
Automated information system of the state real estate cadastre. Automated cadastre information system. Requirements for designing GSS

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"Automation of the real estate cadastre"

1. Technology for creating an information geoanalytical system; implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects”;

2. Composition and structure of the algorithm; creating an algorithm using a graphical method (flowchart method) using the example of renting a land plot that is municipally owned;

3. Services of the Rosreestr portal (design of a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146);

1. Technology for creating an information geoanalytical system

The geoportal is a single point of access to geospatial information of the Russian Federation. The geoportal provides search, viewing, downloading of metadata, as well as downloading and publishing spatial data and web services in accordance with access rights and the type of license to use materials.

Roscosmos geoportal is a free mapping service of the Russian Federal Space Agency, providing satellite images and maps of the Earth.

Satellite images provided by Roscosmos and NASA, cartographic data by OpenStreetMap and Rosreestr, search tools by GeoNames and OpenStreetMap Nominatim. The main sources of data are the Russian satellites Resurs-DK1, Monitor-E and Meteor-M1. Also on the service you can get acquainted with collections of data from foreign devices in remote sensing data:

Alos, Ikonos, Geoeye, Formosat, SPOT, Quickbird, Rapideye, Terra, Worldview. The launch of information from the Kanopus-V and Resurs-P satellites was planned for 2011.

Before the creation of the Geoportal, Russian satellite data was stored in various archives and there was no complete cataloging, which significantly slowed down the execution of requests from space imagery customers. The geoportal was created to solve this problem.

Rice. 1: Saratov region (Roscosmos geoportal)

Geoanalytical system "GeoS"

Geoanalytical system "GeoS" is a multifunctional effective toolkit for recording and analyzing consolidated tabular, text and cartographic business data for solving a wide range of information and analytical tasks with reference to spatial data.

The GeoS geoanalytical system is implemented as a WEB solution on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. "GeoS" is installed on a WEB server, which interacts with the GeoServer and ArcGis Server map servers. The System can be accessed through a WEB browser from any workstation connected to the Internet, including mobile devices.

The tasks that the GeoS geoanalytical system solves:

1. management of the department’s cartographic material;

2. interactive placement of location and various additional information about any point objects;

3. linking to objects, in addition to text indicators, various media information, including photos, videos, broadcasts from a video camera;

4. filling events into the database, identifying them on the map via mobile devices

5. monitoring of enterprise vehicles;

6. collection of any statistical or management indicators of government agencies and enterprises. Visualization and analysis of indicators on thematic maps;

7. interaction with the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and authorities for maintaining the land fund of the Russian Federation;

8. integration with accounting and technological sources of industry data;

9. management of spatial infrastructure and utility networks

Functions of the geoanalytical system "GeoS":

1. use of various public substrates provided by global mapping services, including: Yandex, open street map, google, kosmosnimki.ru;

2. a mechanism for global location search on a map using an informally entered address;

3. a mechanism for supporting the hierarchy of any system of management indicators that users can create at their own discretion;

4. Providing limited access for third parties.

The advantage of the GeoS geoanalytical system

1. the open service-oriented architecture of the geoanalytical system "GeoS" based on web services and standardized interfaces for intersystem interaction allows you to quickly create complex applications of various functional areas for different industries and categories of employees - from executive personnel to top management of the company;

2. the system has wide integration capabilities with other information systems, this is achieved through the following properties:

a) connecting and setting up new layers is done at the user level in just a few clicks;

b) the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform provides various methods of intersystem interaction, such as COM, SOAP, XML (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2: Intersystem interaction of the geoanalytical system "GeoS"

The software product includes:

1. basic module “GeoS. Cartography";

2. module “GeoS. Geoanalysis of target indicators";

3. module “GeoS. Transport monitoring";

4. module “GeoS. Cadastral registration".

Technology for creating the geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform)

The purpose of creating the geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform):

1. performing the tasks of inventory and monitoring of agricultural and other lands;

2. agronomic accounting;

3. organization of operational records of field work using GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems.

Subsystems of the geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform):

1. geoinformation module;

2. inventory, land use, planning, data recording;

3. interaction with external Earth remote sensing systems, agricultural report.

Technology for creating the geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform):

1. Using the SPOT-5 spacecraft, the ScanEx engineering and technology center conducted high-resolution satellite imagery of the entire Tambov region;

2. the resulting mosaic of satellite images was used by CenterProgramSystem specialists to create land use maps for all agricultural producers in the Tambov region;

3. an electronic field map has been created for each land user;

4. information about each land user is stored in the geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform) and is used to conduct an inventory of agricultural land.

Results of creating the geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform):

1. prompt receipt of satellite information to assess the condition of crops and the dynamics of biomass growth;

2. identification of fields in which the development of crops is progressing at a reduced rate or, on the contrary, is advancing;

3. a database on arable land helps to identify land plots that are not used in agricultural circulation, to clarify the real areas on which each agricultural producer operates;

4. the information and consultation center of the agro-industrial complex of the Tambov region provides consulting services to agricultural producers, reaching every field in the interests of increasing the productivity of Tambov chernozems;

5. A database for inventory and monitoring of agricultural land use helps in managing agricultural lands to improve the economic efficiency of the region.

Rice. 3: Geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform)

2. Implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects”

The full name of the program is the Federal Target Program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate (2002 - 2008)" (within its framework the subprogram "Information support for real estate management, reform and regulation of land and property relations" and the subprogram - "Creation of a real estate cadastre system (2006 - 2011)".

The state customer-coordinator of the program is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, namely: the Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre and the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

Purpose of the program:

1. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate, ensuring the efficient use of land and other real estate;

2. involving them in turnover and stimulating investment activity in the real estate market in the interests of meeting the needs of society and citizens;

3. creation of a state cadastre system that provides guarantees of ownership and other proprietary rights to real estate;

4. generation of complete and reliable information about real estate objects;

5. improvement of public services provided to organizations and citizens;

6. improvement of services provided to state authorities and local governments.

Expected results of the program:

1. creation of a scientific and methodological base for the rational use of land and other real estate owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

2. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects, which is a set of state databases built on uniform methodological, software and technical principles, containing lists of objects of registration and data about them and subject to registration in the State Register of databases and data banks;

3. creation of an automated system for real estate management, reform and regulation of land and property relations;

4. creation of a system for electronic exchange of information between bodies (organizations) for the formation, cadastral registration, technical inventory, assessment, registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, state and municipal management bodies, tax and other bodies;

5. delineating state ownership of land and registering ownership of land plots of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and entering the received information into automated databases containing up-to-date information about land plots and real estate objects firmly associated with them;

6. training in the field of real estate management, maintaining the state land cadastre and real estate accounting;

7. increase in revenues from land tax and land rent to budgets of all levels through the implementation of program activities in 2002 - 2007 to 292.5 billion rubles, including to the federal budget - 78.9 billion rubles, in order to ensure cost recovery for the implementation of the program in 2 - 3 years.

Program implementation period (2002 - 2008):

1. Stage I - 2002 - 2003;

2. Stage II - 2004 - 2005;

3. Stage III - 2006 - 2008.

Implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects” in the Saratov region

In the Saratov region, the program is being implemented through the creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

A multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services is a state institution in which maximum conditions have been created to improve the quality of provision of state and municipal services.

Citizens have the opportunity to receive free advice and a range of services from various departments of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Saratov region and local governments.

The center’s work is based on the “one-window” principle, i.e. simplification of the procedure for collecting certificates and documents necessary for the applicant to receive a particular service (package of documents) in the process of applying to executive authorities for an informed decision when reviewing documents. As well as transparent and controlled passage of documents at all stages of service provision.

The goal of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services is to create a new format of relations between the population of the Saratov region and the executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

Conditions of service for applicants at the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services:

1. Applicants are accepted 6 days a week;

2. The work schedule provides for the possibility of applying for state and municipal services in the evening until 20:00 and on Saturday until 17:00;

3. the waiting time in line to submit documents and receive the result of the service is minimal;

4. all units are accessible to people with limited mobility.

Addresses of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

2. Sovetskaya, 9;

3. Vavilova, 6/14;

4. Freedom Square, 15 “b” (Engels).

Shortcomings of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

1. does not provide Rosreestr services for registration of rights;

2. interaction with state authorities, local governments and various organizations providing public services has not been established (submitted an application and after some appointed time came for the result - a waste of the citizen’s extra time);

3. not all centers have an electronic queue and an electronic display;

4. lack of a unified methodology and systematic approach to creating centers;

5. lack of a clear organization of training and certification of center specialists;

6. insufficient information to the population about the work of the centers.

3. Composition and structure of the algorithm

An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that describes the order of actions to achieve the result of a task.

Ways to present the algorithm:

1. formulaic-verbal - based on giving instructions on performing specific actions in a clear sequence in combination with verbal explanations;

2. algorithmic - a set of rules and notations used to write an algorithm:

a) mathematical expressions;

c) function words (full or abbreviated words of the Russian text, located in a certain place in the algorithm, which are necessarily underlined);

3. graphic (flowchart method) - with this representation of the algorithm, each stage is displayed in the form of geometric blocks, the shape of which depends on the operation being performed, and the line connecting the blocks shows the direction of the data processing process, each direction is called a branch;

4. tabular method.

4. Creation of an algorithm using a graphical method (flowchart method) using the example of renting a land plot in municipal ownership

Rice. 4: Algorithm created by graphical method (flowchart method)

5. Services of the Rosreestr portal

Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of organizing a unified system of state cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as the spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

Rosreestr services:

1. public services:

2. state supervision;

3. cadastral valuation;

4. other activities.

Design of a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146

Land cadastral database for a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146:

1. status - taken into account;

2. address - Saratov region, Saratov, SNT "Voskhod-85", site No. 24;

3. specified area - 1,147 sq. m.;

4. cadastral value - 1,740,549 rubles. 56 kopecks;

5. date of registration - June 22, 2011;

6th quarter - 64:48:040221;

7. region - 64:48;

8. district - 64;

9. date of updating the site attributes on the PPK - 08/19/2014;

10. Date of updating the boundaries of the site on the PPK - 06/04/2013;

12. permitted use:

a) by classifier (code) - 141004000000;

b) according to the classifier (description) - for gardening and horticulture by citizens;

c) according to the document - for gardening;

13. serves - the department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography:

b) Saratov department (410009, Saratov, Traktornaya str., 43, t.: (845-2) 55-04-30).

Rice. 5: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)

Rice. 6: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)

geoanalytical automated cadastre algorithm


1. Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects”;

2. Varlamov. A.A. Land Registry. In 6 vols. T. 1: Theoretical foundations of the state land cadastre / A. A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2007. - 383 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0102-8;

3. Varlamov. A.A. Land Registry. In 6 vols. T. 1: Land management / A.A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2005. - 528 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0143-5.

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1.1 History of the development of the state real estate cadastre

1.2 Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre

1.3 Review of modern computer technologies used in maintaining the state real estate cadastre

Section 2. Characteristics of the research object

2.1 Natural and economic conditions of the Zaigraevsky district

2.2 Structure of the land fund of Zaigraevsky district

Section 3. Maintaining the state cadastre of real estate in the Zaigraevsky district

3.1 Use of the software package for receiving and issuing documents PC PVD in the Zaigraevsky district documentation structure

3.2 Cadastral registration of real estate

3.3 State registration of rights to real estate

Section 4. Efficiency of maintaining the state real estate cadastre using computer technology

4.1 Types of efficiency of the state real estate cadastre

4.2 Automated GKN system

An example of calculating the economic efficiency of the creation and implementation of AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Section 5. Life safety

5.1 General provisions

5.2 Personnel requirements

5.3 Provision of protective equipment

5.4 Requirements for organizing safe field work

5.5 Sanitation and hygiene in field work

5.6 Fire safety requirements during work

5.7 Protection of the public in emergency situations


List of sources used

Section 1. Theoretical foundations of maintaining the state real estate cadastre and the process of its automation

1.1 History of the development of the state real estate cadastre

The history of the development of the state real estate cadastre in Russia is determined, first of all, by the level of economic development and the nature of property relations. And this story begins with the formation of the state and the development of taxation. The first censuses of lands with characteristics of their quality and quantity date back to the 12th century.

The most vivid and complete description of land holdings in Russia dates back to the period of the elimination of feudal fragmentation and the emergence of a centralized state. The descriptions provided information about the amount of land in the possessions, and assessed these lands by reducing them to certain conventional units.

To describe the lands in the 16th century. A special institution was created - the Local Prikaz, which became a national leadership center that united all land surveying, cadastral and serf work. The scribal mandate of 1622 entrusted the scribes with measuring arable land, fallow lands, hayfields, forests and other lands.

The next stage in the development of the real estate cadastre was determined by the policies of Peter I; he destroyed the local system, leveled the former estates with estates and introduced a poll tax. The first general land survey began in 1754. It was based on the scribe's order of 1684 and, in addition to land registration, had the goal of depriving ownership rights and confiscating lands that did not correspond to the documents.

Further development and improvement of the system of accounting and assessment of land resources was stimulated by such landmark reforms as the abolition of serfdom in 1861, which provided for the purchase of land by peasants from landowners, the abolition of the collection of redemption payments in 1905 and the Decree of 1906, giving peasants the right to allocate or leaving the communities.

New agricultural policy of Russia 1906 - 1910. associated with the name of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin. On November 19, 1906, the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II was published - “On amendments and additions to certain regulations on peasant land ownership.” The main content of the reform was the destruction of the community and the establishment of private peasant land ownership.

The 1910 law pursued an even more rigid line towards the liquidation of the community and the transition to private peasant land ownership. It provided for the mandatory transition to personal ownership of land in communities. In these communities, peasants automatically became the new owners of their plots.

After 1917, land relations in Russia changed dramatically. One of the first legislative acts on land was the Decree “On the Socialization of Land” of 1918, and this act secured national ownership of land, the labor nature of land use, and established an equal right to use land, based on the consumer-labor norm of land use on agricultural lands. And the provisions “On socialist land management” and “On measures of transition to socialist land use” of 1919 established two main forms: state and collective. At the same time, land actually ceased to be the object of taxation. At the same time, the state needed information about the land. This need determined the composition of land cadastre information and the procedure for maintaining it.

The cadastre consisted of registration information on land users, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of land, compiled into a single book.

After nationalization, Russian lands did not have private property rights until amendments were made to the 1976 Constitution of the RSFSR in 1990. They were transferred without payment to individuals and legal entities for eternal, unlimited use.

In the period from November 1989 to March 1990, the Supreme Council of the USSR adopted laws on rent, property and land. These laws allowed citizens to rent land plots both inside and outside collective and state farms.

In December 1991, the Presidential Decree “On urgent measures to carry out land reform” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for reorganizing collective and state farms” were issued. Based on these documents, collective and state farms had to decide on the transition to private ownership.

On October 11, 1991, the Law “On Payment for Land” was adopted, which established that the use of land in the Russian Federation is paid. The forms of payment for land are land tax, rent, payment for temporary use of land, payment for the acquisition of land plots of ownership, payment for the acquisition of the right to lease land plots, compensation payments for losses of agricultural production, payment for the use of a land plot when establishing an easement.

August 1992 The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the maintenance of the state land cadastre in the Russian Federation” approved the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre, recognizing the need to coordinate the maintenance of the land cadastre, ensuring a phased transition to an automated method of receiving, processing, storing and providing its data . In addition, the need to conduct an inventory of the lands of settlements was indicated.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 1993 “On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which classified land plots and everything firmly connected with them as real estate, became important. In December 1993, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were issued: “On taxation of the sale of land plots and transactions with land”; "On the state land cadastre and registration of documents on real estate rights"; “On strengthening state control over the use and protection of lands during land reform”; Regulations on the procedure for exercising state control over the use and protection of lands in the Russian Federation; Basic provisions on the pledge of real estate - mortgage.

The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993 resolved the main controversial issue in the field of land relations. The Constitution established the right of private ownership of land in the Russian Federation and freedom of disposal of land as one of the basic inalienable human rights protected by law.

The first normative legal document was the Federal Law "On the State Land Cadastre", which was adopted on January 2, 2000.

The content of the land cadastre includes obtaining reliable information about land plots and territorial zones as the main units of cadastral registration. All other actions (maintenance of basic and current land records, compilation of land balances, soil grading and economic assessment of lands, state management of land resources, etc.) are included in the land information system [!].

In July 2007, the law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted. This law gives the basic concepts of what the formation of real estate is, i.e. the process when a real estate object is separated from the material world and becomes legal, legal, including for the subsequent registration of rights to this object.

computer technology real estate cadastre

The cadastral system provides copyright holders with guarantees of rights to property, tax authorities - with up-to-date information about objects of taxation, the real estate market - with reliable information about land plots and related improvements, the system of state and municipal government bodies - with data for the formation of state policy in the field of land use, real estate accounting and development of territories.

The adoption of the new law on the state real estate cadastre, which came into force on March 1, 2008, poses new challenges for the development of appropriate approaches and methods for use in practice. The law has several changes and innovations. In particular, the law clearly and in detail stipulates the process of formation of cadastral registration objects.

On March 1, 2009, the following organizations merged: Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre<#"564525.files/image001.gif">

Figure 1 - Structure of production in Zaigraevsky district, 2011

Onokhoya oil and fat plant of individual entrepreneur Andrey Nikolaevich Kungurov (147.7 million rubles);

LLC "Agro-V", head Sinyavina Galina Lifanovna (42.0 million rubles);

BMF LLC, head Maria Filippovna Bogomolova (RUB 26.7 million).

The area has an impressive natural resource potential, which makes it possible to develop mining enterprises and such a promising area as the construction industry. Our subsoil contains significant reserves of dolomites, perlites, and limestones.

Mining Company LLC, which is part of the Siberian Cement Holding Company OJSC, Perlite LLC, and Dolomite Quarry OJSC, are involved in the extraction of mineral resources. Today Zaigraevskaya Mining Company is the main supplier of raw materials for cement and carbide production. The Mukhortal perlite deposit also has great prospects.

Small businesses have been developing in the region lately; IP Kungurov, 000 Kolosok, LLC Agro-V are especially successful; their products are in constant demand not only in the region, but also in the republic.

Entrepreneur A.N. Kungurov is engaged in the production of mayonnaise and sour cream. In 2001, he installed equipment for refining and deodorizing vegetable oil and bottling it, and began producing five types of soft oils and margarine products. Currently, the enterprise produces over 40 types of products - butter, margarine products, assorted mayonnaise, 25% sour cream, packaged whole milk powder, refined deodorized sunflower oil, unrefined sunflower oil. Production is being updated, new technological lines are being introduced, workshops for the production of butter, the production and bottling of vegetable oil, warehouses have been built, and equipment is being replaced with more highly productive ones. Not only the range of products is expanding, but also its volume, gross income is increasing every year, so in 2007 it increased by 140% and amounted to 122,950.3 thousand rubles. This year, new equipment was purchased, it is planned to organize the production of low-fat cottage cheese, processed cheese "Nezhenka" and smoked sausage cheese.

Agro-V LLC, which produces canned vegetable products from its own local raw materials, has good prospects among other processing enterprises. The quality of canned vegetables "Agro-V" is excellent. Among them, rassolnik occupies a special place. It is thanks to the excellent taste of these products that Agro-V LLC became the winner of the republican competition “Best Product - 2006”. In 2007, the company produced varied and tasty products worth 18,816.0 thousand rubles. The program of socio-economic development of the republic for 2008-2010 and until 2017 provides for the implementation of investment projects to create new industries, including the processing of wild plants.

Since 2006, Kolosok LLC has been operating under the Shchedroff trademark in the region in the village of Zaigraevo. Produces over 100 types of environmentally friendly natural food products. These are meat and vegetable semi-finished products, boiled, smoked and semi-smoked sausages, confectionery and bakery products.

The volume of agricultural products in 2011 in current prices amounted to 981.7 million rubles, to the program - 108%, by 2010 - 106%. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of production of main agricultural products:

Figure 2 - Dynamics of agricultural production in Zaigraevsky district

From the figure, we see that only grain production decreased in the region, the reason for the decrease was the drought in June-July 2011.

State support for the development of agricultural production in 2011 amounted to 52.25 million rubles, which is 3.1 times more than the 2010 level. 33.29 million rubles came from the federal budget, 18.96 million rubles from the republican budget. State support was received for the following activities:

for the development of the livestock industry 22.13 million rubles;

for the development of the crop production industry 14.82 million rubles;

for measures to improve the living conditions of citizens within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Social Development of Rural Affairs until 2013" - 0.68 million rubles;

to subsidize the interest rate on loans received from credit institutions - 14.57 million rubles.

The district administration has developed a socio-economic development program for the short term - three years, and long-term until 2017, which is linked to the district budget. There are programs at the settlement level, where the emphasis is on the development of small business and agriculture. All this should provide a real improvement in people’s lives and solve the problem of employment in the region.

2.2 Structure of the land fund of Zaigraevsky district

The territory of the district is located in the central part of the Republic of Buryatia, bordering the city of Ulan-Ude, Tarbagataisky, Ivolginsky, Pribaikalsky, Mukhorshibirsky, Kizhinginsky, Khorinsky districts and the Chita region. There are 43 settlements on the territory of Zaigraevsky district.

The area of ​​the Zaigraevsky district within the administrative boundaries of the district is 660,224 hectares, including by category:

Agricultural land - 147240;

Lands of settlements - 4499;

Lands for industry, transport, communications, defense and other purposes - 19,771;

Forest fund lands - 468860;

Reserve lands - 19872;

including the redistribution fund - 8594;

Figure 3 - Distribution of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district by land category

567,279 hectares are state-owned, 83,321 hectares are owned by citizens, and 9,642 hectares are owned by legal entities.

The total area of ​​settlement lands is 4499 hectares. Of these, 2971 hectares are owned by citizens, 19 hectares are legally owned, and 1509 hectares are in state and municipal ownership.

Lands for industry, transport and other special purposes amount to 1977 hectares and are in state and municipal ownership.

Of these, industrial lands account for 1,567 hectares; transport land - 2374 hectares, including railway - 1416 hectares, automobile - 958 hectares; communications land is 28 hectares; defense and security lands - 15114 hectares; lands for other special purposes amount to 668 hectares.

Figure 4 - Distribution of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district by type of ownership

The forest fund lands occupy an area of ​​468,860 hectares and are in state ownership.

Agricultural land covers 147,240 hectares, of which 80,350 hectares are owned by citizens, 9,623 hectares are owned by legal entities, and 57,267 hectares are owned by state and municipal authorities.

Agricultural land is land used or intended for growing agricultural products. They make up 14% of agricultural land - 92,275 hectares, including: arable land - 26,427 hectares, fallow land - 8,979 hectares, perennial plantings - 1,772 hectares, hayfields - 13,451 hectares, pastures - 41,646 hectares.

Compared to 2010, the area by type of ownership remained unchanged, with the exception that 12 hectares of land were transferred from the ownership of legal entities to the ownership of citizens.

In total, in 2011, the Committee processed more than 3 thousand requests from legal entities and individuals on issues of land relations, for which 1,324 decisions of the Committee on the provision of land plots were prepared and adopted, of them:

· free of charge - 100 solutions;

· for rent - 180 solutions;

· ownership for a fee - 1003 decisions;

· for permanent, unlimited use - 41 solutions.

Table 2 - Number of land plots provided by year

For permanent, unlimited use

Free ownership

Ownership for a fee

Total provided

Figure 5 - Number of land plots provided by year.

The list of categories of citizens entitled to free land plots in the Zaigraevsky district has expanded. At the same time, the number of appeals to the Committee on the issue of free provision of land has also increased

If in 2010 120 requests were received, then for the reporting period as of January 1, 2011. The Committee received 350 applications, which is 3 times more than in the previous year. Thus, currently the total number of people in need, taking into account 2011. is 560.

Section 3. Maintaining the state cadastre of real estate in the Zaigraevsky district

3.1 Use of the software package for receiving and issuing documents PC PVD in the Zaigraevsky district documentation structure

The operational documentation for the software package contains general information about the PC PVD: its purpose and functionality, principles of organization and architecture, dialogue environment and methods of user interaction with the complex.

The documentation set consists of two basic manuals - the Administrator's Guide and the User's Guide.

The administrator's guide describes the features of installing the PC PVD, setting up its interface, setting default values, working with user accounts, and also contains a description of the principles of working with entities common to all technological procedures, the features of their addition, modification or removal.

The user manual consists of the following components:

General characteristics - describes the purpose, nature of use and general functionality of the complex; indicates what is necessary to start working with the PVD PC; explains the key concepts of the complex, the principles of data organization and management in the PVD PC, describes the structure of information objects and the organization of software modules intended for their processing, as well as the basic concepts and elements of the user interface of the PVD PC: windows of various types, information fields and their types, structure menu, command buttons

Stages of processing requests - describes the process of receiving, processing and recording requests.


PC PVD is designed to accept documents for actions related to state cadastral registration and state registration of rights in unified reception offices, as well as to issue documents based on the results of accounting or registration actions. The operator's workstation ensures the following functions:

Registration of accepted documents;

Information support for making decisions on suspension or refusal to conduct cadastral registration, including analysis of information about objects of registration available in accepted documents issued in electronic form;

Monitoring the execution of registered requests to the CMO or Unified State Register (applications or requests);

Registration of applications for the provision of information to the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register;

Printing receipts, statements and requests, notices of refusal and notices of suspension, etc.

Printing of created documents intended for issuance to applicants;

Recording the facts of receipt of documents by interested parties. In addition, the PC PVD client makes it possible to configure and configure

software package (in accordance with the rights assigned by the user).


Information object structure

Information object - a description of a document (for example, a title document), an individual (for example, a copyright holder) stored in the complex database. An information object is characterized by attributes.

Object attributes are used to represent in the database the characteristics of accounting objects, title and other documents, elements of classifiers and directories, as well as to reflect information connections between objects.

Example of attributes for the land plot information object:

Cadastral number.

Mailing address.


The attribute can be composite, i.e. consisting of separate parts. Example of a composite attribute Postal address in a land record: Postal Code, Region, District, City, Street, House, etc.

In addition, some attributes may be of multiple nature (multiple attribute), i.e. consist of several records, which themselves are information objects.

BOOKS accounting

Account books in which requests and outgoing documents are recorded are of the following types.

To record incoming applications, requests and documents submitted with them, the following is maintained in the offices for receiving and issuing documents:

Book of requests;

Book of accounting of incoming documents (USRP);

Application Accounting Book (GKN);

Request record book (GKN/USRP).

To record the facts of the issuance of documents generated by the bodies maintaining the State Tax Code and the Unified State Register, a book of records of issued documents is kept in the offices for receiving and issuing documents.


Interface of the software package

The PVD PC interface is based on the Windows application user interface standard and involves the use of menus, tabs and a developed hint system.

Program module window

The main windows of the software modules included in the PVD PC have common features. In each such window, several parts can be distinguished (Fig. 6).

The title bar of the main window is used to move, minimize,

maximizing and closing the window.

The menu serves to provide access to module commands.

A work area in which internal (working) windows are located, providing access to information objects of the complex, or to information about received, executed and completed cases on requests.

Fig.6. Window of the module "Reception and issuance of documents"

Work with requests is performed in windows, an approximate view of which is presented in Fig. 7.

In each such window, the following elements can be distinguished:

The page panel on the left side of the window contains a list of operations that must be performed during the technological procedure. Switching between operations can be done either by pressing the Back and Forward buttons at the bottom left of the screen, or by directly selecting an operation using the mouse or keyboard.

The tab bar, which occupies the main part of the window, is intended for entering data in accordance with the current operation.

The menu bar at the top of the screen, as in the previous example, provides access to commands for the current operation. For some operations, the menu field may not be available.

The buttons for completing the operation - Finish and Cancel - are intended to complete the procedure by saving the entered data or to cancel entering data for the procedure and exiting it without saving the entered information.

If the operation associated with a button has several execution options, then the button appears with an icon that, when clicked, opens a drop-down menu with a list of available options.

To select a field value from the drop-down list, click on the I. button; on the right side of this field.

To close the working window, click the L button in the right field of the strip of working windows. Clicking x is equivalent to clicking Cancel.

If the information in the window is presented in the form of a table (Fig. 3), then there are the following options for setting up the information in the table:

Editing a table row. The record editing mode is activated by left-clicking on the field to be edited or by pressing the F2 key.

The following functions are available for entries: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select all. The editing context menu is called by right-clicking the mouse in edit mode on the field to be edited (Fig. 3).

Adding table rows. To do this, move the cursor to the bottom row of the table. The bottom line is empty and is the line to be appended. It must be put into edit mode, enter data and move to another line.

Removing rows. To do this, select the table row and press the Delete key.

The table columns can be arranged in any order; To move a column, simply drag the column header to the desired position while holding down the left mouse button.

To delete a table column, simply drag the column header into the window field (dragging will display a crossed out header)

To copy the contents of a cell in the table, click on the desired entry (the cell will change its fill color to white) and press the key combination Ctrl - Ins.

To sort records, left-click on the column header (sorting sequentially switches to the “Descending” and “Ascending” modes),

To group records in a window, you need to move the mouse pointer to the column header by which you want to group, click the left mouse button and, without releasing the button, drag the header to the inscription “To group records, move the column header to this field” (the so-called “Grouping area” "); The same operation is performed by the context menu command Group by this column.

Fig.8. Tab "Request Directory"

After executing the command, the data will be grouped by the selected field; they can be viewed either in collapsed mode (only the grouping field value is displayed) or in expanded mode (all table rows corresponding to this field are displayed under the grouping field value); Switching modes is done by pressing the ± and i buttons, respectively. Several field headers can be provided to organize the grouping tree.

Main menu

The main menu contains the following set of commands:

F ail - PC control

Settings- PC settings

Exit- exit from the software package

View- control the display of PC windows and tabs

Reception of requests- a list of technological procedures that the current operator can start

Received- viewing the list of to-dos that are on a route step that can be completed by the current user

Executable- view the list of tasks performed by the current user

Completed- viewing a list of to-dos whose steps have been completed by the current user, but not taken by anyone at another stage

Search- opening the search window

Background tasks- a list of background tasks that are currently running

error reporting


Service- group of service commands

Users- opens a window with a list of accounts


Account books- opens a window with a list of accounting books

Log of obtaining information from MD

Log of sending information to MD


Issue by barcode

Attach images to a case using a barcode

Directory of requests

Holidays and weekends calendar

Window- management of open windows PC

Close all- closes all open windows

List of open windows(including search box as well as report

about errors and warnings)

Auto fill fields

The PVD PC implements the function of auto-filling fields. This function is provided for any field from the group Address according to document and turns on by pressing hotkeys Ctrl+Space or by clicking the autofill button located to the right of the field with a hint Copy from structured address (Ctrl-Space).


To call the search form, you must select a menu item View and run the command Search(hotkey F3). A window will open in which you need to specify search parameters.

Search can be carried out for the following objects:

It's about work

Closed case

The search type is selected using a drop-down list.


When processing requests, the following actions are available: Reception- intended for receiving and recording requests.

Scanning- intended for scanning and linking scanned images of documents to the description of the document in circulation

Seal- intended for printing outgoing documents received electronically in one of the following formats (HTML, PDF, JPG, GIF, TIF, RTF).

Issue- is intended to record the fact of issuing a document while maintaining information about the person who received the document, the date and time of receipt of the document, and the person who issued the document.

Entering case details

Depending on the selected actions, forms for entering information on the corresponding actions become available to the user (hereinafter information on the application).

When performing this stage, you must enter information on the following pages:

Information about applicants

2. Information about the object

Submitted documents

Payment documents



When uploading data, they are verified. All errors that can be detected are divided into two classes: predictable and unpredictable.

Predictable errors are associated with errors in the attributes of the input data and must be corrected by the operator at the previous stages of working with the case. If errors of this class are detected, the entire package moves to the stage of updating information, corresponding to the first technological operation - Receiving a request. An error message is recorded in the communication error log with the dispatch module. After adjustment, the data package is verified again. If the error has been corrected, the error record is removed; if errors persist, the error record is updated, and the package again moves to the data correction stage.

Unpredictable errors mainly include errors related to the technical organization of the process of uploading and transferring a data package (for example, insufficient free disk space or lack of connection to the required server). If an error of this kind occurs, an error message is recorded in the exchange error log with the dispatch module, but the matter remains at the data unloading stage, and the software will try to repeat the problematic operation in the future, with the specified frequency of data unloading.

3.2 Cadastral registration of real estate

The application for registration of a real estate property with the state cadastral register contains the following basic details: addressee, i.e. abbreviated name of the organization that carries out cadastral registration of land plots - TO FGU ZKP for Zaigraevsky district; the applicant's application form, drawn up in the form of a table, containing information about:

the applicant (person who submitted the application);

land plots of which the applicant is the legal owner;

documents attached to the application;

addresses, telephone numbers of the applicant or his representative;

method of obtaining a cadastral passport;

signature of the applicant (or the applicant’s representative for legal entities).

Article 22 of the Federal Law "On the State Real Estate Cadastre" dated July 24, 2007 No. 221 contains a list of documents required for cadastral registration. If one of the documents required for cadastral registration is missing, the applicant is orally explained that in accordance with Part 4, Clause 1, Article 26 of the said Real Estate Cadastre Law, cadastral registration will be suspended until he additionally submits the missing documents.

A certified copy of the registered application acts as a receipt issued to the applicant. On the copy of the territorial department of the Rosreestr Office, a mark is placed on the receipt of the receipt (copy of the application) by the applicant.

To register received documents, separate document books are entered indicating the time and date of receipt of such documents.

In accordance with paragraph 32 of the Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice dated February 20, 2008 No. 35, from March 1, 2008, cadastral registration authorities, when performing cadastral procedures, must check the documents submitted for cadastral registration. The results of the verification are documented in the form of a document verification protocol.

The document verification protocol contains a conclusion for each type of verification, as well as all identified grounds for suspension or refusal to conduct cadastral registration.

Document verification is carried out in the following areas:

verification of the applicant's credentials;

checking for completeness of documents;

checking documents according to the form and content of information required for cadastral registration;

checking for compliance with the State Tax Code information, including graphic display.

The protocol also reflects the identification number of the registration file, which coincides with the application number, the applicant, the name of the cadastral procedure (registration of a real estate property with the state cadastral register), the official who conducted the inspection and the date of the inspection.

Registration of a real estate property, in particular a land plot, is carried out within no more than twenty working days from the date the cadastral registration authority receives the corresponding application for cadastral registration.

Cadastral registration is carried out at the location of the property in the cadastral district within the boundaries of which the property is located.

After entering information into the documents of the State Tax Committee, all information must be checked for compliance with the case documents on the application. During the inspection process, all information in the State Property Committee documents is verified.

The cadastral passport of a land plot, intended to provide information from the state real estate cadastre necessary for state registration of rights and restrictions (encumbrances) of rights, includes sections B.1 - B.4. If the state real estate cadastre does not contain coordinates of characteristic points of the land plot’s boundary, section B.2 is not drawn up. Sections B.3 and B.4 are drawn up only if the relevant information is available in the state real estate cadastre. In our case, sections B.3 and B.4 are not drawn up.

The next stage is the formation of a cadastral file. All documents on the basis of which the procedures for forming a land plot and its registration were carried out are transferred to the cadastral file with the number of the land plot. The cadastral file must include an inventory of documents.

A cadastral file is a set of documents compiled in accordance with the established procedure, confirming the fact of the emergence or existence of a land plot as an object of state cadastral registration.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 23 of the Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, when registering a land plot as a real estate object, if an appropriate decision is made to carry out cadastral registration starting from the working day following the day of expiration of the specified part established by Part 1 of Article 17 law deadline (20 days), is obliged to issue the applicant personally against receipt with a cadastral passport of the property. In the case we are considering, the cadastral passport of the land plot.

The date of completion of cadastral registration is the day the cadastral registration authority entered into the state real estate cadastre:

) information about the cadastral number assigned to the corresponding property (when registering the property);

) new information about the relevant property (when taking into account changes in the property, taking into account part of the property or taking into account the address of the copyright holder);

) information about the termination of the existence of a real estate object (when deregistering a real estate object).

When registering a property, recording changes to a property, registering part of a property or deregistering a property, the cadastral registration authority, if an appropriate decision is made to carry out cadastral registration, starting from the working day following the day of expiration, is obliged to issue the applicant or his to the representative in person against signature:

) cadastral passport of a real estate object (when registering such a real estate object);

) a cadastral extract about a property containing new information about such a property included in the state real estate cadastre during cadastral registration (taking into account changes in such a property);

) a cadastral extract about a property containing information entered into the state real estate cadastre during cadastral registration about the part of such a property that is subject to a restriction (encumbrance) of real rights (when taking into account a part of such a property);

) a cadastral extract about a real estate property containing information entered into the state real estate cadastre about the termination of the existence of such a real estate object (upon deregistration of such a real estate object).

The number of registered real estate objects in the Zaigraevsky district of the Republic of Belarus is presented in Table 2 and Figure 3.

Table 3 - Number of land plots registered in the cadastral register

Figure 6 - Number of land plots registered in the cadastral register in the period from 2005 to 2011.

The increase in the number of land plots registered in the cadastral register until 2009 can be justified by the influence of main factors, primarily changes in legislation: the federal law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” that came into force, various targeted programs at the federal and local levels, the adoption of Chapter 31 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which introduced fundamental changes to the procedure for calculating the tax base for land tax (the tax base is the cadastral value of a land plot). The main factor in increasing the number of registered land plots is the formation of collective non-profit associations of citizens in the form of DNT, SNT. After 2009, the formation of such associations decreased, which was reflected in the total number of land plots registered.

3.3 State registration of rights to real estate

State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is a legal act of recognition and confirmation by the state of the occurrence, limitation (encumbrance), transfer or termination of rights to real estate in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

State registration is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right, which can only be challenged in court.

State registration of rights is carried out throughout the Russian Federation according to the system established by the Federal Law of records of rights to each object of real estate in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It. In the Zaigraevsky district, the registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is carried out by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Republic of Belarus Zaigraevsky Department.

The grounds for state registration of the presence, origin, termination, transfer, limitation (encumbrance) of rights to real estate and transactions with it are:

acts issued by state authorities or local self-government bodies within their competence and in the manner established by the legislation in force at the place of publication of such acts at the time of their publication;

contracts and other transactions in relation to real estate, concluded in accordance with the legislation in force at the location of the real estate at the time of the transaction;

acts (certificates) on the privatization of residential premises, completed in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of privatization at the time of its completion;

certificates of inheritance;

judicial acts that have entered into legal force;

acts (certificates) of rights to real estate, issued by authorized government bodies in the manner established by the legislation in force at the place of issue of such acts at the time of their issue;

other acts of transfer of rights to real estate and transactions with it to the applicant from the previous copyright holder in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of transfer at the time of its completion;

other documents that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, confirm the existence, emergence, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights.

A mandatory attachment to the documents required for state registration of rights is a cadastral passport of the land plot.

Documents establishing the existence, origin, termination, transfer, limitation (encumbrance) of rights to real estate and submitted for state registration of rights must comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and reflect the information necessary for state registration of rights to real estate in the Unified State register of rights. These documents must contain a description of the real estate and the type of registered right and, in cases established by law, must be notarized, sealed, and must have the proper signatures of the parties or officials specified by law.

The cadastral passport of a land plot must be certified by the body responsible for maintaining the state land cadastre, and plans for other real estate - by the relevant state body (organization) carrying out state registration and technical inventory of real estate objects.

If there is a dispute between the body carrying out the activities of maintaining the state land cadastre and the copyright holder, updated data on the boundaries and area of ​​the land plot may be entered into the Unified State Register of Rights on the basis of a judicial act that has entered into legal force.

The documents necessary for state registration of rights, expressing the content of transactions completed in simple written form, and which are the basis for state registration of the existence, origin, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights, are submitted in at least two original copies, one of which after state registration of rights must be returned to the copyright holder, the second one must be placed in the file of title documents.

State registration of rights is carried out on the basis of an application from the copyright holder, the parties to the agreement or a person authorized by him (them) if he has a notarized power of attorney, unless otherwise established by federal law.

Together with the application for state registration of rights and documents on rights to real estate, a document confirming payment for registration is presented. An individual presents a document proving his identity.

Upon receipt of title documents for state registration of rights, an official of the Federal Registration Service makes a corresponding entry in the document book.

The applicant is given a receipt for receipt of documents for state registration of rights with a list of them, as well as indicating the date of their submission. The receipt confirms the acceptance of documents for state registration of rights.

Registration actions begin from the moment of receipt of documents for state registration of rights. State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is carried out in the sequence determined by the procedure for receiving documents. The transaction is considered registered, and the legal consequences are considered to occur from the date of making an entry about the transaction or right in the Unified State Register of Rights.

State registration of rights is carried out in the following order:

acceptance of documents necessary for state registration of rights and meeting the requirements of this Federal Law, registration of such documents with the obligatory attachment of a document confirming payment for registration;

legal examination of documents and verification of the legality of the transaction;

establishing the absence of contradictions between the declared rights and already registered rights to a given real estate object, as well as other grounds for refusal or suspension of state registration of rights;

making entries in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate in the absence of these contradictions and other grounds for refusal or suspension of state registration of rights;

making inscriptions on title documents and issuing certificates of state registration of rights.

State registration of rights is carried out no later than one month from the date of submission of the application and documents required for state registration.

The form of certificates and special inscriptions is established by the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights. Forms of state registration certificates introduced by individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation and city administrations before the establishment of a unified certificate form are recognized as legally valid.

The date of state registration of rights is the day the corresponding records of rights are made in the Unified State Register of Rights.

The Unified State Register of Rights contains information about existing and terminated rights to real estate objects, data about these objects and information about right holders.

A file of title documents is opened for each piece of real estate. All documents received for registration of rights to the specified object are placed in the file.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights containing records about rights to real estate, the emergence, transfer and termination of such rights, restrictions (encumbrances), are identified in the specified register by the cadastral number of the real estate object. The file of title documents is identified by the same number as the corresponding section of the Unified State Register of Rights.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights, files of title documents and the document book are subject to permanent storage.

The rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights, files of title documents and books of records of documents are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Federal Law.

The Unified State Register of Rights consists of separate sections containing records about each piece of real estate. The section opens when the registration of rights to a real estate object begins and is identified by the cadastral or conditional number of this object.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights are located in accordance with the principle of a single real estate object. Sections containing information about buildings, structures and other real estate objects firmly associated with the land plot are located immediately after the section containing information about this land plot. Sections containing information about apartments, premises and other objects included in buildings and structures are located directly behind the corresponding section related to the building or structure.

Each section consists of three subsections.

Technical errors in records made during state registration of rights are corrected within three days by decision of the registrar of rights after discovering an error or receiving a written statement from any interested party about an error in the records.

In the previously mentioned cases, state registration of rights may be suspended for no more than a month. If within the specified period the reasons preventing the state registration of rights are not eliminated, the registrar of rights is obliged to refuse the applicant state registration of rights and make an appropriate entry about this in the document book.

The registrar of rights is obliged, within no more than five working days from the date of suspension of state registration of rights, to notify the applicant (applicants) in writing about the suspension of state registration of rights and the grounds for suspension of state registration of rights.

Also, state registration of rights may be denied in cases where:

the right to an object of real estate, the state registration of which the applicant requests, is not a right subject to state registration of rights in accordance with the Federal Law;

an inappropriate person applied for state registration of rights;

documents submitted for state registration of rights do not comply in form or content with the requirements of current legislation;

an act of a state body or an act of a local government body on granting rights to real estate is declared invalid from the moment of its publication in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of its publication at the time of publication;

the person who issued the title document is not authorized to dispose of the right to this real estate object;

a person who has rights limited by certain conditions has drawn up a document without indicating these conditions;

the title document about the real estate object indicates that the applicant does not have rights to this real estate object;

the copyright holder did not submit an application and other necessary documents for state registration of a previously arisen right to an object of real estate, the presence of which is necessary for state registration of the transfer of this right and its restrictions that arose after the entry into force of the Federal Law "On Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It" (encumbrances) or a transaction with real estate completed after the entry into force of this Federal Law;

the documents required in accordance with the Federal Law “On Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It” for state registration of rights have not been submitted;

there are contradictions between the declared rights and already registered rights.

The presence of a legal dispute about the boundaries of a land plot is not a basis for refusal of state registration of rights to it.

When a decision is made to refuse state registration of rights, the applicant is sent in writing, no more than five days after the end of the period established for consideration of the application, a message about the reason for the refusal and a copy of this message is placed in the file of title documents. Refusal to state registration of rights may be appealed by an interested party to a court or arbitration court. Data on registered rights to real estate in the Zaigravsky district are presented in Table 11.

Table 4 - Data on the number of land plots for which information on registration of rights was received in the Zaigraevsky district

In total, from 2009 to 2011, as can be seen from Table 11, rights to 23,850 land plots were registered in the Zaigraevsky district.

Section 4. Efficiency of maintaining the state real estate cadastre using computer technology

4.1 Types of efficiency of the state real estate cadastre

The State Real Estate Cadastre is designed to provide up-to-date legally significant information with such critical needs of society as guarantees of property rights and reliable protection of real estate ownership rights; support for the land and real estate taxation system; mortgage loan guarantees; development and control of land turnover; state control over the use and protection of lands; consideration of land disputes; carrying out land reform, including land privatization; development of territories, planning and efficient use of their land resources; environmental management; collection of statistical data on the condition and use of land resources.

An effective land cadastre system is created by organizing the land use system and regional territories, creating optimal proportions in the structure of the land fund and land use, their territorial distribution, improving economic, tax, and investment policies in the territories, which ultimately affects the efficiency of material production.

IN system of the state real estate cadastre, there is such a concept as effect, which is understood as the result of land cadastral actions, expressed in absolute and relative indicators calculated using certain formulas, and by efficiency understand - carrying out a certain volume and type of land cadastral actions to improve the quality and volume of use of land and information resources.

The efficiency and effect of the GKN system can be divided into economic, environmental, organizational, technological, information and social components. Depending on the coverage of the territory, the period of development, the degree of impact and other factors, the effectiveness of the GKN system can be divided into a number of subsystems.

Environmental efficiency The land cadastre is characterized by the level of use of land and natural resources, their reproduction on the basis of land cadastral information, the degree of influence of the State Property Committee on the formation of environmentally balanced and sustainable land use, and improvement of the environmental living conditions of the population.

The criteria for environmental effectiveness are preventing the deterioration of the natural and anthropogenic environment, reducing the incidence of disease in the population and increasing people's life expectancy. Factors influencing the efficiency of land management are discussed below:

Ecological effect state real estate cadastre depends on the period of development of the system. It can be primary, intermediate and final:

the primary effect is to reduce the negative impact on the environment, improve its condition, reduce the volume of pollution and the concentration of harmful substances in soil and water, as well as in the air to the maximum permissible standards, increase the area of ​​usable land, reduce noise levels, gas pollution and etc.;

intermediate effect - reduction of pollution of the natural and anthropogenic environment to the minimum acceptable standards;

the final effect is to increase the life expectancy of the population, reduce the incidence of people, the efficiency of social production and increase the gross national product of the country.

Under economic effect GKN understand the effectiveness of state and municipal activities in creating and maintaining a land cadastre system and land resource management, characterized by the ratio of the obtained economic effect (result) to resource costs, as well as achieving the largest volume of land cadastral production when using resources of a certain value.

The economic effect of the activities of the Federal Land Cadastre Service bodies that maintain the state real estate cadastre (for example, the cadastral bureau or land chambers) is determined by the ratio of the results obtained to production costs.

Taking into account the functioning of various objects and subjects of land relations in the country in the conditions of a new economic mechanism, the presence between them of many economic, technological and social relationships, the effectiveness of the land cadastre must be considered from three sides: at the country level - national economic, at the regional level (region, district) - regional, at the level of specific land ownership (land use) - self-supporting (commercial) efficiency.

From a methodological point of view, this differentiation of types of efficiency of the land cadastre allows us to draw the following conclusions.

In the first and second cases, the land cadastre system acts as a government action to distribute the land fund of the country and region into categories, subjects of land relations, lands and regulate the economy of the country and regions in order to ensure economic and land policy. Therefore, the cadastre, from the point of view of its national economic and regional efficiency, should be considered as an integral component of social production, without which it is impossible to organize the economic activity of the country and region. The national economic significance of the land cadastre is also determined by its relationship with national economic planning, the formation of a market mechanism in the economy, and increased employment and living standards of the population.

The self-supporting (commercial) efficiency of the land cadastre reflects the possibilities of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency of the State Property Committee system, the development of land cadastral enterprises at the expense of funds received in the form of fees for providing information from the state real estate cadastre, the provision of services and other sources not prohibited by law.

There are absolute and direct, actual and estimated economic effects of the land cadastre system.

The direct effect is obtained due to the real economic return from land cadastral actions (increased collection of land tax, fees for information and provision of services, etc.).

The absolute effect of the GKN system consists of the direct effect and part of the indirect, indirect effect obtained as a result of making a cost-effective management decision on the development of the territory based on land cadastral information. At the same time, the options for using information can be different and, accordingly, different effects.

The actual effect of the system is determined by the existing one-time costs and annual costs for the development and maintenance of the GKN system.

The calculated effect determines the size and composition of expenses, their return on the future, taking into account standard indicators.

The actual and calculated effect may not coincide due to economic, organizational, administrative, and legal reasons.

The absolute environmental and economic effect can be expressed through an increase in gross output, net income and profit due to the development, transformation and improvement of land, and the introduction of an environmentally sound crop rotation system. In addition, this effect can be expressed through a reduction in production costs, savings in losses of human and social labor, a reduction in production costs, and a reduction in depreciation of fixed assets.

The social efficiency of the land cadastre is expressed in two aspects: national and individual.

In the first case, the result of the social effectiveness of the cadastre is the formation of land relations, the creation of diverse subjects of land relations and the protection of their rights. It stems from the importance of land as an object of socio-economic relations and is aimed at developing and improving the social conditions of the country, society and an individual or legal entity.

In the second case, the social efficiency of the cadastre ensures a high level of satisfaction of the needs for land cadastral information and services in the consumer market; minimizing the time spent by consumers obtaining information and services; high quality of service; equal access of all members of society to land as the basis of their life.

The social effect is measured by the ratio of natural indicators expressing the social result to the costs required to achieve it.

Social results may include improving the physical development of the population and reducing morbidity, increasing life expectancy and the period of active activity, improving working and rest conditions, maintaining ecological balance, preserving natural monuments, protected areas and other protected areas, creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of culture of the population and other indicators.

The information efficiency of the land cadastre is largely formed due to its information support.

The information support of the GKN is built as a logical consequence of the functional structure of the system and must correspond to its intended purpose and the following operating principles:

· formation, storage, automated processing and issuance upon request of indicators of multi-aspect information about lands in the form of specific and generalized certificates for timely system analysis of data for the development of management decisions;

· automated solution of typical management tasks: statistical reporting, planning and forecasting, land management, etc.

The organizational and technological efficiency of the land cadastre reflects the efficiency of the process of planning, organization, management and technical and technological support of the land cadastral process. The criterion is the degree of development of the state real estate cadastre and is characterized by indicators of achieving a reasonable level of technological efficiency of the system.

The types of efficiency of the components of the state real estate cadastre are shown in Table 6.

The main indicator determining the economic feasibility of costs is the annual economic effect.

Table 5 - Determination of types of efficiency of the components of the GKN

Types of efficiency

Revenue part

Cost part

State cadastral registration


Fee for providing information to the State Committee for Taxation, rub.

Costs of preparatory work (inventory of previously registered land plots, cadastral division of the territory, land surveying)

Fee for copying information, rub.

Costs of providing and copying information, rub.

Fee for documenting information, rub.

Costs for analytical processing of information, rub.

Insurance premiums, rub.

Costs of storing and insuring information, rub.

Increase in land tax collection, rub.

Costs of documenting information, rub.


Securing the status of land owner

Costs of paying employees, paying taxes, rub.

Reduced number of land disputes

Costs for communication services, rub.


Confidence of land market participants in stability

Costs of training a new technology for conducting civil control, rub.

Equality in obtaining land cadastral information

Expenses for depreciation of fixed assets, rub.

State cadastral valuation of land


Increase in tax collection, rub.

Costs of land assessment, rub.


Reducing negative impact on the environment

Costs for training specialists, rub.


Improving living conditions

Research costs, rub.

Decrease in population morbidity

Efficiency of automating the maintenance of civil tax records


Salary fund savings (due to a reduction in the number of employees), rub.

Capital costs (equipment and software), thousand rubles.

Savings of budgetary funds when performing the functions of the State Control Committee in an automated mode, thousand rubles.

Loss of time due to under-loading of equipment (due to the lack of software for the technology for maintaining the GKN, non-optimal use of the potential capabilities of the equipment), hour.

Reducing the time spent on processing and issuing information, hour.

Lost time waiting for responses to requests and additional processing of information, hour.

Working hours spent on maintaining AIS GKN, hour.

Costs for database conversion, rub.

R&D costs, rub.

Software development costs, rub.

Investment efficiency of the land cadastre


Net income, rub.

Requirement for additional financing, rub.

Net present value, rub.

Cost of the investment project, rub.

Internal rate of return

Investments in fixed assets, rub.

Investment return indices

Material costs, rub.

Payback period of investments, years

Salary, rub.

Contributions for social needs, rub.

Efficiency of information support

Organizational and technological

Rationalization of document flow

Costs of collecting, processing, systematizing and storing information, rub.


Funds from the sale of information, rub.

Costs for automation of information processing, rub.


Meeting the needs for land cadastral information


Minimizing the time spent by consumers obtaining information

When determining economic efficiency, a prerequisite is the comparability of all indicators over time, at prices and tariff wage rates used in determining the indicators, according to cost elements. Economic indicators are determined on the basis of wholesale prices, tariffs and wage rates in effect at the time of calculation. The economic effect for each group of indicators is determined based on the analysis of statistical, accounting and operational reporting, special surveys or forecast results.

The determination of the economic efficiency of an activity is carried out taking into account the object of investment for its creation, which is calculated using the time factor in cases where these investments are implemented over a number of years. Social, environmental, political and other results that cannot be assessed are considered as additional performance indicators and are taken into account when making management decisions.

4.2 Automated GKN system

A “Federal target program for creating an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate” was created.

This subprogram began to be used in the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Republic of Buryatia from March 10, 2011 to July 1, 2011.

The goal of creating and developing an automated system of the state real estate cadastre is to increase the efficiency of decisions made in the field of land and real estate, as well as the quality of technological processes and to stimulate investment activity in the real estate market in the interests of meeting the needs of society and citizens.

Main events:

Development and improvement of the regulatory and methodological framework that ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of maintaining the state real estate cadastre, reforming and regulating land and property relations;

2. creation of an automated system of the state real estate cadastre as a unified system operating at all levels of state real estate management, ensuring the consolidation of information about real estate at the levels of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the central office of Rosnedvizhimost, and also providing the possibility of public access to information from a unified real estate cadastre;

Creation of automated systems for state cadastral registration, state cadastral valuation of real estate, state land control, state land monitoring;

Implementation of an automated information system for cadastral registration of real estate:

comprehensive analysis of cadastral division in electronic form, semantic and graphic databases of the Unified State Register;

verification of the readiness of the information infrastructure of the city of Ulan-Ude to the extent of a test circuit for the implementation of an automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

installation of test circuits;

installation of a test server for districts;

consultation of users on technological procedures for preparing information support for the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

consultation of system administrators of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" on issues of applied and system administration of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre.

Implementation of an information and reference system, including in territorial divisions of Rosreestr:

test installation of software for maintenance and software and technical support;

primary analysis of the availability and condition of software and hardware (servers, Oracle 10g DBMS) required for installing the information system;

visit of specialists to the territorial divisions of Rosreestr to carry out work on:

Deployment, installation and configuration of the ISS software package (server and client parts);

2. debugging and testing the performance of the automated information system according to the established methodology;

3. initial filling of the database;

4. consultation of system administrators and users on issues of applied use and system administration of the information system.

A set of technological works and provision of services for technical support, maintenance and operation of subsystems of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre:

monitoring the performance of the Oracle database of the industrial circuit of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre: analysis of memory structures, wait events, various statistics. Development of recommendations to eliminate slowdowns in the operation of the DBMS;

analysis and monitoring of events in the “System” and “Application” logs, as well as the parameters of the Performance Monitor log, to identify trends in the performance of application servers / databases of the industrial circuit of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

visits to the production site of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Republic of Buryatia;

preparation of non-standard SQL queries for the database, not provided for by the standard means of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre, at the request of system users;

participation in the work of the chief technologist service on the operation of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

processing support site requests.

An example of calculating the economic efficiency of the creation and implementation of AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Tables 6 - 7 present calculations of costs for each type of work on the implementation of AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Table 6 - Costs of information support for AIS GKN (K 1)

Type of work


Standard time

Price, rub

Cost, thousand rubles

Cadastral division

Section quarter


Entering information from the keyboard

Total costs

Table 7 - Costs of training for operation of AIS GKN (K 2)

Table 8 - Costs of implementation and development of AIS GKN (K 3)

Table 9 - Operating costs for the operation of AIS GKN (K 4).

No. Name of cost items Cost, thousand rubles.

Social insurance contributions (39% of clause 1)

Repair and auxiliary materials (2.5% of the cost of equipment)

Operating materials costs

Depreciation charges (10% of the cost of equipment)

Energy costs

Other costs

Let us determine the savings from automating information transformations based on the fact that in the base system the time spent on executing one request is 4 hours, in the automated system it is 1 hour, the number of documents issued per request is 2. Then the cost of the document issued in the base system is 71.1 rub., in the automated one - 17.6 rub. With the number of requests served per day equal to 6 requests, taking into account the fact that the system performs other functions, the number of requests served per year will be about 4500.

Savings from automating the process of providing information services to consumers with cadastral information will be equal to:

Ea = (Cp - Ca) x Nn x r x d, (4.2.1)

where Nn is the number of consumers of AIS GKN information; is the average number of requests received from one consumer; is the average number of documents issued per request;

Ср - the cost of one document issued during manual preparation;

Ca is the cost of one document issued using an automated system.

The ratio between the costs of implementing the system and the economic results obtained (economic efficiency coefficient), as well as the payback period for these costs, is taken as an integral indicator of economic efficiency.

Ea = (71.1-17.6) *4500*2 = 482 thousand rubles.

Annual savings from automation of information transformations:

E = Ea + Rex, (4.2.2)

where - Ea - total savings from automating the process of providing information services to consumers with cadastral information;

Rex is the difference in operating costs between the manual method of creating and maintaining the land cadastre and the automated one.

Since there are no operating costs in the basic system,

then ΔRex = - 241.27, then E = 482-247 = 235 thousand rubles.

One-time costs for the implementation of AIS GKN will be:

K AISGKN = K 1 + K 2 + K 3 + K 4 = 85.99 + 37.17 + 30.04 + 241.27 = 394.47

Table 10 - Indicators of economic efficiency of implementation of AIS GKN

The economic efficiency coefficient is determined by the formula:

Er = E/C AISGKN = 235/394.47 = 0.6 (10)

If the calculated efficiency coefficient is greater than the standard one, then the system can be considered effective.

The payback period is determined by the formula:

Current = 1/Er. = 1/0.6 = 1.7 (10)

Since Ep>En, (0.6›0.15), the system can be considered effective. However, due to the fact that when calculating savings from implementation, approximate values ​​of the initial data were used, the magnitude of the economic effect will be approximate.

At the same time, the approximate value of the annual economic effect allows us to conclude that the implementation of AIS GKN is economically feasible. In addition, when deciding on the feasibility of the implemented AIS GKN, it is also necessary to take into account the achieved increase in the technical level of production, stabilization of technological processes, improvement of the quality and reliability of the information provided, by maintaining it at a modern level, eliminating unjustified duplication of information during its collection, processing and storage , as well as the social effect consisting of replacing manual labor with electronic labor by more highly qualified ones.

3 Analysis of the costs of implementing the State Tax Committee using the site "gosuslugi.ru"

The Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal) is a federal state information system that provides:

access of individuals and legal entities to information about state and municipal services, state functions of control and supervision, about the services of state and municipal institutions, about the services of organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, located in the federal state information system that ensures the maintenance of a register of state services in electronic form;

provision in electronic form of state and municipal services, services of state and municipal institutions and other organizations in which a state task (order) or municipal task (order) is placed, in accordance with the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the highest executive bodies of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation Federations;

taking into account citizens' requests related to the functioning of the Unified Portal, including the opportunity for applicants to leave feedback on the quality of the provision of state or municipal services in electronic form.

The single portal is part of the infrastructure that ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.

The Government of the Russian Federation has designated the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation as the operator of the Unified Portal.

Information on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) is posted within one working day from the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services (functions) formed by the federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments which are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of information about services ( functions).

The single portal is accessible to any user of the Internet information and telecommunications network and is organized in such a way as to ensure simple and effective search for information on state or municipal services.

All services posted on the Unified Portal are correlated with a specific region of the Russian Federation: the place where the service is received determines both the availability of the service itself and the conditions for its provision.

The first step to gain access to the capabilities of the Unified Portal is to select the region of interest, after which services provided by both territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies of the selected entity will be available.

State and municipal services are classified according to a number of criteria (by departments, by life situations, by categories of users, by popularity - frequency of ordering the service) and are presented in the form of a catalog.

The information card for each service contains the following information:

Name of service;

name of the state authority or local government providing the service;

the necessary documents to be submitted by the applicant to receive the service, methods for obtaining documents by applicants and the procedure for their submission, indicating the services, as a result of the provision of which such documents can be obtained;

information about the remuneration (free of charge) of the provision of the service and the amount of fees charged to the applicant if the service is provided on a reimbursable basis;

the result of providing the service;

terms of service provision;

grounds for suspending the provision of a service or refusing to provide it;

information about the place where the service is provided;

information on the admissibility of pre-trial (out-of-court) appeals against the actions (inactions) of officials providing the service and the results of the provision of this service;

contacts for additional information (telephone numbers of the state authority or local government body responsible for providing the service, telephone numbers of the places where the service is provided);

application forms and other documents, the completion of which by the applicant is necessary to apply to the federal executive body, executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local government body to receive state or municipal services (in electronic form).

The Unified Portal implements the concept of a user’s “personal account”, which provides the following opportunities after registration on the portal:

familiarization with information about state or municipal services (functions);

providing access to application forms and other documents necessary to obtain a state or municipal service (function), filling them out and submitting them in electronic form;

electronic appeal to state bodies or local governments;

monitoring the progress of providing state or municipal services or performing state functions;

receiving accruals and the ability to pay state duties, fines and fees;

storing user details;

obtaining the results of the provision of state or municipal services in electronic form on the Unified Portal, unless prohibited by federal law.

Currently, two authorization methods are implemented to access services on the Unified Portal:

using login/password,

using an electronic signature.

The single portal is in constant development: new electronic application forms for public services appear weekly, previously for which only reference information was posted and application templates were available.

In addition to information about state and municipal services, the Unified Portal publishes current news and analytical materials on a particular service (News section).

For additional information on the information presented on the portal, a telephone hotline operates around the clock.

Due to the fact that today, it is possible to make a request for information from the State Property Committee and submit an application for state cadastral registration via the Internet on the website "gosuslugi.ru"

Consider the following options:

The owner of the property lives in the most remote place from the district center (the village of Zaigraevo) - the village. Khara-Kutul (120 km).

2. The owner of the property lives in the village of Zaigraevo itself.

Table 11 - Analysis of costs for providing information from the State Property Committee and filing an application for the State Property Committee


Travel costs to Zaigraevo

Costs for application and inquiries via the website……

With. Khara-Kutul


Save time

Other expenses

Zaigraevo village


Save time

Other expenses

p. Novoilinsk


Save time

Other expenses

We conclude that it is more profitable to provide information from the state real estate cadastre and submit an application for state cadastral land registration via the Internet because the owner is from the village. Khara - Kutul spends 270 rubles for 1 trip, and the owner is from the village. Novoilinsk spends 195 rubles per trip.

Section 5. Life safety

When performing topographic and geodetic work, which is carried out at all stages of land management, during surveys, design, construction and operation of land management objects and structures, it is necessary to follow certain rules to ensure the achievement of the desired results, the correct use of instruments and the preservation of the health of workers and engineering personnel. The totality of such rules and measures constitutes safety precautions.

Safety measures, as well as the creation and use of technical safety equipment, are carried out on the basis of normative and technical documentation (standards, rules, norms, instructions) approved in the established manner.

The situation in the field of labor protection conditions in the Republic of Buryatia remains tense. The proportion of workers employed in jobs with working conditions that do not meet labor safety requirements continues to remain high.

The organization of a system of safe working conditions in order to eliminate occupational injuries and occupational diseases should develop and implement various labor protection measures. It is impossible to create completely harmless and safe working conditions at every production site. Therefore, the task of labor protection comes down to minimizing, through the implementation of various measures, the impact on people of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise in the workplace, minimizing the likelihood of accidents and diseases of workers, and ensuring comfortable working conditions that contribute to high productivity.

5.1 General provisions

Regulatory and legal support for occupational safety

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the country protects the labor and health of people, everyone has the right to freely use their abilities to work and work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements; discrimination in wages is prohibited and its minimum amount is determined, the right to health care, medical care, as well as to pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection is established.

The most important document is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines labor protection - this is a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, treatment and prophylactic, rehabilitation and other measures.

Compliance by managers, engineering and technical workers with duties and responsibilities for the state of labor protection

Managers and engineering and technical workers of organizations must follow the established procedure for monitoring the state of labor protection at workplaces and in divisions of the organization, compliance with safety regulations and the performance by managers and performers of their labor protection responsibilities.

Each performer of work is responsible for violating labor safety standards and regulations.

Workers guilty of violating labor protection requirements, failure to fulfill labor protection obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements, labor agreements (contracts), or interfering with the activities of representatives of state supervision and control bodies over compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as public control bodies, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2 Personnel requirements

Hiring to work in topographic and geodetic organizations for field work, as well as in office workshops with difficult, dangerous or harmful working conditions, persons under 16 years of age is prohibited.

When carrying out field topographic and geodetic work in taiga and high mountain areas, as well as when surveying water areas and performing other high-risk work in all areas, it is prohibited to employ persons under 18 years of age.

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are required. Employees undergo medical examinations (examinations):

preliminary when applying for a job;


An employee undergoes a preliminary medical examination upon entering work before concluding an employment contract. This examination determines the compliance of the employee’s health status with the work assigned to him.

Periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out with the aim of monitoring the health status of workers, timely identifying the initial signs of occupational diseases, identifying common diseases that prevent continued work in the same production conditions, as well as preventing industrial accidents.

When hired, all applicants must undergo introductory training on labor protection.

Persons who have completed occupational safety training and workplace instruction on the types of work performed are allowed to carry out topographic and geodetic work.

Types of labor safety briefings:

Ø Introductory briefing;

Ø Initial briefing;

Ø Repeated instruction;

Ø Unscheduled briefing;

Ø Targeted instruction.

Introductory training on occupational safety is carried out with all newly hired workers, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position, with a time frame, business travelers, students and students arriving for on-the-job training or practice.

Induction training at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person assigned these responsibilities by order of the enterprise.

After completing the introductory training, the employee is required to undergo initial training directly at the workplace.

Initial training at the workplace is carried out with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods.

All employees, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, or the nature of the work performed, undergo repeated training at least once a quarter.

Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers servicing the same type of equipment and within a common workplace according to the initial training program at the workplace in full.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;

when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation of labor safety requirements by workers and students, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion, or fire, poisoning;

at the request of supervisory authorities;

during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

Targeted instruction is carried out when performing one-time work not related to duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); liquidation of the consequences of an accident, natural disasters, production work, for which a work permit, permit and other documents are issued; conducting a tour of the enterprise.

Before being allowed to work independently, an employee must receive a job description against signature, familiarize himself with its contents and fulfill all the requirements set out in it.

The results of testing the knowledge of management and technical employees of safety regulations are documented in standard protocols.

5.3 Provision of protective equipment

All workers and engineers are provided with special clothing (overalls, jackets , trousers, suits, raincoats, short fur coats, sheepskin coats, vests, oversleeves), special footwear (boots, shoes, low shoes, galoshes, overshoes) and other personal protective equipment.

All of the above, as well as collective protective equipment and items of camp gear and equipment, must correspond to the nature and conditions of the work performed, meet the requirements of current standards and ensure labor safety.

Equipment, tools and mechanisms issued to field teams must be in good condition and have an appropriate certificate or passport confirming their technical condition and compliance with the type of work being performed. Each employee who notices a malfunction of tools and equipment is obliged to take measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible to eliminate it, immediately report it to the head of the team or party.

5.4 Requirements for organizing safe field work

Before the start of field work, organizational and technical measures must be carried out aimed at creating safe and healthy working conditions during their implementation. During their implementation, special attention should be paid to the issues of operational and technical design of work based on the data obtained on the areas where the facilities are located. During the drafting period, organizational issues related to labor protection should be taken into account.

All types of field topographic and geodetic work must be carried out in strict accordance with safety requirements.

Requirements for mechanical and optical-mechanical devices.

1. Devices and accessories must not have sharp corners or protrusions that could injure operating personnel.

Moving parts of devices must have devices to protect them from spontaneous movement during operation, repair, and transportation.

Parts of devices used for adjustment and repair, the position of which cannot be changed during operation, should be placed inside the device or fixed with stoppers, paint, fuses, etc.

A separate portable item in a set of measuring equipment for topographic and geodetic work should not exceed 30 kg. Components of instruments and equipment weighing more than 12 kg must have devices for ease of movement in the stowed position, loading and transportation.

The illumination of operating scales and information display areas on control panels must be at least 150 lux.

6. Moments of starting the working controls of geodetic instruments must comply with the requirements of GOST P 53340-2009, standards and technical specifications for specific types of devices.

When working with two hands, the controls are placed in such a way that there is no crossing of hands.

Requirements for optical-electronic and radio-electronic devices.

1. Devices containing sources of optical, electromagnetic, thermal, ultrasonic radiation must be equipped with means to absorb radiation intensity to acceptable levels.

The equipment of workplaces and the placement of devices equipped with video display terminals and personal computers must comply with the “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization.” SanPiN .

The electrical circuit of the device must exclude the possibility of its spontaneous switching on and off.

The design of the device must exclude the possibility of incorrect connection of its live parts during preparation for operation.

For safety reasons, in the design of optical-electronic and radio-electronic geodetic instruments, it is preferable to use:

insulation of live parts;

elements for grounding metal non-current-carrying parts that may be energized;

warning notices, signs, painting in signal colors (in combination with other safety measures);

blocking the functions of parts and assemblies to prevent erroneous actions and operations;

protective shells to prevent accidental contact with live, heated parts of devices;

safe voltage in electrical circuits.

Requirements for grounding elements, interlocking, warning alarms and insulation of current-carrying parts - in accordance with GOST .

The working controls of devices must be equipped with inscriptions or symbols characterizing the purpose or state of the functional unit or providing the necessary information for a specific case of its operation.

The use of controls in a sequence other than that specified must not lead to hazardous situations or must be prevented by interlocking.

Plug connectors must be marked to identify those parts that are to be connected to each other; mating parts of the same connector must have the same markings. The markings must be located on the surfaces of the mating parts of the connectors in a visible place.

Geodetic instruments with laser emitters with a continuous power of more than 1 mW in the visible part of the spectrum must, during operation, be equipped with a poster with the warning inscription “Caution! Laser radiation.” When working with them, you must ensure that the laser beam does not enter your eyes.

When preparing batteries and gas-electric units for operation, the requirements of the instructions for their operation should be observed.

Features of conducting topographic and geodetic work. Labor safety requirements when using topographic and geodetic equipment.

Instruments and equipment intended for performing topographic and geodetic work must be designed and manufactured so that there are no prerequisites for dangerous and harmful production factors.

Persons who have undergone special training, meet the established qualification requirements and have passed an exam (test) on knowledge of safety rules must be allowed to work with topographic and geodetic instruments.

All workers sent to field work must be trained in the rules of first aid in case of accidents (burns, bleeding, fractures, etc.). In each field team, one of the workers must have knowledge of first aid within the requirements of the sanitary instructor.

In cameral production workshops, safety corners should be organized with visual propaganda and instructions on safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

The dimensions of the production premises must meet the requirements established for the given work. The room must maintain a normal temperature of +17 - 20°C, with a humidity of at least 40% and no more than 75%.

To optimize working conditions, illumination of workplaces is of great importance. Industrial lighting must be uniform and stable, have the correct direction of the light flux, and eliminate glare and the formation of sharp shadows.

For normal work of a land cadastre specialist, a noise level not exceeding 40-60 dB is accepted.

The working conditions of computer operators working with video terminals (VT) when processing materials on a personal computer are characterized by the possibility of exposure to the following production factors:

1) noise;

2) heat generation;

3) static electricity;

4) ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

5) insufficient lighting;

6) parameters of technological equipment and workplace.

The main sources of noise in rooms equipped with video terminals are typewriters, printing equipment and air conditioning equipment; in the VTs themselves - cooling system fans and transformers.

In accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83 “Noise. General safety requirements”, the noise level at the workplaces of VT operators should not exceed 50 dBA. Standardized noise levels are ensured through the use of low-noise equipment and the use of sound-absorbing materials. Ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems must be made in accordance with the chapter of SNiP P-33-75 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

Imaging devices emit X-ray, radio frequency and ultraviolet radiation. The irradiation intensity of VT is 0.01 millrem/h and is significantly less than the maximum permissible value for household electronic equipment (0.5 millrem/hour at a distance of 5 m). As a precaution, it is recommended to limit the amount of time you work with the VT screen, do not place them concentrated in the work area, and turn them off when not being used.

During constant work, the screen should be located in the center of the field of view, documents should be located on the left on the table.

The table plane, as well as the operator’s seat, must be height adjustable. The height of the table plane must be adjusted in the range of 65 - 85 cm. The height of the seat from the floor must be adjusted in the range of 42 - 55 cm. At the operator's request, a footrest measuring 40x30x15 cm is installed. For working with VT, rooms with one-way side natural lighting are recommended. The area of ​​light openings should be 25% of the floor area. It is recommended to equip windows with light-diffusing curtains, adjustable blinds or solar control film with a metallized coating.

Artificial lighting in rooms and workplaces should create good visibility of information on the VT screen. The normalized illumination level for working with VT should be 400 lux.

To protect personal computer operators from ionizing radiation and eliminate light glare, the VT screen must be equipped with a protective filter. The time of continuous work with VT should be limited to 4 hours with an 8-hour working day. After every hour of intensive work, it is recommended to take a 15-minute break.

The number of processed symbols (signs) on the VT should not exceed 30 thousand per 4 hours of operation.

5.5 Sanitation and hygiene in field work

Direct control over personal hygiene of workers and cleanliness on the territory of the base is assigned to the chief or head of a complex unit. The special clothing, special footwear, and bedding supplies issued to employees must be kept clean. At least 4 times a month, each employee must wash his entire body with hot water and soap. When working in sparsely populated areas or far from populated areas, the bathhouse should be arranged in a tent.

Providing first aid to victims. Before going to field work, all engineers and workers must be trained in first aid. First aid in case of an accident or illness (before receiving medical assistance) is provided on the spot. In cases of serious injury or illness, the victim must be sent to a medical facility immediately. Providing first aid is impossible without a minimum set of dressings and medications. Therefore, all production areas, buses, and cars must be provided with medical first aid kits. All engineering and technical workers and workers providing assistance must be able to: assess the condition of the victim and determine what kind of help he needs first; correctly perform artificial respiration and closed cardiac massage; stop the bleeding; apply a bandage if damaged; provide assistance with burns, frostbite, bruises, etc.

5.6 Fire safety requirements during work

The enterprise must be provided with reliable fire warning or alarm systems, which must be in working order, employees must be familiar with the evacuation plan, and special smoking areas must be provided.

The organization must develop and approve instructions on fire safety measures, a fire safety regime must be established by order of the organization, those responsible for fire safety must be appointed, and the composition of the voluntary fire brigade must be approved.

All employees must be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training and registering in the appropriate log. Fire fighting equipment locations must be marked with signs. Access to fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment should be convenient and unobstructed.

In buildings and structures, evacuation plans in case of fire must be developed and posted in prominent places, and a fire warning system must be provided.

Each employee who discovers a fire or its signs is obliged to: immediately report this by telephone to the nearest fire department, while clearly stating the address, location of the fire, as well as his position and surname; activate the fire warning system.

Rules of conduct in the field.

During preparation for field work, pay special attention to the rules for safe work in fire-hazardous areas, as well as the behavior of personnel when extinguishing forest fires in extreme conditions.

Fire safety.

For fire safety purposes, it is prohibited to smoke, light candles, kerosene lamps and lanterns for lighting, or use faulty stoves in tents, chambers and living rooms.

2. If electricity is used, the electrical wiring, electrical appliances and fixtures must be in good working order and checked by the fire inspection service.

Lighting fires on the territory of the settlement is strictly prohibited.

When organizing a field camp, fires (for cooking) are allowed to be lit in specially designated places, subject to mandatory compliance with fire safety standards and regulations. Fireplaces are dug in or fenced with stones. There should be a container of water in the immediate vicinity (from the fireplace). A special shield is installed on which the following are placed: shovels, axes, hooks, buckets; as well as serviceable and tested fire extinguishers by fire authorities.

During field work, it is prohibited to smoke in the workplace, smoke while walking, or throw away unextinguished matches and cigarette butts.

Smoking is permitted only when stopping for rest in compliance with all fire safety measures.

In the event of a fire occurring in the work area (due to spontaneous combustion, thunderstorms, etc.), it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate the source of fire, using all available human resources and technical means. It is also necessary to notify the fire authorities in whose jurisdiction this territory is located.

Fire extinguishing equipment includes the simplest devices. These include: internal fire hydrants equipped with hoses and barrels, hand-held fire extinguishers, and fire shields with the necessary set of fire equipment must be installed: a shovel, a bucket, a hook, boxes of sand, etc.

Primary fire extinguishing means are placed in production areas, buildings, structures and are handed over according to inventories to the head of the department, site, installation, who is subsequently responsible for their safety and constant readiness for action.

5.7 Protection of the public in emergency situations

The main tasks of civil defense are:

Training the population in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural, environmental and other disasters;

Notifying the population about the dangers that arise during wartime and peacetime emergencies and about the procedure for action in the current situation;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment, priority provision to the affected population;

Carrying out rescue and other urgent work in hot spots and emergency zones;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the sustainability of the economy; urgent restoration of vital public services; population survival in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of control systems, civil defense forces and means, as well as civil defense property reserves.

Protection of the population during an earthquake

Warning residents about the threat of an earthquake is very difficult, since it is not yet possible to accurately predict its location and time. However, knowing the indirect signs of its approach can help you survive this situation with minimal losses. Such signs include: seemingly causeless disturbance of birds and domestic animals (this is especially noticeable at night), as well as a mass exodus from the habitats of reptiles. In winter, lizards and snakes, in anticipation of danger, even crawl out into the snow. Notification of the population is carried out by transmitting messages via radio and television networks .

To attract attention in emergency situations, sirens and other signaling devices are turned on before transmitting information. Sirens and intermittent beeps of enterprises and vehicles indicate a civil defense signal "Attention everyone". In this case, you must immediately turn on the loudspeaker, radio or television receiver and listen to the message from the civil defense headquarters. If there is a threat of an earthquake, such a message may begin with the words:

"Attention! This is the city's civil defense headquarters speaking... Citizens! Due to a possible earthquake...".

In case of a sudden earthquake, the main thing is not to panic and protect yourself from debris, glass, and heavy objects. From the first tremors (dishes clanking, objects falling, whitewash crumbling) to the subsequent ones, from which the building begins to collapse, there are 15-20 seconds. During this period, you need to choose a reasonable way of behavior: either try to leave the building, or take the optimally safe place inside it.

If during a strong earthquake a decision is made to leave the building, it is necessary to outline the path of movement in advance (taking into account 15-20 seconds) before the greatest vibrations and tremors. When evacuating, you must not create a crush and traffic jams in the doors, or jump out of the windows. When leaving, it is prohibited to use the elevator. After running out of the building, you should move away from it to an open place. When the situation does not allow leaving the building, it is necessary, while remaining in it, to take refuge in a pre-selected, relatively safe place. If there is a danger of falling pieces of plaster, lamps, or glass, you need to hide under the table.

When an earthquake begins, the fire must be extinguished; matches, candles and lighters must not be used during or immediately after tremors.

At enterprises, institutions and organizations, measures must be developed and taken in advance to reduce the danger of an earthquake and protect personnel in the event of its occurrence.

In buildings, premises of enterprises and institutions, corridors, passages, staircases and internal doors should be cleared of obstructions with unnecessary objects. Massive cabinets and shelving should be securely attached to the walls. Do not place heavy objects on the upper shelves. Each employee is required to know the location of electric switches, fire and gas valves.

After an earthquake, it is necessary to make sure that there are no injuries, examine the surrounding people and, if necessary, provide assistance to them, as well as free the victims who are caught in easily removable rubble. It is prohibited to move seriously wounded people unless they are in danger (fire, building collapse, etc.)

When entering the building, a mandatory condition is to check the water supply, gas, and electricity. If there is damage to the power line, turn it off. A gas leak can only be detected by smell, and if it is present, you should open all windows and doors, immediately leave the room and report the incident to the appropriate services.

If the water supply lines are damaged, repair the problem or turn off the water supply. You can drink water only after boiling and in a closed container. If there are fires, they must be extinguished. If this fails, you must contact the fire service.

Do not approach or enter clearly damaged buildings. We must be prepared for strong aftershocks. Such tremors occur after several days, weeks and even months. The first few hours after an earthquake are the most dangerous. In this regard, at least for the first 2-3 hours, it is prohibited to enter the building unless absolutely necessary.

It is unacceptable to convey any fictitious information, forecasts, guesses, or rumors about possible tremors. It is necessary to use only official communications on this matter. To obtain information about the situation, you should turn on the radio broadcast (radio receiver), obey the instructions of local authorities and the headquarters for eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster.

For the direct preparation, planning and conduct of evacuation measures, decisions of the heads of Civil Defense of territorial and sectoral (facility) management bodies create evacuation bodies that work in collaboration with the relevant civil defense authorities and civil defense services.

Evacuation is carried out as soon as possible. Its completion is considered to be the removal of the population from the dangerous zones.

In a safe zone, the evacuated population is located on the territory assigned to the organizations. Each organization has its own district. During wartime, areas are determined in advance.

During partial evacuation, areas where the population will be located are determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies. In the event that the population can no longer be accommodated in the safe zone of one region, some can be withdrawn to neighboring regions.

Dispersal is the organized removal from cities and placement in safe zones of workers and employees of organizations continuing to work in wartime. Being in a safe zone, they come to work in shifts. To transport work shifts, each organization is allocated a location near railways, roads and waterways, taking into account the minimum time spent on moving work shifts from the place of residence to the work site and back.

The entire population subject to distribution and evacuation is included in the evacuation lists, which are compiled by organizations and KSK in triplicate in advance and are specified upon receipt of an order to carry out evacuation measures.

Family members not employed in production or the service sector are included in the lists at the place of work of the head of the family.

For the direct implementation and planning of dispersal and evacuation of the population, evacuation bodies are created:

Evacuation Commission;

Evacuation Admissions Committee;

Prefabricated evacuation points (EPP);

Intermediate evacuation points (IEP);

Reception evacuation points (REP);


In the modern world, during the scientific, technical, economic, electronic process, subject to all safety rules and basic precautions in various conditions, a person can, on his own, protect his life from undesirable consequences of various types.

List of sources used

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M.: Legal literature, 1993.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. - St. Petersburg: Scientific Research Center "ALFA", 1994.

Land Code. - M., Ekmos, 2000 - 48s

On the state real estate cadastre: Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2008. No. 221-FZ

On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997.

Bogolyubov S.A. Commentary on the Land Code of the Russian Federation. - M.: Welby, 2003 - 488 p.

Life safety at work. - M: KolosS, 2006. - 432 p.;

Burkin V.E., Munkueva Z.B., Samozhapova S.D., Vambueva E.B. Memo on labor protection: Guidelines - U-U: BGSHA, 2004 - 20 p.

Varlamov A.A. Land cadastre of a subject of the Federation. - Perm: Denor, 1997. - 272 p.

Varlamov A.A. Land Registry: B 6t. T.1. Theoretical foundations of GZK. - M.: KolosS, 2003. - 383 p. - (Textbooks and teaching aids for university students)

Varlamov A.A., Galchenko S.A. Land Registry: B 6t. T.3. State registration and accounting of lands. - M.: KolosS, 2007. - 528 p. - (Textbooks and teaching aids for university students).

Varlamov A.A., Galchenko S.A. and others. Information support of the land cadastre.: Textbook - M.: GUZ, 2000 - 104 p.

Varlamov A.A., Galchenko S.A. and others. Land cadastre: Educational and practical manual - M.: MCHA, 2000 - 288 p.

Varlamov A.A., Khismatulov O.T. Efficiency of the GZK system: Textbook - M.: GUZ, 2001 - 104 p. Zotov B.I., Kurdyumov V.I.

Volkov S.N., Varlamov A.A, Loiko P.F. New land relations in the Russian Federation. // Land Bulletin of Russia. No. 1 - 2.2005.

Galchenko S.A. Efficiency of the State Land Loan System of various administrative-territorial levels.: Monograph - M.: MGIU, 2003. - 158 p.

Dolganova N.S. Comments to the Federal Law of June 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ "On the State Committee for Taxation": (item-by-item) - M.: Justitsinform, 2008.

Kanaeva E.D., Pushkareva A.S. Land Registry. Registration and registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.: Methodological instructions. - U-U: BGSHA, 2004 - 82 p.

Organization of cadastral registration of lands in Russia. - M.: Bresta LLC, 2002. - 300 p.

Raldin B.B., Varlamov A.A. Land cadastre of the Republic of Belarus. - U-U, 1998 - 185 p.

Rusak O.N., Malayan K.R, Zanko G. Life safety.: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2003 - 448 p.

Samozhapova S.D., Ishimov I.Sh. Protection of the population in emergency situations. - U-U: Publishing house of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education BSAA, 2005. - 132 p.;

Shkrabak V.S., Lukovnikov A.K., Turgiev M. Life safety in agricultural production.: Textbook for universities - M.: Kolos, 2004 - 512 p.

Report on the availability of land and its distribution by ownership, category, land and user as of 01/01/2012;

25. www.ulan-ude-ed.ru






Http // edov-duryatia.ru


Similar works to - Maintaining the state real estate cadastre using modern computer technologies

The state land cadastre system is the most important element of land management in the country, which serves as the information basis for state land management and economic regulation of land relations. The information database of the state land cadastre is based on the accounting system of land plots and their main characteristics. Due to the significant volumes of information, the state land cadastre system is automated and is maintained according to uniform rules, and the data is entered into established legal forms.

The prerequisite for the creation of an information database of the state land cadastre (LLC DB) was the Federal target program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)”, which declared the need to create a unified LLC DB, which would include provide information not only about land plots, but also about other real estate objects closely related to them. The result of the formation of this information system should be a database of economically justified taxation and part of real estate, as well as improving the real estate management system. This program is based on the principle that determines that one of the most important strategic goals of state policy in the field of creating conditions for sustainable economic development of the Russian Federation is the effective use of land and other real estate of all forms of ownership to meet the needs of society and citizens.

The basis for the creation of a Unified cadastral data base on land plots and other real estate objects closely related to them, according to the program under consideration, is the land cadastre system. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • 1. A land plot is a unique, non-reproducible and non-movable accounting unit covering the entire territory of Russia, which eliminates the possibility of gaps in the accounting system (the presence of unaccounted land plots).
  • 2. The land plot is the basic property with which all other real estate is associated (buildings, structures, structures, perennial plantings, etc.).
  • 3. The state land cadastre is maintained by the federal executive body, which has a strict vertical down to the municipality, which greatly facilitates the movement of information flows in the system.
  • 4. At the moment, the automated information system of the state land cadastre (hereinafter referred to as AIS GZK) is the only system on the territory of the Russian Federation that operates in accordance with federal law and according to uniform rules, and also contains information about other real estate objects.

In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the concept of other real estate. Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the following criteria for classification as real estate, according to which all immovable objects can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • 1) real estate according to its physical characteristics (land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies);
  • 2) real estate that is firmly connected to the land, which cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose (forests, perennial plantings, buildings, structures, structures);
  • 3) real estate under the law, i.e. those things that, by their physical nature, are movable, but classified by the rule of law as real estate (aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects, etc.).

Thus, before starting to create a land control database, it is necessary to issue a number of regulations containing lists of other real estate objects and their characteristics that will be included in the land control database. In addition to land plots, such real estate objects should include buildings, structures, structures, perennial plantings, and separate water bodies. This list does not include the third group of real estate objects, which are real estate by law, but not in essence. This is explained by the fact that at the moment there are other accounting systems for real estate data, the maintenance of which requires special education and qualifications. Moreover, the presence of information about these objects in the ZK database will make it too voluminous and complex to use. In addition, one of the management principles will be violated - the principle of information balance, according to which any information system must contain the optimal amount of information about the object of management. In this case, optimality is determined by the minimum of data and characteristics about the object, but which at the same time are sufficient to make a rational management decision. For a similar reason, the above list did not include subsoil areas.

To implement the normal functioning of the ZK database in order to achieve maximum economic effect, it is necessary to solve many problems, including:

  • - organization of data transfer and exchange between automated databases of various departments,
  • - implementation and maintenance of special automated programs, their improvement,
  • - creation of a unified information and communication space for state cadastral registration bodies, technical inventory, registration of rights to real estate, tax authorities, government bodies, etc.

Today, legislation provides for the possibility of using software systems to automate the maintenance of the state land cadastre.

As part of the work to implement the Federal Target Program, the Southern Branch of the Federal Cadastral Center "Zemlya" has developed a software package (PC) of the USRZ as a tool that provides automation of state cadastral registration processes and the construction of an automated database containing information about cadastral registration objects.

The USRZ PC has the following capabilities:

  • 1) export of tabular and spatial information to a number of common data formats,
  • 2) support for display style libraries,
  • 3) the ability to add and edit styles;
  • 4) the ability to provide each user with an individual set of access rights to operations with databases;
  • 5) support for the simultaneous work of several users with data from the same geodetic database, including the possibility of joint editing, etc.

PC USRZ as a tool for conducting state cadastral registration automates four main processes of maintaining the state register of lands in the cadastral region:

  • 1. The process of entering information about previously registered land plots - entering descriptions of land plots in accordance with the Inventory List and descriptions of land plots that are state-owned and not assigned to specific persons.
  • 2. The process of conducting state cadastral registration of land plots:
  • 1) individualization of land plots - assignment of unique cadastral numbers in accordance with the established procedure;
  • 2) duty of graphic information about land plots - checking the consistency of information about the location of land plots and the location of their boundaries;
  • 3) entering information in accordance with the Description of land plots submitted for state cadastral registration;
  • 4) preparation and printing of documents included in the state register of lands of the cadastral region;
  • 5) preparation and printing of a cadastral plan of the land plot.
  • 3. The process of state cadastral registration of changes in the characteristics of land plots, including:
    • - adding new information,
    • - changing existing information while maintaining the history of changes.
  • 4. The process of preparing extracts of the state land cadastre based on submitted applications.

The Unified State Register PC as an automation tool allows you to avoid accidental errors when entering information into the State Register of the Kyrgyz Republic. This is achieved:

  • a) using reference books and classifiers;
  • b) the possibility of automatically entering the characteristics of the original land plot into the information about the newly formed plots (for example, location, category of land);
  • c) the presence of a mechanism for confirming actions performed in the USRZ PC;
  • d) the ability to preview documents;
  • d) the presence of a mechanism for record statuses.

PC USRZ as a mechanism for creating data banks containing information from state land cadastre documents provides:

  • a) entering, accumulating and storing data on accounting objects;
  • b) organization of data protection and safety;
  • c) processing and preparation of analytical, statistical and other derivative documents containing generalized information of the state land cadastre.

Despite the fact that the use of automated systems for maintaining the state land cadastre is provided for by law, the technology for maintaining the state land cadastre using automated systems is currently under development.

All spatial information about accounting objects is displayed graphically using the ObjectLand geographic information system, which has the following capabilities:

  • 1) developed tools for spatial data analysis;
  • 2) display of maps at an arbitrary scale;
  • 3) means of entering and editing spatial information by specifying the coordinates of objects;
  • 4) copying, merging and moving maps, layers and individual types of objects between different geoinformation databases;
  • 5) searching for information in tables using arbitrary criteria;
  • 6) statistical calculations based on information in tables;
  • 7) establishing arbitrary connections between spatial and tabular information;
  • 8) obtaining information about the object selected on the map, etc.

In the land cadastre, the basic documents are: - land - cadastral file of the land plot; - state land cadastral book of the corresponding administrative territorial unit; - land cadastral maps. Note that currently, all cadastral information available in these documents (on paper) is entered into a computer and stored on magnetic media, which allows it to be processed, stored and issued not only text information, but also site plans and so-called electronic maps . Thus, it can be noted that the main operations and work of the land cadastre in the republic are carried out on the basis of computer technology and this creates good opportunities for the formation of an AIS ZK.

The use of state land cadastre data in the management of land resources of the region and republic ensures not only increased efficiency of use and soil fertility in agriculture, but also the safety and economic protection of valuable lands during the redistribution of the land fund between its categories.

As a result, the role and importance of land registration has now increased. Those researchers who previously emphasized that land use registration is the legal side of the land cadastre are right. We believe that registration of land plots, as a cadastral action, is the basis of the entire legal block of the land cadastre. Moreover, with the transition to market relations and the introduction in Kazakhstan, along with state, private ownership of certain categories of land, the need arose for legal protection of not only state, but also private ownership of land. This further enhances the role and importance of state registration of land plots.

Registration should be considered as a state record on the basis of which the right of land users, tenants and owners to specific land plots is legally formalized. It has a legal, legal nature, confirming the legality of use, ownership and disposal of land. State registration of land plots is a remedy for various types of violations. It ensures the sustainability of land use and proper use of lands in accordance with the purpose and purpose for which they are provided to land users and owners.

The accounting and registration unit for state registration is a land plot. This follows from the peculiarities of the concept of a land plot, which is simultaneously an object of ownership and use rights and an object of economic or other activity of the subject of the right to the plot. The basis for registration of a newly formed land plot is the decision of the competent state body to provide it for certain purposes and a document on the implementation of the land management project and the fixation of the boundaries of the land plot on the ground. The registration is made on the basis of a completed Act on the right of use or ownership and documents of the formed land cadastral file of the site.

The task of state registration of land plots is to collect and store in a systematic and visual form information about the legal status of land. Therefore, all basic information on the land plot is entered into the computer on magnetic media. Thus, having information on each land plot on magnetic media, we have complete information on all lands of the district, city, region and republic.

At the same time, not only information about the legal status of the land plot is entered, but also all other information available in the land cadastral documents (information about the subject of the right to the plot, location, intended purpose, divisibility, easements and encumbrances, area and composition of land, their quality characteristics, quality score and cost of the site, etc.). That is, at the same time there is a process of entering information for basic and current land accounting, drawing up balance sheets and reports.

Registration is preceded by the legal registration of boundaries on the ground, with the elimination of shortcomings in land use (land plot) and determination of the exact position of the boundaries, securing the boundaries with boundary signs, measuring linear and angular values ​​along the boundaries of the site, computational processing and linking of the obtained data, determining the total areas and drawing up a site plan . These works are carried out in the order of inter-farm land management. At the same time, we note that computer technology is now used here too.

So, based on the program, by entering into the computer the coordinates of the turning points of the boundaries and the data of angular and linear measurements of the boundaries, the operator can issue a prepared plan of the land plot, with all area calculations and the necessary information. In this case, both a plan and a state act on the right of use or ownership are prepared on a computer.

Carrying out the above work allows the land user or owner to issue the main legal document - a state act. Temporary use of land is formalized by lease agreements, acts, decisions of legislative bodies and other documents confirming the legality of land use.

State registration documents for a land plot indicate the name of the land user or owner, its location, the basis for the provision of the land plot, its area, the purposes and purpose for which it is provided. Changes occurring in the legal status of land use (sale or exchange of land, division, changes in areas, boundaries, etc.) must be reflected in state registration documents and current land records. Registration is carried out in the state land cadastral book of the district (city); all land plots are subject to registration, regardless of the category of land. Like other real estate objects, land plots are subject to legal state registration with the real estate registration authorities.

Data accumulation is carried out at the level of the relevant administrative districts (cities), where information on the cadastral number of the site, the name of the subject of the right to the site and its location, acts of executive bodies and other documents, location and size, estimated value of the plot and land use rights, intended purpose, divisibility and indivisibility, easements on the land plot, restrictions on use established by executive bodies. The specified data is systematized by types of ownership and categories of land.

The main taxonomic units of the classification of the land fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan are zonal types of land allocated during the natural and agricultural zoning of the country's land fund, suitability categories and classes of land. The class characteristics within each zonal type are reflected by land types or soil groups.

Zonal types of land coincide geographically with the boundaries of natural and agricultural zones and express the zonal conditions of the natural environment and the general directions of the primary use of land for agriculture, livestock farming, forestry, etc. The current classification of the land fund provides for the allocation of the following categories of suitability: - 1) land suitable for arable land; 2) suitable mainly for haymaking; 3) pasture lands; 4) suitable for agricultural land after radical reclamation; 5) unsuitable agricultural land; 6) unsuitable for agricultural land; 7) disturbed lands;

The assignment of lands to a certain category of suitability, class and type of land is carried out according to characteristics and properties that significantly influence the nature and specificity of their possible use as part of certain lands. Accounting for the quantity and quality of land within the types of land is carried out according to soil texture, degree of salinity, solonetzity, swampiness, rockiness, erosion, humus reserves, terrain, etc.

Land quality accounting materials provide characteristics and necessary information for solving issues of land transformation, protecting soils from erosion, pollution, identifying reserves for the development of new lands through their reclamation and reclamation, zoning the territory, developing agricultural systems, forecasting the use of land resources, grading and economic assessment of land.

The state land cadastral book consists of four sections:

in section 1, all land plots are taken into account, indicating their cadastral number, name of the subject of law, acts of executive bodies, location of the site and subject of law, intended purpose, divisibility, easements and restrictions on use;

in section 2, areas are taken into account by type of land and separately irrigated;

Section 3 takes into account the quality of land by land class and characteristics affecting fertility, the cultural and technical condition of hayfields and pastures;

Section 4 provides indicators of the estimated value of the land plot and land use rights.

With automated cadastre maintenance, filling out the above tables is carried out by entering information into a computer, which allows you to maintain basic and current records of land, store information on magnetic media, work with it (group, add by accumulation method by levels (district, city, region), receive reporting data, correct them if necessary, issue information, including electronic maps of sites, blocks, territories, districts, etc.

In order to clarify and update cadastral data:

owners of land plots and land users, authorized persons and akim bodies of administrative territorial units annually submit to the district committee a report in the established form on changes in the composition of lands as of January 1 following the reporting year;

The state agency for land management and its territorial bodies draw up reports on the availability, quality condition and use of land in districts, cities, regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January 1 following the reporting year, including in them:

annually - information on the presence and changes that have occurred in the areas of agricultural land (separately irrigated and drained), their distribution by categories, owners and land users, as well as information on the sale of land plots into state ownership, on the withdrawal of used and irrationally used lands, and on allocated lands government-owned for non-agricultural needs; - once every 5 years - information necessary to collect payment for the provided land, information about the availability of land and its distribution by category, land, owners and land users, changes occurring in the area of ​​land, the qualitative condition of land, their cadastral valuation and development of the territory.

The preparation of a report for a district (city) is carried out by agency specialists on computers; all the necessary information, primarily basic and current accounting data, is already available in the computer database in the form of a state land cadastral book in the form of tables; the received reports from plot owners and land users are verified with accounting data, changes are made. After this, by filling out tabular forms of the annual report on a computer, they receive digital information for the report, which is supplemented by a text part (an explanatory note) and a graphical cadastral map of the district (city). The digital part of the report, i.e. Cadastre information is presented in the form of Form 22 of state statistical reporting, with attachments (Form 22a, Appendix No. 1, No. 2, Form 3 zem., Appendices No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9 , No. 10, No. 11; form No. 1 land management, etc.).

Geoanalytical system "GeoS" is a multifunctional effective toolkit for recording and analyzing consolidated tabular, text and cartographic business data for solving a wide range of information and analytical tasks with reference to spatial data.

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Test "Automation of the real estate cadastre"

  1. technology for creating an information geoanalytical system;

pp. 3 - 6

  1. implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects”;

pp. 7 - 9

  1. composition and structure of the algorithm;

page 10

  1. creating an algorithm using a graphical method (flowchart method) using the example of renting a land plot that is municipally owned;

page 11

  1. services of the Rosreestr portal (design of a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146);

pp. 12 -13

  1. Bibliography

page 14

1. Technology for creating an information geoanalytical system

Geoportal this is a single point of access to geospatial information of the Russian Federation. The geoportal provides search, viewing, downloading of metadata, as well as downloading and publishing spatial data and web services in accordance with access rights and the type of license to use materials.

Roscosmos geoportal free mapping serviceFederal Space Agency of Russia, providingsatellite images and maps of the Earth.

Satellite images provided by Roscosmos and NASA , cartographic data OpenStreetMap and Rosreestrom , search tools GeoNames and OpenStreetMap Nominatim . The main sources of data are Russian satellites " Resurs-DK1", "Monitor-E" and "Meteor-M1" " Also on the service you can get acquainted with collections of data from foreign devices in remote sensing data:

Alos, Ikonos, Geoeye, Formosat, SPOT, Quickbird, Rapideye, Terra, Worldview. The launch of information from satellites was planned for 2011. Kanopus-V" and "Resurs-P".

Before the creation of the Geoportal- Russian satellite data was stored in various archives and there was no complete cataloging, which significantly slowed down the execution of requests from space imagery customers. The geoportal was created to solve this problem.

Rice. 1: Saratov region (Roscosmos geoportal)

G Geoanalytical system "GeoS"

Geoanalytical system "GeoS"- multifunctional effective tools for accounting and analysis of consolidated tabular, text and cartographic business data for solving a wide range of information and analytical tasks with reference to spatial data.

Geoanalytical system "GeoS" implementedin the form of a WEB solution on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. "GeoS" is installed on a WEB server, which interacts with the GeoServer and ArcGis Server map servers. The System can be accessed through a WEB browser from any workstation connected to the Internet, including mobile devices.

Problems that it solvesgeoanalytical system "GeoS":

  1. management of departmental cartographic material;
  2. interactive placement of location and various additional information about any point objects;
  3. linking to objects, in addition to text indicators, various media information, including photos, videos, broadcasts from a video camera;
  4. filling events into the database, identifying them on the map via mobile devices
  5. monitoring of enterprise vehicles;
  6. collection of any statistical or management indicators of government agencies and enterprises. Visualization and analysis of indicators on thematic maps;
  7. interaction with the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and authorities for maintaining the land fund of the Russian Federation;
  8. integration with accounting and technological sources of industry data;
  9. management of spatial infrastructure and utility networks

Functions of the geoanalytical system "GeoS":

  1. use of various public backgrounds provided by global mapping services, including: Yandex, open street map, Google, kosmosnimki.ru;
  2. a mechanism for global location search on a map using an informally entered address;
  3. a mechanism for supporting the hierarchy of any system of management indicators that users can create at their own discretion;
  4. providing limited access to third parties.

The advantage of the GeoS geoanalytical system

  1. open service-oriented architecture of geoanalytical system"GeoS" based on web services and standardized interfaces for intersystem interaction allows you to quickly create complex applications of various functional areas for different industries and categories of employees from executive personnel to top management of the company;
  2. the system has wide integration capabilities with other information systems, this is achieved through the following properties:
  3. connecting and setting up new layers is done at the user level in just a few clicks;
  4. the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform provides various methods of intersystem interaction, such as COM, SOAP, XML (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2: Intersystem communicationgeoanalytical system "GeoS"

The software product includes:

  1. basic module “GeoS. Cartography";
  2. module "GeoS. Geoanalysis of target indicators";
  3. module "GeoS. Transport monitoring";
  4. module "GeoS. Cadastral registration".

Creation technologygeoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform)

Purpose of creation

  1. performing the tasks of inventory and monitoring of agricultural and other lands;
  2. agronomic accounting;
  3. organization of operational records of field work using GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems.

Subsystems geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform):

  1. geographic information module;
  2. inventory, land use, planning, data accounting;
  3. interaction with external Earth remote sensing systems, agricultural summary.

Creation technologygeoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform):

  1. using the SPOT-5 spacecraft, the ScanEx engineering and technology center conducted high-resolution satellite imagery of the entire Tambov region;
  2. the resulting mosaic of satellite images was used by CenterProgramSystem specialists to create land use maps for all agricultural producers in the Tambov region;
  3. an electronic field map has been created for each land user;
  4. information about each land user is stored in the geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform)and is used to conduct an inventory of agricultural land.

Results of creating the geoanalytical system “AgroManagement” (on the GeoS platform):

  1. prompt receipt of satellite information to assess the condition of crops and the dynamics of biomass growth;
  2. identification of fields where crop development is progressing at a slower pace or, conversely, is advancing;
  3. a database on arable land helps to identify land plots that are not used in agricultural circulation, to clarify the real areas on which each agricultural producer operates;
  4. the information and consulting center of the agro-industrial complex of the Tambov region provides consulting services to agricultural producers, reaching every field in the interests of increasing the productivity of Tambov chernozems;
  5. A database for inventory and monitoring of agricultural land use helps in managing agricultural lands to improve the economic efficiency of the region.

Rice. 3: Geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the GeoS platform)

2. Implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects”

Full name of the program- Federal target program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002 - 2008)" (within its framework, subroutine "Information support for real estate management, reform and regulation of land and property relations" and subprogram - "Creation of a real estate cadastre system (2006 - 2011)".

The state customer and coordinator of the program is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, namely : Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency And Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

Purpose of the program:

  1. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate, ensuring the efficient use of land and other real estate;
  2. involving them in turnover and stimulating investment activity in the real estate market in the interests of meeting the needs of society and citizens;
  3. creation of a state cadastre system that provides guarantees of ownership and other proprietary rights to real estate;
  4. generation of complete and reliable information about real estate objects;
  5. improving public services provided to organizations and citizens;
  6. improvement of services provided to state authorities and local governments.

Expected results of the program:

  1. creation of a scientific and methodological base for the rational use of land and other real estate owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;
  2. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects, which is a set of state databases built on uniform methodological, software and technical principles, containing lists of objects of registration and data about them and subject to registration in the State Register of databases and data banks;
  3. creation of an automated system for real estate management, reform and regulation of land and property relations;
  4. creation of a system for electronic exchange of information between bodies (organizations) for the formation, cadastral registration, technical inventory, assessment, registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, state and municipal management bodies, tax and other bodies;
  5. carrying out the delimitation of state ownership of land and registration of ownership of land plots of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and entering the received information into automated databases containing up-to-date information about land plots and real estate objects firmly associated with them;
  6. training in the field of real estate management, maintaining the state land cadastre and real estate accounting;
  7. increasing revenues from land tax and land rent to budgets of all levels through the implementation of program activities in 2002 - 2007 to 292.5 billion rubles, including to the federal budget - 78.9 billion rubles, in order to ensure cost recovery to implement the program in 2 - 3 years.

Timing of the program(2002 - 2008):

  1. Stage I - 2002 - 2003;
  2. Stage II - 2004 - 2005;
  3. Stage III - 2006 - 2008.

Implementation of the Federal Target Program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects” in the Saratov region

In the Saratov region, the program is being implemented through the creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal servicesis a government institution that has created maximum conditions to improve the quality of provision of state and municipal services.

Citizens have the opportunity to receive free advice and a range of services from various departments of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Saratov region and local governments.

The work of the center is based on"one window" principle", i.e. simplification of the procedure for collecting certificates and documents necessary for receiving a particular service (package of documents) by the applicant in the process of applying to executive authorities for an informed decision when considering documents. As well as transparent and controlled passage of documents at all stages of provision services.

The purpose of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services iscreation of a new format of relations between the population of the Saratov region and the executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

Conditions of service for applicants at the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services:

  1. Applicants are accepted 6 days a week;
  2. The work schedule provides for the possibility of applying for state and municipal services in the evening until 20:00 and on Saturday until 17:00;
  3. the waiting time in line to submit documents and receive the result of the service is minimal;
  4. All units are accessible to people with limited mobility.

Addresses of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

  1. 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 120 “v”;
  2. Sovetskaya, 9;
  3. Vavilova, 6/14;
  4. Freedom Square, 15 “b” (Engels).

Shortcomings of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

  1. does not provide Rosreestr services for registration of rights;
  2. interaction with state authorities, local governments and various organizations providing public services has not been established (submitted an application and after a certain appointed time came for the result - a waste of the citizen’s extra time);
  3. not all centers have an electronic queue and an electronic display;
  4. lack of a unified methodology and systematic approach to creating centers;
  5. lack of clear organization of training and certification of center specialists;
  6. insufficient information about work among the population centers.

3.Composition and structure of the algorithm

Algorithm a precise set of instructions describing the course of action to achieve the result of a task.

Ways to present the algorithm:

  1. formulaic-verbal -is based on giving instructions to perform specific actions in a clear sequence in combination with verbal explanations;
  2. algorithmic - a set of rules and notations used to write an algorithm:
  3. mathematical expressions;
  4. text;
  5. function words (full or abbreviated words of the Russian text, located in a certain place in the algorithm, which are necessarily underlined);
  6. graphic (block diagram method) -with this representation of the algorithm, each stage is displayed in the form of geometric blocks, the shape of which depends on the operation being performed, and the line connecting the blocks shows the direction of the data processing process, each direction is called a branch;
  7. tabular method.

4. Creation of an algorithm using a graphical method (flowchart method) using the example of renting a land plot in municipal ownership

drafted by representatives of municipal authorities

list of plots for rent

carried out by representatives of municipal authorities

auction to determine future tenants

No Yes

winning the auction

determining the terms of lease of plots,

municipally owned (4 years)

drawing up a lease agreement

No Yes

agreeing on the terms of the lease agreement

between representatives

municipal authorities

and the tenant

Conclusion of a lease agreement between representatives of the municipal

Authorities and tenants

Rice. 4: Algorithm created by graphical method (flowchart method)

5.Services of the Rosreestr portal

Rosreestr ( Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) - federal bodyexecutive power, performing the functions of organizing a unified system of statecadastral registrationreal estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as infrastructurespatial dataRussian Federation.

Rosreestr services:

  1. government services:
  2. government supervision;
  3. cadastral valuation;
  4. other activities.

Design of a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146

Land cadastral database for a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146:

  1. status - taken into account;
  2. address - Saratov region, Saratov, SNT "Voskhod-85", site No. 24;
  3. specified area - 1,147 sq. m.;
  4. cadastral value - 1,740,549 rubles. 56 kopecks;
  5. date of registration - June 22, 2011;
  6. quarter - 64:48:040221;
  7. district - 64:48;
  8. district - 64;
  9. date of update of site attributes on the PPK - 08/19/2014;
  10. date of updating the boundaries of the site on the PPK - 06/04/2013;
  11. category land of settlements (land of settlements);
  12. permitted use:
  13. by classifier (code) 141004000000;
  14. according to the classifier (description) for gardening and horticulture by citizens;
  15. according to document for gardening;
  16. serves - managementFederal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography:
  17. Saratov department (410009, Saratov, 50 Let Oktyabrya Ave., 34/56, t.: (845-2) 55-33-78);
  18. Saratov department (410009, Saratov, st. Tractornaya, 43, t.: (845-2) 55-04-30).

Rice. 5: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)

Rice. 6: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)


  1. FTP " Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects»;
  2. Varlamov. A. A. Land cadastre. In 6 vols. T. 1: Theoretical foundations of the state land cadastre / A. A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2007. - 383 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0102-8;
  3. Varlamov. A. A. Land cadastre. In 6 vols. T. 1: Land management / A. A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2005. - 528 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0143-5.


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