
Theoretical foundations of the functioning of the insurance market, the economic essence of the insurance market. Insurance services market, its structure and function insurance market D financial market

Insurance arose and developed as a conscious objective need for man and society in protection against accidental hazards. The need for insurance protection is universal, it covers all phases of public reproduction, all units of the social and economic system of society, all economic entities and the whole population. The insurance market not only contributes to the development of public reproduction, but also actively affects the insurance fund for financial flows in national economy.
A place insurance market In the financial system is shown in Fig. 8.1. Its position is due to two circumstances. On the one hand, there is an objective need for insurance protection, which leads to the formation of the insurance market in the social and economic system of society. On the other hand, the monetary form of insurance protection associates this market with a common financial market.
The objective need for insurance predetermines the direct connection of the insurance market with finance of enterprises, the population, banking system, state budget and other financial institutions within which they are implemented insurance relations. In such relations, the relevant financial institutions act as insurers and consumers of insurance products. Specific relations are developing between the insurance market and the state budget and state extrabudgetary fundsWhat is connected with the organization of compulsory insurance.
Sustainable financial relations has an insurance market with a securities market, a banking system, a foreign exchange market, state and regional finances, where insurance organizations Place insurance reserves and other investment resources.
Functioning of the insurance market occurs within financial system both on a partnership basis and in the context of competition. This concerns the competitive struggle between different

financial institutions for free cash of the population and business entities. If the insurance market, for example, offers insurance products for life insurance, then banks - deposits, stock market - securities etc.
In a narrow sense, the insurance market can be represented as an economic space, or a system managed by the ratio of demand buyers for insurance services and the proposal of sales security sellers. In a broad sense, the insurance market is the sphere of cash relations, where insurance protection is the object of purchase and sale, the demand and supply for it are formed.
The insurance market is a complex developing interacted system, which includes insurance organizations, policyholders, insurance products, insurance mediators, professional assessors of insurance risks and losses, associations of insurers, associations of insured and its system state regulation.
Insurance organizations - the institutional basis of the insurance market, an economically separate link of the insurance market, which is expressed in the complete isolation of its resources and independence in the implementation of insurance and other activities. Insurance organizations are structured by belonging, the nature of the insurance operations performed, the service zone.
For affiliation, insurance organizations are divided into joint-stock, private, mutual insurance society. A joint-stock insurance organization is a non-state organizational form in which private capital is acting as an insurer in the form of joint Stock Company. The authorized capital of the joint-stock insurer is formed from the shares and other securities, which allows with limited funds to significantly increase the financial potential of the insurance organization. Joint Stock Form Insurers dominates insurance markets developed countries. Private insurance organizations belong to one owner or his family. The unique form of private insurers can be attributed to the English corporation Lloyd, which is not a legal entity, but to unite individuals. The state acts in state insurance as an insurer. In the circle of interests of the state, his monopoly includes any or individual types of insurance, which is determined by the relevant law on the status of an insurance organization. The implementation of state insurance is the form of state regulation of the National Insurance Market. The society of mutual insurance is a special non-state organizational form, expressing an agreement between a group of physical or legal entities to reimburse each other future possible losses in certain shares in accordance with the established insurance rules. Mutual insurance is essentially a non-profit form of the organization of the Insurance Fund, providing insurance protection for the property interests of members of its society. From legal positions, each member of the society of mutual insurance is both the insurer, and the insurer. The document certifying the right to possession of capital of society of mutual insurance, its income and insurance protection serves as an insurance policy.
In the nature of the insurance operations performed, specialized and universal insurance organizations distinguish. Specialized insurance organizations conduct separate types of insurance (life, fire, nuclear insurance, etc.). Specialized insurers include reinsurance organizations,
tickets from insurers for a certain fee part of the insured risk. The purpose of reinsurance is the creation of a balanced portfolio of insurance contracts, provision financial Sustainability and profitability of insurance operations. Universal Insurance Organizations offer a large list of insurance services.
The service area distinguishes local, regional, national and international (transnational) insurance organizations.
The demand for insurance products presents an insurer, a legal or capable physical person, who is insuring property or a personal insurance or liability insurance contract with the insurer. The policyholder pays insurance premiums and has the right to receive insurance upon the occurrence of a country case.
The goods of the insurance market - the insurance product. The consumer value of the insurance product is to ensure insurance protection. The price of the insurance product is determined by the costs of insurance indemnity or insurance provision, as well as expenses for doing business and the size of the insurer's profit. Like any price, it depends on demand and suggestions.
Promotion of insurance products and their implementation predominantly carry out intermediaries: Insurance agents and insurance brokers. Insurance agents are individuals or legal entities acting on behalf of the insurer and on his instructions in accordance with the authority provided. Insurance brokers can be independent legal or individuals licensed by intermediary operations For insurance on their own behalf on the basis of the assurances of the insured or insurer. Insurance broker does not participate in insurance contract. His duty is to provide intermediary services and assisted in the performance of the insurance contract.
The functioning of the insurance market implies the presence of pro-professional appraisers of risks and losses, which surveyors and adjusters are performed. Surveyors are inspectors or agents of an insurance organization who inspence the property being inspected. Specialized firms on fire safety, labor protection, etc. are also used as a surveyor, etc., interacting with the insurer on a contractual basis. At the conclusion of the surveyor, the insurance organization decides to conclude an insurance contract. Adjasteries are authorized individuals or legal entities of the insurer.
yusses the establishment of causes, character and size of damages. According to the results of the work carried out, the Ajaster is an insurance certificate (emergency certificate).
To protect their interests, the development of legislation, the preparation of standard insurance rules, collecting and publishing insurance statistics and other joint goals, insurance organizations create associations (associations) of insurers at the regional and national levels. In addition, specialized insurance organizations are combined. Such unification of insurers cannot engage in insurance activities.
Protect their interests and insurers, creating associations of insurers. They express the interests of injured policyholders from unscrupulous insurance organizations, provide victims of legal assistance, participate in improving and developing insurance legislation.
An important link of the insurance market is a state regulation system, the need for which is bound primarily with the protection of the rights and interests of insurers, the prevention of their financial losses due to the insolvency of the insurance organization.
Thus, the structure of the insurance market can be characterized in the institutional, territorial and sectoral aspects.
In the institutional aspect, the structure of the insurance market is determined by the system of law regarding organizational and legal forms of insurers and regulating their activities.
The scale and coverage of territories (areas of activity) allocate world, international, national, regional and local insurance markets.
In the industry aspect, the insurance market is divided by industries and individual types of insurance (for example, the personal, property and liability insurance market), each of which, in turn, can be divided into separate segments (the life insurance market, the property insurance market of individuals, etc. ).
Comparing the current state of the markets of Russia and developed countries, it should be noted that, despite the efforts in recent years, the domestic lags behind the insurance markets of economically developed countries.
The Russian product line in insurance is essential shorter than its foreign analogues. At the end of the last century, about 60 types of insurance existed in Russia, while in Europe - about 500, and in the United States - up to 3000 species. For comparison, it can be noted that
russian insurers in 2002 offered organizations and citizens over 200 different types of insurance services.
A special place in regulating the insurance market is given to marketing. Marketing as a management method commercial activities Insurance organizations and the method of studying the insurance services market appeared relatively recently. Western Insurance Organizations began to be used in the early 1960s, but there are still no clear boundaries of its definition.
Marketing is an integrated approach to the issues of organizing and managing the entire activities of the insurance organization aimed at providing insurance services corresponding to the quantity and quality of potential demand.
Experience in the application of marketing in market activities of insurance organizations allows you to highlight the two main functions:
formation of demand for insurance services;
satisfaction of insurance interests.
Insurer Marketing Principles:
study of the insurance market conjuncture;
segmentation of the insurance market;
innovation (continuous improvement of the modification of insurance products, taking into account the requirements of the market).
Most important marketing directions:
determination of the insurance services market;
analysis and forecasting of the insurance market conjuncture;
promotion of insurance product on the market (advertising, personal contact, propaganda, stimulation);
exploring the potential opportunities of competitors organizations.
Analysis of information on the state of demand for insurance services, accounting for own, financial opportunities Allow the organization to develop a business strategy plan for the development of the insurance market:
definition of a strategy for this product;
selection of promising types of insurance;
selection of optimal insurance services;
determination of the system of stimulating demand for services (reducing tariffs, benefits);
the choice of competition tools (advertising, commission remuneration);
calculation of profitability;
technical and economic rationale for marketing expenses;

Insurance arose and developed as a conscious objective need for man and society in protection against accidental hazards. The need for insurance protection is universal, it covers all phases of public reproduction, all the links of the socio-economic system of society, all economic entities and the entire population. The insurance market not only contributes to the development of public reproduction, but also actively affects the insurance fund for financial flows in the national economy.

The place of the insurance market in the financial system is shown in Fig. 8.1. Its position is due to two circumstances. On the one hand, there is an objective need for insurance protection, which leads to the formation of the insurance market in the socio-economic system of society. On the other hand, the monetary form of insurance protection associates this market with a common financial market.

An objective need for insurance predetermines the direct links of the insurance market with finances of enterprises, the population, the banking system, the state budget and other financial institutions, within which insurance relations are being implemented. In such relations, the relevant financial institutions act as insurers and consumers of insurance products. Specific relations are developing between the insurance market and the state budget and state extrabudgetary funds, which is associated with the organization of compulsory insurance.

Sustainable financial relations have an insurance market with a securities market, a banking system, a foreign exchange market, state and regional finances, where insurance organizations place insured reserves and other investment resources.

The functioning of the insurance market occurs within the framework of the financial system both on a partnership basis and in the context of competition. This concerns the competitive struggle between various financial institutions for free cash of the population and business entities.

If the insurance market, for example, offers insurance products for life insurance, then banks - deposits, stock market - securities, etc.

In the narrow sense, the insurance market can be represented as economic space,or the system managed by the ratio of buyers' demand for insurance services and the proposal of sales sellers.In a broad sense the insurance market is the sphere of cash relations, where the object of purchase and sale is insurance protection, demand and supply for it are formed.

The insurance market is a complex developing interacted system, which includes insurance organizations, insured, insurance products, insurance mediators, professional assets of insurance risks and losses, associations of insurers, associations of insurers and the system of its state regulation.

Insurance organizations - the institutional basis of the insurance market, an economically separate link of the insurance market, which is expressed in the complete isolation of its resources and independence in the implementation of insurance and other activities. Insurance organizations are structured by belonging, the nature of the insurance operations performed, the service zone.

By accessoriesinsurance organizations are divided into joint-stock, private, mutual insurance society. A joint-stock insurance organization is a non-state organizational form in which private capital in the form of a joint-stock company appears as an insurer. The authorized capital of the joint-stock insurer is formed from the shares and other securities, which allows with limited funds to significantly increase the financial potential of the insurance organization. The shareholder of insurers dominates the insurance markets of developed countries. Private insurance organizations belong to one owner or his family. The unique form of private insurers can be attributed to the English corporation Lloyd, which is not a legal entity, but to unite individuals. The state acts in state insurance as an insurer. In the circle of interests of the state, his monopoly includes any or individual types of insurance, which is determined by the relevant law on the status of an insurance organization. The implementation of state insurance is the form of state regulation of the National Insurance Market. The society of mutual insurance is a special non-state organizational form, expressing an agreement between a group of physical or legal entities to reimburse each other future possible losses in certain shares in accordance with the established insurance rules. Mutual insurance is essentially a non-profit form of the organization of the Insurance Fund, providing insurance protection for the property interests of members of its society. From legal positions, each member of the society of mutual insurance is both the insurer, and the insurer. The document certifying the right to possession of capital of society of mutual insurance, its income and insurance protection serves as an insurance policy.

By the nature of the insurance operations performeddistinguish specialized and universal insurance organizations. Specialized insurance organizations conduct separate types of insurance (life, fire, nuclear insurance, etc.). Specialized insurers include reinsurance organizations that receive part of the insured risk for a certain fee. The purpose of reinsurance is the creation of a balanced portfolio of insurance contracts, ensuring the financial stability and profitability of insurance operations. Universal Insurance Organizations offer a large list of insurance services.

By service zonelocal, regional, national and international (transnational) insurance organizations distinguish.

The demand for insurance products presents an insurer, a legal or capable physical person, who is insuring property or a personal insurance or liability insurance contract with the insurer. The policyholder pays insurance premiums and has the right to receive insurance when an insured event occurs.

The goods of the insurance market - the insurance product. The consumer value of the insurance product is to ensure insurance protection. The price of the insurance product is determined by the costs of insurance indemnity or insurance provision, as well as expenses for doing business and the size of the insurer's profit. Like any price, it depends on demand and suggestions.

Promotion of insurance products and their implementation mainly carry out intermediaries: Insurance agents and insurance brokers. Insurance agents are individuals or legal entities acting on behalf of the insurer and on his instructions in accordance with the authority provided. Insurance brokers can be independent legal or individuals who have a license to carry out intermediary operations but insurance on their own behalf on the basis of the instructions of the insured or insurer. Insurance broker does not participate in the insurance contract. His duty is to provide intermediary services and assisted in the performance of the insurance contract.

The functioning of the insurance market involves the existence of professional risks and loss appraisers, which surveyors and adjusters are performed. Surveyors -inspectors or agents of the insurance organization, carrying out the inspection of the property taken for insurance. Specialized firms on fire safety, labor protection, etc. are also used as a surveyor, etc., interacting with the insurer on a contractual basis. At the conclusion of the surveyor, the insurance organization decides to conclude an insurance contract. Adjaster- These are authorized individuals or legal entities of the insurer engaged in the establishment of causes, nature and damages. According to the results of the work carried out, the Ajaster is an insurance certificate (emergency certificate).

To protect their interests, the development of legislation, the preparation of standard insurance rules, collecting and publishing insurance statistics and other joint goals, insurance organizations create associations (associations) of insurers at the regional and national levels. In addition, specialized insurance organizations are combined. Such unification of insurers cannot engage in insurance activities.

Protect their interests and insurers, creating associations of insurers. They express the interests of injured policyholders from unscrupulous insurance organizations, provide victims of legal assistance, participate in improving and developing insurance legislation.

An important link of the insurance market is a state regulation system, the need for which is bound primarily with the protection of the rights and interests of insurers, the prevention of their financial losses due to the insolvency of the insurance organization.

Thus, the structure of the insurance market can be characterized in the institutional, territorial and sectoral aspects.

In the institutional aspect, the structure of the insurance market is determined by the system of law regarding organizational and legal forms of insurers and regulating their activities.

The scale and coverage of territories (areas of activity) allocate world, international, national, regional and local insurance markets.

In the industry aspect, the insurance market is divided by industries and individual types of insurance (for example, the personal, property and liability insurance market), each of which, in turn, can be divided into separate segments (the life insurance market, the property insurance market of individuals, etc. ).

Comparing the current state of Russian insurance markets and developed countries, it should be noted that, despite the efforts undertaken in recent years, the domestic lags significantly behind the insurance markets of economically developed countries.

The Russian product line in insurance is essential shorter than its foreign analogues. At the end of the last century, about 60 types of insurance existed in Russia, while in Europe - about 500, and in the United States - up to 3000 species. For comparison, it can be noted that Russian insurers in 2002 proposed organizations and citizens over 200 different types of insurance services.

A special place in regulating the insurance market is given to marketing. Marketing as a method for managing commercial activities of insurance organizations and the method of studying the insurance services market appeared relatively recently. Western Insurance Organizations began to be used in the early 1960s, but there are still no clear boundaries of its definition.

Marketing is an integrated approach to the issues of organizing and managing the entire activities of the insurance organization aimed at providing insurance services corresponding to the quantity and quality of potential demand.

Experience in the application of marketing in market activities of insurance organizations allows you to highlight the two main functions:

■ the formation of demand for insurance services;

■ Satisfying insurance interests.

Insurer Marketing Principles:

■ study of the insurance market conjuncture;

■ segmentation of the insurance market;

■ Innovation (continuous improvement of the modification of insurance products, taking into account the requirements of the market).

Most important marketing directions:

1) determination of the insurance services market;

2) analysis and forecasting of the insurance market conjuncture;

3) promotion of insurance product on the market (advertising, personal contact, propaganda, stimulation);

4) studying the potential opportunities of competitors' organizations.

Analysis of information on the state of demand for insurance services, accounting of its own. Financial opportunities allow the organization to develop a plan of a business strategy to master the insurance market:

1) definition of a strategy for this product;

2) the selection of promising types of insurance;

3) the choice of optimal channels for the provision of insurance services;

4) determination of the system of stimulating demand for services (reducing tariffs, benefits);

6) the calculation of profitability;

7) technical and economic rationale for marketing expenses;

8) control.

Segmentation of the insurance market.Segments are consumers of insurance services equally responsive to certain proposals of insurance organizations.

Market segmentation is the process of breaking consumers to groups according to any relevant insurance service (age, gender, material wealth, profession).

There are geographical (on regional basis) and demographic segmentation (gender, age, level of income) of the market.

Thus, with the help of marketing service, the activities of all existing units of the insurance organization are ensured, transformation into unified systemthat will allow the management of the insurance organization to purposefully influence the insurance market.

Management in insurance includes management intellectual, financial, raw Resources In order to ensure the most effective insurer's activities.

The characteristic peculiarity of the insurance market is to unpredict the possible result, i.e. His risky character. In this way, main feature Management in insurance - management under risk.

The main responsibility of the manager under these conditions is not to avoid risk, but anticipating it, reduce possible negative consequences to a minimum, if it is impossible to avoid them. Purposeful actions to limit risk in the system of insurance relations are called "Risk Management" or "Risk Management".

Risk management allows you to evaluate the amount of insurance risk close to real, to develop measures, with which the negative results of actions may be neutralized.

Risk Management Methods:

■ abolition - an attempt to avoid risk;

■ preventing losses and control;

■ insurance from risk management positions (the creation of participants in insurance funds and compensation in the form of insurance payments);

■ Absorption - recognition of damage without reimbursement by means of insurance.

Risk Management processconsists of the following steps:

1) definition of the goal;

2) clarification of risk (statistical data);

3) risk assessment (determination of the probability of the occurrence of the insured event and the magnitude of insurance damage);

4) Choosing a risk management method.

To carry out the functions of the insurance organization, its organizational structure Control. The management structure is created taking into account the external environment, takes into account its size, specialization.

I. The concept of the insurance market
1.1. The concept of insurance and insurance market
1.2. Subjects and infrastructure of the insurance market
1.3. Place and role of the insurance market in the financial system
II. Insurance market of Ukraine
2.1. Development of the insurance market of Ukraine
2.2. Conjuncture of the insurance market of Ukraine at this stage
List of sources of information

Implementation in the conditions of the market is accompanied by a different risk. Uncertainty is one of the main components of the conjunctural situation on each market of any state - developed or developing. Uncertainty includes the entire range of possible unforeseen situations and risks. At the same time any economic Subject There is a risk already at the time of organizing his own business. Therefore, risks are an integral part of the activities of any enterprise.
In such a situation, in almost the only way to protect against risks and minimizing their consequences is insurance. In this regard, it is fundamentally changing the nature and functions of insurance in Ukraine, it grows its value as an effective, rational, economical and available method Protection of property interests of business entities, producers of goods and services, as well as citizens.
The insurance services market is one of the necessary elements of the market infrastructure, closely related to the market for the means of production, consumer goods, the capital market and securities, labor and labor. In countries with a developed economy, the insurance business has extensive scope and provides entrepreneurs a reliable protection of their interests from the unfavorable consequences of various man-made accidents, financial risks, criminogenic factors, natural and other disasters.
Insurance services occupy important positions in the management system and minimizing risks. At the same time, the insurance market, providing competition of insurers, provides the insured the possibility of choosing the most appropriate and favorable conditions Insurance for each individual insured event and in each individual situation.
In the conditions of domination of the state-owned property and administrative and command system of management in our country, the potential of the Insurance Institute could not be disclosed completely, the scope of its application was very limited. Insurance case in his present, there was no importance and could not be, since there was no basis - private entrepreneurship and independence of business entities.
The study of the foundations of the formation and action of the insurance market for our country is extremely important, since it is now that the domestic market is at this stage of development. The study of world experience in this aspect is necessary to prevent error recurrence, as well as obtaining the possibility of creating a more advanced insurance system in our country.
Thus, the purpose of this term paper It is the consideration of the insurance market as such, its formation and development in Ukraine.
The tasks of the course work are:
· Disclosure of the concept of the insurance market, its subjects and infrastructure;
· Consideration of the formation and development of the insurance market of Ukraine and its current conjuncture.

I.The concept of the insurance market

1.1. The concept of insurance and insurance market

Insurance is an integral part of finance, but insurance relationships have a number of features:

* monetary relations in insurance are related to the possibility of the onset of insured cases that cause damage;

* when insured, the damage is distributed among insurance participants;

* When insuring damage is redistributed between territories and in time;

* Insurance is characterized by the return of funds made to the Insurance Fund.

Based on the following features, you can give the following definition: Insurance - this is a combination of economic relations between its participants on the formation of the insurance fund and its use to compensate for damage.

Insurance activities or insurance business are the scope of insurers for insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, as well as the activities of insurance brokers, insurance actuaries for the provision of services related to insurance and reinsurance.

The insurance market is a certain scope of financial relations, where insurance protection is the object of purchase and sale and where demand and supply for it is being formed. The insurance market is a special socio-economic structure that unites various subjects, which pursue their specific interests and perform certain functions.

Insurance market - This is the market where the object of sale is the insurance service. In the insurance market, as in any market, there are sellers, buyers and intermediaries.

The insurance market is inextricably in relations with other components of the financial and monetary market. It is directly related to the credit market, the market banking services et al., which ensures its stability and normal functioning in accordance with its goals and objectives. The main purpose of the functioning of the financial market is the accumulation and redistribution of insurers to reduce and reduce the consequences of risks in order to profit.

1.2. Subjects and infrastructure of the insurance market

Investigation of the insurance market will begin with the consideration of its subjects - participants in insurance relations. Obviously, in addition to buyers of insurance services, there are also in the insurance market different types Sellers. Insurance organizations, mutual insurance societies, insurance brokers and insurance actuaries are subjects of insurance business. The following participants in insurance relations are determined by law:

· Insurers, insured persons, beneficiaries;
· Insurance organizations;
· Society of mutual insurance;
· Insurance agents;
· Insurance brokers;
· Insurance actuaries;
· Insurance supervision authority;
· Combining subjects of insurance case, including self-regulatory organizations.
Insurer - This is a legal or capable physical person who has entered into insurers insurance contracts either by the insured by the law.
The second main subject of the insurance market is an insurer, a legal entity, a separate economic entity, which is designed specifically for insurance, coordinating, reinsurance, mutual insurance and licensed. Insurers perform the following main functions:
- Risk assessment;
- receive insurance premiums;
- determine the amount of damages or damage;
- form insurance reserves;
- assets invest;
- Proceed insurance payments.
The following types of insurers are allocated: Insurance companies (societies), reinsurance companies (societies), mutual insurance companies.
Insurance companies (organizations) -Commercial organizationsspecializing in the implementation of insurance operations.
The reinsurance companies (societies) carry out activities related only to the reinsurance, that is, the protection of the property interests of another insurer (reinsurance) associated with the adoption of obligations under the insurance contract by one insurer (reinsurance) associated with the adoption of the obligations under insurance payments.
Reinsurance companies acquire and sell not insurance service, and the risk associated with the implementation of insurance services, ensuring the reliability and sustainability of the entire insurance system. For example, the insurance company "A" insured a major risk that makes her portfolio too risky. In this case, the reinsurance is the best method of reducing this risk.
Classification of insurance companies for characteristic features shown in Table 1.
Table 1 - Classification of Insurance Companies

Signs of classification
Groups of insurance companies
Institutional division
Territorial division
- National
Industry division
- exercising insurance operations in the field of personal insurance (cumulative life insurance and personal risky insurance);
- carrying out insurance transactions in the field property insurance different types;
- carrying out insurance transactions in the field of property insurance and personal risky insurance
Species division
- carrying out activities in the compulsory insurance;
- carrying out activities in the field of voluntary insurance
It should be clarified that insurance companies, as well as reinsurance, can carry out reinsurance operations, both by reception and risk transmission. At the same time, it should be noted that the insurance company for conducting operations on receiving insurance premiums to reinsurance should have an appropriate license. In addition, legislation imposes here additional conditions and restrictions: firstly, the risk under the life insurance contract is not transmitted to reinsurance ( accumulative part); Secondly, if the company has a license for life insurance, it does not have the right to receive risks to reinsurance on property insurance.
In the case of a society of mutual insurance, the insurance fund is formed on the basis of the centralization of funds by participants family Fundwhich simultaneously act as insurers and insurers. Consequently, the participants of the society of mutual insurance belong all its assets.
Insurance intermediaries. Most insurance operations in the world are carried out through insurance intermediaries, among which are allocated:
- Insurance brokers,
- Insurance agents.
Insurance agents - permanently residing in the territory of the state and carry out their activities on the basis of civil-legal contracts individuals or legal entities that represent the insurer in relations with the insured and act on behalf of the insurer and on his instructions in accordance with the authority provided.
Insurance brokers - permanently residing in the territory of the state and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law as individual entrepreneurs individuals or legal entities that act in the interests of the insured (reinsurance) or insurer (reinsurer) and carry out services related to the conclusion of insurance contracts (reinsurance) between the insurer (reinsurer) and the insured (reinsurance), as well as with the execution of the specified contracts. When providing services related to the conclusion of these treaties, the insurance broker is not entitled to act simultaneously in the interests of the insured and insurer.
Insurance brokers have the right to carry out other, non-legislative activities related to insurance, with the exception of activities as insurance agent, insurer, reinsurer. Thus, insurance brokers are not entitled to carry out activities that are not associated with insurance.
The activities of insurance agents and insurance brokers for the provision of services related to the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts (except for reinsurance agreements) with foreign insurance organizations or foreign insurance brokers are not allowed on the territory of the country. To conclude reinsurance contracts with foreign insurance organizations, insurers are entitled to enter into contracts with foreign insurance brokers.
In tab. 2 We present the main characteristics of the activities of the two main types of insurance intermediaries, such as the insurance agent and the insurance broker. The main differences between them are observed from whose name activities are carried out, what is the type of remuneration, the number of partner insurers, the need to obtain a license and restrictions in activities.
Table 2 - the main characteristics of insurance intermediaries
Insurance agent
Insurance broker
From whose name
On behalf of the insurer and on his instructions
On his own behalf and after the insured or
Type of remuneration
and its source
Commission remuneration
Pays Insurer
Commission remuneration
Pays insurer or
Dependence on the Conc-Regular Insurer
Works usually
with one insurer
Works with many
Insurance agent
Insurance broker
Not licensed
The activities of insurance brokers are licensed
Restrictions on
Object work
Insurance is not exceptional activities
Insurance brokers are not entitled to carry out activities that are not affiliated with insurance.
Risks in modern economic life are becoming increasingly large. In connection with this circumstance, there is a duty in combining the efforts of insurers for servicing such risks (space facilities, large vessels, military equipment, etc.).
Associations of insurers can be an economic orientation: insurance and reinsurance pools, created to ensure the financial stability of insurance operations, as well as professional: alliances, associations that are created to coordinate their actions, ideas and protect the interests of their participants.
In the insurance market of any state between its participants there are certain relationships. This is determined not only by cooperation in solving certain tasks, but also the economic need and the availability of risks. Market participants tend to cooperate precisely in order to reduce the risks of certain types of insurance or insurance claims.
Insurance partners for each specific insurance organization are other insurance participants, as well as other insurance organizations (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Insurance Partners
Briefly characterize the elements of the internal wednesdays of the insurance market.
Insurance services - the circle of insurance products offered to the market, which are characterized by a certain set of insurance conditions, including a list of insurance entities, a set of insurance risks, the requirements for the establishment of insurance liability and insurance premium, the procedure for entering into an insurance contract and the obligations of the parties to execute.
Insurance rates are a reasonable level to determine the cost of insurance services. Insurance is associated with empirical processes, therefore, special procedures are needed to determine insurance rates - Actuarial calculations . Insurance service sales system will include stages, methods, subjects of sale, the procedure for issuing insurance documents .
The infrastructure of the insurance organization is serving the process of production of the service, the structure of the insurance organization: planning and economic, financial, marketing, technical, expert. Among the named services are the most specific expert service, which includes various specialists, depending on the specialization of the insurance company:
- Emergency Commissioner. Establishes the causes of the nature and size of losses on the insured ships, cargoes, as well as other types of property, draws up an emergency certificate;
- Surveyor. Inspector or an insurer agent that examines the inspection of the insurance. Based on the solution of the surveyor, the question of the conclusion or inconclusion of the insurance contract may be resolved;
- Medical expert. Conducts medical examinations of the quality of the treatment of insured, carries out inspection of registries to pay for medical institutions;
- Dispassher. Specialist in the field of international marine law, which constitutes calculations on the distribution of costs for a common accident between the vessel, cargo and freight, i.e. dispass;
- Actuary. Specialist conducting calculations of insurance rates and insurance reserves.
It should be noted that the specified experts are not necessarily employees of the insurance organization. Often it is independent, independent agencies. So, as a surveyor can be qualified societies, specialized organizations on fire safety, labor protection, safety, etc. The dispensary is also most often the face of self. In practice, he is usually invited by the shipowner abroad, in Ukraine such specialists can be found in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

1.3. Place and role of the insurance market in the financial system

The place of the insurance market is due to two circumstances. On the one hand, there is an objective need for insurance protection, which leads to the formation of the insurance market in the socio-economic system of society. On the other hand, the monetary form of the insurance fund insurance fund associates this market with a common financial market.
The place of the insurance market in the financial system is due to the role of various financial institutions in financing insurance protection and their meaning as objects to place investment resources of insurance organizations and service of insurance, investment and other activities (Fig. 2).
Universal insurance determines the direct connection of the insurance market with finances of enterprises, finance, the banking system, the state budget and other financial institutions, within which insurance relations are being implemented.
In such relations, the relevant financial institutions act as insurers and consumers of insurance products. Specific relations are developing between the insurance market and the state budget and state extrabudgetary funds, which is associated with the organization of compulsory insurance.
Figure 2. Place the insurance market in the financial system.
Sustainable financial relations have an insurance market with a securities market, a banking system, a foreign exchange market, state and regional finances, where insurance organizations place insured reserves and other investment resources.
The functioning of the insurance market occurs within the framework of the financial system, both on a partnership basis and in the context of competition. This concerns the competitive struggle between various financial institutions for free cash of the population and business entities. If the insurance market, for example, offers insurance products for life insurance, then banks - deposits, stock market - securities, etc.
The insurance market performs a number of interrelated functions: compensation (return), accumulative, distribution, warning and investment:
1) The main function of the insurance market is a compensation function, due to which there is an insurance institution. The content of the function is expressed in ensuring insurance protection to legal and physical people in the form of damage compensation upon the occurrence of adverse events, which was the object of insurance.
2) The accumulative or savings function is ensured by life insurance and allows you to accumulate in the account of the insurance contract a predetermined insurance amount.
3) The distribution function of the insurance market is implementing an insurance protection mechanism. The essence of the function is expressed in the formation and target use Insurance Fund. The formation of the Insurance Fund is implemented in the system of insurance reserves that ensure the guarantee of insurance payments and the stability of insurance.
4) The preventive function of the insurance market is not directly related to the implementation of insurance activities. This feature works to prevent the insured event and reduce damage. The implementation of preventive function is ensured by financing measures to prevent or decrease negative consequences Accidents and natural disasters. Appropriate funding is carried out from the Fund of Preventive Events. The implementation of warning functions contributes to increasing the financial stability of insurers and acts an important factor ensuring the uninterruptedness of the process of public reproduction.
5) The investment function of the insurance market is implemented through the placement of temporarily free funds into securities, bank deposits, real estate, etc. With the development of the insurance market, the role of investment function increases. A number of foreign economists defining fears are drawn to themselves, etc. .................

The place of the insurance market is due to two circumstances. On the one hand, there is an objective need for insurance protection, which leads to the formation of the insurance market in the socio-economic system of society.

On the other hand, the monetary form of the insurance fund insurance fund associates this market with a common financial market.

Insurance arose and developed as a conscious objective need for man and society in protection against accidental hazards. The process of public reproduction is accompanied by conflicts and opposition to the various forces of natural and social nature, which can lead to significant material losses.

The public need for refunds of material losses determines the need to establish certain relationships between people on their prevention, restriction and overcoming. Such objective economic relations associated with ensuring the continuity and uninterruptedness of public reproduction, as well as to maintain the stability and sustainability of the achieved standard of living in aggregate, express the essence of insurance protection. The need for insurance protection is universal, it covers all phases of public reproduction, all links of the socio-economic system of society, all business entities and the entire population.

Insurance - required condition Public reproduction. Therefore, insurance protection costs should be included in production costs, which corresponds to the depreciation theory of insurance and contradicts the theory of Marx, according to which the source of the insurance fund is profit. The Marxist concept of the Insurance Fund was embodied in the Soviet economy and to some extent observed in modern RussiaWhen business entities cannot, all insurance costs are attributed to production costs. This circumstance acts as a deterrent to the development of the modern Russian insurance market.

The insurance market not only contributes to the development of public reproduction, but also actively affects the insurance fund for financial flows in the national economy. The place of the insurance market in the financial system is due both to the role of various financial institutions in financing insurance protection and their meaning as objects to place investment resources of insurance organizations and service of insurance, investment and other activities (Fig. 13.1).

Place of the insurance market in the financial system

Universal insurance determines the direct connection of the insurance market with finances of enterprises, finance, the banking system, the state budget and other financial institutions, within which insurance relations are being implemented.

In such relations, the relevant financial institutions act as insurers and consumers of insurance products. Specific relations are developing between the insurance market and the state budget and state extrabudgetary funds, which is associated with the organization of compulsory insurance.

Sustainable financial relations have an insurance market with a securities market, a banking system, a foreign exchange market, state and regional finances, where insurance organizations place insured reserves and other investment resources.

Insurance organizations of insurance, investment and other activities are related to the deductions to the state and local budgets, extrabudgetary state funds, etc. In addition, the insurance market uses individual financial institutions (for example, banks) to implement their insurance products.

The functioning of the insurance market occurs within the framework of the financial system both on a partnership basis and in the context of competition. This concerns the competitive struggle between various financial institutions for free cash of the population and business entities. If the insurance market, for example, offers insurance products for life insurance, then banks - deposits, stock market - securities, etc.

Functions of the insurance market

The insurance market performs a number of interrelated functions: compensation, accumulative, distribution, warning and investment.

The main function of the insurance market is a compensation function, due to which there is an insurance institution. The content of the function is expressed in ensuring insurance protection to legal and physical people in the form of damage compensation upon the occurrence of adverse events, which was the object of insurance.

Accumulative, or savings, the function is ensured by insurance of life and allows accumulating the insurance contract in advance due to the insurance amount. It should be noted that banks also carry out a savings function, but in contrast to the insurers, they pay regular income to the owners of deposits in the form of interest, and insurers are preferably paid only one-time compensation. The accumulative function is also manifested in a constant increase in the financial potential of the insurance market.

The distribution function of the insurance market is implementing an insurance protection mechanism. The essence of the function is expressed in the formation and targeted use of the Insurance Fund.

The formation of the Insurance Fund is implemented in the system of insurance reserves that ensure the guarantee of insurance payments and the stability of insurance. The right to compensation for damage have participants in the formation of the Insurance Fund. The procedure for compensation is determined by insurance organizations based on the terms of the contract and the insurance rules and is governed by the state.

The precautionary function of the insurance market is not directly related to the implementation of insurance activities. This feature works to prevent the insured event and reduce damage. The implementation of preventive function is ensured by financing measures to prevent or reducing the negative effects of accidents and natural disasters. Appropriate funding is carried out from the Fund of Preventive Events.

The implementation of warning functions contributes to increasing the financial sustainability of insurers and acts as an important factor in ensuring the uninterruptedness of the process of public reproduction.

Investment function of the insurance market is implemented through the placement of temporarily free funds into securities, bank deposits, real estate, etc. With the development of the insurance market, the role of investment function increases. The opinion of a number of foreign economists defining insurance companies as institutional investors, one of the main functions of which in public production is considered to be the mobilization of capital through insurance.

Popular current form
realization of rental mechanisms is

Specific Form Rental - Leasing
- Comes from English Lease -
"Rent", "Let's let out." From here and the shooter,
Tenant in English - Lessee, and
Lessor rental landlord.

According to
Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Leasing",
Leasing is the type of investment
Acquisition related activities
property and transferred it on the basis of
Physical leasing contract or
legal entities on certain
conditions for a certain period and for
Certain fee with the opportunity
Transition of ownership of the subject
Leasing to the lessee.

Insurance contract
terminated in cases:


    Insurer commitments to
    Insured under the contract in full

    non-payment by the insured
    contributions on time;

    Insured, which is legal
    face, or death of the policyholder,
    Being individual;


    adoption by the court
    Decisions on the recognition of the contract

ahead of schedule at the request of the policyholder
or insurer if it is provided
Terms of contract, as well as by agreement
sides. If one of the parties intends
Early terminate the contract, it should
put about it knowing another
side at least 30 days before
Estimated deadline

If the contract is terminated by
the demand of the insured, then the insurer
reimburses him the amount of paid insurance
contributions for the past period less
incurred costs. If at the same time
Early termination of the contract
justified by violation of rules
insurer insurance, then
The latter must return the insured
Paid insurance premiums without any

In case of early termination
Insurance Contract on Initiative
Insurer made insurance premiums
must be paid to the insured
Fully. If the insurer's requirement
by early termination contracts
substantiated violations of insurance rules
by the insured, then insurance
The company reimburses him paid
insurance premiums minus incurred

Generally accepted
Insurance systems are considered

    Insurance by
    Proportional responsibility.

    responsibility for first risk.

    By system of limit

- insurance compensation

T - actual
The amount of damage

- Insurance amount under the contract

- value assessment of the insurance object.

Proportional system
Characteristic of the participation of the insured in
compensation for damage that
It remains at its risk. The degree of completeness
insurance compensation the higher
less difference between the insurance sum
and an assessment of the insurance object (W).

responsibility for first risk
provides for the payment of insurance
compensation in the amount of damage, but within
Insurance amount. With this system
Reimbar damage within the insurance
Amounts (first risk) is compensated
Fully, and damage over the insurance amount
(second risk) is not refunded at all.

on the limiting responsibility system
Provides compensation for losses
insurers in firmly established
borders. The initial or is defined
minimum and finite or maximum
damage to compensable
by the insurer.

Insurance legislation regulating
Specific insurance relations,
Includes federal laws, decrees
President of the Russian Federation, Government Decree
RF insurance. The most important
Among them is the law of the Russian Federation "On
organization of insurance in the Russian Federation ",
which originally wore name
"On insurance".

After joining B.
The second part of the new civilian
Code of the Russian Federation, questions of conclusion and
execution of the insurance contract
Adjusted by Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Insurance".

Laws and other legal acts on individual
Aspirations such as the Russian Law
"On medical insurance of citizens
RF "; Different laws
species of mandatory insurance. Among
They should be noted the federal law
"About mandatory insurance Civic
Responsibility of transport owners
funds. "

According to the general policy, you can exercise
If the insurance object is not
mandatory and wearing recommendatory
Character: property; Property, divided
in the party; Property insurance conditions
similar; The contract is limited
For a certain period.

If will be
Insupported inhomogeneous parties
Property, then a specific size
The sum insured is indicated in the insurance
Polish. Approximate is given
the sum of the insurance premium and is done
The reservation "Prize is determined by
Foundation of standard Insurer Tariffs
in percentage to the common party
The cost of property. "

Insured I.
The insurer is entitled not to limit
The contract is valid for a certain period.
At the same time, the general policy includes
All the essential terms of the contract.

It is necessary to provide specific
Conditions (transportation, packaging). By
The requirements of the insured insurer
Must give out insurance policies by
Separate batchs of property falling
Under the general policy.

For collateral purposes
Social interests of citizens and interests
state law can be established
life, health and property of state
servants of certain categories.

Mandatory state insurance
is carried out at the expense of funds allocated
These goals from the relevant budget
ministries and other federal authorities
executive authorities (policyholders).

Mandatory state insurance
carried out directly by
The basis of laws and other legal acts
about such insurance specified in these
acts by government insurance or
other state organizations
(insurers), or on the basis of
Insurance contracts concluded in
according to these acts insurers
and insurers.

State insurance is paid
insurers in the amount defined
laws and other legal acts about
Such insurance. .

Insurance is an agreement
Between the insurer and the insured.
The contract is in writing.

The contract is considered prisoner if
Agreement has been reached between the parties
For all essential conditions. For
Conclusion of property contracts
The achievement is significant
Between the parties to consent: 1.

About concrete
estate or other property
Interest, which is the object of insurance;
2. On the nature of the event, in case
The onset of which is carried out
insurance (insured event); 3.

the amount of the sum insured; 4. On the deadline
Agreement of the contract.

To essential
Conditions of personal contract
Insurance are related
the following conditions: 1. About the insured
face; 2.

On the nature of the event, in case
whose occurrence in the life of the insured
Persons are insurance; 3. O.
the amount of the sum insured; four.

On time
Agreement of the contract.

- Joint-stock
Insurance company serving
Mainly corporate insurance
The interests of the founders, as well as independently
economic entities included in
Structure of multidisciplinary concerns
or financial and industrial groups (FPG).

Cadeship activity is related to
commercial banks, pension I.
investment funds and others
Financial and Credit Institutions (FKI)
functioning in the system of multidisciplinary
Concern and FIG.

They protrude founders

pension Fund
- a special form of personal organization
Insurance guaranteing rental
payments to the insured upon reaching them
Certain age.

- non-state, concluded in
carrying out insurance operations in

32. Types of expenses of the insurer.

2. Olenization
expenses - on the organization of the issue of valuable
papers; court expenses and arbitration
fees; interest in the form of interest
debt obligations; Expenditures on
payment of bank services; Fines, penalties, etc.;
Expenses for the annual
Shareholders' meetings;

According to Article 25.
Law "On the organization of insurance
in Russian Federation»BASE
financial sustainability of insurers
is the presence of paid
authorized capital and insurance
Reserves, as well as a reinsurance system.

"Article 25. Conditions

1. Warranty
Providing financial sustainability
Insurer are economically
reasonable insurance rates; Insurance
Reserves sufficient for execution
obligations under insurance contracts
compacting, reinsurance, mutual
own funds;

Insurance reserves I.
own insurer should
be provided asset appropriate
diversification requirements, liquidity,
Return and profitability.

2. Own
insurers (except
mutual insurance societies,
carrying out insurance exclusively
its members) include charter
Capital, reserve capital, added
Capital, retained earnings.

3. Insurers
must have fully paid
authorized capital whose size
must be no lower than the installed
This Law of Minimum Size
authorized capital.
Minimum size
Insurer's authorized capital
determined based on the base size
its authorized capital equal to 30
millions of rubles.

4. Right
Investment policy.

Annuity represents
an insurance contract for which
Annual rent is paid during
any period of life of the insured
In exchange for payment of a single bonus
When signing the contract.

On practice
Annual rent can be paid and
quarterly and monthly but in
The amount is equal to the year accrued. More often
total to pay a one-time premium
are used insurance sumsaccumulated
by mixed insurance Life or
Logging insurance.

Sometimes allowed
Pay for the purchase of an annuity by installments.

Most often annuity
buy when retirement or for
payment of children's education (in favor
Third party).

For determining
Insurance rates on annuities
use mortality tables
for the population as a whole, and for the population,
having higher rates
health and, accordingly, more
Low mortality factors.

1. Rent Immediate
- This is a rent whose payment begins
Immediately after paying the entire amount of insurance

2. Rent delay
- the payment is postponed to a certain
future date. Temporary interval OT
the end of the contract and the beginning of the payment,
Expectant period. If during this period
The death of the policyholder comes,
contributions from% or without
depending on insurance conditions.

3. Renta Life
During the remaining life.

4. Renta temporary
- paid from the specified date
during the period provided

5. Rent of Penumrando
(Forward) - paid at the beginning of each

6. Renta postmano
(after) - paid at the end of each
period established for the next

7. Rent permanent
- payment is made in unchanged

8. Renta variable
- size varies in

Insurance risk
is an estimated event, on
The case of the occurrence of which is carried out
insurance. Event considered
As insurance risk,
have signs likely and
Accident of his offensive.

The insurer must:

    with insurance
    case make insurance pay
    in the established contract or law
    term. If a insurance payment not
    Produced by B. set time,
    The insurer pays the insured
    fine in the amount of one percent of
    Amounts of Insurance Payments for every day

    reimburse costs,
    produced by the insurer
    insurance case to prevent
    or reduce damage to the insured
    property, if compensation for these expenses
    Provided by insurance rules.
    It does not lie down the refund specified
    Expenses in a part greater

do not disclose
information about the policyholder and its property

Insurance in case of death is divided
on lifelong and urgent insurance.

33. Compulsory personal insurance of passengers.

Passengers are a type of personal insurance.
from accidents providing for
pay full or partial insurance
Amounts due to the consequences of unfortunate
The case that happened with the passenger in

passengers are carried out as in mandatory
So voluntarily.

Transit passengers
considered insured, including
and during the transplant period if they are
At the station. With temporary leaving
Territory, airport, etc.
Insurance stops I.
renewed only when returning
At the station, airport, station.

Insurance contributions,
included in the ticket price, pay
Passengers when buying a ticket. The size
payment depends on the type of transport and
Right travel. Separate categories
Passengers are insured
free if they enjoy right
free travel. Is not subject to
Insurance service personnel

38. Marriage insurance

May be
Children are insured from birth to 15 years old,
But contributions are paid before the onset
18 years. After the onset of 18 years comes
Expectant period (up to 25 years). Insurance
Case will be or marriage
or marriage. If this does not happen,
then during the execution of 25 years insured
can get the amount due to him.

may be citizens from 18 to 77 years old, but
condition that until the end of the term
contract age insured will
Not more than 75 years. Contracts are not concluded
With disabled. In the event of the death of the insured
The contract shall stop, and the amount
those. Contributions can receive the insured
Considering with the insurance company
Passport and polis.

39. Sources of cash flow in compulsory social insurance budgets.

Property damage
(harm property) - repairs
to restore movable and / or
real Estate, other expenses,
caused by causing harm;

Personal damage (harm
personality) - expenses for treatment;

Moral damage
(compensation for suffering);

Claims indirect
affected (for example, in the event of death
Kormiltsy, burial costs, etc.).

The most common
In the world, the type of liability insurance
Is insurance
civil responsibility Owners
In most countries (including in Russia)
is mandatory.

40. Medical insurance

Insurance - Personal Supplies
Insurance, providing
Formation of trust funds due to
contributions of enterprises, local authorities
authorities, citizens and their use for
Medical care financing

Insurance guarantees receipt
medical care, volume and character
which is determined by the terms of the contract
medical insurance. Level
Medical care depends
from the type of model (organization) of medicine
(free or paid).

In legal attitude
This personal insurance subproduction
relies on the medical law
Insurance of citizens in the Russian
Federation of June 28, 1991 No. 1499-1. Law
determines the legal, economic and
Organizational foundations of medical
Insurance of the Russian Federation.

Insurance is carried out in two
See: mandatory and voluntary.

It is prohibited to invest in insurance reserves in:

    investment, N.
    stipulated by these Rules

    for issuing loans
    In addition to cases provided by the rules

    shares of commodity I.
    stock Exchange


    checks, privatization

    for wages
    and taxes, penalties

44. Classification of liability insurance.

48. Rent insurance.

Temporary rent - a variety
voluntary personal insurance
when regular income, unlike
lifelong insurance rent, paid
insured person for
A certain number of years from the Fund,
accumulated at the expense of insurance premiums.

The contract is made by JUR. And Piz.

from 16 years and to age, which at the time
End of payment of rent will not exceed 65
years. Contract term from 1 year to 5 years.

Insurance object is inch.
Interests related to pension
Ensuring the policyholder (insured).

In the Russian Federation, payment of temporary rent is produced
under insurance contracts concluded
In accordance with the insurance rules

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state