
State programs for young families. How to improve housing conditions under the program "Young family - affordable accommodation. Where can I spend money obtained within the housing program

The factor playing the main role in the accrual of the hospital is an insurance service, the amount of benefits directly depends on it.

How to calculate insurance experience for hospital sheet in 2018?

The legislation clearly formulates the periods included in the counting experience for the hospital sheet and the time of work in which the employee (employee) was transferred to the FSS. And enter it, only actually confirmed periods.

Confirmation serve:

  • labor book, and in absence it will be suitable help from work;
  • labor contract.

There are several rules for which it is worth relying when calculating it in 2018:

  • Are considered full years;
  • Next to the calculation take full months;
  • Next, the remaining days are summed up and they calculate them in full months, where for the month it takes 30 days;
  • The months obtained are recalculated during the years;
  • It is considered the total number of years.

What experience is taken to calculate the hospital shared or continuous?

Now the general is used, and until 2017 was used - continuous.
Such a decision adopted the Constitutional Court, with the support of the Fund social insuranceTo equalize in the rights and those people who, by virtue of circumstances, he was interrupted.

The percentage of the fee of the hospital leaf depending on the experience of 2018

The percentage of the amount of payment for disability has not changed and in 2018 the coefficients are used, which are distributed on the principle:

  • If a person just started working and did not work for another 6 months, the amount of benefits is 1 minimum wage;
  • If periods in the amount of less than 5 years have been worked out, the coefficient of 0.6 or 60% will be used;
  • If the time of work is in the range of 5-8 years, then the coefficency of 0.8 or 80% is used;
  • More than 8 - paid 100%.

Moreover, the threshold of the maximum amount is defined, which is 270,450 rubles.

Insurance experience for hospital sheet - Changes in 2018

Now used common experienceAnd before the calculation was taken continuous. The use of an electronic sheet of disability is also considered the basic innovation. Specialists are confident that such documents will not give way to the usual, and much will make it easier for employees, reducing their movement by medical institutionsAnd also significantly reduce time loss and will help you quickly start work.

The design of the electronic document is carried out when using automated information system, ON is wedge electronic signature. It is supposed to spread throughout Russia in 365 days.

Is the service in the army in the insured experience for the hospital?

173-FZ clearly determines that the service of service in the army is included in the overall experience. Accordingly, another service equated to the military, it will also enter it.

Is it included in the experience for hospital maternity leave?

It is important, whether a child care leave for child care is included in the insurance service, during the period of calculating the benefit. Explanations give us 173-FZ (the law can be downloaded above), where they say that only the period in which mother or father was on vacation to care for a child up to 18 months will be included. If there are several vacations, then the total up to 36 months.

How to fill the experience in a sick leave - sample

Filling sample:

Let us give an example where our person was hired from 01.04.2008. Worked until 20.02 2009. 11.11. 2009 He signed contact with the army for five years. It quitted from there for a state of health 07.21.2013. He settled on 20.02.2014 and works to the present. From 25.02.2017 to 06.03.2017 he was on a sheet of disability.

So our period for will be:

  • 04/01/2008-31.01.2009 - 10 months. (20 days remain);
  • 11.11.2009-10.11.2012 - 3 years;
  • 11.11.2013-10.07.2013 - 8 months. (there are still 11 days);
  • 02/20/2014-19.02.2017 - 3 years (still 6 days).

All summarize:

  • 20 days + 11 +6 \u003d 37 days - we take as 1 full month;
  • 10 months +8 +1 \u003d 19 months (1 year and 7 months);
  • 3 years + 3 + 1 \u003d 7 years.

Total total experience will be 7 years 7 months. These data and bring in sick leave. And the service in the army is 3 years 8 months in non-insurance periods.

How is the hospital sheet pay in 2018 from the experience in the TK RF?

Protection of employees in case of illness is provided by law. He is (law), guarantees material refund for this period, which is enshrined in Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also in this article there is a reference to the FZ, where the sizes of the benefit are provided.

FTP "Residence" is relevant today. It is founded in 2010 and has a number of effective areas. The immediate task of the "Young Family - Affordable Housing" subprogramme is to provide young people affordable at the cost of living space. The state is interested in this to decide demographic problems countries. And still credit programs will "revive" housing construction.

The essence, deadlines and the main tasks of the program of the young family - the program development plan for 2015,2016 and 2017.

The essence of the program is able to use the young family of uniformized state monetary help, free, subject to submission as an initial contribution when buying or building housing.

Means of subprogramme participants are issued as a certificate for which the Bank has entered into an agreement with the owner of the Certificate mortgage lendingMoney will be listed. In need of housing, young people will receive from the state aid in the amount of 30% of the cost of an apartment or a house that satisfies the need for meters laid. The remaining 70% of the norm and the surplus will pay the young family itself by making the full amount or by entering into a loan agreement or installment contract.

Although the appointment of all housing programs, mortgage, and social, closer to the acquisition of housing, to confuse them in no case. Youth mortgage programs that have been successfully operating on the market for many years provide more profitable terms Loan for young families, but are not free of charge, in contrast to social state projects.

State assistance in the form of a monetary unifiedness subsidy is implemented only through the state program.

The task of the program is to improve the housing conditions of young families. In turn, due to this, the fertility will increase. Often, it is the absence of separate housing that is a serious obstacle for a young couple that dreams of children.

On the this moment The third stage of work 2011-2015 passes. Federal State Subprogramme "Young Family - Affordable Housing". To take advantage of the subsidies from the state can a limited circle of citizens, strictly responsible for some criteria.

Tasks for the coming years:

  1. It is planned to provide housing 172 thousand families before 2015.
  2. The size of the subsidy is not to change. The amount of social payments will be 30% of the cost of all housing, if the family consists of two spouses who lived at least two years, and 35% - if there is a child.
  3. Leave the opportunity to pay for debt repayment if the family has previously issued the construction or purchase of housing in the mortgage.
  4. Spend on the construction of 313.13 billion rubles.

Important changes in the program of a young family in 2014, 2015.

Subprogramme changes manifested themselves in next moments:

List of program participants Young family and conditions of participation in the program - why can the young family be excluded from the program?

The program is designed for young families who are official married at least two
years, and at least one year with a child.
Spouses should not be older than 35 years. If only one parent in the family, then the age norm applies only to it. In some regions, age demands concern only one of the spouses, and the age threshold of 30 years. The family should have a residence permit in the region where it expects to receive assistance from the state, as well as to prove in accordance with local regulations, the need to improve living conditions. The subsidy will be calculated on the basis of the in the social norms of the metrah, if the housing is greater, then the remaining meters will have to pay extra.

The following important condition for subsidies is employment and solvency.

What can be excluded from the program:

  1. If one of the spouses turned 36 years old. But on judicial practice It was possible to restore the status of a program participant if the recognition was when the participant was when 35 years old have not yet been achieved.
  2. In case of acquisition of housing, when the family has already become a member of the program. Especially negatively perceived transactions of the purchase and subsequent sale or other alienation of housing, which can be interpreted as an intentional reduction in living space.
  3. An annoying loss or shortage of documents.

How 100% Become a Member of the Family Program - a list of necessary documents for participation in the program Young Family

Before proceeding with the collection of the main package of documents, the certificate of local self-government should be enlisted. The document must confirm that the family is required in urgent order move from housing, unsuitable for life, and you need to improve your living conditions and increase the square. The status of the needy can receive those whose living space does not exceed the average 12 square metersSome regions have other norms. If in the last five years the person had a housing owned, then the footing of this housing is taken into account and develops with meters that rely on the same registration.

What documents are needed:

  1. Copies of the passports of spouses and the birth certificates of children.
  2. Certificates from the place of income.
  3. A document confirming the status of needing additional meters.
  4. Certificates confirming the absence of own real estate.
  5. The limited dates of the action of many documents are also important, so extract from the state registry acts 1 month, and a certificate of family composition is 10 days.

How the program is valid for the young family - the size of subsidies and the algorithm for receiving housing

The subprogramme "Young Family - Affordable Housing" is valid on the territory Russian Federation, namely, in 80 of its subjects, most often the implementation takes place with the involvement of funds not only local budget, but also federal. Only Moskom is limited to the budget of the city, selling preferential apartments in urban property participants. Regions have the right to organize the procedure for work on the program, taking into account their own capabilities, a preferential order may be established.

When all stages of design for participation in the program are held, the family is waiting for its turn on the allocation of funds, then a step of selection of housing from the ownership of the municipality, installments or making a mortgage using a certificate for receiving a subsidy. Under no circumstances can cash be obtained, the certificate has a validity of 8 months from the date of issue.

Mortgage for a young family (one of the types of social mortgage) has long become a faithful assistant in acquiring housing. Let's try to understand the ways to buy apartments that are available for young families.

First we will understand the wording. It is not worth confused by the mortgage program "Mortgage - young families" from Sberbank (some other banks also introduced similar mortgage programs) and the state program of providing housing of young families called "Young family - affordable accommodation." These are completely different things, the state program is intended for waiting: it, in accordance with the program "Young family - affordable housing", housing is provided on preferential terms, and the program "Mortgage - young families" from Sberbank is an ordinary mortgage.

To date, you can allocate three ways to acquire housing with young families. All of them, despite a number of crisis phenomena in the country's economy, have retained their relevance and in the current 2013.

1. Buying housing with a young family in a commercial bank

This option of acquiring housing can be considered on the example of the issuance leader mortgage loans - Sberbank and his program "Mortgage - a young family."

Sberbank Programs "Mortgage - Young Family" are not independent programs, but expand the possibilities of borrowers (relevant age and marital status) on "housing loans":

Purchase of ready-made fuel

Acquisition of housing under construction;

Construction of a residential building;

Country estate.

The programs "Mortgage - a young family" have a number of features that distinguish them from others credit programs Sberbank:

1. As co-coaches on a loan "Young family", income can be considered not only "young spouses" but also parents of each spouse (which may be important when determining the maximum loan amount).

in the case when the coaches are spouses and parents (parents), in the calculation of the solvency of each of the coaches of spouses, in addition to income at the main place of work, additional types of income may be taken, and only the income received by the solvency of each of the parents' coaches can be accessed by one place of work (pension);

in the case when the co-workers are the mother (father) from an incomplete family and her (his) parent (parents), in the calculation of the solvency of each of the co-coaches, in addition to income at the main place of work (pensions), under the program "Mortgage - young families" can be taken into account additional Types of income.

2. At the request of the borrower / co-coaches under the program "Mortgage to young families", a delay in repayment of the principal debt may be provided (with a general increase in credit period of up to 5 years):

for the period of construction of the property, but not more than two years;

at the birth of a child (children) during the action period loan agreement Until them (by them) of the age of three.

The payment of interest is not provided.

If a "young family" has a child, the bank can provide a loan not up to 80% of the cost of the apartment, and up to 85%. That is, the borrower is enough to have only 15% of the value of real estate.

It should be taken into account, in each particular branch of Sberbank to borrowers, additional requirements may be placed, not officially on the bank's main website. For example, the question of the need for guarantors from borrowers and their quantities remains at the discretion of the bank's separation. The term of repayment of the loan, depending on the package of documents collected by the borrower, each branch of Sberbank also appoints individually.

2. Target federal program: "Young family - affordable housing."

Until 2008, a federal target program was successfully operated in Russia to assist in the acquisition of housing to young families "Mortgage - a young family." For four years of the existence of this program, about 130 thousand young families were able to acquire new housing with its help. In addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, the regions of the Russian Federation began to be actively involved in the program. However, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008, its action was temporarily suspended.

The beginning of 2011 can be called the starting period of the second phase of this implementation of this mortgage program. According to the plans of the Ministry of Regional Development, the new stage will last until 2015 inclusive. During this period, it is planned to provide a comfortable housing about 172 thousand young families.

A young family can become a member of the program, the age of spouses in which does not exceed 35 years, or an incomplete family consisting of one young parent (up to 35 years). At the same time, in addition to registration as a "needy", a young family must have incomes sufficient to obtain a mortgage housing loan or loan on market conditions. Only in this case, it can count on participation in the program and obtaining a state subsidy for housing.

Subsidium can be used on:

acquisition of housing;

construction of an individual residential building;

payment of the initial contribution when obtaining a mortgage housing loan;

repayment of the principal amount of debt and payment of interest on mortgage loans received earlier than the subsidy was obtained;

the implementation of the latest payment on the payment of a shaved contribution of a young family, which is a member of a housing accumulative cooperative and for which a residential premises was purchased by the cooperative.

The size of the subsidy is at least 35% of the estimated housing costs for a young family who do not have children, and at least 40% for a young family with children (including for an incomplete young family, consisting of 1 young parent and 1 child and more.

The estimated cost of housing is determined by:

STL \u003d NM * NST,

wHERE THE THON COMMUNICATION COST OF HOUSING, NM-CITY OF THE MATERAGE (for a family of 2 people is 42 sq.m., for a family of 3 and more people - 18 sq.m. for each family member.), NST - value standard cost 1 sq.m. In turn, the value of the cost of sq.m. It is calculated on the basis of the methodology of the Ministry of Regional Development, separately for each municipal education, taking into account the prices in the housing market and the cost of construction in this education.

In order to take part in the program, a young family submits to the local government at the place of permanent residence the following documents:

a) application in 2 copies (one copy is returned to the applicant, indicating the date of acceptance of the application and the documents attached to it);

b) documents certifying each family member;

c) marriage certificate (not applied to an incomplete family);

d) a document confirming the recognition of a young family in need of improving housing conditions;

e) documents confirming the recognition of a young family having sufficient income or other cash To pay for the estimated (average) cost of housing in a part exceeding the size of the subsidy provided;

e) extract from the housebook and a copy of the financial personal account.

The local government body organizes the work on checking the information contained in the documents, and within 10 days from the date of submission of these documents, decides on recognition or to refuse to recognize the young family by the participant of the subprogramme. A young family is notified by the decision of the local government in writing about the decision.

After the program has a nominal certificate in the program, the period of which is 2 months from the date of its issuance. The certificate received is surrendered to the owner to the partner of the Federal Program. After that, the name of the bank account is opened, designed to enroll the subsidy. In this bank it is possible to get a loan with a young family. The property purchased on the mortgage is becoming the property of the borrower, but is pledged to the bank.

As clarification on the second stage of the federal target program for housing assistance to young families, you need to add to everything that the social payment for the repayment of a mortgage loan to the Bank has the right to carry out only those young families who managed to arrange a loan until January 1, 2011. This category of borrowers was allowed to get mortgage, immediately buy housing, and then, waiting for its turn, get social payments, and from these funds to repay interest on the loan.

Now this norm of use of social payments is not valid. Pay interest on mortgage loans is not yet received social assistance, it is impossible, and, it means that young families are forced to postpone the purchase of an apartment or at home.

Take part in the target federal Program "Mortgage - young families" can only once. If, having received permission to receive a mortgage loan in local authorities, a young family for some reason did not have time to take advantage of these documents, only then it can get a re-permission to participate in the housing program (after the spouses provide a certificate that they did not open Bank account on mortgage and did not receive social benefits).

Money in social payments can be listed at the expense of a young family, both from federal and from local authorities, depending on which version of the mortgage housing program Currently in the present in time in a particular region of the Russian Federation.

3. Social mortgage for a young family

Unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of the mortgage of commercial banks and at the same time - there is no possibility to obtain a state subsidy for housing. In this case, you can consider the social mortgage, that is, the improvement of the housing conditions of socially not protected citizens using mortgage lending and state financial support. Housing conditions are improved only within the limits of established social norms (today this norm is 18 sq.m. per person).

First of all social mortgage Soldiers, as well as young people, employees of the budget sphere, military, young families, etc.

There are several options for social mortgage:

subscription interest rate on a mortgage loan;

granting a subsidy for a part of the cost of mortgage housing;

sale of public housing on credit at a reduced price.

As an option for solving a housing problem for young people, the practice of student construction detachments (SSC) is reborn, spending 150 shifts, young people get the right with the help of a mortgage to buy an apartment at cost.

To the indisputable "advantages" of programs can be attributed: the ability to purchase accommodation at a price 3 times less market value, I. preferential percentage Mortgage loan

Unfortunately, while construction workers operate only in some regions of Russia: in the Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Ryazan and Novgorod regions, as well as in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan. All detailed information The formation of youth construction projects and mortgage benefits should be recognized in the trade universities of universities, where construction projects occur.

Russia has federal and regional programs aimed at supporting young families. The problem with housing in the country is sharp, and the state helps the unprotected segments of the population with the solution of this issue. In 2006, the program "Mortgage for a young family" was created, which is valid until 2015.

In the article, consider: Features of the State Program "Young Family Available Housing"; Requirements for those who want to get a mortgage; The essence of the program "Young Family from Sberbank"; Offers from other banks.

Features of the State Program

The state program "Young Family Available Housing" involves the payment of targeted subsidies aimed at acquiring or building housing with young families, repayment of the mortgage or the introduction of an initial contribution within the housing accumulation cooperative. Since 2014, changes have been made to the program: families participating in the program since 2011 can get housing subsidies only in a new house.

The size of the subsidy depends on the presence of children. Spouses can count on reimbursement of housing costs in the amount of 35%, and if there is a child in the family, then 40% (5% is extracted for each child).

In addition, regional authorities can pay part of the cost of housing in the amount of 5%. The amount is calculated based on the region and is determined by multiplying the norm of the value on the standards of the value of one square meter. The norm on the family of two people in Moscow is 42 sq. M, on a family of three and more people - 18 square meters for everyone.

Requirements for program participants

The program can participate in the program that are in line for housing, if the age of each spouse does not exceed 35 years and they are married for at least a year, as well as lonely parents of the same age.

As an initial contribution or payment of the principal debt on the loan, use is allowed maternal capital. If the income of the spouses lacks for the loan, it is possible to attract from three to six coaches.

To participate in the program, it is necessary to contact local authorities that convey lists of those who want to arrange a mortgage in Rosstroy. Documents are discussed within 15 days. A young family corresponding to the requirements of the state receives a certificate with an indication of the available amount listed on the bank account. Certificate, the validity of which does not exceed 9 months, can be provided to any bank issuing a loan to young families.

To date, many banks offer their own social products for preferential categories borrowers. And I would like to pay attention to the program "Young Family", operating in Sberbank.

In the bank you can make a loan on preferential terms. From June 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, Sberbank offers a mortgage for young families a percentage rate from 10.5% per annum. The program can take part in the family in which one of the spouses did not reach the age of 35, or incomplete families if the parent is less than 35 years old.

The initial fee is a 10% -15% of the cost of real estate. Increased interest rate For the period before the registration of the mortgage is absent. Available purchase of finished housing, including in a new building. The minimum loan amount is 45 000 rubles. Credit term - up to 30 years.

Mortgage conditions differ depending on the availability and number of children in the family, as well as the borrower category. Traditionally, participants salary project Bank enjoy benefits when issuing a loan. In addition, the amount of interest rate depends on the size of the initial contribution, the object of real estate and the term of the loan. According to such a scheme, the interest rate is 10% -13.25% per annum.

At the birth of a child, you can take advantage of the payment of the principal debt until the child achieves is three years old or increase the mortgage time. If the income of the spouses is not enough to receive a mortgage, it is allowed to attract up to six co-coaches.

The initial contribution is redeemed by the means of maternal capital or housing certificates, which makes it possible to increase the amount of the loan. The "Young Family" program operates on the basis of the "Ready Housing" product, with which you can find on the Sberbank website.

Overview of the proposals of other banks

VTB 24

There is no separate mortgage program for young families in a bank, but the basic products "Purchase of finished housing" and "Apartment in the New Building" allow you to use maternity capital and government housing certificates for the initial contribution, repayment of the debt on the loan or increase the sum of the mortgage.


The bank offers a program "Mortgage Young". It may take part in it, in which at least one spouse has not been 35 years old or an incomplete family, if the parent is less than 35 years old. The program applies to all bank products except the loan for any purpose for existing customers. When the child appears in the family, it is possible to delay in repayment of the principal debt.

In the presence of maternal capital, the borrower can reduce the size of the initial contribution to 5% of the cost of housing. At the same time, maternal capital tools should be sent to early repayment principal debt. In addition, the borrower has the ability to reduce the first installment of up to 10%, subject to the insurance of the borrower's responsibility when making a mortgage.


It offers a program for families with children, designed to use maternal capital as an initial contribution. The loan is provided to buy an apartment on the secondary and primary housing market, including in the construction phase.

The minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles, an initial fee - 10% -30% of the cost of real estate depending on the insurance package. The maximum loan amount is calculated depending on the region. Loan period - from 3 to 30 years.

The interest rate for the primary market is 7.65% -10.75% per annum, for the secondary market - 8.95% -12.15% per annum and for apartments in low-rise buildings - 9.95% -13.15% per annum. If refused personal insurance The rate increases by 0.7% per annum.

If the cost of a square meter of housing does not exceed the current standards, then the interest rate decreases by 0.5%. If the borrower is a member of the state program "Providing housing of young families", the rate decreases by 0.25% per annum.

For owners housing certificate According to the program of providing housing of preferential categories of the population, the rate decreases by 0.25% per annum. When buying an apartment in apartment house According to the Program "Stimul", the rate decreases by 0.25% per annum.


Helps many Russian families solve the problem with housing. Banks support the initiative of the state and develop their own products to make a mortgage loan on special conditions.

To get subsidy state Program, A young family must meet strict requirements, stand in a queue for housing and provide many documents. If the family cannot claim a state subsidy, then the alternative is the design preferential mortgage In commercial banks.

Note that in general, there is hope that banks will be loyal to borrowers, including to young families.

Each person, and even moreover, I want to have a separate corner to have your nest there. But not everyone can afford the purchase of an apartment.

It is for such young families and a young family program was developed, which in 2017 scored even more popular among residents of Russia.

Essence of the program

State Program "Young Family" 2017-2020 aims to improve the housing conditions of the newly minted cells of society, as well as the consolidation of their positions in financial Plan. This project acted from 2011 to 2015. However, Dmitry Medvedev reported the possible extension of the program until 2020. The extension of this program will help to implement many families their cherished dream - acquiring their own living space. Housing is planned to provide more than 170,000 Russian couples.

Do not confuse with the program "Young Family" from Sberbank.

The main conditions and purpose of the program

All similar state programs have 2 main goals:

  1. Support for poor citizens.
  2. An increase in construction volumes in the Russian Federation.

By reducing the market value at housing, many families will be able to afford to purchase real estate. Initially, the maximum cost per 1 sq. M should not exceed 30 thousand rubles, however, after the program began to function, this price took off to 35,000 rubles. In certain regions of the country. Such a jump is due to the fact that prices for building materials increased, the cost of land plots increased.

The main and sole condition of the "Young Family" program is the location of the future house define representatives of local authorities. They also argue the company developer, all required documents, Projects for which house will be built.

Already by July 1, 2017, 25 million square meters of housing will be ready, which are in 67 subjects of the federation.

In addition, each project should be located with a developed infrastructure, and if there is no such, then by the time the object is given all the necessary buildings (parks, hospitals, kindergartens, shopping centers) There must be within walking distance. Another important condition concerns the cost of housing. It should not be above 80% of the cost of apartments in the city. Cost control is conducted on the basis of the Federal Law.

Who can participate in the program "Young Family"?

The conditions for the participants of the program remain the same, namely:

  • only families whose dwellings for each member are less than installed in the region of their residence are involved in the program;
  • spouses must be adult citizens. Another nuance - the age of both should not exceed 35 years at the time of filing an application for participation in the program "Young Family";
  • there is no participation of families who have their own housing.
  • The government puts only families who really need an apartment or house;
  • co-stay of spouses;
  • minimum income for two - 21 621 rub, for three - 32 510 rub;
  • minimum 1 child in the family;
  • all family members, including children, must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

In more detail about who according to Art. 51 LCD RF is recognized as needed in a residential premises:
1) if a citizen (and his relatives who have registered) is not in the property of residential premises, and they do not live in "social housing" (i.e. under a social hiring agreement);
2) If a citizen (or his relatives who have he has been registered) is owned by residential premises, or they live in "social housing" (i.e. under a social hiring agreement), but the area residential premises per living - less installed (accountable) norm;
The accounting norm of the living area is lower than which the family is defined as in need, in the regions of Russia is different, but on average, 10-14 square meters. meters per person. The calculation is accepted total area housing (without balconies and loggias), as well as all citizens, officially registered (prescribed) constantly on it;
3) citizens living in a premises that do not meet necessary requirements. in emergency housing;
4) Citizens living with patients suffering from severe form chronic diseaseat which the joint accommodation is impossible.
When determining the level of housing (i.e., how many square meters fall on one person) matters:

  • where every member of the family is registered, regardless of the actual residence;
  • what is the total area of \u200b\u200ball premises, while taken into account: a) premises (including share) owned by a citizen, b) premises occupied by a citizen under the contract of social. Hiring, c) premises in the property or occupied under the contract of social. hiring relatives who have a citizen constantly registered;
  • and how many people are spelled in the accommodated premises. In turn, if there are no residential premises in the property, they still will not be able to get into the program, if their parents (which they are spelled out) there are housing for sufficient area, as the quadrature of the property of parents, too Considered. Family must have own funds, together with subsidies, will be enough to buy housing, or have an income that will allow you to take the missing amount of a loan. At the same time, funds should be enough to acquire housing, based on the estimated cost, and such an area, so that each member of the family accounted for an equally established standard of sq. meter.

What is the size of the subsidy? And how to use it?

Each case of payments is calculated separately. In order to better know the volume of material compensation, the following calculation principles should be taken as an example:

  • Young families in which there are no children, get 35% of the housing prices, which they acquire;
  • If children are present in the family, the amount of compensation increases to 40% of the amount for the apartment being purchased. In cities that have federal importance, this interest rate is reduced. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, childless families can get 30% material assistanceWhile family with children - 35% of the reimbursement of the cost of housing.

Subsidies can be used:

  • to buy residential premises;
  • on the construction of your own house;
  • to a contribution to the housing system (housing and construction cooperative) for registration of ownership of the apartment;
  • on the initial contribution of mortgage;
  • on the repayment of debt on mortgage or other housing loandecorated until January 1, 2011.

If you meet all the above criteria and are ready to comply with the necessary items, start collecting the document package.

Required documents

Required package of documents for participation in the program:

The statement is written according to the standard template (you can find on the website of the State Service) in 2 copies. The text of the application should contain information about which difficulties are experiencing a young family in terms of living space, as well as an argued need for state monetary help.

After the package of documents is fully assembled, the family should contact the Property Department at the place of registration (or in another authorized body), submitting an instance of the application. The second instance of the applicant takes with him.
The estimated period of consideration of the application does not exceed 10 working days. After this period, the applicant receives a letter from the Department, in which he is reported about the decision.
In the case of a positive response, a young family becomes a member of the program (however, the certificate is issued only when the queue is suitable).

After receiving the certificate, you should contact him to open an account where cash will be listed (it is necessary to do this no later than 2 months after receiving the document).

Challengers should pay their attention to the fact that the maximum amount of mortgage can not exceed 2.2 million rubles, in addition, the program is prohibited to buy secondary housing.

We wish you good luck in solving housing problems And design!

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