
How to charge the hospital leaf per year. How to calculate the hospital sheet (example calculation)

Indexing coefficient of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, for registration in early deadlines pregnancy minimum size The child care benefits have not been approved to one and a half years. These benefits separately index the government no earlier than February. Up to this point, it is necessary to use the benefits established in 2015. Pregnancy and childbirth allowance, hospital is not indexed. It is necessary to consider them on the basis of the average earnings for 2014 and 2015. Look more in this article.


FSS benefits can be divided into two parts:

1. Baby (related to pregnancy, childbirth, birth and child care)

2. Hospital (due to employee disease)

In the article, let's talk about all these allowances. And pay attention to our table - it gives the size of the benefits to indexing from February 1, 2016 and to indexation.

FSS manual sizes with indexation in 2016 Table

Maximum monthly child care benefit

21 554,82 rub.

21 554,82 rub.

Minimum pregnancy benefit and childbirth

28 555, 4 rubles. (with multiple pregnancy -39 569,62 rubles, complicated genus -31 818,87 руб.).

28 555, 4 rubles. (with multiple pregnancy - 39,569,62 rubles, complicated childbirth - 31,818,87 руб.).

Maximum size of maternity benefits

248 164 rub. (with multiple pregnancy -343 884.4 rubles, complicated childbirth - 276,525,6 rub.).

Minimum magnival earnings To calculate benefits (based on the minimum wage)

Maximum average daily earnings for calculating benefits

Estimated period for calculating hospital

Reimbursement of benefits from FSS in 2016 (benefits at the expense of the FSS in 2016)

Employers are entitled to all types of benefits to compensate from FSS. Exception: sum hospital benefitwhich is accrued to the employee in the first three days of disability, provided that the employee himself fell ill, and not a member of his family (child).

The fact is that temporary disability allowance, depending on the cause of the sick leave, is paid:

  • or partially at the expense of the organization, and partly due to the FSS of Russia;
  • either only at the expense of the FSS of Russia.

From the first day, the allowance reimburses the FSS of Russia, if a sheet of disability is issued, for example, due to the departure for a sick member of the family (including a child) or due to an accident at work or proceedings. If the employee himself fell ill and disability is not related to any industrial injury or caregiving, then a temporary disability allowance for the first three days of the employee's illness pays for the organization at its own expense. From the fourth day of the disease, the amount of the organization's benefit reimburses the FSS of Russia (sub. 1, paragraph 2 of Art. 3 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, hereinafter - Law No. 255-FZ).

In what size employers pay benefits at the birth of a child in 2016 (one-time allowance in 2016)

There are two types of benefits associated with the birth of a child who pays the employer, and after reimburses the amount of these benefits from the FSS. The first is a one-time allowance for women who are registered in medical organizations In the early period of pregnancy. Size in 2016, look at the table. The second is a one-time allowance at the birth of a child. Its size is also specified in our table. Government These sizes are indexed from January 1, 2016.

Documents for appointment of benefits in the FSS

Type of benefit

The document that provides an employee to receive benefits

One-time allowance for women who put in medical organizations in early pregnancy time

Help from the female consultation (p. 22 of the Procedure approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of December 23, 2009 No. 1012N)

One-time benefit at the birth of a child

Application for the appointment of benefits, a certificate of birth of a child, a certificate from the place of work of another parent that the manual was not paid (paragraph 28 of about about No. 1012n)

When you need to pay the FSS allowance in 2016 (payment of benefits)

Assign the FSS manual in 2016 is needed within 10 calendar days after an employee submitted documents that serve as a basis for the accrual of benefits. Pay allowance to the nearest day after the assignment of the day the day set for payday payment.

At the same time, a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child must be paid in the same 10 days, which are provided for the accrual of benefits. The same applies to a one-time benefit to women in medical institutions in early pregnancy, if a certificate of registration in early pregnancy is presented later than the hospital leaflet (paragraph 1 of Art. 15 of Law No. 255-FZ, p. 24 and 30 order No. 1012n).

In what size employers pay the FSS benefit on children up to 1.5 years in 2016

The child care allowance to one and a half years is calculated so (paragraph 1 of Art. 11.2 and paragraph 5.1 of Art. 14 of Law No. 255-FZ):

Maximum average daily earnings based on which is calculated child manual In 2016, equal to 1 772.60 rubles. [(670,000 rubles. + 624,000 rubles.): 730 days]. So the maximum monthly benefit The child in the FSS up to 1.5 years in 2016 is 21,554.82 rubles.

Days excluded from the estimated period when calculating maternity and child benefits in the FSS in 2016 (paragraph 3.1 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ)

Further actually calculated average daily earnings are compared with a minimum. It is determined on the basis of the Mrots in the manner prescribed in paragraph 15 (3) of the provisions approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.06.2007 No. 375.

Minimum size middle day earnings For the accrual of children's manuals in 2016 is equal to (Mrots. × 24 months: 730 days). By comparing the actual average daily earnings and the minimum size, the payment is prescribed that amount that is more.

Please note that children's benefits are not subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums (clause 1 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and sub. 1, paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ and Sub. 1 p. 1 Article 20.1 Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ).

Example 1. Accrual for child care benefits up to 1.5 years in 2016

E.A. Panteleeva since 2012 has been working in the Fitness-Class LLC by the instructor. From June 1, 2016, she goes on childcare leave up to one and a half years, what a corresponding statement has written. For Panteleva, this is the first child.

The estimated period for the analysis of the benefit is two calendar years: 2014 and 2015.

In 2014, Panteleeva sick 21 calendar day, and in 2015 she was on sick leave 5 days. There are no other grounds for the exception of days from the settlement period.

For 2014, Panteleeva wages amounted to 450,000 rubles, and for 2015 - 538,000 rubles. Receipts for 2014-2015 did not exceed the limit values, so when calculating the benefits will be taken into account completely.

Given that in 2014-2015, Panteleev was on the hospital 21 and 5 days, the duration of the estimated period would be 704 calendar days (730 - 26).

Middle day earnings female workers are 1403.4 rubles. [(450 000 rub. + 538 000 rub.): 704 days].

This value does not exceed the maximum average earnings set (1403.4 rubles.< 1 772,60 руб.). Поэтому детское пособие будет рассчитано исходя из фактически начисленного среднего заработка сотрудницы.

Now we calculate a monthly child care allowance. It will be 17,065 rubles. (1403.4 rubles. X 30.4 days x 40%). The calculated amount of the allowance is larger than the installed minimum minimum. So, E.A. Panteleeva will receive a monthly care allowance for a year and a half in the amount of 17,065 rubles.

How to calculate child care allowance for an incomplete month

Suppose the maternity leave of the employee ended in the middle of the month, then a child benefit to 1.5 years in 2016 must be determined particular month. In this case, the benefit is calculated in proportion to calendar days (including weekends and holidays).

Then the calculation of the benefits are made according to the formula (p.47 of order, No. 1012n):

Example 2. Calculation of child care benefits up to 1.5 years, if the child's leave has begun in the middle of the month

We use the conditions from Example 1, changing them slightly. Suppose the employee of the FITNESS-Class LLC Panteleeva went on a child to leave for a child to one and a half years from June 11, 2016.

The amount of benefits for the full month, which was calculated by Pantheleva, amounted to 17,065 rubles. In June 30 calendar days, on vacation there are only 20 days.

Thus, for June 2016, Pantheleva leverage a manual in the amount of 11376.6 rubles. (17 065 rub .:30 days. × 20 days.)

How the size of the hospital benefit depends on the employee's insurance experience

Calculation of hospital in 2016: Rules

When calculating the hospital manual in 2016, it is necessary to pay attention to the new maximum value of the average daily earnings. But first we remind the formula that the average daily earnings is determined (paragraph 1 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ, and paragraph 15 (1) of provisions No. 375):

Please note: the number 730 here is not subject to any adjustment. This is a fixed value, and it does not depend on whether it falls on estimated period Lecked year or not. In this way, the maximum average daily earnings based on which the hospital is calculated in 2016 is 1 772.6 rubles. [(624,000 rubles. + 670 000 rub.): 730 days]. Recall, the same maximum also operates on maternity and children's benefits. Totations of the average daily earnings that you actually calculated, compare with a minimum. It is determined based on the minimum wage (6204 in 2016) in the manner prescribed in paragraph 15 (3) of provisions No. 375. The minimum size of the average daily earnings for the accrual of hospital benefit in 2016 is 203,97 rubles.(6204 rubles. × 24 months: 730 days). By comparing the actual average daily earnings and the minimum size, to pay, assign the amount that is more. After the average daily earnings are installed, determine the amount of the benefit itself. Do not forget that it also depends on insurance experience Employee (Art. 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

The formula for calculating the hospital in 2016 will be like this:

Example of calculating hospital in 2016

Secretary OM Filatova was on the hospital from January 15 to 21, 2016 inclusive (seven calendar days).

For 2014 O.M. Filatova received wages with which the insurance premiums were accrued in the FSS of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 240,000 rubles. For 2015 - in the amount of 288,000 rubles.

Insurance experience employees for over 8 years, therefore, temporary disability allowance should be paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings.

The average daily earnings for calculating the manual is 723.29 rubles. [(240,000 rubles. + 288 000 rub.): 730 days]. This value does not exceed the set maximum (723.29 rubles.< 1 772.6 rubles.) and more installed minimum (723.29 rubles\u003e 203,97 rub.).

The amount of benefits for the first three days of the disease (from January 15 to January 17), payable at the expense of the employer, is equal to 2169.87 rubles. (723.29 rubles. × 3 days.). The allowance for the other days of temporary disability (from January 18 to January 21), to be paid at the expense of the FSss of the Russian Federation, equal to 2893.16 rubles. (723.29 rubles. × 4 days.).

Total benefits - 5063,03 rubles. (2169.87 rubles. + 2893,16 rubles.).

In accounting, the accountant made such records:

Debit 26 Credit 70

- 2169.87 rubles. - Accrued allowance for temporary disability in the first three days of illness at the expense of the employer;

Debit 69 subaccount "Calculations with FSS" Credit 70

- 2893,16 rubles. - Accrued allowance for temporary disability for the remaining days of illness at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation;

Debit 70 Credit 68 subaccount "Calculations of NFFL"

- 658 rubles. (5063,03 rubles. × 13%) - withheld NDFL with temporary disability manual;

Debit 68 subaccount "Calculation of NDFL" Credit 51

- 658 rubles. - paid to the NDFL budget, held with temporary disability benefits;

Debit 70 Credit 51

- 4405.03 rubles. (5063,03 rubles. - 658 rubles) - transferred from a current account to a bank card employee for temporary disability (minus retained personal income tax).

Maternity allowance in 2016 is calculated taking into account new limit sizes. The calculation of maternity benefits in 2016 is made on the basis of an employee's income for 2014 and 2015. In the article, we will also tell me who is prescribed for pregnancy and childbirth in 2016.

The procedure for calculating maternity benefits and childbirth in 2016 is established by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ. In 2016, the former order acts. However, some indicators have changed that participate in the calculation maternity benefit In 2016.

Who is paid for maternity benefits in 2016

One of the documents necessary for the appointment of maternity benefits and childbirth is disability.

The doctor discharges a sheet of disability for pregnancy and childbirth:

  • in 30 weeks of pregnancy for 140 calendar days - with one-bed pregnancy;
  • in 28 weeks of pregnancy for 194 calendar days - with multiple pregnancy.

Calculation of maternity benefits in 2016

Algorithm for calculating maternity benefits and childbirth in 2016.

Step 1. We define the years of the estimated period and the amount of accounted payments (part 1, 2 and 3.2 of article. 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). In 2016, the billing period includes 2014 and 2015.

Step 2.. Calculate the number of calendar days taken into account in the estimated period - from the total number of calendar days in the settlement period, we submit excluded days.

Step 3.. Calculate the average daytime earnings - the amount of accounted payments (step 1) divide on the number of calendar days taken into account (step 2).

Step 4.. Calculate the limit amount of the average daytime earnings - the amount of the limit values \u200b\u200bof the base for the accrual of insurance premiums in the FSS of the Russian Federation for each year of the estimated period divide by 730.

Step 5.. Compare the average daytime earnings (step 3) with the limit size of the average daytime earnings (step 4) and choose a smaller value.

Step 6.. We define the size of the daily benefit - the average daytime earnings (step 5) multiply by 100%.

Step 7.. Calculate the amount of maternity benefits and childbirth - multiply the size of the daytime benefits for the number of calendar days falling for a period of pregnancy and childbirth.

An example of calculating maternity benefits in 2016

A female worker leaves for pregnancy and childbirth in February 2016. The years of the billing period did not replace.

The amount of accrued payments in the settlement period was:

  • for 2014 - 570,000 rubles;
  • for 2015 - 630,000 rubles.

In the estimated period, the employee took sick leave several times. The total number of calendar days of its temporary disability amounted to 131. Also, the employee twice went on vacation - only 56 calendar days.

To calculate the manual, apply the algorithm.

Step 1. In our case, the estimated period are 2014 and 2015. The amount of accounted payments was 1,200,000 rubles. (570 000 rubles. + 630 000 rub.).

Step 2.. We define the number of calendar days taken into account. It is equal to 600 calends. DN. (365 Calend. Days (for 2014) + 365 calend. DN. (For 2015) - 131 calends. DN. (Temporary disability)). The number of days of the next paid vacation is not excluded.

Step 3.. Calculate the average daytime earnings. He will be 2000 rubles. (1,200,000 rubles: 600 calendar. Day).

Step 4.. We calculate the maximum amount of the average daytime earnings. It is equal to 1 772.6 rubles. [(670 000 rubles. + 624,000 rubles.): 730].

Step 5.. Compare two values. The maximum amount of daytime earnings was less than the amount of the actual daytime earnings (1 772.6 rubles.< 2000 руб.). В соответствии с new edition Parts 3.3 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-ФЗ Further calculation We produce based on the amount of 1,772.6 rubles.

Step 6.. The size of the daily benefit is 1 772.6 rubles. (1 772.6 rubles. × 100%).

Step 7.. Determine total maternity benefits. It will be equal to 248 164 rubles. (1 772.6 rubles. × 140 calendar. Day).

How to pay a burial allowance in 2016

The employer pays the burial allowance at the expense of the FSS only (Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 8-ФЗ from 12.01.96 No. 8-ФЗ):

  • his employee (working under an employment contract)
  • in the event of the death of a minor family member.

In other cases individuals They seek the burial benefits to their fund social security at the place of residence.

To obtain benefits, the employee must submit:

1) a statement in an arbitrary form about paying benefits;

2) the original certificate of death issued by the registrars (p. 84 Methodical instructions, apply. Decree of the FSS dated 07.04.2008 No. 81);

3) Documents confirming the payment of the burial services included in the guaranteed list (clause 5 of Article 9, paragraph 1 of Article 10 of Law No. 8-FZ). For example, CCT or BSO checks issued by the ritual service provided these services.

The external partner of the burial allowance is paid only if it has not been paid at the main place of operation of the partner (Art. 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 2 of Law No. 255-FZ, paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of Law No. 8-FZ).

The burial allowance at the expense of the FSS is paid in the smallest of the following amounts (paragraph 1 of Article 10 of Law No. 8-ФЗ):

  • the actual value of the burial services from the guaranteed list;
  • the maximum amount of the benefit established on January 1 of the year, which produced a burial.

The maximum allowance is indexed annually. In 2016, it is 5277,27 rubles. This size can be adjusted by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In areas and locations where district coefficients are installed, the maximum amount of the benefit should be increased by the corresponding ratio.

The manual must be paid on the day when the person who addressed him presented all the documents necessary for its receipt (paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of Law No. 8-FZ).


In the early period of pregnancy, it took on November 25, 2015, received a certificate on May 6th. Tell me please, the benefit is accrued in what size (until February 1 or after February 1)? "

By date of reference


pregnancy and childbirth payments are calculated for 2014 and 2015. And if in 2014 I did not work, how will the calculation of my decret?

Accrual of the sick leave in 2018-2019 - an example of calculating payments by a sheet of disability is given in our material. Consider from which variables depends on disability allowance and what wiring should be an accountant to reflect sick leave worker. We will also tell about the nuances of the calculation of benefits on visual examples.

By what rules are the accruals on the hospital sheet - 2018-2019

Calculation and accrual of temporary disability benefits in 2018-2019 are held according to the following algorithm:

Stage 1. Accountant Calculates the average daily payment for the work of a painful employee - for this, it defines the estimated period and the overall earnings of the employee for the estimated period.

The estimated period for sick leave - 2 calendar years preceding the year of the employee's disease.

Example 1.

Accountant Ignatiev came to work at Stigma LLC in April 2003. This is her first place of work. Ignatiev was on the hospital from 01.07.2018 to July 10, 2018, then the billing period - 2016-2017. (But if Ignatiev in 2016 or 2017 was on maternity leave or cared for the baby and did not have income, then in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.08.2015 №171 / OOB-1105 accountant will take the accountant for the estimated period by appointment from the employees preceding the estimated period Years, that is, 2014-2015, but not later).

No matter how many days in the years of the current period, its duration is always 730 days. Vacations and the days of the disease cannot be excluded (Article 14 of the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance ..." dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-ФЗ).

Earnings for the billing period are salary, premiums and other payments from the employer to which contributions were charged in the Socration. Public benefits and compensation from the employer are not included in this amount.

The average daily earnings (SDZ) accountant will find a division of earnings for the estimated period for 730 days.

Example 1 (continued)

Ignatiev earned in 2017 683 455 rubles, in 2016 - 657 320 rubles.

SDZ Ignatiev: (657 320 + 683 455) / 730 \u003d 1 836, 68 rub.

Stage 2. The resulting SDP amount Accountant must compare with a maximum and minimum size. The maximum SDP size is considered in accordance with the sums of limits of contributions to the FSS in previous (calculated) 2 years, in 2018 it is equal to 2 017,81 RUB. ((755,000 + 718,000) / 730 days). In 2019, the period will change, which should be taken into account for 2017-2018. In 2018, the limit value on social complisions is 865,000 rubles. Therefore, the maximum SDZ will be equal to 2 219.18 rubles. ((755,000 + 865,000) / 730 days).

The minimum SDZ is equal to:

Mrots on the opening date of the hospital leaf × 24 months / 730 days.

In the second half of 2018, Mrometa is equal to 11 163 rubles, therefore, the minimum SDZ - 367.01 rubles. From January 2019, Mrots will increase to 11,280 rubles. That is, the minimum SDZ will be 370.85 rubles. (11 280 × 24 months / 730 days).

Thus, the employer cannot take to calculate hospital amount SDZ more 2 017,81 rub. and less than 367.01 rubles. In 2018, and more than 2,129,18 rubles. and less than 370.85 rubles. In 2019.

If the earnings of the employee is above the maximum, then the allowance is paid on the basis of the maximum SDP.

Example 1 (continued)

Since SDZ Ignatyeva is equal to 1 836.68 rubles. And this is less than the maximum SDZ of 2018 (1,901,37 rubles), then the hospital should be considered based on the SDZ in the amount of 1,836.68 rubles, calculated according to the actual income of Ignatyeva.

If less than the minimum calculated accountant is less than the minimum, then the accountant takes for calculating the benefits of earnings per day in the amount of 367.01 rubles. - For a worker full-time.

NOTE! If the sick work is working part-time, and its SDZ is less or equal to minimal, then the minimum SDZ is subject to a decrease in proportion to the length of working time. That is, for an employee by 0.5 rates with average earnings per day less than 367.01 rubles. You will need to compare the actual earnings per day with earnings, calculated on the basis of the amount in 367.01 / 2 \u003d 183,51 rubles. This rule does not apply to employees whose SDZ is higher than the minimum: even if the employee works on a quarter bet, then it middle earnings For the day, we do not need to divide on 4 (paragraph 16 of the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2007 No. 375).

Stage 3. Accountant must determine common experience worker for his whole labor activitySince only over 8 years worker has the right to get 100% of the average daily payment for labor. If an employee's experience from 5 to 8 years old, then 80% of the average daily earnings will be paid, if less than 5 years (but for more than six months) - 60%. Employee with work experience less than 6 months Hospital consider based on the Mrometa (Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

Read more about calculating the experience to calculate hospital sheets Read .

Example 1 (continued)

Since the overall work experience Ignatyeva - 15 years 2 months (from April 2003 to June 2018 inclusive), then it will receive 100% of the average earnings per day.

NOTE! For those who have injured or carelessness in the workplace, earnings for the calculation should be taken in full amount and pay a allowance in one hundred percent amount, regardless of the experience (Article 9 of the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents and Professional Diseases" 07/24/1998 No. 125-FZ).

Stage 4. An accountant multiplies the resulting SDZ amount for the number of diseases of the disease. A sheet of disability of a painful employee pays FSS, but only from the fourth day of the disease. The first 3 days should pay the employer.

But if a relative is sick and an employee is cautious after him, then the rules for payment of such a hospital leaf. Read about them in the material "Payment of hospital care for the patient relative" .

Where to get a certificate for the accrual of the hospital list

If the worker has worked for several years before the disease, then the information about how much he earned, there are in accounting. In the event that an employee worked for less than two years, earnings for the accrual of hospital you will take from a certificate of the amount wages In the form of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of 30.04.2013 No. 182n issued by the employee at the previous place of work. Such a document should issue every employer when dismissing an employee. The certificate contains data about the person itself, its earnings for the last two calendar years and the number of days of disability. Such a document may request from you and the part-time - to obtain temporary disability benefits at the main place of work.

What are the postings on the accrual of the hospital sheet

The accrual of the hospital sheet accountant will reflect in the account as follows:

Dt 20 (and other accounts accounting accounts - depending on how the subdivision runs the patient) CT 70 - the hospital for the first 3 days of the employee's disease is accrued;

Dt 69 (according to the subaccount of calculations with the social) CT 70 - is accrued sick leave at the expense of the FSS.

On the day of payment, the accountant will make such wiring:

Dt 70 kt 68 (sub-accounting of income tax calculations) - income tax with hospital tax;

Dt 70 CT 50 (if from the cash register) or 51 (from the current account) - the benefit of the employee is paid.

NOTE! For firms in the regions participating in the pilot project of the FSS NDFL, it is necessary to keep only with the benefits for the first 3 days of disability (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.04.2011 No. 294).

Example 1 (continued)

Size of the benefit of Ignatyeva in 10 days of illness: 1 836.68 × 10 \u003d 18 366.80 rubles. Per deducting NDFL Ignatiev will receive 15 978.80 rubles.

The accountant will make the following wiring:

DT 20 CT 70 in the amount of 5,510,04 rubles. - accrued hospital at the expense of the employer;

Dt 69 CT 70 in the amount of 12 856.76 rubles. - Hospital is accrued due to the FSS;

On the day of payments to employees:

Dt 70 kt 68 in the amount of 2 388.00 rubles. - Holded personal income tax with the amounts of benefits;

Dt 70 kt 50 in the amount of 15 978.80 rubles. - on RKO issued a manual for temporary disability to Ignatyeva.

NOTE! In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 226 Tax Code Income tax with temporary disability benefits in 2018 should be listed in the budget no later than the last number of the month in which the allowance was paid.

Calculation of hospital in 2018: calculation examples

Let us show more about how to make the calculation and the accrual of the sick leave in 2018.

Example 2.

From 01.07.2018 to 05.07.2018 Govorunov's cleaner was on the hospital. In LLC "Barter" 07/06/2018 she brought a disability sheet - the accountant has 10 calendar days to charge the allowance. Govorunov works on 0.5 bets, she also worked the previous 2 years, was not on the decret. Work experience Govorovoy - 12 years. Established period - 2016-2017

Govorunov settled in January 2017 at Barter LLC, before that she worked at IP Kuznetsova I. F. Her earnings for 2017 - 68 505 rubles. Earnings for 2016 Accountant will take an accountant from the certificate of the amount of wages, which was given by Govorovoy IP Kuznetsov at the dismissal - 65 732 rubles. At the moment, Govorunov works only in Barter LLC. The average daily earnings govorovoy:

(68 505 + 65 732) / 730 \u003d 183,89 rub.

It is less than the minimum SDP size in the second half of 2018 (367,01 rub.). But, as Govorunov works on the Polish, then for her the average daily earnings need to be compared from 0.5 minimum \u003d 183,51 rubles. Since the actual SDP employee is more minimal, we take to calculate the actual earnings:

183,89 × 5 days of illness \u003d 919,45 rub., Of which the employer will pay 551.67 rubles. (for the first 3 days of the disease), and 367.78 rubles. - Social.

Example 3 (calculation of disease benefits when changing years)

Engineer Maeseenko fell ill 07.07.2018, hospitalized to her 10.07.2018. Majseenko's work experience - 3 years and 7 months. It works part-time in 2 organizations: in LLC "Mostzt" it works by 0.5 rates since 2013, and A. P. IP Stolyarov, she settled in December 2017, also at 0.5 bets.

Maleseenko decided to receive a manual in LLC "Mostzat". Since in 2016-2017. She was first in maternity leaveAnd then cared for a child, then she wrote a statement with a request to replace her years to calculate. In this case, the billing period is 2014-2015. In 2014, Mysyseenko LLC earned 246,350 rubles, in 2015 - 275 034 rubles.

Ip Stolyarova A. P. Malesenko will take a certificate that the allowance for temporary disability was not charged and was not paid. SDZ Maceyenko Accountant will take only one place of work - LLC "Mostzat", since IP Stolyarova A. P. Malesenko in 2014-2015. did not work:

(246 350 + 275 034) / 730 \u003d 714, 22 rubles.

This amount is placed in the boundaries between the upper ((624,000 + 670,000) / 730 \u003d 1 772.60 rubles.) And the bottom (367,01 × 0.5 \u003d 183,51 rub.) SPZ size. Since Maxyseenko's experience is less than 5 years, it has the right only to 60% of the SDZ:

714, 22 × 60% \u003d 428, 53 rubles.

Majseenko Hospital: 428, 53 rub. × 10 days of illness \u003d 4 285, 35 rubles. For the first 3 days, expenses will suffer the policyholder - 1,285,59 rubles., Sociality will pay 2 999.76 rubles. Less than income tax Mayseenko will receive 3728.35 rubles.

NOTE! If you replace the employee years to calculate the manual, that is mandatory conditions. First, the employee must write a replacement application. And the second, calculated with the replacement of annual sickness should be greater than calculated in the usual manner, otherwise the employer pays the manual based on the standard settlement period.


The accrual of hospital in 2018 did not undergo significant changes: the accountant needs, as before, to know the employee's SDZ, the experience, the number of days of illness. However, there are nuances in paying a hospital sheet to an employee who has been injured in manufacturing or a woman who has recently been on the decree.

Many workers are sick and face the question: how is the hospital sheet pay? This article is designed to answer this and many other questions. It will be about a simple sheet of disability, the order of payment for benefits on the Bir, as well as leave to care for children - themes of individual articles.

In 2019, serious changes are expected to calculate the hospital sheet. A fixed value of a sheet of temporary disability does not depends, first of all, from labor experience and earnings.

  • If the work experience is 8 years or more, the allowance of 100% wages is paid
  • From 5 to 8 years old - 80%
  • Less than 5 years - 60%
  • determine the average earnings for the estimated period
  • calculate Mid Day Earnings
  • calculate day benefit size
  • set payment benefits

If the average earnings for each year exceeds the required limit ( 755 thousand in 2017 and 815 thousand in 2018), then in the calculation to pay for the hospital leaf you need to take the specified limit amount!

First you need to determine earnings for 2 previous calendar years. If the employee recently settled in the company, a certificate will help a certificate of salaries and other payments, which each employer is obliged to issue when dismissal.

To determine the average daytime earnings, the resulting amount must be divided by 730.

If the insurance experience of the employee is less than 6 months, no more than one minimum wage is paid for each month, from January 1, 2019, Mrometa is 11,280 rubles.

The final step is to define the final amount of temporary disability sheet. You need to multiply the size of the daily benefits on the number of days in accordance with the sick leave provided.

Since 2017, it has been possible to design electronic hospital sheets instead of a paper version.

Basic provisions

The payment of the hospital list is regulated by federal legislation, namely, 255-ФЗ dated December 29, 2006 "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood", taking into account all changes and additions ( last changes No. 86-FZ from May 01, 2017).

To pay for a sheet of temporary disability, an employee must come one of the following insurance claims:

  1. disease or injury to the employee itself;
  2. care for one of the family members who is sick;
  3. quarantine worker, his child up to 7 years or an incompetent relative;
  4. prosthetics, the basis for which is medical testimony;
  5. fungal in the conditions of the sanatorium immediately after stationary medical assistance.

The mandatory requirement of all of the above situations is the employee insurance by its employer by transferring insurance premiums to the FSS of the Russian Federation in the amount established by law. In practice, every officially decorated employee is insured.

How is the hospital leaf of an employee who have suffered in production or "earned" a professional disease? In these situations, the main regulatory document is No. 125-FZ "On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases" dated July 24, 1998 (last revision of July 29, 2017).

Accidents and compensation for professional diseases Made from FSS funds as usual and identical to how the hospital sheet is paid in 2019 for the remaining insured events.

Means to pay for hospital

If the employee took the hospital list in 2019, how is this sheet of disability and at the expense of what sources? Any insurance case that happened to the employee itself is paid as follows:

  • the first three days - due to the profit of the enterprise;
  • the rest of the period is subject to compensation from the Fund social insurance RF.

Such a hospital payment is established by Article 3, paragraph 2 of PP. 1 of federal legislation on insurance premiums (No. 235-ФЗ).

Payment of hospital care for a child or for an incompetent relative is fully carried out of the FSS budget.

Payment of the hospital sheet after dismissal is carried out in the amount of 60% regardless of the duration of the employee's insurance experience. A former employee may claim to pay for such a hospital in the fulfillment of a number of requirements prescribed in Article 7 of paragraph 2 of Federal Law No. 235-FZ.

    Calculator calculating hospital

Payment of a sheet of disability to a permanent employee and an external part

The overall procedure for calculating the hospital Next:

  1. takes total base employee's revenues for the last 2 calendar years, which are accrued insurance contributions;
  2. the resulting amount is divided into 730 (seven hundred thirty) days;
  3. the calculated value is the average daily earnings;
  4. further defines% payment based on the duration of the employee's insurance experience:
  • Insurance experience 8 years or more - 100%;
  • From 5 to 8 years old - 80%;
  • From 3 to 5 years - 60%;
  • Less than 6 months. - The hospital sheet is calculated based on the minimum wage).

Example: An employee works at the enterprise without a small 5 years, its profitable base for 2 years is 335,200.00 rubles. This place is the first place for him, i.e. The insurance period is in the interval, which assumes 60% of the average daily earnings:

335 200/730 \u003d 459.18 rub. * 60% \u003d 275,51 rub. Thus, for every day the hospital worker will receive at 275.51 rubles. The first 3 days of the employer pays from its funds: 826,53 rubles. Other days - at the expense of the insurance fund.

When paying the sheet of disability, the external part-book exists their nuances. The fees of hospital part-time in 2019 is carried out as follows.

1. When making a disability sheet in medical institution The patient must say that he has several sites, and a medical sister, responsible for issuing hospital sheets, should give a few forms - one for each employer. And on the hospital there is a mark, which place of work is the main, what (which) - part-time.

2. If the employee works part-time a long time ago and the profitable base has developed, the hospital will pay for all employers.

3. If in the 2nd calendar years preceding the year insurance caseThe employee had different employers, then he needed to collect certificates in form No. 4-H and get paid from any of the current employers to choose the employee himself, this is said in Article 13 No. 235-FZ.

4. In the event that the employee - the part-time service for the last 2 years has not worked anywhere, the allowance for temporary disability to he can be paid at the calculation of the minimum wage and the duration of the insurance experience.

The procedure for calculating the average earnings

As mentioned above, the average daily earnings consists of the amount of income received by the employee in the 2nd years preceding the year of appeal to the manual. In other words, in 2019, the revenue base is taken for 2017 and 2018. All income received from all employers are considered. Condition - contractual relations should be official and from wages of workers All employers have transferred insurance premiums to the Foundation of the Society of the Russian Federation (since 2017, contributions are listed in the FSS of the Russian Federation).

There are situations when the employee has no profitable base at the specified period. For example, a worker was on vacation on Bir or child care. Then she, on the basis of Article 14 of paragraph 1 of the Federal Law No. 235, has the right to write a statement and choose to calculate the average daily earnings previous calendar years (where there was an income). The only condition is the fact of increasing the amount of hospital to the large side (compared to the calculated on the minimum wage).

In determining the average earnings of Accounting, Article 14 of Law No. 235-FZ is guided. At the same time, the result obtained is compared with relevant at the time of the calculation of the minimum wage.

Example: An employee has a revenue base for 2017-2018. 274.7 thousand rubles. We determine the average daily earnings: 274 700/730 \u003d 376.30 rubles.

Calculate the average daily earnings at the calculation of the Mrots: 11 280 (from January 1, 2019) * 24 months \u003d 270 720/730 \u003d 370.85 rubles.

Many workers are interested in the question: how many percent is paid a hospital leaf. The employee receives 100% with insurance experience, exceeding 8 years. Experience from 5 to 8 years is paid in the amount of 80%, from 3 to 5 years - 60%, less than 6 months. - at the calculation of the minimum wage.

The dismissed staff of temporary disability is always charged in the amount of 60% of the actual average daily earnings (subject to the conditions necessary for payment).

Existing restrictions when paying for hospital

Payment of disability sheets at the enterprise occurs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which provides for a number of restrictions.

1) Profitable base for 2017-2018. must be not higher than the maximum permissible value. This provision is spelled out in Article 14 of paragraph 3.2 No. 255-FZ. For 2017 The maximum permissible value of revenues is 755,000 rubles, for 2018. - 815 000 rub. Thus, the upper limit of income for any employee (for each place of work), which is charged hospital in 2019, will be 755,000 + 815,000 \u003d 1 570,000 rubles. and the average daily earnings - 2150,68 rubles. (755,000 + 815,000/730).

2) Presence in a sheet of disability mark of violation of the patient of the regime. For example, the patient left the hospital. The date of violation of the regime is the moment from which the amount of average daily earnings is calculated from the minimum wage.

3) restrictions in accordance with the duration of the insurance experience (interest is considered above).

4) The care allowance for sick relatives has a number of restrictions on the timing of payment in accordance with Article 6 of clause 5 No. 235-FZ. There is a dependence on the age of a patient relative, more visual sizes of the hospital benefit are presented in the table.


Maximum duration of 1 hospital in days

Number of paid days during the calendar year

Child under the age of 7

No restrictions

Child up to 7 years old with a disease from a special list of FSS

No restrictions

Child age 7-15 years

A child who is disabled, until 18 years

No restrictions

A child under the age of 18, having HIV and others. Diseases on the list No. 255-FZ Article 6, paragraph 5, pp.4.5

No restrictions

No restrictions

Other relative

Ambulatory care for a sick child is paid in the following order:

1) the first 10 days are paid for the average daily earnings adjusted according to the duration of the insurance experience;

2) Subsequent (starting from the 11th day) days - 50% of the average daily earnings on the basis of Article 7 of paragraph 3 №255-ФЗ.

Term of payment of the sheet of temporary disability

Hospitalized list accrued in accounting is paid to the employee on the day of wages at the enterprise. Such days should be 2 - an advance and salary. In the nearest date, the employee receives the amount of the aid (NDFL is subject to). If the timeline of the fee of the hospital leaf by the employer is violated, the employee has the right to apply to the labor inspection, the prosecutor's office or the court. When drawing up a complaint, it is necessary to briefly state the essence of the case and attach evidence of the wrongness of the employer's actions. Confirmation of the fact that the timeline of the hospital sheet is violated, the following documents may be:

  • copy of the hospital sheet;
  • a copy of the employment contract;
  • settlement sheet with the accrued amount;
  • copy of statement or account extract plastic card (with non-cash calculations with personnel);
  • other documents.

Changes in legislation in 2019

In 2019. maximum size Temporary disability benefits will grow by 4 thousand rubles - from 61 thousand to 65.4 thousand, regardless of the spent experience, the maximum sick leave can not be higher than the amount established by the legislation, and in 2019 it will increase it to 65,400 rubles.

Recall that restrictions on the maximum amount of hospital is due to the fact that contributions to the FSS are not calculated from the entire salary of the employee, but from a certain amount. In 2018 it is 815,000 rubles, that is, the monthly "maximum speed" is 67.9 thousand rubles. In 2019, the maximum amount for the deductions of insurance will increase to 865 thousand rubles., And a monthly maximum - up to 72 thousand rubles. So, in 2020, you can count on an increase in the maximum amount of hospital.

Any legislative changesregulating the fee of the hospital sheet should be carefully studied by employers. FTS may refuse to pay if the documentation is issued with the violation of the established procedure.

Patient leaf payment is a wide topic for discussion. And in order to illuminate it, you need to answer a number of narrower and specific questions: who pays the hospital sheet, as the sick leave is paid or what the rules for the payment of hospital sheets in 2019, as well as the timeline of the hospital leaf payment are established.

Who pays the hospital list in 2019

In general, the employer is responsible for payments over the hospital leaf (part 1 of article 13 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ). It is he who must calculate and appoint a benefit to the employee who submitted a properly decorated sheet of disability, and make payments on a hospital leaf in 2019 (paragraphs 11 ,, 46 of the Procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 29.06.2011 N 624N). And then to get compensation from the FSS, in addition to the amount of allowance for temporary disability for the first 3 days of the employee's disease ().

And how is hospitalized in 2019, if the employer is in the region where pilot project FSS? In these subjects of the Russian Federation, the employer pays the hospital for the first 3 days of the employee's disease. The rest of the payment of the hospital sheet in 2019 produces a department of the FSS of the relevant region: pays the manual for the period from the 4th to the last day of the disease.

The FSS also pays for the care allowance for a sick member of the family for the period from the 1st to the last day of his illness and manual for pregnancy and childbirth (part 1, paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Article 3 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ , PP. "A" p. 17 of the order, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 23, 2009 N 1012N). In the regions where the pilot project does not work, these manuals are also fully accrued due to the FSS, but the employer produces direct payment.

Now let's talk about how to pay the hospital list in 2019.

How paid a hospital list in 2019

The rules of payment of the hospital list in 2019 did not change compared to those that were previously applied. That is, the payment of hospital in 2019 is considered to be based on the average earnings of the employee obtained by general rule, for 2 calendar years, preceding the year of the occurrence of the insured event - illness, maternity leave, etc. (). At the same time, the maximum payments on the hospital in 2019 are limited. However, the employer has the right to pay not only the allowance, but also surcharge to average earnings. Then the indicated restrictions on the income of employees will not affect.

At the same time, the minimum fees of the hospital leaf in 2019 are also established. More precisely minimum value Middle earnings calculated on the basis of the minimum wage. It is used to calculate the benefit, for example, if the average monthly income of the employee is less than a minimum wage (part 1.1 of article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ). There are other situations in which the allowance should be calculated based on the minimum wage.

If you are interested in specific figures, namely how much is paid on the hospital lest since 2019, then:

  • the maximum amount of allowance for temporary disability per day is 2 150.68 rubles. ((755 000 rubles. + 815 000 rub.) / 730 days.);
  • the minimum amount of allowance for temporary disability per day is equal to 222.51 rubles. (11 280 rubles. X 24 months / 730 days. X 60%). It is used from 01.01.2019 when calculating the manot benefits and an employee's experience under 5 years.

How the hospital worker has been paid recently accepted

If the employee recently got to work and fell ill, then when paying for a sick leave in 2019, you will need to take into account the average earnings obtained by the previous employers (part 1 of article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ, P. 6 provisions, appliance. Government Decree of 15.06.2007 N 375). True, you can do this only if it provides you from my previous job.

The timing of the hospital list in 2019

The period of payment of the hospital leaf by the employer is determined by this. At first, the employer has 10 calendar days from the date of submission by an employee of a disability leaflet in order to appoint a hospital payment. And the payment on the 2019 hospital leaf is the employer should produce salaries in the coming day after the purpose of the benefit (Part 1 of Article 15 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

And why the sick leave is paid in the regions where the pilot project is launched? If the employer gives everything in time necessary information For payment of benefits in the FSS (within 5 calendar days), and in the FSS branch will be a positive decision on the payment of hospitals, in 2019 the minimum period of payment on the hospital leaf will be 15 calendar days (PP. 3, 9 provisions, applause. Resolution Governments of 21.04.2011 N 294).

Note that deadlines Payments to the Hospital Leaf In 2019, employers are important to comply with, since in delaying will have to pay compensation to employees (Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How the hospital list is paid in 2019

The procedure for paying a sick leave in 2019 remained the same. As noted, pay hospital payments together with the salary (by transferring to the employee's bank account or by issuing from the cash register) after hold Ndfl From the amount of the benefit.

If you have already figured out the theoretical part of how the hospital list is calculated in 2016, then it's time to go to practice. So, consider how to calculate the hospital in 2016 on the example.

Calculation of the sick leave in 2016: condition

Worker Ivanov O.N. Painted from 2 to 10 February 2016. At its last place of work, Ivanov has been working at Kaleidoscope LLC from August 19, 2013. Earlier in the period from April 4, 2010 to July 29, 2013, he worked at Mirage LLC, as evidenced by entries in labor book Ivanova. There are no other periods to accrual in 2016 for the accrual of the hospital sheet in 2016, there was no worker.

Summer earnings Ivanova ON For 2014 amounted to 588,000 rubles., For 2015 - 694,000 rubles.

Calculation of the sick leave in 2016: decision

1) The calculation of the hospital in 2016 is made on the basis of data on earnings 2014-2015, since they constitute the estimated period.

2) Limit base According to contributions to the FSS in 2014, it was 624,000 rubles, in 2015 - 670000 rubles.

As you can see, 588,000 rubles. Less limit at 624,000 rubles, but 694,000 rubles. exceeds the base of 670000 rubles.

4) We define the average daily earnings of the employee.

1258000 rub. / 730 days \u003d 1723.29 rub.

Transfer full months in the years: 19 months is 1 year and 7 months.

We translate into months the number of days not included in full years and months. 70 days are 2 full months (and 10 days in the remainder, which are discarded). Next, it is necessary to add all the full years and months.

As a result, the experience for the hospital sheet will be 5 years and 9 months (4 years + 1 year + 7 months + 2 months). With this experience, the patient's payment is made on the basis of 80% of the average employee earnings.

6) We consider the amount of day benefits:

1723.29 rub. x 80% \u003d 1378,63 rub.

The worker sick for 9 calendar days (February 2-10). We define the amount of allowance for temporary disability during this period:

1378,63 rubles. x 9 days \u003d 12407.67 rub.

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