
How much it is necessary to work to get mastown money. Birthday benefits, if the mother does not work - we understand the laws

Holiday to care for the child. Calculation of holidays, examples.

In conversational speech, decree is called all that time that an employee does not work in connection with the preparation for the birth of a child and care for him in the first months of life. IN Labor Code This generalizing concept is not mentioned. The law shares the decree time for two periods: maternity leave, as well as on child care leave.

  • Maternity leave
  • Holiday to care for the child

Maternity leave

According to its form, it is rather not a vacation, but sick leave, because a hospital leaf is written on it.

In this sheet, a gynecologist for women's consultation, where pregnant is observed, the start and end of the hospital. It begins with the thirtieth obstetric week of pregnancy and in general lasts 140 days: 70 days before the expected delivery and 70 days after. In some situations, which are also recorded by doctors, the time of vacation increases.

Medicine with all his modern technologies Unable to guess the exact date of birth. The doctor indicates only approximate time. In fact, children are most often born with a deviation of several days and even weeks before or after the stated time. At the same time, the periods of the hospital are not recalculated.

Example. The start date of the maternity leave of the employee - May 9, 2017. The end is September 26 (after 140 days). Estimated date of birth - July 18. In fact, the employee gave birth to June 30. That is, she spent 52 days before the birth, and her postpartum period was 88 days. The end date of the vacation remains the same - September 26.

An employee who is going to decree has the right to a one-time allowance. The employer pays it to one amount based on the number of days in a sheet of disability.

The manual is paid in the amount of 100% of the average daily earnings, so with a rough rounding sometimes they say that the future mother gets four salaries at once. It is relevant only with fully official employment.

The staff of the future mother need to bring a package of documents:

  • Sheet disability. It is issued in medical institution a few days before the moment it is time to go to maternity leave
  • Help with the calculation of average earnings From the previous place (places) of work, if such were in the past and before last year
  • Statement addressed general Director Organizations
  • Help on early registration until the 12th week of pregnancy. Is not mandatory document. But if the employee really turned to a doctor early, she will receive additional payout. Thus, the state encourages early registering of pregnant women, which makes it better to follow their health and the state of the kid

Holiday to care for the child

With a well-known birth of a child, maternity leave is smoothly going on a childcare leave. According to the law, a young mother may be in it until the child is 3 years old. For example, if a child was born on September 26, 2017, an employee is obliged to go to work on September 27, 2020.

Many mothers are sitting with a child only to 1.5 years. This is due to the fact that the monetary allowance of the state (through the employer) pays only until the child reaches the age of eighteen months.

After this date, the payment of the benefit is stopped, but the ability to deal only by a child before his three-year remains. Young mothers enjoy her if they have such a desire and the family has financial opportunities for this.

In order for the employer to have a reason to charge a child care allowance, an employee must appear with the following documents:

  • Certificate of the birth of a child (a copy of it and the original is returned to the employee)
  • Application addressed to the general director of the company (the application form is drawn up in free form, its sample is available inside the organization)
  • The certificate that such a guide will not be paid to the second parent (the spouse must take this certificate from its place of work or in the socialist, if it is not officially employed)
  • Copy of the applicant's passport

Go to such a vacation can any face that actually carries out child care. For example, it may be a child's father or someone from relatives. It is important that he will stop working in fact, otherwise the payment of benefits will become illegal.

An employee also applies to one-time payment At the birth of a child. Since February 2017, it has grown and is now 16,350,33 rubles.

How to calculate maternity payments

Pregnancy and childbirth is 100% of the size of the average daily earnings and is paid to one large amount before the start of the decree. To count the amount of benefits, you must pass a few steps.

  1. Determination of the estimated period. For calculations of the required payments, the two previous years before the decree are taken. They can be replaced by any other two years, if at this time the employee has already been on maternity leave
  2. Collection of missing salary data estimated period . Ideally, an employee worked for all two previous years from one employer, then the necessary information will be at hand. If a woman has worked a little longer, she needs to be submitted to the employer from previous places in the form of the form 182, approved by order of the Ministry of Minthouse

If the employee did not work for some months from this period, middle earnings For these months, it is equal to the magnitude of the minimum wage acting at the time of the insured event.

As of May 2017, federal minimum wage is 7,500 rubles.

This is a relatively small amount for maternity. Therefore, many women, planning pregnancy, try to continuously work for two years in a row to receive more benefits.

All 24 months of the estimated period are calculated on the minimum end, if the work experience of the employee for these two years is less than 6 months.

  1. Definition of biennial earnings. To calculate the total value, the entire accrued salary for the estimated period (before the deduction of income tax) is summed by months. Determine whether to include in the amount of this or that accrual is very easy. If the employer entered him to the budget insurance contributions - Accrual is taken into account. If not - ignored.

Thus, the sums paid to the employee with its temporary disability, as well as the amounts paid to it when it was released from working with salary preservation. From these income, the employer does not make social contributions.

  1. Comparison of obtained annual sums With the limiting base of contributions. There are marginal amounts at maximum annual making money for calculation. maternity benefits.

Data on 2017 will be relevant only after the onset of 2018, since in relation to it this year will become one of two years of the settlement period.

If the total annual employee salary is higher than the specified limit, its salary is indicated in the amount of the limit.

The minimum limits also exist. If during a certain period, the monthly income of the employee was less than the minimum wage, then its monthly income during this time is conventionally equal to the minimum wagon.

Example. The employee went on decree in 2017. Her annual earnings for 2016 amounted to 700 thousand, for 2015 - also 700 thousand. To calculate the manual, earnings will be taken into account in the amount of 700 thousand in 2016 and only 670 thousand in 2015.

  1. Counting average daily earnings. For calculations, the formula is used.

Middle earnings \u003d (earnings in two estimated years total) / (the amount of days over the years has minus the days of the hospital).

Example. Earnings of employees for the years 2016 and 2015 excluding the fee of the hospital amounted to 600 thousand rubles. On the hospital she was a total of 30 days. In fact, in two years she worked: 731 days + 730 days - 30 days \u003d 1 431 day. Its average earnings per day is equal: 600 thousand / 1431 day \u003d 419 rubles. The number of days in the usual year is 730. In the leap - 731 (as in the case of 2016).

As can be seen from the example, if the employee was sick in the past and before last year, it does not significantly affect the maternity payments. Neither the fees of the hospital nor the sick leave themselves simply do not participate in the calculations.

  1. Determine the size of the manual. For this middle day earnings Multiple the number of days of maternity leave (140, 156 or 194 days).

Let us continue the example from the previous item. Middle earnings in 419 rubles multiply by 140 days. The manual will be 58,660 rubles.

The childcare payment is 40% of the average daily earnings of the employee and is paid monthly during the issuance of salary. An important rule: If a young mother renews work on a full working day, the payment of benefits stops. Only work is possible, part-time or at home.

Decreh payments are not subject income tax, Employer also does not pay insurance premiums. Therefore, this period is not taken into account in the calculations.

Example. Until 2015, the employee worked 730 days (without hospital) and its accrued salary is 600 thousand rubles. In 2016, she worked for nine months, and from October went to the Decree, she was accrued (excluding a manual) 550 thousand rubles. The number of days taken into account in 2016: 731 minus 92 days (the number of days from October to December 2016) \u003d 639 days. Magnival earnings: (600 thousand + 550 thousand) / (639 days + 730 days) \u003d 1150 thousand / 1369 \u003d 840 rubles.

Total size of the monthly allowance, which will be paid in 2017: 840 rubles * 30.4 days (average number of days per month) * 40% \u003d 10 214 rubles

Calculations are manually important for a better understanding, where are those or other amounts come from. Now you do not need to think about how to calculate maternity - the most convenient to use the online calculator.

Who pays decreh - employer or state

The procedure occurs in several stages: It is the employer that is obliged to calculate and pay special maternity benefits. Such an order is established by law No. 255-FZ. But at the same time, the employer does not spend its own cash, since after a while foundation social insurance Russia compensates for him all costs.

  • An employee provides a hospital leaf on pregnancy and childbirth. If we are talking about the design of the child's benefits, the employee writes an application for child care vacation
  • Based on the information received, the accountant calculates the amount of payment
  • The employer pays benefits. If the staff earlier received a salary on bank card, then the money listed by the employer will be in the same way. At the same time, the accrual of funds is carried out in the coming day of salary issued in the organization
  • The employer gives the report to the FSS and other documents
  • FSS checks documents for compliance and authenticity and reimburse money to the employer

Sociality checks all the data most thoroughly. It is possible to recalculate or even refusal to reimburse funds.

The alarming factor is features:

  • The position of the employee does not correspond to education (for example, if chief Accountant It has only finished cooking courses)
  • Incommensurately high wages for such a position (400 thousand rubles under the post of junior lawyer)
  • The position appeared in the company simultaneously with the arrival of this employee (this happens when the company expansion and an invitation of a specialist, but if there are other suspicious items, this one can serve as an additional source of doubt)
  • A significant increase in salary before going to the decree (an atypical phenomenon in itself, which suggests a conspiracy)
  • Employment of the employee happened almost before leaving the maternity leave, especially if before it did not work for a long time (and in this case, you can suspect a conspiracy with the employer)

There are cases when cunning girls faked references in order to pay more to pay. FSS will not pay blindly, and sooner or later, the truth will float out. Chatters make the funds paid to return.

If the employer's organization is eliminated either, it is not enough funds at the current account, or the owners of the company disappeared, the state independently pays the benefits. To do this, come to the local FSS with confirmation documents. After the procedure for verifying the documents, the Fund will independently make calculations and pay the money.

What an employee can do if the employer does not pay decret, pays not in full or delays

  • It is necessary to carefully read the employment contract and find the size of the official wage. When counting decrehension, only official payments (salary, premiums, surcharges), which have passed through the accounting department and from which the employer paid insurance premiums for an employee. If the employee received some part of the funds "in the envelope" - contributions to the FSS were not paid with them, and they are not taken into account.
  • If the company "Belaya", but actual payments do not coincide with the calculations of the employee, it is best for it to seek explanations directly to the accountant, which was calculated on maternity. In these calculations, many subtleties that could be missed by a worker for ignorance.
  • The benefits are accrued automatically, but only by application. If the woman has not yet made him, she needs to appear to work, write a statement and submit required documents. It is also possible that an error occurred in the current account numbers, and just clarify the misunderstanding.
  • If there is no error and the employer deliberately evades payments, an employee may apply to the FSS of Russia at the place of registration of the employer. The foundation has its own impact levers on unfair employers. If he could not help, an employee can write a statement to the prosecutor's office. It can be submitted personally or writing, and there is also the opportunity to leave a complaint on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office.
  • Another opportunity is to appeal to the court. After the court decides in favor of the employee, bailiffs are engaged in the recovery of money from the employer.

How can an employee come after decading leave

After this period, the employee has several ways:

  • Immediately resume the fulfillment of your employment duties.
  • Temporarily go to paid vacation. Part of the leave could not be used before going to the decret. In addition, childcare leave is the less for which the experience is accrued. Thus, during this time, vacation also comes
  • Temporarily go to unpaid leave. This option is possible only when coordinating the employer

Example. Woman, being on leave to care for the first child, will be pregnant with a second child. Before the date of release on the decree on the second child, she still remains for a while, and she must already go to work, as the first child has already been 3 years old. A woman does not want to go to work for this period. Pregnant woman employer has no right to dismiss. Then leave without salary salary is an acceptable output from the position.

  • Quit. When dismissal, the employer is obliged to compensate for the employee of its unused vacation.

Changes in maternity payments in 2017

As it was seen in previous paragraphs in some cases for calculating decal payments The employer resorts to the current magnitude of the minimum wage (minimal wage).

As of May 2017, two news are actively discussed:

  • From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage will be increased by 300 rubles. This means that for the entirely spent month, the employee cannot receive a salary less than 7,800 rubles. In the event that the local minimum end of the subject of the Russian Federation is lower than this value, companies should focus on the federal indicator. If higher - can be guided by local magnitude.
  • Until May 20, 2017, a bill to increase the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum of the working-age population should be prepared. Dmitry Medvedev gave the appropriate instructions to Mintruda, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy. For today living wage Russia is 9,691 rubles. Also, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin also assured that the minimum wage will be united for the whole country - the differentiation of the regions will take place in the past.

Also during the April speech, the Prime Minister stressed before the State Duma, the Government increases the responsibility of employers: "Those who delay money are fine. Now we are preparing amendments to legislation in order to even better protect the rights of working people. "

The same question can be attributed to cases where employers for any reason are delaying maternity payments to employees.

According to Federal Law No. 255-ФЗ to future mothers rely certain payments. This is, first of all, payment of the hospital (the last weeks of pregnancy, childbirth, period after delivery). From the article you will learn who has the right to receive this manual that is officially called pregnancy and childbirth, and how to calculate the amount of decret in 2017.

What are maternity?

Pregnancy and childbirth allowance - a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child.

When calculating decree, the number of days in the hospital sheet is taken into account, the number of which depends on the following circumstances:

  • If born 1 kid The total number of days in the hospital is 140 (formula is simple: 70 days before delivery, 70 days after childbirth ).
  • If a the birth of the baby was associated with some complications, the number of days on the hospital leaf increases by 16 .
  • If the family is a big replenishment - 2 or more kids , then the number of sick leave even more: 84 days before delivery, and after childbirth - 110 days .

Who can get a decree allowance in 2017 - the maximum and minimum amount of maternity benefits

  • Working Pregnant women subject to mandatory health insurance.
  • Unemployed Pregnant women who must be registered in the employment service in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence.
  • Women who work as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, it is necessary that in recent six months (at least) contributions to the social insurance fund were deducted.
  • Students of educational institutions studying in full-time departments (regardless of the budget they are trained or paid).

What is the size of the decret?

As for the size of decret, then when it calculates it is taken into account middle Earnings of Women over the past two years. Working women are made by average earnings, in full-time student students - a scholarship, women who work under a contract in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in the institutions of the penitentiary system, at customs - the amount of monetary content.

From January 1, 2016, changes were made at the minimum and maximum aid size:

  • minimum - 28 555,80 rubles
  • maximum - 248 164 rubles

According to the legislation, the NDFL is not held with the maternity benefits and childbirth.

Registration of maternity benefits in 2017: What a list of documents must be collected by working, unemployed, students to receive payments

In order to arrange and then get a maternity allowance, you need to cook package of the following documents:

  • statement on behalf of a woman to receive benefits
  • sick leave providing women's advice

Where are pregnant women to provide documents for making maternity payments?

Working women present these documents to the employer, students of educational institutions - in the dean. Non-working turns to social services at the place of residence.

Calculation of decret in 2017 - How to independently calculate the amount of maternity allowance

  • The easiest way calculate maternity decrehensive womenSince in this case its average earnings over the past two years is taken into account. Consequently, to calculate the benefit in 2017, the size of the average salary for the years 2015 and 2016 is taken. It should be noted that in addition to wages, all sorts of premiums, payments, allowances and coefficients, and material assistance, if they took place and were recorded. The calculation does not include hospital sheets, other decrehs. It is necessary to take into account the income from other employers, for which it is necessary to submit a certificate of average earnings to the accounting department.
  • If a woman was on leave to care baby or on maternity leave Previous 2 years (even if it is one or two days per year), it is possible to replace this year to the previous year (the replacement is made according to the application).
  • If a woman before leaving the decree worked in two organizations or two enterprisesThe documents on the manual are served only in one place. At the same time, it will be necessary to submit a certificate that other employers pay for pregnancy benefits and childbirth do not produce.

It is important to know that there is an average earnings to calculate your limits for maternity benefits. So, the amount of benefits cannot be greater than the indicator, which is determined by dividing 730 amounts of limit values \u200b\u200bfor the accrual of insurance premiums. 730 - the total number of days that the woman worked in two years (if the year is leap, then 731). But it is only if she did not have sick leave, vacations and other days, which are not taken by deductions in extrabudgetary funds on the mandatory species Insurance.

What to do and how to correctly calculate maternity, if work experience in last place less than 2 years?

Situations where the work experience of a pregnant woman in the last place of work is less than 2 years old, frequent, and women should know all the details and subtleties to get a benefit.

How to correctly calculate maternity, if work experience in last place less than 2 years?

According to existing provisions, the size of the maternity benefit should not be less than minimum wage.

What is the limit value of the base?

To correctly calculate the amount of benefits, it is also necessary to take into account such indicators as the limit value of the base used to accrual insurance premiums. This indicator is not constant, it changes all the time and for each year different. For preceding 2016, it is equal to:

  • 2013 - 568 000 rubles
  • 2014 - 624,000 rubles
  • 2015 - 670,000 rubles

What is this indicator? When calculating the manual, women's income are taken into account, but at the same time total amount Revenues for a certain year should not exceed the limit value of the base for this year.

As an example: if a woman in 2013 has a total income amounted to 570,000 rubles, then all calculations will be made based on the amount of 568,000 (maximum indicator for 2013).

How to calculate decrets in 3 common situations?

Sample calculation of maternity in 2017

Suppose Catikov Znylyanova maternity leave begins in April 2017. Before the decree, she worked constantly, so two years are taken into account - 2015 and 2016. At the same time, in 2015 she had two sick leave 7 and 10 days, and in 17 days. The income for 2015 amounted to 340 thousand rubles, for 2016 - 480 thousand. Limit variables are not exceeded. The number of days for two years 730. The days of hospital are deducted, which results in 713 days.

Calculation of the average daily salary:

340 + 480/713 \u003d 1 150 rub.

Calculation of the decrease size:

1150 x 140 days decree \u003d 161,000 rubles.

Documents for granting the FSS to calculate the maternity IP

First of all, for obtaining maternity benefits for a woman, IP needs:

  1. Run registration as a voluntary policyholder. To do this, provide a statement to the FSS (there is a set form), as well as a copy of the PP passport. Within five days, the Fund must register the policyholder, and then notify it about this procedure.
  2. Separate insurance premiums. In case a woman is going to decree in 2017, the insurance premiums must be paid for 2016. The amount of contributions is calculated on the basis of the formula: Mrot X rates of deductions in the FSS X 12 months. The contributions rate is 2.9%.

The following documents are provided to the FSS maternity benefits:

  • statement from IP in an arbitrary form for the receipt of benefits;
  • sick leave, Received in women's consultation.

The calculation of the manual is carried out on the basis of the size of the minimum wage.

The rules for calculating maternity and children's benefits are interested in both accountants and future mothers. We will talk about the changes in 2017 and teach the use of the online calculator to calculate the amounts of these payments.

How to use a calculator for the calculation of maternity and child benefits?

The calculator of maternity and children's benefits from the outline of the contour. The BukhGellium will help to easily calculate the amount of payments. Calculator is available for free and without registration. Make the calculation is very simple:

  • On the Source Data tab, select the desired allowance, make data from hospital sheet or information about child and leave duration.
  • On the Creation Table tab, enter information about the earnings of the employee over the past 2 years (or previous years when replacing years). If the district coefficient is used - perval the checkbox in the desired field. If the employee works on an incomplete rate, mark it.
  • On the "Results" tab, you will learn the amount of the hospital.

Calculations take a couple of minutes. If you are a hired worker, add our calculator to "bookmarks" to calculate the manual if necessary. If you are by bulktilities, rent a convenience of work with the calculator. In the contour. We have many other convenient tools for keeping accounting and salary accrual.

Free sick leave calculators, maternity leave are our open access widgets. If you want to quickly charge the salary, it is easy to keep records and send reporting via the Internet, register in the online service Kontur.Bukhgaltía. The first 30 days of work are free for all new users.

Main changes to pay benefits in 2017

New minimum wage. At the beginning of 2017, the minimum salary size is 7,500 rubles. Then the minimum day earnings: 7,500 rubles * 24 months / 730 days \u003d 246.58 rubles.

Estimated period. If the decree begins in 2017, the previous two years is taken to calculate the benefits - 2015-2016. There is a maximum earnings from which you can charge the benefits: in 2015 it is equal to 670,000 rubles, in 2016 - 718,000 rubles. Then the maximum daytime earnings for calculating benefits is: (670,000 rubles + 718,000 rubles) / 730 days \u003d 1 901.37 rubles.

Replacing years. An employee can write an application for the replacement of two estimated years, when it is beneficial for her. For example, in 2015-2016, the employee went to the maternity leave and leave to care for the elder child, and in 2017 it goes to maternity leave. So in 2015-2016 she had no earnings, so it would be more profitable to calculate the manual from 2013-2014. The microstrost explained that it was possible to calculate the manual in the next nearest previous year - and not for any other: if an employee went to the previous decree in 2015-2016 You can make a replacement only for 2013-2014.

The maximum amount of decret. In 2017, during the duration of the decree 140 days, the amount of decret cannot exceed 1,901,37 rubles * 140 days \u003d 266 191.80 rubles. With a longer or abbreviated decree, the amount varies proportionally.

Maximum size monthly child manual: 1 901.37 * 30.4 days * 40% \u003d 23 120.66 rubles.

Minimum monthly child benefit. When careing for the first child, the benefit should not be less than 3,000 rubles, for the second or third child - at least 5,817.24 rubles.

Pregnancy benefits in 2017

In 2017, the previous rules are working to calculate decrets. Decree comes no earlier than the beginning of the hospital leaf on pregnancy and childbirth, but his first day is determined by the statement of the future mother. An employee can go to the decree from the very first day of the hospital, and can do it later.

To calculate the benefit, we take revenues of employees in two previous years. The salary for the calculation is taken full, with NFFL. For example, if a woman goes to decree on December 28, 2016, then the allowance will be formed by revenge 2014-2015. If the decree begins in January 2017, the manual is calculated to 2015-2016.

Revenues for the year to calculate benefits should not exceed the limit value of the base for payment of contributions to the FSS:

  • for 2013, it is 568 thousand rubles;
  • for 2014 - 624 thousand rubles;
  • for 2015 - 670 thousand rubles;
  • for 2016 - 718 thousand rubles.

Maximum daytime earnings in 2017 is as indicated above, 1901,37 ruble.

The minimum day earnings when calculating decree follows from the minimum wage, as we have already written. At the beginning of 2017, the minimum wage is 7,500 rubles, and the minimum daytime earnings is 7,500 * 24/730 \u003d 246.58 rubles.

A decree allowance receive not only blood, but also adoptive parents who adopted the kid to the age of up to 70 days. And then the manual is accrued from the first adoption day to the age of 70 days.

Example. The employee goes to the decret in early 2017.

Orlova Maria Yurievna has been working at Rada LLC from March 2014. In early December 2016 she was given hospital for pregnancy and childbirth for 140 days from December 12. She wrote down on maternity leave from January 1, 2017 and continued to work until the end of December.

The future mother goes to decree in 2017, it means that the revenues of 2015-2016 are taken to calculate the maternity decree. During this period, a woman was sick 33 days. Its earnings for 2015 amounted to 690,000 rubles, for 2016 - 730,000 rubles. Both of these amounts are larger than the limits, so the amount of day earnings will be calculated as:

(670,000 + 718 000) / (730 - 33 days) \u003d 1991.39 rubles.

But this sum is greater than the permissible day limit, it means that the maximum allowable amount will be used in the calculations - 1,901,37 ruble. Maria went to decree 20 days later than could. It means it uses 140 - 20 \u003d 120 days of vacation. And then the amount of decret will be:

1 901.37 rubles * 120 days \u003d 228 164.40 rubles.

For December 2016, Maria will receive its usual wages.

Monthly child care allowance: Calculation of child benefits in 2017

The estimated period for children's benefits is also the two previous years before the start of child care leave. Similarly, to calculate the benefit revenues for the year should not exceed the permissible limits, and the daily earnings should not be greater than 1,901,37 rubles. The monthly allowance is calculated by the multiplication of daytime earnings for 30.4 days, then 40% taken from the amount received for any experience of the employee.

The minimum amounts of the monthly benefit were higher: it is 3,000 rubles on the first child and 5,817.24 on the following.

Example. An employee is on leave to care for the second child in 2017.

Vorobyva Anna Igorevna goes on a childcare leave from June 16, 2017. Before that, she was on maternity leave and leave for the first child from February 2015 to November 2016. According to the replacement of the years with the estimated period, 2013-2014 became the estimated period. At this time, Anna was sick 28 days. For 2013, its earnings amounted to 520,000 rubles (this is less than a limit of 568,000 rubles), and for 2014 - 595,000 rubles (also less limit in 624,000 rubles). Calculate the average daytime earnings:

(520,000 + 595 000 rubles) / (730 - 28 days) \u003d 1 588.32 rubles.

The monthly allowance will be:

1 588.32 ruble * 30.4 days * 40% \u003d 19,313.96 rubles.

If a woman works on an employment contract in several enterprises, then it can receive manuals at every workplace. And one more nuance: a decree allowance is only a child's mom, but a father, grandmother or another relative, who will take care of the baby can take care of a child with a monthly benefit that will care for the baby. This holiday and allowance receive not only biological parents, but also adopters of a child under the age of 1.5 years.

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Based on materials: Kakzarabativat.ru, Baragozik.ru, B-kontur.ru

In the article:

All pregnant women working female employer is obliged to pay a maternity benefit. It is accrued at the calculation of the payment to the generic and after the generic period. In this regard, a very popular question is when they pay maternity to childbirth or after. You can find the answer to this question in our article, besides, we will tell you how to get maternity payments not to working women and students, what needs to be done for accrual, and what benefits you can get additionally.

How to issue

Before answering the question when you pay decreads, you need to know what needs to be accrued. Usually on maternity leave, they leave the thirtieth week of pregnancy, but in some cases, when the pregnancy takes place hard, they can issue a sick leave before. It is obtained by the attending physician of the gynecologist, who you are watching.

This is one of the most important documents for making maternity. With this help, you need to go to the personnel department and write a few statements - the first on maternity leave, the second for the payment of maternity benefits. With you, you must also have a passport. If you work in this organization recently (less than two years), you should have a certificate of salary from other places over the past two years. This will help increase the size of the maternity benefit. On this procedure for decreasing decrehension, on your part is over, it remains only to wait for their transfer.

When paying

When the decret must pay - the answer is definitely before delivery. But there are its subtleties.

First, they should pay them only after you bring a sick leave and write a statement in your accounting or personnel department. Then, according to labor legislation, money should be transferred within ten. Typically, the payment of maternity benefits is carried out on the day of receipt of a salary or an advance. Employers do not always comply with these dates, calling different reasons if the delay is more than two months, you can go to court or in the labor commission. The solution of this issue is always positive.

how many

When they pay maternity to childbirth, the calculation is carried out for a hundred forty days, that is, the pregnancy is ordinary, without complications. But if there were complications during childbirth - then you need to bring an extract from the maternity hospital, and you will be supplemented small amountSince in this case it is worth a hundred fifty-six days of vacation, and, accordingly, the decret size should be increased. This surcharge should also produce no later than ten days from the date of submission of an extract from the hospital. In addition, if for some circumstances you could not be able to attribute a sick leave and write a statement, this can be done within six months after the birth of a child. IN this case Decal will pay as soon as you provide all the documents.

When they pay maternity non-working women

Do not working women have the right to get a maternity allowance only in several cases:

  • If they have lost work due to the fact that the company has ceased to exist;
  • If they are reduced;
  • If they study full-time;
  • If they were individual entrepreneurs and their firm closed.

In all other cases, maternity payments are not laid. Mandatory condition Is registration in the employment service. For non-working women, it is also necessary to provide a hospital list, statement, labor book And its copy and a certificate from the employment center that it is registered. Social service is being paid to the payment of maternity benefits, it is necessary to approach the documents. If you're before pregnancy in the center of employment, then no payouts are not allowed to you, moreover, even the money that you have been transferred as an unemployment allowance will no longer be translated, until the moment until you end the hospital sheet for pregnancy and childbirth . And then, provided that after that you will immediately be ready to go to work.

The size of decret for non-working is five hundred forty-three rubles per month. Thus, you can multiply this amount by 4.5 and get a general amount of payout for the entire time of vacation. When they must pay decrehensive non-working - as well as in normal cases, no later than ten days from the date of submission of documents.

For students, the procedure for obtaining maternity decrehensive, all references and documents you bring in the dean or the rectorate of your educational institution. The amount of benefits will be equal to scholarships in four months. Payment is carried out on the day of the list of scholarships to all students.

Other payments made by pregnant women

In addition to maternity, pregnant women and already gave birth can count on more by several cash benefits.

Unite pay

The first of these is the one-time payment for registration in the female consultation. It is paid if you, turned to the doctor for a period of less than twelve weeks. Its size is five hundred seventy-six rubles. Pay it only to working women, upon presentation of a certificate from the gynecologist (issued with the hospital list). Typically, such a payment is made immediately together with maternity.

One-time child's birth allowance

He is paid to all born women, regardless of their kind of activity. This year, the amount will be fifteen thousand two hundred ninety-four rubles.

Who pays

If you work, the company pays your company, otherwise the social. protection. After graduation from maternity leave and childbirth, you can issue a child care vacation, and will be paid monthly benefit Until the child is fulfilled a year and a half. In some regions, special financial assistance is provided for poor families, it is possible to apply to social service, they will determine there, come under this category or not. Dimensions material assistance and child care benefits depend on many factors: average monthly salary Mother, region of residence, the number of children in the family, sharing family income. Therefore, for more accurate information, it is worth contacting the place of your work and social service.

Now you know when they pay maternity and be able to control the observance of the deadlines to your bosses. And the main thing to remember, any refusal or long-term delay of the manual is not legitimate, and you can defend your rights in court. But most organizations are trying to comply with all the rules on pregnant women, since when solving conflicts in judicial order They will play guaranteed.

We used to scold our state and assume that moms from other countries live better. However, having studied from and to the question about maternity payments in 2018, I can safely assure that in this matter our country is hardly ahead of the rest of the world in size and deadlines, during which benefits are paid in connection with the birth of a baby, as well as By the deadlines during which the woman can be at home with the baby while maintaining the workplace.

Knowing it, you begin much more to appreciate what the state provides us, and no longer it seems that this is not enough. In general, judge for yourself.

In our country, working mothers can count on the following cash payments:

  • one-time allowance for pregnant women who have time to take free into women's advice to 12 weeks;
  • pregnancy benefits for moms;
  • the manual paid by one-time after the birth of the baby (called one-time);
  • monthly childcare allowance to one and a half year old age.

So that the maternity is more so as possible, you need:

  1. At the time of writing a statement for maternity leave and childbirth to work at least 2 years, it is desirable (but not necessary) in one employer. If employers were somewhat, it will be necessary to run a little more and make sure help.
  2. To wage It was completely "white." In this case, the employer pays the state all insurance premiums on you in full. Accordingly, the state will pay you all the benefits in the maximum (within the size of your salary) sizes.

The maternity leave in our country consists in essence, from several parts:

  1. Vacation Woman for pregnancy and childbirth (in the standard case 70 days before the birth of crumbs and 70 days after this joyful event). At this time, maternity allowance and a small allowance for early decoration in women's consultation is paid. After successful childbirth, a one-time allowance is paid at the birth of a kid.
  2. Care vacation to the kid to one and a half year old. At this stage, Momchka lists a monthly baby care allowance.
  3. Child leave for up to three years. It begins when Krookh marks a year and a half, but Mom does not hurry to return to work. There are no payments here, but workplace Behind the young mom is preserved.

Do you like to scold our state? I had this desire, when I learned how things were in others, allegedly even more developed, countries. Look and be astounding with me for the company.

Decree holidays and payments in other countries

So, to shock you from the threshold, I inform: in the most prosperous (at first glance), the United States and Australia does not provide any payments from the state in connection with the birth of a child, no maternity leave as such! In order not to run to work from the maternity hospital, women are twisted with the help of insurance, receiving a hospital with the formulation of the type "temporary disability" for up to 6-8 weeks.

In Spain, France and in Cyprus, maternity leave is paid and lasts up to 4 months after childbirth. After that, the crumb or is given to paid men, or hire the nanny.

In Thailand and a number of other Asian countries, maternity leave lasts 3 months, and only one and a half of them are paid by the state.

In Turkey, Brazil and a number of Latin American countries, there are 6 months with partial salary preservation.

In the UK, Canada, Finland, Norway paid decree can last an average of a year.

In African states, as a rule, women after delivery are hospitalized up to 2 months, but no payments are made.

Thus, after examples, when nothing is paid in the United States and do not allow anything to be able to stay with a child and four months after his birth, but in a prosperous Europe, although they pay, but to be at home with the baby can only be at home With other eyes you look at all our benefits, the opportunity to sit in a paid decoite already up to one and a half years, and in unpaid - up to three!

Such advantages in the world should still be searched, and now all the well-known words that we live in the most beautiful country in the world, and all other countries envy us, no longer seem to me. At least in matters of maternity payments and vacation - they have every reason to envy us!

Unoperable manual for early design in women's consultation

The size of this manual in 2017 is indexed and amounts to 300 rubles.

All women (including unemployed, students), who stood up for pregnancy in female consultation for up to 12 weeks, possess the right to receive it.

Maternity benefit

The right to receive it has women working under the employment contract, individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers, students of universities and scientific institutions, as well as non-working pregnant women.

The term of maternity leave in a typical situation is 70 days of birth of crumbs and 70 days after that. However, if the childbirth was complex, time after childbirth can be increased to 86 days. In the case, if a twin or triple was born, Mama on vacation rely 84 days before the birth of carappuses and as many as 110 days after such a large-scale replenishment.

The main document for the design of this holiday is a hospital leaf that opens a gynecologist in a female consultation. In it, the doctor indicates the estimated period of loss of disability.

If, during childbirth, unexpected difficulties arose, the doctor in the maternity hospital declares the additional sick leave, in which it indicates, for example, 86 days instead of 70. All these documents are mommy then takes place to the employer.

The size of maternity benefits is equal average monthly earnings working women for 2 recent years. If you need to calculate the manual, you need a student, then the size of the scholarship takes per calculation. In disabling mothers, the calculation is made on the basis of minimum size wages, which from July 1, 2017 is 7800 rubles, and from July 1, 2016 was 7,500 rubles.

When calculating the average earnings, all types of payments are taken into account that the employer has officially produced a woman officially, that is, not only salary, but also all types of premiums (including annual, quarterly, and monthly), provided that the employer has been paid to them All contributions. During the calculations, the days are subtracted when the woman was on the hospital.

However, this amount is not limitless, and its maximum value that can be taken into account when calculating the amount of the benefit is 755,000 rubles. Starting from 01.01.2017.

Example 1 of the calculation: Marina before leaving on the decree worked in the Romashka LLC 2 years. For the first year, its total income amounted to 420,000 rubles, for the second - 480,000 rubles. The total duration of the estimated biennium in accordance with the Law 731 day. However, over the past 2 years, Marina was 2 times on the hospital, 8 days and 10 days. The pregnancy is standard, childbirth without complications, so the hospital is 70 days before the birth of Karapus and 70 after replenishment.

  1. 420,000 rubles. (income for the first year) + 480,000 rubles. (income for the second year) \u003d 900 000 rubles.
  2. 900 000 rub. / 731 - 18 (hospital days for 2 years) \u003d 1262 rubles.
  3. 1262 rub. x (70 + 70) \u003d 176 680 rub.

Total, the size of maternity benefits will be 176,680 rubles.

This payment will receive this payment tentatively 12-14 days after the design of the hospital leaf due to the departure of the decree. At first glance, there are many, however, you need to be neat and distribute this money based on the fact that the following payments (including a child care allowance) Future mommy will only receive after childbirth, providing the employer and design all the necessary documents.

One-time allowance at the birth of crumbs

The right to receive a unite allowance have both parents, but someone can get it one of them at their discretion.

In 2017, the size of this type of benefit is indexed and is 8,000 rubles. For each child born.

Thus, the happy mommy twins will receive 16,000 rubles.

Monthly allowance up to one and a half years

The right to receive this allowance has both working, and unemployed. However, in the second case, you will have to choose what to receive: childcare allowance to one and a half years, or unemployment allowance (if a woman receives it).

As it is obvious from the name, the time of payment of the benefit is limited by time when the crumble is knocking off one and a half year old.

Not only the child's parents, but also other persons (relatives, guardians), carrying out actual cloth care, may apply for a monthly allowance. In this case, it will be necessary to collect references that all other persons do not receive this manual.

The amount of benefits for the unemployed and students is equal to 1500 rubles. For the first child. 3 000 rubles. It relies on the second child of the non-working mom, as well as on all subsequent. This is the minimum payment amount guaranteed by the state.

For working under the employment contract, the allowance is paid in the amount of 40% of the monthly salary for the extreme 2 years. At the same time, the amount of benefits cannot be lower than that of unemployed and students.

The law is set by the coefficient 30.4, which multiplies the average day salary to calculate the size of the benefit.

It is important to manage to apply for the appointment of a monthly allowance for up to 6 months from the end of pregnancy and childbirth.

However, in practice, young parents always need money, and mothers turn to the appointment of cash payments the first thing after the threshold of the house after the maternity department.

The list of documents for the purpose of the monthly allowance is established by law:

  • Certificate of birth of crumbs with a copy;
  • Certificates of the birth of older children (if available) with copies;
  • Certificates from social protection (if unemployed) or from the employer of the second parent that it does not receive a monthly allowance and does not use child care leave.
  • Certificates from previous places on the size of the average monthly earnings.

Example 2 of calculation: The average daily salary of Marina from the previous example is 1262 rubles. Calculate for it a monthly allowance for the care of the kid to one and a half year old age.

  1. 1262 rub. x 30.4 (the coefficient established by law) \u003d 38 364 rubles.
  2. 38 364 rub. x 40/100 \u003d 15 345 rub.

Thus, Marina will receive 15 345 rubles. Monthly before reaching a crumb of age and a half years.

Some more legal subtleties on the decree you will find on the video.

With such a comfortable environment, a situation is quite possible when Mom wants to leave the decree on the decret, without going to work at all.

This is possible, and not two times, and in this case, the state protects the interests of the mother and baby, establishing the rule, according to which, according to the statement of a woman, in the calculations of all benefits and payments, the replacement of years is being replaced: instead of 2 extremes for the calculation, 2 years preceded by First decret.

In such a situation on the second child, working mom will be listed at least moneyThan on the first.

By the way, I personally did it: I left the decree on the decree, without returning to work at all. In advance, such a plan was not, but appetite, as you know, comes during meals. And now I already have the third baby seems something more pleasant and significant than returning to the office. Therefore, who knows him how life turns around - I have 2 more years ahead, until Eva knocks 3. And you had any difficulty with care to decree?

I remember at one time I rang out not one store in search of a baby bed and a stroller for the baby. As a result, I bought everything in my son's daughters. Now this process has simplified to the inability, because everything that is needed for infants is, there is also a lot more choice than in offline stores, and the prices are below! Now I often order diapers, cannon and pancakes. I advise everyone to save money, time and nerves!

Vk https://vk.com/babylifestyle

Getting maternity payments on time and fully worries many women preparing to become mothers. But, unfortunately, in legal practice there are cases where employers shy away from the payment of this social assistance or postpone it for the period after the birth of a child.

No less frequent question Requests required to obtain decreements. In both cases mentioned, the situation is regulated in accordance with the provisions of labor legislation. Obtaining financial assistance in connection with pregnancy and upcoming childbirth - the right of any citizen of Russia, regardless of its social status.

In case the woman worked before maternity leave, all responsibility for the timely payment of a one-time benefit is assigned to the employer (according to the twelfth article Federal Law at number 255).

Even as soon as half a year after the end of the maternity leave, the woman has the right to receive this amount guaranteed by law.

Such an unofficial position obliges a woman to independently deduct Pension Fund (The regulatory or desired amount is made!). Even one listing in the PF gives a woman the right to receive maternity money, but for the execution of the manual, she will have to contact the FSS.

Another option to receive benefits is related to registration at the employment center, where a woman should apply to early timing Pregnancy. In this case, she will be charged monthly unemployment benefits until maternity leave. The laid will be produced through the employment center. The amount of payments directly depends on the size of the minimum wage in a particular region.

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