
Preferential mortgage for poor families in. Social mortgage for poor. Where and how to make

According to official statistics, in the territory Russian Federation Live about 20 million people who are considered poor. So social support is provided, the state has created special programs. According to legislative criteria, poor can get a living space for free or on targeted subsidies. But it should be confessed that the existing mechanisms are ineffective. In 2020, the head of state was given a commissioning of the State Duma to help poorly with the receipt of housing. The following are current current conditions and prospects for solving existing housing problems.

How are the issue of housing for low-income families decide today?

The problem with the provision of housing today is solved at the Federation level. Events are determined, money is allocated. The local authorities establishes adjustments, depending on what conditions of life in the region. The basic principle is considered to ensure assistance to people who are not able to provide decent living conditions.

According to the regional peculiarities, it is necessary to clarify the conditions for the recoil of housing subsidies for poor:

  • Income on each family member is less than the amount subsistence minimum;
  • total area does not correspond to sanitary types of norms;
  • Implementation of real estate is prohibited due to the fact that it is in a bad technical condition.

The rules are defined in accordance with:

  • The main criteria of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, namely, the chapter 7;
  • The procedure for which the amount of PM on the Federal Law of the NO134 of 1997 is determined;
  • Accounting of incoming profits in order for each person to be provided with a living space on legal conditions under item NO512;
  • Average per capita income, calculated according to the Federal Law NO44 of 2003;
  • Regulations for providing financial assistance to people in accordance with Federal law NO178.

It is worth noting that the money allocated on the relevant program can be applied to:

  • Buy real estate for life or compensate for the cost of its acquisition;
  • Pay the first loan fee to buy housing;
  • Perform exchange with real estate;
  • Reconstruct house available.

Who is recognized by poor?

The main standard is the formulation of the minimum PM. According to the existing standards, this indicator refines each quarter at the municipal level. Calculation is performed according to a single methodology, given regional features. Separately, figures are calculated, given the features of consumption.

To obtain the appropriate status, it is necessary to prove that there are no revenues for the reasons that do not depend on the applicant. A person will not be able to get real estate from the state, if, except that there is no employment, it will not be listed in social employment services. For calculation, the amount of income is taken for the reporting number of months and is divided into the number of residents living in the apartment. In addition to official earnings, the amount comes:

  • Aliminal money;
  • One-time remuneration;
  • Copyright fees;
  • Rental payments;
  • Dividends;
  • Student scholarships;
  • Social assistance in cash payments.

Mother, which is temporarily not in the workplace because of the brought maternity leave, admits to the poor. This situation does not apply to the tunedom according to the existing legislation.

It is worth noting that the refusal comes to persons abusing alcohol and leading an asocial lifestyle.

Causes for Housing

Those people who need, have the right to count on benefits not only if they have a low level of income. They have the right to count on the receipt of social housing, if the size of their living space is small and under sanitary standards it is less permissible. According to the legislation, if the apartment is less than 18 square meters, then the person has the right to count on the aid. It is worth noting that this figure can be adjusted by local authorities.

It should be understood that there are different rules:

  1. There is a social. It is used when subsidies are calculated for the purchase of housing when paying communal services. There are norms of granting. Especially allocated housing from the established fund (if housing is in disrepair or it was lost due to the disaster).
  2. There is a norm account. It is assessed by the need to improve living conditions. And there is a sanitary rate. It is assessed by the need to highlight the room in the hostel.

It is worth noting that the apartment does not exist less than 28 square meters, according to construction standards. Single people in social hire are accommodated from 33 square meters.

According to a special program, the settlement occurs when:

  • Scheduled overhaul or emergency housing condition;
  • Demolition of an apartment complex in order to be built highway And other national objectives have been solved.

The reason for the free housing is obtained by a person may be a neighbor who suffers from a transmitted dangerous disease. In this case, the Special Municipal Commission is made a decision on the allocation of housing, based on the testimony from the medical card of the neighbor.

Performing queue

At that stage, when documents are collected, it is recommended to ask by local authorities, which is necessary for regional legislation to obtain benefits and housing. On the official website in a major municipality, you can always find out about setting in a queue for housing to poor people. Residents from a small settlement can contact the local administration to get answers to all questions.

In any situation, you will have to prove the fact that there is no sufficient income for the life and purchase of housing. We give such an example of counting:

Family of two adults and one a minor child From the Moscow region wants to get help from the state. In sum, they received 65400 ₽ \u003d 18000 ₽ + 20000 ₽ + 27400 ₽. Thus, the income per person is less than the subsistence minimum: 7266 ₽. This is less than the set amount by region at 12181 ₽.

To check the real living conditions of life, a special commission is created. No more than 30 days by applicants are sent a written decision in their case.

In addition to social benefits for buying real estate, poor have the right to use social housing from the Fund. This is reported social and sanitary standards. All residents can get a permanent residence.

The poor family also has the right to receive:

  • Target subsidy in order to pay for housing;
  • Liberation or reduction of taxes;
  • Free consultations on any legal issues;
  • Food with state medical help and other support forms.

What documentation is needed?

Turning to the local administration, all family members must provide documents that would confirm their identity. Also need the following documentation that can be adjusted by the local administration, depending on the real state of affairs:

  • Certificates from the accounting on how much money received from wages for one quarter;
  • Documentary confirmation that human has no other income;
  • Apartment plan S. unified Registry Real estate to accurately calculate the size of the total area.

Important refinement:

  • Certificate that residents are spelled out, can only be taken by those man with internal affairs bodies, which has acquired real estate or his authorized person;
  • Confirm the fact of the lack of real estate in personal property the applicant must be a certificate that he can take from a single state registry;
  • Family members include only spouses with children and parents;
  • The status of poor people can get other related persons who have permanent registration in the same house.

Who can in line with the receipt of benefits?

In addition to those who relate to low-income citizens, get help can:

  • Young and large families;
  • Disabled with the first or second group;
  • Chernobyl and veterans;
  • Separate categories specialists;
  • Servicemen;
  • Employees of internal affairs.

In each case, there are their rules. So, the young families include spouses not older than 35 years old. Help for them is made in the form of a special certificate. With the help of money on this certificate, they can pay the first contribution to take a mortgage or settle with the seller without a loan. Be sure to live in the territory of the region where the certificate was received.

Where to go?

The application with the accompanying documentation is given to a special division of the municipality. At the stage of receiving the application occurs primary check. Initially, the identity of the applicants is certified. It is recommended that it is recommended to find out the provisions of obtaining free housing from the state in a particular region. There may be additional documents and so on.

It is worth noting that obtaining information about the queue of needing and scheduled indicators can be useful to solve the problems indicated above.

Causes of refusal

Free accommodation people with the status of poor are provided on the basis of specific documents. For this reason, some municipalities require regular confirmation of low income. Typically, this procedure is performed regularly after new quarterly data on what is the minimum living space for the region.

So that the poor gain help from the state, they must live in bad conditions, or they should not have any real estate.

When changing any factors, applicants can remove from the queue. A similar solution will be made after fraud and intentional distortions in the documentation will be detected. When applied by such actions of material damage, administrative with criminal penalties are provided.

If the deprotection or refusal to grant benefits was illegal, then the poor families can appeal such solutions through the court. To properly prepare a claim, it is necessary to collect all the available documentary and objective evidence.

Why does not work the provision of benefits?

To meet a large number of applications, the poor build and allocate real estate at low consumer characteristics. According to the existing rules, these objects must comply with existing construction, sanitary and social standards.

Despite the fact that the requirements exist, housing in 2020 families falling under the category of poor, is not allocated in sufficient quantities. Except that there is insufficient funding from local budgetExperts noted that organizational issues are poorly solved. There are also planning errors.

What proposals were Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin?

It is worth understanding that in addition to people with the status of poor, subsidies for housing are provided to other beneficiaries. Because of this, the number of queues increases. That the situation with the provision residential premises Complex, there are statistical data. So the participants of hostilities and their families are waiting for their apartments about 14 years.

The head of state was published an assignment that the poor to get their apartments as quickly as possible. This order was transferred to the Government of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that in accordance with the instructions, there are many nuances:

  • Real estate persists for the state, and not for the future owner;
  • The program of improving comfort in the urban environment begins;
  • Mortgage rate decreases to level 8%;
  • Most of target financing comes from federal money (about 90%);
  • Earth for construction is allocated in an additional volume;
  • There is an improvement in the work of the facilities to supply objects necessary for the life of communications.

It is worth noting that V.V. Putin was charged with the provision of poor housing. Suppose that such families receive a room suitable for living will conduct Rospotrebnadzor, MinStroy RF and the Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

In order to find resources and implement this project, you need to have accurate sources. This task must be solved with ECMCO. It will be displayed in it. actual information About families.

Terms of implementation

In accordance with the decree of the head of state, the mortgage limitations should be discontinued in September 2020, the scheme for ensuring real estate of beneficiaries is obliged to be thought out until October 10, the technical parameters of buildings should be thought out in December. The amount of 1 trillion rubles will be allocated to improve the urban environment until the end of 2024.

Building volumes should be increased to 120 million square meters by 2024. If the planned plans are fulfilled, it will help improve the situation with a sharp housing issue.

The Government of the Russian Federation is committed to helping low-income families to acquire one's own housing through participation in specially developed programs. Their development is carried out at the federal and regional levels. The concept of "social mortgage for poor families" includes all existing programs. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most profitable of them, as well as explore the basic rules for providing benefits.

What is a social mortgage

Social mortgage is a special form of housing lending issued on preferential terms. Take advantage of it is entitled only families with low level income, in dire need of housing. Social mortgage implies the conclusion of the contract between the three parties of the transaction:

  1. A bank transferring a loan.
  2. Administration of the region (settlement).
  3. Low-income family.

Help is provided for specific conditions. In each program they are their own. The design of the social mortgage does not imply a free real estate transfer to the ownership of a low-income family, the state takes on only part of the family spending:

  • Selection of subsidies in the form of monetary assistance directed to the partial repayment of the mortgage loan.
  • Payment of a specific part interest rate.
  • Providing a loan on preferential terms, subject to the acquisition of municipal housing.

The Government of the Regions has the right to independently regulate the issue of providing low-income families with housing, including the provision of mortgage benefits. For example, the administration of the settlement can put a social housing for sale at a low price, giving the opportunity to buy his family with low income.

Only low-income families with children will be able to issue a social mortgage. As a rule, this happens according to the following scheme:

  1. The family picks up housing, negotiating the seller about his purchase for borrowed funds.
  2. The family appeals to the bank, issuing a social mortgage. In this case, the accommodation acts as a pledge.
  3. There is an execution of the contract of sale.
  4. The contract is registered in Rosreestre, the ownership of the family goes. At the same time, the housing is superimposed.
  5. The family fully repays a mortgage loan, the encumbrance is removed.

The imposition of housing burdens, bought by social mortgage, occurs in any case. This is mandatory condition Transactions. The burden limits the rights of the new owner for real estate. Without the bank's knowledge, he will not be able to sell or give accommodation.

Which family has the right to arrange a social mortgage

Not every low-income family will be able to arrange a social mortgage. There are a number of requirements imposed on candidates for the provision of benefits:

  • None of the family members has accommodation.
  • Family lives B. removable apartment (house).
  • Family members are registered in social housing (municipal room, hostel).
  • The family lives in housing, which does not comply with the standards of the area per person.
  • One member of the family accounts for income, the size below the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence.

Recall that the conditions for participation in the program for the provision of social mortgage depend on a number of criteria. You should find them in advance by contacting the local administration.

If the family already has their own housing, it is unlikely to arrange a social mortgage. Some regions allow the use of housing benefits, subject to family residence in one apartment (home) with another family, which is a co-owner of real estate.

In the Russian Federation there are a large number of programs implying benefits for housing large family. Almost all of them are included in one big federal project called "Affordable Housing". It covers absolutely all families, including low-income.

These programs include:

  • Mortgage for young families. To participate in the program will be able to married couples, age up to 35 years old who have no own housing. One of the spouses must stand in line at housing. The size of the subsidy depends on the presence of children in the family. So, childless couples will be able to count on the rescue of 35% of the total value of real estate, spouses with children - 40%.
  • Subsidies for families standing in line at housing. Provided in separate regions of the country. It implies partial repayment of mortgage rates, or the possibility of acquiring municipal housing at an affordable price. Sending a proposal will be able to need families with children standing in line for the provision of free housing.
  • Military mortgage. Servicemen, age up to 45 years, have the right to count on clearance housing loan on preferential conditions. You can buy accommodation in any corner of the country. At the same time, the selected budget funds are sent to a specially created account, gradually accumulating. You can use them at your discretion.
  • Mortgage AHML. Specially created state structure gives the possibility of a low-income family to buy own housing on preferential terms mortgage lending. The organization is funded by the state. It offers families to reduce the interest rate on the mortgage, acquire social housing at low prices or make a minimum amount initial contribution. What proposal to choose, solve only spouses.

In addition to the possibility of participation in the federal or regional program, the large family It can take advantage of preferential mortgage lending conditions offered by banks. They are interested in attracting new customers, allow you to buy housing, reducing the percentage of overpayments or the size of the initial contribution. Such proposals can be found in Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB 24 and other financial institutions.

A low-income family, raising minor children, should not forget about the possibility of using maternal capital as an initial contribution of social mortgage. It is also allowed to repay the basic loan amount.

In some regions, the Government has implemented the issuance of its own certificates for housing. The conditions for their preparation should be found in the social protection department of the population.

The procedure for making a social mortgage

Despite the significant differences in the provision of social benefits for the purchase of housing a low-income family, the order of their design is standard:

  1. Married couple should learn housing programsoperating in the region of accommodation by choosing the most optimal option.
  2. Family should be verified whether it has the right to provide housing benefits. This requires a visit to the administration of the settlement or bank.
  3. A pair should learn in advance which banks give out a social mortgage. Perhaps its design will require a visit to the Financial Institution Department in the neighboring city or regional center.
  4. Family should find out the exact list of documents required for registration housing subsidy, prepare them in advance.
  5. With the collected package of documents, it is worth contacting the local administration, in a queue on housing, or directly to the bank to determine the chances of approval of the loan.
  6. If there is the right to receive benefits, you need to wait for the approval of the application. Further it is possible to conclude a sales contract for an apartment and a contract with the bank.

After documentary Transactions, a low-income family must comply with all agreements with the bank. In particular, this concerns the timely payment of funds. When creating debt, the Bank has the right to withdraw housing. Take advantage of the program re-, local authorities will not be allowed.

What it is

Social mortgage mortgage for poor families is credit productwhich is issued on preferential terms and accompanied by state support. It is a product of work:

  • authorities;
  • banking institutions;
  • citizens.

State structures provide support to those families who do not have the opportunity to repay the entire loan on their own, providing them with financial assistance. Also stand out for payment subsidies and the interest rate is reduced. Regions can help credit citizens independently, for example, highlighting apartments from municipal property for the sale of poor.

Features of the loan

Social mortgage for poor has certain characteristics, for example, real estate is purchased at the expense of the bank and authorities, but they are not given to the citizen, but immediately go to repay the financial institution. A person receives ownership immediately after registration of the contract of sale, having the opportunity to dispose of property.

The apartment is pledged, so restrictions are imposed on it. They concern the impossibility of selling it, to give or provide as a collateral for obtaining another loan. If the loan is not paid by a citizen, the bank has the right to sell an apartment or a house, thereby paying off debt. It does not save even state support, because it does not cancel the obligations to pay the creditor.

Housing area, which is purchased on credit, should not be more than 18 square meters per person, it is dictated by sanitary standards. Also at the time of returning the loan, a person must be no more than 70 years, while income must be sufficient for monthly payments. If the loan maintenance will require more than 50% of the profits, the application of the potential borrower is rejected, since the law does not allow transactions under such conditions.

Who can count on a mortgage

Budget consumption is tracked at the highest level, and legislation does not allow issuing assistance to those citizens who already live in a comfortable environment or have sufficient income. By general rules, Social mortgage for poor can be obtained:

  • the population that lives in an apartment with other people;
  • when there is no other residential property;
  • prescribed in public housing (this communal apartments either hostel);
  • for accommodation in rooms that do not comply with space standards, as well as specifications.

State programs

The country is being implemented for housing support for citizens who comply with categories. But there is one big project, which is called "affordable and comfortable accommodation - citizens of Russia", and other suggestions are included. They may be such:

  • socredit for young families - citizens should be age no more than 35 years and in line at housing. If there are no children, the level of state subsidies will reach 35% of the cost of housing, and if there is up to 40%;
  • for the military - to each personnel employee, the state monthly charges from the federal budget funds, such accumulations can spend on housing, but loans are issued only until the age of 45 at the time of full payment;
  • young professionals (for teachers and physicians) - this offer works only in some subjects of the federation;
  • for already included in the queue for the provision of housing;
  • matkapital - issued families in which the second and each subsequent child was born;
  • AHML is an institution is a state institution that allocates citizens money on its own living space, a reduced percentage and a small first installment is set for users.

Mortgage to the poor for each of the programs is available to people who comply with the conditions, but it requires confirmation by documents.

Socipoteka in different cities

Throughout Russia, the conditions for obtaining a preferential loan differ. In Moscow, you should first become poor officially, which involves the level of income below the subsistence minimum. Two schemes work in the capital:

  • The city orders apartments, after which they are sold at cost.
  • Citizens are issued subsidies on the level of the first contribution, but accommodation is bought at the market price.

In St. Petersburg, there is a system in which people are provided with a social scale in the number of family members, as well as corrected depending on the term of inclusion in the queue. It is equal to the third part of the housing price, which is bought by man. If we are talking about budgetary employees, then with the experience of five years old, they can buy accommodation at cost, and at the same time hersoever is given for 10 years, which has no interest. IN last year repayments if secured paper on constant work throughout the entire period in budget organizationsCitizens give another payment, in size 20% of the cost of real estate.

In Tatarstan, a social mortgage is offered for the poor, which is supported by the Gosfonds of the local president. The agreements state that you need to pay the initial price, since housing is built on city orders. As a result, 45% of apartments are given by budget employees, as much - employees of enterprises that finance the program together with the state. The remaining 10% are given by rearrangement from dilapidated housing. At the birth of a child during lending, the family can reduce the size of the loan on the price of 18 square meters. meters, but it should not be unemployed.

If you view bank offers, then interest rates will be different as the amount of lending with the target audience. Sberbank's social mortgage 2018 is one of better optionsBut at the birth of children it is possible to establish a percentage at the level of 6%.

Bank's name


Max. Loan term, years

Interest rate

Loan amount, rub.

Bank of Moscow

Mat. capital

from half a million


up to 600 thousand


Military mortgage

For young families

from 100 thousand

Snezhinsky Bank

Young scientist

at least 300 000

Required documents

When the mortgage is drawn up for poor families, you need to provide additional papers. Their list includes a borrower's passport, which should be a citizen of the Russian Federation, a certificate of income issued from the place of work, or made in the form of the bank. Still required employment historySince the unemployed loan is not issued, and the income is required. In addition, they can request:

  • certificate of the participant in the state program;
  • paper about family composition;
  • Reduss;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of a pensioner.
  • a document confirming low-income status (usually this certificate from the regional or local social protection authority);
  • applicant's passport and spouse or spouses if available;
  • document on the order in the list of persons applying for statements to improve housing conditions;
  • application form for a concessional loan;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • certificates of the birth of children;
  • a document from regpleuettes to confirm the absence of any residential real estate from the client.

Usually you need to include a person in the list of participants of the state programs, for which he should contact the local administration's housing department. In the bank can tell how to make it right, and where to request, so that it does not arise difficulties.

Procedure for registration

Mortgage for low-income families in Sberbank 2018 is drawn up as well as in any other. First, learn suggestions and conditions, be sure to consider the requirements. In the case of Sberbank, you can participate in any of them, but you will additionally need consultation with specialists.

Having learned the list of documents, they need to be collected, and then go to the local housing department by writing a statement there. If it is approved, you should get a certificate and open an account, then submit paper to the bank and buy housing. It will be useful to find out if there is an opportunity to buy social real estate in the region, because it is cheaper, and mortgage will be more profitable mortal families.

Pluses of mortgages

Mortgage for poor families is a list of proposals that make it possible to purchase our own housing. Among their positive sides:

  • low percentage in comparison with standard offers;
  • the state budget compensates for a part of interest on the loan, as well as his body;
  • real estate price is significantly lower;
  • no need to pay the state duty for making a loan for the poor.

Requirements for mortgage recipients for poor families are established by regions, but general rules Approved at the federal level. Even on social programs after the acquisition of real estate, the income tax can be returned.


The social mortgage for the poor is designed not only for them, but also people who work in a budget position, including serve in the army. Many banks of Russia provide it, of which Sberbank is the largest largest, but it is necessary to comply with certain criteria. According to support programs, low interest are set, and sometimes there is no first installment, since it is paid by the state. For the rest, these are standard loans, and for their non-payment of real estate can be selected and implemented in account of debt repayment.

The poor are those families in which income does not reach the level of subsistence minimuminstalled in the region. This indicator is calculated in this way: all family income for three months are summed up for 3 (by the number of months) and then the result obtained needs to be divided into the number of family members.

As a result, the average per capita income is determined, which is compared with the subsistence minimum established for this period. If the subsistence minimum exceeds the average income, the family has the right to get the corresponding status.

Important! Only those families who were in a difficult life situation (problem monetary) are not in their fault can be recognized as poor, but due to unforeseen circumstances, which cannot be affected independently.

Does the loans give and in which programs you can take part?

For some categories of citizens Available mortgage design on preferential terms, that is, the social (about social and preferential mortgage read). The poor families also have such an opportunity, only this status must be obtained officially.

The poor citizens may take part in the following programs.

Social mortgage for young families

To implement this program, subsidies are allocated to those young people who are not 35 years old and they should stand in line at the apartment. Wherein young families with children can get 40% of state support, Well, childless - 35%. Read more about Mortgage for a young family, read, and what are the benefits on this loan at the birth of a child, you will learn at.

Lending to young professionals

The program works not yet in all regions of Russia. According to its conditions, to take advantage of the proposal:

  • Scientists.
  • Persons who agree to move to the countryside.
  • We have spent a certain number of hours (150 or more) in construction.

The next program works only in those regions in which there is own residential fund.

Support for citizens standing in line for an apartment

In this program, assistance is provided in the form:

  • Providing subsidies to repay a mortgage loan.
  • The issuance of a loan for social housing that the municipality sells at discounted prices.


In order to be able to claim a social mortgage, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Reside in the same apartment along with another family (or other families).
  2. Do not have any accommodation in the property.
  3. Be prescribed in a hostel or communal apartment.
  4. Reside in rooms that are not appropriate to the Snipham and standards of the area.

Who offers such loans?

Social mortgage, that is, a loan, issued on preferential terms, offers a number of banks:

A detailed list of banks that offer a social mortgage, as well as all the details of obtaining this mortgage lending you will find in.

Offers and conditions of Sberbank

Sberbank offers low-income mortgage families on such conditions:

  • For young families, the interest rate will be from 11 to 12%, the initial contribution is indicated in the amount of 20%, it is issued for a period of up to 30 years. When children are born (second and subsequent), to repay a part of the loan becomes possible maternal capital.
  • For military personnel it is possible to obtain a loan in the amount of 2 million rubles under 11.75% for 20 years.
  • The potential borrower is listed in the queue for an apartment.
  • One residing accounts for less than 18 square meters of the square.
  • The applicant has three and more children or is a disabled person (about social mortgage for disabled people).
  • One of the family members is a health worker, teacher, veteran of hostilities, civil servants, etc.

Procedure - How to take a mortgage loan?

What should I pay attention to?

The most reasonable thing will not be addressed to the first bank who offers a preferential program of the mortgage loan, and to carefully familiarize themselves with all such proposals from other banks. Everyone has it large bank There is a formal sitewhere all the necessary information is postponed.

It will be possible to determine the choice of a bank only after studying and compared, defining attention to:

  • Interest rates.
  • The magnitude of the initial contribution.
  • Required forms of confirmation of experience and income.

Attention! If the bank in which the potential borrower receives a salary, also offers various preferential programs, then the easiest way to contact this bank.

Collect the necessary documents

To the public institution for obtaining benefits

  1. Passports and birth certificates (children) for each family member (plus copies).
  2. Marriage certificate (along with a copy).
  3. Help about the composition of the family (issued in Housing).
  4. Income certificates ( wage, scholarships, benefits, pension and other types of income).
  5. A document confirming the need of family in improving housing conditions. It can be:
    • an extract about the absence of any housing property (issued in Roserestre);
    • certificate confirming the constrained living conditions (per person accounts for less square meters of the apartment area than established by law);
    • the act of unsatisfactory condition of the house or apartment (compiled by housing inspection).

To the bank

Deployment to the local administration

After the officially confirmed status of the low-income family (in the social protection bodies of the population) it is necessary to contact a set of documents and a statement to the local municipality. It is best to do this in the first half of the year, because the lists of those who want to take advantage of the state support are formed in advance.

The statement should be written that the family needs to improve the conditions of their stay indicating the reason for the need and request to register. Also write that there are no objections to the verification by the authorities of the self-government of all the information specified in the application and the questionnaire (attached to the application).

  • Conclude a sale agreement.
  • Arrange and register ownership of the acquired object.
  • Conclude a mortgage agreement with the bank.
  • More about how to get and correctly arrange a social mortgage, we wrote in.

    Underwater rocks

    Pay attention to the following points:

    • In case of non-payment for payments, public funds will be confiscated, and it is impossible to receive them again.
    • It is very important to initially calculate the real possibility of making monthly payments to avoid further negative consequences.
    • The contract should not be insurance commissions, since the state acts as the guarantor.

    As a result, we can conclude that families who have no opportunity to sell housing can successfully use state support (on how to use mortgage with state support, including young families, you can read). For poor families are provided special conditions, that is, various forms of provision of benefits from the state and from the bank. Thanks to its social status, they can pay a loan on special conditions.

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    Russian low-income citizens who need accommodation do not have the opportunity to independently solve this issue. Assist in this situation may have a social mortgage for poor, implying assistance from the state and preferential lending conditions. More information about how you can get such a mortgage, which there are nuances and features - read further.

    The usual mortgage on the general foundations of the family with a low earnings is hardly pulled. The amount of accrued interest for use borrowed money It can become simple. Alternative solution housing problem For poor citizens, it may be to obtain a social mortgage with state support.

    The low-income citizens include persons whose income does not exceed or equal to the level of the subsistence minimum in the region of residence. At the current date (beginning of 2020), he fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b10 thousand rubles. It is quite natural that a person with such an earnings will not be able to arrange any credit, and the mortgage and even more so.

    Today, 2 main programs are being implemented in the Russian Federation, the main purpose of which is to ensure socially vulnerable and unprotected segments of the population affordable housing - the FDP "Dwelling" and the subprogramme "". These programs are pre-valid until 2020, but there is a high proportion of their proliferation.

    Help poor can be provided in the form of a decline in the basic interest rate, allocating the target subsidy from the budget or design mortgage on housing, under construction with the participation of regional authorities at a low price. In most cases, mortgage to low-income families is drawn up in AHML or ordinary russian bankin favor of which after some time will be listed social payment (subsidy). Her average value It is approximately 30-35% of the price of the purchased apartment.

    What benefits provide social mortgage

    Previously, citizens of the Russian Federation could take advantage of the preferential mortgage with state support issued by some Russian citizens. It provided for the minimum interest rate subsidized at the expense of the state budget. But since the validity period of this program has ended, now for the design of social mortgage, poor citizens should handle the regional authorities and banks issuing a mortgage on preferential terms.

    Now a low-income citizen in the issue of acquiring housing can get benefits in two ways: to issue an ordinary mortgage In the bank, with subsequent payment, part of the debt subsidy or get preferential credit from reduced rate. The design of the social mortgage is accompanied by significant temporary costs associated with the preparation of documents in various departments, as well as with expectation when it comes to a person's turn to receive due paid from the budget.

    Immediately the subsidy is paid to anyone. Obtaining government housing certificates is made only in order of priority. Unfortunately, the lowest population priority law This question has no.

    Who are the benefits

    State support in the matter of improvement of housing conditions is expressed in the provision material assistance Such categories of Russian citizens as:

    • poor faces and families;
    • incomplete families;
    • young families with children;
    • large families;
    • employees of budget organizations;
    • disabled;
    • parents of children with disabilities, etc.

    All of them must have a documentary confirmation of the need to solve a housing issue and stand in a queue for help from the state. Determining factors for setting in a queue to receive a subsidy or housing from the state are:

    1. Missing social standards (for each family member accounts for less than 15 square meters. M.).
    2. The housing is recognized as a veterinary or emergency.
    3. Sanitary and epidemiological conditions are unsuitable for living.
    4. Together with the applicant in the apartment, the room or home there are faces with infectious and infectious diseases.

    That is, it has been established that poor people have full law Take advantage of the social mortgage to acquire your own housing.

    Terms of receipt

    The conditions for issuing a social mortgage for poor can vary by regions of the Russian Federation. In general, they include the following parameters and conditions:

    • interest rate value - from 6 to 9% per annum;
    • loan period - up to 30 years;
    • the initial contribution is at least 10% of the cost of purchased real estate (you can pay at the expense of a subsidy or maternal capital);
    • the amount of borrowed funds - up to 8 million rubles in Moscow, MO, St. Petersburg and leningrad region and up to 3 million rubles in the rest of the regions.

    Conclusion: To submit an application for obtaining poor citizens, must be in line for obtaining financial assistance from the state. Without compliance with this criterion, the applicant will refuse to participate in the state program.

    Yet an important point is the lack of full social control in our state. For example, poor citizens may not have children or on the contrary to be a large family. At the same time, the conditions for social mortgage will be the same for them, without any amendments on the specific cases. This concerns the loan amount, deadline and other parameters.

    Order order

    The procedure for issuing a sociper for low-income families includes the following steps:

    1. Detailed study of relying benefits and guarantees from the state (do it better on official sites authorized bodies Or apply for information in AHML).
    2. The choice of a specific object of real estate that will be purchased.
    3. Preparation of a set of documents (order references and certified copies of documents is better in advance in order to avoid possible linings).
    4. Appeal to the credit institution, submitting an application for a mortgage loan.
    5. Reference credit application to the Bank's Credit Committee.
    6. Signing necessary documents Participating Parties (in case of a positive decision announcement).
    7. Payment of the first contribution for housing (can be done as due to own funds borrower and through state housing certificate (subsidies) or maternal capital).
    8. Registration of the transaction in the regulation or territorial body of the MFC.
    9. Listing the remaining amount credit Treaty In favor of the real estate seller.

    IMPORTANT! Stand on a queue for preferential housing or preferential mortgageAs an in need of a citizen, you can both in advance and in the process of making a mortgage. In the latter case, the period for the expectation of the payment of GosSubdy may be seriously increased.

    The intermediate stage may be the appeal of the borrower into local governments, with a statement of transferring the amount of the estimated subsidy to the creditor Bank. In such a statement, the details of the credit organization, the balance on a loan account and other necessary information be indicated.


    To participate in the State Program for the design of social support, poor faces should prepare and provide the following set of documents:

    • a document confirming low-income status (usually this certificate from the regional or local social protection authority);
    • applicant's passport and spouse / spouses if available;
    • document on the order in the list of persons applying for statements to improve housing conditions;
    • revenue and employment documents;
    • application form for a concessional loan;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • marriage / divorce certificate;
    • certificates of the birth of children;
    • a document from regpleuettes to confirm the absence of any residential real estate from the client.

    This list can be reduced and supplemented depending on the Region of the applicant's registration and a specific situation.

    Where you can issue

    The design of the social mortgage is made through the agency of mortgage housing lending, which is completely state Structure. All consultations that arise questions can be solved in this organization. The process of filing a credit application, together with the collected package of documents, is carried out at the agent bank.

    The list of such banks is substantially limited. It includes only the most reliable credit organizations countries. Such as KredithevpropaBank, Globax Bank, Binbank, Regional Bank Banks, etc. Each of them also provides all the necessary information about the existing mortgage products and relying benefits.

    When submitting an application, a credit department specialist carefully checks and analyzes the information provided, documents, as well as the compliance of the client to the requirements. Requirements implies:

    • compliance with age cencing (from 21 to 35 years for programs for young families and up to 65 years for low-income citizens who do not fall under the action of this product);
    • the absence of its own housing (the facts of inconsistency of the existing housing are being taken into account by sanitary and social regulations, dilapidity, accidents);
    • the presence of positive credit history.

    Low-income families with income not exceeding the level of subsistence minimum in the registration region, in accordance with the current russian legislation have the right to design a social mortgage on preferential terms. To obtain such assistance from the state, local governments should be treated in order to queue, and then submit documents to the territorial separation of AHML.

    Social mortgage for poor families implies a reduced percentage (not more than 9% per year), the maximum loan period (up to 30 years) and receiving a gratuitous subsidy that can be sent to pay for debt or initial contribution. Thus, even people with low incomes get the opportunity to improve their living conditions via financial support From the state budget.

    In 2020, there is a number of programs that will help families with low demand to receive long-awaited accommodation. You can learn about them from our next post.

    On issues of mortgage benefits, you can contact our lawyer. Write on free consultation in specially uniform.

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