
How to arrange an uke? Memo for those who want to get a universal electronic card. Electronic signature or uke - what is it

The project "Universal Electronic Card" is implemented under the control of the ministry economic Development Russian Federation. This initiative has state importance.

Materials on the topic:

JSC UEC reports to cancel the release and issuance of universal electronic maps (UEC) from January 1, 2017. The corresponding decision was made at the federal level and was enshrined by the Federal Law of 28.12.2016 No. 471-FZ.

based on his written statement. From the beginning of 2015, the card will be issued all dependencies on whether you filed a statement or not. In the event that a citizen does not want to receive an UEK, he can apply for a refusal to receive a map.

General Regulations on the universal electronic map are definedFederal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

In early 2014, the Federation Council approved changes in the federal law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", which prolong the terms of issue universal maps Based on applications from citizens until December 31, 2014. Mandatory issuance of UEC for citizens who have not submitted refusal statements is provided for from January 1, 2015.

In 2014, the Moscow government plans to release 500,000 universal electronic cards with a transport application.

- Editorial

UEC - What gives citizens of the Russian Federation a universal card?

Universal electronic card (UEC) is intended for certifying the rights of the UEC user to receive state and municipal services, as well as to pay for these services in electronic form.

A card can be a carrier of a qualified electron-digital signature (EDS) of a citizen who gives him the opportunity to make legally significant actions, including receiving state, municipal and commercial services in electronic form.

The main possibilities of the electronic banking application of the EEC, operating throughout the Russian Federation, include:

  1. Payment of state, municipal and commercial services.
  2. Payment of goods and services in the retail network.
  3. Removing cash in ATMs.
  4. Banking services (deposits, loans, money transfers etc., the list of services is established by the Issuer Bank).

Additionally, independent regional and municipal electronic applications may be placed on the UEC that provide services in a particular region.

UEK - new passport?

Currently, the UEC does not have the status of a document certifying personality (although the draft law on the introduction in 2015 of the electronic passport is submitted to the State Duma in January 2013 and is under consideration).

UEC does not replace the passport, Zakgganpasport or driver's license of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The UEC provides access to the information about the owner of the UEK to certify its rights to receive state, municipal services and other services.

Where and how to use uek

Map - a tool using which agencies, funds, organizations and institutions will be able to provide citizens a wide range of services in in electronic format. Card can be used:

  • in ATMs and POS terminals;
  • in the terminals of the network of participants in a unified payment and service system "Universal electronic card";
  • in departments, (MFC);
  • in transport (subway, land transport);
  • on a single portal of state and municipal services.
  • on regional portals of state and municipal services;
  • on the UEC-online portal;
  • on the portals of commercial service providers who received the appropriate permission to authorize UEC users.

In the near future, with the help of UEC, as promised developers, opportunities will appear:

  • receive information about the provided communal services, and on charges with the possibility of payment;
  • entries for reception to the doctor, registration of an application for high-tech assistance, obtaining primary medical care and services electronic registry, electronic medical history, electronic recipes, payment of drugs and services;
  • obtaining information on the results of the USE, entrance tests and enrollment in universities, the child's performance;
  • child enrollment in kindergarten;
  • use a map as an analogue of a travel ticket, including for preferential categories citizens;
  • draw up and receive benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, child care;
  • apply for the appointment or recalculation of pensions;
  • get up and removed from scientist in tax authorityServe tax Declarations, get information about unpaid fines and pay them;
  • apply for the appointment of unemployment benefits material assistance and promotion in employment;
  • receive information about the state of the individual personal account in the system of mandatory pension insurance, application for the transition to non-state pension fund.
  • pay the traffic police fines, duties upon receipt of a driver's license, registration or removal from the registration of the vehicle;
  • remote registration of insurance contracts.


When applying for the receipt of UEK is highly recommended to have a policy with you mandatory medical insurance . In the absence of the policy, the applicant will not be able to receive medical services on the map. Moreover, from January 1, 2014 polis Oms is an mandatory condition For receipt of the UEC.

For example, servicemen and citizens equivalent to them can't get UEK, because They are not issued Polis of OMS.


Currently, the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the system of compulsory pension insurance of the Russian Federation (SNILS) is the most popular citizen identifier and is used to obtain services on public portals. When using the UEC, the SNILS is automatically read.

Using the UEC on the Internet

To use the UEC on the Internet usedcardrider - A device of interaction with UEC, having certified software and hardware protection.

To work on the UEC user's personal computer, any card reader corresponding to the PC / SC standard can be used. Cardriders for UEC deliver independent suppliers. Also requiredinstall the software (it is free, as reported on the UEC website, download the program on the product site Ski "Cryptopro UEK CSP"), allowing you to work with an electronic signature.

With the use of the Cardrider, all electronic services provided on portals of state and municipal services become the holder of the universal electronic card, as well as to sign, for example, contracts (which is important for freelancers and those who cannot physically sign a document).

In early April 2013 in Labor Code RF, corrections governing remote employment were introduced. Now the employment contract compiled in electronic form, certified by electronic signatures of the parties, has the same force as the contract on paper, signed personally. In this case, in the employment contract it should be indicated, for how long the employer and employee must confirm the receipt of an electronic document from each other.

The cost of the cartride in high trade is 200-400 rubles.

How to get uek?

UEC is issued free to the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a personal statement.

The map is valid for five years.

At the moment, it is not possible to apply for the receipt of the UEC. For this you need to go to service item, it is also a point of reception of applications.

For citizens up to 14 years, the statement of extradition of the EEC submits and signs the legal representative. In this case, the placement on the UEC photographs of a minor is not necessary.

Minors between the ages of fourteen to eighteen can independently apply for the extradition of the UEC and get the card, as well as abandon it.

When applying, a citizen must have with him:

  • identity document (required);
  • mandatory Medical Insurance Policy ( mandatory from January 1, 2014);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available).

The application can be filed in Moscow, having only temporary registration in the capital (only for citizens of the Russian Federation). But the submission of an application for proxy is not provided by law.

In the same place, at the service point, the applicant will take a picture. You can bring a photo with you (color or black and whitein an electronic form or on paper), but it must comply with the following requirements:

  • For paper photos -3.5 x 4.5 cm, on matte paper thick up to 0.3 mm, without chances, scratches and other damage, andthe view must be focused, pthe ashes from the chin to the top of the head should be 70-80% of the image height.
  • For photo in the balloral form - the photo should be saved with a resolution of 420 points in width of 525 points at an altitude of up to 480 widths by 600 points in height, depending on the optical resolution of the image with the aspect ratio of 4: 5 in JPEG format. Maximum size Color photo file 300 KB, minimum - 90 kb. Maximum size of the monochrome photo file 60 KB, minimum - 17 KB. Colors: either 24-bit RGB colored space, in which each pixel accounts for 8 bits for each color component (red, green and blue); either 8.-Bit monochrome color space in which each pixel accounts for 8 bits of brightness values. When using the scanner, the photo must be scanned with an optical resolution from 533 to 610 DPI.

If desired, the curler may include in the data that will be "wearing" its card, the electronic signature key. This signature will have the same legal force as the personal physical signature of the applicant.

When submitting an application, the applicant chooses the bank to the account in which the map will be tied.

While the choice of banks is limited. The affiliate program is involved:

  1. OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  2. OJSC "Bank URALSIB"
  3. JSC "Ak Bars" Bank
  4. OJSC "Moscow Industrial Bank"
  5. JSC KB Center-Invest
  6. OJSC "Bank" St. Petersburg "
  7. OJSC Bank ABB
  8. CJSC Surgutneftegazbank
  9. Bank "Northern Credit" (OJSC)
  10. AKB "Almazergienbank"
  11. "Zapsibcombank" of JSC
  12. OJSC "Asia-Pacific Bank"
  13. JSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank
  14. LLC "Khakasssky Municipal Bank"

An account, if available, can be born to the map, or first open, and then to tie. But for these actions, the bank should be trading independently. Bring your account to the map in the service point will not, not their competence.

When the card is ready, the applicant needs to visit the card issuance (it is specified in the application, as the rules for accepting applications and the issuance points coincide) and get the card itself and envelope with the PIN codes to it. PIN codes are needed for different functions (its code for each function): for identification of personality upon receipt of services, signing documents by electronic signature, used when need to change Codes for these two actions, and PIN code for a bank application.

If you get a map in Moscow on the siteuec.mos.ru. You can check the status of the statement for the issuance of the EEC, and check the card itself. From there you can go toportal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow.

If you have a marriage, the Replacement of the WEEC is carried out for free on the basis of the application.

Moscow region

In the suburbs there are 4 service points.

For the implementation of the project in the Moscow region, OJSC is responsible "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region."

Replacement in the case of theft, loss or expirationUEC

In case of loss, immediately report this to the organization issued by the UEC (for Moscow it is "Moscow Social Register", for the Moscow region - OJSC "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region"), To the bank, which is opened by an account attached to the EEC and, in the case of an electronic signature on the lost UEK, to the Certification Center, which issued a certificate of an electronic signature checkpoint certificate.

A citizen has the right to apply for a statement about the extradition of Duplicate UEC. Duplicate is issued on a fee basis.

In case of expiration, the bank replacement, the card is issued for free.

Refusal of UEC

If you do not want to get personalized electronic mapIt is necessary to contact the organization authorized on the issuance of maps (for Moscow it is the GUP "Moscow Social Register", for the Moscow region - OJSC "Universal Electronic Map of the Moscow Region").

But it is worth keeping in mind, it is possible to refuse the use of the UEC only if the UEC is released. Therefore, it makes sense to handle the refusal after January 1, 2014, when the cards will produce massively.

The refusal to use the UEC does not mean cancellation of the card. Refusal of obtaining or using UEC does not carry restrictions on obtaining services, benefits, etc. Services and benefits will be provided on the basis of existing documents.

The first and most famous project of the UEC in the field of transport is the "Arrow" map in the Moscow region. But in its implementation there are difficulties, and long ago: from the materials of affairs in the card file of the Arbitration Court it follows that the UEC should have equipped the buses with stationary terminals for receiving cards for another January 1, 2016, but did not do this on time. Three Vedomosti employees who use suburban buses say that stationary terminals in them are either no, or they have not been working for several months - drivers use small mobile devices. The representative of the UEC in response to the questions of the Vedomosti on stationary terminals said they were installed throughout the transport. And all carriers of the Moscow region are connected to the system.

UEK: Bit Map

UEK - a project of difficult fate. Sberbank created a company in May 2010, it was planned that since 2014, all citizens will receive UEC cards in obligatoryBut then the deadlines were transferred several times, and as a result, the start of the project was scheduled for January 2017. Up to this point, the map could be obtained voluntarily - they contained the passport details of the citizen, the SNILS number, as well as the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, the payment application was on the map, and the electronic signature of the holder could be kept. But the project is massively not launched. A total of about 700,000 cards were issued, the representative of the UEC.

In the spring of 2014, after the first wave of sanctions and disabling a number of Russian banks from international payment systems, the authorities conceived in the country national System payment cards (NSPK). And then Sberbank decided to offer an UEC as a basis for building a NPC - his competitor was the payment system "Golden Crown". However, the Central Bank decided to build a system from scratch.

As a result, in December 2016, the UEC as a "tool for the provision of state and municipal services to the population" was abolished - legislators were excluded the chapter on the EEC from the Law on the provision of municipal services.

In 2010-2016 (no more than fresh data) UEK never received profits. From these Spark, it follows that the company's loss over the years amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. Now the company self-sucking, says the representative of Sberbank. Copital State Bank will not replenish her and sell the structure is not going.

Before the UEK, do not stay in debt

And although the UEC cards have long been relevant, the company still plans to earn more on them. From mid-2016 to the beginning of 2018, the UEC filed at least 42 times in different regions - from the Pskov region to the Trans-Baikal Territory - to organizations that were authorized to issue its cards. The company is trying to recover money from them - all the claims that managed to detect "Vedomosti" in the card file are similar.

Subjects were obliged to produce UEC cards and choose for this organization - in most cases, local multifunctional centers (MFC) were provided. To them, the UEC and filed claims. Subjects have concluded contracts on accession to the rules of the Company, the UEC tariffs could change unilaterallyBut in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development. She did it in 2014

For its services, the UEC exposed accounts - authorized organizations were to pay for the right to use the logo and a single design, as well as for maintaining the registry of maps, connecting to EEC systems, their support, and so on. Part of the participants came out of the project after January 1, 2017, refusing to pay services, explains the representative of the EEC.

The representative of the IFC of the Kostroma region said "Vedomosti" that the contract with UEC was signed in 2012, but at first he was "free", and then the board began to accrue unilaterally - no additional agreements of the MFC did not sign. Moreover, the representative of the IFC said that there are no data on how many cards was issued, no. Director of the Corporation "Government for Citizens" of the Ulyanovsk Region Svetlana Odenyshev said "Vedomosti", which was issued about 2000 cards, its organization concluded a settlement agreement with the EEC.

The UEC requires from the regions from several hundred thousand rubles to several million - almost all the company wins. In her benefit, the courts made decisions by about 45 million rubles. How much UEC has already recovered, its representative did not reveal.

Joining the contract, the organization is obliged to pay all the services on the tariffs, says the Deputy Director General for Legal Issues of the Nose Amuleks Julia Galugueva. The fact that the contract was not timely terminated by the party cannot be released from the obligation of payment, she concluded.

It was planned that in the near future, the UEC will perform the functions of the passport, insurance and medical policies. This will solve most problems in online mode.

UEC - what it is

UEC was called russian Card.which simultaneously was a payment facility and a document. With its help, it was possible to even identify the identity of the citizen.

From this (2017) is not issued.

Map options:

  • fast payment and services
  • is a medical policy policy
  • insurance certificate
  • access to your e-wallet
  • you can connect a bank card
  • electronic signature (now does not work)
  • ticket.

The release was made in Russia at a request written in person. For use, it was not charged commissions. According to the plan, the EEC should have been reissued every 5 years.

As used

To identify the card, there are special terminals and cash registers with the corresponding sticker taking serving system "PRO100". To enjoy the capabilities of the house map, you need to buy a cartrider with a conventional USB connector.

Electronic signature or uke - what is it

At the moment, this option is disabled. However, earlier thanks to her, the card received the following features:

  • identification - It is possible, without presenting a passport, to obtain a number of state or commercial services (in the pension system, in medical institutions etc.)
  • identification onlineallowing to make legal, financial actions online. When activating this feature, a secure connection is created between partners, which ensures the confidentiality and safety of the operations;
  • payment functional (you can perform operations with bank account: Pay for goods, services, remove funds in terminals with the cash option, transfer money to other accounts and cards. Acts in the presence of the Bank of the Agreement with payment system "PRO100". This opens account, without commissions with a personal visit to the Bank);
  • personal data.

The user checks its details and edits itself, this option allows you to fill out applications, forms when accessing the Internet in a second.

What else was planned to connect

It was implied that a single map of a citizen of Russia, able to replace many documents, including those who write their own, will expand their functions. Potential opportunities:

  1. Creation and free entry on the map in your personal account in public services, use the available portal services.
  2. Virtual notary.Allows you to fill out significant documents for the work and receipt of services of various services, while using an electronic signature. The electronic document is stored as usual and has legal force.
  3. Pension insurance. Replaced by pension testimony, serves as a certificate of a person for a pensioner, provides access to its pension account from home.
  4. Medical services. Used as electronic PolisThe computer at home can be: sign up for a doctor, buy medicines, pay for services(including preferential) , stand up for preferential service in pharmacies.
  5. Single pass(unlimited trips on city transport at average cost, purchased train tickets and aircraft, travel benefits for relevant categories of citizens, an electronic account that can be replenished from home).

The concept of what the UEC is for instant confirmation was planned to expand:

  • informing about your car and its service;
  • obtaining data on your child (its performance, schedule, payment, recording to school and kindergarten, other);
  • payment of sports, including rental of premises, sports equipment, booking and buying tickets for matches, fresh information about sports competitions;
  • The registry office is at a distance - enter into marriage, divorce, register a newborn;
  • FMS - register at the place of stay, order a passport;
  • receiving exhibited payments for utilities, taxes, electricity, other things.

The list is not complete. With this card, a citizen could solve most of his problems, without going anywhere, and simply turning on the computer.

How the security of user data and its actions was ensured

The map was chipped. It printed the identification data of the citizen, as well as the data of the current options (SNILS, the OMS policy number, the passage of travel, electronic signature, etc.). If you, or the steal, you could report it, after which it was blocked. All data and photos were applied by laser engraving method, that is, the text and images were in the structure of the map, so it was extremely difficult to replace it or fake.

When submitting documents for release, a video was conducted - all the papers immediately shut down to the safe. Delivery of the finished card was carried out separately from the envelope with the PIN code. There was also an opportunity to limit the number of available options.

What expected from the card

The creation of such a carrier should have become part of an extensive program based on the "one window" principle. Make an order and receive public services easier and more affordable for all citizens. It could get rid of bureaucratic red tape. Also ensured the permanent notification of holders about their rights. The States of officials of all ranks would decrease. Would be able to create and develop the database of electronic signatures for individuals countries. The share of non-cash payments would increase. Probably, it would be possible to achieve the implementation of many other changes.

What disadvantages are discovered in the implementation process

The map in a certain sense could not withstand competition with paper documents. By virtue of its versatility, the card became too valuable - her loss, damage, theft led to the fact that a person for a tangible amount of time remained without important documents ( medical Policy, SNILS, other). The presence of such a single and comprehensive source of all data on a person opened the way to all information about it, all options and capabilities - this made a person very vulnerable, especially if there are ill-wishers with some skills.

The map was displayed on the map, which opened the bill account of the card holder. If a citizen would wanted to change the bank, then the card would have to change. Also, the reissue would be required in the case of changing the surname, other data presented on the surface.

Not everyone wished to delve into the subtleties of the functions of the UEC. Elderly faces So often remain out of the advantages. In addition, there are people who are simply not inclined to constantly contact with the computer.

For full-fledged work with the map it would have to buy a special device and master the new software, which was also pleased. Under conditions, when a computer dependence and is growing in geometric progression, the card functionality is able to increase it even more.

If the PIN code is incorrectly input, the OEC holder is blocked, which deprives its documents and capabilities. Itself a plastic card Often, it does not withstand the load: with active use of it, as a transport including, leads to wear long before the expiration established period actions.

Despite the wide opportunities, it does not eliminate the need to carry a passport with me, because it cannot be recognized as a document certifying. The need to equip all potential places to use by special terminals and readers rejoiced not all. There are other disadvantages that are quite a lot in practical use.

Plus to this:

  1. Attempts to track the movements of the cardholders were carried out, for example, in the subway, which, ultimately, did not deliver anyone.
  2. There were concerns that the presence of the UEC will give the opportunity to total tight control of the privacy of citizens.
  3. Part of the citizens fears that it will make fraud and fraud simple and accessible
  4. About 10% of respondents found it in the entrance to the unauthorized awareness of third parties about their private life.
  5. At the same time, almost half of individuals prefer to have documents separately.

Can I get this card now

In December last year, UEC was canceled, while Holders of already issued maps can continue to use them until the expiration date.Universal electronic map of a citizen of the Russian Federation - what is it and how to get it? - These questions are closed. This project has been stopped for many reasons, one of the reasons is the international situation.

The Universal Electronic Card project is implemented under the control of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. This initiative has state importance.

Materials on the topic:

JSC UEC reports to cancel the release and issuance of universal electronic maps (UEC) from January 1, 2017. The corresponding decision was made at the federal level and was enshrined by the Federal Law of 28.12.2016 No. 471-FZ.

based on his written statement. From the beginning of 2015, the card will be issued all dependencies on whether you filed a statement or not. In the event that a citizen does not want to receive an UEK, he can apply for a refusal to receive a map.

General Regulations on the universal electronic map are definedFederal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

In early 2014, the Federation Council approved changes to the federal law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", which extended the deadlines for issuing universal maps on the basis of statements from citizens until December 31, 2014. Mandatory issuance of UEC for citizens who have not submitted refusal statements is provided for from January 1, 2015.

In 2014, the Moscow government plans to release 500,000 universal electronic cards with a transport application.

- Editorial

UEC - What gives citizens of the Russian Federation a universal card?

The universal electronic map (UEC) is designed to certify the rights of the UEC user to receive state and municipal services, as well as to pay for these services in electronic form.

A card can be a carrier of a qualified electron-digital signature (EDS) of a citizen who gives him the opportunity to make legally significant actions, including receiving state, municipal and commercial services in electronic form.

The main possibilities of the electronic banking application of the EEC, operating throughout the Russian Federation, include:

  1. Payment of state, municipal and commercial services.
  2. Payment of goods and services in the retail network.
  3. Removing cash in ATMs.
  4. Banking services (deposits, loans, money transfers, etc., the list of services is established by the Issuer Bank).

Additionally, independent regional and municipal electronic applications may be placed on the UEC that provide services in a particular region.

UEK - new passport?

Currently, the UEC does not have the status of a document certifying personality (although the draft law on the introduction in 2015 of the electronic passport is submitted to the State Duma in January 2013 and is under consideration).

UEC does not replace the passport, Zakgganpasport or driver's license of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The UEC provides access to the information about the owner of the UEK to certify its rights to receive state, municipal services and other services.

Where and how to use uek

The map is a tool using the departments, funds, organizations and institutions will be able to provide citizens with a wide range of services in electronic form. Card can be used:

  • in ATMs and POS terminals;
  • in the terminals of the network of participants in a unified payment and service system "Universal electronic card";
  • in departments, (MFC);
  • in transport (subway, land transport);
  • on a single portal of state and municipal services.
  • on regional portals of state and municipal services;
  • on the UEC-online portal;
  • on the portals of commercial service providers who received the appropriate permission to authorize UEC users.

In the near future, with the help of UEC, as promised developers, opportunities will appear:

  • receive information about the communal services provided, and the calculations with the possibility of payment;
  • receptions for the doctor, registration of high-tech assistance applications, obtaining primary medical care and electronic registration services, electronic history of disease, electronic recipes, payments for drugs and services;
  • obtaining information on the results of the USE, entrance tests and enrollment in universities, the child's performance;
  • child enrollment in kindergarten;
  • use the map as an analogue of a travel ticket, including for preferential categories of citizens;
  • draw up and receive benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, child care;
  • apply for the appointment or recalculation of pensions;
  • get up and removed from the scientist in the tax authority, to apply tax returns, receive information about unpaid fines and pay them;
  • apply for the appointment of unemployment benefits, providing material assistance and employment assistance;
  • receive information on the state of the individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance, a statement on the transition to a non-state pension fund.
  • pay the traffic police fines, duties upon receipt of a driver's license, registration or removal from the registration of the vehicle;
  • remote registration of insurance contracts.


When applying for the receipt of UEK is highly recommended to have a policy with you mandatory Medical Insurance. In the absence of the policy, the applicant will not be able to receive medical services on the map. Moreover, from January 1, 2014, the presence of an OMS policy is a prerequisite for obtaining an EEC.

For example, servicemen and citizens equivalent to them can't get UEK, because They are not issued Polis of OMS.


Currently, the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the system of compulsory pension insurance of the Russian Federation (SNILS) is the most popular citizen identifier and is used to obtain services on public portals. When using the UEC, the SNILS is automatically read.

Using the UEC on the Internet

To use the UEC on the Internet usedcardrider - A device of interaction with UEC, having certified software and hardware protection.

To work on the UEC user's personal computer, any card reader corresponding to the PC / SC standard can be used. Cardriders for UEC deliver independent suppliers. Also requiredinstall the software (it is free, as reported on the UEC website, download the program on the product site Ski "Cryptopro UEK CSP"), allowing you to work with an electronic signature.

With the use of the Cardrider, all electronic services provided on portals of state and municipal services become the holder of the universal electronic card, as well as to sign, for example, contracts (which is important for freelancers and those who cannot physically sign a document).

In early April 2013, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation introduced amendments regulating remote employment. Now the employment contract compiled in electronic form, certified by electronic signatures of the parties, has the same force as the contract on paper, signed personally. In this case, in the employment contract it should be indicated, for how long the employer and employee must confirm the receipt of an electronic document from each other.

The cost of the cartride in high trade is 200-400 rubles.

How to get uek?

UEC is issued free to the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a personal statement.

The map is valid for five years.

At the moment, it is not possible to apply for the receipt of the UEC. For this you need to go to service item, it is also a point of reception of applications.

For citizens up to 14 years, the statement of extradition of the EEC submits and signs the legal representative. In this case, the placement on the UEC photographs of a minor is not necessary.

Minors between the ages of fourteen to eighteen can independently apply for the extradition of the UEC and get the card, as well as abandon it.

When applying, a citizen must have with him:

  • identity document (required);
  • mandatory Medical Insurance Policy ( mandatory from January 1, 2014);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available).

The application can be filed in Moscow, having only temporary registration in the capital (only for citizens of the Russian Federation). But the submission of an application for proxy is not provided by law.

In the same place, at the service point, the applicant will take a picture. You can bring a photo with you (color or black and whitein an electronic form or on paper), but it must comply with the following requirements:

  • For paper photos -3.5 x 4.5 cm, on matte paper thick up to 0.3 mm, without chances, scratches and other damage, andthe view must be focused, pthe ashes from the chin to the top of the head should be 70-80% of the image height.
  • For photo in the balloral form - the photo should be saved with a resolution of 420 points in width of 525 points at an altitude of up to 480 widths by 600 points in height, depending on the optical resolution of the image with the aspect ratio of 4: 5 in JPEG format. The maximum size of the color photograph file is 300 KB, the minimum is 90 kb. Maximum size of the monochrome photo file 60 KB, minimum - 17 KB. Colors: either 24-bit RGB colored space, in which each pixel accounts for 8 bits for each color component (red, green and blue); either 8.-Bit monochrome color space in which each pixel accounts for 8 bits of brightness values. When using the scanner, the photo must be scanned with an optical resolution from 533 to 610 DPI.

If desired, the curler may include in the data that will be "wearing" its card, the electronic signature key. This signature will have the same legal force as the personal physical signature of the applicant.

When submitting an application, the applicant chooses the bank to the account in which the map will be tied.

While the choice of banks is limited. The affiliate program is involved:

  1. OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  2. OJSC "Bank URALSIB"
  3. JSC "Ak Bars" Bank
  4. OJSC "Moscow Industrial Bank"
  5. JSC KB Center-Invest
  6. OJSC "Bank" St. Petersburg "
  7. OJSC Bank ABB
  8. CJSC Surgutneftegazbank
  9. Bank "Northern Credit" (OJSC)
  10. AKB "Almazergienbank"
  11. "Zapsibcombank" of JSC
  12. OJSC "Asia-Pacific Bank"
  13. JSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank
  14. LLC "Khakasssky Municipal Bank"

An account, if available, can be born to the map, or first open, and then to tie. But for these actions, the bank should be trading independently. Bring your account to the map in the service point will not, not their competence.

When the card is ready, the applicant needs to visit the card issuance (it is specified in the application, as the rules for accepting applications and the issuance points coincide) and get the card itself and envelope with the PIN codes to it. PIN codes are needed for different functions (its code for each function): for identification of personality upon receipt of services, signing documents by electronic signature, used when need to change Codes for these two actions, and PIN code for a bank application.

If you get a map in Moscow on the siteuec.mos.ru. You can check the status of the statement for the issuance of the EEC, and check the card itself. From there you can go toportal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow.

If you have a marriage, the Replacement of the WEEC is carried out for free on the basis of the application.

Moscow region

In the suburbs there are 4 service points.

For the implementation of the project in the Moscow region, OJSC is responsible "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region."

Replacement in the case of theft, loss or expirationUEC

In case of loss, immediately report this to the organization issued by the UEC (for Moscow it is "Moscow Social Register", for the Moscow region - OJSC "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region"), To the bank, which is opened by an account attached to the EEC and, in the case of an electronic signature on the lost UEK, to the Certification Center, which issued a certificate of an electronic signature checkpoint certificate.

A citizen has the right to apply for a statement about the extradition of Duplicate UEC. Duplicate is issued on a fee basis.

In case of expiration, the bank replacement, the card is issued for free.

Refusal of UEC

If you do not want to receive a personal electronic card, you need to contact the organization authorized for the issuance of maps (for Moscow this is the Moscow Social Register, for the Moscow Region - OJSC "Universal Electronic Map of the Moscow Region").

But it is worth keeping in mind, it is possible to refuse the use of the UEC only if the UEC is released. Therefore, it makes sense to handle the refusal after January 1, 2014, when the cards will produce massively.

The refusal to use the UEC does not mean cancellation of the card. Refusal of obtaining or using UEC does not carry restrictions on obtaining services, benefits, etc. Services and benefits will be provided on the basis of existing documents.

Making transactions and registration of purchases on the Internet is no longer surprised. With the help of the World Wide Web, you can make any business transaction, because the focus in the virtual sphere is set, first of all, on the safety of such interactions. For competent building workflow or exchange of information on the Internet, legal entities A reliable identifier is needed, the role of which is electronic digital signature.

What is EDS and what is it used for?

The electronic digital signature is a cryptological tool that allows you to provide the accessory and integrity of the file. In addition, the EDS has other essential functions. Thanks to a virtual signature, a legal entity can control the workflow faster and organize transactions.

The identifier can assure any documentation, regardless of its type and status. For example, if the signature is put on a file with accounting data, it automatically acts as a confirmation:

  • lack of any changes and adjustments after signing;
  • document certificates by an authorized person who has the right to perform the procedure.

Thanks to the listed moments for many legal entities, the signing of documents with the help of the EDS has become preferable in comparison with the classical option - the instruction of the documentation with the help of printing and manual signature.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of EDS for Jurlitz

The appearance of the electronic tool was preceded by the creation of a plurality of services that allow us to translate business relationships to online mode. In essence, the EDS is information stored on a digital medium, flash drive or smart card.

The use of cryptopsy is impossible without the availability of the necessary software on the computer.

The electronic identifier was widespread due to the following advantages:

  • provides the highest level of protection of documentation from possible fakes;
  • copy and fake the signature is almost impossible;
  • the signature makes it possible to control the integrity and accuracy of the document;
  • identification is carried out much faster;
  • use allows you to carry out transactions at an accelerated pace online;
  • the legislator does not limit the number of identifiers, the firm may arrange several tools at once for its activities to share the powers between different specialists.

As well as positive moments, electronic method Certificates have some negative characteristics:

  • the electronic tool imposes similar duties as the usual signature, therefore requires the same attentive relationship and precautions;
  • there is a significant risk of the ADS theft, because the owner will have to carefully protect it, the flash drive with the signature is also not recommended to transmit to third parties;
  • if the EDS is confirmed and registered, it is impossible to abandon it;
  • to obtain an electronic mechanism, it is necessary to be present in the design personally;
  • the operation of the EDS is impossible without software, whose maintenance involves additional costs.

Varieties of EDS

Initially, an electronic certificate has positioned itself as a reliable identifier that allows you to assume the accuracy of documents. Over time, due to the expansion of the spectrum of the capabilities of the signature, there was a need to appear qualifying features.

The law on the use of EDS No. 63-FZ dated 06.04.2011, there are three types of an electronic authentication mechanism.

Simple format
. It is a combination of login and password used to enter the site or service, pay for certain services or products online. It is intended to identify a user who performs certain actions on the service.

The regulation of the feasibility of a simple signature is carried out under the terms of the law 63-ФЗ from 2011, where it is designated that the right of signature of a simple EDS is recognized in situations where there are agreements on the recognition of such a signature similar to the personnel.

Reinforced unqualified. Need to authenticate the user who signed the document. Created by cryptographic document transformations in electronic form. In addition, also certifies the absence of edits and adjustments to information after signing. Designed for transactions between different counterparties (for example, when administered electronic document management with mosenergosbyt) and participation in electronic bidding.

Reinforced qualified. The most protected type of cryptopocation. Helps identify the identity of the user who used the signature. It is convenient for large firms, where several authorized persons are endowed with the right of signature. The identifier is issued by a specialized accredited certificate center (UC), the owner is provided with the corresponding certificate, the data of which is transferred to a single registry.

How to get EDS?

Registration provides for the applicant next algorithm of action:

  1. Submission of the application personally, or by sending through online services Uz.
  2. Preparation of documentary support, transfer of securities in UC for processing, receiving an account for the payment of the service.
  3. Production of payment, receipt of a receipt certifying this fact.
  4. Waiting for the completion of the verification of documentation, passing registration procedures for the design of the EDS.
  5. Getting digital media with keys for the functioning of the identifier.
  6. Obtaining a certificate in paper and electronic formats.
  7. Installing and configuring on a computer special software components for subsequent use of an electronic identifier.

How to use EDS?

To use the possibilities initially, it should be issued in specialized CCs with a license for issuing an electronic accounting tool. Passing the necessary registration procedures, the user receives the cryptographic keys of the closed and open type.

To start using accounting It is necessary to execute such actions:

  1. Installation on the computer software received from UC officers. It is important to make sure that the software has a necessary certificate, and includes a complex of programs necessary for the possibility of using an electronic identifier.
  2. The "Capicom" and "Cadescom" type libraries are installed on the computer.

Free Services

If the receipt of the signature is associated with the need to implement procedures enshrined at the legislative level (submission of reporting, customs clearance, authorization on government agencies), then, usually, the same departments provide ability to work for free through the system of personal accounts, for example:

  • personal account on the Sites of the Federal Tax Service, FFR, FSS and Customs Management;
  • account on the Public Services Portal or E-Government;
  • accounts of large partners (for example, PAO Mosenergosbyt).

The EDS can be used both to sign the documentation and reports within a specially designed software or work within the web resource and to record documents created by the user outside these services:

  • MS Word In the "Service" tab, the "Parameters" item is selected, where there is an additional security tab. When you click on it, the "CPU" window opens, in which the "Certificate" item should be selected;
  • MS Word must be pressed on the office icon, then follow the action team - "Prepare" - "Add CPU" - "Register the goal of signing" - "Select a signature" - "sign";
  • PDF files. You must equip the computer with special programs that allow you to work with files. this type, software modules that guarantee the ability to sign and check;
  • HTML form. Here the operation is executed directly in the web browser, where there is a "Sign and Send" button. The menu does the picture load, in the formation string indicate all authorization type data.

EDP \u200b\u200bvalidity period

The standard action period is 12 months. This is agreed by the terms of law 63-ФЗ. At the same time, certificate owners have the right to extend the time of the electronic mechanism an unlimited number of times.

Upon renewal increases by 12 months. To do this, you need to send the appropriate application to the CC. After consideration of the appeal, employees of the CC will be made the final decision. For convenience, many centers provide their customers with access to personal cabinetsFrom which you can send an application for exemption in an accelerated format.

The duration of the signature is not more than 15 years for open and enclosed keys, as indicated in the order of the FSB No. 796 dated December 27, 2011.

Package of documents for receipt of EDS

A specific list of necessary documentary support for registration of a certified control mechanism is regulated by Part 2 of Art. 18 of the Law 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature". Here is a clarification by which the following papers should be prepared to obtain a Urlitsa certificate:

  • passport details of the head or authorized applicant;
  • registration data;
  • evidence of the company's setting on tax accounting;
  • power of attorney confirming the authority of the applicant to certify documents online (if the applicant is not a leader or founder);
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • a copy of the order for the applicant's appointment by a managerial person;
  • details of the production structure.

The cost of registration of EDS and maintenance

Obtaining a certificate is a paid procedure. The financial side of the issue is regulated by Part 7 of Art. 13 of the Law 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature". Here the right of the UC independently identify the cost of the procedure and subsequent maintenance of software components.

Rates depend directly from a number of key factors:

  1. The location of the customer.
  2. The type of certificate, the range of certification capabilities implemented by the owner.
  3. The pricing strategy of the UC, up to date for a specific applicant's appeal period.
  4. The industry in which the further use of EDS is envisaged.

As practice is evidenced, the price of the identification mechanism varies from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles. The specific value largely depends on the appointment of signatures and specific cases of use:

  • The identifier for interaction with the Gosv services portal is 1.7 thousand rubles;
  • For trading platforms and electronic auctions - 5.9 thousand rubles;
  • IP and the Physico will pay 1250 rubles;
  • for the sales center - 3 thousand rubles;
  • interaction with Gati - 1.7 thousand rubles.

The amounts presented are averaged, may differ from the real rates of UC.

Is it possible to get the EDS for free?

The design of the electronic identifier is paid. FREE UC, controlling organs and counterparties, often provide only software or access to your personal account.

This is due to the need to ensure the performance of software, determined by the cost of the EDS key carriers. Tarispension is established by certifying centers on their own, based on different parameters and factors.

With prolonged cooperation, the UC can provide the customer of bonuses in the form of discounts on the payment of services. You can place certification documentation for free only in a situation where this feature ACC is provided to specific customers.

Instructions for using EDS for free reporting in the FTS can be found below.

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