
What a medical pole looks like. Where to change the policy of compulsory health insurance. Polis OMS. Where to get

In Russia, for free medical services of any kind, the Polis of OMS is required. In its absence, only paid services will be able to offer clinic.

Despite this, if the term of the policy ended, it was spoiled or issued in another region, people do not hurry to change it.

This situation is caused by the fact that no one plans to receive injuries, root and face other troubles that can happen.

In the list of cases, the omx policy replacement occupies one of the last places. But in practice, the problem of providing free medical care is very acute.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get an OMS policy in Moscow, if registered in another city.

The capital employs a huge number of people who came from other regions and do not even have registration. If necessary, visit the doctor, a person faces the fact that getting a policy of OMS without having a residence permit is quite difficult.

Therefore, it is important to carefully disassemble whether it is possible to receive an OMS policy without registration, and which nuances exist in this matter.

The presence of the CHA policy makes it possible to apply for help in a clinic, hospital, urban medical centers and other medical organizations, which are involved in the Mandatory Program medical insurance.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and received a policy on the territory of his region, he has the right to receive additional medical services that they are not included in the list of the state basic program.

For example, to seek help to treat tuberculosis, diseases that are transmitted by sexual path, mental disorders and behavior disorders, including those associated with taking psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services for which the Insured Citizen can be qualified can be found in the Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region "On the Moscow Regional Program state guarantees Free provision of medical care citizens. "

For many, the question is, how to issue an OMS policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works in the capital officially, he will not have problems with obtaining the policy.

Since the employer regularly deducts contributions to Pension Fund and compulsory health insurance fund. With a request for registration of OMS, a citizen may apply to the authorities in the personnel department or in accounting.

IN this case No documents, including confirming registration, is not necessary.

The execution of the policy through the employer will take approximately two months.

The term will depend on the competence of a responsible employee. By law, the employer stands out 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary papers and send them to the OMS Foundation.

But if a person is fired, he needs to pay the policy to the employer. During maternity leave And leave for child care, OMS, which was obtained through the employer, continues to act.

It's rather difficult to get the Polis of the OMS in Moscow an unemployed person without registration. In this case, a citizen can replace a document on temporary registration to the rental agreement, which he removes.

But this option has several nuances:

  1. The lease agreement lies only if a realtor is attracted to the transaction. Most tenants are trying to save at the services of intermediaries and remove the apartment without a contract.
  2. The insurer may require the personal presence of the owner of an apartment or a statement written by him personally. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.

If a person has no temporary registration or permanent registration, he should provide convincing arguments and hope that in disputes with the insurer they will give a positive result.

Citizen has the right to refer to the Law "On Medical Insurance of Citizens Russian Federation"It is written in it that the registration is not mandatory condition To obtain OMS.

Thus, the refusal to the insurance company can be appealed in court. For circulation B. judicial authorities The insurer needs to request a written refusal to provide the policy.

In addition, you can refer to the definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from 2011. This document states that visitors have the right to receive a policy without presenting papers, which confirm the registration.

In any case, a person without registration should be ready for a court proceedings.

Insurers believe that OMS is better to produce only at the place of registration. If the court decides not in favor of a citizen, then the optimal option will find a job, enter into an agreement with the landlord or change the place of residence.

In accordance with the legislation, get polis OMS citizens The Russian Federation in 2019 can at the place of their actual residence. Constant or temporary registration has no effect.

The OMS of a single sample does not contain information about the place of residence and maintenance of a person. But these data when making the policy are entered into a single electronic register of insured citizens.

If a citizen moves to live in another place, he is obliged to report this insurer within 1 month.

When there is no that insurance company in the new place of residence, in which the insurance policy was issued, the citizen can choose a new insurance company For OMS.

In the case when a person is forced to constantly move, then it is worth understanding that it is best to arrange insurance where a citizen lives most of the time.

Regarding the question, it is possible on the policy of the OMS to be treated in another city for free, it is worth considering some nuances:

Get a policy of OMS in Moscow, if registered in the suburbs is quite simple. To do this, you need to adhere to such instructions:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Decide on the selection of an insurance company.
  3. Apply.

It will take about a month for the manufacture of the policy, for this period, a person is issued a temporary policy, which he can get all guaranteed services.

To obtain the policy, you need to prepare such papers:

After preparing documents, it is necessary to decide on medical organization . It is better to choose it at the place of actual stay. Since it is possible to receive services not only on the basic, but according to the territorial program.

The application for registration of the OMS is carried out in the insurance company itself, in the clinic, to which a citizen or through MFC is attached. In the multifunctional center, the service is provided only for children up to one and a half years.

The application procedure can be clarified on the website of institutions or by phone, which are listed in the registry. Application blank will be issued in place. You can pick up the finished document after 30 days from the date of delivery of all securities and applications.

Per lately OMS legislation has changed more than once.

Therefore, quite often people do not use their rights simply because they do not know or do not understand how to produce execution in practice.

According to the current rules, you can not only get an OMS without registration, but also choose a clinic, treating a doctor and even a hospital for hospitalization.

In this question, it is worth paying attention to such moments:

  1. Select a clinic to attach or constantly receiving medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not obliged to attach to the district polyclinic at the place of registration or actual residence.

There is an opportunity to choose medical institution near work.

It should be understood that each polyclinic has a service area attached to it - medical sites to assist at home. Therefore, it is important to think about everything in advance and estimate possible situations.

A citizen has the right once a year to choose a new attending physician. For this you just need to write a statement in the name of the head doctor.

Citizens with the Moscow Region and Policy of the OMS, which are registered on the portal of the mayor of the capital - www.mos.ru, can attach to the clinic on the same site, indicating SNILS.

To do this, you need to go to the section "Services and Services" and apply on your own behalf. Three days later, a person is attached to the clinic you need and connect the remote recording service to specialists through the site.

Make an online statement can all users besides residents of New Moscow and those who have temporary OMS. If you wish, you can apply for a personal visit to the clinic.

But does not lose the relevance of the question of how to attach the Policy of the OMS to the clinic in another city. For this, residents of the capital with the policies of other regions initially should be referred to a policy to the insurer, their own or other.

If a citizen has OMS old Sample, first of all, it needs to be issued a policy of a new single sample. After re-registration of the policy, you can contact any clinic at your discretion for attachment.

In some cases, additional documents may be needed for registration:

In the absence of the policy, it can be issued in any insurance company, and then contact the desired polyclinic to attach.

Thus, get the policy of OMS in Moscow without registration is no problem. According to the rules that operate in 2019, it is enough to indicate only the actual residence.

In the Polish of the OMS of the Unified Sample there is no information about living and registration of a citizen. These data are entered into a single electronic register of insured citizens.

On the Polish, the OMS can be treated for free in another city in the volume of the basic program of the OMS.

The issuance of medical policies of the new sample caused a small excitement among citizens. Despite the fact that electronic cards have been issued for several years, not yet decided to replace old paper documents with them. Employees of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation strongly recommend citizens to engage in this issue, and in the shortest possible time to replace. What is plastic polis OMS and what he gives, you will learn further.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The differences between the old-sample document and the new plastic card is obvious. Nevertheless, all innovations have their pros and cons. Consider them.

Advantages of an electronic card (EPOMS):

  1. Mobility and compactness. If you compare a plastic card with an A5 document, it clearly wins, since the paper carrier can not even be folded in half for the reason that the bend line comes directly on the barcode. In the case of Epoms such a problem, it does not occur - he is easily accompanied in a purse or business card holder.
  2. Strength and durability. An electronic card cannot be tangled that it can easily occur with the paper carrier, and to break it should be accumulated. In addition, the plastic pole does not fade, and the data on it does not be abrase over time - all this is typical of paper documents.
  3. The insured person does not carry any cash costs, since the exchange is free of charge.
  4. Availability of photos and chip with information is a guarantee that the document cannot be used by another person. To use this tool via the Internet, you will need a PIN code.
  5. Together with Epoms, it is not necessary to present a passport or other identity card - all information is contained on the chip.
  6. Epoms is issued personally by the future owner, and is not tied to the place of his work.
  7. Having a plastic card, you can be recorded on the reception remotely via the Internet or terminal, and not waste time in the queues.

Disadvantages of EPOMS:

  1. Not all branches of insurance organizations can make such a type of document, but this is only a matter of time.
  2. If some serious changes are coming, for example, changing the surname or place of residence, the Epoms holder will face that it will have to be changed. Overwrite data on the chip is not possible. There is only the only way out: you need to get a new card.
  3. If you plan to travel somewhere in the depth of the Russian Federation, it is better to grab a passport with you to be able to correctly arrange an appeal for medical help. The problem is that not all polyclinics have the appropriate equipment for reading data from the chip.

On a note! If the insured has a desire to change the insurance company, it can do it without changing the electronic card. It is enough to enter a personal PIN code, which is issued with EPOMS, and an insurance worker independently update information on the chip.

Exterior of plastic medical insurance

In size, plastic OMS meets the standard bank card. At one time, insurance was issued as part of a universal electronic map (UEC) - it was a certificate of personality, and calculated card, and medical policies. However B. this moment Their extradition is discontinued. What does Eppom look like today?

On the front side is:

  • individual insurance number in the form of a code of 16 digits;
  • emblem of the OMS system;
  • coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  • microchip with the data owner of the card, about the insurance program and the insurer;
  • the name of the insurance organization and its contact details.

On the back can be seen:

  • digital photo of the insured and serial number of the card under it;
  • FULL NAME, Signature, Paul, Owner's birthday;
  • card expiry date;
  • telephone number of the Regional Insurance Fund;
  • icon with abbreviation name of the document - POMS.

Who should be issued

Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens are entitled to receive medical insurance, temporarily staying in the country. Do I need to change polis? They can be used until the term of its action is at the end. The document on the form of the form of a new sample can be obtained at any time.

Today, medical insurance is issued once and for life, but there are cases when it is necessary to change the old policy to a new one:

  • after the expiration of the old document;
  • when changing personal data - FULL NAME or REPRING;
  • in case of loss or damage to the document.

If the old paper policy is valid, then according to Art. 51 p. 2 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" it has the same force as a new plastic card. Thus, preventing an old paper document, issued before 2011, the insured is entitled to receive medical care.

Where to get a plastic policy of OMS

The procedure for changing the old medical insurance to a new plastic card will not take much time. You can get a paper or plastic document:

  • in branches of insurance companies that are engaged in the manufacture of electronic cards. It is possible that for this will have to change the insurer, since not all organizations are engaged in issuing an EPOMS;
  • in the nearest department of MFC. To do this, you need to bring a package of documents to the center operator, from there the information is transmitted to the insurer, and after the manufacture it sends a card back to the MFC compartment;
  • on some online portals. You can order a medical insurance on the official website of the Mea Moscow and on the website of the State Service St. Petersburg. On the state resource of the state services, the submission of applications for the issuance of EPOMS is temporarily suspended.

A complete list of organizations that are engaged in issuing a new medstrashovka can be seen on the website of the Federal Fom.

Documents for registration

To arrange a plastic medustal card with a chip, it is enough to have the following documents with me:

  • civil passport or birth certificate;
  • old policy (optional);
  • personal account number pension insurance (SNILS) - for persons over 14 years old;
  • application for replacement.

Juvenile citizens come accompanied by a parent or representative by law. The latter must have a passport and power of attorney. Parent is enough to bring with him your own civilian passport.

When the appeal comes from a foreigner or a person without constant registration, you will need to attach the following documents:

  • residence permit (for foreign citizens);
  • certificate of temporary registration (in the absence of registration).

At the time of making plastic insurance, the insured receives a temporary testimony of insurance, which gives him the right to apply for medical care on the same conditions.

How to use a card

In electronic plastic Map There is information about when and for what purpose the patient visited the clinic when he was lying in the hospital, which services used and how much he was given medical care. However, how to use such a policy and what he gives them, not all insurers know.

In medical institutions, the EPOMS should be used as well as paper. It is provided by a health worker who with special Program Reads information from it and lies new data on the provision of medical services. In addition, you can remotely be remotely recorded on the reception to the doctor - through the terminal or through the Public Services portal.

Together with the card, the insured person receives an envelope with codes. PIN code and package is needed to make some information on the chip. For example, when changing an insurance company, you can simply make new data on the map without changing it.

Replacing paper on plastic policy OMS

You can get the OMS policy of a new sample within thirty working days, but, as a rule, the card is ready for a couple of weeks after the appeal.

The main stages of the replacement of the MHC paper policy on the plastic:

  1. Appeal to your insurance company or the choice of a new organization.
  2. A visit to the insurer or MFC with the package of the above documents.
  3. Filling out a replacement application.
  4. Obtaining a temporary inspection certificate.
  5. Recording on the reception to receive new insurance.
  6. Getting the OMS policy as a plastic card at the appointed time.


Plastic card with chip - it the new kind Mandatory health insurance policy. Thanks to this tool, the medical staff at any time can learn when the insured visited the clinic and what services he was provided.

The map is very convenient for its owner: it is compact, and therefore it is always with it, it can be written on the reception to the doctor, without posting the queues, besides, it does not work out a high degree of protection - it will not work out a foreign document.

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Polis Oms We are necessary for free receiving outpatient and inpatient care in the territory of Moscow and all Russia.

Who can get the policy of OMS

  • residents of Moscow
  • citizens of the Russian Federation, living in Moscow, regardless of availability of registration or temporary registration
  • foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia
  • foreign citizens temporarily living in Russia
  • refugees
  • persons without citizenship

What documents are needed

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation need the following documents:

  • Application for the choice of insurance medical company
  • Passport or temporary identity card issued during the period of passport

Application blank will be issued to the office of the insurance organization.

Foreign citizens provide an additional residence permit or permission for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you can not attend the office of the Insurance Organization personally, it is possible to design through the representative. The representative must have a passport and power of attorney for registering as an insured person in the selected insurance medical organization. Required power of attorney notarially required.

When making a policy of a child under 18, which is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the following documents are needed:

  • Application for the choice of insurance medical organization
  • Birth certificate (or child passport from 14 years old)
  • Passport of the legal representative (parent, adopter, guardian, guardian)
  • Document confirming the powers of a legal representative
  • SNILS (if any)

On the day of appeal after receiving documents, the insurance company will issue a temporary testimony, valid within 30 business days. Temporary certificate gives the right to receive free medical care in the framework of compulsory health insurance.

As soon as the permanent insurance document is ready, the company will notify you and will invite to the office to receive it.

Polis Oms: where to get in Moscow

  • AO. Insurance Group "SPASSKY GATE - M"
  • JSC Medical Joint-Stock Insurance Company (Max-M JSC)
  • AO. VTB medical insurance
  • LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine"
  • JSC SOGAZ-Honey
  • LLC SMK RESO-Honey (Moscow Branch)
  • LLC IC "Ingosstrakh-M"

Insurance organizations are arranged in the list in accordance with the ranking published on the official website of the FOMS.

Addresses of issuance points can be viewed on the official websites of insurance companies or find out support for support services.

Also addresses, phone numbers and the time of operation of all points of issuing a list and on the map of Moscow are indicated on the official website of the MGFOMS.

A plastic card

In Moscow, enacted electronic Polis The new sample is a plastic card with a chip containing personal data insured: date and place of birth, citizenship, the name of the patient's insurance company and the territory of insurance

Old green plastic cards and blue paper blanks with barcode are valid indefinitely. Replace them on a plastic card of a new sample will be possible at will.


Polis of OMS, issued by citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens, having a residence permit, acts indefinitely.

The insurance document issued to foreign citizens having a temporary permit to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation is valid until the expiration date.

Replacing the CHAM policy is obligatory if the surname change, name, patronymic, passport or place of residence occurred - moving to another region. Notify its insurance company about this, the insured person is obliged within a month after the change, presenting the relevant documents - marriage certificate, certificate from the registry office, the court decision, etc.

In case of damage or lose insurance document Duplicate is issued.

Where and how the policy of the OMS

The policy can be treated for free:

  • by basic oMS program - throughout the Russian Federation
  • according to the territorial (extended) program of the OMS - at the place of residence in the territory of the region of the Russian Federation, where the insurance document is registered

Nonresident Citizens can receive medical care in Moscow on the basic program of the OMS. Failure to medical care due to the presentation of the insurance document issued outside the territory of the treatment of medical assistance is illegal.

If your Medstrashovka OMS is issued in the region, and you live in Moscow and want to be serviced in the Moscow Polyclinic - visit the metropolitan office of his insurance company for re-registration. After re-registration, you can sign up for a doctor through electronic terminal or remotely - via the Internet on the website of the city of Moscow and to receive medical assistance in the territorial program of the OMS.

Read more about how to attach to the urban polyclinic,

Do not forget to take your insurance when traveling on business trips, to rest in another region of Russia and to the country in the suburbs!

How to change the insurance company

Change the insurance company that does not suit you for one reason or another, simply: you need to apply to a new insurance company no later than November 1 of the current year. Disposal from the old will happen automatically.

You can change the company no more than once a year until November 1 of the current year. This restriction is not valid for the termination of the activities of the insurance company or the change of residence.

Medical insurance plays very important role In the life of any person. If we compare it with other types of insurance, we see that there are not every person. Medical insurance that is mandatory, you need to every adult and child.

His presence ensures that in case of illness or accident, timely and qualified medical care will be provided, which will be paid at the expense of the state. In 2014, a law was adopted, which provides for the replacement of previously used insurance documents of a new sample. The use of new documents can sometimes cause certain questions. We will tell about them in more detail.

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What you need to know about the new policy

It has been acting since the beginning of 2014. First of all, we note that it is necessary to replace the former insurance for a new one, but without carrying out such a replacement, its use is permissible. When handling, it guarantees the provision of medical assistance. The legislation did not establish a deadline for the exchange, after which the use of documents of the old sample is impossible. However, despite this, the new version has some very important advantages.

One of them is that it is one for all regions of the Russian Federation. What exactly does this mean?

Previously, the OMS policy acted only where he was issued and had no legal force on the rest of Russia. Now this situation has completely changed. After receiving it in one region, you can use them throughout the state.

Another important advantage is that new insurance can be issued not only in paper form, but also in the form of a plastic card or in the form additional serviceswhich is included in the universal Electronic map (UEK).

Polis of OMS on paper:

A question may arise about how a medical institution can read the data from a plastic card or with an uke? After all, not in each clinic can have a suitable equipment for this. In order to answer this question show what a new document looks like in each of these cases.

If it is a plastic card, then in its size it exactly corresponds to the usual banking plastic card. There is facial and reverse side.

On the front side indicated the names of the insurance organization issued it unique number And there is a computer chip on it, which contains all the necessary information. On the reverse side, personal data are given, including a photo, surname, name, patronymic, sample signature and some other data.

This is the facial part:

Now let's look at the opposite direction:

When receiving an UEC card, you can also read the necessary data. They are contained on the back of such a card.

As we see, all the necessary data (including insurance number) can be easily read without resorting to special equipment.

This is what the facial side of the EEC card looks like:

And so - the back side:

If you received a new policy in paper form, then in the lower part of it on the front side there will be a unique number of insurance certificate.

The figure below shows the front part of the document, its reverse side is indicated on the right. A number that is indicated by sixteen zeros on the right drawing, the real document contains the insurance policy number.

Deadline for a new document

Now there are policies that were issued at different times. Of course, it is more convenient and practical to use a document of a new sample, because it acts throughout the country, unlike those that were issued before. However, at the moment they all act, despite the fact that the expiration date, which was once indicated there, has already passed. The latter circumstance can not be a reason for disagreeing medical care.

As for the new policy, it has an unlimited period of validity.

However, time limits still exist in some cases. They belong to those people who are temporarily and the term of such stay is temporarily and the term of such stay. In this case, we can talk about those who received only a temporary residence permit in Russia (which ended) or about those who have refugee status, which has already ended.

When you need to replace it

Despite the fact that in the new insurance Policy OMS no date, after which its action stops, still there are certain circumstances, as a result of which it is necessary in obligatory Replace this document:

  • When changing the passport for any reason. If he came into disrepair, lost, in connection with the change of last name and for other similar reasons.
  • Expite the validity of the previous policy. As mentioned above, it does not deprive the right to get medical serviceHowever, in practice, it can create some difficulties in the design of relevant documents.
  • If the old document became veterinary And it is impossible to read important information on it.
  • If the old insurance is lost.
  • If personal data has changed. We can talk, for example, about changing the name, addresses of residence or other changes in this kind.

How to get a new type policy

To obtain it, you need to contact an insurance company with such a document that can verify the identity of the applicant. If the design of this document may take some time, the company issues a temporary insurance policy.

His action time is limited and usually does not exceed one month. If during the month the design does not end, then temporary insurance is extended.

Documents that are necessary to obtain the policy

  • Upon receipt, a document must be presented, which certifies the identity. Usually we are talking about a passport. In the case when the execution of the policy is made on the child, a birth certificate must be presented. The situation is also allowed when the design is performed on a third party. In this case, it is necessary to have an appropriate power of attorney.
  • Already available document. Its presentation is desirable, but is not mandatory.
  • Insurance certificate, which relates to compulsory pension insurance. This document is preferably provided, but not necessarily.

Who first needs to get a new document

Let's give their list:

  • Newborn.
  • Previously did not have the policy of the OMS.
  • Lost this document.
  • Changed last name or name.
  • If the field is available It contains knowingly false information.
  • If there was a change in the place of residenceAnd in a new place there is no separation of the insurance company that previously issued it.

How to choose the right insurance medical organization

Insurance company, which draws out this policy, directly on the quality of the medical services received does not affect. But it can control how they are provided. The issued document is one throughout the country. Therefore, we usually choose the company, which was previously addressed and were pleased or, if there is no one, which is more conveniently located.

But we will not forget about the important circumstance that in case of violation of the rights of the patient upon receipt of medical care, it is possible to contact that insurance company that issued insurance certificate. Then it is likely that such an appeal will allow you to solve the patient with his medical problems. The possibility of such an appeal is important to consider when choosing the insured medical company in which it makes sense to appeal.

How to get a policy of OMS for a child

Upon receipt of it on a child, you need as a document that certifies the identity, to present a birth certificate. The rest of the procedure for obtaining the policy is standard.

What kind of medical care can be obtained according to the policy

Each of us can get sick or get injured. In this case, the state provides for the possibility of free provision of medical care upon presentation of this document. The volume of such assistance, as well as the list of its species is determined by the current government programs.

They are two main species:

  1. Programs that operate throughout the country.
  2. Those programs that operate in separate regions.

In the latter case, the services are provided in accordance with the region in which the insurance policy was issued.

We are talking about providing such types of assistance as:

  • primary;
  • specialized;
  • ambulance;
  • palliative care.

Plastic card

He has the same legal forceAs the policy in paper form and is issued simultaneously with the paper document. In their way appearance He resembles ordinary bank card. The difference is that the necessary information is indicated here not only in in electronic format, but also visually.

There is a photo, sample signature, evidence number and other necessary personal data. In addition, there are no cases when the paper document is folded several times for the convenience of storage. This can lead to its abrasion and impossibility to read the necessary information. The plastic option is devoid of such a shortage. It is convenient and practical both when it is used and when it is stored.


The new policy of the OMS operates throughout the country and has an unlimited period. In addition, the preparation procedure does not represent special difficulties for the applicant. Although the replacement of the old policy is not strictly mandatory, however, the receipt of a new document will allow you to feel more confident when receiving medical care.

Russian citizens are eligible for free medical care throughout the country, regardless of the place of registration and residence. This right is provided Federal law "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation", and guarantees its policy of the OMS. How to arrange the policy, which documents will be required and where it can be done in the Moscow region, read the site in the material.

Why do you need an OMS policy

In the presence of the policy, a citizen can contact, hospital, urban medical centers and a number of other medical organizations involved in the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program. If a resident of the Moscow region received a policy in the territory of the region, he will also be able to receive additional medical services not included in the State Basic Program - to seek medical care for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavior disorders, including related With the use of psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services to which the Insured Citizen has the right is to resolve the Government of the Moscow Region "On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Rendering Citizens of Medical Aid for 2017 and the Planning period of 2018 and 2019".

How to get a police policy

Get the Polis of the OMS simple enough. To do this, you need to collect documents, select an insurance company and apply. The policy is manufactured 1 month, at this time the applicant is issued a temporary policy, which you can get all guaranteed services.

Required documents

To obtain the policy of the OMS, an adult resident of the Moscow region will require a passport, an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). To arrange a policy for a child under 14, you need to submit a child's birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents (or legal representative, guardian) and SNILS. Foreign citizens must submit an identity document, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Selection of an insurance company

After collecting all necessary documents It is necessary to determine the insurance medical organization (SMO). It is better to choose it at the place of residence, because in this case the policy makes it possible to receive services not only on the basic federal, but also by the territorial program of the OMS.

In 2017, nine SMO participate in the implementation of the Moscow Regional Mandatory Medical Insurance Program:

  • LLC SMK "RESO-Honey";
  • AO Mask "Max-M";
  • JSC "SOGAZ-Honey";
  • JSC VTB Medical Insurance;
  • LLC "RGS-Medicine";
  • LLC "SK" Ingosstrakh-M ".

FROM detailed information Insurance companies can be found on the FOM website in the Register of Insurance Companies.

Where to apply

Apply for registration of the OMF policy is directly in the insurance company itself, the clinic, to which a citizen is attached, and in the IFC office. IN last service Available only for children up to 1.5 years.

The procedure for submitting an application for registration of the CHI policy in the insurance company and the clinic can be clarified on the website of institutions or by phone numbers specified in the registry. As a rule, the application form will be provided in place. An employee will remove a copy from the passport (the main page and the page of registration) and SNILS.

Issuance of the Polis

After applying, a temporary is issued medical Policy. He guarantees the right to free provision Medical care upon the occurrence of the insured event.

The policy itself is preparing for 30 working days from the date of submission of the application and issuing a temporary document.

Replacing the Polis

The policy of the OMS of the new sample is indefinite. However, it is subject to replacement in cases if:

A citizen has changed the name or place of residence;

Made changes to the date or place of birth;

Inaccuracies or errors in the information contained in the policy were established.

Also should be replaced by the policy of an old sample, issued until 2011 to the new one.

The re-registration of the policy is carried out only at the request of the insured person in the presentation of documents confirming the changes.

Nadezhda Odeodeva

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