
What is the mortgage minimum now. For which the concept of "subsistence minimum" was introduced. For what it applies

In almost every country, statistical services regularly calculate the minimum level of income required to maintain a certain standard of living of the family. The standard of living is the human needs that we experience daily. What living wage? And this is the minimum income! In Russia, there is even a law that explains the subtleties and tasks of the subsistence minimum.

What is the cost of living

Law No. 134, published in 1997, has not changed his goals. And the purpose of this law is to ensure the definition minimum income One person who needs to be paid to pay for the necessary costs.

In the sense of the law, the subsistence minimum is the price of a set of products, industrialists, some services and payments, minimally necessary family or lonely living Russian.

The cost of living is appointed for such purposes:

Why do you need a subsistence minimum

  • estimation of the life level of the average Russian;
  • justification of the establishment of a minimum salary (on the plan of lawmakers, the minimum salary should not be below the subsistence minimum, but so far it is far from this);
  • budget formation (both federal and regional).

Evaluation of the standard of living is needed in order to establish - the family needs in support of the state or not. BUT governmental support It is expressed in the appointment:

  • benefits;
  • subsidies;
  • benefits.

If the general family income in terms of one person is less than a subsistence minimum, the state represented by social protection services can provide financial support. You need to know in what case and where to turn

Subscessary minimum and consumer basket

These two concepts often "go in pairs", that is used in one context. And all
the fact is that the consumer basket is part of the subsistence minimum in which elements are included.:

  • grocery basket (the composition of the most necessary products);
  • protruders (clothing, shoes, etc.);
  • some services.

In addition to the consumer basket, the cost of taxes and other contributions to the budget are included.

The composition of the basket is revised once in the five-year plan, in last time The list changed in December 2013. Today, its composition is this:


  • flour (bread, pasta, cereals, flour);
  • potatoes, vegetables, messenger;
  • fruits;
  • sugar and Confectionea;
  • meat and fish products;
  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • oils and fats;
  • grocery (tea, salt, spices).

Manufactured goods:

  • top warm clothing;
  • top summer clothes;
  • socks and stockings;
  • hats and haberdashery;
  • footwear;
  • school supplies;
  • linens;
  • household goods;
  • goods for hygiene and medicine.

Paid services:

  • housing;
  • heating;
  • hot / cold water and sewage;
  • electricity;
  • transport;
  • cultural events.

At the same time, the entire list is calculated in relation to three social groups.:

  • children;
  • pensioners;
  • fability faces.

That is, the legislators calculated what the minimum amount will the family be able to live - a child, grandmothers / grandparents, mother / dad.

To whom, what is needed and in what quantity (according to legislators)

The size of the subsistence minimum

Cost of consumer basket - the value is not predictable, but
defined. She is counted quarterly

The basis of the calculation takes the elements:

  • consumer basket composition;
  • tax rate and other deductions;
  • price level;
  • inflation rate.

Based on this data and calculates the minimum money amountwhich will be able to live a child, a pensioner or a working person.

Who installs the subsistence minimum

Russia is a huge country, and it is clear that the requests of citizens are different from the southern mountains to the northern seas. Therefore, each region establishes its subsistence minimum, in accordance with climatic, environmental conditions and price levels.

To calculate the value in each region, the Commission from Representatives is collected:

  • Mintruda;
  • social services;
  • statistics services.

The Commission collects all the data necessary for the calculation of the subsistence minimum, and by special formulas expects it.

In the minimum, the Commission will not include, for example, SPA-procedures or haircut in Sergey Zverev, like a red caviar with marble beef. The purpose of the Commission is to determine which products need a person so that he, roughly speaking, did not get sick and did not die. At the same time, even the cultural and moral needs of a person are taken into account, for example, a campaign to the exhibition or in the cinema. Visit the cinema, however, you can only once a month. But, this is if you put the goal to live at a minimum.

At the next stage, the regional law establishes the living on the minimum for social groups..

  • 9677 rubles per child;
  • 8025 rubles per pensioner;
  • 10524 on a working.

For reference.
From year to year, the subsistence minimum is growing, but during the year it can change in a smaller side. After all, what is the subsistence minimum? This is the minimum need for the money of the average inhabitant of one or another region. And according to Rosstat, sometimes, especially in the offseason, prices fall.

For example, in the third quarter of 2015, prices for fruits and vegetable products have sharply decreased, which led to the cheaper consumer basket. By the beginning of each year, prices are growing, and at least, respectively, is also becoming more expensive.

In order to measure the standard of living of the population of any country, various indicators use. One of these indicators is the cost of living in Russia. Material issues B. modern life occupy no last place. After all, without most benefits that can be purchased for money, a significant number of Russians do not even represent their lives. What makes up the cost of living in Russia 2017 and what does it affect?

Features and subsistence minimum

According to russian legislationThe value of the subsistence minimum for different regions is different. Take it quarterly in every regions of the Russian Federation. Not surprisingly, they are leading in minimal standards Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Far East. The lowest indicators in the non-black earth and the North Caucasus.

What includes the subsistence minimum and how is it determined? Based on the physiological and social component. Physiological - on average is 90% of the entire number. It includes a consumer basket and everything necessary for the normal functioning of a person. The rest is the satisfaction of minimal spiritual needs.

So what is the cost of living today? Average subsistence minimum indicators are:

  • Per capita - 10329 rubles.
  • For the working-age population - 11163 rubles.
  • For pensioners - 8506 rubles.
  • For children - 10160 rubles.

Prices are growing rapidly, and a frequent revision of PM should contribute to an increase in inflation. But in practice it practically does not happen.

The cost of living also affects social payments and pensions. Therefore, the government, increasing it contributes to the additional burden on the budget. Many experts argue that the indicators are specifically understood that not only not to overload the budget, but also to save a little.

The law is prohibited by employers to pay less than the established minimum for their employees. But, as practice shows, about 20% of the population continues to work for less salary. Therefore, what a subsistence minimum is not always helped in obtaining a worthy salary.

How much is the cost of living now and is it enough to meet the elementary needs of a person? The law states that in the consumer basket should include everything that helps a citizen fully live. These are not only food, but also non-food products.

So, the composition of the consumer basket:

  • Bread, bakery products, Cereals - a little more than 120 kg.
  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Fruits - 60 kg.
  • Vegetables - a little more than 100 kg.
  • Meat - 58 kg.
  • Fish - almost 20 kg.
  • Eggs - a little more than 200 pcs.
  • Milk - almost 300 liters.
  • Sugar and fats.

This is a food part. In non-food clothing, shoes, medicines, vehicles, communal and cultural entertainment. But the expanses of Russia are immented and the needs of people in different regions are different. Therefore, it happened that each region herself expects PM in its territories. It is necessary to approach it very seriously, as it is calculated by the cost of living, which is able to influence a large number of people. This indicator concerns the workable population, pensioners and children.

Now there is a crisis in the country, therefore citizens carefully monitor what the subsistence minimum in Russia and is not foreseen. Independent economy specialists argue that PM numbers are underestimated at no less than 2 times.

Subsistence minimum for pensioners

Each Russian, which is in a well-deserved rest is interesting in Russia, the cost of living in 2017. After all, their pension cannot be less than this figure. If for some reason it is still below, the state or local authorities pay the difference. If the actual pension is less than a national minimum, then this is the duty of the state. And if below the local, then the payment will be made from federal budget. The size of PM for pensioners is calculated once a quarter. And just like the national, the amount of the subsistence minimum for 2017 per year can be changed in different regions. What is equal to:

  • Kamchatka is the leader, here the residence of the pensioner in one month was rated at 14,500 rubles.
  • Not too far and Moscow - 11428 rubles.
  • Bryansk region - 9223 rubles.
  • But in the Voronezh region many pensioners have to survive for 8,000 rubles.
  • Mordovia and is less - 7985 rubles.

Just as the national, PM for pensioners is based on the consumer basket. Vegetables, cereals, meat, fish, milk and others. As well as non-food part from clothes, shoes, drugs, utility payments, etc.

The main points of the subsistence minimum for the family

How to calculate the cost of living on the family and why is it necessary? Everything is simple if the total income of the family is smaller than the total subsistence minimum on the family (for calculation plus PM installed for each family member).

It greatly helps families where only one feeder. Or then, when a lot of children or a person with disabilities. It is clear that there is no talk about quality nutrition and education, but if it is a temporary measure, then it is difficult to use it difficult.

Low-income families not only receive financial support, they are appointed the status of poor. And this provides a number of preferences.

Based on the fact that the current year was quite quiet, without any special reforms and innovations, the minimum cost of living in Russia is hardly changed.

To submit documents, contact the Social Protection Service of the Population to fill out the application. It needs to provide information:

  • On the number of family members.
  • The name, age and status of each of them.
  • Revenues of all family members.
  • Movable and real estate that the family disposes.

The data used by counting the basket has long been outdated and require revision. But the government persistently noticing this problem.

Subsidation minimum for a child

Many skin parents are climbing to ensure a decent future to their children. But the level of wages wishes the best, and life sometimes brings unexpected and not always pleasant surprises.

The amount of the subsistence minimum today for the child allows him to buy it only the most necessary. Those children who are forced to start earning their bread from the age of 14 from next year can count on a little more than ten thousand rubles. Employers most often ignore this item than grossly violate the legislation. The cost of living for children is very an important indicator, because it allows you to raise a decent future of the country.

PM for children by region:

  • Kamchatka - 18667 rub.
  • Yakutia - 15043 rubles.
  • Astrakhan and region - 8476 rubles.
  • Belgorod region - 7564 rub.

The state does not leave children without attention and all families who need financial supportHelp. Children are poor families They have the right to:

  • preferential training (this also applies to universities);
  • food in schools and gardens;
  • free pass.

No response problems

Prices for the subsistence basket are high and never cease to grow. But the subsistence minimum is not happy. It is not necessary to be an expert or analyst in the economy to calculate. Over the past 2 years, inflation amounted to at least 12%, but the increase in PM over these years was only 5.5%. Continuing the analysis, each Russian will understand that this year the larger increase is not foreseen.

A certain abyss is created, which grows every year. How much is the cost of living on a person and what will increase? Does the savings on the poor bring big incomes in the treasury? These games of officials are tired of those who live from salary to salary and is looking forward to raising.

Good news has become a mandatory increase minimum payment Labor to PM. What will it give? The number of social payments will decrease, and the salary will increase. Will employers be followed by these standards, while it is unknown.

The size of the minimum and maximum pension in Russia

Subsidation minimum\u003e M-p

Subsistence minimum 3 quarter of 2018 Installed by the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1465-PP dated December 4, 2018:

The subsistence minimum for the fourth quarter of 2018 is expected in March 2019.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistence Minimum pensioner 2019 year

This Law in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in Russian Federation"Installs in the city of Moscow the size of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension for 2019.

Set the value subsistence Minimum pensioner 2019 Year in size 12115 rubles.

To recognize the law of the city of Moscow from January 1, 2019, the law of Moscow dated October 25, 2017 No. 37 "On the establishment of a subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pensions for 2018".

On the establishment of magnitude subsistence minimum in Moscow for III quarter 2018. G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Set the quantity subsistence minimum in Moscow for III quarter 2018. G.:

16260 rubles;

18580 rubles;

For pensioners - 11505 rubles;

For kids - 13938 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018, in order to implement social benefits, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments is taken into account, the size of which depends on Summary of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the State System of Free Legal Assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 applies

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social Development Rakov A.V.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on 2018 year

This Law in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" establishes in the city of Moscow the size of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension for 2018.

Article 1. The value of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine regional social surcharge to pension

Set the value subsistenceminimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on 2018 year in size 11816 rubles.

Article 2. Conditions for establishing and paying regional social surcharge to pension in Moscow

The conditions for establishing and paying regional social surcharge to pension in the city of Moscow are determined by the Government of Moscow.

Article 3. Recognition by invalid the law of the city of Moscow

To recognize the law of Moscow from January 1, 2018, the Law of Moscow of September 28, 2016 No. 29 "On the establishment of a subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pensions for 2017".

Quarter year Per capita For able-bodied
For pensioners For kids Document
Q3 2018. 16260 18580 11505 13938 № 1465-PP dated 04.12.2018
Q2 2018. 16463 18781 11609 14329 № 1114-PP dated 09/19/2018
1 quarter 2018. 15786 17990 11157 13787 № 526-PP dated 05.06.2018
4 Quarter 2017. 15397 17560 10929 13300 № 176-PP dated 03/13/2018
Q3 2017. 16160 18453 11420 13938 № 952-PP dated 05.12.2017
2 quarter 2017. 16426 18742 11603 14252 № 663-PP dated 09/12/2017
1 quarter 2017. 15477 17642 10695 13441 № 355-PP dated 06/13/2017
4 Quarter 2016. 15092 17219 10715 12989 № 88-PP dated 03/07/2017
3 Quarter 2016. 15307 17487 10823 13159 № 794-PP dated November 29, 2016
2 quarter 2016. 15382 17561 10883 13259 № 551-PP from 09/06/2016
1 quarter 2016. 15041 17130 10623 13198 № 297-PP dated 05/31/2016

On the establishment of magnitude subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2018 G.

1. Set the quantity subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2018 G.:

Per capita - 16463 ruble;

For the working-age population - 18781 ruble;

For pensioners - 11609 rubles;

For kids - 14329 rubles.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the social development of Rakov A.V.

06 Setting values subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2018. G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "0 by subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Set the quantity subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2018. G.:

Per capita - 15786 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17990 rubles;

For pensioners - 11157 rubles;

For kids - 13787 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018, in order to carry out social benefits, in the appointment (provision) of which the subsistence minimum value in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on The size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for Q2 2017. G.

1. Set the quantity subsistenceminimum in Moscow for Q2 2017.g.:

Per capita - 15397 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17560 rubles;

For pensioners - 10929 rubles;

For kids - 13300 rubles.

2. To establish that before the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018, in order to implement social benefits, when appropriating (providing), which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on The size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for III quarter 2017. G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Set the quantity subsistenceminimum in Moscow for III quarter 2017.g.:

Per capita - 16160 rubles;

For the working-age population - 18453 ruble;

For pensioners - 11420 rubles;

For kids - 13938 rubles.

2. To establish that before the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017, in order to carry out social benefits, in the appointment (provision) of which the subsistence minimum value in the city of Moscow, and (or) social benefits is taken into account, the size of which depends on The size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

On the establishment of the subsistence minimum pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on 2017 year

This Law, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", establishes the magnitude of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension for 2017.

Article 1. The value of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine regional social surcharge to pension

pensionerin the city of Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on 2017 year in size 11 561 ruble.

Article 2. Conditions for establishing and paying regional social surcharge to pension in Moscow

The conditions for establishing and paying regional social surcharge to pension in the city of Moscow are determined by the Government of Moscow.

Article 3. Recognition by invalid the law of the city of Moscow

To recognize the Law of Moscow from January 1, 2017 to recognize the law of Moscow dated October 21, 2015 "On the establishment of a subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine regional social surcharge to pensions for 2016."

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for Q2 2017 G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", the Government of Moscow decides:

Q2 2017 G.:

Per capita - 16426 rubles;

For the working-age population - 18742 ruble;

For pensioners - 11603 ruble;

For kids - 14252 ruble.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for Q2 2017. G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:

1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2017. G.:

Per capita - 15477 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17642 ruble;

For pensioners - 10965 rubles;

For kids - 13441 ruble.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of social development Provisnikov L.M.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for Q2 2016. G.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", in order to preserve social stability, the Government of Moscow decides:

1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for Q2 2016. G.:

Per capita - 15092 ruble;

For the working-age population - 17219 rubles;

For pensioners - 10715 rubles;

For kids - 12989 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2017, in order to carry out social benefits, when appropriate (providing), which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on Summary of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow applies the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the II quarter of 2016

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

On the establishment of magnitude subsistenceminimum in Moscow for IIIquarter 2016 g.

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", in order to preserve social stability, the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Set the quantity subsistenceminimum in Moscow for IIIquarter 2016 g.:

Per capita - 15307 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17487 rubles;

For pensioners - 10823 rubles;

For children - 13159 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2016, in order to carry out social benefits, when appropriating (providing), which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on Summary of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow applies the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the II quarter of 2016

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

On the establishment of the subsistence minimumpensionerin the town Moscowin order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on2016 year

Article 1. The value of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine regional social surcharge to pension

Set the size of the subsistence minimum pensionerin the town Moscowin order to identify regional social surcharge to pension on 2016 year in size 11 428 rubles.

On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:

1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the II quarter of 2016:

Per capita - 15382 rubles;

For the working-age population - 17561 ruble;

For pensioners - 10883 rubles;

For children - 13259 rubles.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of social development Provisnikov L.M.

On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2016

1. Set the size of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2016:

Per capita - 15 041 ruble;

For the working-age population - 17 130 rubles;

For pensioners - 10,623 rubles;

For children - 13 198 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2016, in order to carry out social payments, when appropriating (providing), which takes into account the subsistence minimum value in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on The size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal aid in the city of Moscow applies the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the third quarter of 2015

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

O6 Settlement of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the fourth quarter of 2015

In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", in order to preserve social stability, the Government of Moscow decides:

1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2015:

Per capita - 14,413 rubles;

For the working-age population - 16,438 rubles;

For pensioners - 10,227 rubles;

For children - 12,437 rubles.

2. To establish that before establishing the size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow in the first quarter of 2016, in order to exercise social payments, when appropriating (providing) which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow and (or) the size of social benefits depends on the subsistence minimum In the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2015 applies

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on social development issues Printedry L.M.

How determined by the subsistence minimumMoscow.

Law of the city of Moscow" About the subsistence minimum incity \u200b\u200bof Moscow "№ 23 dated May 15, 2012 determines the procedure for establishing a subsistence minimum for different groups population.
In turn, the composition of the consumer basket is established by law No. 32 of June 19, 2013 "On the consumer basket in the city of Moscow".
C. that is included in the consumer basket: food, non-food products, services.
E. diagnus measurement and consumptionspecified on average per person, for the three main socio-demographic groups (able-bodied population, pensioners, children).

Food (consumption volume is indicated on average per person per year).
The average ratio of the value of non-food products and services with the cost of food (as a percentage) is established.

Product name

unit of measurement

T. residential population



Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, bobbov)










Vegetables and Bakhcheva





Fruits fresh





Sugar and confectionery in terms of sugar





Meat products






The statistical services of each country regularly calculate minimum values The level of consumption and income necessary to maintain certain quality of life of citizens. The level of subsistence minimum in Russia is closely related to the minimum amount of remuneration regulated by labor Code. Both of these concepts are inseparable with the planning of the budgets and the economy of the country as a whole. In addition, the minimum income level applies to each person, as it determines the standard of living of the population. Find out why this indicator is needed, what its meaning and what does it affect.

What is the cost of living

Article 1 of Federal Law No. 134-FZ determines the cost of living (hereinafter referred to as PM) as an analysis of consumer basket prices and mandatory payments and fees. The consumer basket includes the necessary minimum set of food, and non-food products and services to ensure human activity and its conservation. The value of the subsistence minimum is a conditional figure that is significantly different in regions and for the population of different ages.

The cost of life in Russia is applied not only for statistical accounting, as well as for:

  • social policy planning;
  • justification and regulation of the minimum wage;
  • definitions of scholarships, benefits and other social payments;
  • monitoring the standard of living of the country's demographic groups;
  • budget planning of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • providing information to employment centers;

The size of the subsistence minimum

The average cost of living in Russia as a whole and for the subjects of the Russian Federation is established every quarter based on the consumer basket, Rosstat's data on the level of food prices, non-food products and services, monthly payments. Per capita and on the main socio-demographic groups of citizens in Russia this value Approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, and for the subjects - in the manner prescribed by local authorities.

The value of the indicator differs significantly depending on the age of per capita, while the following groups are allocated:

  • children;
  • able-bodied population;
  • pensioners.

For individual socio-demographic groups, the value of life value is different. The smallest amount of products is designed for pensioners, then for children and working citizens. From which it follows that the highest PM per person is established by the state for adult working-age population, the lowest - for pensioners.

How is the cost of living in Russia

The cost of living on the country in the country is determined by the results of the past quarter with the relevant regulatory act of the Ministry of Labor, for the regions - a decree or decree of local authorities. PM for pensioners is established by the provisions of the Federal Law No. 178-FZ. The set of consumer basket goods is regulated by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

This indicator is a guarantee that Russian citizens will receive minimal income. Based on the magnitude of the average per capita income, a person can be recognized as poor, get the right to social payments, subsidies, benefits. Russian citizen Or the family is considered poor, if the cumulative income of family members is lower than the cost of life established by the region of residence. The procedure for providing social assistance is regulated by Federal Law No. 178-FZ that provides:

  • subsidies to pay housing - are provided when the cumulative family income is lower than the cost of paying housing, utilities;
  • subsidies for the payment of kindergarten - are provided in the amount of 20% of the parent fee on the first child, 50% - on the second, 70% - on subsequent children;
  • state social scholarship is appointed to students who have income per family member below the average permanent subsistence minimum in Russia;
  • social surcharge to pension - it is established by citizens who receive a pension less than the value established by the region;
  • social material assistance - Given special categories citizens;
  • monthly payments at the birth of a third child before reaching three years of age - are paid on the basis of regional PM for children.

The budget of the subsistence minimum

The price analysis of the consumer basket, tax costs and other payments is called the PM budget. The composition of the basket is analyzed and adapted to the state of the economy and social sphere, not less than once every five years, the cost is indexed annually, intermediate price monitoring is carried out quarterly. Today the basket includes:

  • Products:
  1. flour (bread, pasta, cereals, flour);
  2. potatoes, fruits, vegetables, mesh;
  3. meat, fish products;
  4. milk products;
  5. eggs;
  6. oils;
  7. grocery (tea, sugar, salt, spices).
  • Non-grocery goods:
  1. top warm clothing;
  2. top summer clothes;
  3. stockings, socks;
  4. hats;
  5. footwear;
  6. school supplies;
  7. linens;
  8. household goods;
  9. goods for hygiene;
  10. medicines.
  • Paid services:
  1. housing;
  2. utilities;
  3. transport;
  4. cultural events.


The subsistence minimum in Russia includes the indicators of the physiological and social minimum, which determine its upper and lower boundaries. Physiology includes the satisfaction of the primary needs of a person. Social is focused on satisfying minimal spiritual and social needs and determines the upper border of PM. The lower limit coincides with the physiological minimum.


average value The cost of life in Russia is determined in the Federal Class Center for Special Formulas, on the basis of the data collected by the Commission from representatives of the Ministry of Labor, Social Services and Statistics Services. An increase in the subsistence minimum occurs annually, but during the year, values \u200b\u200bcan fluctuate in a smaller side. The basis for calculation is:

  • inflation rate;
  • price level;
  • goods contained in the consumer basket;
  • tax and fees rate.

The amount of the subsistence minimum today

In 2018, the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation is adjusted on the basis of the forecast of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in terms of inflation to 4% by the end of the year and the general economic situation in the country. From May 1, 2018 by the Federal Law of 07.03.18 No. 41-FZ (the document makes amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law 19.06.00 No. 82-ФЗ "On the minimum wage") size of the minimum wage is 100% of the subsistence minimum of an adult employing population For the second quarter of 2017.

As of May 1, 2018, the minimum necessary income per person in Russia, according to the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2018 No. 232 N, is a value known as the end of 2017:

  • per capita - 9,786 r.;
  • for the working-age population - 10 573 r.;
  • for pensioners - 8,078 p.;
  • for children - 9 603 p.

On man

Consolidated table of average values \u200b\u200bin Russia, calculated per capita and for socio-demographic groups, according to official data, Rosstat:

PM value in rubles as a whole in the Russian Federation

On a man in general

For working citizens

For minor

Normative act

Q2 2018.

Project of the Order of the Ministry of Mint Russian

Q2 2017.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2018 No. 232

III quarter 2017.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1490 dated 08.12.2017

Q2 2017

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1119 dated 09/19/2017

Subsistence minimum in the regions

Federal values \u200b\u200bare used for social statistics. When providing social assistance from the state, the values \u200b\u200bdetermined by the region are used. The cost of living for subjects of the Federation is established not only taking into account the standard values \u200b\u200band the level of inflation, but also the climatic features and the needs of citizens of a particular field (edge, republic). Each area provides its specific values.

According to Rosstat, the highest rates for 2017 remained in the regions:

Quarterly for

On a man in general

For working citizens

For the population of retirement age

For minor

Magadan Region

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Chukotka Autonomous District

The lowest values \u200b\u200bfor the same period are observed in the following subjects of the Federation:

PM value in rubles per month by regions of Russia

Quarterly for

On a man in general

For working citizens

For the population of retirement age

For minor





The cost of living (PM) is the minimum amount of the monthly income of the person necessary to meet its physiological, social and cultural needs. This value is used for economic calculations, as well as the basis for the accrual of social benefits.

Why do you need?

Every year, the Russian government compares real incomes of the population with the established subsistence minimum. Persons whose earnings turned out to be lower than the PM bar, are below the poverty line and can claim to receive state subsidies.

Also, the subsistence minimum is used in the following cases:

  • evaluation of living standards in the country;
  • payment minimum size benefits and wages;
  • determining the minimum income of citizens not taxable;
  • formation of state and local budgets.

In accordance with legislative Base RF monthly income The adult population of the country can not be lower than the set minimum. In this regard, on the basis of PM, the following payments are formed:

  • social surcharges to pension - regular government subsidies covering the difference between a real pension and subsistence minimum;
  • baby benefits - Monthly payments to minors in cases where their family's income does not reach the level of PM;
  • benefits poor - surcharges to the main income to the level of PM;
  • subsidies for housing and utilities services;
  • baby allowance to young families;
  • a one-time payment for reimbursement of adoption costs;
  • monthly subsidies of lonely mothers due to price increases;
  • compensation for persons who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

PM also allows you to identify citizens eligible for the following types of assistance:

  • increased scholarship to poor students;
  • queue to improve living conditions;
  • free legal advice.

When the value of PM changes, the recalculation of subsidies is automatically produced. From the recipient, there are no documents or confirmation of consent.

What does it depend on?

The cost of living is the cost of the consumer basket. In connection with these, the PM values \u200b\u200baffect:

  • consumer basket composition;
  • current prices on food, housing and communal services, fare public transport;
  • price increase indexation;
  • statistical data on the size of mandatory payments and fees.

In turn, the consumer basket consists of 3 sections:

  • food (bread products, sugar, meat, fish, milk, fats, fruits, vegetables potatoes, spices and drinks);
  • non-grocery goods (essential items, medicine, clothing, office);
  • services (housing and communal services, transport, cultural).
  • The last revision of the consumer basket was held in 2013, the next appointed on the second half of 2018.

For what categories of citizens is calculated?

For each of the categories listed below, PM is calculated individually:

  • juvenile children under 16;
  • workable citizens aged from 16 to 54 years old (women), or 59 years old (men), as well as persons with disabilities I and II groups;
  • pensioners.

The amount of the subsistence minimum also depends on the region of residence.

Size of the subsistence minimum in Moscow in 2018

The value of PM in Moscow in 2018 approved by Government Decree No. 176 of PP and is:

  • per capita - 15,786 rubles;
  • for people of working age - 17,990 rubles;
  • for disabled guests I and II groups - 17,560 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 11,570 rubles;
  • for minors - 13,787 rubles.

For pensioners registered in the capital for more than 10 years, there is a special financing program. Their income level should not be descended below 17 500 rubles.

Summary of the family

The subsistence minimum on the family is calculated on the basis of PM each of its members. The average income per person is called averages. When it is determined, such income is taken into account as:

When calculating the total family income are not taken into account:

  • revenues of adult children living in a separate territory;
  • earnings of parents devoid of parental rights;
  • revenues of children in public security;
  • parental earnings, consisting of military service / retraining / learning;
  • the income of the parent who is in correctional institutions.

The calculation of the average per capita income is made by the formula:

SD \u003d d / km / hWhere:

  • SD - middle income;
  • D. - Common family income;
  • KM - 3 months of calculation;
  • C. - the number of family members.

If during the calculations it will be established that the monthly income of family members is below the subsistence minimum, citizens have the right to receive subsidies.

What documents do you need for subsidiaries?

Statements for state subsidies are accepted in social protection bodies. With you, the applicant must have a package of documents in which:

  • certificate of concluding / termination of marriage;
  • a request for recognition of the family of the poor;
  • original and a copy of the child's birth certificate (if available);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • extract from the house book about the family composition.

Social security bodies may also require the following additional documents:

  • copies of labor books of workable family members;
  • conclusion of ITU on the assignment of disability;
  • income certificate.
  • The application is under consideration to 10 working days. By the expiration of the specified period, the organization's specialists assign the fact the status of poor and draw up all the necessary subsidies.

Maroths in Moscow

Mrots - fixed pay for a certain period of time. In accordance with the Legislative Base of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee's monthly salary may not be lower than the established minimum wage. For Moscow, its size in 2018 stopped at the level of 18,742 rubles.

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