
How much is the cost of living right now. What is included in the living wage: amount, list of goods and services. When understanding the essence of PM, some concepts are taken into account

Surely each of us has at least once heard the words "minimum consumer basket" and " living wage"Many people know that these indicators are based on when calculating subsidies and payments. But what is included in the subsistence minimum, and what constitutes the consumer basket, is not known to everyone.

The minimum consumer basket includes not only food, as it might seem at first glance, but also a number of non-food products and services. School supplies, footwear, hats, electricity, transportation, basic necessities, and more are included in the consumer basket. It regulates the amount and time of food consumed separately for children, separately for adult working people, and separately for pensioners.

For example, it is estimated that an able-bodied person should consume 133.7 kg of bread, cereals and pasta per year. The same figure per child is 84 kg.

In addition to flour, this list includes potatoes, vegetables and fruits, confectionery and sugar, butter and vegetable oil, meat, dairy and seafood, eggs, salt, spices and tea. As you can see, the list is quite complete and the menu is quite varied. Another thing is that the number of products leaves much to be desired. For example, an adult is entitled to only 23 kg of fruit per year - about 600 grams. for 10 days. Or take the same sugar with confectionery. It is assumed 22.2 kg per year, which corresponds to 60 grams. a day - two tablespoons of sugar or a tablespoon of sugar and a couple of cookies. Of course, with such figures, there is no need to talk about decent living.

Roughly the same picture in an adult able-bodied person is entitled to 3 things from the upper coat group (which includes coats, jackets, fur coats) for 7.6 years. And 5 pairs of tights, stockings or socks per year.

What is included and how is it related to the consumer basket? In reality, the subsistence minimum is the consumer basket, expressed in monetary terms. Somewhere milk costs 30 rubles, somewhere 50. Based on the real prices for products and services in each region, the minimum subsistence level is deduced. In total, 33 names of food products, 85 names of goods for family and individual use and services are all that are included in the subsistence minimum.

For some it will probably be unexpected that the largest living wage is not in the capital and St. Petersburg, but in the Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs and Kamchatka Territory. This is due to the high level of prices for the most essential products. Conversely, the lowest is in the southern regions, where prices for fruits and vegetables are lower.

Why is it important to know what is included in the cost of living and how big is it? Poor families in which the average per capita income is below this indicator can apply for subsidies for housing payments for utilities, have the right to receive targeted assistance. Mothers on maternity leave whose income does not reach this minimum can receive free food for the baby, as well as a small material assistance from the state.

It is no secret that the cost of living is included in the payment of utilities, central heating, as well as utilities. True, if you believe the calculations, one person in the family relies on 18 square meters. m. total area apartments. Of course, if people live in a family of 2-3 people in one-room apartment, for each there will be 18 squares or even less. But the elderly and lonely, living in apartments of 35-36 sq. meters are hard, since the real costs for utility bills will be significantly higher than the calculated ones.

In general, the amount of the living wage determines how much money a person needs to meet all of his needs minimally.

The concept of a living wage exists in most countries, both quite prosperous and fairly poor. It also exists in Russian Federation.

Economically, this value is the monetary value of a certain food set for the normal existence (functioning) of the organism, and the required minimum goods and services for the basic needs of the individual.

It is interesting that in world practice, up to 4/5 of this minimum falls on physiological needs (food for survival) and only 1/5 on the social part.

What it is

The legal definition of the subsistence minimum is given in Article 1 Federal law dated 24.10.1997 № 134 "On the living wage in the Russian Federation", according to which this is the cost of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

In fact, this concept represents the level of the minimum acceptable and possible existence of a citizen of the country (that is, it is possible to exist for the specified amount, but with needs that barely cover physiological needs).

In addition, the concept of a living wage is used in Art. 133 Labor Code RF, where it is associated with the concept of the minimum wage (), which should not be less than the subsistence minimum. However, until now, this provision is not valid.

Legislative consolidation the living wage is very important, because it depends on governmental support families, minors, single citizens and the establishment of pensions, benefits, and other measures of social support.

What is the cost of living is described in the following video:

What does this indicator consist of?

In Art. 4 FZ-134 established that the value of the subsistence minimum is determined on a quarterly basis for the country as a whole, by calculating the consumer basket according to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.

Statisticians, in turn, use data on the prices of food, non-food products, the cost of services and payments.

According to FZ 134 basket represents:

  • the required list of products;
  • a number of goods and services, the minimum required for life.

Composition (structure) of the consumer basket revised once every 5 years... It is being developed by both federal bodies and commissions in individual regions.

In addition to FZ-227, the composition and size of the basket value is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 56, adopted on January 29, 2013. Appendix No. 1 of the Resolution contains food lists, which are included in the subsistence minimum separately for three categories:

  • able-bodied population;
  • children;
  • pensioners.

Grocery basket structure comprises:

  • Bread products (including cereals, pasta, etc.). So, for an able-bodied person, the amount of consumption of goods in this group is set at 126.5 kg;
  • Potatoes;
  • Vegetables, including fresh and canned vegetables;
  • Fruit (moreover, their number by categories of the population varies greatly: for children - 118, 1 kg, a working person - 60 kg, pensioners - 45 kg per year).
  • Sugar, including confectionery;
  • Meat products;
  • A fish;
  • Dairy products and milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetable oil, other fats;
  • Other products such as salt, tea, spices.

The consumer basket includes non-food products and services... Interestingly, until 2013, the resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the State Statistics Committee regulated the composition of such services in sufficient detail (in particular, household industrial goods, clothing, travel by public transport were taken into account).

Now, according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 6 in minimum component for accommodation includes:

  • a certain volume and list of products;
  • non-food products in the amount of about 50% of the cost of the food component of the PM;
  • minimum services, also accounting for about half of the cost of groceries.

Thus, the subsistence minimum includes three main components, and their value is approximately equal to twice the size of the grocery basket.

What affects

The value of the subsistence minimum (according to Art. 2 of the Federal Law No. 227) intended for:

The establishment of the PM in the constituent entities at the regional level pursues similar goals. Important: a family whose average per capita income does not reach the subsistence level is recognized as poor. After that, she gets the right to social support from the state.

Features for regions

It is legally established that the subsistence minimum is determined both for the country as a whole and for each subject (region) of the Russian Federation in the context of three groups of the population: those of working age, pensioners and children.

According to Art. 4 of the Federal Law "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation", it calculated every quarter on the basis of the cost of the consumer basket and data from statistical bodies on prices for products, goods, and services both in the country as a whole and in the regions. Thus, although the cost of food products across the country does not differ too much, taking into account geographic location services for rent and communal services differ significantly in the regions, the amount of the subsistence minimum for the regions does not coincide with the all-Russian level of subsistence allowance.

The size living wage in the country in general, it is established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (based on the results of the past quarter), and in the regions - by local executive authorities. So, in 2019 the federal PM is set at 11,280 rubles. for working citizens, for children - 10,302 rubles, for pensioners - 8,846 rubles.

Many people know such a concept as a "living wage". Not everyone knows what is included in the cost of living, why it exists and how it changes. And our article will introduce you to all these nuances.


The state has developed several criteria by which it is possible to determine whether a citizen of the country needs assistance from special bodies or if he has sufficient income. The subsistence minimum is the amount of income, in the presence of which a certain standard of living is available to a person. This size for each region of the country is its own, specially calculated and established, consisting of several factors.

This concept was introduced so that the country's authorities could determine the quality of life of the population, which consists of a certain amount of consumed goods and services. Based on the size of the subsistence minimum, the minimum amounts of pensions are determined and calculated, social payments, wages.

How is it determined

The minimum consumer basket in the legislative language is the cost of an established list of food and non-food products, services necessary for a normal human life. It is necessary for acceptance correct decisions in the field of government and is measured according to the average statistical needs of a person.

What is included in the subsistence minimum is established both in general throughout the country and on average for a specific region. The list may differ depending on the climate and national traditions of the population, which determine the dietary habits. In this case, the value of the minimum in the first case is set by the government of the state, in the second - by local authorities. The decisions taken are enshrined in the relevant regulations.

The living wage in the country and regions changes annually.

What includes

What is included in the consumer basket? This is not only a certain set of food products, but also non-food products, services necessary for a normal human existence. These include clothing, footwear, electricity bills, transportation, and the purchase of basic necessities.

The basket is calculated separately for each category of the population (children, adults, pensioners), since the needs of each age group are different.

Speaking specifically about what is included in the subsistence minimum, then it is necessary to consider three categories that fill the consumer basket: products, non-food products, services. After all, the cost of living is the consumer basket.

The necessary products are: bread, potatoes, vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, meat, milk, eggs, salt, spices. This is far from complete list of all products included in the basket. It is varied, but lightweight. For example, an adult is allowed about 160 g of fruit per day. It's even less than one apple weighs. As for sugar, here, too, you will have to limit yourself to two tablespoons a day.

The next of what is included in the subsistence minimum is the non-food group of goods. These are clothes and shoes. For example, a person is supposed to wear one coat for about 7 years.

Besides, regulatory documents the number of utilities consumed by the citizens of the country has also been calculated, the movement to public transport and the necessary satisfaction of their cultural needs. The costs of all this are also included in the concept of a living wage.

If a citizen's income does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region of his residence, this gives him the right to obtain a subsidy and receive assistance from the state.

In our today's article, we will analyze what a PM is, we will learn how to count on a family. This information will help determine if your family is “poor”.

A living wage - what is it, what does it include?

A living wage is the income of a citizen of the Russian Federation that a person needs to ensure a minimum standard of living. It usually includes the cost of products and goods that a person needs to maintain his health. At the same time, the value is calculated for several categories of citizens at once, which makes it possible to conveniently and more accurately establish others and benefits.

The next tablet will tell you what concepts you will come across when studying the cost of living in Russia.

The PM calculation is based on the following:

  1. The population of the Russian Federation is taken into account to determine the well-being of citizens.
  2. Calculations are based on socio-demographic categories for a competent distribution of payments.
  3. The size of the consumer basket and the total amount of payments made by citizens every month (for example, "communal") are taken into account. In this case, the calculation is as follows: the PC must include at least 50% of products, 25% each for services and non-food products.
  4. The increase in prices for goods and services is taken into account.
  5. Minimum consumption rates for foods that are categorized as essential are determined.

At the same time, the living wage counts both for one person and for the family as a whole. General monthly income family dividing into all its members (people living at the same address).

And here communal apartments, where non-relatives may be registered, are not taken into account in the calculations. The family in the understanding of officials is all close relatives: spouses, parents, children.

Why do you need to know and be able to calculate PM?

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law, the subsistence minimum has two goals:

  • Assessment of the living standards of citizens, development social policy and implementation special programs at all levels - from federal to local.
  • Determination of the amount, scholarships, payments, pensions, etc.
  • Definition of magnitude Federal budget for next year.

If we take into account each region of the Russian Federation separately, then knowledge of the size of the subsistence minimum is necessary in order to:

  • To outstrip the standard of living of Russians in every constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for implementation social programs exactly in this region.
  • For the correct budgeting.
  • To identify families with low income, provision of material and other assistance to poor people.

It is important to note that regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum based on the results of the analysis, therefore, most often, the size of the subsistence minimum is different for each region.

PM sizes for different categories in 2019

When calculating this value, the government divides the population into three categories:

  • Pensioners.
  • Children.
  • Able-bodied citizens.

Let's take a closer look at this, taking for example two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Category Who is there? PM in the capital PM value in St. Petersburg
Able-bodied population This includes persons who are able to take part in labor activity including:
  • Men from 16 to 64 years old.
  • Women from 16 to 59 years old.

It is worth noting that ages can vary.

V this group also do not include disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups

18 580 rubles 12 079 rubles
Retirees People who have reached retirement age 12 115 rubles 8 954 rubles
Children (under the age of majority) Persons who cannot work due to their minor age 13 938 rubles 10,754 rubles
Size per capita Average value that is valid for all citizens 16 260 rubles 11,021 rubles

These sizes of the PM are established by decrees of the Government of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other regions, the size of the subsistence minimum is also set by the Government or local authorities.

In general, in Russia, the size of the PM is as follows:

  • Per capita - 16 260 rubles
  • Able-bodied - 18,580 rubles
  • Pensioners - 11,505 rubles
  • Children - 13 938 rubles

How to calculate the cost of living for a family - instructions

To calculate the size of the PM for each individual citizen, experts carry out the following:

  1. They calculate the products consumed by the citizen for the year, including from the productive basket, and divide the resulting value by the number of months in the year.
  2. The resulting value should be multiplied by the average cost of these products or services.
  3. We say the obtained values.

But to calculate the PM for a family, you should act differently. We will tell you how to do this without the help of specialists, which will allow you to determine whether you fall under the concept of “ poor family», The PM of which is less than that established in your city.

The formula for the calculation is as follows:

PM = ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM p * N p) + (PM d * N d)) / (N tn + N p + N d), where:

To calculate, be sure to use the following instructions:

  1. First, determine which social demographic groups the family consists of. For example, it can only be representatives working population and children or only pensioners, etc.
  2. how many people in the family belong to each group.
  3. Determine what size PM is set in your region for each group.
  4. If any of the categories is not represented (for example, children), they do not need to be taken into account in the calculations.
  5. Put all the values ​​in the formula and do the calculations.

Simple example for calculation

Let's calculate the subsistence level for a family of five who live in Moscow:

  • Father, 45 years old (belongs to TN).
  • Mom, 40 years old (TN).
  • Daughter, 15 years old (children).
  • Son, 13 years old (children).
  • Grandfather, 70 years old (retirees).

Now let's substitute the values ​​into the formula:

PM = (18580 * 2) + (13938 * 2) + (12115 * 1) / (2 + 2 + 1).

PM = 37160 + 27876 + 12115/5

Answer: 15,430 rubles.

It only remains to compare it with the indicator for your city - if the average per capita income per family is less than the established subsistence minimum, you will fall into the “Poor” category.

PM for determining benefits

As we have already said, the amount of social benefits, earnings, and cash assistance for the poor is necessarily determined taking into account the size of the subsistence minimum. Therefore, when calculating this value, experts rely on:

  • The expenses that the working-age population spends every month.
  • The costs of taxes and deductions set by the local government in each region.
  • Income on the submitted declarations in the form of 3-NDFL and 2-NDFL. Such documents can be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about a family, then its prosperity, of course, is influenced by the number of family members who cannot generate income (we are talking about children and pensioners, the disabled), professional activity able-bodied citizens.

It is worth noting that some of the calculations are carried out taking into account the costs that a person needs to maintain normal life. Expenditures on education, food for children are also taken into account, therefore, most often the cost of living for children is traditionally higher than for pensioners.

In some cases, the Law establishes the PM threshold (standard), which residents of the Russian Federation must not violate. For example, pension payments cannot be lower than the PM, as well as the amount of earnings, scholarships, and other benefits.

In contact with

Since the majority of other significant indicators, such as the minimum wage and pension provision, its size is of great importance for many Russians and foreigners working in the Russian Federation. It should be remembered that the cost of living for a child or pensioner differs from foreseen sizes consumer basket of an adult able-bodied person. It is also necessary to remember that in different subjects of the Russian Federation, these indicators can also seriously differ.

Cost of living in 2019 in Russia - general indicators

The actual subsistence minimum in 2019 in Russia is 10,213 rubles per capita in the whole of the Russian Federation. It should be remembered that the relevant principles for calculating this indicator are established based on the results of the previous quarter (that is, on this moment, for the 1st quarter of 2019, the subsistence minimum figure established for the 4th quarter of 2018 is in effect) and until May 1, 2019 are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 102n dated 02.20.2019.

Directly from May 1, 2019 in Russia, the cost of living will not change yet, since for analysis economic indicators and the consumer basket of the first quarter of this year will take time.

In general, in the country, the indicators of the subsistence minimum are as follows:

  • The subsistence minimum for a child at the beginning of 2019 is 10,302 rubles.
  • The subsistence minimum for a pensioner at the beginning of 2019 was set at 8,615 rubles.
  • For an adult able-bodied person, the subsistence minimum is 11,310 rubles.

The subsistence minimum for pensioners is established by the provisions of a separate normative act, which in the case of 2019 is Federal Law No. 178 of 07/17/1999.

Subsistence minimum for 2019 by region - table

Since in different regions of the Russian Federation, the living wage indicators can seriously differ from each other, it is best to understand this issue regarding a separate constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the table for the 4th quarter of 2018 by regions, which is relevant before the establishment of new amounts, can help. The table looks like this:

Region Per capita
Adygea 9012 9634 7415 9045
9752 10154 8248 9938
Amurskaya Oblast 11172 11894 9106 11490
11816 12896 9892 11425
9581 10047 8044 10135
8784 9355 7193 8723
8480 9129 7105 8202
9655 10358 8051 9421
10395 10815 8263 10799
9523 10385 8063 9374
9174 9865 7514 8135
10698 11633 8912 10428
8612 9296 7217 8260
9315 9604 7399 9395
13051,24 13844,43 10569,17 13573,81
11284,04 11750,6 8952 11805,32
9900 10769 8320 9724
The Republic of Ingushetia 9992 9596 7370 9609
10698 11327 8626 10958
10497 10899 8255 11230
Kaliningrad region 10939 11718 8938 10651
9120 9548 7346 9189
10240 11039 8542 9916
Kamchatka Krai 19741 20886 15810 21271
Karelia Republic 12829 13975 10798 11957
9108 9645 7372 9476
9897 10872 8086 10121
Komi Republic 12948 13892 10582 13025
Kostroma region 9664 10534 8143 9383
10228 11075 8496 9716
Krasnoyarsk region 11642 12332 9110 12116
9814 10545 8121 10208
9387 10023 7808 9799
Kursk region 9058 9741 7577 8923
10239 11088 8777 9877
8720 9424 7348 8763
18910 19881 14886 20348
Mari El Republic 8849 9447 7285 9048
8503 9132 6975 8924
Moscow 16087 18376 11424 13747
14649 15307 12243 14848
Nenets Autonomous District 20297 21360 16576 21228
Nizhny Novgorod
9222 9952 7666 9355
10407 11328 8661 10172
10552 11217 8524 10800
Omsk region 8942 9481 7238 9085
9513 10215 7955 9364
8744 9486 7291 9020
Perm Territory 10098 10804 8279 10289
12623 13310 10143 13782
10623 11536 8817 10306
9657 10292 7859 9972
9474 10260 7915 9264
Samara Region 9872 10876 7827 9608
St. Petersburg 11055,2 12118,2 8981 10783,6
8599 9269 7144 8712
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 16667 17729 13400 17072
14072 14790 11136 14933
10217 10933 8477 10450
Sevastopol 10422 11178 8583 10854
Republic of North Ossetia (Alania) 9014 9532 7318 9216
Smolensk region 10148 10909 8450 9865
Stavropol region 8622 9183 7039 8764
8722 9515 7373 8565
8709 9726 7121 8723
Tver region 10170,87 10983,93 8490,3 10442,32
Tomsk region 10595 11175 8512 10828
Tula region 9815 10529 8438 9585
Tyva Republic 9949 10267 7893 10448
10450 11015 10611 8411
Udmurtia 8975 9524 7318 8962
Khabarovsk region 13497 14330 10882 14282
9876 10416 7962 10365
Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Ugra)
14471 15615 11898 14352
9330 10002 7758 9551
10508 10927 8474 10367
8657 9193 7099 8639
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 21606 22146 16518 22591
15538 16260 12279 15328
9451 10368 7717 9446

Taking into account the fact that the minimum wage is now equal to the subsistence minimum, including in the regions, these indicators do not always have to correspond to each other. In particular, selected regional regulations stipulate that the minimum wage in the region should be higher than the subsistence minimum - for example, 1.2 parts of it in some cases.

How is the subsistence level calculated in Russia and by region

The subsistence minimum is an indicator that should reflect the minimum amount of funds required by citizens to meet the needs for housing, food, provision of non-food items - clothes, shoes and other necessary things.

The subsistence minimum is calculated based on the average consumer basket, which includes various food products... The non-food part of the subsistence minimum is not calculated based on the prices of goods or a specific list of them, but is equated to half of the grocery basket, as well as the costs of utilities. At the same time, the difference in the size of this indicator in different regions of the Russian Federation is ensured precisely due to the existing difference in prices in different regions.

It must be remembered that the cost of living is not an accurate indicator of what a person needs minimally, therefore, first of all, it has a general statistical significance necessary to determine minimum sizes various payments and payments to provide a person.

The subsistence minimum can be used both to determine the actual level or minimum pension, and to calculate other payments. In particular, this indicator is also used to determine the necessary alimony in some situations. In addition, many other indicators and standards can also be used to calculate the cost of living and the dynamics of its change. This indicator changes according to the results of each separate quarter, however, the government of the Federation or the constituent entities of the Russian Federation does not always have time to adapt the corresponding calculations and resolutions to the indicators of the past period.

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