
Order 495 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on cooperation. Instructions for organizing the interaction of departments and services of internal affairs bodies in the investigation and disclosure of crimes. Information about changes


on the acceptance of the application for declaring the debtor bankrupt for proceeding

Case No. А40-78118 / 15
Moscow city
April 29, 2015

Judge A.A. Svirin (judge's code 78-443 "B")


Accept for proceedings the application of A.S.Demin, received by the court on April 27, 2015, on the recognition of OOO Spetskabelsbyt (TIN 7719846645 OGRN 1137746475900) bankrupt, initiate proceedings in case No. A40-78118 / 15-78-443 "B".

Assign trial on considering the validity of the application for declaring the debtor bankrupt and the issue of introducing the observation procedure on 06.07.2015 at 13 o'clock. 30 min., In court session Of the Moscow Arbitration Court at the address: 115191, Moscow, st. B. Tulskaya, 17, room 8014.

In order to prepare a case for trial:

The applicant - to submit original documents attached to the application in copies, information on the availability of the debtor's property sufficient to conduct the bankruptcy procedure, or submit a written statement of consent to finance the relevant bankruptcy procedure, information on the status enforcement proceedings in relation to the debtor.

The debtor - to submit a response on the merits of the bankruptcy declaration, constituent documents, balance sheet as of the last reporting date with decoding - originals for review, copies - in the case materials; the amount of the debt that is not disputed by the debtor; information on the amount of indebtedness for compensation for harm caused to life and health, remuneration and payment of severance payments to the employees of the debtor, the amount of remuneration due to the payment of the results of intellectual activity to the authors; the amount of arrears on compulsory payments; information about open accounts in banks and other credit institutions with the indication of account numbers and addresses of banks.

Association "SOAU Central Federal District" (109316, Moscow, Ostapovskiy proezd, 3, p. 6, office 201; 390000, Ryazan, Pravo-Lybidskaya st., 40, office 24) Sorokin Alexei Anatolyevich Senior Art.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of November 14, 2011 N 1144 / ММВ-7-2 / this order was amended

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal tax service
dated June 30, 2009 N 495 / MM-7-2-347
"On approval of the procedure for interaction between the internal affairs bodies and tax authorities for the prevention, detection and suppression of tax offenses and crimes"

With changes and additions from:

For the interaction of tax authorities with other executive authorities, see the reference

See commentary to this order

In accordance with the Tax Code Russian Federation* and Federal law of February 7, 2011 N 3-ФЗ "On the Police" ** and in order to organize interaction between the internal affairs bodies and tax authorities for the prevention, detection and suppression of tax offenses and crimes - we order:

1.1. Instruction on the procedure for interaction between internal affairs bodies and tax authorities in organizing and conducting field tax audits (Appendix No. 1).

1.2. Instruction on the procedure for sending materials to the tax authorities by the internal affairs bodies when circumstances are identified that require the commission of actions attributed to the powers of the tax authorities in order to make a decision on them (Appendix No. 2).

2. Chiefs of operational units central office The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of departments of the Federal Tax Service for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of the Interregional Inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service for the largest taxpayers ensure the execution of the Instructions approved by the order.

3. To consider as invalid the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of January 22, 2004 N 76 / AS-3-06 / 37 "On approval of regulatory legal acts on the procedure for interaction between internal affairs bodies and tax authorities to prevent, identify and suppress tax offenses and crimes "***.

Information about changes:

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of November 12, 2013 N 900 / ММВ-7-2 / paragraph 4 was amended

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation M.G. Vanichkin and Head of the Federal Tax Service M.V. Mishustin.

Minister of Internal Affairs
Russian Federation

Head of the Federal
tax service

Registration N 14675

* Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3824.

** Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 7, Art. 900.

*** Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 26, 2004, registration N 5588.

The procedure for interaction between internal affairs bodies (hereinafter referred to as ATS) and tax authorities in organizing and conducting field tax audits has been regulated.

ATS employees participate in field tax audits on the basis of a reasoned request from the tax authority, signed by its head (deputy). Such a request can be sent to the ATS as before starting tax audit, and in the process of its implementation. Its sample is given.

Not later than five days from the date of receipt of the request, the Department of Internal Affairs provides information about the employees appointed to participate in the on-site tax audit, or a motivated refusal to participate. Grounds for refusal may be the absence in the request of facts indicating possible violations tax legislation; inconsistency with the purpose and competence of the ATS stated in the request; lack of justification for the need to involve ATS officers as specialists and (or) to ensure security measures.

Before the check, the employees of the tax authorities and the internal affairs department hold a working meeting. On it, the main directions of the upcoming event are developed and agreed, an analytical scheme for identifying tax violations is drawn up, for which there is relevant information. Other organizational issues are being resolved.

In the event of a tax violation, evidence is collected (seizure of documents, interrogation of witnesses, etc.). The order of registration of verification results has been fixed.

The procedure for sending the ATS to the tax authority (the tax authority in the ATS) of materials containing signs of a tax offense (crime) has been determined.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service of June 30, 2009 N 495 / MM-7-2-347 "On approval of the procedure for interaction between the internal affairs bodies and tax authorities to prevent, identify and suppress tax offenses and crimes"

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

This document is amended by the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of November 12, 2013 N 900 / ММВ-7-2 /

The changes take effect 10 days after the day of the official publication of the said order.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of November 14, 2011 N 1144 / ММВ-7-2 /

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 21, 2017 N 495 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing conclusions on the compliance of facilities and premises in which activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and List I of precursors, and (or) the cultivation of drug-containing plants, the established requirements for equipping these facilities and premises with engineering and technical means of protection "

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of July 21, 2017 N 495
"On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of conclusions on the compliance of facilities and premises in which activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors included in List I, and (or) the cultivation of narcotic plants are carried out , the established requirements for equipping these facilities and premises with engineering and technical security means "

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" * (1) and the Rules for the development and approval of administrative regulations for the provision of public services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. N 373 "On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the execution of public functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services" * (2) - I order:

1. To approve the attached Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of conclusions on the conformity of facilities and premises in which activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors included in List I are carried out, and (or) the cultivation of drug addicts plants, the established requirements for equipping these objects and premises with engineering and technical means of protection * (3).

2. The head of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministers of Internal Affairs for the republics, the heads of the Main Directorates, Directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organize the study and implementation of the requirements of the Administrative Regulations.

3. To recognize as not subject to application:

3.1. Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated January 12, 2012 N 9 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations Federal Service Of the Russian Federation for the control of drug trafficking for the provision of state services for the issuance of conclusions on the compliance of facilities and premises in which activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors included in List I are carried out, and (or) the cultivation of narcotic plants with the established requirements to equipping these objects and premises with engineering and technical means of security "* (4).

3.2. Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia of April 19, 2013 N 175 "On Amendments to the Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia of January 12, 2012 N 9" On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Provision of State Services for Issuing Conformity Reports facilities and premises in which activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors included in List I are carried out, and (or) the cultivation of narcotic plants, the established requirements for equipping these facilities and premises with engineering and technical means of protection "* (5) ...

3.3. Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia of August 11, 2014 N 326 "On Amending the Orders of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia of December 29, 2011 N 578 and N 580 and of January 12, 2012 N 9" * (6).

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Ministers responsible for the activities of the relevant divisions.

Order of the Minister of Defense No. 495

other documents allowing to assume the commission of violations of the legislation on taxes and fees, containing signs of a crime.

Organization of creation and work of investigative and operational

6. In order to ensure the efficiency of interaction between the tax authorities and the internal affairs bodies, this Instruction establishes the procedure for sending materials by the tax authorities to the internal affairs bodies when circumstances are revealed that allow one to assume that a violation of the legislation on taxes and fees has been committed, containing signs of a crime.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 495 DSP of 29 04 2015 on the approval of the instruction

65. Registration and implementation of the results of an on-site tax audit are carried out in the manner prescribed by Articles 655 and 656 Tax Code and other regulatory legal acts.

Joint Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 495 and the Federal Tax Service

proposals on the number and composition of employees of the internal affairs body involved in participation in an on-site (repeated on-site) tax audit

a certificate of what reporting periods, for what types of taxes and (or) fees, the facts of non-payment (unlawful non-calculation, non-withholding and non-transfer or incorrect calculation, withholding and incomplete transfer) were revealed by the taxpayer ( tax agent) (with a breakdown of the amounts of additional taxes and (or) fees assessed by payment periods and indicating the share of unpaid taxes and (or) fees in total amount taxes and (or) fees to be paid (calculated, withheld and transferred to the budget)

8. To consider as invalid the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of January 77, 7559 N 76 / AS-8-56 / 87 On the approval of regulatory legal acts on the procedure for interaction between internal affairs bodies and tax authorities to prevent, identify and suppress tax offenses and crimes *.

V this case the terms of bringing to administrative responsibility begin to be calculated in accordance with paragraph 9 of article of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses from the date of the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case or to terminate it.

69. Based on the results of checking the materials received from the tax authorities, in case of detection of signs of a crime, the body of inquiry, interrogator, investigator or head of the investigative body in accordance with Article 695 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation makes a procedural decision on the initiation of a criminal case.

67. In the cases stipulated by paragraph 7 of this Instruction, the preliminary acquaintance of the employee of the internal affairs body with the materials is carried out upon presentation of his service card. Based on the results of preliminary acquaintance with the materials, an employee of the internal affairs body, if necessary, makes recommendations tax authority on the implementation of urgent actions to establish and consolidate the evidence base.

  • Order 995 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on cooperation - Huge choice!
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation N 995, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation N MM-7-7-897 of
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 995 Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

2015, the employees of the internal affairs bodies are responsible for ensuring the protection of the scene, as well as the development and approval of plans for agreements on. Instructions on the procedure for admission, registration and permits in territorial bodies. APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1996 N 334 (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of February 13, 1997 N 90, of January 18, 1999 N 30). 2015 495 dsp approved the instruction on the organization of operational and service activities of units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation 424 on some issues of providing operational service vehicles in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 495dsp ‘On Approval of the Instruction on the Organization of Joint Operational and Service Activities of Subdivisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation in Solving Crimes and Investigating Criminal Cases’.

In order to find out which regulations have entered into force or have become invalid, you just need to select a specific date. Start your work day by looking at the legal calendar and you will be aware of all the changes! The calendar contains information on only the most important regulations... For more information, we recommend using the GARANT system.

On the forum messages: 866.647 Registered users: 17.641 Random discussion: Drawing kun 10 Neighbor discussion: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 495 of 04/29/2015 on the approval of the instructions. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 04/29/2015. ORDER of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) on August 29, 2014 29. Download the order on interaction from our file sharing 2015. File 495 hello. Rosstat n 207 On the approval of the statistical. Instructions for the cb112 54l heat exchanger at 23 to 23. Zvt form about victoriannya koshtv 1276 form. Instructions for using the device pikon dpp a. Order of the Investigative Committee of Russia of N 34 ON approving the procedure for expelling students from the federal state treasury.

Coming into force: Loss of force: June 2 2. Coming into force: Loss of force: June 3 2. Coming into force: June 4 2. Coming into force: June 5 2.

Coming into force: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2. Sochi, in connection with the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2.

Signboard of the precinct point of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about interaction. 2 st 2015 495дсп 2009 185 on the approval of administrative regulations.


Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 495 dated 29042018

Statistics - DEPARTMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE SOROCHINSKY DISTRICT Sorochinsk and Sorochinsky district) registered 6. O / P (dislocation of Pleshanovo village) registered 2.

Order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic. Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 25, 2015 No. 495. “On the approval of the Instruction for the production of cases on & nbsp. In accordance with the assessment methodology approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. cases, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2015 No. 495 dsp. days of initiation up to 3 days, approved by the leadership of the territorial. Instructions for organizing, forming, maintaining and using & nbsp. ... “ON APPROVAL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS ON FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES. Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 04.29.2015 N 1340 .. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 03.06.2015 N 658 .. Tel .: +7 495 956-82-83, +7 495 787-92-92. Reputation: 12. Good afternoon 🙂 Tell me where you can find all the information and additional materials on the topic: Download the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 04/29/2015 No. 495dsp? Somewhere on the forum already posted links, could not find. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2015, No. 495dsp ‘On Approval of the Instruction on the Organization of Joint Operational and Service Activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Federation in Solving Crimes and Investigating Criminal Cases’ ... Moscow “On Amending the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 30. N 495 / MM-7-2-347“ On Approving the Procedure for Interaction of Bodies. In the Instructions on the procedure for sending the internal affairs bodies & nbsp.

Crimes, the investigation of which is obligatory, registered 4. CZ - 3.57 (APPG- 3. CZ - 2.48 (APPG-2.O / P (dislocation with.

The document does not need state registration of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 05.05.2015 N 01/51451-DAdsp). Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Host body.

Pleshanovo) - 1.08 (APPG- 8. The structure of crime is as follows: (BY THE DEGREE OF DECLINING) - theft of other people's property - 4. CZ - 4.9.6% (3.00), by O / P (location with . Pleshanovo) - 4.3.7% (1. CZ - 1. 0.9% (6. O / P dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 1.4.4% (3.CZ - 6.8% (4.1), on O / P dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 4.4% (1.CZ - 5.3% (3. 2), according to O / P the dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 3.9% (9). - economic offenses - 3% (2.

ZZ - 3.6% (2.2), on the O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 1.3% (3). - robbery - 2% (1.

CP - 1.4% (1.2), on O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 2.2% (5). - illegal arms trafficking - 1.4% (1. CP - 1.5% ( 9), for O / P dislocation of Pleshanovo village) - 1.3% (3). - robberies - 0.8% (7), CZ - 1.2% (7), O / P (dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - (0). - others - 2. CP - 1. 9.2% (1. O / P dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 2. 8.8% (6. The number of grave and especially grave crimes decreased, 1. APPG - 1. 34 were registered), their share in the total array of crimes decreased by 2.3% from 1.

CZ - 9. 3 (APPG-1. O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 2. 9 (APPG-2. Of the indicated category of crimes, the following were registered: - murders - 4 (APPG-3), CZ-3 (APPG - 3), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) -1 (APPG-0) .- Causing serious harm to health - 1. APPG-1. 8), CZ -9 (APPG-1. O / P (dislocation with ...

Pleshanovo) –2 (APPG-3). In the sphere of economics, 2. APPG - 3. 2) crimes (- 2.

ZZ - 2.2 (- 1.8.5%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 3 (- 4.

The number of detected economic crimes related to the category of grave and especially grave, which amounted to 1. of illegal drug trafficking by MOMVD officers revealed 2. APPG-2. 5) drug crimes (CZ - 2. APPG-2. 0), O / P No. (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 4 (APPG-2), of which there were no sales facts revealed.

For the commission of crimes related to drug trafficking, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs identified 3. CP –3. 0 (APPG-3.

О / П № (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 6 (APPG-7). In the sphere of illegal arms trafficking, 1. CZ - 9 (+2.8.6%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 3 (5.

Crimes committed with the use of firearms and gas weapons, ammunition, explosive materials have not been registered (APPG-2). In public places for reporting period registered 1.

CZ - 1. 24 (- 3.9%), OP (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 2. 0 (+3. The share of crimes committed in public places in the total array of registered crimes was 1. 9 were registered in the streets.

CZ - 8.3 (- 6.7%), O / P No. (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 1.2 (APPG-9). The proportion of crimes committed on the streets in the overall structure of crime was 1. Socio-criminological characteristics of crime: - minors - 2. APPG - 1. 9), the proportion of investigated crimes 4.8% (APPG - 3.5%) ... - by persons who have previously committed crimes - 3.

CZ - 2.49 (+1. 2.7%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 7.4 (+2. CZ - 1.90 (+ 2.7%), O / P (dislocation Pleshanovo village) - 7. 6 (+4. APPG- 7. 0), specific weight - 1. APPG- 1. 2.9%). The burden on the personnel by the number of registered crimes increased in the reporting period 2.

The number of investigated grave and especially grave convoys decreased by 1. 7.5% and amounted to 9. APPG-1. 14). The total remainder of unsolved crimes increased (+2. CZ - from 1.75 to 2. O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - from 3.

The remainder of unsolved grave and especially grave crimes increased by 1. CZ - 2. 7 (3.8%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) increased from 2 to 5 (+1. Total crime detection for 1. APPG-8 .0.1%). - for CZ, the overall disclosure decreased by 3.2% and amounted to 6. APPG - 6. 9.5%); - for (O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo), the disclosure rate decreased by 4% and amounted to 7.

APPG - 8.1%). The detection rate of grave and especially grave crimes decreased by 5.7% and amounted to 7. APPG - 8. 0.3%). In the central zone, it decreased by 4.7% and amounted to 7. APPG - 7. 6.6%), in the OP ((dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - decreased by 1. APPG - 9. 3.5%). For 1. The detection rate of robberies increased by 2.1% (from 7. At the same time, in the past period 2. APPG - 8. 4.6%). Theft detection rate has increased Vehicle, which amounted to 4. APPG - 4.0%), thefts of livestock - 4.

APPG - 1. 4.3%), robberies - 7. APPG - 7. 6.5%).

Pleshanovo), the disclosure rate decreased by 3. CZ the disclosure rate of vehicle thefts was 3. APPG - 3. 3.3%), according to O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo), the disclosure rate was 1.

APPG - 1.00%). - according to CZ, the detection rate of cattle thefts was - 5. APPG - 3. 3.3%), according to O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo), the disclosure rate was 3.

For twelve months of 2. Sorochinsky urban district and Krasnogvardeisky district, 1. Accidents with victims were registered, as a result of which 3. Compared with the absolute indicators of last year, the number of accidents decreased by - 2. APPG- 1.05) for the deaths, an increase of + 2 . APPG-8), in terms of the number of wounded decreased by - 2. APPG-1. 50). City accident (4.

RTA (1. 8- 3- 1. 9), Krasnogvardeisky district RTA 2. RTA (1. 6- 1. 5- 1. RTA due to the fault of drivers who drive vehicles in a state of intoxication 2. APPG- 2. 01. 4d.- 6) increased by 2. At the same time, the share of identified drivers driving in a state of intoxication or refusal to undergo a medical examination Art.

NS. AP RF, Art. 2. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was (2.

APPG (2.01.4g.- 7. Accidents due to the fault of drivers who drive vehicles that do not have the right to drive or have been deprived not having the right to manage or deprived of Art.

APPG (2. 01. 4y.- 4. For the current period 2. For violation of traffic rules brought to administrative responsibility 2.

APPG (2. 01. 4y.- 8. On the territory served by the OGIBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Sorochinsky" with the participation of pedestrians, an accident occurred (2. APPG - 1. 7) there was an increase number of accidents of the specified category by - 6. At 2. 01.5, on the territory of the Sorochinsky urban district and Krasnogvardeisky district, road accidents involving children and adolescents under 1. APPG 2. 01. 4 - 1. By negligence of the children themselves, 7 accidents occurred (APPG 2 .In accordance with the assessment methodology approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 3.

Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1. 41 from 2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Sorochinsky" is assessed satisfactory (tenth place). MOMVD Headquarters Information on the state of the operational situation on the territory of the Sorochinsky urban district and the Krasnogvardeisky district for 1. The operational situation in the territory serviced by the MOMVD of Russia "Sorochinsky" for 1. During the past period 2. In total, 7 were registered.

CP (Sorochinsk and Sorochinsky district) registered 5. O / P (dislocation of Pleshanovo village) registered 2. Crimes, the investigation of which is obligatory, registered 4. CP - 3.30 (APPG- 3. O / P (dislocation with . Pleshanovo) - 1.14 (APPG-9.

Crimes, the investigation of which is not necessary - 3. CZ - 2. 34 (APPG-3. O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 1. 01 (APPG-8.

The structure of crime is as follows: (BY THE DEGREE OF DECLINING) - theft of someone else's property - 4. CZ - 4. 8.9% (2.76), by O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 4. 4.2% ( 9. CZ - 1. 1.2% (6. O / P dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 1. 3.9% (3. CZ - 6.4% (3. 6), on O / P dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 4.7% (1.CZ - 5.7% (3.2), on O / P the dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 4.2% (9). - Economic offenses - 3.3% (2 .CZ - 4.3% (2.4), on O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 0.9% (2) .- Illegal arms trafficking - 1.5% (1.CZ - 1.6% (9), along the O / P dislocation s.

Pleshanovo) - 1.4% (3). - robberies - 1.8% (1.CZ - 1.9% (1.1), according to O / P (dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 1.4% (3). - robberies - 0.9% (7), CZ - 1.2% (7), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - (0). - others - 2. CP - 1.8.8% (1. O / P dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 2. 9.3% (6. The number of grave and especially grave crimes decreased, 1. APPG - 1. 34 were registered), their share in the total array of crimes decreased by 4% from 1. CZ - 8. 3 (APPG- 1. O / P (dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 2. 8 (APPG-2. Of the specified category of crimes, the following were registered: - murders - 4 (APPG-3), CZ -3 (APPG-3), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) -1 (APPG - 0) .- Infliction of grievous bodily harm - 1.

APPG- 1. 6), CZ –8 (APPG- 1. O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) –2 (APPG-3). In the sphere of economics, 2. APPG- 3. 9) crimes (- 3. CZ - 2.4 (0%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 2 (- 8.

The number of detected economic crimes belonging to the category of grave and especially grave, which amounted to 1. CZ - 1. 6 (0%), O / P (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 2 (- 7. identified 2. APPG - 2. 0) drug crimes (CZ - 1. APPG - 2. 0), O / P No. (dislocation with.

Pleshanovo) - 6 (APPG-4), of which no sales facts were revealed. For the commission of crimes related to drug trafficking, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs identified 3.

CZ –2. 7 (APPG-2. O / P № (dislocation of Pleshanovo village) - 4 (APPG-6). In the sphere of illegal arms trafficking, 1. CZ - 9 (+1. 25%), O / P (dislocation of p. Pleshanovo) - 3 (0%) Crimes committed with the use of firearms and gas weapons, ammunition, explosive materials were not registered (APPG-2).

In public places for the reporting period registered 1. CZ - 1. 01 (- 1. 6.5%), OP (dislocation of the village of Pleshanovo) - 1. 7 (+2.

by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russian Federation
dated June 20, 1996 N 334
(as amended orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
dated February 13, 1997 N 90
dated January 18, 1999 N 30)

on the organization of interaction between departments and services of internal
cases in the investigation and disclosure of crimes

1. General Provisions

1.1. The main tasks of interaction:

- ensuring urgent investigative actions and operational-search measures in the commission of crimes;

- Comprehensive and objective investigation of crimes, timely exposure and prosecution of those who committed them, as well as the search for hiding criminals;

- implementation of measures aimed at compensation for material damage caused to citizens and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, by the criminal actions of the perpetrators.

1.2. Legal and regulatory framework interactions:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation ;

- criminal and criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation;

- legislation in the field of operational-search activities;

- international treaties of the Russian Federation on the interaction of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime;

- this Instruction, departmental and interdepartmental regulations.

1.3. Basic principles of interaction:

- observance of the rule of law, constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens;

- complex use of forces and means of internal affairs bodies;

- personal responsibility of the investigator, heads of operational divisions and chiefs of the public security police for the conduct and results of investigative actions and operational search measures;

- independence of the investigator in making decisions, with the exception of cases stipulated by the criminal procedure legislation;

- the independence of the employees of operational units in the choice of means and methods of operational-search activities within the framework of the current legislation;

- consistency of planning of investigative actions, operational-search measures;

- continuity of interaction in organizational activities, investigation and disclosure of crimes before a decision is made in a criminal case.

1.4. The main organizational form of interaction is the investigative-operational group (SOG). Investigative operational groups are divided into the following types:

1.4.1. Duty officer (at the duty unit) - provides an immediate response to reports of crimes, the production of urgent investigative actions and operational search measures in hot pursuit and is formed as part of an investigator, employees of operational and forensic departments, a dog handler.

The investigator is the head of the investigative-operational group. The number of SOGs, the schedule of their work and rest is determined by the head of the internal affairs body based on the staffing and operational situation, taking into account the requirements of the current regulations. At the same time, one group during the day should go for no more than 2-3 crimes.

The head of the internal affairs body establishes the order of duty of interrogators, district inspectors, traffic police officers, State Border Guard Service, and other units to go to the scene, as a rule, for crimes of their jurisdiction or territoriality.

At the suggestion of the leadership of organized crime units, employees of these units may be included in the SOG.

The person responsible from the leadership of the internal affairs body, during the day on duty, travels to the scene of incidents for grave and especially grave crimes or other crimes - at the direction of the chief.

1.4.2. Target (temporary) - for the investigation and disclosure of crimes in a specific criminal case.

1.4.3. Specialized (permanent) - for the investigation and disclosure of a certain category of crimes, including for which the perpetrators have not been identified. At the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate (ATS) 8 GU, it is also created to provide methodological and practical assistance to subordinate bodies. For the purpose of effective functioning of the SOG, regulations on their activities can be developed.

1.4.4. Joint investigative and operational group (brigade) - for the investigation and disclosure of grave and especially grave crimes, including those committed by organized criminal groups, or for investigating a complex criminal case with a large volume of work. The composition of the group (brigade) may include, by agreement, employees of the prosecutor's office, the Federal Security Service, and the Federal Tax Police Service.

1.4.5. Responsibility for organizing interaction rests with the head of the relevant internal affairs body, his deputies (head of the criminal police service, investigative unit, public security police), heads of forensic departments and units for combating organized crime.

2. Interaction in the investigation and disclosure of crimes

Upon receipt of a crime report

2.1. Officer on duty for the internal affairs body:

2.1.1. Takes measures with the involvement of immediate response teams, patrol and road patrol services to suppress the crime, ensure the protection of the scene, overlap possible ways withdrawal of persons who have committed a crime, blocking their places of refuge and detention, establishing eyewitnesses.

2.1.2. Immediately organizes the departure to the scene of the incident of the investigative and operational group, including the district inspector, providing them with communication means, forensic equipment and transport for delivery to the scene and back.

2.1.3. If necessary, provides for the participation in the inspection of the scene of the relevant specialists in the field of forensic medicine, ballistics, explosion and fire engineering and others, as well as the attraction of additional forces and means to solve crimes in hot pursuit.

2.1.4. Keeps in touch with the SOG to receive constant information about the operational situation in order to take additional measures. Organizes proactively and at the request of the heads of the investigative and operational group to receive necessary information from the available data banks and ensures their timely provision to the group.

2.1.5. Provides guidance to other internal affairs bodies about the crime committed, signs of criminals, stolen objects and other circumstances. Takes measures to establish the identity of those killed in criminal circumstances, as well as victims delivered to medical institutions.

2.1.6. On the commission of a crime and the departure of the SOG, immediately reports to the head of the Gorrailinorgan or to the person in charge of the management and to the duty unit superior body... Subsequently informs them about the results of the work of the investigative-operational group.

Upon arrival at the scene:

2.2. Investigator:

2.2.1. He supervises the investigative-operational group, determines the procedure for its work, ensures the coordinated activities of all its members, aimed at identifying eyewitnesses, victims and persons who have committed a crime, detecting, fixing and seizing traces of a crime, forming an evidence base.

Officials not authorized by law have no right to interfere with the actions of the investigator at the scene.

The admission to the scene of the accident of persons who are not officially involved in its inspection is carried out only with the permission of the head of the SOG.

2.2.2. Through the officer on duty at the internal affairs body, he attracts to participate in the examination of specialists of various profiles - employees of the forensic departments of the internal affairs bodies and other departments, as well as persons to assist in the examination of large territories. If necessary, request additional technical means.

2.2.3. Together with members of the investigative-operational group, he studies the initial materials, seized traces and other material evidence. Based on the information received, plans and implements urgent measures to solve the crime.

2.2.4. Gives instructions and instructions to operational officers and workers of other services on the production of search and search activities.

2.2.5. Bears personal responsibility for the quality, completeness and effectiveness of the examination, the use of forensic tools and methods, the collection, packaging and safety of seized traces and other material evidence.

2.2.6. Based on the results of the inspection of the scene of the incident, he makes a decision in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation.

2.2.7. In the absence of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime, through the head of the internal affairs body, he sends the material to the inquiry body for additional verification. It is not allowed to transfer the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident and other collected materials drawn up by the investigator, if there are signs of a crime under investigation, to the subdivisions performing the functions of the bodies of inquiry.

2.3. Operative:

2.3.1. Carries out the necessary operational-search measures, provided for the detection and detention of persons who have committed a crime, the establishment of eyewitnesses, places of storage and sale of the stolen, for which he interacts with employees of other services of bodies and departments of internal affairs and other departments.

2.3.2. On behalf of the investigator, carries out investigative actions and operational-search measures.

2.3.3. Provides the duty station with information about the nature of the crime, the signs of the suspects, the kidnapped, as well as other data that are important for the search and detention of criminals.

2.3.4. He informs the investigator (in writing) and his immediate superior about the results of the work done.

2.4. Forensic specialist:

2.4.1. Assists the investigator in the detection, fixation, seizure, packaging and preservation of traces and other material evidence, selection of comparative and control samples, as well as other assistance requiring special knowledge.

2.4.2. Promotes the complete and correct reflection in the inspection protocol of the received forensic information, as well as data on the use of forensic tools and methods.

2.4.3. In agreement with the management, SOG determines the most appropriate methods of using forensic techniques and uses them in the work at the scene.

2.4.4. At the direction of the investigator, carries out a preliminary examination of traces and other material evidence at the scene of the incident in order to obtain search information about the persons who committed the crime and other facts to be established.

2.4.5. Taking into account the results of the examination, he participates in the development of working versions of the crime committed.

2.5. Interrogator:

The activities of an investigator in criminal cases about crimes under investigation by the bodies of inquiry are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedure legislation, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of October 16, 1992 N 368* and is organized in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.
* Abolished. At present, the activities of inquiry units are regulated by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 618dsp of 2003.

2.6. District inspector:

2.6.1. Informs the investigator and operational officers about the nature and place of the crime, about the victims and persons of operational interest.

2.6.2. Executes instructions from the heads of the SOG to establish, summon eyewitnesses and other persons who have information about the crime and criminals to the investigator, using the possibilities of short-term operational contacts with citizens.

2.6.3. Performs investigative actions on behalf of the investigator.

2.7. Cynologist inspector:

2.7.1. Decides on the possibility of using a service-search dog and, at the direction of the investigator, uses it to detect persons who have committed a crime, instruments of crime and other items that are important to the case.

2.7.2. Together with the operative worker, the district inspector, he participates in the pursuit and arrest of the offender.

2.7.3. Draws up an act on the use of a search dog.

2.8. An employee of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

2.8.1. Organizes the evacuation of people and the provision of first aid to the injured.

2.8.2. Takes measures to preserve the situation and traces of the incident.

2.8.3. Organizes the movement of vehicles during the inspection of the scene of the incident, ensures the safety of the work of the members of the SOG.

2.8.4. Assists the investigator in inspecting the scene of the incident and the vehicle, establishing eyewitnesses.

Provides medical clearance of drivers. Organizes the towing of the vehicle in case of damage.

2.8.5. Takes measures to identify the owners and search for vehicles that have escaped from the scene, to search for the stolen vehicles.

2.9. An employee of the State Fire Service:

2.9.1. Reveals focal signs of fire, ways of its spread. Establishes the presence, placement and storage of substances and materials in the fire zone. Detects on machines, units, installations, devices and power grids characteristic signs that can indicate the cause of the fire.

2.9.2. Establishes the availability of means of warning and extinguishing a fire, compliance with the rules fire safety and fulfillment of prescriptions officials governing bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service. Examines the situation at the facility prior to the outbreak of a fire. Checks the state of automatic fire detection and extinguishing means, the presence and location of triggered sensors and fire alarms and other fire-fighting installations.

2.9.3. Provides a call to an employee of a management body or a department of the State Fire Service assigned to this object in the line of performing the functions of state fire supervision, and obtaining documentation that characterizes the technical and fire-fighting state of the object.

2.9.4. Assists the investigator in detecting the seizure of traces, objects and other material evidence, fixing focal signs; in drawing up diagrams (plans), protocol inspection of the scene of the incident in terms of the correct use of special terminology.

2.9.5. Takes part in organizing and carrying out the necessary investigative actions, advancing and verifying versions of the cause of the fire.

2.9.6. Establishes information about persons prone to committing arson, fills in information retrieval cards on them, which he sends for registration with the IC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate.

2.9.7. Represents a fire report. When returning from the scene:

2.10. The members of the investigative-operational group immediately report to the leadership of the internal affairs body and inform the duty unit about the measures taken to solve the crime. They study the collected materials, seized traces and other material evidence and, based on the information received, develop versions and draw up an agreed investigation plan.

2.11. The investigator immediately examines the seized traces and other material evidence, search, seizure, examination, arrest and interrogation of suspects, interrogation of victims and witnesses, appoints forensic and other expert examinations, while ensuring that the seized traces and other objects are sent in a timely manner for investigation and their subsequent storage.

Gives instructions to take measures to establish the identity of the victims and those taken to medical institutions, as well as to notify the relatives of the victims about the incident.

2.12. The detective checks the data obtained in the course of the initial investigative actions and operational-search measures according to the operational reference and forensic records; carries out registration of stolen numbered things; v set time starts an operational search case for the relevant category of crimes, develops a plan of operational search measures based on it.

2.13. The forensic specialist, during the day on duty, draws up the results of the preliminary investigation with a certificate and brings it to the attention of the investigator, the operational worker and records it in the logbook of visits to the scene; within a period of up to 5 days, submit to the investigator the photo tables to the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident and, upon his request, video materials. In the future, he provides technical and forensic support for the investigation and disclosure of crimes.

3. Control over the investigation and disclosure of crimes

3.1. Chief of staff:

3.1.1. Carries out daily control over the work of the duty unit to organize the disclosure of crimes committed per day.

3.1.2. Ensures the timeliness of departure and the completeness of the SOG for serious crimes.

3.1.3. Analyzes the efficiency of using the information received from the investigative-operational group and develops measures to improve the organization of the work of the duty unit to solve crimes.

3.2. The head of the investigation department (department), the head of the body of inquiry, within the limits of their competence:

3.2.1. Together with the heads of operational and forensic departments, monthly hears investigators, operational workers, forensic experts and, if necessary, employees of other services on the results of work on the disclosure and investigation of specific crimes, provides practical assistance in conducting investigative actions and implementing operational-search measures.

3.2.2. Supervises the timely direction for expert examination of traces and other material evidence seized from the scene, as well as the organization of their storage, complete and efficient use in solving crimes.

3.2.3. Carries out procedural control over the timeliness of the actions of the investigator (interrogator) on the disclosure and investigation of crimes. The head of the investigative unit uses the procedural powers granted to him.

3.2.4. Checks on a monthly basis the validity of the suspension of criminal proceedings due to failure to establish the location of the accused or because of his illness. Assesses the facts of untimely announcement on the wanted list and unjustified suspension of criminal cases.

3.2.5. Together with the head of the forensic department, he analyzes the practice of using traces and other material evidence seized from the scene, develops measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of this work, reports on the results to the head of the internal affairs body.

3.3. The head of the criminal police, the head of the public security police, within the limits of their competence:

3.3.1. Organizes work on solving crimes by:

- implementation of the operational development of persons reasonably suspected of committing crimes, including those held in temporary detention facilities, and the timely sending of tasks for them to pre-trial detention centers and correctional labor institutions;

- Regularly sending dactocards to the forensic units (ECP) to check specific persons;

- immediate conduct (if there are grounds) of searches, active use in solving crimes of operational reference, forensic forensic and other records, as well as sources of operational information.

3.3.2. Ensures high-quality conduct of daily briefings of personnel about the crimes committed and persons on the wanted list.

3.3.3. Monitors the timeliness and quality of the execution of individual orders of the investigator by the employees.

3.4. Head of Gorrailinorgan:

3.4.1. Supervises the immediate response of the duty unit to reports of committed crimes, the timely and high-quality conduct of urgent investigative actions and operational-search measures aimed at solving the crime in hot pursuit.

3.4.2. Carries out constant control over the progress of recruitment of duty investigative and operational groups, including the heads of services for departure to serious crimes.

3.4.3. Personally (or his deputies) travels to the scene for serious or other crimes, depending on the nature and circumstances of their commission. Upon returning, the SOG examines the collected materials, gives instructions (without interfering with the procedural activities of the investigator) on organizing the disclosure of the crime, approves an agreed plan of investigative actions and operational search measures. Provides the allocation of additional forces and resources, if necessary.

3.4.4. In order to monitor the state and progress of work on unsolved crimes, hears (on current cases - regularly, on suspended - on a quarterly basis) reports of the heads and employees of services involved in solving crimes (through the investigation and inquiry - on issues not related to procedural activities) ... Assesses the identified shortcomings, outlines measures to eliminate them.

3.4.5. Quarterly sums up and evaluates the results of interaction between employees and services in solving crimes.

3.5. The head of a correctional labor institution, a pre-trial detention center: organizes work on the investigation and disclosure of crimes and interacts with investigative units in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation, regulations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and this Instruction.

4. Interaction of investigators with operational units in the implementation of operational materials and consideration of materials of pre-investigation verification

4.1. At the stage of initiation and investigation of a criminal case:

4.1.1. The operational officer, believing that in the materials collected by the operational method, there is enough data indicating the presence of signs of corpus delicti, according to which a preliminary investigation is mandatory, reports this to his immediate superior.

4.1.2. Having received consent to the implementation of operational materials, he presents them in advance (with observance of secrecy and in the manner prescribed Federal Law "On Operational-Investigative Activities") for familiarization with the head of the investigative unit and the investigator, who, within 10 days, and in urgent cases - immediately, evaluate them from the point of view of the sufficiency of the available data for initiating a criminal case.

4.1.3. The criterion for assessing the readiness of operational materials for initiating a criminal case is the presence in them of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime, including: time, place and method of committing, damage, specific circumstances, information about the persons involved in the crime.

4.1.4. If the data contained in the operational materials do not allow making a decision on the initiation of a criminal case, the head of the investigative unit (investigator) returns them through the head of the Gorrailinorgan with a written statement of the circumstances that prevent the initiation of a criminal case and the measures to be taken to eliminate the existing gaps.

4.1.5. Having fulfilled the instructions on finalizing the materials, the operative, if there are signs of corpus delicti, the investigator under investigation, sends them in the manner prescribed by clauses 4.1.1, 4.1.2, through the head of the investigative unit, as a rule, to the same investigator for making a decision in compliance with the requirements CPC except for the cases specified in clause 4.1.7 of this Instruction.

The decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case on the material returned for revision is made by the body of inquiry independently. In cases where during the additional check it turns out that no mandatory preliminary investigation is required, the body of inquiry initiates a criminal case and conducts an inquiry in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure law.

4.1.6. In case of disagreement with the conclusions of the head of the investigative unit (investigator), the head of the internal affairs body sends all materials with his written objections to the higher head of the investigative unit, who, within 10 days, and if necessary, immediately, makes a decision on the merits.

4.1.7. Criminal cases on crimes for which a preliminary investigation is mandatory, operatives initiate and carry out urgent investigative actions provided for by criminal procedure legislation, when it is necessary to suppress a crime or the investigator cannot immediately start an investigation, and delay in responding to a message about an or the crime committed can lead to the loss of the possibility of arresting the perpetrators red-handed, obtaining important evidence and providing full compensation for material damage. In these cases, the body of inquiry is responsible for the validity of its decisions and the objectivity of the evidence collected. The head of the investigative unit (investigator) is immediately notified of the initiated investigation.

4.1.8. The investigator has the right at any time to accept for proceedings the criminal case under investigation initiated by the body of inquiry.

4.1.9. In cases of crimes in the sphere economic activity audits and documentary checks should be carried out, as a rule, before the initiation of a criminal case.

4.1.10. For the production of individual investigative actions and operational-search measures, the investigator sends the head of the inquiry body an order that is binding. It clearly articulates the questions to be clarified and provides the information necessary to carry it out. The term for the execution of the order should not exceed 10 days. If it is impossible to fulfill it during this period, the investigator and the head of the relevant unit shall determine the term, taking into account the circumstances of the case.

The choice of the means and methods necessary for the execution of the order is the exclusive competence of the body of inquiry, the head of which controls the execution of individual orders.

4.1.11. Without the written permission of the investigator, it is strictly forbidden to extradite to anyone the suspects and defendants held in the IVS and SIZOs in the criminal cases that are in its proceedings, with the exception of cases provided for by the criminal procedure law.

The heads of the ITT, SIZO are responsible for violation of this requirement.

4.1.12. It is not allowed, without the permission of the investigator, to transfer to the media any information about the arrest of suspects, the circumstances of the commission of the crime and data from the preliminary investigation of criminal cases in its production.

4.2. Work planning.

4.2.1. At the stage of implementation of operational materials, the investigator and an employee of the operational unit draw up a plan of investigative actions and operational-search measures, which is coordinated with their immediate superiors and approved by the head of the Gorrailinorgan.

4.2.2. The plan includes: search and investigative versions; data to be established for their verification; list of investigative actions; circumstances to be established promptly; terms and executors.

4.2.3. Coordinated planning of investigative actions and operational-search measures should cover all stages of the investigation of a crime. Responsibility for its continuity rests with the head of the operational unit.

4.2.4. The plan can be changed and supplemented. The initiative to correct it belongs to both the investigator and the operative.

4.2.5. If it is necessary to involve a significant number of employees at the initial stage of the investigation, a plan of organizational measures is drawn up, which includes the calculation of the forces and means necessary for the implementation of operational materials, a list of priority investigative actions and operational search measures. After their completion, the forces and means involved in the work on the case are calculated again.

4.2.6. Control over the implementation of the planned investigative actions and operational-search measures in criminal cases and practical assistance in their implementation to employees is provided by the heads of the investigative and operational divisions. The investigator and the operative employee report on the implementation of planned activities and the results of the work with the heads of the relevant departments. If necessary, reports are heard at the same time.

4.3. Organization of work of investigative and operational groups.

4.3.1. The decision to create a SOG is made by the heads of the investigation apparatus and operational units and is formalized by the order of the head of the relevant internal affairs body. The head of the group is appointed an investigator who has accepted the case for production. When a case is being investigated by several investigators, an appropriate decision is made. If the group includes several operational workers, one of them is appointed as the senior. Changes in the composition of the group can be made only by the head who issued the order on its creation, in agreement with the head of the investigative-operational group.

4.3.2. Team Leader, in addition to personal involvement in the conduct of investigative actions, determines the direction of the investigation and its planning, distributes the work between the group members and coordinates their actions, carries out organizational support and control of execution, gets acquainted with the relevant operational materials and is personally responsible for their proper use and legalization in a procedural way.

4.3.3. The body of inquiry, which has received by an operational-search method information relating to the crime being investigated or other facts of the criminal activity of the accused (suspected) in the case, promptly acquaints the investigator with it, taking measures to exclude the disclosure of sources and methods of obtaining it.

4.3.4. To ensure the effectiveness of the work on the implementation of operational materials, the investigator has the right to acquaint the operational officer with the materials of the criminal case, who is responsible for their disclosure.

4.3.5. The decision to disband an investigative-operational group at the suggestion of its head is made by the chief who created it, or by a higher-level head.

5. Monitoring and evaluation of interaction results

5.1. The heads of investigative offices and operational units quarterly analyze the results of the investigation, the reasons for the termination of criminal cases initiated on the basis of operational materials. They jointly determine measures to eliminate shortcomings in the organization of investigative work and operational-search activities.

5.2. In the departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the 8th GU, the work of subordinate units for solving crimes is recorded and evaluated.

5.3. Every month (according to the schedule or taking into account the current situation), the work of at least 2-3 city railing agencies is checked on the organization of solving crimes, including hot on the trail.

5.4. On a quarterly basis, the state of the organizational work of 1-2 heads of the city railing authorities on solving crimes is studied. Positive work experience is generalized and encouraged, the existing shortcomings are assessed, measures are planned to eliminate them.

5.5. The assessment of the results of work on the investigation and disclosure of crimes is determined based on the results of half a year and a year.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
"Legal regulation
activities of internal affairs bodies ",
2nd edition, volume 1, 2003
(as amended

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