
Reducing the number of road accidents: what are the government and the State Duma doing to fulfill this task? New in traffic rules from January 1

Autumn has prepared many different legislative innovations for motorists. What awaits motorists from September 1, 2018? The answer is in our article ...

Until the end of the year the price of the insurance policy of OSAGO will rise, expected a new round of growth in fuel prices and other bleak moments. Consolation will be the abolition of the notorious sign "Ш", notifying others about the studded winter "shoe". Everything in order.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Penalty from cameras for driving without compulsory motor third party liability insurance

One of the main legislative innovations of the coming autumn - fixation by cameras of the presence and absence of an OSAGO policy in vehicles... The complexes will start scanning all cars from September 1 in the daytime, and at night the information will be processed through the PCA database (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). Also provided manual control by a traffic police officer, in order to eliminate the error. If the absence of a policy is found, the driver will be fined, but not more often than once a day, since the car “counts” many cameras per day. By the way, according to PCA estimates, about 6 million cars drive on the roads of the country without insurance, and a million motorists have a fake policy.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Increase in OSAGO tariffs

In the summer, the Bank of Russia did not have time expand the tariff corridor due to technical reasons, the dates were shifted to the beginning of autumn. Recall that the upper and lower border of the corridor will expand by 20%, and the base values ​​for category B cars will amount to 2,746–4,942 rubles for individuals and 2,058–2,911 rubles for legal entities. In practice, this means an increase in the cost of the policy for an average driver from 5.8 to 7.8 thousand rubles, and a newcomer from a “unprofitable” region who chooses a powerful car will pay 31 thousand rubles against 25. The minimum price level for an experienced accident-free driver is 1, 7 thousand rubles.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Penalty for ignoring the customs officer

In 2017, the customs authorities received the right to independently stop separate categories vehicles in the border regions of the country. The innovation is aimed at strengthening the verification of compliance with customs legislation. Until the end of the year, obviously the bill will enter into force, providing for administrative liability "for failure to comply with the requirements provided for by law officials customs authorities on stopping a vehicle in the border regions of Russia in order to check the transported goods and documents for them. " Drivers who ignored the customs officer's request are subject to Article 12.25 of the Administrative Code "Failure to comply with the requirement to provide the vehicle or to stop the vehicle." The fine is from 500 to 800 rubles. Cases can be considered by representatives of the department.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. New toll section of the M-11 highway

By the end of the year, traffic will be launched bypassing Solnechnogorsk and Klin on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway. We are talking about section from 58 to 97 kilometers, to rush along which they will not be allowed free of charge. The tariff grid is being worked out. Avtodor, the project’s managing director, believes that the 38-kilometer detour will ease the transport situation in two cities near Moscow and improve the environmental situation. The section of the track will be equipped with barriers separating opposite directions, lighting masts along the entire length and acoustic screens. Let us remind you that in the fourth quarter of this year it is planned to open the section after 98 km. At about the same time, traffic will be launched along the entire new M-11 highway with a length of 669 kilometers.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Fuel cost increase

The fuel price has stabilized, but experts predict significant growth soon. It is difficult to disagree with their extremely unfavorable forecasts, especially if we recall the signing by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin of the bill on increasing the VAT to 20%. The measure will come into force on January 1, 2019 and should bring an additional 600 billion rubles to the budget, but will lead to an increase in prices. Some analysts believe that a new wave of fuel price increases will occur in September and predict 52-54 rubles per liter of AI-95 gasoline. We will know the accuracy of their predictions soon.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. Increased punishment for "gray" technical inspection

By the end of the year, amendments to the administrative and criminal codes may come into force, aimed at eradicating fake technical inspection. Driver penalty will grow to 2 thousand rubles, and cameras for fixing violations will be engaged in catching those who drive without a diagnostic card. The fine, as in the case of the absence of a CTP policy, will be issued once a day. In addition, the procedure for monitoring the condition of the car is supposed to be recorded on video, uploaded to the Unified Automated information system technical inspection (EAISTO) and, according to the results, issue electronic card with expert signature. The liability for operators carrying out the procedure will increase. So, for example, for the issuance of a diagnostic card for a faulty car or a card issued without passing a technical inspection, monetary sanctions are threatened, and the points without accreditation want to be prosecuted.

New traffic police rules from September 1, 2018. a, changes in traffic rules Growth of fines for violations at railway crossings

Currently, violations at level crossings are punishable by a sum of 1,000 rubles. Lawmakers believe that it is incomparable with the severity possible consequences such "sins" and in the near future punishment for such violations as crossing the railway track with a closed or closing barrier or with a prohibiting traffic light will tighten five times... The bill was approved by the State Duma deputies in the first reading. It is planned to record driver misconduct, including with the help of cameras, the number of which will double at crossings.

Changes in traffic rules. Abolition of the sign "Thorns"

Approximately in November, motorists will reach out to tire centers to replace summer tires with winter ones. Some drivers driving on studded tires will get a “Ш” sticker on the rear window out of habit. So, now you don't need to do this - the State Traffic Inspectorate, fined drivers for his absence by 500 rubles last season, gave up this absurdity. Recall that, according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" from December to February, it is prohibited to operate cars that are not equipped with winter tires, but there is no penalty for their absence.

Changes in traffic rules from September 1, 2018. Disabled sign after September 1

With the abolition of the “Spikes” sign, the parking rules have changed. Disabled sign(removed from the free sale) can be obtained by all disabled people, regardless of the group. Also, now this category citizens can park in the area of ​​action of signs 3.28 "Parking is prohibited", 3.29 "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month" and 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month." Interestingly, the rule applies to both disabled people and the drivers who transport them.

Changes in traffic rules from October 1, 2018. Trucks on the Crimean bridge

In autumn, namely, on October 1, the movement of freight transport will be allowed over the bridge over the Kerch Strait showing traffic records. Travel will be free for them. It should be reminded that the organization of traffic on the highway is carried out in two stages - first, light vehicles and buses providing passenger transportation were allowed along it, and by the end of the year, the way for trucks will be opened.

Since November 2018, a number of amendments to the traffic rules have been introduced in Russia. What innovations await motorists? Will there be new traffic fines?

Changes in traffic rules from November 2018, new rules. Cameras will be fined for OSAGO

Expected that new system will work in Moscow from November. True, this will be for the time being only in test mode and, for starters, on one camera.

"At the moment, there is a merger of bases in order to understand who has insurance and who does not, - explained in the Center for Traffic Organization (TSODD). - The decision of how and to whom the fines will be issued is taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Recall that it was previously planned to implement the system in pilot mode in Moscow and Tatarstan from September 1, 2018, but at the last moment the dates were postponed.

To speed up the launch, a new algorithm for the interaction of various departments was invented. So, the PCA will form a certain array of data about all valid OSAGO policies for a specific date and transfer it to the traffic police. This array will contain data exclusively about the car (VIN, chassis number, etc.), without the full name, since several policies can be issued for one person. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, using the data of the insurers, will "supplement" them with information about the number of the car and will transfer this to the data center.

The data center, in turn, will use this array as a kind of "search base". If a car passed under the camera, information about which is not in the "database", then this will be regarded as a sign of a violation. The system will issue a "signal", after which a repeated check will be carried out through a request from the traffic police to insurers about the availability current policy... If this information is confirmed, then the decision is made under Part 2 of Art. 12.37 Administrative Code (fine - 800 rubles), ten days after fixation.

The decree will be issued for each passage - in other words, if the car owner without OSAGO drives under the test chamber five times a day, he will receive five "letters of happiness" by mail.

Based on the results of the experiment, if it is recognized as successful, the park of cameras connected to the system will be expanded, but before that, a thorough analysis of law enforcement practice and appeals will be carried out.

Changes in traffic rules from November 2018, new rules. Tire requirements from 11 November 2018

So, from November 11, 2018, amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" come into force. The main amendments concern the use of tires.

Changes in traffic rules from November 2018, new rules. Winter tire installation requirements

According to the amendments, during the winter period (December, January, February), it is prohibited to operate vehicles of categories M1 and N1, which are not equipped with winter tires. Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the specified vehicles.

Let us remind you that a similar clause was in the Regulations earlier. However, now it contains a mention of the M1 and N1 categories of the Technical Regulations, i.e. now we are talking only about cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons.

That is, from November 11, 2018, winter tires become mandatory only for category B vehicles. Vehicles of other categories (motorcycles, trucks heavier than 3.5 tons, buses) can use summer tires in winter and this will not be a violation. Previously, the requirements for the installation of winter tires applied to all vehicles without exception.

The period of use of winter tires

According to the current version of the document, in all countries of the Customs Union, winter tires must be used in December, January and February.

However, this period can be extended by the decision of regional government bodies.

From November 11, 2018, the extension of the period for the use of winter tires is available to the authorities of any level, because the mention of regionality is excluded from this paragraph. From this date, the period of use of winter tires can change both the whole state and any of the regions of this state.

Prohibition of the installation of tires of different models

According to the current rules, it is prohibited to install on one axle of a vehicle tires of different dimensions, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), with different speed categories, bearing capacity indices, tread patterns, winter and non-winter, new and remanufactured, new and with deep tread pattern.

Since November 11, 2018, the tire model has been added to this list of requirements. That is, even if all the parameters of the tires are the same, but they indicate different name models, then their use on one axis of the car will be prohibited.

source www.tver-portal.ru

It is this change that will upset drivers in the first place, because the price of gasoline and diesel fuel will increase by about 60 kopecks from January 1. The second price increase is expected in mid-summer. Thus, by the end of 2018, the cost of a liter of fuel will be 1.2 rubles higher than in 2017. This is due to the increase in excise taxes.

Video fines

Another innovation for drivers will take effect from the beginning of 2018. Now the traffic police will be able to issue fines to drivers for violations that were filmed by third parties. The whole process will look like this:

  1. Volunteers download to their phone mobile app"People's inspector", which presents the entire list of violations that can be recorded and taken into account in this way.
  2. Easy volunteer registration in the app.
  3. Photo or video recording of traffic violations.
  4. Submitting an application for consideration of the violation.
  5. Then the work of the traffic police begins.

In the appendix, in addition to the list of traffic rules, the violation of which is allowed to be recorded in this way, the fixing rules themselves are indicated so that the volunteers do not make mistakes and can provide the inspectors with complete and reliable information.

By the way, such a system is already actively working in Tatarstan, and, as practice shows, parking violations are the most frequent. Parking on the sidewalk, parking on the lawn, etc. That is, now motorists will no longer be able to safely park their car under the windows of the apartment, thinking that the traffic police will not look here, because any passer-by will be able to take a photo of the vehicle and after a few days the driver will receive the so-called "letter of happiness".

This innovation is perhaps the most productive weapon in the fight against intruders. As practice shows, in Tatarstan, on average, over 100 applications are received in the republic per day. In the first week of 2018, the People's Inspector application was installed by more than 50 thousand users.

CTP policies

The changes also affected the OSAGO policies. Since early January 2018. This code will allow inspectors online using a mobile phone and a special application to determine the authenticity insurance policy... If the policy is real, then the inspector will receive all the information he needs:

  • Number, series and date of receipt of the policy;
  • Insurer data;
  • The period of the policy;
  • Policyholder data;
  • Vehicle owner data;
  • Vehicle data, including registration plate and identification number;
  • The circle of persons allowed to drive a car.

The duration of the "cooling period" has also changed, i.e. the period for which it will be possible to refuse insurance. If earlier this period was 5 days, now it will last two weeks. Read also our detailed article on waiting for motorists.

Regulation of tariffs for compulsory motor third party liability insurance

From July 1, the cost of the MTPL policy will be regulated by the insurer itself. Previously, the price was determined by the Central Bank. However, now the Central Bank sets only the limits on the prices of policies. Insurers have the right to choose the sizes of five parameters that will affect the formation of the cost of insurance. These five will include the following coefficients:

  • Age and experience of the vehicle driver;
  • Territorial coefficient;
  • Vehicle engine power;
  • Using a trailer;
  • Restrictions on admission to driving a vehicle.

However, a second scenario is also possible, according to which insurers will be able to choose only 4 parameters instead of five. But this will only happen in the second half of the year. And since the beginning of 2018, the Central Bank has completely transferred control over the prices for OSAGO to insurers, including all basic rates and coefficients.

Registration of an accident through "ERA-GLONASS"

Another innovation has touched on OSAGO: data on road accidents will now come through "ERA-GLONASS" - the state automated system emergency response in case of accidents. In other words, insurers will receive data on the occurrence of insured event almost instantly.

Dispatch services and integrators work

Changes await both drivers and dispatchers of the taxi service. First of all, it concerns the legal registration of Internet services, dispatching and other services providing passenger transportation services.

One of the sore points associated with taxi services is the lack of responsibility of the dispatcher for the quality of the service provided. In most cases, calling a taxi through the app in mobile phone, the user assumes that the driver of the car works directly for this firm. In fact, it turns out that the driver simply rented a car from this taxi fleet and works what is called "for himself." This approach to work is fraught with numerous consequences, because the driver does not pass the check before the flight. In other words, he may be drunk, sick, or simply uninsured. And in accident case- the taxi service does not bear any responsibility.

According to the new bill, now the driver will not be able to provide services to passengers without concluding an agreement with the taxi service. In this agreement, the responsibility of the parties must be prescribed without fail. The law is still under consideration and, if approved, should enter into force on January 28 of this year.

OSGOP for taxi

This form of insurance has so far been valid only for owners of passenger buses, but now it can be extended to taxis. Compulsory insurance civil liability carrier (OSGOP) differs from OSAGO in the size of payments. If in OSAGO the maximum threshold for payment in case of harm to health and life is half a million rubles, then for OSGOP this threshold is four times higher and is equal to 2 million rubles.

OSGOP applies to the baggage of passengers. Now, in case of damage to luggage, passengers will be able to receive compensation up to 11 thousand rubles if he does not have documentary evidence of the cost of the luggage. If the passenger has these documents, then the amount of compensation can be increased to 23 thousand rubles.

Transportation of children

This innovation is one of the most anticipated. The bill, according to which it is allowed to transport children on buses not older than 10 years, has been in development since the summer of 201. And he began to act only from January 1, 2018. In addition to age, the bill specifies a number of requirements for school buses:

  • Conformity in design and purpose to the technical requirements for transport intended for the carriage of passengers;
  • The presence of a tachograph on the bus;
  • The presence of a satellite navigation device glonass / gps or glonass.

Also, requirements have been introduced on the rules for the movement of passenger transport with children - now it must move with an orange or yellow flashing light on the roof turned on. As for the drivers of such vehicles, they must have driving experience in category "d" for at least one year before starting to drive a vehicle with children.

Perhaps this bill will become the most approved in the country, because Will reduce to a minimum the number of accidents involving children, which in last years became quite high.

Disabled parking

On December 21, 2017, the State Duma adopted a bill according to which 10% of all parking spaces should be allocated for disabled people. In this case, the number of places within the parking lot should not be less than one. That is, if the parking lot includes less than 10 spaces, one of them must be reserved for disabled people. This bill concerns those parking lots that are located near industrial, public, residential buildings, sports and recreation, cultural institutions and recreation facilities. In turn, only a vehicle with a sticker "disabled" can take the place of a disabled person in the parking lot.

Car loan benefits

2018 also brought some pleasant changes for car enthusiasts. From the beginning of the year, the benefits for car loans began to operate again. There are benefits for families when buying a family car and for drivers buying their first car. The essence of the benefit is that the government compensates 10% of the down payment on the car. Moreover, the car should not cost more than 1,450,000 rubles.

Changing track names

From January 1, changes will be made to the numbering of motorways. This is done so that all roads and roads of the country can be classified according to their level of importance. Now all tracks will be marked with one of three letters:

  • "M" - federal and regional highways passing from the capital of the country to other administrative centers of the regions;
  • "R" - federal and regional roads passing between the administrative centers of the regions;
  • "A" - federal and regional roads, which serve as an access to major transport hubs, to sea and river ports, airports, railway stations, to the roads that connect the roads designated by the letter "P".

Since the beginning of the year, some tracks have already undergone changes in their designation. So, for example, "M-18" is now called "R-18".

Reduction of traffic police

From January 1, the ranks of employees of the internal affairs bodies will thin out by 20%. The President of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding decree on December 31, 2017. According to this decree, from the beginning of 2018, the established limit on the number of employees financed by the federal budget begins to operate. All in all federal budget funds were allocated to provide 894,871 employees of internal affairs.

10,000 people had to be cut, all of whom were traffic police officers. Only the inspectors who register the vehicle and take exams for the right to drive the vehicle managed to avoid dismissal and just unnecessary worries. They were mentioned separately in the decree as an exception.

Car plate numbers

The essence of the bill is that a supplier or seller supplying surrogate fuel to the market will be fined in amounts equal to 1% of the proceeds from the sale of fuel for the year preceding the violation. If internal organs and Rosstandart will prove the fact of supply and sale of low-quality fuel in 2018, then the violator will pay a fine in the amount of 1/100 of the proceeds for the entire 2017. If the violation is repeated, the fine will increase to 3%.

This bill will allow drivers to feel more confident at the gas station and not worry that their car will suffer as a result of using surrogate fuel. Now, if this happens, the refueller will be obliged to compensate him for the repair costs.

If you look at the traffic police data, you can see that in recent years the number of accidents in Russia has decreased: from 199,868 in 2011 to 169,432 in 2017.

However, the death rate on Russian roads is still three to four times higher than in European countries. Totally agree last year 19 thousand people died in road accidents, and in the first half of this year - almost 13 thousand.

85% of accidents occur due to the fact that drivers violate traffic rules. And in almost every second accident, deficiencies in the condition of the road are recorded. To achieve European indicators and reduce road deaths to almost zero by 2030, it is planned to introduce modern methods of organizing traffic, including elements of artificial intelligence.

What measures to combat accidents on the roads began to operate this year, and what are discussed in our material.

Measures introduced this year

"Waffle markings" for traffic congestion

Since April, at intersections controlled by traffic lights, "waffle markings" began to appear - a yellow grid drawn in the square of the intersection. According to the rules of the road (SDA), it is forbidden to leave this section of the road if there is a traffic jam ahead, so motorists do not create obstacles for those who drive in the transverse direction.

"Some motorists try to jump out at the intersection in the last seconds of the green traffic light, do not have time to pass and stand at the intersection of streets, interfering with other drivers. Bright yellow markings will remind you that you cannot enter a busy intersection," the Moscow mayor's office explained.

The experiment with such markings in Moscow began back in 2015 and was recognized as successful.

Reflective vest -escape from collision

A little earlier, in March, another change in traffic rules came into force. In the dark, drivers are required to wear reflective vests, capes or jackets in case of a forced stop or an accident outside settlements or if visibility is poor.

"The presence of a protective vest for drivers is mandatory in many European countries, the positive experience of their use confirms the advisability of introducing this practice in Russian Federation", - stressed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Often, motorists who are on the roadway in dark clothes go unnoticed by the drivers of other cars, resulting in accidents.

In 2017, the number of such incidents increased by 4.8%.

Penalty for drunk driving

In early 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing drunk drivers to be identified by blood tests. Administrative responsibility comes for drivers in case of detection of alcohol concentration of 0.3 grams per liter or more in their blood. The law came into force on July 3.

Previously, the amount of alcohol in the body was measured only using the analysis of the driver's breathing, with such a check, responsibility occurs if 0.16 milligram or more falls on one liter of exhaled air. The punishment provides for deprivation of a driver's license for up to two years with a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

New procedure for registration of vehicles

In August, a law was signed allowing car manufacturers and car dealers to register vehicles and issue license plates. Thus, the last legal possibility of driving without numbers will disappear.

In addition, the law allows you to register a car through the portal of public services or in any registration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "regardless of place of residence or location." Under the new rules, when selling a car, its former owner will be able to retain the registration number assigned to the car or transfer it to the buyer.

Considered draft changes in traffic rules

Cycling zone introduction

Cyclists remain one of the most vulnerable road users. According to statistics, in 2016 in Russia there were more than 5 thousand accidents with their participation. As a result, 4,800 bicycle drivers were injured and 384 were killed.

In order to increase their safety on the road, in June the Ministry of Transport of Russia proposed to introduce a number of amendments to the traffic rules. In particular, the authors of the bill propose a new term - "bicycle zone", in which cyclists will be able to move along the entire width of the road, and car drivers will be able to go no faster than 20 km / h, while giving way to pedestrians and cyclists.

It is proposed to mark such sections of the carriageway with a special road sign and markings.

In addition, the bill prohibits motorists from stopping on bike paths and bike paths at a distance of less than 5 m from the intersection of the carriageway with them.

Passing the exam not on the "site", but in the city

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a number of amendments to the rules for conducting driving license examinations. The main change is that the "site" stage is proposed to be combined with the "city". Let us remind you that now the exam consists of three stages: theory, "playground" and "city". The theory exam is a test. "Playground" - a specially equipped closed area where the examiner performs a series of exercises (parallel parking, "snake", etc.). The "city" stage is a trip with an inspector around the city, where you have to demonstrate a number of skills (turns, overtaking, driving through an intersection, etc.).

The innovation is that the skills that need to be shown during a trip around the city will be supplemented by those that are now being tested on the site. It is also proposed to check that the future motorist knows how to drive in areas with a speed limit. Therefore, the bill provides for the lifting of the ban on training driving on highways.

The innovation concerns only the exam for the right to drive, those who receive the right to drive a moped and motorcycle will continue to take the exam in closed areas.

It also specifies the age at which a driving learner can be admitted to training driving. The learner to ride a motorcycle of subcategory "A1" or a moped must be at least 15 years old, on a car or truck- at least 16 years, on a motorcycle of category "A" - at least 17 years, on a bus - at least 20 years.

National project "Safe and high-quality roads"

According to statistics, poor road quality is one of the main causes of road accidents. The government of the Russian Federation has prepared a passport for the national project "Safe and high-quality car roads"for 2019-2024. The document envisages bringing at least half of regional roads to a standardized state, creating pedestrian crossings combined with artificial irregularities, separating oncoming traffic, building off-street crossings, and ensuring pedestrian visibility at night.

Penalty for dangerous driving

The concept of "dangerous driving" was introduced in the traffic rules in 2016. Dangerous driving means such maneuvers as refusing to give way to a vehicle that is taking advantage of the right to drive, failure to comply with the lateral spacing and distance from the vehicle in front; changing lanes when all lanes are occupied, hard braking if it is not required to prevent accidents and others.

And in November of this year, the State Traffic Inspectorate made a proposal to the State Duma to introduce administrative liability for dangerous driving in the form of a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

Penalty for violation of the rules for crossing railway tracks

The Ministry of Transport has developed a bill increasing the fine for violating the rules of travel through railway tracks from 1,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles. The department explained this measure by the fact that now a violation of the rules for moving through railroad does not correspond to the social danger that arises in this case.

Increased punishment for driving without a license

According to the traffic police, in 2016-2017 and the first half of 2018, 82.5 thousand people were brought to justice for repeated driving without a license.

Of these, about 7.5 thousand were detained by employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate more than five times. In the same period, 4 thousand people died due to the fault of drivers who did not have a license.

According to current regulations, an administrative fine in the amount of 5 to 15 thousand rubles is provided for driving without a license. In October, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia began to develop amendments to the Administrative Code, which will toughen the responsibility for this violation. As the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk told TASS, the bill also involves the introduction of increased responsibility for re-driving a car without a license.

Liability for improper parking in courtyards at the federal level

At the beginning of 2018, a group of United Russia deputies proposed to amend Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code "Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles." The initiative is intended to settle at the federal level the issues of administrative responsibility for violations of parking rules in courtyards, including lawns, flower beds, playgrounds and sports grounds. On this moment Responsibility for parking a car in the wrong place can be established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. However, in a number of cases, the courts found such regulations to be contrary to federal law.

Carriers 'liability for drivers' rest

According to traffic police statistics, most accidents traditionally continue to occur through the fault of drivers. In the first half of 2018, the number of such incidents exceeded 61 thousand. Of these, more than 2.6 thousand were due to bus drivers who violated traffic rules. Often the cause of violations is driver fatigue. In April, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to send a bill from the Ministry of Transport to the State Duma, designed to solve this problem. For this, it is proposed to extend responsibility for violation of the working and rest regime of drivers of vehicles carrying goods and passengers to carriers.

Responsibility is proposed to be established in the form of a fine in the amount of 7 thousand rubles. up to 10 thousand rubles. - for officials, from 20 thousand rubles. up to 50 thousand rubles. - for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The maximum limits of fines imposed on drivers can also be increased from the current 3 thousand rubles. up to 5 thousand rubles.

So far, the bill has been considered only in the first reading.

Transfer of the functions of the traffic police to the Moscow authorities

In 2017, the State Duma approved in the first reading a bill that will allow the Moscow City Hall (TsODD) to perform the functions of the traffic police and impose fines for violations such as speeding, driving into a designated lane, driving at a red light. Many MPs objected, believing that the initiative would lead to arbitrariness. The bill is pending.

In addition, an initiative is being worked out to impose an administrative penalty without drawing up a protocol if a traffic violation is recorded on a smartphone video camera and transmitted using a special application "People's Inspector" to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In preparing the material, information from the editorial staff of TASS-Dossier was used.

New traffic rules will be in force in the Russian Federation from 2018. "Rules of the road" is a normative legal document containing a set of instructions and regulations designed to regulate the rights and obligations of road users and to formalize technical requirements applicable to vehicles. The main purpose of the "SDA" is to ensure the safety of road users. Russian legislation is characterized by a high degree of instability, which leads to the constant introduction of amendments and additions to the existing regulatory and legal documents.

We bring to your attention a list of the main innovations in 2018:

From January 1, 2018, the lawmakers plan to make a number of changes to the set of "Traffic rules", ignorance of which, as in any other area of ​​Russian law, does not exempt one from responsibility. Below is the official actual information with a list of planned innovations in traffic rules from 2018.

In order to optimize the process of checking whether drivers have a valid motor third party liability insurance contract and automate insurance payments, it is planned to replace standard OSAGO contracts on paper with analogues in in electronic format... The OSAGO policy will be equipped with a special QR code through which you can access information about the driver, vehicle and insurance contract using a smartphone or tablet with the corresponding application installed.

From July 1, 2018, it is planned to launch free OSAGO tariffs. The cost of the policy will be influenced by 5 coefficients:

  1. Territorial, which will be established for each region.
  2. Owner's age and driving experience coefficient.
  3. Using a trailer.
  4. The power factor of the vehicle.
  5. The presence of restrictions on admission to driving a car by third persons.

Implementation of the ERA-GLONASS satellite system

ERA-GLONASS is a domestic satellite emergency response system in case of accidents, developed on state level and recommended for installation on all Russian-made cars manufactured since 2017. In an accident, the system allows you to recognize the approximate severity of the damage and is able to determine the type of collision (side, front, rear). In the event of an emergency, the ERA-GLONASS system automatically sends a distress signal using a cellular operator, the signal of which is the most stable at a given territorial point. In addition, the system allows you to send a distress alert manually using a dedicated button.

It is assumed that in addition to improving road safety, this system will reduce the role of the traffic police in documenting accidents. In case of minor collisions that are not related to human casualties, the drivers will be able to draw up a protocol themselves, and the insurance event will be paid on the basis of data received from the ERA-GLONASS device installed in the car.

This rule was planned to be introduced at the beginning of 2017, but was delayed by twelve months in order to allow the owner of vehicles to equip cars with appropriate devices. As mentioned above, on domestically produced cars produced since 2017, the ERA-GLONASS system is installed by default by the manufacturer. In other cases, car owners will have to independently pay for the purchase and installation of an emergency response system.

Increase in the cost of registration / re-registration of a vehicle

From January 1, 2018, it is planned to increase the size of the state duty: for the issuance of signs for cars, motor vehicles and trailers; for the issuance of a certificate of registration of a motor vehicle; for issuing a motor vehicle passport and making amendments to a valid motor vehicle passport. To date, the final dimensions of the above species state fees unknown, but expected to increase by 50%.

Changes in penalties

  • Violation of the speed limit will again provoke, in addition to the imposition of the standard amount of the fine, the emergence of obligations for an additional payment of 2,000 rubles.
  • Repeated driving at a red traffic light will provoke deprivation of rights for up to six months.
  • In case of damage to third parties by the culprit of the road accident, the fine will be increased. When committing a gross offense involving physical or material damage to third parties, the deprivation of a driver's license for a period of up to 12 months may be imposed as a punishment.
  • When driving a car that has not passed state registration, the fine will be 5,000 rubles or a driving license revocation may be initiated.
  • In case of violation of traffic rules, it is supposed to allow the payment of ½ of the fine on the spot, and the rest within a period of no more than three weeks from the date of the violation.
  • Failure to comply with the level of dimming of the car windows will be fined for the first time in the amount of 1,500 rubles, for the second and subsequent times - 5,000 rubles. Maximum amount fines - 12. If violations are recorded for the 13th time, the driver will be deprived of his driving license.

Empowering motorcyclists

Motorcyclists are planned to be given the right to move between car lanes, subject to the availability of special demarcation lines for car owners and motor owners. The innovations are under consideration, since these changes in the traffic rules in 2018 have not yet been approved by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Children in the car

In order to ensure child safety, the new rules clearly prohibit the transportation of children under 7 years of age in a car without a car seat. It is worth noting that this rule will now apply not only to parents who want to travel with babies or simply move around the city with children, but also to road carriers. This means that taxi drivers will be forced to equip the car with a child seat. If there is none, the driver will not be allowed to take passengers with children.

Installation of a car seat is allowed both in the back and in the front seat!

It is worth noting that in Europe, strollers are widespread, transforming into comfortable baby car seats. Whether the parents of Russia will take such new items into service while one can only guess .

Also, the new rules prohibit leaving babies from birth to 7 years old in a car without adult supervision.

Also, from 1.01.2018, a ban on the transportation of children by buses, the term of operation of which exceeds 10 years, will come into force. The implementation of this law was postponed twice (at the beginning of 2017 and in July), but the tightening of the rules for carriers of organized children's groups will still take place, because this is a safety issue, the solution of which should not have any compromises.

Circular motion

Drivers should get used to the uniform rule of crossing roundabouts - a car moving in a circle has an advantage. This means that before entering any circle, the driver will be obliged to let the cars moving in the circle or leaving the ring pass.

Such rules have long been in force in many European countries and, according to statistics, help to reduce the number of accidents at roundabouts.

Many drivers speak favorably about this initiative. But, the question remains, how the authorities plan to put everything into practice and convey to each driver the changed rules for the passage of certain intersections. It can be assumed that at first, without total control from the controlling services, the number of accidents on complex road sections of non-standard configuration can only increase.

Warning signs on the car

Recently we got the license - do not forget to buy a new sign for a car "Novice driver", because for its absence, according to the new rules, a fine is imposed. They can also fine and prohibit the further operation of a car for the absence of such warning signs: spikes, a child in a car, a deaf driver, a training car, etc.

Theoretical and practical exam for obtaining a driving license

From 2018, the requirements in accordance with the amendments to the traffic rules for practical training driving of a car will be tightened. It is planned to introduce the subject of "road ethics" into the theoretical course, which will consist of a course of lectures telling about the rules of polite communication and behavior of road users.

EURO-5 for vehicles used for commercial purposes

From the beginning of 2018, all commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and SUVs, will have to meet the environmental standard, adopted as the norm in the European Union almost 10 years ago.

EURO-5 norms:

  • CH up to 0.05 g / km;
  • CO up to 0.8 g / km;
  • NOy up to 0.06 g / km.

New road signs in 2018

The need to introduce new designations has long been ripe, because in the near future there will be many electric cars on the roads of Russia, and possibly drones.

The innovation is implemented by the Cognitive Technologies company, the direct development of the design of new road signs is entrusted to the art studio of Artemy Lebedev. Thus, in 2018, additional signs may appear on the roads of the country:

  • "Zone of calm movement" (design is being developed).
  • "The beginning of the road section for unmanned aerial vehicles."
  • "Section of the road for unmanned vehicles."
  • "End of the road section for UAVs."

Important! Signs will be installed in areas where testing of new unmanned vehicles is planned.

Taxi innovations

Bill No. 283077-7, submitted to the State Duma, should introduce into the legal field the taxi dispatch services operating in the Russian Federation, including the popular Uber and Gett today.

A prerequisite for working for taxi drivers will be the presence of a carrier's civil liability insurance policy (OSGOP). Also, the document regulates the procedure for hiring a taxi service and the interaction between the driver and the dispatch center.

Increase in excise tax on fuel

In addition to all the above-mentioned innovations, Russian motorists will also expect such unpleasant news as an increase in excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. Two waves of excise tax increases are expected in 2018:

  • From 01.01.2018, the excise tax on gasoline will rise by 50 kopecks (for each liter of fuel).
  • From 01.07.2018, the excise tax is expected to rise again by another 50 kopecks per liter.

Increasing the excise tax on the import of cars

In the new year, it is planned to expand the scale of excise taxes. Four new categories will be introduced from January 1st:

As a result of the innovation, a tangible increase in prices for imported business class and premium segment cars is possible.

Above were given latest news relatively possible changes in traffic rules, relevant for the fall of 2017.

Look video about helmets for car drivers, according to the new traffic rules:

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