
Polis of OMS is a change of insurance company. How to get an OMS policy in an insurance company. Replacing the policy with a change of insurance company

The Deputy Chairman of the Federal Fund for Mandatory medical insurance (FFOMS) Yuri Nekeportenko.

- Yuri Alekseevich, in lately There was some hysteria - medical institutions and some media constantly urge us to urgently change the old medical copies to new ones. And you say no need.

- According to the law on compulsory medical insurance (OMS) from May 1, 2011, a single sample medical pour is introduced. But on the same law, all policies received before January 1, 2011 are also valid with the exception of those whose validity period has expired before this date. If old Polis Inspection or end date after January 1, 2011, they can be used. There are no deadlines that limit it. And people can calmly, not anywhere in a hurry, choose the insurance medical organization and change the policy when they consider it necessary.

- But people usually learn about the shelf life of the policy at the time of appeal to the doctor. And if suddenly a person, sick, unexpectedly will find that the term of the policy has expired until January 1, 2011, he will not be a medical assistance?

- In the emergency case, medical assistance, of course, will be rendered, in spite of any dates in the Police. It turns out to be all and always, even if the policy is not at all. As for planned medical care, new Polis In this case, you need. And get it is not a problem. Items issuing - thousands in the country.

A person is enough to contact any insurance medical organization, write an application for the policy, he immediately gives a temporary testimony, which confirms the fact of making a medical board. And already on this temporary testimony, he can consult a doctor. Obtaining such a document will take only half an hour. This can be done in any region, regardless of the place of registration. But no problems in the future do not have any problems. New medical policies do not have the shelf life.

Exception - OMS polishes for foreigners, those who have permission for temporary residence in Russia or residence permit. Since the documents defining their status in our country are limited to a certain period, respectively, limited to them and the action of the policy. Foreigners other categories polis Oms Dont Have.

- And the children's policies also do not need to urgently change?

- We have no divisions for children's policies and adults. All policies are no different, nor externally nor a validity period. Their data is the same: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth and sex, regardless of this, we are talking about an adult or child.

- And if a person in the hands of a policy with the "right" dates, but suddenly it turns out that he gave it insurance Company Gone from the market, what then?

- When the Insurance Medical Organization leaves the field, then information about this appears in the media. Plus, the insurance company should notify people about their care. And from that moment on, people are given two months to choose another insurance medical organization.

Those who do not do, "Molchunov", the territorial Fund of the OMS will transfer to another insurance company. By law, it must proportionally distribute the indecent insured among insurance organizations operating in the region. A man eventually may not even know that he is now another insurer, but it will not hurt him at all and get help.

If suddenly a person for some reason refuses, he can contact his insurance company (if it changed, the name of the new one can clarify in the fund) or the OMS Foundation, and its rights will be restored. Insurance company has agreements with all therapeutic institutions. The key role of the insurance company is to protect the rights of patients. For each of his insured person, it receives certain financing, at the expense of which pays for medical care provided, so it is interested in the fact that it has as much as possible insured, then it will have more financial resources. And if the medical assistance turns out to be poorly, the insurance company has the right to apply penalties to therapeutic institutions and take other measures.

In the unscrupulousness of the insurance company, you can complain to the territorial Fund of the OMS, and if you do not agree with his conclusions and do not consider that the insurer and the thermofund have adopted adequate measures to protect your rights, it is possible to contact the FFOM, and then the proceedings will be made at our level. . Change the insurance company if you do not satisfy the quality of its work, you can once a year.

- What do you think, where did the myth come from about the need to urgently exchange policies?

- According to the CHI law, the policy can be paper, electronic or as part of a universal electronic map (UEC). And in the law on UEC initially it was assumed that from January 1, 2014, it will be issued to all Russians, except for those who wrote a refusal from her. But the date on January 1, 2014 from the EEC Law went. Now the UEC is issued to everyone in normal mode. Information about the medical board is automatically entered in it due to the interaction between the executive authorities. It's not necessary to do anything to this for this.

- You mentioned about the electronic policy. What is it and why is it needed?

- Electronic policy externally similar to UEC. This plastic card with a special chip, in which the "sewn" number of the medical board and the data on its owner are the same as on the paper policy.

The electronic policy appeared for a year and a half before the UEC. And he, like universal electronic map.must ensure the interaction of patients with therapeutic institutions. After modernizing the health care, for example, in many honeycomb, new informational resourceswhich could take electronic identifiers - electronic policies or UECs. A person comes into a clinic, inserts a plastic card into a infomat, and all its data is immediately displayed on the screen, and you can quickly, without introducing unnecessary information (last name, policy number), sign up for a doctor. It is just additional amenities.

- Where else can the electronic policy or UEK be good in addition?

- Ministry of Health is now developing information systems In health care. In the future, electronic medical cards should appear, then perhaps citizens will have to confirm their arrival to the doctor's doctor.

In addition, it is planned that when electronic medapation will be conducted, a person will appear on the Internet " personal Area The patient ", in which a citizen will be able to gain access, to see the information there, which therapeutic institutions he visited what diagnostics was conducted, through the same" personal account "to sign up for a doctor, to order some kind of references, many actions are provided. And, of course, to gain access to "Personal Account", you will need to use an electronic policy or UEC.

There are special readers for plastic cards, they cost inexpensively - 100 - 200 rubles. They can be connected to a computer, and then you can use the "personal account".

- And why is it impossible to enter the number of your policy to enter the "Personal Account", and is additionally needed additional technical devices?

- Policy can steal, its number can be asked or dial "method of tyka" absolutely foreign people. But we do not want them to have access to confidential information about our health, therefore it is assumed a more reliable protection of this information and the possibility of getting into the "Cabinet" only if available plastic card.

- I understand correctly that, drawing up a medical board, a person can choose only one option - paper, electronic or as part of the UEC. Get all three options?

- Yes, a person must decide which of these options it is more suitable, and choose.

- And if a person has now received a paper policy of a new sample, and then he wants on electronic media, there will be no problems with the exchange?

Updated 09/12/2016

Answers to frequently asked questions:

one . Who has the right to receive an insurance policy of the OMS?
With a list of persons subject to compulsory health insurance, can be found in the section

2. What documents are required to obtain the CHI policy in 2011?
With the list of documents required to receive the CHAM policy, you can get acquainted in the appropriate

3. Where can I get the OMS policy in Moscow?
Information about addresses and mode of operation in the appropriate section.

4. How to get an OMS policy for a newborn?
You need to contact the nearest OMC policy point with a statement about choosing (replacement) insurance medical organization.
The following documents or their certified copies needed to register as an insured person are applied to the application for the choice (replacement) of the Insurance Medical Organization.
For children after state registration birth and up to fourteen years that are citizens Russian Federation:
birth certificate;
a document certifying the identity of the legal representative of the child (usually this is a passport of one of the parents);
SNILS (if available);

5. As now in Moscowis the OMS policy for nonresident? Can citizens of the Russian Federation in Moscow get a policy without registration?
Section II rules of compulsory medical insurance (annex to the order of the Ministry of Health and social Development Of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2011 No. 158N) does not provide for the presence of citizens of the Russian Federation registration at the place of residence or stay to obtain the CHAM policy.
Thus, the OMS policies in Moscow are issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of registration at the place of residence.

6. I got married and changed the surname, is the replacement of the CHA policy when changing the name?
In accordance with section IV of the Rules of Mandatory Medical Insurance (annex to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2011 No. 158n), the Polis of OMS to be renewed at:
- change in the name, name, patronymic, place of residence, date of birth, place of birth of the insured person;
- establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in the policy.
If you have a policy of an old sample, then you need to refer to the OMC policy point with a statement about choosing (replacing) an insurance medical organization to obtain the policy of a new sample.
If you have already received a policy of a single sample (the beginning of issuing - 05/01/2011) - with a statement about the issuance of a duplicate or re-issuance of the policy for reissuing the policy.
The re-registration of the policy is carried out upon presentation of documents confirming the changes (marriage certificate, certificate from the registry office, court decision, etc.)

7. How to change the policy of the OMS at the loss or if the policy came into disrepair?
If you are lost or an unreason of an old sample policy, you need to contact the new sample policy.
If you are lost or an unreasonable policy of a single sample (issued after 01.05.2011) - for registration of the duplicate of the policy.

8. Are the legislation of the CHI policy for foreign citizens?
In accordance with section IV of the Rules of Mandatory Medical Insurance (annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2011 No. 158n):

Permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation (having a residence permit - ed.) foreign citizens And no citizenship persons are issued a paper policy with a period of action until the end of the calendar year.

Persons who have the right to receive medical care in accordance with Federal law "On refugees", a paper policy is issued with a period of validity to the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the stay established in the documents * 2 specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 9 of the rules.

Temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons (having RVP - ed.) A paper policy is issued with a period of action until the end of the calendar year, but no more than a time-residing permit.

Temporarily staying in the Russian Federation of workers' members of the EAEU Member States (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia) is issued a paper policy with a period of action until the end of the calendar year, but no more than the term of the employment contract concluded with the workers of the EAEE member state.

Temporarily staying in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens belonging to the category of members of the Commission's Board officials And the EAEU authorities are issued a paper policy with a period of reaching the end of the calendar year, but no longer than the fulfillment of their respective authority.

With the list of documents required to obtain the CHAM policy, you can find in the relevant section.

9 . There is no possibility to issue a policy in a standpoint, can I arrange the policy through a friend?
Yes, you can make a policy through your representative. For the execution of the policy through the representative, you need to fill. Notarization of power of attorney is not required.

11 . What services can be obtained by the CHIA policy?

The list of medical services of the OMS system is presented in the section.

12 . Than emergency health care Differs from urgent?

Emergency - Medical Assistancerendered with sudden acute diseases, exacerbation chronic diseases, states pose a threat to the patient's life.

Emergency medical carerendered with sudden acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, conditions, without explicit signs of the threat of the patient's life.

Planned - Medical Assistanceprovided during preventive measures, with diseases and states that are not accompanied by the threat of a patient's life that do not require emergency and urgent forms of medical care, to whose detection for a certain time will not entail a deterioration in the state of the patient, the threat of his life and health.

13 . The doctor appointed MRI, but said that they would have to wait for the line. What are the maximum time limits for this survey?

The waiting time for computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography in the provision of primary health care in a planned form is no more than 26 calendar days from the date of establishing the need for such studies to the patient.

Did not find an answer to your question? You can

Replacing the CHAM policy on the policy of a new sample: Essentially or not urgently, is it possible to use the old document, in what cases is required to renew and what you need to do

All Russians are entitled to free medical services Subject to the presence of a special insurance contract. The guarantee of this right is compulsory medical insurance, but to use the help of physicians for free, the patient must have a policy.

Some time ago the program has changed, and now the fulfillment of the CHI policy is being replaced by the policy of a new sample. Next, we clarify the most important issues relating to this process, and tell me what is required from each of us.

Is it necessary to replace the policy of the OMS to the policy of a new sample

The news that appeared in October that the issuance and replacement of the OMS policy on the policy of a new sample will be suspended until 2019, the cause of great revival among ordinary citizens.

People were afraid of problems with acquisition of medical care and rushed to urgently change outdated papers and cards.

However, the FOMS clarified that the policies act without restrictions on the term and with old cards you can easily use free services Polyclinic and other medical institutions.

The replacement of old samples is carried out in a planned manner, but so far is voluntary. A person can continue to be treated according to the old contract, and may renew it and get a new sample medstrash, but since January 2019

Replace the Polis of OMS, as it became known from the explanation of the FOMS, they were offered until November 1, only those who were dissatisfied with the work of their insurance company and would like to change it. This can be done annually, but no more than 1 time.

All those wishing to use the services of another company are invited to explore the list of insurers who can be found on specialized sites, and choose a more reliable option with a good reputation among the insureders.

Clarification of the FOM for replacing the old compulsory health insurance policy for a new

Change of registration

Since many are interested in whether it is necessary to change the policy of the OMS to the policy of a new sample after changing the place of registration, then clarify this question. According to current legislation issued earlier than 2011 insurance documents An unlimited period of time will be valid - to direct replacement.

However, when changing personal information They will be considered invalid. If you have changed the surname, the name, the place of registration, you will have to reorganize and the insurance contract, otherwise you may refuse to be refused.

As a rule, doctors do not refuse assistance, especially when it comes to emergency situations. However, the law must be observed, and the insurance should be amended.

This does not apply to cases when a person temporarily changes the place of residence, leaving for a long vacation, a business trip. Mandatory renewal is required only when moving to another home and a change in constant registration.

Types of documents confirming insurance

Currently, any Insured Citizen can have one of the following insurance documents:

  1. paper policy - Blue format format format;
  2. plastic card - contains a chip with information about the owner;
  3. UEC - Insurance information is included in the universal card.

Until 2017, UEC was considered mandatory and gave the opportunity to receive various public services. She could be used as bank card, ticket, medical Policy. Those who received such a card can continue to use it as a confirmation of availability mandatory Medustration.

Since 2017 universal maps No longer issued, so there are only 2 options for the medical policy that Russians can get. Of these, preference is given to the traditional paper version, since in some clinics there has not yet appeared a special technique for scanning electronic cards.

Although many noted that the plastic option is much more convenient and more durable.

What changed

Under the replacement of the CHAM policy on the policy of a new sample, only one innovation is understood. The form used since 2011 will be updated. Most insurers have discharged them until 2014. Now the period of action is already completed, so they are time to change that the FOMS is scheduled.

As for plastic cards, they have been issued for 4 years since 2014. They are unlimited and not subject to change. If the owners did not change their personal data, then change the card is optional.

Duration of validity

Since insurance documents are different species, Many again may have questions, whether it is necessary to change the policy of the OMS to the policy of the new sample and whether it is worth it immediately. We have already answered these questions But still clarify the periods of insurance:

  • Old insurance contracts Decorated with a specific period. The letterhead shows the expiration date. After the insurance period is completed, it is necessary to draw up another policy, although the services of doctors will still be provided in the same amount and without renewal.
  • Contracts of the new sample of the validity period do not have. An exception can only be the situation when it is necessary to replace personal data in the contract (relocation, marriage and others).

In the interests of each citizen, choose a suitable insurer and sign a new contract with him if the former ended or changed any information about the person of the insured. Replacement insurance Polisa. OMS on the policy of a new sample is free.

Replacement process

If yours medical insurance It also acts, it makes no sense to hurry with its exchange. However, if necessary, renewal, for example, if you have arisen, change the providing insurance services Company, you need to know how to do it.

Follow our instructions, and the whole process does not take much time with you:

  • Select Insurer. Explore feedback and find out more about the company's reputation. If the previous experience arranged you, you can contact the company that entered into the first contract with you.
  • Write the application, indicate the reason for reissue.
  • Passport.
  • During the first 30 days you can receive temporary testimony services, you will receive it from the insurer. It is equivalent to the policy, adopted by all medical facilities.
  • Get ready-made insurance in a month, check all the information indicated there.

In the near future it is planned to provide Russians the opportunity to issue OMS on the Public Services portal. While this feature is tested in St. Petersburg, but will soon be available to residents of other cities.

Documents for registration

To replace the policy, you will need:

  • your community passport,
  • statement,
  • SNILS,
  • old form or card, if they are preserved,
  • certificate of birth, if insurance is received on the child, and the passport of the adult applicant.

When making a compulsory medustigation to a child under 14 years of age is not required. If not a close relative is engaged in this, then the power of attorney in his name from the legitimate representative of the child is required.

Term of registration

Ready policy can be obtained within 10-15 days. If you make insurance in the IFC, be prepared for an increase in the period of receipt, since it will be sent by mail.

But even with high loads of the insurer and mail, this period will not exceed 30 days - the period when a person can use a temporary evidence to receive medical services.

The need for replacement

Reaffid the medstrashchka necessarily necessary to those who:

  • lost, spoiled the current document;
  • changed the name, patronymic, surname;
  • changed the place of constant registration;
  • changed the passport;
  • decided to change the insurer;
  • detected typos in the documentation.

Notify the insurer of these changes you are required during the 1st month. You will be free of charge policy of the OMS of the new sample, the replacement time is 10 days.

Let's summarize the foregoing. So, you can still use the old medstore, until it is over. If it costs the expiration date on it, then in your interest to update it to avoid misunderstandings with medical workers.

With any change of your data, you must inform the insurer and issue a new policy. This is done for free within 10-30 days. For the period, while the document is manufactured, you will be given a temporary testimony.

It has the same force and unconditionally accepted by any institution as a medstrashka for free services.

Updated 04.06.2018

Central Omm Policy Issue

The central point of issuing OMS policies, which previously worked at: Bolotnikovskaya, 53, Corp. 1 is running at the address: trade union, 108.

Central Administrative District

Address Drive Operating mode
Pn. W Cf. Thu. Fri. Sat Sun.

Forest Street, d.43

(Business Center "Forest, 43"),

4 floor, cab. 419.

entrance to the street. Forest, 1 entrance, Yellow door under the visor

art. m. "Belorusskaya" -llasty. Exit on ul. Forest, walking through a forest street along the tramway 5-7 minutes (on the contrary - Fudmoll "Depot. Moscow")

art. M. Mendeleevskaya, walking 9 minutes

Eastern Administrative District

Address Drive Operating mode
Pn. W Cf. Thu. Fri. Sat Sun.

ul. Veshnyakovskaya, d. 17 "B", Pavilion "Ros Pharmacy"

issuance electronic polishes OMS

art. m. "Novokosino", Avt. 706.

to Ost. "Ul. Reutovskaya d. 22",
Art. m. "Vykhino", Avt. 247, 232, 706, troll. 30, 64 to

ost. "Employee Veshnyaki District", Art. m. "Novogireevo", Avt. 247, 615, Troll. 64 to the Ost. "Ereaters of the District of Veshnyaki"

From June 18, 2019, the item is closed. You can get previously ordered policies from June 19, 2019 at the address: ul. Veshnyakovskaya, 22a, TD "Veshnyakovsky Passage", 2nd floor.
Address Drive Operating mode
Pn. W Cf. Thu. Fri. Sat Sun.

ul. Novokosinskaya, d. 17,

issuance of electronic policies of the OMS

art. m. "Novokosino", the last car from the center, on the underground transition to the left, auth. 14, 21, 79, 502, 723, 1064 to the Ost. "Novokosinskaya Street, d. 17", then on foot

(above the entrance door to the room - the sign "Pharmacy")

Northeast Administrative District

Southeast Administrative District

Southern Administrative District

Southwest Administrative District

Address Drive Operating mode
Pn. W Cf. Thu. Fri. Sat Sun.

ul. Ostrovyanova, d. 9, Corp. four

issuance of electronic policies of the OMS

art. m. Konkovo, Avt. 145, 295, 712 to OST. "VNII for the protection of mother and child health"; The 9th microdistrict for a warm mill (from Art. M. Troparly 1 km), Avt. C2, 295, 712, 718 to Ost. "Scientific Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology." Passage from the street academician Oparin for the barrier 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 9:00-13:00

Western Administrative District



Operating mode

ul. Bagritsky, d. 3, korp. one

issuance of electronic policies of the OMS

m. Slavic Boulevard, Avt. 190, 610, 103, 139, 157, 883, 205, 818, 840, 867 to the Ost. "Ul. Bagritsky. "

8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00


Novomoskovsky Administrative District

Address Drive Operating mode
Pn. W Cf. Thu. Fri. Sat Sun.

issuance of electronic policies of the OMS

st.m. "Dmitry Donsky Boulevard",

auto 737, 753, 858, 108;

art. M "Street Academician Yangel, Avt. 906

to Ost. "Turn to the police village"


Points of issuing OMS policies equipped with intercoms or operator call buttons to issue OMS policies to persons with limited features.

Points of issuing OMS policies adapted to issue OMS policies to persons with disabilities equipped with ramps, cargo elevators and free travel wheelchairs.

This section is found on requests:
Where to get the Polis of OMS in Moscow?
Where to make a policy of OMS in Moscow?
Where to make medical insurance?

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