
There is a difference between a country house and a dacha. The “dacha amnesty” no longer works. What is the difference between a country house and a residential one?

Living outside the city has a lot of undeniable advantages, but building your own home is an expensive and troublesome task. Many people compromise and build a summer house for seasonal use. How do these structures differ and which option is preferable?


Country house- This is a temporary structure, not intended for permanent residence, which is located outside the populated area. Such a structure is often erected without a design and does not always have its own communications. It can also be located on the lands of populated areas, but most often on agricultural lands.

House– this is a permanent building intended for year-round living and having the necessary engineering communications. It is assigned to the citizen on the right of ownership and provides grounds for permanent registration in the locality.


The most important difference between a dacha and a house is the intended purpose. It is determined by the possibilities of using the structure. The house is intended for permanent, year-round living by the whole family. Therefore, there must be the necessary networks: heating, electricity, sewerage, ventilation. The cottage is intended for seasonal use. Even the most important communications for life may not be here.

The houses are located on the lands of settlements, which are included in the future development of the territories. The dachas are on agricultural land, and the owner will have to develop them on his own. The house provides an unconditional right for permanent registration, access to the social benefits of a specific territory. It is difficult to register at a dacha, but it is possible: the legal mechanism practically does not work.

Conclusions website

  1. Location. The dacha is located on agricultural lands, and the house is located only on the lands of populated areas.
  2. Registration. You can register the required number of people in a house, but the registration process at a dacha is significantly more difficult.
  3. Status. The house has the status of a residential building, and the dacha has the status of an auxiliary building, that is, not intended for permanent residence.
  4. Communications. To register, the house must be electrified, have a heating system and sewerage. For a summer residence, these engineering systems are not mandatory.

An interesting question: “What is the difference between a garden house and a country house?” Both of these concepts have recently been enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to correctly draw up documents for purchase and sale and determine construction, sanitary and fire standards and requirements for them.

Details about the difference between a garden house and a country house

This issue could not be resolved at the legislative level for a long time. It matured with the advent of the cooperative movement in the USSR with the massive construction of Soviet dachas on 6 acres in the second half of the 1980s. Both of these concepts began to intersect during a period of dramatic changes and caused a lot of trouble for the old and new states, property owners and lawyers. Then it was necessary to distinguish a barn from a house, a residential building from a non-residential one, and disputes arose. The buildings were built for permanent or temporary (summer) residence. Here is the question of registering a person at his place of residence, which over time has become optional.

Purpose of the garden house

According to their purpose, garden houses cannot be called country houses; it is impossible to register at the address where they are built. You can’t call them outbuildings or change houses, because... They are considered residential, and fire, construction and sanitary standards apply to them more strictly. Garden plots are small, the area allocated for construction is less than for a dacha, the traditional concept of it developed several centuries ago, these were large estates. The building area for a modern dacha is determined to be 35 - 100 m2, while for summer houses it is 15 - 35 m2, there remains a reason to continue to confuse these different buildings. When a company offers a product, it will be convenient to search for the one you need after segmenting the sections so that the purpose of garden houses does not overlap with country houses.

Garden houses projects and prices SK Hermes

Projects and prices of garden houses in SC Hermes are attractive for buyers with different financial capabilities and requirements for the quality of summer housing. Thanks to the work of the best Moscow architects, the designs and prices of garden houses have become interesting to customers. Already 17 years of fruitful activity allow this enterprise to stand firmly on its feet and develop successfully. There is no need to overpay, but good work is not done for nothing. Buyers are respected and expected. On the website of this company you will find a lot of good and well-thought-out house designs; watch a video of how the finished house will look like.

What is the purpose of the land - this is what the house will be like. In my opinion, the actual question is the following: we bought a plot for personal farming. We want to build a house. Dimensions 6x8. The house, as I understand it, is probably permanent, i.e. with a strip foundation, made of foam blocks and lined with brick. Private household plots (personal subsidiary farming) are of two types: homestead and field. A homestead is an attachment to the land of a settlement, such as a continuation of it, a piece of a field, it can be used for mowing, or you can build a house, incl. capital. Field plots are separate from populated areas, garden plots; only non-permanent buildings such as sheds or summer houses are allowed. As far as I understand, this is in case of seizure of land from such field private plots, because they are considered temporary by definition - if the boyars decide to sell this land for construction, then capital buildings will interfere there.

Destination matters: how to buy a plot

As far as I know, it depends on the category of land. There are three types: individual housing construction (individual residential construction (settlement of village land) with registration, you can build a capital building; in case of supplying communications (gas, water, etc.), the state is obliged to provide them free of charge within the borders of the site. LPH - personal plot of land (as a rule, an extension to an already existing village of individual housing construction), with registration, can be completely built; in the case of communications (gas, water, etc.) the state will not supply anything to the border of the plot for free, only at your expense .ST-garden partnership is essentially only for gardening, it can be established, but without registration, communications, etc. with all the consequences, in addition, all connections/disconnections to electricity or communications, if any, are collectively en masse, as well as taxes and etc. It seems so, I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth.

What is the difference between a country house and a residential one?

The very concept of “dacha” has a different meaning for the younger generation than for their parents.

A dacha today is primarily about relaxation, going out into nature, closer to a body of water, and not about growing vegetables in garden beds.


Dacha real estate is legally described as intended for recreation during the warm season and located outside the city.

Sometimes people confuse how a country house differs from a private one.
What differences are there? — In a private house it is possible to easily register your place of residence.

It will be more difficult to do the same at the dacha. Summer cottage construction usually takes place on recreational lands or areas intended for gardening.

Therefore, evidence will be required that the applicant does not own any other real estate and cannot register a residence permit at another address. Difficulties will arise if a person turns out to be the owner of real estate.

How does a country house differ from a permanent home?

For example, a country house does not need to be connected to a gas pipeline, since it is enough to either use bottled gas for the kitchen or use electrical appliances for cooking (electric stoves and ovens, microwave ovens, etc.).

Moreover, food in the country is often prepared using garden fireplaces and stove complexes or special ovens (for example, a tandoor, the design and use of which we covered in our articles: the principle of operation of a tandoor, as well as how to make a tandoor with your own hands).

Cottage, garden house, house in the village: what are the differences?

This can be achieved by:

  • use of sun awnings and awnings;
  • planting trees and shrubs with a dense crown near the house;
  • the use of small opening windows, etc.

Very often, country houses are made quickly assembled, pavilion type.


Such houses have low capital capital and durability (service life 30...40 years).

I consider this approach justified, since in a summer cottage, the most important thing is often to organize a vacation quickly and at the lowest cost.
Economic factor However, you should take into account that building a summer house will cost you significantly less (about 20...50%). Savings can be achieved by reducing the construction area and simplifying design and planning solutions.
You can also consider the minimum required utility connections.

What is the difference between garden and dacha land?

In the evening, in good warm weather, summer residents can also gather outside the country house: sit by the fire, look at the stars, listen to the sounds of nightlife (crickets, etc.) or music, chat or have dinner in a “close circle.”

In bad weather, with heavy downpours and gusty winds, summer residents, of course, will take refuge in the house. A small but cozy living room is suitable for this. Very often, fireplaces are installed in the living rooms of dachas, which summer residents practically do not use.

There is practically no point in a fireplace for the warm season, and in winter, if you come to the country, you will need a stove rather than a fireplace.

An exception may be a fireplace with a closed firebox, with which you can effectively heat the premises of a dacha in the off-season and near which you can also sit, as they say, by the fire (we have already discussed fireplaces with a closed firebox on the pages of our website - more details here).

What is the difference between a private house and a dacha?

Moreover, from 03/01/2018, for the purposes of state registration, an additional document will be required - permission to put the facility into operation. The concept of “Country House” combines all types of buildings erected on garden and dacha land plots (garden houses, garages, bathhouses, other buildings).

The law in this case makes the possibility of applying a simplified procedure dependent on the type of permitted use of the land plot.

In relation to real estate objects built on land plots intended for gardening and dacha farming, as well as objects for the construction of which a building permit is not required in accordance with clause 17 of Art.

What determines a country house as residential or non-living?

Problems may also arise if the country house is listed as unfinished construction. — If the land plot is withdrawn for state or municipal needs, the price for the withdrawal of a country house will be significantly lower.

It will not cover the costs of purchasing real estate of the same level.

— If a privately owned land plot has a different purpose (not for individual housing construction), then problems will arise with the registration of a residential building. The house will still be considered an unauthorized building on the territory for gardening. The “Dacha Amnesty” is an exception. “The issues of providing utilities and sufficient electricity capacity for a residential building in a holiday village will be very acute. There may be power limitations due to technical conditions, problems with water supply and sewerage, and heating.

An individual residential manor house is built for year-round living, while a country house is mainly intended for spending time and relaxing in nature or on a summer cottage.

Most often, such a house is used only seasonally, that is, in the warm season, and sometimes for a short time in winter (on weekends or holidays).

Taking this difference into account, the main function of a country house is to provide family recreation and leisure for summer residents.

Planning a dacha can be much simpler than planning a house for permanent residence.

You can give up a number of auxiliary rooms - storage rooms, a dressing room, a boiler room, a cold vestibule, you can even give up the presence of bathrooms, replacing them on the site with a summer toilet and shower (if the dacha is only used in the warm season). The main rooms will be bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, which are often combined in country houses.
At the same time, there is a type of permitted use of land (WRI), which determines what can be built on the site, explains Vladimir Yakhontov, managing partner of MIEL-Country Real Estate. Plots intended for gardening or dacha farming are usually located on agricultural land. But the type of permitted use may vary. A house located on a gardening plot must be designed as a “garden” house.

A house located on a plot intended for dacha farming is considered a “dacha house”.

Types of permitted use of land in cottage settlements of the Moscow region Individual housing construction Multi-unit housing construction For dacha Gardening Private household plots Peasant farms Number of villages for sale, pcs. 317 3,425 17 2 5 Number of households for sale, pcs. 18022 273 35157 1089 80 12035 Area, hectares 10495 25 1227 584 30

Public objects of the partnership - roads, overhead and cable power lines, transformer substations, water pipelines, water towers, sites for temporary waste storage, common gates and fences, other objects necessary for collective gardening located on public land plots of the partnership (clause 2 of the Regulations on the Gardening Partnership, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 28, 2009 No. 50). Part of the land plot provided for gardening can be used for the construction and operation of a garden house and outbuildings necessary for the seasonal residence of a citizen and his family members, as well as for storing household equipment and grown products.

How to change the permitted use of a land plot

An individual residential manor house is built for year-round living, while a country house is mainly intended for spending time and relaxing in nature or on a summer cottage. Most often, such a house is used only seasonally, that is, in the warm season, and sometimes for a short time in winter (on weekends or holidays).

Taking this difference into account, the main function of a country house is to provide family recreation and leisure for summer residents. Planning a dacha can be much simpler than planning a house for permanent residence.


You can give up a number of auxiliary rooms - storage rooms, a dressing room, a boiler room, a cold vestibule, you can even give up the presence of bathrooms, replacing them on the site with a summer toilet and shower (if the dacha is only used in the warm season). The main rooms will be bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, which are often combined in country houses.

How does a country house differ from a permanent home?

Secondly, a garden house (dacha) is not intended for permanent residence. This is how they differ from living quarters (rooms, apartments) and houses in rural areas.


In the latter, a citizen can obtain permanent or temporary registration. And no one will register you at the location of the garden house (dacha).

In addition, temporary residence does not necessarily imply the presence of such necessary characteristics of a living space as heating, kitchen, bathroom, gas, electricity. Since a garden house (dacha) is intended specifically for living, no business activities can be carried out in them.
Despite the almost complete identity of the concepts “dacha” and “garden house,” there are still some differences between them. Firstly, if a plot of land is provided for dacha construction, then this necessarily implies the construction of a dacha on it.

Legal differences between garden and country houses

However, if you use the land plot provided to you for gardening only for the construction of a garden house and utility buildings, then formally this will be a violation of the intended purpose of such a land plot. From the point of view of the law, planting and growing agricultural crops is the main sign of the intended purpose and intended use of land plots provided for gardening.

True, at present this is not monitored very strictly. Secondly, the land plot provided for a dacha must have a designated purpose “for dacha construction”, and the plot on which it will be possible to build a dacha house must be “for collective gardening”.

Cottage, garden house, house in the village: what are the differences?

Very important elements of a country house can be: a summer kitchen or veranda, an open terrace or a gazebo located nearby. In order to imagine a functional solution for a country house, it is enough to remember or imagine how country life goes.
Let us note that vacationers spend most of their time outdoors during the day (the premises are used mainly at night or in case of bad weather), so large spacious living rooms in a country house will most likely be idle, but open terraces or verandas protected by a roof will always be are in demand and there should be enough space allocated for everyone (these are the central places in the country house).

A single-family house, not intended for permanent residence (not claiming this), built on agricultural lands (outside populated areas), can be of any kind, if restrictions on its construction are not established by territorial land use and development rules, garden or country house documents associations whose lands it belongs to. (It turns out interesting: if the building is considered a residential building, then it cannot be built higher than three floors. But if it is considered a dacha building, then at least build a multi-story palace, if the plot is large, and the building will not disturb the neighbors).

The difference between an individual residential house and a garden house

For garden and dacha plots, these restrictions are established by SP 53.13330.2011 Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) citizen associations, buildings and structures. (Updated edition of SNiP 30-02-97) and SP 11-106-97 “The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of gardening associations of citizens.” For areas on the territory of settlements, general restrictions are established by SP 42.13330.2011 Urban Planning.

Planning and development of urban and rural settlements (Updated edition of SNiP 2.07.01-89*), and specific ones - local town planning standards, land use and development rules.
At the same time, growing various crops on such a plot is the right, but not the obligation, of the summer resident. If the land is allocated for collective gardening, then it is necessary to cultivate garden crops on it.


The construction of a garden house on such a site is not mandatory. Reference: A garden is a piece of land planted with various kinds of plants (trees, bushes, flowers), usually with paved paths (Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary).

Collective gardening is an activity carried out using public facilities of a gardening partnership by members of the partnership to grow fruit, berries, vegetables, ornamental and other agricultural crops on land plots provided for collective gardening.

The difference between an individual residential building and a country residential building

The main differences between a garden house and a country house in the legal aspect. When buying a turnkey house for permanent residence (the price depends on the area and type of construction), which is located on a summer cottage, pay attention to the legal nuances.

Aspects of differences Registration Registration of construction Type of construction Country house Can be registered Needed Suitable for permanent residence (gas, electricity, sewerage, water) Garden house Not provided Comes as part of the plot For seasonal residence (everything is available except gas) Important nuance: when purchasing a plot with with a garden building, indicate the fact of sale of the land and the house. Otherwise, the seller may also recover its cost through the court.

Also in a country house, the procedure for supplying electricity takes place according to a distinctive plan.

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