
Public services portal for making an appointment with a doctor. Krasnoarmeysk - electronic registry. How to make an appointment: step-by-step instructions

Today it is not possible to make an appointment for a child with a doctor through the State Services portal in all regions. The telephone booking system continues to operate in some areas, but is gradually being replaced by more modern methods.

You can make an appointment with the following doctors through the portal:

  • Pediatrician;
  • Therapist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • To the dentist.

Registration for other specialists is not possible. Appointment vouchers are issued only with a referral from a pediatrician or therapist.

An appointment with a doctor at the clinic is carried out strictly according to a coupon, which is printed from the personal account of the State Services portal. You must also have the passport of the parent and child with you, if he has already received one. If the child is under 14 years of age, a birth certificate will be required. You also need to take SNILS and compulsory medical insurance.

Pay special attention to compulsory medical insurance. Mandatory policy health insurance must be issued in the same locality where the child makes an appointment with a doctor. The policy must be permanent; registration under temporary compulsory medical insurance is not made. This leads to the fact that when moving it is necessary to formalize new policy compulsory health insurance.

Note! Compulsory medical insurance is only required for registration through the State Services portal. Without it, you can make an appointment with a doctor directly at the clinic by phone.

You can purchase or reissue a compulsory medical insurance policy at any major insurance company. It is recommended to take out a policy with large organizations in order to avoid problems with re-issuance when moving to another city. If your insurance company has an office in a new locality, it will be sufficient for re-registration. And if there is no office, you will have to buy a new policy from a new insurance company.

For citizens who have lost their policy documents, it is possible to restore the document. You can check whether the policy has been issued through the website Federal Fund Compulsory medical insurance. There you can ask any questions about registration and receipt of the policy. Decor medical policy takes about a month.

How to make an appointment: step-by-step instructions?

The owner of a profile on the State Services website can sign up himself or issue a ticket for another person, including someone else’s child. To do this, after authorization you will need to go through the following branches:

Important! You can only get a certificate to see a doctor for a person assigned to the clinic. To do this, you need to write an application to attach your child to the clinic. At the same time, copies of the parent’s and child’s passports, if he already has a passport, a copy of the birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age, copies of SNILS of the parent and child, compulsory medical insurance are attached to the application. Attachment to the clinic takes several days, which must be taken into account before making an appointment. When moving and changing clinics, you must detach yourself from your previous medical institution.

After selecting “Make an appointment”, a page will open with a brief listing of the steps to obtain a coupon. You must click “Get a service” and proceed to filling out the child’s data:

In the column “Who needs to receive the service”, select “Another person”

After which you will need to fill in the child’s personal data:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Series and number of compulsory medical insurance;
  • SNILS number.

If you have previously made an appointment for your child with a doctor through the portal, the system will remember the data and automatically enter it into the free columns. After specifying the patient’s personal data, the parent only has to choose the place and time of the visit. Visitors also have the opportunity to see which doctor is seeing them that day and make an appointment with the doctor they like best. At the last stage, the system will generate a coupon. It must be printed to present at the clinic.

If you are unable to get an appointment with a doctor, you should cancel your voucher. This will not only free up time for other patients, but will also allow you to use your appointments without restrictions in the future. If the user has missed appointments with the doctor several times in a row without canceling the coupon, the ability to make an appointment through the portal is deactivated for a month.

The online appointment service through the State Services portal to the clinic is absolutely free. It will take only 3 minutes, but the coupon will indicate the exact time for the appointment. Thanks to this, users avoid long waits in queues, and the procedure for obtaining a certificate to see a doctor has also been simplified. After all, before, many parents had to sign up early in the morning, but even at that moment there was no possibility of choosing a specific time.

Not only Russian citizens can make an appointment with a doctor, but also foreigners and stateless persons with a residence permit in Russian Federation. In addition to making an appointment in the “Healthcare, Medicine, Medicines” section, you can call a doctor at home. There is a separate clause for this. But it is recommended to use this menu item only for people with disabilities movement. In emergency situations, you must call ambulance 103 from mobile and landline phones for free.

To simplify the procedure for making an appointment with medical specialists, the government of the Russian Federation has developed a special general portal on the Internet, through the services of which you can quickly and without spending extra time register a child with a doctor through government services. Here you can pay the state duty, if required by law.

Registration through a single portal greatly simplifies the life of our citizens, and especially those who have limited mobility or are in poor physical condition. There is no need to stand in lines, worry about not having a coupon for the required time, etc. Thanks to online registration through the public services website for an appointment with specialists, turmoil in the institutions themselves is eliminated, which is undoubtedly positive thing in the life of major settlements. Especially in a place like Moscow.

But when registering a child for an appointment with a doctor through government services, you must remember that not all regions in any city can do this. Firstly, the service is available only to those who have a compulsory medical insurance policy, and moreover, it must be issued in the city where the appointment with the doctor is made.

Secondly, if you need to register in St. Petersburg, and you are a resident of Moscow, then you need to re-register your compulsory medical insurance for the required region. That is, contact one of the insurance companies. She will reissue the service policy from the Moscow fund to the territorial one. The same is true when moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

While in Moscow, before making an appointment with a doctor, it is better to check the availability of a registered insurance policy Compulsory medical insurance in MGFOMS. If it turns out that it does not exist in your region, then you can use one of the insurance companies in Moscow. Some of them include:

  • JSC "Medical Insurance Company"UralSib"
  • JSC VTB Medical Insurance
  • CJSC "Medical Joint Stock Insurance Company" and others.

In order to check the availability of an insurance policy, you can use the special online service MGFOMS.

If an insurance policy is not available, then the possibility of direct registration directly at the clinic has never been canceled. But again, the recording will probably be made at a different time and not always convenient for you. Therefore, pre-registering a child with a doctor through State Services is the best way out of the situation. You won't have to wait long in line. This time can be spent usefully. So, how do you make an appointment with a doctor through State Services?

Below we will look at step-by-step instructions for using the portal, so that everyone can use remote recording at a convenient time.

The first step is to clarify who has the right to use the State Services portal. Such persons include:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons with a residence permit;
  • foreign citizens with an insurance policy.

In addition, you need to know that not all medical specialists can make an online appointment. There is a certain list of doctors who provide basic services to the population for diseases of any type. Reception to highly specialized specialists is carried out through a referral from the primary doctor. These include:

  • therapist;
  • pediatrician;
  • gynecologist;
  • dentist.

What is needed to make an appointment with medical specialists through the “Public Services” portal?

In order to use the services of the portal, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport or residence permit of the guardian or parent;
  • the child’s birth certificate, if he does not have a passport;
  • SNILS;
  • insurance policy.

In addition to having the required documents to apply for government services, you also need to be prepared to be responsible for your actions and decisions made. Responsibility is the key to well-being, so if you have made an appointment with a specialist through the portal, then be kind enough to visit the doctor or inform in advance about the impossibility of appearing.

This can be done on the portal itself or by contacting medical institution, which is being written to. If a potential client does not show up for an appointment several times in a row, the program automatically blocks the possibility of making an appointment for a specific user for a period of a month.

Having clarified all the nuances that quite often arise for many citizens and stateless persons, we proceed to the registration process itself.

Procedure for making an online appointment with medical specialists

The first thing you need to do is register Personal Area on the service website public services. After completing a simple registration and entering the account, users will see home page. Presented here full list all services, among which we find the required one.

IN in this case it is located at the bottom of the page in the right corner and is called “Health, Medicine and Drugs”. This is a whole section where you can find many other services related to the medical topic. You can also get to this menu from the page with popular services. You'll have to scroll around a little here because everything won't fit on the first page.

On the next page, titled “Make an appointment with a doctor,” you will be asked to assign your child to a specific clinic. If this is not necessary, then check the appropriate box. Then click the “Register” button.

All those who have at least once tried to call the clinic or come there to get a coupon know that it is constantly busy and there is a huge line at the registration window. The government service website allows you not only to make this easier, but also to choose a day and time convenient for you to see a specialist. In addition, you can call a doctor at home via the Internet if a high temperature prevents you from visiting a medical facility in person. In this article we will look at the instructions for making an appointment with a doctor and you should not have any difficulties with this.

Necessary documents for making an appointment with a doctor

Before we start getting a doctor’s certificate, let’s prepare the documents that we will need for the appointment:

For adults

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • medical insurance

For children

  • birth certificate
  • passport of one of the parents
  • medical insurance

Information from SNILS will need to be entered only by those who have already received it and have it in their hands.

Making an appointment with a doctor online

Go to the official government services portal and go to the section of available categories. Find the "Healthcare, Medicine, Drugs" category there.

The topmost item is making an appointment with a doctor, so feel free to click on it. The system will ask you to indicate the region in which you live.

Click on automatic region detection and you won’t need any extra steps. If the region is determined incorrectly, then return to the previous step and select it manually.

At the next stage, you will be asked to read the terms of service and agree to them. Read them carefully and check the appropriate box

If you are the authorized representative of the person you want to make an appointment with a doctor, then check the appropriate box and fill out your information. If you make an appointment with a doctor yourself, then do nothing and just click on the “Next” button.

At the next stage, we indicate the type of application (appointment with a doctor or house call). In addition, select the doctor you want to see and the type of appointment (initial or repeat). Please indicate the location of your clinic.

Enter the address of the clinic (if you don’t remember the street, then enter the name in Yandex and look up the address)

After that, in the lowest field, select the clinic and click “Next”. At the next stage, you need to select the doctor’s name and see the location of the clinic.

Select an available date and time for your doctor's appointment.

At the last stage, you will have summary information about your application and if you did not find any errors, then click on the “submit application” button. Now in the “my applications” tab there is an entry that will be checked and approved.

After a while, refresh the page and you should see something like this

In yours, you can not only view information about the registration, but also print out a coupon and present it at the reception.

Calling a doctor to your home through the public service portal

We looked at how to make an appointment with a doctor. If you are unable to get to the clinic on your own, then you can call a doctor at home. To do this, check the appropriate box on the government services website.

Enter the patient's address

Indicate whether your home has an elevator and select the specialist you want to call. Specify the call type as "primary". In addition, describe the reason for calling a doctor to your home

At the next step, indicate the name of the doctor you are calling

Double-check all the information you entered and submit your application. If we missed something in this article, then leave your comments and we will add your information.

    Galina Aleksandrovna Gurzhiy

    I would like to express my deep gratitude and deep bow to Doctor with a capital letter S.V. Kuzmina. for an attentive, sensitive and caring attitude towards patients, the patient’s problem, empathy, humanity and most importantly, a sincere desire to help. Please give an honorable mention to S.V. Kuzmina. for high professionalism and provision of qualified care to patients. Thank you!

    Cherkashina Galina Aleksandrovna

    After several months, which for me turned into moments of despair and hope, I would like to express my sincere recognition and gratitude to the ultrasound doctor Natalya Vladimirovna Matveeva. I can’t even imagine whether I would be healthy now if I had not had an appointment with doctors at clinic No. 121 (branch No. 2) on open day. IN urgently I was provided with assistance in undergoing tests and other procedures in preparation for the operation. After the operation I feel fine. Immediately after the operation, I expressed gratitude to the doctor who saw me. Now I also think: you need to be fair and grateful in order to also mention the doctor Natalya Vladimirovna Matveeva. Thank you!

    Burenkova Olga Borisovna

    Good afternoon. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the nurses of clinic 121 branch 2. I would like to say excellent organized work nurses, a constant desire to qualitatively improve the level of delivery of services to patients. There are practically no queues at nursing stations; nurses work very harmoniously and competently. I would like to wish them health, patience and success in their difficult work!

    Shandorin Oleg Alexandrovich

    Hello! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the urology doctor Timirkhan Avalievich Bakhoev for his highly professional approach both to the initial examination and during the treatment process itself. He consulted, prescribed examinations to identify the cause of the anxiety, and then prescribed treatment, which of course helped with a complete recovery. A specialist in his field, many thanks to him!!

    Romanov Artem Yurievich

    Hello! I would like to express my deep gratitude to Timirkhan Avalievich Bakhoev for his professional approach, sensitive and attentive attitude towards the patient. Thank you very much! There should be more doctors like this!

    Kasyanova Olga

    Good afternoon I would like to express my gratitude to nurse G.K. Abdulyan for her attention and kindness. A calm, positive woman, always ready to help. Thank you very much that such employees work at your clinic No. 121.

    Sumenkov Anton Olegovich

    I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the branch, Li Veranika Vladimirovna! Veranika Vladimirovna thank you for your help! Veranika Vladimirovna is ready to help everyone who comes to her, she doesn’t hide from visitors, and this is very important! I am glad and calm that our clinic is managed by a sympathetic person!

    Kolyaskina Ekaterina Vladimirovna

    Good afternoon I would like to express my deep gratitude help desk! I called the helpline just to clarify the available slots for an appointment with a surgeon, I was offered all open appointments for two weeks. The girl on the phone was friendly and polite, and after listening to my question, she offered several options for solving it. She offered to clarify the necessary information for making an appointment and call back later. After calling the line back I got to the same girl and made an appointment. Thus saving time. For which thank you very much, because... I work and there is no way to come and make an appointment. Thank you very much, good quality service, keep it up! I was very pleased, there are more employees like this!

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