 rubles and more (its bank takes no later than 30 days before the expiration date of the contract).
  3. According to this type of deposit, the initiation output of funds is not provided.
  4. Contracts can be extended automatically, as well as software.
  5. In case of early closing of the deposit, interest are accrued at a rate of 0.50% per annum.

"Easy management"

This contribution of Loco-Bank in 2017 is drawn up both in Russian rubles and in currency (US dollars and euro). Saving individuals are accepted on the following conditions:

  • in rubles - from 10,000 to 5,000,000 (from 7.50% to 8.50%);
  • in dollars - from 300 to 1 500 (from 0.50% to 0.75%);
  • in euro - from 300 to 1 500 (from 0.25% to 0.50%).

The program validity period is 370 days. Deposits can be replenished and partially removing from them tools (until the abnormal residue 1000/300/300). On the contribution is automatic, front refund (interest is calculated at a rate of 0.50% per annum for deposits in rubles and 0.10% per annum for deposits in currency). Customers can make additional contributions: from 1,000 rolls, 50 dollars, 50 euros. Interest income According to this type of contribution is paid to the bank card monthly.

"Good interest"

This deposit program In 2017, it is drawn up on the following conditions:

  • interest is paid 1 time per month;
  • interest income is credited to the bank card;
  • customers can take part in a charitable project;
  • the validity of the program is 300 and 400 days;
  • the contribution is drawn up only in Russian rubles (300 days - 10,000-699,999 rubles; 400 days - 700,000-2,000,000 rubles);
  • the interest rate fluctuates in the ranges: 300 days - 7.50% -9.00%, 400 days - 8.00% -11.00%;
  • deposit is possible during the first 200 days after registration;
  • perhaps the early closure of the contribution (interest is recalculated at 0.50);
  • monthly 0.035% of the deposit amount, the Bank lists to the Charitable Foundation K. Khabensky;
  • forbidden partial output of funds.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state