
New medical poles. It is necessary to change the policy of the OMS to a new one, why do you need a plastic. To replace the policy, you will need

Document confirming medical insurance The patient allows him to take advantage of the medical hospital provided for by the state, paying for the insurance company. Not every person today is known that all the variations of the policy of the new sample existing in the country are equivalent. And the presence of a document of one form or the absence of another cannot cause refusal to maintain in the selected institution. What do they differ among themselves and which of the species has more advantages? Reply to these questions in this article.

When and why did the issument of the policy of the OMS of the new sample start?

Until 2011 in the territory of the Russian Federation there were several formats of OMS policies. The most common variety was a green plastic card, which appeared back in 1998. In connection with the current situation, the question arose about streamlining relations in the field medical insurance. In early 2011 entered into force new law RF "On compulsory health insurance in Russian Federation", Adopted on November 29, 2010. He provided all citizens without exception the opportunity to choose in their preference insurance hormourization for further permanent service. Also normative act He marked the beginning of the issuance of insurance policies of a single state sample, which would operate throughout the country, regardless of the registration of their owners.

As a result of legislative changes from May 1, 2011, there was a release of a new format policies: an alternative to green plastic card was a blue-colored paper document printed on an A5 format. He received the status of an indefinite (issued the owner for life). Older options received by citizens until May 1, 2011, the validity of which has not yet expired, were also recognized by applicable.

Over the next four years, the paper format managed to demonstrate its impracticality. It turned out to be uncomfortable during transportation due to large parameters - to bend the document in half was forbidden, since in the very center there was a barcode that could have been stealing. Problems arose and preserved forms - rubbing, crumpled, pollution, because their lamination is also unacceptable. In order to eliminate these disadvantages from August 1, 2015, the plastic policy of OMS with an electronic chip was possible for Russian citizens. Compact sizes and durable material allow a person to have an electronic policy always with you.

Along with the above option, a universal electronic card (UEC) appeared, which, in addition to the insurance function, performs the role of a bank card, pension certificate, etc. Its development is associated with attempts to integrate the maximum information about the owner in one device and simplify the person's access to various electronic services. A card is issued to all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14, on personal appeal.

What does a new sample OMS look like?

All the options discussed above, the release of which began after May 1, 2011 - paper, electronic policy and UECs are valid today and equivalent. They guarantee the same set of free medical servicesprovided for in legislation and will be maintained until the population transition to a single sample will be maintained.

Paper policy of a new sample

The blue paper document A5 format is a watermark form, which in size corresponds to half the standard sheet from the album. It is two-way - on each of them contains a list of the necessary data on the owner. On the front side of the paper policy of the new sample presents:

  • State coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the insured, its floor and date of birth;
  • Document number consisting of 16 digits;
  • Unique barcode;
  • Hologram;
  • The validity period of the form.

From August 1, 2012, forms began to be issued, the barcode on which was moved from the center closer to the top to avoid erasing the image as a result of leaf beggars. Look both options like this:

  • Data on the insurance medical institution to which the owner is attached (name, address, telephone);
  • Signature of the responsible employee of the medical staff;
  • Printing a medical institution.

On the back, the possibility of changing a citizen of the honeycomb, to which it can attach - up to 10 times. To do this, it is necessary to provide a blank to the clinic and secure changes. When a change is changed, new data on the insurance company, its contact data is recorded on the turning side.

Paper version of the policy can not be laminated and preferably not bend. For such a document, the owner is not required.

The electronic policy of the OMS is made in the form of a three-color plastic map of the standard size (reminds usual banking), it is easily placed in a wallet, a purse. It contains a chip on which information about the owner is stored. On the front side of the electronic policy of the new sample are presented:

  • Number of the document from 16 digits;
  • Image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  • The name of the insurance company issued an electronic policy;
  • OMS system logo;

On the back of the policy presented the following information:

  • Phone of the OMS Foundation, which issued an electronic policy;
  • Photo of the insured person (except children under 14 years of age);
  • Signature owner;
  • Personal data (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, floor);
  • Month and year when the card action expires (issued for five years);
  • Hologram, indicating that the electronic policy is genuine.

If you change any personal data, a person needs to appeal to employees of its insurance organization to order a new electronic policy of the OMS. The information contained on the chip cannot be adjusted.

The UEC is a multifunctional plastic card, in the structure of which is integrated by the OMS policy. Using it, you can open a bank account, provide it as a travel ticket to public transport or how to reduce. It contains maximum information about the owner and relieves it from the need to wear many cards in the wallet. Its receipt is not compulsory and is carried out at the request of a person. On the front side of the EEC card presented:

  • Electronic Chip S. personal information;
  • The logo of the organization that issued a map;
  • Logo of the banking institution chosen for service;
  • Card number;
  • Image of state coat of arms;
  • Name payment system;
  • Protective numbers.

On the back of the policy presented the following information:

  • Telephone organization that issued a map;
  • Photo;
  • Signature owner;
  • Personal data (surname, name, patronymic, floor, date of birth);
  • Month and year when the card expires;
  • OMS policy number;
  • SNILS number;
  • Bank card number.

On the turn on the EEC causes a magnetic strip. This allows you to use it in terminals and ATMs for cash withdrawal, the implementation of non-cash payments, the transfer of funds, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the sediment

Each form insurance Polisa.which today in the country today is distinguished by their positive and negative features. Based on the relation "Plus" and "minuses" of documents, a citizen decides whether to hurry to change the paper version to one of the electronic and which of them is preferred. The main disadvantage of the paper option is its impracticality to use. But it is compensated by the convenient opportunity to make changes to the form in the event of attaching a person to another medical institution.

The electronic policy of OMS distinguish the main advantages - compactness, mobility, strength and wear resistance of a plastic card. It is characterized by a high level of protection - the presence of chip, photo and signatures prevents the possibility of using a document by another person. Its significant drawback is that far from all medical organizations are equipped with special equipment to read information from chip. Therefore, holders of such documents may encounter doctors to prevent additional passport. In addition, not all branches of insurance companies are capable of issuing an electronic policy. Additional inconveniences may arise from the owners and in the event of a change of personal data - it will entail the need to replace the card itself.

The UEC is characterized in general as a similar set of "pluses" and "minuses" as the previous electronic version. In arsenal advantages, it is advantageously distinguished by multifunctionality against other forms of insurance documents. But modern level Infrastructure development indicates the presence of a minor number of institutions equipped with equipment capable of working with applications embedded in it.


Transition of the population of the Russian Federation to a single electronic medical Policy The new sample will be phased. Therefore, citizens do not need to strive immediately, as soon as possible to exchange their document. The issuance of plastic cards is optionally already produced for newborns, as well as in the case of the necessary replacement for a damaged, damaged lost policy. All varieties provide absolutely equal guarantees today.

In order to obtain a policy of compulsory medical insurance, a citizen must contact a division of an insurance company authorized to engage in OMS.

When applying for the issuance of the IMS policy in the company will require the following list of documents:

    • document confirming personality. First of all, it is a passport of a citizen (for persons who have already been 14 years old) or a parental passport, which draws up the Polis of OMS to a child under the age of 14. In addition to the passport, equivalent identity cards are accepted, for example a military ID or driver's license.
    • certificate of birth in the event of an OMS policy for children under the age of 14
    • SNILS or insurance certificate of state pension insurance
    • persons with refugee status will additionally need to make an identity for the assignment of such status or a temporary certificate issued for the period of consideration of the application for assigning refugee status.

So it will be useful to know how to replace the insurance company for OMS - details of the village.

In situations where you want to replace the CHI policy to a new one, the replacement procedure is as follows.

It is necessary to contact B. insurance organizationcarrying out compulsory medical insurance.

Apply for the replacement of the CHA policy. Attach documents on the list shown in the article earlier.

    • The Policy of the OMS is a document confirming the right of citizens to receive medical care.
    • Policy is drawn up in paper and electronic format.
    • When making an OMS policy, you must provide a certain list of documents to the insurance company.
    • The deadline for making an OMS policy on average is 30 days.
    • For the period of registration of the permanent policy of the OMS, a temporary certificate is issued, which can also obtain medical care.

* - Capital photo 360tv.ru

How does compulsory medical insurance work?

Electronic policy OMS - What is it?

Polis is issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation (except for servicemen - they have their own medicine that is paid from the budget, and not on OMS), foreign citizens who constantly live in the Russian Federation, and even people without citizenship.

Foreign citizens and those who have no citizenship receive a policy for a certain period - as long as their permission for temporary accommodation.

There is no need. The Polis of OMS acts throughout the Russian Federation, and it does not matter, in which region it was given to you.

But if you changed the place of residence, you must have to come to the local branch of your insurance company within a month and report to moving. Registration or registration with you will not require.

If the company that gave you the policy, there are no branches in the city where you moved, you need to contact any other company that insures citizens by OMS. The list of these companies can be found on the OMS Territorial Foundation website at a new place of residence.

The release of the new sample blanks will allow:

  • bring fake blanks from handling,
  • will reduce the likelihood of falsification
  • force the insureders to give up the purchase of fakes and acquire the policy of the OSAGO of the new sample.

If the term of your previous policy has not expired before July 1, 2016, it is not necessary to urgently acquire new insurance. Old green forms are valid before the expiration of the auto insurance period specified in the contract.

New policies are mandatory after October 1, 2016. The design process remains the same. Car owners having electronic policies, innovations will not affect at all.

You can buy a new policy of OSAGO in the nearest Alfactory Office in Moscow or another city. For getting additional information Contact your company consultant.

Fig. 1. Facial side

The facial side of the electronic policy of the OMS contains:

  • An identification numberconsisting of 16 characters.
  • Coat of arms of Russia and the official logo of the OMS system.
  • Chip. In a miniature chip, the policyholder's personal data, information about the company, where he is insured, information about the territory on which he will be provided free medical services.

Fig. 2. Overseas side

  • Full name and signature of the insured.
  • Photo.
  • The sequence number of the document (under the photo).
  • Holographic sign confirming that the document is genuine.
  • Date of Birth.
  • The expiration date of the electronic policy of the OMS.
  • Contact number Territorial OMS Foundation.

To obtain a document of a new sample, the insured must provide only a passport and SNILS (if there is a "green card"). The situation is somewhat more complicated if a person without registration or a foreign citizen is drawn for OMS: in the first case, the certificate of temporary registration should be applied to the passport, in the second - a residence permit.

If an adult citizen draws up a policy policy, a passport of the most citizen (parent or legal representative) and a child's passport is either his birth certificate (for children under 14).

  • first of all, it is a passport existing in every citizen who turned 14 years old, or a passport of that parent, who came to the office of the insurance organization to write a statement, and in the absence of any citizenship - an equivalent identity card;
  • birth certificate - for children under 14 years old;
  • SNILS - Little green cardwhich is issued Pension Fund even on newborns;
  • if a person arrived from another state and has a refugee status, he is obliged to make a certificate of assigning it such or a temporary testimony issued for the term of consideration of the application for the recognition of a subject by refugee.

Documents for obtaining the policy of the OMS of the new sample, in principle, the same for all:

  • correctly decorated in the organization, whose specialization is a medstation;
  • a certified copy of the document for which you can unambiguously certify the identity;
  • a certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of the document confirming the status of Refugees (certificate of consideration of the petition for this issue), a residence permit, a document certifying the person of a person without citizenship, where there is a mark confirming the legality of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people, respectively.

Submitting an application for a single sample medical insurance document, the applicant receives a certificate, replacing the policy and the right to receive medical care, until the design procedure is completed.

This testimony can be used no longer than thirty working days, after which the original videos document in the chosen appliance form should be obtained.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, get the policy of the OMS of the new sample is quite simple and quickly.

As in any case, the Russian authorities, when receiving a single policy, guaranteeing medical assistance, there are a number of nuances to which it is necessary to prepare.

You can change the insurance company once during the calendar year and strictly until November 1. Exception is a new address of the owner's registration.

Insurance is carried out by one organization at the same time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If the plastic format was lost or spoiled, then its paper analogue can be issued to its replacement.

In the plans of the government of the country, over time, go massively to universal electronic map, which will replace the policies (not only an old, but also a new sample), performing the identity card functions, testimony of pension insurance, etc., opening access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region of the Russian Federation without payment.

It has been acting since the beginning of 2014. First of all, we note that it is necessary to replace the former insurance for a new one, but without carrying out such a replacement, its use is permissible.

When handling, it guarantees the provision of medical assistance. The legislation did not establish a deadline for the exchange, after which the use of documents of the old sample is impossible.

However, despite this, the new version has some very important advantages.

One of them is that it is one for all regions of the Russian Federation. What exactly does this mean?

Previously, the OMS policy acted only where he was issued and had no legal force on the rest of Russia. Now this situation has completely changed. After receiving it in one region, you can use them throughout the state.

Another important advantage is that new insurance It can be issued not only in paper form, but also in the form of a plastic card or in the form of an additional service, which is included in the universal electronic card (UEC).

Now there are policies that were issued at different times. Of course, it is more convenient and practical to use a document of a new sample, because it acts throughout the country, unlike those that were issued before.

However, at the moment they all act, despite the fact that the expiration date, which was once indicated there, has already passed. The latter circumstance can not be a reason for disagreeing medical care.

As for the new policy, it has an unlimited period of validity.

However, time limits still exist in some cases. They belong to those people who are temporarily and the term of such stay is temporarily and the term of such stay. In this case, we can talk about those who received only a temporary residence permit in Russia (which ended) or about those who have refugee status, which has already ended.

See also: How to check the policy of the CTP to authenticity in the database?

To obtain it, you need to contact an insurance company with such a document that can verify the identity of the applicant. If the design of this document may take some time, the company issues a temporary insurance policy.

His action time is limited and usually does not exceed one month. If during the month the design does not end, then temporary insurance is extended.

  • Upon receipt, a document must be presented, which certifies the identity. Usually we are talking about a passport. In the case when the execution of the policy is made on the child, a birth certificate must be presented. The situation is also allowed when the design is performed on a third party. In this case, it is necessary to have an appropriate power of attorney.
  • Already available document. Its presentation is desirable, but is not mandatory.
  • Insurance certificatewhich relates to the mandatory pension insurance. This document is preferably provided, but not necessarily.

Let's give their list:

  • Newborn.
  • Previously did not have the policy of the OMS.
  • Lost this document.
  • Changed surname or name.
  • If the existing policy contains knowingly false information.
  • If there was a change in the place of residence, and in a new place there is no separation of the insurance company that previously issued it.

Since the policy must have everything, even newborn children can get it.

Today out of 12 million citizens insured in Moscow, 7.5 million have a sample policy of 1998. The rest use the paper policy.

The solution to accelerate the introduction of electronic maps was taken in connection with the fact that a large number of relevant zoor axis came to the health authorities. Photo: TASS / press service of the OMS Foundation for New electronic policy OMS on an electronic policy of an OMS, which looks like an ordinary plastic card, there is a chip - the same as on bank cards.

The chip is recorded next information about the insured person: Date, place of birth, patient's citizenship, its current insurance company and the territory of insurance. This information makes it easier to work. medical institutions: It is easier for them to identify the patient, it is easier to invoice the insurance medical organization According to the results of the provision of medical services.

  • persons who have citizenship of Russia
  • permanently residing in Russia
  • refugees living in Russia.

About the new policy of medical insurance. How to get medical care? Starting from May 1, 2011, the issuance of compulsory health insurance policies began in Russia on the basis of the new Federal Law since May 1, 2011, the issuance of compulsory medical insurance policies began in Russia on the basis of a new federal law.

How to get a new medical policy in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ from January 1, 2011, each citizen can independently choose an insurance company and get a medical policy (OMS policy).

Change the old medical policy on a new one by January 1, 2014. As practice shows, few people know how to act, where to contact and what documents to file.

On the territory of Nizhny Novgorod, it is possible to get a new medical policy in several organizations to choose from: Rosno-MS OJSC, LLC "SK Ingosstrakh-M", CJSC "Capital Medical Insurance" and LLC Insurance medical company "Reso-Honey".

To date, if you have a medical policy of an old sample (pink card), then you should not worry.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, get the policy of the OMS of the new sample is quite simple and quickly. It is necessary to extend or order a reissue. First of all, it should be emphasized that all documents received in the hands dated January 1, 2011 and earlier are obliged to take any medical institutions.

Change or not the old option is the case of its owner.

OME policy of a new sample that you need to know about the OMS of the new sample from January 1, 2011 in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 326-FZ) Every citizen can independently Select the insurance company and get the policy of the OMS.

compulsory medical insurance issued to persons insured for compulsory health insurance until the day of the entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance are valid before replacing them on compulsory medical insurance of a single sample.

Plastic compulsory health insurance ( new sample OMS policy) is an officially approved document that allows its owner to get absolutely free medical care throughout the country. Plastic is one of the varieties of insurance compulsory health insurance on a par with a conventional paper policy and a universal electronic card.

Marina Tivanova: The new OMS is a polis of a single sample, which operates throughout the Russian Federation.

They began to issue them from the moment of entry into force of Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010

"On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation"

Up to this point in different regions could differ in appearance. Now, everywhere give out the same policies, which makes it possible to people calmly and confidently contact medical institutions to receive medical care.

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 326-FZ), every citizen can independently choose the insurance company and get the policy of the OMS.

Mandatory Medical Insurance Policy, issued to persons insured for compulsory health insurance until the day of entry into force of Law No. 326-FZ on compulsory medical insurance, are valid until they are replaced by their policies. mandatory insurance Single sample.

Insurance medical will be issued to a citizen once, its replacement when changing the place of work, place of residence, the insurance company will not be required, there will be free medical assistance in the framework of the CHAM base program in all therapeutic institutions of the Russian Federation working in the compulsory health insurance system.

The list of documents necessary for obtaining the policy is usually presented on the website of the selected insurance organization.

OMS prepare for a month.

The insurance policy of mandatory health insurance is a document that guarantees the right of a person to provide him with timely and full medical care. He confirms that for the challenge of the ambulance, outpatient treatment, as well as finding in the hospital conditions will pay the insurance company, and not the person who applied to the doctor.

Today, your attention will be presented a sample of a new sample medical policy. Most recently, such a document appeared in Russia.

But now he is in great demand. What kind of paper is this? How can it be framed? What are the pros and cons of it? Understand all this to be further.

In fact, everything is not as hard as it seems. After all, many citizens have already become acquainted with the medical policies of the new sample.

In view of the implementation of a program for creating a unified information base, since 2011, a policy of a new sample is issued. The policies of the old sample remain valid until replacing them on a new sample. Insurance certificate of compulsory medical insurance of a new sample (Policy of the OMS) can be issued throughout the Russian Federation today.

The plastic medical policy of the new sample is an officially approved document on which free medical care is provided in any Russian region. Since May 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation may replace its paper policy of OMS on a plastic analogue.

The gonak presented the new policy of the OMS - with Russian chips. They began to issue citizens from May 1. Today, the system of reading information from domestic chips has already been in 49 regions (they have appropriate technical equipment). The rest will catch up until the end of 2017.

A document confirming the presence of medical insurance in a patient allows him to take advantage of the medical staff provided for by the state, paying which will be the insurance company.

Not every person today is known that all the variations of the policy of the new sample existing in the country are equivalent. And the presence of a document of one form or the absence of another cannot cause refusal to maintain in the selected institution.

What do they differ among themselves and which of the species has more advantages? Reply to these questions in this article.

How to arrange the plastic policy of the new sample in 2018 in detail in Russian legislation. There are also nuances that need to be known to minimize the risks of refusal.

Since January 2014, a program to replace paper blanks of compulsory medical insurance on a plastic analogue has entered legal force. All information regarding its content retains an electronic chip.

Documents required to obtain the policy of compulsory health insurance What you need to know about the policy of the OMS of the new example on January 1, 2011 in accordance with the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 326-FZ ) Every citizen can choose the insurance company independently and get the OMS policy.

1 How to issue and get a policy? 2 What is the difference between a new version of the policy from the old? 3 What does a new form look like? 4 Frequently asked questions5 Video on the topic of compulsory health insurance - a document providing the insured person to ensure the guaranteed provision of a service complex provided for OMS, within the territory Russian Federation.

See also: How and where can I pass tests to allergens on the policy of the OMS and how to get a direction?

Since 2014, a program for replacing paper blanks of compulsory medical insurance on a plastic equivalent has entered into force. All information about its carrier retains an electronic chip. All residents of our country can become his owner. What is the difference between the electronic version? What changes should be expected in connection with the introduction of a new document?

A lot of time has passed since the usual compulsory health insurance policy has become possible to issue in the form of a plastic card. But questions on its use are still left. What is more - the advantages or disadvantages have a plastic oms of a new sample, where to get it and how to arrange?

In the first case, medical care can get everything without exception russian citizens And some categories of foreign persons.

Costs for the provision of medical services lie on the shoulders state budget. Voluntary type of insurance eliminates the possibility state aid - Payment is carried out exclusively by insurance companies.

Important moments

Polis Oms - a certificate that provides the ability to learn high-quality medical care. The document of the new sample implies plastic cardwhich reminds banking.

How to get polis?

Can. But not all, but only those that are listed in the list of vital drugs, which every year approves the Government of the Russian Federation.

Upon receipt of it on a child, you need as a document that certifies the identity, to present a birth certificate. The rest of the procedure for obtaining the policy is standard.

Each of us can get sick or get injured. In this case, the state provides for the possibility of free provision of medical care upon presentation of this document. The volume of such assistance, as well as the list of its species is determined by applicable government programs.

They are two main species:

  1. Programs that operate throughout the country.
  2. Those programs that operate in separate regions.

In the latter case, the services are provided in accordance with the region in which the insurance policy was issued.

We are talking about providing such types of assistance as:

  • primary;
  • specialized;
  • ambulance;
  • palliative care.

A citizen visits the state insurance company and draws an application for the issuance of the policy. Insurance agent It will be necessary to prevent documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account.

Foreign citizens to the listed list of documents impose a residence permit, a refugee passport or a petition for obtaining it.

How to get a quota for Eco on the policy of the OMS in 2015 and 2018 today many couples face the need to spend Eco. However, this operation is considered one of enough expensive. At the same time, for many parents, this is the only way to give birth to a long-awaited baby.

What is needed by the medical policy of the OMS and how it gets the principle of building a great state is based on a strong spirit and physically healthy people, so the government develops various social programs to support the population.

In the Russian Federation, any citizen who has an insurance policy can get the necessary medical services in any region of the country absolutely free.

How to get polis? Collection of documents going to office GSMK Receive the temporary policy in a month take your policy. In accordance with russian legislation Any citizen of Russia as well separate categories Foreign citizens have the right to issue a compulsory health insurance policy.

The Policy of the OMS is a document that gives the right to free medical care in the amount, which is provided for by the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens on the insurance site and the basic program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens throughout the Russian Federation.

This is filled with an application form about choosing or replacing the insurance organization. The representative according to the law is obliged to provide copy insurance professionals or originals of the birth certificate, passport.

After fourteen years SNILS is one of them mandatory documents For the policy. Also, the representative of the child must submit a passport.

Features of obtaining a medical policy of compulsory insurance (OMS) in 2018

So, to this can be attributed:

  1. ambulance services;
  2. preferential prosthetics;
  3. vaccines for pregnant women;
  4. stationary and outpatient assistance in the case of skin, venereal, mental, narcological diseases and HIV;
  5. fluorography to identify tuberculosis and others.

If we are talking about planned operations, or the disease is not included in the list approved by the Health Committee, then such expenses are covered by insurance, or from the patient's pocket, if the amount exceeds the insurance.

A set of services will be determined in accordance with the diagnosis according to the standards that approve the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. What services are free of charge any treatment or diagnostic procedures that were appointed by a doctor, everything must be fulfilled free.

In addition to the fact that the doctor appointed, he can also "advise", so whether to follow the advice and pay the money additionally, to solve you.

The OMS system has a batch and temporary testimony, which is issued to the insured person immediately after the application for the execution of the CHI policy.

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Snobs insurance number of an individual personal account.
  3. Written about birth (for children under 14 years old, on which the medical policy is issued).

Can I get for free to receive medicines for OMS?

If you have an OMS policy - it means that you have the right to be treated throughout Russia for free. The minimum amount of medical care can be found in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance. If you doubt whether your case is falling under OMS, "call your insurance company and check.

If you need urgent help or emergency hospitalization (you broke your leg, they poisoned, you have a sharp attack), you must assist even without the policy.

In addition to the all-Russian basic program, each region has its own program. It includes additional serviceswho are not spelled out in the basic list. To find out what is included in the territorial program of your region, you can on the website of your territorial foundation.

From January 1, 2014, the policy is replaced by the UEK - myth or reality?

This is not true, although the approval cannot be called unfounded.

Despite the fact that in the new insurance policy of the OMS there is no date, after which its action stops, there are still certain circumstances, as a result of which it is necessary to replace this document as a result.

  • When changing the passport for any reason. If he came into disrepair, lost, in connection with the change of last name and for other similar reasons.
  • Expite the validity of the previous policy. As mentioned above, it does not deprive the right to get medical care, however, in practice, can create some difficulties in the design of relevant documents.
  • If the old document has become Old and it is impossible to read important information on it.
  • If the old insurance is lost.
  • If personal data has changed. We can talk, for example, about changing the name, addresses of residence or other changes in this kind.

How to get polis?

Yes, with a policy of the OMS, you have the right to go through free dispensarization and find out whether everything is fine with you. Dispensarization is a survey that helps to identify the risks of the development of various diseases (oncological, cardiovascular, diabetes and other).

Starting from 21 years, there is a three-year clistering every three years: that is, at 21, then in 24 years, at 27, 30 years, and so on. In addition to the dispensarization, there is a free prophylactic inspection - this is a reduced dispensarization option. It can be held every 2 years.

Recently in Basy oMS program Included high-tech medical care, such as audiological screening and the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies (ECO extracorporeal fertilization).

Two poles of one policy should be changed to the old medical insurance card for a new electronic medical policy this year is not necessary. But if you want to gain access to your personal electronic office with the history of your illness, then the usual paper policy is still replaced by an electronic document or get an EEC - a universal electronic card.

The Deputy Chairman of the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance (FFOMS) Yuri Nechechenko told about this "RG". Yuri Alekseevich, in lately There was some hysteria - medical institutions and some media constantly urge us to urgently change the old medical copies to new ones.

What does the insured policy of the OMS look like?

Voluntary medical insurance (DMS), unlike OMS, is paid. The cost of the policy depends on which services it includes: the wider spectrum is the more expensive.

DMS usually guarantees all the same services as OMS, but on more comfortable conditions, without queues, with a high level of service. Also, additional services may be included in the DMS (they depend on the terms of the contract): a call to the doctor at home, taking narrow specialists, hospitalization and even international medical care.

Mandatory medical insurance (abbreviated OMS) is a document or, global, a system that provides for the possibility of obtaining a patient free medical Services. At the same time, the right to possession of the document has both citizens of the Russian Federation and persons living in the country without Russian citizenship: aparters, refugees, temporary migrants (for example, workers), as well as employees of the Eurasian Economic Union. Consider what is the OMS of a new sample, his differences from the old and how to get it.

What is an insured card of a new sample

It became known about the exit of the changed insurance policy. It became known in the spring of 2011, however, the updated certificate continues to call questions and now.

The plastic policy of the OMS of a single sample is an advanced version of the paper option with a number of benefits.

It is important to specify that the owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, therefore there should be no reasons for concern. In order to avoid difficulties, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the rules for receiving and the action of the policy.

This is how the standard policy of the OMS of the new sample looks like - reminds a bank card.

What has changed in the OMS of the new sample

  1. The first thing that rushes into the eye is a form and appearance. A bright miniature double-sided card came to replace the Blue Paper Paper Document A5.
  2. The material manufacturing material has become fundamentally different.
  3. A chip with personal information about the patient appeared.
  4. You can independently choose the insurance company.

What advantages appear at the user's new version of insurance

There are some obvious advantages new form OMS:

  1. Cards are largely superior to paper security documents. Chip with data, photos and information about the owner on the OMS of the new sample make it impossible to use the document by unauthorized persons.
  2. A robust card, unlike a paper analog, will not suffer from water from entering and will not fit in the bag.
  3. Compact size allows you to wear a card in a wallet or pocket.
  4. The choice of the insurer also eliminates the client from many problems.

The replacement is free, so it's not worth worrying about the finance.

What does the acting OMS look like

As already mentioned, a bilateral card. It is a tricolor: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is "decorated" in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the top of the front part, it is indicated that this map It is the "Mandatory Medical Insurance Policy". The red-yellow state emblem depicted on the left, under it - a golden chip with encrypted data. The logo of compulsory medical insurance and the name of the company are located on the right. Many are interested in: where the number of the state of the new OMS is specified. So, 16 digits from below and are the document number.

In the left upper part on the opposite side, the contact telephone of the Federal OMS Foundation is indicated. Immediately under it - an electronic signature of the owner, its image, surname, name and patronymic, as well as a hologram, serving evidence of authenticity of the Insurance Certificate. On the right (from below-up) indicates the date of the owner, its floor, as well as the validity period of the certificate.

Why receive a new sample document

Certificate of a new sample should be obtained to keep up with the times: to be the holder of a compact card instead of a paper, easily crushed and not protected from the water of the document with erasing information.

A new policy of OMS from plastic: it is convenient to wear it, it does not mind, it does not get wet.

Are you obliged to change the certificate

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear, supposedly after November the old document will be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample or for some reason they have not done yet, you have the right to use paper certificate. This is stated in Federal Law Russian Federation. In 2018, the warning was received that until January 2019 it would be impossible to change the insurance company.

Despite the fact that the information is already irrelevant, it is important to understand - you can, but not necessarily change the shape of the OMS.

What needs to be done to get new insurance

By issuing insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under 18, you need to have:

  • certificate of the birth of a child or passport in the event of the age of 14 years;
  • insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are obliged to provide services in the Mother Policy.

Adults need to have only 2 documents with him:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to arrange the OMS on another adult or someone else's child, you will also need a power of attorney.

Refugees are important to provide a certificate confirming this fact.

Apartham or citizens of another state will need a certificate of personality, a residence permit or a certificate that is allowed to live in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and employment contract.

It is desirable to have not only originals with you, but also copies of documents.

Om a new sample is very simple.

Stages of receiving a map

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing a statement.
  3. Obtaining a temporary testimony (designed for a month and 15 days).
  4. Receiving a permanent document.

Usually a permanent policy card is ready after the month.

Where you can get the OMS of the new sample

To replace or design a document, you need to contact an insurance company or a public institution providing this service. The choice is large, but Rosno MS (now "VTB MS LLC ») Definitely is the leader.

Receive the policy of the OMS of a new sample through state services can not, but on the portal you can familiarize yourself with the information about the institutions that are engaged in this.

If you are interested in registration of OMS online, you will need to choose an insurance company and act according to the requirements specified on the site.

The conditions of action of the OMS policies are assigned to the provisions listed in the "Rules mandatory Medustration", Enacted by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 158n dated 02.28.2011. The specified provision for medical care is periodically made changes. So, the editorial office of the provisions was updated in 2017. What is the essence of the changes that occurred in 2017? What caused these changes and what can entail? Reply to these questions in this article.

What regulates the rules of the OMS?

Most citizens throughout life faces diseases of varying severity. It may be violations as a result of the infections obtained, exacerbation chronic diseases, getting injured, pregnancy and childbirth. In all listed cases, for the further normal functioning of the human body and for partial or complete recovery, medical care is necessary.

The state guarantees to obtain timely and qualified services of doctors within the framework of the functioning system of compulsory medical insurance. Thus, the OMS is an opportunity for citizens to get timely medical care. The range of services within the program is quite diverse, consists of the following items:

  • Ambulance and emergency medical care;
  • Passing outpatient treatment;
  • Stay in the hospital;
  • Provision of diagnostic and preventive services;
  • Providing drugs preferential categories citizens;
  • Vaccination;
  • Other medical services operating within the framework of the OMS.

Medical assistance is provided within the framework of the OMS for free. The source of financing are employers and subjects of the Russian Federation. The deductions to the OMS foundation are produced periodically within the established tariffs.

Who applies to insured persons?

Take advantage services of OMS Maybe a fairly wide range of persons. First of all, it includes citizens of the country, including non-working, persons retirement age, children and others. Insured include foreign citizens, temporarily or permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, refugees and stateless persons. As insured in the OMS system according to Art. 10 of Law No. 326-FZ dated November 29, 2010, self-employed citizens are considered, as well as members of peasant farms, persons passing full-time training, disabled people, disabled guardians and others.

Foreign specialists of high qualifications and members of their families are not recognized as insured. For them, employers do not pay insurance contributions in the FOMS (compulsory medical insurance fund). But these categories of persons are entitled to get medical assistance in the country, having a voluntary health insurance policy (DMS).

The rights and obligations of participants in insurance relations

In the system of the media and in 2017, 3 types of participants are preserved. These are insurers, insurers and insured persons. The insured are citizens and other persons who have the right to count on obtaining medical care within oMS action. To confirm the status issued an insurance medical policy that allows required list free services throughout the Russian Federation.

Insurance companies are insurers. Their obligations include payment of medical services, the protection of rights in terms of obtaining timely and high-quality medical services. Insureders are, as a rule, employers of insured persons, subjects of the Russian Federation. Their main task refers to the timely transfer of contributions to the FFOMs.

Changes in OMS affecting some categories of the population

Since 2017, some changes have occurred in the OMS system. In force, the rules of the OMS were made adjustments on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of October 27, 2016 No. 803n. Adopted amendments affect foreign citizens and stateless persons. The policies obtained by them can only be represented in paper With a period of action until the end of the current period (year). At the same time, the condition is maintained that the final period of the document cannot be longer than the deadline for the time residence permit. The innovations affect citizens whose states are included in the EAEU (Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan). For citizens of Russia, the CHI policy is still indefinite.

Format of OMS policies in 2017

Since 2017, a new format of OMS policies began to operate in the Russian Federation. Their size decreased significantly, the Russian chip was included in the composition, allowing to read information. It was planned that the required technical equipment will be introduced in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation until the end of 2017. The new document format allows you to read information about the owner electronically. Therefore, problems with obtaining information about the patient should not occur. In the case when the owners of new policies will present them in the regions where insufficient technical equipment, customer data can be found at the policy number from common base OMS.

For those citizens who remain on the hands of the policies of the old sample, there should be no problems. While limiting the validity of previous forms of documents is not planned. At the same time, if desired, it is possible to change the document of the old paper sample to more modern.

The advantages of new samples of policies are obvious. First of all, it is a more compact format. Holders of a small card with chip do not have to risk to spoil the document because of its deformation. All information can be considered electronic thanks to the embedded chip. The technology of manufacturing a new sample policies contributes to their greater persistence. To spoil the document will accidentally become almost impossible. In addition, the policy contain the following information about the owner:

The existing mandatory health insurance rules for citizens of the Russian Federation will remain unchanged. But it will be given the opportunity to get a more modern document or exchange an old policy on a new one. The OMC provisions will also allow the necessary services to the insured persons within the framework of current legislation. Small innovations will affect only individuals without citizenship and foreigners. For them, it is impossible to arrange the policy of a new sample, and the duration of the document is now limited to the calendar year.


The rules of the OMS, updated in 2017, affected foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship, which from the specified year there are only paper policies with a period of action before the end of the year. In addition, since 2017, the Policy of OMS issues citizens arriving at work from EAEU countries. The Russian citizens can exchange their policies to the new sample document from the specified year - a plastic card with chip.

From August 1, Moscow began the exchange of OMS polishes on new plastic cards. About the fact that it took how much old policies will act and where to receive new ones in an exclusive interview with Westai.ru browser Evgeny Saltykov said the director of the Moscow City Foundation for Mandatory Medical Insurance (MGFOMS) Vladimir Zelensky.

- Tell me why it was necessary to change policies? What do not suit existing?

Immediately several reasons why it was necessary to do and why now. The first is not a very convenient format of the currently operating paper policy. It can not be folded, because the barcode is located on the seed ground and can not be laminate, because data on the insurance company fits on the reverse side. In this regard, we have accumulated a fairly large demand from society. People change their names, passports, but do not inform about it in the insurance company, because, in a similar case, they would have to change the old comfortable policy in the form of a green plastic card on a new paper.

- Why then initially changed the comfortable plastic on uncomfortable paper?

The green plastic policy was a purely Moscow product, which existed since 1998. After that, in 2011, throughout Russia began to produce a paper policy of a single federal sample. But from 12 million insured by OMS in Moscow, more than 7 million still have old green plastic cards on their hands. During this time, many have changed data, but as I said, not everyone began to report these changes. Meanwhile, in the OMS law, the obligation of citizens within 30 days to notify its insurance company about changes in their data, such as the change of the surname, place of residence or passport. But citizens of this duty, on the reasons mentioned above, neglected. Because of this, we began to face a lot of problems - in registers of insurance companies, people became difficult to find, feasible feedback with the insured. And it, perhaps, became the main reason The need to replace policies.

- What are the main differences between the old and new Polisses of the OMS?

The new policy has a chip that stores all the necessary information about the insured - FULL NAME, date of birth, insurance region, insurance company. This information can be read with the help of readers that will be equipped with all medical facilities. On the back of the policy posted additional Information, including a photo and personal signature. Thus, upon presentation of a new policy, it will not be necessary to provide additional documents for identifying a citizen, which is necessary when applying for medical help outside the home region. The presence of photography will also be useful in the conditions of loss of consciousness - if a person has a policy with him, it will be easy to install, his identity.

- Replacing the new policy is mandatory procedure? How much will the old Polishers of the OMS act?

Replacing is not forced. The law is spelled out that the old policies act as long as they are in their hands. Accordingly, paper policies and green plastic cards continue to be valid, provided that their owners have not changed personal data.

- What is needed in order to change the old policy of OMS to a new one?

Go to the insurance company and write a statement. Within 30 working days, you will be given a new policy.

- All Muscovites will be able to get it or such an opportunity will be in the capital of non-resident citizens living in the capital?

- If a person lives and works in Moscow, but does not have registration or registration here, then it also as the rest may insure in Moscow. Accordingly, attached to the clinic and have access to a record for a doctor over the Internet or in infatacts.

Two years across the country, they plan to issue a universal electronic card (UEC), which will replace the role of the identifier and payment card immediately. Maybe it was worth waiting for the launch of this All-Russian project and "sew" in the UEC also the policy of the OMS? Or did the need for a new policy really become extremely necessary?

The current edition of the CHI law provides for two types of policies: paper and electronic. Moreover, the electronic can be like the one that we now start to give out and in the form of an application on a universal electronic map. For several years of its existence, the UEC did not become a massive product. Those problems we say cannot be solved with its help. That is why we decided to launch new Product now.

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