
On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases, in which the joint residence of citizens in the same apartment is impossible. On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which the joint residence of citizens in one to

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

About documentation management

In order to improve the documentation support for management in the system of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation Order:

1. To approve the attached instructions for the documentation for management in the system of internal affairs of the Russian Federation with the Federal Archive Agency<1>.

2. Heads of divisions central apparatus Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, units, directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia federal Districts, internal ministers, heads of major departments, departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the heads of the internal affairs bodies at railway, water and air transport, internal affairs bodies in closed areas and regime objects, internal management organizations, departments (controls) of internal affairs in areas, cities and other municipalities, educational, research, treatment and preventive institutions of the system of internal affairs of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Organize learning and fulfill the requirements of the instructions in the part relating to them.

2.2. Ensure the maintenance of office work in accordance with the requirements of the instruction.

2.3. Take measures to rational placement of subdivision of office work and regime, ensuring their means of communication, computer and organizational technician.

3. FMS of Russia () in the preparation of documents submitted for consideration by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or its deputies, guided by the requirements of the Instruction.

4. GKVV Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia () make the necessary changes to regulatory legal acts governing the issues of documentation management in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

5. Hell of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (), together with the interested units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, to provide practical assistance to the internal affairs bodies on the organization of workflow.

6. DT of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia () to provide on requests from the subdivisions of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the manufacture of accounting forms and printed-blanc products provided for by the instructions.


According to the management documentation

In the system of internal affairs of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. This instruction is designed to improve the documentation of the management, document processing technologies, the organization of document management and the formation of documentary funds on a single methodical basis in the subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and other organizations, carrying out the tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies<1>.

2. The instruction has been developed on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, state standards of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory and methodological documents on office work and archival case and establishes uniform rules for working with service documents.

3. Documentation management - the type of service activities of internal affairs bodies, providing documentation of management activities and the organization of work with documents.

4. Documentation of management activities includes all processes related to the recording and design necessary for the implementation of management actions of information on various media for established rules.

5. Organization, maintenance and improvement of documentation support for management on the basis of the Unified Technical Policy and the application of modern technical means in working with documents, Methodological guidance and monitoring compliance with the established procedures for working with documents in the system of internal affairs bodies is carried out by the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and Departments , branches, groups) of office work; office work and regime; documentation and regime; regime, office work and personnel; modes and office work; providing office work; documentary; documentation support; common departments, secretariats and office of internal affairs bodies<1>.

6. The division of office work and regime is an independent structural unit of the internal affairs body, subordinate directly to the head of the internal affairs body.

7. Regulations on the division of office work and the regime of the internal affairs body, the job descriptions of its employees, federal state civil servants and workers<2> Developed on the basis of this instruction, status documents of the internal affairs body and are approved by the head of the internal affairs authority.

8. On the subdivision of office work and the regime assigns the following main tasks:

8.1. Reception, registration and distribution of incoming (incoming) documents.

8.2. Transferring documents for consideration by the head of the internal affairs body and directly to the Contractor, after receiving the relevant instructions (resolutions).

8.3. Control over the passage and terms of consideration of documents.

8.4. Registration of outgoing (sent) documents, their expedition processing and sending to the addressees.

8.5. Control over the designation of documents submitted to the signature by the management of the internal affairs body.

8.6. Organization of reference and information work on business work issues.

8.7. Copying and prompt reproduction of documents.

8.8. Development and design of documents forms.

8.9. Development and maintenance of the nomenclature of special importance, completely secret, secret and non-interest cases, submission in the prescribed manner of the project of the nomenclature of special importance, completely secret, secret and uncommittent affairs to approval to the appropriate division of special funds.

8.10. Registration and formation of cases in accordance with the nomenclature of special importance, completely secret, secret and non-interest cases, ensuring their safety.

8.11. Preparation of projects describing the work of permanent and long-term (10 years or more) storage<3>Submitting them to approval to the appropriate division of special funds for subsequent approval by their expert testing committee<4> The internal affairs body and transfer to the division of special funds.

<3> The form of the description of the affairs of the constant and long-term storage period is established by a separate regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

8.12. Issuance to employees of regulatory legal acts, documents and cases, control over their return.

8.13. Participation in reconciliation availability on execution of employees, federal state civil servants and workers<1> Internal affairs organ.

8.14. In the established procedure, examination of the scientific and practical value of documents, cases, journals, regulatory legal acts and special publications, submission of acts of acts on the destruction of documents for consideration by relevant expert commissions.

8.15. Timely selection of documents, cases, magazines, regulatory legal acts and special publications with expired terms storage not subject to archival storage and not having historical and scientific value<2>, presentation for consideration by the relevant expert commissions of acts of acts on the destruction of documentary materials and the organization of their destruction in the prescribed manner.

<2> Selection of documents for the corresponding period to destroying and drawing up an act of allocation to destruction are made only after the compilation of the decisions of the permanent and long-term storage period and their approval.

8.16. Informing the head of the Internal Affairs Authority on the execution of documents and orders for them, analysis and preparation based on its preparations for improving work with documents.

8.17. Determining the procedure for passing and processing documents, the introduction of new technological techniques for working with documents that reduce the amount of document management.

8.18. Ensuring readiness to save documents in the event of a fire, natural disasters and other emergencies.

8.19. Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the internal affairs body and subordinate internal affairs bodies on the management of management documentation support.

8.20. Control over compliance with the established procedure for working with documents in the system of the internal affairs body.

8.21. Organization of special initial training and advanced training of employees of office work units and regime of structural divisions of the internal affairs body and subordinate internal affairs bodies.

8.22. Development of organizational and administrative and information and methodological documents on the issues of documentation management.

8.23. The organization of the study by employees by the internal affairs body in the system of service training of regulatory legal acts, organizational and administrative and methodological documents on the issues of documentation management.

8.24. Advising internal affairs officers on work with documents.

8.25. Participation in conducting official inspections on the facts of loss of documents and disclosure of information information.

8.26. Technical support Works with documents, performing machine-visual works.

8.27. Organization of work on the consideration of citizens appeals.

8.28. Preparation of applications for the manufacture of seals and stamps, printed-blank products, receiving stationery.

8.29. Accounting for seals, stamps and blanks of documents used in the internal affairs body, as well as document warehouses and keys from them.

8.30. Analysis of the state of document management and adoption of measures to streamline the conduct of official correspondence.

9. Responsibility for the status of documentation support for management, compliance with the rules established by this manual, to ensure the timeliness and quality of their execution, as well as the creation of appropriate conditions for the work of employees of the office work units and the regime is assigned to the heads of the internal affairs bodies.

In the subdivision of office work and the mode must be created the necessary conditions To work with all types of documents in accordance with this Instruction.

10. Officials of the internal affairs bodies when working with documents are obliged:

10.1. Know and accurately comply with the requirements established by this Instruction.

10.2. Do not allow any violations that can lead to a disclosure of a service life or loss of documents.

10.3. Require from subordinate timely execution of received documents (instructions, instructions).

10.4. Transmit documents to other employees only with the permission of the head of the relevant structural unit.

10.5. Transmit documents from one structural unit to another only through the subdivision of the office and regime, on receipt in the respective accounting magazines.

10.6. To acquaint with documents of unauthorized persons and report information contained in documents, unauthorized persons only with the permission of the relevant head of the internal affairs body.

10.7. Immediately report to the head of the relevant structural unit and head of the office work and regime of the loss or shortage of documents, keys from premises, storage facilities in which documents, personal seals are stored, as well as the facts of detecting unnecessary or unaccounted documents.

10.8. When dismissing from service or work, transfer to a new place of service or work, departing on vacation, for treatment, on a business trip to the timely pass all the documents in the division of office and regime.

11. The information contained in the documents can only be used for official purposes in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

12. Employees are personally responsible for complying with the established procedures for working with documents and their safety, as well as for disclosing information contained in them.

If the loss of documents is detected, the employee must immediately report this incident to the head of the relevant structural unit, which is obliged to make exhaustive measures to find documents, and the head of the office work and regime.

13. The transfer of documents and their copies to employees of other organizations is allowed only with the written permission of the head of the internal affairs authority or its deputies on request. The relevant marks are made on the transfer of documents and on the originals of the documents (if their copies are transmitted) with an indication of which the official person is allowed to transfer the document.

14. The transfer of documents and their copies of media representatives is carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 13 of this Instruction through the appropriate division of the internal affairs body, which includes interaction with the media.

15. International exchange of information on crimes is carried out on the channels of the international organization of the criminal police Interpol in the prescribed manner<1> Taking into account the provisions of this Instruction.

<1> Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 G. N 1190 "On approval of the Regulation on the National Central Bureau of Interpol" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 43, Art. 4916).

16. Features of office work on documents containing information constituting a state secret, as well as the organization of cipher industry workshops, citizens' appeals are established by other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

II. The main types of documents formed in activities

internal Affairs

17. The following main types of documents are formed in the activities of the internal affairs bodies: regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<2>, legal acts of an abnormative nature<3>, acts, conclusions, report notes, references, reviews, reports, explanatory notes, plans, telegrams, telephones, faxograms.

<2> Federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, international treaties and agreements, civil law contracts and agreements.

<3> Orders on personnel, orders, letters, instructions, interdepartmental agreements, protocols.

Regulatory legal act<1> (the federal law, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, order, directive, position, charter, instruction, rules, instruction) - a written official document adopted (published) in a certain form of an official within its competence and directed On the establishment, change or cancellation of legal norms designed for repeated use and a relatively indefinite circle of persons.

<1> The rules of preparation and samples of registration of regulatory legal acts are established by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 01.01.01 N 484.

The order is a legal act establishing management decisions, as a rule, a regulatory nature on the operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies.

Regulations, the Charter - regulatory legal acts that establish the main systemically related rules for the activities of the internal affairs body and its structural and subordinate units.

Instructions, instruction - legal act, detailed and ensuring the implementation of regulatory legal acts used by the internal affairs bodies in accordance with their competence.

Rules are a regulatory legal act, which formulates fundamental requirements for a particular activity or behavior.

Order is an abnormative document on the operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies.

Protocol - a document that records the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings and meetings of collegial bodies.

Act - a document compiled by several persons and confirming facts and events.

Memorable note - a document addressed to the head of the internal affairs authority or higher organ Internal affairs containing a thorough statement of any issue with conclusions and suggestions.

Help - a document containing a description or confirmation of certain facts and events.

The report is a document containing a statement of certain issues, conclusions, proposals.

Plan - a document establishing an accurate list of work scheduled for work or activities, their sequence, volume, temporary coordinates, managers and specific performers.

Letter, telegram, telegram, faxogram - a generalized name of various documents that are allocated due to a special way to transfer text (sent by mail is transmitted by the telegraph, is transmitted by phone and recorded by the recipient is transmitted by facsimile bond).

III. Requirements for the preparation and design of documents

18. When making documents, it is necessary to follow: Rules providing them legal force; operational and qualitative execution and search; the possibility of processing using computing equipment; Quality as historical sources of information.

19. The text of the document reflects its basic semantic content - management action, decision.

20. Compilation of the draft document should begin with the study of the substance of the issue subject to settlement, which is valid on this issue of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other reference materials.

21. When preparing documents, it is necessary to be guided by the following basic requirements:

21.1. The document should not contradict the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

21.2. The document must be written by a business style.

21.3. The presentation of the document must be logical, short and accurate, eliminating ambiguous interpretation.

21.4. The terms used must comply with the terminology used in the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and are used in the same meaning.

21.5. The document should be based on the facts and contain specific and real proposals or instructions.

21.6. The document should not duplicate the requirements contained in previously published regulatory legal acts.

21.7. The document must be issued in accordance with the existing state standards and the requirements of this Instruction, to have a set complex of mandatory details in compliance with the procedure for their location.

21.8. The document should not be blots and corrections.

22. Documentation of information in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is carried out, as a rule, using technical means<1>, including computing equipment, as well as artificial languages \u200b\u200bin the form of files using machine media.

<1> The manufacture of handwriting documents is allowed in the absence of the possibility of using technical means or in cases provided by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Separate internal appeal documents are allowed to write from hand (report, application, explanatory note).

23. Documents are issued on forms or standard sheets of paper A4 formats (210 x 297 mm), A5 (148 x 210 mm), the use of paper A3 (297 x 420 mm) and A6 (105 x 148 mm) is allowed.

Each sheet of the document, decorated both on the form, and without it, must have fields, mm:

30 - left;

20 - right;

20 - top;

20 - bottom.

24. Documents are manufactured on white paper or in exceptional cases of light panels.

25. The following details can be used in the preparation and design of documents in the prescribed manner:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation;

03 - Heraldic sign - emblem of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation<1>;

<1> NCB Interpol at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia uses the emblem established by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 3, 1997 N 333.

04 - organization code;

17 - resolution;

18 - Title to the text;

19 - a mark on control;

20 - text of the document;

21 - mark on the availability of the application;

22 - signature;

23 - a vulture of the document coordination;

24 - visas matching the document;

25 - print print;

26 - a mark on the certification of the copy;

27 - Artist's mark;

28 - mark on the execution of the document and the direction of it in the case;

29 - mark on the arrival of the document into the internal affairs body;

30 - electronic copy document identifier;

31 is a rifle restricting access to the document.

26. The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is reproduced in a one-color version and is placed only on the form of documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or its substituents<1>. The size of the coat of arms is 17 x 17 mm.

<1> Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Arms of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 52 (Part I), Art. 5021).

27. The coat of arms of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation placed on the form of documents in accordance with the legislation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

28. Heraldic sign - the emblem of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation<2> It is placed on angular stamps or blanks with angular stamps of internal affairs<3>. Other cases of using the Emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on stamps and books of documents are established by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The size of the emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is 35 x 17 mm.

<3> Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01. N 1333 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 47, Art. 5741).

The emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is not reproduced on the letterhead if the state emblem of the Russian Federation or the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is placed on it.

29. The organization code is affixed by All-Russian Classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO).

30. Main State Registration Number (OGRN) legal entity Located in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

31. The taxpayer identification number / Code of the reason for registration (INN / CAT) is affixed in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

32. The code of the document form is affixed by the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

33. The name of the internal affairs authority, which is the author of the document, must comply with the item enshrined in its status documents.

Over the name of the subdivision of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the division, directly subordinate the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, indicates the full name - "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" and the string below in brackets abbreviated - "MIA of Russia".

Abbreviated name is indicated above the name of other internal activities - the "Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", abbreviated, and in its absence - the full name of the superior body of the internal affairs.

The abbreviated name of the internal affairs authority is given in cases where it is enshrined in its status documents. Abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below full or after it.

The name of the branch (territorial office, representation) is indicated if the branch (territorial office, representation) is the author of the document, and is located below the name of the internal affairs authority.

34. Help data on the internal affairs body contains the information necessary for information contacts, and may include: postal or legal address; location; phone numbers; OKPO code; OKD code; Rooms of fax, accounts in the bank, OGRN, an identification number INN / CAT; address email and other information at the discretion of the internal affairs authority.

35. The name of the type of document drawn up or published by the internal affairs authority is regulated by its provision (charter) and must comply with the types of documents provided for by OKUD.

In the letter, the name of the type of document is not specified.

36. The date of the document is the date of its signing or approval, for the protocol - the date of the meeting (decision-making), for the act - the date of compilation. If the authors of the document are several divisions of the internal affairs body, the date of the document is the latest date of signing.

The date of the document is issued by Arabic numbers in sequence: day of the month, month, year. Day of the month and month are decorated with two pairs of Arabic numbers, separated by a point; year - four Arabic numbers<1>. For example: date "February 5, 2007" It should be issued as follows: "05.02.2007". Slip zero in the designation of the day of the month, if it contains one digit - be sure.

<1> The procedure specified in this paragraph does not apply to the registration of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

A verbal-digital method of date design, for example "February 05, 2007" is allowed.

The date of the document is affixed by the official signing or approving the document. When preparing a draft document, only the designation of the month and year is printed.

All the official marks on the document related to its passage and execution must be dated and subscribe. Documents issued by two or more structural divisions of the internal affairs bodies should have a unified date that corresponds to the latest date of signing the document.

The date of the act, the protocol is printed on the document when preparing it and establishes the term of the draft protocol, the act for signing.

37. The registration number of the document consists of its sequence number, which can be supplemented at the discretion of the internal affairs body by the case of the case of business, information about the correspondent, performers and other necessary information.

The registration number of the document, compiled by two and more divisions of the internal affairs body, consists of the registration numbers of the document of each unit affixed through the oblique line in order to specify the authors in the document.

The link to the registration number and the document date is used mainly when designing letters, which are answers to the request received (letter, conclusion and others). Information in this props is transferred from the document received and comply with the registration number and the date of the received document.

The presence of this props excludes the need to mention the number and the date of the received document in the text of the letter.

39. The place of drawing up or edition of the document is indicated if its definition is difficult for the details of the "Name of the Internal Affairs" authority and "reference data on the internal affairs body". The place of compilation or publication is indicated by the adopted administrative-territorial division, it includes only generally accepted reductions.

40. Internal affairs bodies, management bodies, compounds and part of the Interior Ministry of Russia, organizations that are not part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, their structural units, officials or individuals may be indicated as a addressee.

When addressed to the document in the internal affairs body, the abbreviated name of the internal affairs body and through 2 intervals the name of the unit in the nominative case, for example, is indicated, for example:

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

State Institution Department of Criminal

"All-Russian Scientific Search

research institute

Ministry of the Interior

Russian Federation"

When addressed to the document, a specific job person indicates a duty case, the name of the position of this person, full or abbreviated name of the internal affairs body, after 2 intervals special (military) title, after 1 interval initials, surname. It is allowed to center each line of props with respect to the longest line, for example:

Chief of the Department of Internal Affairs or Head of Department

(by the list)

If the letter addresses the organization that is not included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, its name is indicated, and then mailing address.

Elements of the postal address are specified in the sequence, established rules provision of postal services<1>: The name of the addressee (for citizens - last name, name, patronymic); Street Name, House number, Case number, Apartment number; name settlement (cities, settlements and others); name of the district; the name of the republic, the region, region, the autonomous region, the autonomous district; Zip Code, for example:

<1> Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01. N 221 "On approval of the rules for the provision of postal service services" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 17, Art. 1556).

State Institution

All-Russian Research

institute of Documenting and Archival

Trade union st., D. 82, Moscow, 117393

When addressing the document physical lick Familiarity and initials of the recipient are indicated, then the mailing address, for example:

g. Lipki, Kireevsky district,

41. The document is approved by an officer (officials) or a specially published document. When approving the document, an official of the document's assertion is located in the upper right corner of the document and consists of a word affirming (without quotes), the name of the position of the person who approves the document, special (military) rank, its signatures, initials, surnames and approval dates. It is allowed in the details of the "document claims of the document" to core elements relative to the longest string, for example:

I approve or affirm

Head of the PDA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Lipetsk region

major General Police Major General Militia

# Personal signature #<1> # Personal signature #

ConsultantPlus: Note.

Text indicated in italics in the official text of the document, in electronic version The document is highlighted by the "#" sign.

When approving a document, several officials of the assertion are located at one level. The approved document must be signed.

When approving a document, the decision, order, the Protocol of the claim statement consists of the word approved (approved, approved or approved), the name of the approving document in the articulated case, its dates, numbers, for example:

Approved or approved

from 01.01.2001 N 14 of 01.01.2001 N 578

42. The resolution is usually written on the text free of the document by the corresponding official and includes the names, initials of performers, the content of the assignment (if necessary), the term of execution, signature and date, for example:


Please prepare the project

Personal signature

The resolution is allowed on a separate sheet or on a special form, indicating the registration number and the date of the document to which it relates.

43. The header to the text includes a summary of the document. The title must be matched with the name of the type of document.

The title can answer questions:

"about what?" ("OK?"), for example:

On the creation of a certification commission

"What?" ("Who?"), for example:

Official instruction of a leading expert

Point at the end of the header do not put.

The text of the documents decorated in the format of A5 format, the header is not specified.

44. The control mark on the execution of the document indicates that the document is assigned to control.

45. The document of the document is drawn up, as a rule, in Russian. It is allowed to draw up the text of the document in the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on state languages.

Texts of documents sent to federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to enterprises, in the organization and institutions that are not subject to constituent entities of the Russian Federation, obligatory Compiled in Russian.

Texts of documents sent to foreign partners can be drawn up in the language of the country of the destination, in Russian or English.

46. \u200b\u200bTexts of documents are drawn up in the form of a connected text, questionnaires, tables, or in the form of the connection of these structures.

A coherent text, as a rule, consists of two parts. The first part indicates the causes, grounds, objectives of the document, in the second (final) solution, conclusions, requests, proposals, recommendations. The text may contain one final part (for example, orders - the administrative part without statement; letters, statements - a request without explanation; Reporting notes - evaluation of facts, conclusions).

The text of the document prepared on the basis of documents of other internal affairs bodies (organizations) or previously published documents, their details are indicated: the name of the document, the name of the Internal Affairs Authority (Organization) - author of the document, document date, registration number of the document, heading to the text.

If the text contains several solutions, conclusions and more, it should be broken into sections, subsections, items that are numbered by Arabic numbers.

In the administrative documents, the text sets out from the first person of the only number ("I propose", "I ask", "demand").

In the commanding documents of the collegial bodies, the text sets out from the third person of the singular number ("decides", "decided", "decided").

In joint documents, the text sets out from the first person of the plural ("We demand", "decided").

The text of the protocol is set out from the third person of the plural ("listened", "performed", "decided").

In documents that establish the rights and obligations of officials, as well as containing a description, evaluation of facts or conclusions (act, certificate), the form of the presentation of the text from a third party of a single or multiple number ("The Division provides functions", "the Commission set").

In letters, use the following forms of presentation:

from the first person of the plural ("please refer", "send to consideration");

from the first person of the only number ("I consider it necessary", "I ask to allocate");

from the third person of the only number ("the ministry does not object to", "Internal Affairs considers it possible").

When drawing up text in the form of a questionnaire questionnaire characterized by an object must be expressed by the names of the noun in the nominal case or the phrase with the verb of the second person of the plural number of this or past time ("have", "own" or "were", "were" and more). The characteristics expressed verbally must be agreed with the names of the signs.

Counts and rows of the table must have headlines expressed by the name noun in the nominal case. The subtitles graph and lines must be coordinated with headlines. If the table is printed by more than one page, the chart counts must be numbered and only the numbers of these graph should be printed on the following pages.

47. The mark of the presence of an application named in the text is made from the beginning of the line through one interval from the main text as follows:

Appendix: By text, 5 liters. in 2 copies.

If the document has an application that is not named in the text, its name is indicated, the number of sheets and the number of instances. If there are multiple applications, they are numbered, for example:

Appendix: 1. Information (form 3E), 5 liters. in 1 copy

2. Reference materials on the work of the rear units,

on 3 l. in 1 copy

If applications are dropped, the number of sheets is not specified.

If another document is attached to the document, also having an application, a mark on the availability of an application is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: Rosarhiva letter dated 01.01.2001 N 02-6 / 172 and application

to it, n / q. N 1345 dated 01.01.2001, only 3 liters.

If the application is sent not to all the addresses specified in the document, the mark of its presence is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: 3 l. In 5 copies. Only in the first address.

In the application to the administrative document on its first sheet in the upper right corner, "Appendix N" is written with the name administrative document, His dates and registration number. An expression "Appendix N" is allowed to print with capital letters ("Appendix N"), as well as centen this expression, document name, its date and registration number relative to the longest string, for example:

Appendix N 2 or Appendix N 3

to the order of the Chief to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Doop MIA of Russia dated 01.01.2001 N 15

from 01/01/2001 N 319

48. The props of the "Signature" details are generally included: the name of the position of the person who has signed the document (complete, if the document is not issued on the form of the internal affairs body, and the abbreviated - on a document decorated on the form); personal signature; Decoding signature (initials, surname). The initials and surnames in the details "Signature" are printed with a space at the level of the last line of the props. It is allowed to center the name of the position of the person who signed the document relative to the longest line, for example:

Head of the Tar Department

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia # Personal Signature #

Head of the Tar Department

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia # Personal Signature #

During the direction of the document in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as officials of other organizations with special (military) ranks, the proper "Signature" details includes a special (military) title of a person who signed a document, for example:

Head of the Tar Department

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

or on a blanke


major Major General # Personal Signature #

When signing a document, several officials of their signature are located one under the other in the sequence corresponding to the hierarchy of his position, for example:

Head of the EID of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

major Major General # Personal Signature #

Assistant personnel

major internal service # Personal signature #

When signing a document, several persons of equal posts their signatures are located at one level in the alphabetical order of the following names, for example:

Deputy Minister Deputy Minister

interior Finance

Russian Federation of the Russian Federation

# Personal signature # # Personal signature #

In the documents drawn up by the Commission, not the positions of persons signing the document, but their duties in the Commission in accordance with the distribution, special (military) rank, initials, the surname in alphabetical order, for example:

Chairman of the Commission General Major Militia # Personal

Commission members: Police Colonel # Personal

militia Captain Personal

major Militia # Personal

The document may be signed by acting (temporarily acting) officer With the actual position and surname, for example:

major Major General # Personal Signature #

Vrio Chief

major Major General # Personal Signature #


major Major General

# First Deputy Head

GUVD in the Stavropol Territory

major General Militia # # Personal Signature # ##

It is forbidden to put the pretext "For", the inscription from the hand "Deputy." or oblique feature before the name of the post.

49. The facsimile signature of the head of the internal affairs body can be affixed, as a rule, in sending invitations, congratulations and other similar documents. An authentic copy of such a document should have a personal signature of the relevant head of the internal affairs body.

The procedure for using a facsimile signature is established by a separate instruction developed by the internal affairs authority, which establishes: Whose facsimile signature in the internal affairs body can be used as an analogue of its own signature; In what cases is the facsimile signature and who affix the facsimile signature.

50. Document haruing is written on the left side at the top or bottom of the document and consists of a word agreed (without quotes), the position of the person who is agreed by the document (including the name of the internal affairs authority), a special (military) title, personal signature, signature (initials , surnames) and the date of coordination, for example:


Head of FED MIA Russia

major Major General

# Personal signature #

If the coordination is carried out by letter, protocol and such a document, the haruing coordination is drawn up as follows:


Letter of the Ministry of Finance

Russian Federation

from 01.01.2001 N 345/24


A protocol of a meeting

FSTEC of Russia

from 01.01.2001 N 3

51. Document matching visa<1> Includes the signature and position of the visiting document, special (military) title, transfers signature (initials, surname) and the date of signing, for example:

Head of Legal Support

colonel internal service

# Personal signature #

If there are comments to the document, the visa is drawn up as follows:

Comments are attached.

Head of Legal Control

police Colonel

# Personal signature #

Comments are outlined on a separate sheet, subscribe and attached to the document.

For a document, the original of which remains in the internal affairs organ, visas are affixed at the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of the original script.

For a document, whose script is sent from the internal affairs organ, visas are affixed at the bottom of the front side of the second instance of the document being sent.

It is possible to design a document of a document on a separate matching sheet with an indication of the document header. It is allowed at the discretion of the head of the internal affairs authority, the polist visiting the document and its application.

52. Print Printing Completes the authenticity of an official on the documents stipulated by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation certifying the rights of persons who record the facts associated with financial means, as well as other documents providing for the assurance of genuine signature.

53. With the assurances of compliance with a copy of the document, the script below the details "Signature" is supplied: the witness "True", the position of the person who assured the copy, his personal signature, decoding the signature (initials, surname), certification date, for example:


major Major General # Personal Signature #

Referent Department

customization and Mode # Personal Signature # ##

It is allowed a copy of the document to assure the seal defined at the discretion of the head of the internal affairs body.

54. The artist's mark includes the number of copies, addressing instances, initials and surname of the artist, his phone number, the date when the document was printed. The artist's mark is, as a rule, on the back of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner, for example:

oTP. 2 copies.

1 - addressed

2 - in the case of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

In the lower left corner of the front side of the last sheet of document, the initials and surname of the artist may be affixed, its official phone and the name of the structural unit whose employee it is.

55. The mark on the execution of the document and its direction includes the following data: a reference to the date and number of the document indicating its execution, or, in the absence of such a document, brief information about execution; the words "in the case"; The case number in which the document will be stored.

The document on the execution of the document is signed and dated by the Contractor, the words "in the case" and the case of the case in which the document will be kept - the boss (Deputy Head) of the Division of the Internal Affairs Authority, in which the document is executed.

56. The mark on the arrival of the document to the internal affairs body (division of the internal affairs body) is affixed in the form of a stamp, as a rule, on the front side, indicating the name of the internal affairs authority, which received a document, registration (incoming) number, registration dates (if necessary - hours and minutes), the number of sheets of the main document and applications to it.

It is allowed to mark on the arrival of the document to be put on hand.

57. The electronic copy of the document is the mark (footer), which is stamped in the lower right corner of each document page and containing the name of the file on the machine media, date and other search data.

On approval of a list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which the joint residence of citizens in one apartment is impossible

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


On approval of a list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which the joint residence of citizens in one apartment is impossible

In accordance with Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Article 14; 2008, N 30, Article 3616) and subparagraph 5.2.107 Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2012 N 608 (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art.3526),


1. To approve a list of severe forms of chronic diseases, in which the joint accommodation of citizens in the same apartment is impossible, according to the annex.

2. This Order shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on recognition of the ruling resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 "On approval of a list of severe forms of chronic diseases, in which the joint residence of citizens in one apartment is impossible" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 25, Article 2736).


in the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
February 18, 2013,
registration N 27154.

Application. A list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which the joint accommodation of citizens in one apartment is impossible


Name of disease


* International Statistical Classification of Health Conditions and Problems (Tenth Review).

Tuberculosis of any organs and systems with bacteria confirmed by sowing

Malignant neoplasms accompanied by abundant discharge

Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations

F20-F29; F30-F33

Epilepsy with frequent seizures

Diseases complicated by gangrea limbs

A48.0; E10.5; E11.5; E12.5; E13.5; E14.5; I70.2; I73.1; I74.3; R02

Gangrene and necrosis of the lung, lung abscess

Heavy chronic skin diseases with multiple rash and abundant separated

L10; L12.2; L12.3; L13.0; L88; L98.9.

Intestinal fistulas that are not amenable to surgical correction

K60.4; K60.5; K63.2; N28.8; N32.1; N82.2-N82.4;

Urogenital fistulas that are not amenable to surgical correction

N32.1; N32.2; N36.0; N50.8; N82.0; N82.1.

Electronic document text
prepared CJSC Codex and drilled by:
Russian newspaper,
N 40, 25.02.2013

On approval of a list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which the joint residence of citizens in one apartment is impossible

Document's name:
Document Number: 987N
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Accepted Ministry of Health of Russia
Status: Suitable
Published: Russian newspaper, N 40, 25.02.2013
Date of adoption: November 29, 2012.
Start date: January 01, 2018.

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