
Whether the child's allowance will increase in the year. What is the size of the birth allowance, child care, pregnancy and childbirth. List and sizes of benefits that are provided for children

What is the size of a lump-sum benefit at the birth of a child in 2017? Are the amount of payments in different regions vary? What documents do you need to assign benefits? Is this allowance to those who do not work? Is the amount of benefits in 2017 indexed? This article contains answers to these and other questions.

Whoever assumes a guide at the birth of a child in 2017

In 2017, at the birth of a child (or with the adoption and establishing guardianship), one of the parents - mother or father is relied on a lump-sum allowance. A working person can arrange this manual through the employer. However, we immediately say that accounting documents are required for six months from the birth of a child. If the documents are filed with a violation of this period, the right to allowance is lost.

The amount of benefits in 2017: how much to count

The initial size of a one-time allowance at the birth of a child is 8000 rubles. However, to pay this amount increases:

  • on the indexing coefficient, which is annually established by the Government of the Russian Federation from February 1;
  • to the district coefficient. It is used to benefit to employees who work in the areas of the Far North, equivalent to local areas, as well as in areas with special climatic conditions.

The size of a one-time allowance must be set at the date of birth of a child (Article 11 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ). Accordingly, if the child was born in February 2017, the manual relies in the amount that acted in February.

If the child was born on February 1, 2016 or later, then the size of a one-time allowance, taking into account indexation - 15 512,65 rubles. In the same amount, it is used in January 2017. However, from February 1, 2017, the child's allowance was increased by indexing coefficient 1, 054 ( Decree of Government Russian Federation from 01/26/2017 № 88 "On approval of the amount of indexation of payments, benefits and compensation in 2017") . Therefore, from February 1, 2017 will be applied new Size Manuals - 16 350, 33 p. (15 512.65 p. X 1,054).

If several children were born

If two and more children were born, then the allowance relies on each of them. For example, if in February 2017, twins were born, total amount The benefits will be 32,700, 66 p. (16 350, 33 r. × 2).

Surplos payment in the regions in 2017

In some subjects of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are provided at the birth of a child. For example, in Moscow, additional material support provide young families (Resolution of the Government of Moscow of April 6, 2004 No. 199-PP). In the Moscow region in 2017, the law is valid on January 12, 2006 No. 1/2006-OZ, according to which, for example, at the birth of the first child, additional benefits are 10,000 rubles. However, keep in mind that in 2017, an additional regional allowance can only be in the management of social protection of the population. It is useless to contact the employer.

What documents need for appointment

To make a manual at work (service) in 2017, a working person sends such a set of documents to the accounting department (or personnel department):

  • application for assignment of benefits (hereinafter you can download a sample of such a statement);
  • help on the birth of a child from the registry office;
  • a copy of the birth certificate abroad (if necessary);
  • help from the place of work (or social protection services) of the second parent that the manual was not prescribed.

The Russian government is developing and implements activities aimed at supporting families with children. Some of them are financial character. Thus, children's benefits in 2020 were increased (indexed). The calculation of this operation took the inflation rate recorded in the previous period.

On indexing payments for children in 2020

Since 2008, the annual growth of state facilities with children has been envisagedpaid in the order of execution of Law No. 81-FZ dated 05/19/1995, from the beginning of next year. However, in 2016, this procedure changed:

  • now indexing is held annually on February 1;
  • the increase coefficient is set at the inflation level.

On December 19, 2016, the law (No. 444-ФЗ) was approved by President Vladimir Putin. The document establishes such rules:

  • indexing the social range families with children since 2017 will be held regularly on February 1;
  • it will not touch the amount of maternal capital established in the amount of 453,026 rubles, it is frozen until 01/01/2020.
ATTENTION: Inflation in 2016 is fixed at 5.4%. Consequently, state support increased by 1.054 times.

Indexing coefficient of 1.02.2018 is 1.025.

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Message Size Families with children in 2020 (comparative table)

View of accruals Value (thousand rubles)
As of January 1, 2018. From 01.02.2019
For pregnancy and childbirth
General100% indicator medium salary For 2018 and 2017
Maximum (working) 301 095,20 - Standard - 140 days
335 506-156 days
430 136 - 194 days
Minimum (working)51,919 - Standard sick leave - 140 days;

57,852 - if complications occurred -156 days;

71,944 - 194 days

Fixed payment, including unemployed613,14 655,49
One-time appointments
Women, subject to early accounting613,14 655,49
Wife of a conscript serviceman25,89245 27,680
At the birth of a child16,35033 17,479
With adoption * a disabled child16,35033 17,479
Regular state-owned (monthly)
Up to one and a half years40% of the average salary for 2017 and 2016
On the firstborn - 3,05669

On the second and subsequent - 6,13137

Child service person11,09676 11863
with the loss of the borders of the military223185 228765
On the kid in the Chernobyl zone3,16200 - up to 1.5 years 3,24105

6,32400 - up to 3 6,48210

For child care 1.5-3 yearssince 1994, a compensation payment is established in the amount of 50 p.; From 1.01.2020, it is canceled

In 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation decided on the need to increase compensation payments for the child's care of 1.5-3 years from a low-income family to 10,000 p.

Important: For all categories of families, additional preferences are installed at the regional level.

For information: Regional coefficient applies to all the above benefits. Exceptions:

  • matkapital;
  • payments in which this ratio takes into account the salary accrual.

Who has the right to rise from February 1

Not all payments fall under indexation. Basically, the elevated amount is established for recipients, which are pressed after February 1.

Citizens who have been installed to power on the basis of a minimum wage (fixed) can count on annual indexing benefits.

Help under 18

At the regional level, families with children are assisted assistance, depending on the age of minors:

  • up to 16 years;
  • until the majority (if a young man visits school).

This species Mental people are regular and is associated with the material situation of families. As a rule, support is accrued and paid monthly. However, a number of regions passed on quarterly payments:

  1. Republic of Crimea.
  2. Areas:
    • Tyumen;
    • Irkutsk.

Terms of appointment and regularity of transfer are posted on the websites of regional governments. Details can be found in the compartment of social protection at the place of residence.

Reference: This type of state support also falls under indexing. But it is held on the basis of regional legislation. Dates of increasing accruals differ from federal. In some regions, benefits are indexed in autumn.

Decret in 2020

If the future mother is officially employed, it has the right to two types of accruals:

  1. on pregnancy and childbirth (bir);
  2. a lump sum payment for registration on early time (up to 12 weeks).

Bir allowance depends on the complexity of childbirth and the amount of fruits. Its value depends on the average monthly salary determined on the basis of the indicators for two recent years. 100% of the specified value is paid.

The calculations rely on such constants:

  1. Mrots - 7 800 p. from 01.07.2017 (earlier 7,500 rubles);
  2. limit base of insurance premiums in the FSS:
    • 2015 - 670,000 rubles;
    • 2016 - 718 000 rub.;
    • 2017 - 755,000 rubles;
    • 2018 - 815,000 rubles;
    • 2019 - 865,000 rubles.

The amounts of maternity are limited to the minimum and maximum values. They are as follows:

  1. with normal childbirth:
    • 140 days of hospital;
    • from 43675.80 rubles. (after May 2018 - 51380) to 282 493.40 rubles.
  2. for complications:
    • 16 days of hospital additionally;
    • for which is charged from 48667.32 rubles. (after May - 57252) to 314 778.36 rubles.
  3. with multiple pregnancy:
    • 194 hospital days;
    • from 60522.18 (after May 71198) rub. up to 391 455,14 rubles.
Help: Some citizens are provided with fixed help.

Its value depends on the recipient status:

  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, which ceased activities as IP, individuals engaged in private practice, incl. licensed - 300 p. excluding indexing (655.49 r. with indexation in 2019),
  • students - in the amount of scholarships,
  • contracting servicemen - in the amount of monetary satisfaction,
  • working women who do not have insurance experience At 6 months - in the size of the Mroth (in 2019 - 11280 p.).

Hoeers who do not have official employment, this type of federal aid is not relying.

In some regions, governor support is established for non-working women at the birth of kids.

One-time payment of greenhouse

As part of implementation public Policy According to the incentiveness of the birth rate, one of the parents has the right to receive disposable state support when the kid appears
. A lump sum payment has a fixed size (in 2019, 17479.73 p.) And is provided regardless of employment.

You can arrange it:

  • at the place of service, if both or one of the parents work officially;
  • in the organs of social protection, if the employment is absent.
Important: This type of state support is relying to all citizens of the Russian Federation.

In 14 regions of the country within pilot project Disposable assistance during childbirth is paid directly by the FSS authorities. This happens like this:

  1. after granting the hospital on the Bir, the accountant fills the application for the allocation of money on benefits;
  2. the report is transmitted to the FSS;
  3. specialists of the authority after the inspection list the means to the recipient.

Help: This project is valid in the following regions:

  1. republics:
    • Crimea;
    • Mordovia;
    • Karachay-Cherkessia;
    • Tatarstan;
  2. Khabarovsk Territory;
  3. regions:
    • Astrakhan;
    • Belgorod;
    • Bryansk;
    • Kurgan;
    • Kaliningrad;
    • Kaluga;
    • Lipetsk;
    • Nizhny Novgorod;
    • Novosibirsk;
    • Novgorod;
    • Ulyanovskaya;
    • Samara;
    • Rostov;
    • Tambov.

Gossoba up to one and a half years

At the end hospital sheet On the Bir woman is given the right to choose:

  • return to work;
  • to issue a child care vacation up to three years (it is less).
Help: On vacation can go another adult relative, if mom decides to get out of maternity leave. For example, dad or grandmother can care for the newborn.

G. stepman, acting as a child, has the right to allowance to one and a half years. Its indicator depends on the fact of employment. Determined like this:

  • 40% of the average earnings in the last two years;
  • in fixed amountIf the recipient did not work.

Publishing up to one and a half years has a minimal possible size. It is equal:

  • 3277,45 rub. on the firstborn;
  • 6554,89 rub. - On the second and subsequent kids.

In such a sum, it is assigned to persons:

  1. having less than six months of common experience;
  2. not working recipients (from the date of birth),
  3. mothers dismissed during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the enterprise,
  4. mothers, fathers, guardians, studying personnel,
  5. relatives who care for the child during the deprivation of mother and (or) father of parental rights or their death.

Maximum care allowance should not exceed 26 152, 27 p.

Compensation payments for child care 1.5-3 years

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/30/1994 N 1110 (ed. Dated July 01, 2014) "On the amount of compensation payments special categories citizens ", on compensation payments For child care, 1.5-3 years could count:

  • students and graduate students educational institutionsin academic leave for medical reasons;
  • mother (or other relatives who actually caring for a child), in labor relations with companies (enterprises), regardless of organizational and legal forms;
  • Women soldiers who are on maternity leave before reaching it for 3 years;
  • disabled spouses of individuals of the ordinary and superior composition of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in remote garrisons and localities where their employment is missing;
  • learned women who have children under 3 years old, dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization.

Attention! From January 1.01.2020, compensation payments are abolished.

Maternal capital

The last time the certificate was indexed in 2015. Then the amount of the Matkapital rose from 429.4 thousand rubles. Until the current size of 453,026 thousand rubles.
More increasing this type of state support is not planned. The amount of the Matteripal was frozen until 2020 (Law No. 444-FZ).

The authorities explained their solution so:

  1. Most of the recipients invest in the purchase of housing. The prices of it from the beginning of the crisis are not raised, and in some regions even fall.
  2. The federal budget is still deficient. There is no money for an increase in the Matkapital.
  3. This type of help is not regular. He is not directed to the satisfaction of pressing needs.
Help: The effect of the Matkapal program is extended until the end of 2021.

Last changes

The main news of 2018 concerning payments for children should please recipients:

  1. Now the amount of monthly support appointed in a fixed amount will increase annually (February 1). At the same time, the real inflation of the past period affects the value of the coefficient.
  2. For the current period, an extreme base of insurance charges up to 865 thousand rubles is increased. And this indicator affects the amount of maternity.
  3. Work will continue in the regions to support families in which minors are raised. This type of assistance is assigned on the principles of targeting and need. That is, people with small income can count on it.
  4. From January 2018, new monthly payments for the firstborn and the second children appeared. The first benefits are provided from the budget, and the second from the MSC. Money in the amount of regional PM on children is paid before the occurrence of a child of 1.5 years.

Other changes are not so positive:

  • The size of the minimum wage in 2018 was increased twice: from the beginning of January, and in May. And in January 2019 again. And this indicator affects the minimum value of maternity.
  • The amount of the Matkapali was recorded until 2020 at the legislative level. Consequently, the change in this area does not have to wait.

New about payments for the third child

According to the government decree of 05.10.2016 No. 2090-P in fifty regions of the Russian Federation, payments for a third child were established. However, in 2018 in some subjects of the country demographic situation Changed for the better. Because of this, these types of benefits are not appointed now.

  1. Republics:
    • Crimea;
    • Komi;
    • Chuvashia;
    • Mari El;
  2. Edges:
    • Khabarovsk;

In 2017, a child care allowance for up to 1.5 years is still paid to the day of reaching the child of the specified age, which carries out child care during the eponymous leave.

Child care leave is available until a child achievement is 3 years old, and the child care allowance is paid until they reach the age of 1.5 years. From 1.5 to 3 years, not a child care allowance, and compensation in the amount of 50 rubles (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/30/1994 No. 1110 "On the amount of compensatory payments to certain categories of citizens").

The child care allowance, in contrast to maternity benefits, can be paid not only to the mother of the child, but also to other persons who actually take care of it.

The right to pay for child care benefits up to 1.5 years in 2017 have (Article. 12.5, 13 Federal Law 05/19/1995 No. 81-FZ):

  • mother or fathers, as well as other relatives, guardians subject to mandatory social Insurance;
  • mother or fathers passing military service by contract;
  • dismissed during the period of maternity leave or other relatives, guardians, dismissed during the childcare leave;
  • mother or fathers, guardians not subject to compulsory social insurance (including students-glasses);
  • relatives actually carrying out child care and not subject to compulsory social insurance (in case the mother or father died, deprived of parental rights, recognized as incapable, etc.).
The right to receive child care benefits also have foreigners living in Russia and foreigners temporarily living in Russia and subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability.

If an employee works part-time from two employers at least two years, an employee can choose which one will pay him a child care allowance.

With the coincidence of two types of vacation (for pregnancy and childbirth and child care), only one of the specified benefits can be paid for the choice of a woman.

Only one person can receive a child care allowance.

Right to monthly benefit The child care is maintained when working on part-time working conditions or at home during the eponymous vacation (Article 11.1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

The childcare allowance is paid by employers. In some cases, such a manual can be paid to social protection authorities.

Size manual

The sizes of child care benefits from 01.02.2017 were indexed by 5.4%. The amount of child care benefits depends on the average salary and is limited to the minimum size.

The minimum child care allowance for up to 1.5 years of working women depends on the size of the minimum wage, which on January 1, 2017 is 7,500 rubles.

The minimum child care allowance up to 1.5 years is:

  • 3065.69 rub. - when care for the first child;
  • 6131, 37 rubles. - When leaving for the second child.
This manual is not limited to the maximum size, but the size of the average daytime earnings is limited from which the size of the benefit is calculated. This earnings should not be more sum The limit values \u200b\u200bof the base for the accrual of insurance premiums in two years preceding the occasion of the occurrence of leave for the care of a child divided by 730 (h. 3.3 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-ФЗ).

Respectively, maximum size Child care benefits Twist 2017 may not exceed 23 120.66 rubles.

With the care of child care, the employer does not need to hold NDFL (Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Decor of payout

When making payments, the employee must provide:
  • application for the provision of childcare leave;
  • certificate of birth (adoption) of the child, for which care is carried out, as well as previous children;
  • certificate from the place of work of the second parent that he does not receive a child care allowance (if the parent does not work - a certificate from social protection authorities at the place of residence);
  • if the employee works in the company less than two years - a certificate of earnings in the form of 182n from previous places of work in two years preceding the year of granting a child care (approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor of 04/30/2013 No. 182n);
  • if the employee works part-time - a certificate that at work part-time it does not receive a child care allowance.
The child care allowance is paid if the worker appealed to him no later than six months from the date of reaching the child of the age of 1.5 years (part 2.1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

The manual must be appointed within 10 calendar days from the moment the employee is granted to the necessary documents and will be paid over the entire period of child care leave.

Documents for payments

For the purpose of childcare benefits, the employee must provide the above necessary documents. As the manual is appointed to persons who use child care leave, it is advisable in a statement about the provision of childcare leave also to reflect information about the appointment and payment of benefits.

For an employee will be better to prepare the application template, because Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N 1012N "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of government benefits of citizens who have children" provides for the information that must be reflected in such a statement (you can download the sample).

After receiving the application from the employee and all the documents necessary for the purpose of appointment, it is necessary to publish the corresponding order (you can download the sample).

Algorithm of calculation

After documenting the documents, accounting is connected by the personnel service, which calculates the amount of benefits.

If the care is carried out by one child, the amount of payment will be equal to 40% an average daily earningsbut no less minimum size. If the care is carried out for two or more children, then the amount of payments must be folded, but in this case it should not be more than 100% of the average earnings or less than 100% of the summable minimum amount of the benefit.

Algorithm for calculating child care benefits:

  • Calculate accruals with contributions for each of the two calendar years (2015-2016).
  • Compare an employee's income amount for each year with limit Base For contributions (in 2015, this amount was 670,000 rubles, in 2016 - 718,000 rubles). If the amount turns out more, it is necessary to use the maximum limits established by law.
  • Determine the duration of the excluded periods (periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave, the periodization of the employee from working with salary, if the saved wages During this period, insurance premiums were not accrued).
  • Share the earnings for the estimated period (for 2015 - 2016 - 731 days).
  • Check the average day earnings was ne. less earningscalculated from the minimum wage (Mrot X 24/731).
  • Determine the manual for the formula: revenues for 2 years (2015 + 2016) / 731 (number of days in estimated period) × 30.4 days (medium number of days per month \u003d 365 calendar days / 12 months) and multiply by 40%.
If for two years preceding child care leave, a worker took pregnancy vacation and childbirth or child care (they are excluded from counting), then a woman in this case is granted the right to replace such periods (one or both) preceding the year (two years), if it leads to an increase in the size of the manual.

At the birth of the second child, parents laid two types of federal payments

  • simultaneous (one-time) payment;
  • the amount of the monthly payment defined as the forced state of the labor inability to the child has occurred due to the birth of the child.

In the regions there are additional financial promotions of families for the second baby.

Table of federal benefits for 2 children

In Moscow, a complex of consistent measures for supporting mothers with newborns has been developed. These measures are dependent on their quantity, as well as from the status of the mother as having many children.

Maternal capital on the second child in Moscow

From 2007 to the present, the so-called " maternal capital" The law has established the right to obtain his families who were born (adopted) the second child, which is a citizen of Russia.


One-time child allowance at birth (or adoption) of a child in Moscow

The amount of this monetary support on the second and next children in the capital in 2019 is 14,500 rubles and is appointed both working and non-working parents. At the same time, to obtain the specified amount has the right to someone alone - the father or mother of the child or the guardian.

Working receive benefits at the employer. The unemployed allowance is prescribed in society.

After providing a package of documents, it is provided for ten working days to verify and process information.

  • statement
  • document from the department where the fact of birth is registered. This is a certificate that you get in return to the one that will be issued after childbirth in the maternity hospital.
  • help on the non-treatment of benefits from the second parent
  • a certified document confirming the fact of dismissal from the last place of work, study or service (for unemployed)

An additional lump-sum child's birthday allowance to young families (up to 30 years)

This cash payment is provided by the metropolitan authorities. It is only the one of the parents, whose age does not exceed 30 years. The amount of payments depends on the number of children and they pay for the second child - 131,467 rubles.

Learn what will replenish family budget 187 810 rubles.

For payment, you need to contact the compartment of social protection with the following documents:

  • Passport father and mother of the child.
  • Certificate of birth and first and second child.
  • Direction from the registry office to the social protection bodies (at the place of residence of parents).
  • In the event that any of the parents live outside the city of Moscow, a certificate of registration for a child should be submitted.
  • Written statement of the established sample with a petition for the appointment of this manual.

To seek requesting documents to the documents of the one-year-old age. And the decision will be made within 10 working days.

Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization

Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization during pregnancy, maternity leave or child care, can count on a one-time payment from 7 to 9.7 thousand rubles (depending on the complexity of childbirth) and paying 1500 rubles. Monthly after the provision of the next packet of documents:

  • Applications.
  • A copy of the child's birth certificate.
  • Employment history.
  • Help from the employment center, where it is indicated that the woman does not receive an unemployment benefit.
  • Requisites bank cardon which money is charged
  • Inn applicant I. insurance certificate (Individual card with number).

Monthly child care allowance for up to 1.5 years Lonely mothers

The Government of Moscow provides material support until the child has been achieved for three years.

After granting everyone necessary documents And the design of the subsidy, it is entitled to count:

  • 1600 rubles monthly before reaching a child of 1.5 years.
  • from 1.5 to 3 years, the amount increases twice - 3200 rubles.
  • separately 675 rubles in the form of compensation for food before the child's attack of three years.
  • compensation is provided in the amount of 750 rubles due to the possible increase in the cost of life. If the mother's income is larger than the subsistence minimum, then compensation is reduced to 300 rubles.

The design and payment of compensation of this kind is also produced in the territorial organs of social protection.

Payments to families in which parents shy away from paying alimony

It should be 1,200 rubles in the form of payments every month to one and a half years. From one and a half to three - the amount of payment is doubled and is 2,400 rubles.

Here, 675 rubles are paid from the metropolitan authorities to acquire food products. The payment continues until the child turns three years.

And another payment of 600 rubles as compensation for alleged expenses, due to the increase in the cost of human life.

The payment is put to those families where parents do not pay alimony to children. To get such a payment must be submitted:

  • confirmation from the Internal Affairs Directorate that they did not establish where the alimony defaulter is located.
  • decision judicial authority On the assignment of the recovery of alimony.
  • if a person, maliciously non-paying alimony is outside the country, but Russia has concluded an agreement to assist in this issue, the corresponding certificate from the court.

Payments to families with disabled children

Family, where there are children disabled, have the right to count on:

  • 2 701,62 rub. Monthly benefit
  • 675 rubles as compensation for products.
  • for the unemployed parent of the non-working payments of 6,000 rubles per month.
  • if a child is disabled since childhood, or a disabled, who lost the breadwinner - 1,450 rubles per month.

For registration of this type of social support, people need the following documents:

  • Statement statement. It is indicated in it with a child's care - disabled. And the place of residence is indicated.
  • reference authorized body At the place of residence is that this payment was not issued and was not appointed.
  • Help from the employment center, that unemployment allowance was not appointed.
  • Extract for the recognition of a child with disabilities. Can be replaced by a medical conclusion.

Part of the documents appointing this payment are collected independently. But at the request of the applicant, it can also prepare and convey these materials to consideration.

Additional payments

Student families can receive every month payment of 800 rubles to 1.5 years and 1,600 rubles from 1.5 to 3 years to the child. For the food of the child - 1875 rubles. per month and paid while the baby does not turn three years.

The guardian has the right to count on in the amount of 928 p. per month. In addition, allowance for every month in 800 rubles (and from 1.5 to 3 years - 1600).

Also, the guardians are relying a one-time payment of 12,000 rubles. After granting these documents:

  • statement;
  • passports adults and childbirth certificates;
  • a document confirming marriage;
  • established sample certificate of income;
  • help indicating the composition of the family or an extract from the house book;
  • help and from the employment center (may be needed);
  • details of savings records or plastic cardwhich will list this payment.

The minimum pension in Moscow has increased. Also grew up the amount of payments and benefits for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled, large families, orphans and other preferential categories citizens.

In 2017. metropolitan authorities A decided on an unprecedented increase in payments and benefits to Muscovites. Was installed minimum size Pensions 17 500 rubles. Urban payments to veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War rose twice. Significantly increased benefits for large and low-income families and other preferential categories of citizens. In addition, it was decided to increase the number of recipients of sanatorium treatment from 120 to 200 thousand people, and benefits for payment communal services Provide more than four million citizens.

In addition, it was in 2017 that the expansion of the list of social services and benefits for those in need of assistance to Muscovites was announced. Over 3.8 million residents of the city received the right to free passage. Increased benefits and payments to Muscovites will begin to charge from the beginning of this year. In 2018, all citizens who are eligible for benefits and social services will be able to fully implement it.

In total, more than 430 billion rubles were planned for the social support of Moscow residents in 2018 (in 2017, more than 390 billion were identified for it). An important achievement in the field of social services was the transfer of services in electronic view. Already 26 public services in the field of social protection can be obtained without leaving the house, and nine of them are available exclusively. In the future, the list of electronic services will continue to be replenished.

What help is provided to pensioners

Moscow allowances for pensions from January 1, 2018 increased by three thousand rubles. Thus, the minimum pension rose from 14,500 to 17 500 rubles per month. The increase will affect about 1.4 million pensioners. Another 43 thousand non-working citizens of the retirement age city surcharge is charged for the first time. Monthly payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Tar workers, labor veterans, people suffered from political repression, and cavaliers of a number of state awards increased twice. Annual cash "gifts" to families-anniversaries increased: the amount of payments to Muscovites, who lived in marriage 50 years, will now be 20 thousand rubles. Twice and even more increased payments on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the marital life, the 60th anniversary and so on. In addition, over 110 thousand lonely disabled pensioners At the age of 70-80 years can take advantage of the beneficiation of payments to overhaul.

But not only material support is important, but also the formation of active and useful leisure of the older generation. Last year, the program "City of longevity" launched in the capital. Thanks to her, older citizens can attend a variety of circles for interests, dance groups, excursions, play sports and receive new knowledge. Today there are more than 500 schools for pensioners, where they teach the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, security, self-defense, teach to cope with chronic diseases, for example, diabetes. They are already visited by about 60 thousand people.

From November 1, 2017, another educational project started in the city - "Silver University". Classes are organized with the participation of the Moscow City Pedagogical University and undergo as based on educational institutionsand territorial social service centers. Lessons at the University of Moscow Pedagogical Teachers state University, school teachers, volunteer students and other attracted experts. Here you can master the foundations of computer, financial, legal literacy, explore foreign languages, to obtain the profession of babysitting and politicians of urban areas. While those who want to enter university are almost three times more than training seats. Therefore, in the new year, the project will expand.

For small elderly people who, according to health, can not leave the apartment, the Sanatorium at home works in Moscow. If someone from the patients need urgent help, employees of the "Mobile Social Service" are ready to come to revenue, which was created in city centers of social protection. The social workers will bring foods, will cause a doctor or help take medicines. The guests of the home "sanatorium" are also provided services of a satiety. Program participants are over five thousand people, including retirees, veterans and disabled of the Great Patriotic War.

What will support large and low-income families

Since 2018, several times increased payments to families with children in need of help. First of all, it concerns low-income citizens. For them, the benefits for a child up to three years will be 10 thousand rubles, and for a child over three years old - four thousand rubles (before that there were two - three thousand, depending on the age of the child). For single mothers and families, where one of the parents shy away from alimony, payments for a child up to three years from three to five thousand will grow up to 15 thousand rubles per month.

In addition to material assistance, more than 10 thousand children from low-income families will receive vouchers to camps and sanatoriums, as well as free food at school. In addition, in centers of social protection, you can get products and product certificates, as well as certificates for the purchase of clothing, shoes and children's products and certificates for providing long-term goods that can be used in the capital's stores.

From this year, monthly compensation payments have doubled in connection with the increase in the cost of life (up to 1,200 rubles to families with three or four children and up to 1500 - with five or more) and payments to the purchase of children's goods. In addition, large families will still be provided free travel to public transport (For children and one of the parents), free parking and places in kindergarten, food at school, benefits for museums, sports and cultural events, as well as free tickets to the zoo.

All Moscow families with children receive material support from the city. In addition to the federal benefit, Muscovites parents are once paid another 5,500 rubles at the first, 14,500 - on the second and subsequent children. And if the triple is born, then the family gets 50 thousand rubles. In addition, young families who have a child were encouraged in the capital. If both parents have not turned 30 years old, they will pay a five-time magnitude subsistence minimum (Seven-time on the second, 10-fold on the third and subsequent). An excellent help for families with young children traditionally remain dairy cuisines working with metropolitan clinics.

Thanks to social support every year in Moscow, more large families are becoming more families. Now the city is rendered material assistance Over 125 thousand large families in which more than 315 thousand juvenile children are raised. For comparison - in 2011, such families were only 73 thousand.

People with disabilities can count on which social garants

From January 1, 2018, the benefits of parents raising children with disabilities will be 12 thousand rubles (instead of six thousand). Also for these families, a new manual is introduced - annual payments for the acquisition school uniform (10 thousand rubles). More than 1.1 million Moscow people with disabilities, families raising children with limited features Health, and participants in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are provided with 50 percent benefits for utility bills.

From January 2016, due to changes in federal legislation, people were forced to fully pay for water, electricity and heating that spent over standards. However, the city authorities restored benefits, now the townspeople pay only 50 percent of the account for the entire communal, regardless of the consumption standards. In addition to the traditional material support of people with disabilities (travel benefits, utility bills, rehabilitation, and so on) in the capital, the city infrastructure is actively adapting for them.

Since 2014, more than 25 thousand issued to Moscow disabled social certificates in the amount of more than 110 million rubles. Thanks to them, Muscovites in need of help could acquire medical multifunctional beds with electric drives, bedside tables, steps and bath boards, bath chairs and a shower, as well as other necessary products. Only in 2016, almost 270 thousand people received technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products, and more than 55 thousand disabled Muscovites assisted in rehabilitation. Tens of thousands of citizens with disabilities will continue to receive sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of the city budget.

How to help orphans and their guardians

The city continues to support those who take in the family of children left without parents. In 2017, in the capital, 10 percent increased the size of payments for receiving parents, guardians, trustees and patronage educators. Their size is now from 16,500 to 28,390 rubles, depending on the age of children, their number in one family and health status. Also, Moscow social services are carried out training and maintenance receptional families. The capital employs 57 schools of adoptive parents and 54 organizations providing support to families raising orphans.

The last four years, Moscow families who took up at least five orphans, from which three children over 10 years old and (or) are disabled, get housing under the contract gratuitous use. After 10 years of receiving parents who conscientiously and continuously performed duties to raise orphans, an apartment under a social hiring agreement or ownership is provided.

Currently, 92 percent of all orphans are located in families in families, in social institutions - only 8 percent. And eight years ago, this ratio was 74 percent to 26 percent. In 2018, all social work, directed by orphans and the search for them, suitable families, guardians and patronage educators will continue.

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