
Methods of paying a fine for traveling without a ticket on public transport. Procedure for paying a fine issued for traveling without a ticket

Information about innovations in the field of travel control in the city passenger transport of Minsk appears regularly and is also steadily growing in word-of-mouth messages. From the latter - when collecting a fine “at the scene of the crime”, the stowaway now certainly needs to present a passport. And now the inspectors entering the transport are bombarded with a lot of questions, and even critical arrows - clearly in the wrong place. So, let's do a hearing test.

Photo by Liza Timashkova.

Many controllers have recently become much more tolerant of sometimes overly excited passengers. They do not prevent emergency self-evacuation of hares at a stop before the start of checking tickets and strongly advise you to still pay for the fare: very soon, auditors without the signature blue vests may appear not only on trams, but also on trolleybuses. Of course, a badge, a reading device and another important identifying mark of a modern Minsk auditor - a video recorder - will help a vigilant free rider identify a representative of the Minsktrans agency. But not everyone has keen vision and lightning-fast reactions. Therefore, thousands of people are charged every month in the capital for violating the established order. Of the total number of fines, only about two thirds pay the required amount on the spot. They are the ones who are mostly indignant. I supposedly violated it, but I paid, so why show the documents? Is a receipt really not enough? Not everyone carries a passport with them every day. It is clear that when a stowaway is asked to get off the bus and a protocol on an administrative offense is drawn up - in this document it is necessary to indicate the surname and initials. In other cases, why bother with paperwork?

To bring a person to justice, we need to know his last name, first name, patronymic and passport details,” explains Vitaly Budrevich, deputy head of the control and audit service of the State Enterprise Minsktrans. - For this you need a passport or residence permit. This is the procedure: this information is included in the decision to impose an administrative penalty. The passenger is issued a receipt. Information about the identity of the offender will subsequently be entered into the unified database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A similar requirement, it turns out, existed before. Although, I think, many passengers will remember cases when everything was done without presenting a passport. On the other hand, there is no doubt that the documentation must be in order. And the inspectors, by the way, notice: those who pay the fine on the spot almost always have the necessary documents with them. So, maybe the problem is not worth a damn? But here is another aspect of the relationship between controllers and free riders. If you always need a passport, what’s the point of paying right away, especially when you don’t have a lot of money with you? Still, 11 rubles 50 kopecks is a considerable amount for some. Isn’t it better then to provide your information and wait for the notification to arrive in order to pay the fine through the bank? But this is again unnecessary paperwork and wasted time. And, presumably, it is more logical for Minsktrans to receive money as quickly as possible. As noted by the general director of the enterprise, Leonty Papenok, daily losses from free riders amount to about 40 thousand rubles, with revenue from sold travel cards and coupons in the region of 400 thousand rubles...

Photo by Vitaly Pivovarchik.


Conductors will not return to ground passenger transport in Minsk: according to Minsktrans specialists, more than 40% of the proceeds from the tickets they sold were spent on their maintenance.


There will be more inspectors in Minsk. There are more than 2,000 units of rolling stock in the city, while the control and audit service employs only about 220 people. Soon the staff is expected to increase to 260 employees.


In accordance with the rules of road transport of passengers, the passenger is obliged to purchase a ticket in a timely manner and pay the fare in full, unless otherwise provided by law, from the driver, at the ticket office of the passenger terminal or other points of sale - before the start of the trip, from the conductor (if available) - until the next stop.


Employees of the control and audit service have the right:

Check the timeliness and completeness of payment for travel and baggage by passengers;

Draw up protocols on administrative violations;

Issue a resolution to impose an administrative penalty, which comes into force from the moment it is issued;

Collect fines on the spot;

If a passenger violates the norms of the current legislation and refuses to pay a fine, as well as the impossibility of establishing his identity due to failure to present the relevant documents, contact the internal affairs bodies to establish his identity and draw up a protocol on the administrative offense;

Detain a person who has committed an administrative offense for transfer to authorized state bodies when he tries or may escape.


In Geneva, data on free riders is entered into the city public transport information database, and a repeated violation will cost significantly more.

In Paris, the amount of the fine depends on the time within which the hare pays the amount. Sometimes it increases 6 times.

In Vienna, if the fine for traveling without a ticket is not paid within 3 days from the date of issue, the amount increases.

Every passenger is required to pay for travel on public transport, especially since there are many payment methods. However, sometimes citizens forget about this and try to travel for free. In this case, such a passenger may be forced to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket.

How long does it take to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket?

Traveling without a ticket on a bus or subway is an administrative offense. Therefore, an appropriate administrative fine is provided for this. It must be paid only after an authorized person has drawn up a resolution and issued a receipt.

The receipt must contain the following information:

  • resolution number;
  • amount;
  • date of commission of the offense.

To issue a document, the controller is obliged to use the personal documents of the violator. If he does not provide a passport, the official has the right to hand over the stowaway to the police for identification. Therefore, it is better not to interfere with the controller performing its duties.

In 2019, the fine for ticketless travel on the metro or bus is 1 thousand rubles. If the violator unlawfully uses the discount card, then the amount will be 2 thousand 500 rubles.

Information: the payment deadline according to Russian legislation is 60 days. Any payment method can be chosen.

Where to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket

There are many ways to pay various fines and other payments to the state. Previously, this required going to the bank, but with the development of technology, you can pay a fine for ticketless travel on the subway and bus:

  • using Internet banking;
  • through terminals and ATMs;
  • through virtual payment systems;
  • on the State Services website.

The choice depends on the preferences and capabilities of the free rider.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket through Sberbank Online

If the violator has a Sberbank card, then paying the fine will not take him much time. Especially if you have access to online banking. Then the payer does not need to use an ATM to deposit money or personally visit a bank branch.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Paying a fine through Sberbank Online is quite simple. The money is credited instantly, and the procedure itself takes only a few minutes. In addition, you can download a similar application to your phone and make transfers at any time.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket through State Services

One of the simplest and most convenient ways to deposit funds via the Internet is the State Services portal. This is especially convenient for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Payment through the State Services website is carried out as follows:

  1. The payer needs to go to the website and log in (register).
  2. Then go to the “Fines” section.
  3. Provide the required information from the receipt.
  4. Select payment method. You can transfer money from a card, e-wallet, or mobile phone.
  5. The transaction is usually carried out after confirmation via SMS.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket if you have lost your receipt

To enable the violator to pay an administrative fine, a special receipt is provided. But since the payment period is quite long (two months), the document can easily be lost. However, this is not a reason why a stowaway can avoid the obligation to pay the penalty.

Therefore, you will still have to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket if you suddenly lost your receipt.

So, if the payer somehow managed to lose the receipt, he needs to do the following:

  1. Open the Transportation Organizer website.
  2. Go to the “Payment of fines” tab.
  3. Print the form that opens.
  4. Fill out and pay the fine.

When there is no receipt, the details of the decision are indicated. You can find out about them by contacting this organization.

Other payment methods

Any passenger can be fined, even if he simply did not have time to pay the fare. And while young people can easily deposit money online, older offenders may have problems with this. Therefore, if it is not possible to use modern technologies, you can deposit money through a bank cash desk. To do this you need:

  1. Send to the nearest bank branch. This can be any institution, so it is not necessary to be its client.
  2. You must have a passport or any other identification document with you.
  3. A receipt is also provided. You can pay with a card from the same bank or in cash.
  4. A receipt will be issued after payment. It needs to be preserved.

Another option for depositing money is through various terminals and ATMs. A suitable device can be found at a bank or shopping center. The rules of use are as follows:

  1. First you need to decide what your payment method will be. If using a card, then you should select a terminal with the appropriate functions.
  2. Next, you need to insert the card and enter the PIN code. If payment is made in cash, you can immediately open the device menu.
  3. Select the desired section. This could be “Payments and transfers” or “Payment for services”.
  4. Next, you need to open the “Fines, taxes” tab.
  5. Go to the “Transport Organizer” section.
  6. Enter receipt details.
  7. Amount.
  8. If necessary, deposit cash.
  9. Click "Pay".
  10. Pick up the check.

In addition to the above methods, the payer can use any virtual payment system, for example, WebMoney or Qiwi. Naturally, his electronic wallet must contain the required amount.

Is it possible to avoid paying a fine?

By law, the violator has 60 days to pay the fine. But this does not mean that he can appeal the decision during this entire period. The payer has only 10 days after the decision is made to contact the appropriate authority. If a claim has not been filed in court during this time, the violator will have to pay a fine.

If a citizen refuses to pay, after 2 months the amount of the penalty increases by 2 times. In addition, another administrative penalty may be applied to the violator. We are talking about arrest for 15 days. Hardcore violators often face a ban on traveling abroad.

A thousand rubles is a small amount, so you shouldn’t delay paying the fine. If we talk about going to court, then in this case it is pointless. Firstly, the claim may not be satisfied and you still have to pay. Secondly, a penalty and legal costs will have to be added to the amount of the fine. And in order not to encounter such problems, it is better to purchase tickets. Then you won’t have to conflict with the controller and pay an administrative penalty.

Who is entitled to free travel?

1. Passengers entitled to benefits, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2007 No. 239-Z “On state social benefits, rights and guarantees for certain categories of citizens,” on the basis of the appropriate certificate (certificate) of the right to benefits.
2. Students of institutions of general secondary education and special education located on the territory of Minsk:
on public road transport, carrying out urban road transport of passengers in regular traffic, urban electric transport and in the metro, regardless of place of residence (place of stay) and place of study - year-round, including during the summer holidays, for graduates of 9 and 11 classes - before the date for issuing certificates approved by the Minsk City Executive Committee;
living in the territory of the Minsk region on public road transport, carrying out suburban road transport of passengers on a regular basis, from the place of residence (place of stay) to the place of study and back in the period from September 1 to June 30.
This right is exercised by students on the basis electronic student card(in its absence - certificates), confirming their training in relevant educational institutions. The standard form of the certificate is established by Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2012 No. 67 “On the establishment of standard forms of certificates.”
According to the Code “On Education of the Republic of Belarus”, institutions of general secondary and special education include:

general secondary education

special education

Elementary School; basic school; high school; night school; gymnasium; boarding school; lyceum; specialized lyceum; Suvorov School; cadet school; boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care; sanatorium boarding school; educational and pedagogical complex; interschool training and production center for labor training and vocational guidance; interschool pre-conscription training center.

Special general education school (special general education boarding school); auxiliary school (auxiliary boarding school); center for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation; other special education institution.

Note. Special education is the training and education of students who are individuals with special needs of psychophysical development, through the implementation of educational special education programs at the levels of preschool and general secondary education.

Pupils or students of other educational institutions (colleges,
vocational institutions, higher educational institutions, etc.)
Free travel is not provided!!!

Regulatory documents in accordance with which the state enterprise "Minsktrans" provides the right of free travel to students of institutions of general secondary education and special education located on the territory of Minsk:

  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 16, 2011 No. 202 “On some issues of travel for students”;
  • Decision of the Minsk City Council of Deputies dated September 13, 2016 No. 232 “On additional measures for social support for students”;
  • Decision of the Minsk Regional Council of Deputies dated December 24, 2011 No. 132 “On additional measures for social support for students.”
You can familiarize yourself with the above regulatory legal acts on the company’s website www.site in the section “About the enterprise” → “Regulatory documents” (or by clicking on), as well as on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus - pravo.by.

For what period and upon presentation of what documents do pensioners annually have the right to a 50% discount on the cost of travel on public passenger transport on a regular commuter route?

Every year from May 1 to September 30, for the period of seasonal agricultural work, citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age and who have been assigned a state pension, regardless of its type, are entitled to a 50 percent discount on the cost of travel on public passenger transport of regular suburban service (except taxis). ).
This right is exercised by citizens on the basis of travel documents (tickets) issued to them by passenger transport organizations upon presentation of pension certificates.
(Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 29, 2011 No. 176 “On state support for pensioners”)

What to do with single-trip tickets at previous fares?

According to the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated December 12, 2016 No. 3715 “On tariffs for urban transportation of passengers and hand luggage by all types of transport (except railway) in regular traffic” ( as amended by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated December 19, 2019 No. 4070) (hereinafter referred to as the decision) tickets for one trip at rates of 60 and 75 kopecks are valid for thirty days from the date of entry into force of the decision, that is, from December 26, 2019 to January 24, 2020 (inclusive). Unused tickets for one trip at rates of 60 and 75 kopecks subject to exchange* with an appropriate surcharge (fare difference) for new tickets, throughout the entire period of validity of the decision.
Tickets purchased from the driver for one trip at rates of 65 or 80 kopecks are valid for paying for travel on buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric buses or express buses, respectively, throughout the entire period of validity of the decision.

Tickets for one trip at other (other) fares cannot be exchanged or returned!

Where and when can I purchase (replenish) a travel document for BSK*?

Sales of travel documents are carried out at points of sale of travel documents. You can view the list of points of sale of travel documents on the company’s website in the section “Structure” → “Branch” → “Agency” (or by going to ).


Travel documents
for a certain number of trips

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100

at the time of application

Travel documents

(no travel limit)

from the 15th of the previous month to
10th day of the current month

1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 30 and 90 days

at the time of application, from the date chosen by the passenger, not exceeding 30 days from the date of sale

Travel documents
for a certain period of time
(without travel limit) subject to combination with trains
city ​​lines

3, 5, 10, 20 and 30 days

at the time of application

Help by phone: 246-98-00, 246-98-12, 246-98-54.
*Contactless smart card

Where can I learn about the procedure for selling travel documents by bank transfer?

On the company’s website in the section “Structure” → “Branch” → “Agency” → “Sale of ticket products for legal entities” (or by clicking on ), as well as by phone: 246-98-45, 246-98-11, 246 -98-48 (fax).

How is information read from the BSK* if several different types of travel documents are recorded on it?

Example 1. Recorded on BSK* two type of travel document:
- travel document for 15 days (without travel limit) for a metro bus (1st PD);
- a travel document for 40 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (2nd PD).
At the moment the BSK* is applied to the validator, information from the 1st PD is considered first, before the start (or after the end) of the validity period of the 1st PD, as well as in the absence of any type of transport in it (in this example, a trolleybus, tram) the trip will be written off from the 2nd PD.
Example 2. Recorded on BSK* three type of travel document:
- travel document for 10 days (without travel limit) for the metro trolleybus (1st PD);
- a travel document for 3 days (without a travel limit), subject to combination with city line trains, for tram-train city lines (2nd PD);
- a travel document for 20 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (3rd PD).
At the moment of applying the BSC*, the validator first considers information from unlimited travel documents for a day. So in a trolleybus and metro, information from the 1st PD is counted, and in a tram and city line trains, at the moment of the first application, the 2nd PD is activated. Before the start (or after the end) of the validity period of the 1st PD and (or) the 2nd PD, as well as in the absence of any type of transport (in this example, a bus), the 3rd PD will be valid.
*Contactless smart card

BSK* contains two travel documents for a certain number of trips (for example, 60 and 10) for the same types of transport (for example: bus-trolleybus-tram). How will trips be written off, given their different validity periods?

Example 1. The passenger purchased a travel document for 60 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (1st PD) and a travel document for 10 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (2nd PD). At the moment the BSC* is applied to the validator, trips from the 2nd PD will be written off first, since the validity period of the 2nd PD (60 days) is less than the 1st PD (80 days). After the expiration of the validity period or trips of the 2nd PD, trips will be written off from the 1st PD.
Example 2. The passenger purchased a travel document for 60 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (1st PD) and has already begun confirming payment by applying the BSK* to the validator on the bus or trolleybus or tram, and after some time (for example, 20 days) replenished BSK* with a travel document for 10 trips on a bus-trolleybus-tram (2nd PD), in this situation, trips will be written off as follows.
For the first 20 days, trips will be written off from the 1st PD, and from the moment the BSC* is replenished with the 2nd PD, trips from the 2nd PD will begin to be written off due to the fact that the validity period of the 2nd PD (60 days) is less than the 1st PD (80 days). After the expiration of the validity period or trips of the 2nd PD, trips will be written off from the 1st PD.
Dear passengers, we draw your attention to the fact that the validity of travel documents for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100) begins from the date of their purchase at points of sale of travel documents indicated in the information receipt.
*Contactless smart card

The validator (subway turnstile) does not display the balance (remaining trips) of the 2nd travel document for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100)

If the BSK* has two travel documents for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100), when the BSK* is repeatedly applied to the validator in the passenger compartment on the validator (or when the BSK* is applied to the validator for the first time in metro at the turnstile) the balance of the travel document with the shortest validity period (1 TD) is displayed. After the expiration of the 1st TD, the balance of the second travel document will be displayed.
You can verify the availability of two travel documents at BSK* for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100) at points of sale of travel documents, using an information check, as well as on the display of self-service terminals of BPS-Sberbank OJSC "
*Contactless smart card

Why are travel documents for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100) for travel on land types of urban passenger transport limited in validity?

The state enterprise "Minsktrans" carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The validity periods of travel documents for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100) are determined by the provision of discounts and are established by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee of December 12, 2016 No. 3715 “On tariffs for urban transportation of passengers and hand luggage by all modes of transport (except for railway) in regular communication" (as amended by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated December 19, 2019 No. 4070) (hereinafter referred to as the decision). This decision was agreed with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus and passed the mandatory legal examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
As an alternative to a travel document for a certain number of trips (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100), passengers can use a single trip ticket.

Is it possible to get a refund or extend the validity of a travel document if it is not used on time?

No, expired travel documents are invalid and will not be renewed. Money for paid but lately used travel documents will not be refunded.
The state enterprise "Minsktrans" (hereinafter referred to as the carrier) carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and on the basis of an agreement for the carriage of passengers (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).
In accordance with the contract, the carrier assumes the obligation to provide services to an indefinite number of persons (passengers) who apply for the services provided. By purchasing travel documents, the passenger independently assesses the need for a particular number of trips he makes, taking into account the validity period, modes of transport, etc., thereby, based on his interests, selects a specific type of travel document and voluntarily agrees with the proposed terms of the contract ( validity period, cost, number of trips, etc.). The conclusion of an agreement is certified by a travel document, and travel on urban passenger transport is the fact that the passenger accepts the terms of the agreement. The terms of the contract (validity period, cost, number of trips, etc.) are indicated in the information check issued along with the BSK*.
According to the terms of the concluded agreement, the passenger has the right to use the travel document during the validity period of the agreement. The carrier's obligation is to ensure that passengers have the opportunity to exercise their right within the period established by the contract, which is an absolutely certain period for fulfilling the obligation. In accordance with the terms of the contract concluded with the passenger, the carrier’s obligations for transportation are terminated regardless of whether the passenger exercised his right within the period established by the contract.
*Contactless smart card

Validity of travel documents for a certain period of time (month, 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 30 and 90 days) without a travel limit.

Note. The beginning and end of the validity period of travel documents for a certain period of time without a travel limit is determined by days, the calculation time of which begins at 00:00 and ends at 24:00.

To avoid misunderstandings, before purchasing (replenishing) travel documents, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with the list of travel documents being sold and their validity periods, correctly tell the cashier the type of travel document being purchased (replenishing), and also check the correctness of the purchased (replenishing) travel document without leaving point of sale of travel documents using an information check.

Are there restrictions on the number of trips in travel documents for a certain period of time (month, 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 30 and 90 days) without a travel limit and travel documents for a certain period of time (3, 5, 10, 20, 30 days) without a travel limit, subject to combination with city trains?

No. Passengers purchasing the above travel documents can make an unlimited number of trips during the specified period of time.

What to do if you lose BSC*?

In case of loss of BSK*, the passenger has the right :

  • free of charge - block BSK*;
  • on a paid basis - restore the type of travel document or package of transport tariff units** (hereinafter referred to as the type of TD or TTE package) to an existing BSK* or to a new BSK* - after paying its cost. The period for restoration of a PD type or TTE package is 3 business days from the date of application.

Blocking of BSK* and (or) restoration of a PD type or TTE package is carried out upon presentation of a passport and an information receipt confirming the purchase of a PD type or TTE package at the claim processing point at the address: Minsk, Partizansky Ave., 6. Telephone: (+ 375 17) 246-97-87.
*Contactless smart card

What to do if the type of travel document or package of transport tariff units** is incorrectly recorded on BSK*?

If the type of travel document or package of transport tariff units** (hereinafter referred to as the type of TD or package of TTE) is incorrectly recorded on the BSK*, the passenger must, on the same day, contact the point of sale of travel documents where the type of TD or package was recorded TTE, until the end of the cashier's work shift. The operation of canceling an incorrectly recorded PD type or TTE package is possible only if BSK*:

  • did not confirm the fare payment in the validator;
  • were not replenished with additionaltype of PD or TTE package.

You must have with you an information receipt confirming the recording of the type of PD or TTE and BSK package*, on which the type of PD or TTE package is incorrectly recorded.

To avoid misunderstandings, we recommend that you correctly tell the cashier the purchased type of PD or TTE package, and also check the correctness of the purchased type of PD or TTE package without leaving the point of sale of travel documents, using an information check.

The operation of canceling an incorrectly recorded type of PD or TTE package at the self-service terminals of BPS-Sberbank OJSC is not carried out!
*Contactless smart card
**Transport tariff units (TTE), recorded on a contactless smart card, are used to confirm payment for travel only on suburban road transport of passengers in the usual regular service of the state enterprise "Minsktrans"..

What to do if BSK* does not work?

If the BSK* is found to be inoperable - it is impossible to confirm payment for travel in the validator if there is a BSK* with a recorded type of travel document or a package of transport tariff units** - the passenger must:

  • contact the claim handling point at the address: Minsk, Partizansky Ave., 6. Telephone: (+375 17) 246-97-87;
  • pay the fare from the driver or conductor (if available). The inability of the BSC is not a reason to travel on public transport without paying for the fare.

In accordance with the Rules for the transportation of passengers by urban electric transport, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated November 22, 2014 No. 1088 and the Rules for the automobile transportation of passengers approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2008 No. 972, when traveling in urban electric and automobile transport without travel document, with a travel document that does not correspond to the passenger transportation being carried out, a ticket without a mark in the validator or composter, an electronic ticket for a certain number of trips without a mark in the validator, without a document confirming the right to travel benefits, as well as in cases of failure to present a travel document or a document confirming the right to benefits for travel to a controlling person for verification, the passenger is considered a ticketless person and must pay for travel and bears responsibility in accordance with the law.

Dear passengers, handle the BSK* with care and precision to avoid damage!
*Contactless smart card

**Transport tariff units (TTE), recorded on a contactless smart card, are used to confirm payment for travel only on suburban road transport of passengers in the usual regular service of the state enterprise "Minsktrans"..

Do I need to pay for travel (baggage allowance) on buses with the route name “Malysh”?

Yes. All passengers traveling on buses with the route name “Malysh” (with the exception of passengers entitled to free travel, in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus) are required to promptly purchase a travel document and pay in full for travel (baggage transportation), unless otherwise provided laws and acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, at points of sale - before the start of the trip.
It is worth noting that buses with the route name “Malysh” carry out urban passenger transportation on a regular basis. This route was organized in order to increase the convenience of transporting children with their parents to preschool institutions and differs from the others only in the bus route, which includes stops at the locations of preschool institutions.

Do I need to pay additionally for travel (baggage allowance) on the next bus, trolleybus or tram that has left the line due to a technical fault (breakdown) in order to get to the desired stop?

No. In the event of a technical malfunction (breakdown) of a bus, trolleybus, tram and the impossibility of further travel along the established route, the carrier ensures delivery of the passenger to the destination (desired stop) along the same route without additional payment for the cost of travel and baggage transportation on the next route after leaving the line. malfunction of a bus, trolleybus, tram using a previously paid ticket for one trip or a travel document for BSK* with a composter or validator mark, respectively.
*Contactless smart card

A person uses public transport services every day. There is a charge for travel. Verification of compliance with this requirement is entrusted to special inspectors - a controller, driver or ticket taker. Traveling as a “hare” threatens with quick exposure, a reprimand and a fine for traveling without a ticket. Such a passenger will definitely be removed from the transport. However, this is not all the punishment he can suffer. If the fine is not paid on time, the citizen will be held administratively liable.

How to pay a fine for traveling without a ticket?

There are several options for paying a fine for traveling without a ticket. In order to save time and additional costs, passengers can pay the collection via the Internet, terminal, State Services or through a bank. When transferring funds, you must indicate your passport identification number, as well as the code that is indicated in the payment receipt or in the resolution on the administrative violation committed. Such an identifier will indicate exactly the event that occurred with a specific passenger. If the code is not specified, then finding a fine from the entire set of offenses will be quite difficult, given that many of them have standard amounts.

If suddenly the identifier was not indicated in the protocol, the number can be checked on the public services portal of the city where the incident occurred. To do this you need to go to the website Public services and enter the series and number of the protocol that was issued when the fine was imposed. The user will see the “Details” section, where the “Identifiers” tab is selected.

Series and number decisions on administrative offense must be entered without using spaces. The Cyrillic alphabet is used to indicate the series.

Methods of paying a fine for traveling without a ticket

Payment through State Services is convenient for those citizens who have access to the Internet and a card.

How to pay the penalty for ticketless travel through State Services:

  • go to the website;
  • register if you have not done so previously;
  • log in to your personal account by specifying your login and password;
  • go to the fine payment tab;
  • indicate a unique accrual identifier;
  • enter the amount and details of the card from which payment will be made;
  • confirm payment.

After a successfully completed operation, payment information will appear on the screen. The online receipt must be printed and kept for 3 years. If suddenly a failure occurs in the system, then using such data you can prove the payment.

Pay the fine at the bank. Also, ticketless passengers can contact any bank to pay an administrative fine. You must have a copy of the decision on the administrative offense or a receipt for payment with you. These documents contain all the information that is necessary to complete the transaction: current account, fine amount, identifier, full name of the violator on whose behalf the payment is made. After the transaction, the bank will issue an invoice. It also needs to be stored for 3 years.

Payment using terminals. This option is characterized by the convenience and efficiency of the payment procedure. The terminals are located in all crowded places: in the subway, at bus stations, railway stations, in supermarkets and shopping centers.

Procedure for paying a fine through the terminal:

  • select the required item on the terminal screen;
  • indicate the amount;
  • supplement the payment with a description where you will need to enter an identifier number;
  • insert a payment card and make a payment;
  • print the receipt or send a copy by email.

This electronic method allows you to quickly relieve yourself of obligations and not worry about possible consequences.

Also, any ticketless passenger can pay a fine via Internet banking.

To do this you need:

  • log into your personal account on the bank’s official website;
  • select a category for making calculations;
  • indicate the recipient's details;
  • indicate the reason for payment (indicating the identifier);
  • enter your details;
  • enter the payment amount and make the payment.

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