
How to become a broker of insurance poles of the CTP. Agent Agent - an interesting modern profession. Who is such an insurance broker

One of the most frequent questionswhich we write in the comments or email, is it "on OSAGO and other insurance products?", meaning activities insurance agent.

Therefore, today we will understand:

  • how to become an agent from one or broker from several insurance companies,
  • who can become an insurance agent and who can become an insurance broker,
  • how to become an insurance agent on auto insurance (OSAGO, CASCO),
  • how much can you earn on it.

About everything in order ...

Let's give 9 steps how to become an agent or broker

  1. Choose one or more insurance companies you want to work with
  2. Contact B. insurance companies. You can call them or come to the central office. You will be prescribed an interview and will be issued a list of documents for granting security,
  3. Provide copies of the passport, SNILS, a special questionnaire of a candidate and other documents that the company will require,
  4. Prepare an inforation about yourself, about your experience in insurance, about the available customer base and other advantages as a partner. The insurance company will evaluate how suitable you are for it,
  5. Carefully fill out a candidate questionnaire for insurance agents (brokers), it will be assessed by it, as well as the security service will verify the information provided by you,
  6. Wait for the interview time. Show yourself from the best side! Get ready for questions about your experience!
  7. If you have passed the interview if the security service allowed you to work, wait for the contract that you are now an insurance agent of this company,
  8. Do these steps for each insurance company you want to work with
  9. You can start your activity!
  10. It will be useful to learn how to find customers and sales technologies. Usually, this is not taught in insurance companies. It is understood that since you want to become an agent or broker, then you have a lot of customers, and you can effectively sell insurance too.

How to become a insurance broker or insurance agent with franchising

Is it possible to cut steps and do it all easier? Yes there is ready decision! You can open a finished insurance business for a franchise!

Franchise is the transfer of a model of ready and debugged business, as well as assistance in its implementation, management of this business and the right to use the famous brand. In other words, instead of "stuffing the bumps" in independent attempts to figure out what and how it works, spend time and miss a profit, you can use the ready-made high-yield business and start earning good money in the shortest possible time.

You can take advantage of auto insurance and open your insurance business for the already spent business model. Let's see what a franchise is.

Details can be found by leaving the application:

Is there a prospect of being an insurance agent, broker?

It is worth noting that quite a lot of people wondering how to become an agent of an insurance company, but, unfortunately, not so many experienced professionals who can understand the "pitfalls" and important nuances of insurance agents and its prospects. Learn how to become good, successful or even the best insurance agent!

As Oleg Sysuev explained in his last interview, Oleg Sysuev: "The work agent is one of the most promising developing areas of small businesses in Russia. The insurance market will develop, and in it will find a worthy place for all market participants, including agents of insurance companies. "

We will only add that you can be an insurance agent at home, that is, working out of the house! Or combine with another work or learning.

Earnings of insurance agents and insurance brokers

Let's see how much insurance agents and brokers earn. On average, representatives of insurance companies earn 100% from one policy of OSAGO, 25% from one CASCO policy, 35% of the policies property insurance and health. Is it a lot or a little?

For example, you have bought Casco Policy for 50,000 rubles., Accordingly, your earnings will be 12,500 rubles (50 tr. * 25% \u003d 12,5 tr.). If you have bought property insurance for 50,000 rubles, then you earned 17 500 rubles. Agree, it may be a good income! And this is far from the most expensive insurance productswho buy individuals and especially the company.

Who can be an insurance agent or insurance broker?

You can become an agent any individual over 18 years old. Higher or profile education is not necessary for this. To be a insurance broker, in accordance with the law, it is necessary to have a license for the implementation of brokerage. Therefore, following practical experience, it is easier to have several contracts with insurance companies and from several insurers.

Auto insurance agent and other species

But not only to say to yourself: "I want to be a insurance agent." It is necessary to clearly and specifically determine the path of its professional growth.

Before becoming an insurance agent or broker, decide whether you want to become an insurance agent on OSAGO (auto insurance) and not sell other species? If so, then you should conclude agency contracts with best companies on auto insurance. Why? Becoming an insurance agent on the CTP, you can provide a choice of the best insurance companies, such as working as a broker, and it will be convenient to your customers! If you decide to be an insurance agent for life insurance agent, then, similarly, your customers will love professional in a narrow segment. No one loves amateurists - "Vessenk".

How to become an insurance company agent on OSAGO? The procedure is similar to the standard order - see the beginning of the article.

Rosgosstrakh and other companies for insurance agent

In addition to the foregoing, decide for yourself: you want to become a agent of Rosgosstrakh (RGS), Reso Guarantee, VSK, consent, SOGAZ, AlfaStrakhovy, Ingosstrakh and / or other insurance companies, that is, to be a universal insurance broker? Or make policies only from one or two partner companies, being an agent?

Simple principle: Sell \u200b\u200b1-2 types of insurance against all insurance companies or sell all types of insurance from 1-2 insurers. You can, of course, sell all types of insurance in all insurance companies (and many do it, because it is beneficial), but in this approach there are hosts and laws.

Want to know the insurance business in more detail?

Sign up and become a "per million" agent!

Have questions how to become a broker for insurance or insurance agent? Set them in the comments below!


Want to get ready-made insurance business? It will help to open an insurance company from scratch for 30 days!

Many citizens believe that the insurance broker is the same insurance agent, but there are obvious differences between these professions.

Agents represent the interests of the insurance company, but the insurance broker performs work on behalf of the insurers. Most often, such specialists take on behalf of agents.

What does the insurance broker do?

IN modern world Intermediaries play important role. It also applies to the scope of insurance. Who is the insurance broker? This is an ordinary mediator between the client and the insurance company. It helps customers pick one or another insurance product.

Of course, you can call on your own various companies to choose an acceptable insurance option. But this will have to spend a lot of time, which is so lacking modern people. Therefore, many citizens prefer to use the services of an intermediary. In addition, insurance companies usually praise their services carefully hiding all the flaws. It is much more reliable and more convenient to contact an independent specialist who will provide you with all the necessary information.

If you have worked as an insurance agent and have certain knowledge in this area, you can safely do this business.

Obtaining a license

In the law on insurance, two important innovation brokers appeared. First of all, it concerns the distinction with the agent profession, and the second is licensing brokerage activities. Previously, the license was not required for this, and now certain difficulties have appeared in creating such organizations.

First of all, the requirements for personnel tightened. Broker's duties used to include reporting in tax authorities and. Now his activities are controlled by both the state, that is, the insurance authority. In addition, before proceeding with the license, you need to register as.

Who chooses such a profession?

Mostly insurance brokers work women. It is desirable that the consultant has a pleasant voice and appearance, as well as good diction.

Specialists cooperate with different insurance companies. They conclude with them the treaties in which the size of the commission for their work is indicated, that is, the percentage of the transaction. How to become an insurance broker, you will learn from this article.

What skills are needed for work?

Before choosing this profession, you should find out what you need to become an insurance broker?

Select several important points:

  • Analytical mindset, great patience and communicative skills;
  • Education. To successfully master such a profession, you need to get higher economic Education, as well as undergo special courses organized under the Ministry of Finance. After passing the exam, you will be given all the necessary certificates and certificate;
  • Obtaining a license. Recently, the Licensing of brokers is engaged in the Admission Department financial market. To get a license, you need to pay the state duty and wait a bit until the relevant document is issued.

After receiving the license, you are a real insurance broker. But it is not necessary to immediately refuse further study, since this is a rather serious profession and to master it completely, you will have to spend more than one year.

How to organize work?

Before you do this type of activity, you need to make up step-by-step business Plan as becoming an insurance broker. First of all, you will need a computer and Internet access. At first, you can do without an office. Registration of a legal entity is necessary to conclude agreements with different insurance companies. To provide its customers more services, try to establish partnerships with different firms.


Working Your own customer base is too long and quite complex occupation. Usually insurance brokers do not arise in the same place. Such organizations create on the basis of existing insurance companies that have their customers. It should be known that expenses for advertising are largely dependent on the availability of a client base.

Work on franchise

To create your own company and conclude direct contracts, you need to spend a lot of time and money. State bodies Moves high demands and make decisions for too long, so many insurance brokers prefer to work on a franchise.

Among the advantages of this method should be allocated:

  • Ready-made contracts with different insurance companies;
  • Professional education
  • Positive reputation;
  • Big client base;
  • Legal support;
  • Transparency of work.

Franchisees work with insurance companies that make full-fledged payments, and also offer good discounts To its customers. If competently approach work, you can get a good profit and count on long-term cooperation.


Insurance companies offer their customers various programs. Types of insurance brokers, respectively, are also different. Professionals should be able to competently analyze possible risks. Only after that they can offer the customer with a suitable package.

To conclude a contract you can attract several firms. Thanks to this, brokers stimulate competition in the insurance market.

Scheme: Insurance Stages

Their work includes:

  • Protecting the interests of the client in the event of a dispute with the insurer;
  • Advice on services;
  • Negotiations on the terms of insurance compensation;
  • Registration of contracts and losses settlement;
  • Providing guarantees.

If you decide to become a car insurance broker, you need to learn how to choose the most profitable options among numerous types of insurance. Various companies look different ones and insurance conditions in different ways, so the specialist must be competent in any matters relating to this sphere.

For example, some insurers offer more attractive conditions for premium machines, since the owners relate more carefully. Other companies consider priority insurance of budget foreign cars, as well as automobiles of domestic production, since their repair is much cheaper. There are many options, so real professionals should be able to quickly navigate in different situations.

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Features of work

It is important to remember that the broker is an intermediary, so it cannot submit one side of the contract. That is, it is not responsible for fraudulent actions or negligence in its implementation. But if the client was damaged as a result of a broker actions, he has the right to recovery.

International insurance companies use in their work "right broker to the policy", that is, while the insurer does not pay the prize, the policy decorated, he can leave. This is a reasonable approach, because, without having a contract in the hands, the client has no right to make complaints.


The insurance market is distinguished by a variety, so everyone can easily find place on it. Now that you know how to become a broker of an insurance company, you can proceed to the realization of your dreams. In addition, if you are interested in the question

So, you decided to try yourself in the insurance field. The insurance industry in Russia is now developing dynamically: companies expand their borders, open additional branches, new products are introduced. A considerable impact on the growth of the industry mandatory insurance autocarnate responsibility (hereinafter the OSAGO). With his adoption, the range of potential customers of insurance companies increased, as well as the need for new agents.

How to become an insurance agent of OSAGO?

To become an insurance agent of the CTP and get the opportunity to make money on the sale of policies, you must conclude an agreement with one or more insurance companies. The contract with the agent implies freelance job. However, the insurance company, as a rule, makes all the necessary contributions to the pension fund based on the actual earning agent (that is, the entire commission received from the sale of policies).

If you want to get on the staff of the company, then you need to track the possibilities in the section "Jobs" on the websites of companies or on large portals for finding work.

For future agents, certain requirements are presented to. Consider them below.

Basic conditions for employment

  • Citizenship Russian Federation, Achievement of age is 18 years old.
  • The presence of documents necessary for employment - passports, INN and SNILS.
  • The lack of an unfaithful or outstanding criminal record on articles related to economic crimes.

Education and experience

  • Both secondary and higher (or unfinished higher) education. Some companies are not ready to see among the agents of the day branch students (for example, Renaissance Insurance).
  • Desirable experience with people.
  • Experience in active sales experience is desirable.

Other skills and personal qualities

  • The desire to learn (there will be a lot of information).
  • Desire to work with people.
  • High sockets.
  • Readiness for stressful and conflict situations.

When applying, remember that all companies have learning for beginners. Usually it lasts at least 3 business days in a row. If you live in the region, for you and other applicants will be held distance learning. So, you fully meet the requirements and still do not know how to become an insurance agent of OSAGO. What to do? Read more.

Responsibilities of the insurance agent OSAGO

All insurance companies describe the functionality of the future agent approximately the same:

  • Active search for customers (working on its own client base).
  • Consulting customers, assistance in choosing insurance programs.
  • Conducting meetings, negotiations (trips to customers).
  • Conclusion of insurance contracts, paperwork.

Also consider that today all policy seats are issued in special programs and are printed on the printer. Therefore, it is advisable to confidently use the computer and the Internet. And remember that entering data to the computer is very careful - if you make a mistake at least one letter or digit, the policy of the OSAGO will have to remake.

The first steps

So, on the question of who you want to work, you answer: "I want to become an insurance agent of Osago!" Well, when there is a goal - it's great! But, as you know, to achieve the desired one desire a little. The applicant needs to do the following. First of all, you need to conclude an agreement with the insurance company. Such a document will allow you to carry out activities for the sale of insurance policies. The conclusion is preceded by several stages:

  • Interview and / or testing.
  • Check your personality security service (takes up to 30 days).
  • Training and internship.

After submitting an application or filling out the questionnaire, the company's manager will invite you to a familiarization interview, where in detail will tell how to become an insurance agent of the OSAGO. Also clarify the working conditions, ask your experience and skills. Further will check the company's security service: whether you who are issued for whom they were not tried and so on. Such an inspection is related to the fact that the agent has to be carried out daily cash payments, and most often cash. The company wants to protect himself from fraud and theft. To check, you will need to remove copies from your main documents - passports, INN and SNILS.

How to become an insurance agent OSAGO faster?

After approving your candidacy you will do on training. Learn will have to go on working days, usually a few days without a break. The educational process consists of a cycle of seminars on insurance products and tariffs and basic sales training. In addition, you will be taught to work with a program or an agent portal for insurance. Even if your goal is exclusively insurance insurance, you will have to learn everything on the general reasons. After training, you will pass attestation and join the ranks of agents.

In almost all companies there is an internship under the guidance of a mentor to a duration of up to three months. Freelance agents, as a rule, work on flexible graphics, nevertheless will need to regularly visit the office to provide reporting.

Are you still wondering how to become an insurance agent of OSAGO and what company to choose? The steps described above on the way to the rank of insurance agent are the main for all SC. Most often, applicants to the insurance agents of OSAGO choose to cooperate such companies as Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, Reso-Guarantee and Alpha Insurance. These companies have a high reliability rating and a good indicator for insurance payments. We learn how the selection of agents in each of them is going, we will study their conditions and requirements for candidates.

How to become an insurance agent of OSAGO ("Rosgosstrakh")?

Rosgosstrakh company is present at the insurance market for about 95 years. It provides it with good recognition and a wide range of clients. Rosgosstrakh constantly leads a set of new insurance agents. Here will be glad to see among the interns of active, energetic person with a large circle of contacts. Huge plus: The company is widely represented in the regions. If you live and work in small townwhere everyone knows you, or have already retired from the position of the teacher, a doctor or military, "Rosgosstrakh" will consider you an ideal candidate. Also, the company welcomes network managers with active experience personal sales. You can leave an application for the conclusion of the Agency Agreement in one of the following ways:

  • Fill out a simple questionnaire on the company's website.
  • Visit the office convenient for you and fill out the questionnaire in place.

Further, all according to the standard scenario: Interview - Check - Training. There is a corporate university in Rosgosstrakh. Training passes continuously on weekdays. The current freelance insurance agents receive for the work of the insurance policies and go to work "in the fields". Public employees are in the office and work with customers who came on their own initiative. In Rosgosstrakh, insurance care is carried out without binding to the region in which a particular branch is located. That is, Moskvich will without any problems will buy a policy of Osago in Kazan, and vice versa. Also, the advantages can be attributed to the following: the company has its own inspection blanks, you do not need to send a client with an overdue diagnostic card to the point of passage.

How to become an insurance agent of OSAGO: "Ingosstrakh"

Ingosstrakh is included in the Top Insurance Companies of Russia. Branches are widely represented throughout the country. To declare your desire to become an agent simply:

  • Residents of large cities fill the questionnaire on the site and are waiting for feedback.
  • Residents of the regions are found on the website of the company their city in the "Offices" section and are associated with the representative on their own.

The company's website indicates that training lasts 5 days, but usually it takes 3 days. First day - general information and auto insurance, in the second - products for insurance of property, in the third - insurance of life and health. The company will provide you with the necessary leaflets, brochures, memo and so on. In "Ingosstrakh" provides for curatories for beginners. The company usually does not put a plan for new agents. But in the case of a complete lack of results for several months, the contract can be terminated with you.

Ingosstrakh agency portal for registration of policies has an intuitive interface, extremely easy to use.


And in this company how to become an insurance agent of OSAGO? "Reso" is considered one of the most reliable SC. Line of insurance products Standard: from Osago to polisov DMS.. In this company, in addition to the interview, psychological testing is provided for candidates. Sign up for an interview in the following ways:

  • Fill out the questionnaire on the company's website and send it to the specified email address.
  • Call on the phone and sign up for an interview.

In case of successful testing, you will be invited to study at the school agent school. Required condition For enrollment in students: to acquire a policy of life and health in the amount of 1,500 rubles. Training lasts 2 weeks, passes continuously on working days. There are morning and evening groups, the duration of each lesson is 4 hours. Students are provided by methodological benefits, distance learning is also provided.

After the completion of the training and passing of certification, one of the branches of the company will enclose with you (usually the one that will be convenient for you to visit). Next is to be internship in the selected branch within 3 months under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Insurance agents of OSAGO company "Reso" work in special Program called "Citrix". This program is provided for registration of all auto insurance products: OSAGO, CASCO, DSAGO, etc. For its development, time and practice will need, the program interface is quite complicated.

Alpha Insurance

Alpha Insurance enters the Alpha Group of Companies, has more than 4,000 employees throughout Russia and is considered a democratic company. Become an agent of the insurance company on OSAGO ("AlfaStrakhovanie") simply. You need to fill out a questionnaire on the site, and you will call a dating manager.

Training lasts several business days. Having learned the insurance rules, having studied tariffs and products, you will pass certification. In the case of a successful result, the company will conclude a contract with you. Alpha Insurance guarantees its agents timely payment of the Commission and participation in motivational programs.

The portal for registration of policies is easily studying, in addition, all your work will be presented in charts and numbers.

Unified Agent or Broker

How to become a single insurance agent of OSAGO? As a rule, future agents for the conclusion of the contract turn to the largest and verified SC. Many conclude contracts at once with several companies. They understand that they can offer a wide range of products and tariffs to the Client, but also to learn them more - in each company separately. Until recently, the work of the agent into several firms was prohibited. Now everything has changed, and the agency agreement no longer includes such an item.

Often agents that work with two and more insurance are mistakenly called a "single agent" or "broker". This is rooted incorrectly. "Unified Agent" is not a person, but the system for the sale of OSAGO policies, according to the rules of which the office of one insurance company offers the client to arrange the policy of another organization for him. For example, you came to Rosgosstrakh and received the Polis "VSK". In this case, the distribution is carried out on the basis of the number of the passport of the vehicle.

The broker, in turn, is a physical or legal person who has a relevant license and registered in Rosstrokhnadzor. Broker, carrying out insurance activities, earns only part of the Commission from the sale of the product. Thus, an agent having a contract immediately with several companies cannot call itself a single agent nor a broker, although the latter is often used for ease of understanding.

Work in the Brokerage Agency

How to become an insurance agent of OSAGO at home? Some applicants want to reduce steps and simplify the process of employment, contact brokerage agencies. If you want to work immediately with several companies, but you do not want to spend your time on checking and learning in each of them, you can do the same way.

Brokerage agencies usually work more than a dozen SC. They assume all responsibility to conclude contracts with companies, training their employees and documentation reporting. Such an agency will make an employment contract with you and give a power of attorney for the right to conclude insurance contracts on its own behalf.

Your income will be formed from interest from the sale. additional servicesFor example, the contract between the client and the Agency. And the Commission with the sale of policies to other types of insurance - life or property - will have to share with the manual. Another feature of the work will be the need for a permanent presence in the workplace. Most often, employees of such agencies work on shift schedule. Now it became clear how to become an insurance company agent on OSAGO? Dare!

Today, only a few Russian citizens can definitely explain who is such an insurance broker and what he is engaged. Sometimes even individual financial experts are not able to designate the differences between the broker and the insurance company. The reason for such a ignorance is extremely low representation. brokerage services In the domestic market.

However, mediation as a business with small investments is increasingly interested in entrepreneurs, and therefore many of them are trying to find out how to become an insurance broker. Second an important factorAs the relevance and prospects for brokerage activities, there is a decrease in citizens' confidence in insurance companies, which in turn causes an increase in demand for independent expert services.

Who is the insurance broker?

Choosing an insurance product, any consumer seeks to get the maximum benefit and security at minimal costs. At the same time, an ordinary person who does not know the characteristics of the market is difficult to navigate among the huge number of insurers and find out which of the companies is guaranteed to fulfill its obligations when insurance case.

Of course, you can deepen in reading feedback on the Internet, visit the offices of these organizations, but it will have to spend not one day. Moreover, all insurers are trying to embellish the dignity of their products, modestly silent about the shortcomings. In such a situation, it is wiser to use the help of an independent consultant who is well understood in insurance and can provide objective information.

Insurance broker - who is simple words? This specialist acts as an intermediary between insurers and consumers: cooperating simultaneously with dozens of companies, it can quickly analyze different products and choose the most favorable type of insurance for the client.

Sometimes brokers are compared with agents. Such a comparison is not entirely correct: the agent acts in the interests of a particular organization, sells only its services and is formally its employee. In turn, insurance brokers are completely independent entrepreneurs and consider the needs of customers priorities.

Features of brokerage business

The main task of the broker is the sale of insurance services. The essence of these services is the accumulation of customer contributions for subsequent use when solving such important tasks as:
  • Compensation for harm caused by adverse events;
  • Accrual of regular financial assistance to the insured reached agreed age or lost disability;
  • Organization of medical care;
  • Accumulation and investment of capital.

So how to become a broker of insurance companies? Strictly speaking, the newcomer does not even need to remove the office and select staff: it is enough to conclude cooperation agreements with two-three insurers, to open a settlement account and start looking for customers. In general, experts believe that the broker portfolio must be made up of 7-12 insurance companies with different tariffs and conditions, and 30% of them must be well known to the wide audience.

When choosing partners, it is also important to take into account our own interests: the income of the broker is formed from commission remuneration, which he receives from insurers when concluding insurance contracts. The premium, as a rule, depends on the type of product and the number of policies sold by the mediator during the month. Therefore, at the initial stage, the newcomer can only count on a commission of 15-20%.

The first money to the novice insurance broker is the easiest to make money on the sale of sought-after products - OSAGO policies. Of course, the Commission is only 8-10% for them, but so you can very quickly gain customer database, earn a reputation in the insurance market and start promoting more expensive services.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The profession of the insurance broker has not yet been widespread in Russia, and therefore novice entrepreneurs are difficult to compile a clear idea of \u200b\u200bher characteristic features. Nevertheless, the key advantages of this type of activity are obvious:

  1. Sequential development. It is possible to start activity as an insurance agent to understand the intricacies of the profession and collect the client base;
  2. Free schedule. Insurance broker can start a working day at a convenient time for it and arrange leave at its discretion;
  3. Unlimited income. 30% of citizens enjoy insurance, so the broker's earnings are theoretically limited only by its physical possibilities;
  4. Scaling business. If the broker does not have time to handle all applications yourself, it can hire on his own insurance agents;
  5. Lack of competition. The brokerage services market in Russia is in the infancy, so the newcomer does not have to fight for survival.

On the other hand, the activities of insurance agents and brokers are also characterized by certain disadvantages, and some of them are a logical continuation of the advantages:

  1. Absence stable income. To ensure yourself permanent profit, the broker must operate a large base client base;
  2. The need to form demand. Russian citizens still reluctantly use insurance services, so convince them of the need to purchase the policy hard;
  3. Irregular schedule. Insurance cases occur regardless of the time of day, as a result of which the broker sometimes has to solve problems and at night;
  4. A responsibility. The broker responds not only for the safety of money and customer documents, but also for the timely payment of insurance.

Services of insurance broker

The brokerage company in any situation represents the interests of the client, starting with the selection of the product favorable for the insured and ending with the accrual of compensation upon the occurrence of the insured event. Within the framework of this concept, the insurance broker has the right to carry out the following activities:
  • Attracting customers and convincing them in the need for insurance;
  • Explanation of the client of the features of interest to its types of insurance;
  • Conducting an assessment of insurance risks;
  • Drawing up a list suitable for customer insurers;
  • Notice of the client about the key characteristics of the activities of insurers;
  • Selection of the Insurance Program of Interesting Client;
  • Preparation of the necessary documents for registration;
  • Sale of the policy on behalf of the insurance company;
  • Conducting the settlement of the calculations;
  • Facilitating the reinsurance of previously insured facilities;
  • Organization of services for insurance commissioners;
  • Documentary registration of the insured event;
  • Promoting insurance payments in favor of the client.

Of course, the insurers are interested in not only the popular policy of Osago, Casco and DMS. To reveal the entire potential of the business, it is necessary to include in the list of insurance broker services. Products designed for corporate and private clients:

  1. Insurance of financial institutions;
  2. Top managers' liability insurance;
  3. Insurance of aviation, water and terrestrial transportation;
  4. Cargo insurance;
  5. Construction of construction work;
  6. Insurance of productive and domestic animals;
  7. Insurance of farmers from crop loss;
  8. Insurance of property of citizens and enterprises;
  9. Insurance of real estate objects;
  10. Health insurance;
  11. Automobile insurance;
  12. Insurance when traveling abroad;
  13. Property rights insurance;
  14. Life and disability insurance;
  15. Accident insurance.

What qualities do you need a broker?

At first glance, the insurance business looks clear and affordable: a novice may seem that there is nothing complicated in the sale of policies. But constant work with people, documents and money requires the presence of certain personal qualities from a specialist. To carry out activities, the insurance broker needs:

  • Energy. Broker should have time to look for new customers, serve old, cook required documents, draw up insurance cases;
  • Communicability. The specialist should be charming and confidence in man. If he does not like customers, they will not come for the second time;
  • Sociability. Sometimes the client himself does not know what he needs. The broker must draw him into a conversation and fascinatingly talk about the benefits of certain products;
  • Stress tolerance. Not all people are adequate. A specialist who does not know how to calmly withstand the attack of an aggressive client, it is unlikely to build a career;
  • Insight. It is necessary to be able to identify potential scams or people hiding the facts important to determine the terms of insurance;
  • Hardworking. The activities of insurance brokers include an abnormal schedule and a constant high load. It is impossible to just sit and wait for customers;
  • Good memory. To quickly select suitable options, the specialist must remember not only the characteristics of the products, but also the characteristics of the clients;
  • The ability to count. Not every client can understand the algorithm for calculating insurance. Broker should be able to simplify the calculations so that the insured can realize his benefit;
  • Accuracy. Any shortcomings in appearance The specialist will immediately call the client doubt in his competence. The crumpled shirt and dirty shoes are not allowed.

For a beginner who does not know how to become an insurance broker, a step-by-step business plan should include the following stages of creating your company:

Explore the peculiarities of the profession. To understand the nuances of the insurance business and master customer service technologies, it is necessary:

1. Get permanent education in the specialty;

3. Temporarily get a job in the insurance company;

4. Choose a business model. Within brokerage company You can organize work with customers in different ways:

  • Direct sales by establishing personal contacts with insurers;
  • Wholesale through a network of partners and insurance agents;
  • Mixed sales, including both previous options.

5. Come up with a name. The brand must be associated with consumers with insurance services and hint that the company is exactly a broker;

6. Create a business insurance broker plan. The project needs to determine the volume of the target audience, to make a demanded list of services, evaluate income;

7. Register a business. It is necessary to arrange an IP or LLC, to register in tax Service and insurance funds, choose the tax system;

8. Open bank accounts. One of them will be used for settlements with clients and insurance companies, and the other - to store warranty capital;

9. Rent an office. Broker, who holds meetings in a cafe, is unlikely to cause customer confidence. It is enough to have enough room in 20 m² with accurate repair;

10. Get a license insurance broker. To do this, you need to fulfill the conditions for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, prepare documents and pay a fee of 7,500 rubles;

11. Connect the phone number. Availability of direct urban number hot line or single number 8 800 will help convince customers in the severity of the company;

12. Select partners. It is necessary to draw up a preliminary list of insurance companies whose services will submit a brokerage company;

13. To negotiate. Leaders of these companies should send information about themselves to undergo a discrepancy and agree on cooperation;

15. Improve sales skills. In order not to spend the hours of negotiations with each client, you need to develop algorithms for identifying needs and combat objections;

16. Start activity. It is clear that in the process of work should constantly expand the list of services and adjust the list of submitted insurance companies.

How to register insurance broker?

Starting brokerage business, you do not need to immediately go to the tax and write an application for entrepreneurship registration. At the initial stage, it is enough to conclude agreements with several insurance companies and try their strength as an agent. Only when sales will grow and their own client base will appear, you can think about the legalization of the enterprise in the format of IP or LLC.

The insurance broker is entitled to carry out activities as an IP, if he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, constantly lives in Russia and registered individual entrepreneurship in the prescribed manner. Regulatory requirements are presented to the legal entity:

  • LLC can not be a foreign company or russian subject with capital, more than 50% of foreign investment;
  • Ltd. should be an organization pursuing commercial purposes;
  • In the LLC Charter, it is necessary to indicate that the only direction of the subject is the provision of insurance services.

In the enterprise registration documents also need to list oKVED codeswhich corresponds to the provision of insurance broker services:

OKVED Codes Insurance Broker

Choosing a tax system, many insurance brokers in Russia give preference to USN. The value of the bet is determined by the business margin: if this indicator does not exceed 40%, it is recommended to use the "15% of profit" scheme. Otherwise, the "6% of revenue" scheme is more profitable.

How to get a license insurance broker?

Insurance is considered one of the types of financial services, so the activities of insurance brokers are subject to licensing. The issuance of permits to work is engaged in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: the document is issued within 30 days and costs 7,500 rubles. To get such a license, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements:

1. An entrepreneur or head of the LLC must have a profile education and two-year experience in insurance or financial companies;

2. Chief Accountant IP or LLC should also have a profile education and work experience in the insurance or brokerage company from two years;

3. The entrepreneur in the role of the insurance broker, the head of the LLC and the chief accountant is not entitled to be faces that:

  • Previously worked in the insurance organization, which lost the license due to violations, if less than three years have passed since this incident;
  • Were disqualified with a ban on the insurance work, if at the time of filing documents for licensing the sentence did not expire yet;
  • Have an outstanding conviction for action related to economic activities or damage to state power.

4. Brokerage companies that operate with customers must have a warranty capital of 3 million rubles or bank guarantees on the same amount;

5. In the constituent documents of the legal entity, the only type of activity of the enterprise - insurance services should be specified.

To obtain a license of the insurance broker, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of these conditions, pay the duty and submit to the Department of the Insurance Market under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the corresponding package of documents:

1. Statement;

2. Certificate of registration and formulation of the subject to account in the FTS;

3. constituent documents of LLC;

4. Minutes of the Assembly of the founders of LLC on the appointment of the director and approval of the Charter;

5. Information on the composition of the founders of LLC;

6. Extract confirming payment authorized capital LTD;

7. Certificates of registration of legal entities - founders of LLC;

8. Documents characterizing the head and accountant:

  • Diplomas about profile education;
  • Labor books showing the presence of a two-year experience;
  • Certificates about the absence of outstanding convictions.

9. Samples of contracts used to provide customers with insurance services;

10. Receipt of payment of duty;

11. Financial warranties of a broker in the form of one of the following documents:

  • Certificate of provision of a bank guarantee by 3 million rubles;
  • Issument about the presence of 3 million rubles at the broker's current account.

12. A license for mediation as an insurance broker is an indefinite and operate in all regions of Russia. but central bank It is entitled to withdraw permission in violation by the subject of insurance legislation.

How to attract customer insurance broker?

Providing brokerage services is a business in which you can, how to quickly go to a decent level of income, so stay with an empty wallet. It all depends on the knowledge of the market, the ability to sell and ability to build an effective customer attraction system. What methods of promotion work:

  1. Notification of acquaintances. Each person has a large number of contacts with friends, relatives, colleagues. If you include the links of these acquaintances in the list, the ready base of several hundred or thousands of people will be obtained;
  2. Cold contacts. If you try, you can reach the database of drivers or property owners of the city. In addition, people publish their contacts in social networks Or on bulletin boards. Customers need to turn around by offering their services;
  3. Traditional advertising. To promote the company, you should hand out flyers in parking and in the shopping center, leave business cards at refueling and in medical centers, to expose ads at the entrances and hang banners on the streets;
  4. Cooperation with car dealerships. It is worth trying to negotiate with car dealerships: cars often buy on credit, and therefore insure from all possible risks and accidents for an impressive amount;
  5. Target customer search. For each product you can choose your audience. Citizens occur abroad are found in the tourist bureau, sellers and property buyers - in real estate agencies;
  6. Work with companies. Many products in the arsenal broker are designed for corporate clients. It is advisable to offer your services logistic and transport companies, construction enterprises, farms;
  7. Activity in social networks. A good gathering is brought by posting in special groups, targeted advertising, promotion of your own group. However, the services must be high quality, otherwise you can easily collect negative reviews;
  8. Publications on the forums. The network has many specialized sites on which people discuss insurance problems. If you place ads on them with a list of services and contacts, you can get three to four new customers every month;
  9. Website creation. A full-fledged site broker will not hurt. However, it works much better selling pages designed to promote specific services - one Landing for each key request.

How much is it worth becoming an insurance broker?

How much money will have to invest in order to become an insurance broker? To search for an answer to this question, it is necessary to learn, recommends to analyze all the stages of business creation and take into account not only the main, but also secondary costs. The list of starting spending may look like this:

Primary investment

Article Amount, rub.
Registration of IP 800
Opening an account 2100
Print making 1000
Furniture to office 25000
Office equipment 75000
1c for insurance companies 210000
Direct phone number 2000
Safe 5000
Licensing 7500
Warranty capital 3000000
Printable advertisement 30000
Internet advertising 50000
Household expenses 15000
TOTAL: 3423400

At the next step, you need to make up the current expenses, so without this value it is impossible. If the entrepreneur will work without the help of managers and hits the chief accountant, as required by the law, then the monthly costs of the brokerage company will amount to:

Monthly costs

Article Amount, rub.
Accountant salary 25000
Salary tax 7500
Office rental 20000
Account management 800
Acquiring 5000
Contributions IP 2700
Internet and communications 3000
Household expenses 8000
Advertising 20000
Communal payments 5000
TOTAL: 97000

How much can you earn?

How much does the insurance broker earn? Of course, the income of the intermediary partly depends on the conditions specified in its contracts with insurance companies. However, there are other objective reasons defining economic potential Business:

  • The welfare of residents of the city and their willingness to postpone money for insurance;
  • Structural composition of the brokerage portfolio;
  • The right choice of promotional communication methods.

Statistics show that 30% of the working-age population of the Russian Federation enjoy insurance products. Therefore, even with several dozen competing companies of the Broker services may be interested in thousands of potential customers. If the promotion process is slightly delayed and the entrepreneur will serve only 60 people for a month, then its earnings will be:

Income Broker's income

Service Prize,% price, rub. Polishes,% Per month, pcs. Per month, rub.
Osago 10 4900 42 26 12740
DMS. 20 35000 12 7 49000
Casco 20 65000 12 7 91000
Mortgage 25 25000 10 6 37500
Travel abroad 25 3500 7 4 3500
Accident 40 20000 7 4 32000
A life 40 15000 5 3 18000
Property 25 10000 5 3 7500
TOTAL: 100 60 251240

Now for brokerage, it is not difficult to calculate between these indicators, you can understand from the following table:

Indicators of the insurance broker

Franchisees of insurance brokers

The creation and promotion of a new brokerage company requires an application of rather significant efforts. To get rid of the concomitant business launch of difficulties and facilitate the process of entering the market, it is advisable to purchase a ready-made solution in the form of a franchise. Using a franchising scheme, a novice entrepreneur receives:

  • Ready business plan brokerage company;
  • Strategy for promoting insurance servants;
  • The ability to use a promoted brand with a positive reputation;
  • Actual client base;
  • Training in the intricacies of the insurance case;
  • Consulting and legal support.

In the insurance broker market, the number of franchises available for newcomer is limited to dozen options. Here is some of them:

1. "Austalopolis". Thanks to the franchise you can open your business with minimal investments, save time on debugging business processes and start making money on selling tens of companies. Terms of cooperation:

  • The first installment is 160,000 rubles;
  • Initial investments - 30000 rubles;
  • Payback period - 4 months.

2. "Akvizizer". It offers five species of franchise for entrepreneurs with different levels of training. Using proven technologies, the newcomer will be much faster on the professional level. Terms of cooperation:

  • The first installment is from 25,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • Monthly payment - absent;
  • Initial investments - 50,000 rubles;
  • Payback period - 6 months.

3. "Brokers". The package includes a business-tested business model for the sale of civil and commercial responsibility insurance policies, real estate, health and risks. Terms of cooperation:

  • The first installment is 500,000 rubles;
  • Monthly payment - 1% turn, but not less than 50,000 rubles;
  • Initial investments - from 600,000 to 800,000 rubles;
  • Payback period - 6 months.


Of course, a novice is quite difficult to engage in brokerage activities: in creating a business it is necessary to invest more than three million rubles. But this does not mean that from the idea of \u200b\u200bearnings at insurance services will have to abandon. The study of the industry allows you to understand and accumulate start-up capital to open your own business: it is enough to choose several insurance companies and conclude agency contracts with them. To quickly reach the level of income in 100 thousand rubles monthly, it is necessary to show perseverance in the formation of the client base and take advantage of the following tips: how much does the beauty salon cost from scratch

The answer to the question is how much it is worth opening the beauty salon from scratch. Detailed business plan with calculations. Step-by-step instruction Where to start a business on the opening of the cabin.

Insurance agent - a representative of an insurance company engaged in the immediate sale of its products - insurance. From the professionalism of the insurance agent, the persuasiveness of his presentation depends, in favor of which insurance company will make its choice a potential client.

The insurance agent is not the person who walks from home to home to collect money from people, offering insancing the insurance policy.

The insurance agent is the one who helps customers to decide on the choice, carefully studying their needs and offering the most optimal option. This is a friend of the client, communication with which is happening, as a rule, for a cup of tea.

Only the knowledge of insurance products, technology payments and losses are not limited to the obligations of the insurance agent. Rather, it is the minimum that he must own perfectly. But the manifestation of interest in the client's personal life, unobtrusive and tactful entry into his personal space is those "thin" tools that make an ordinary specialist with a real professional. After all, insurance is always hidden, one can say, an intimate part of the client's life, and therefore it is quite difficult to build human contact - but it is very important. The client must trust not only the company, whose insurance policy he buys, but first of all - a man who sold it.

What qualities are important for insurance agent?

To date, the appearance of the agent has undergone significant changes compared to which it seemed to be twenty, ten, and then five years ago. Today, the insurance agent is, as a rule, an energetic young man, educated, educated, competent, having knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas. Speaking about the qualities that the insurance agent must have, you can select several most significant.

First of all, the agent must have strategic thinking - to understand where and how to search for customers, be able to plan and organize your activities, to anticipate possible risks (for example, a customer is often buying insurance to make money, deceiving the insurance company in the future) and take measures By their decline.

For the agent, it is also important to have marketing knowledge - they allow you to clearly and clearly convey to the client the benefits of cooperation with the agent, and not with the office of the company.

And the ability to build long-term relationships allows you to save customers from year to year, thereby creating a loyal base.

Key quality for insurance agent - Communicative skills. Without communication skills, it is impossible to do - all the work of the agent is built on them: he must be able to speak with each client in his language and in terms of his benefits, be able to find an approach to any person, to be persistent and convincing, listen and hear the client. In the West, there is even an archetype of the "insurance agent": this is a person who knows the whole area. And which himself is friendly with all neighbors - charming, friendly, "his boyfriend". And this image was not accidental. For efficient operation, the insurance agent, it is necessary to be among everything and the skills of a psychologist to understand what points should be pressed to convince the client to gain insurance.

The speed of response is no less important quality for the insurance agent - it must navigate the needs of the client to assess the parameters of the upcoming transaction and offer the most profitable terms (And for the client, and for the company).

Of course, decisiveness, purposefulness, perseverance, energy, and self-confidence also are also important for the insurance agent. And besides, the insurance agent should strive for self-development, learn from accepting efficient sales, the ability to extract experience even from an unsuccessful deal. All these features determine the professionalism and quality of the work of the agent.

Insurance agent functionality

The agent is a full-fledged participant in the insurance market - it concludes property insurance agreements and individuals, I analyze the demand and regional conditions for certain insurance products (including researching new types of insurance services and prospects for their development), analyzes the composition of potential customers, engaged in regulating the relationship between the insured and the insurer, helps customers to obtain comprehensive information on insurance conditions, provides guarantees Correctly filling out documents and throughout the time of the contract, communicates with the insurers.

On the shoulders of the insurance agent, the maintenance of all the insurance documentation is located - both new and old customers. If an insured event occurs, the agent interacts with the payment service of the insurance company and in case of refusal tries to "soften the angles", regulating the possible increase in conflict. The agent, thus, represents the interests of the client at all levels of business processes.

Rules of the Day of the Insurance Agent

Probably independence and freedom in building a working day is one of the most attractive moments in the work of the insurance agent. No one can tell the agent when and where he should be. He is no longer just a hired worker, he is his own boss. Of course, while the agent has a contractual relationship with the company, there are rights and obligations, but at the same time he can decide what to do and how, and whether to do at all. In fact, it becomes individual entrepreneur.

However, a good agent is always primarily adapted to its clientele. If the client is convenient to meet on weekends in his country houseThe agent is forced to change the country (or any other) rest to work with a potential insured. It should also be ready for an unexpected change of personal plans of the client, to considerable time spending on the road. If the agent works with legal entitiesYou have to adapt to their working rhythm, which means that the working day may end too late.

In practice, the insurance agent begins work not when he wants, and in accordance with the plan, which includes such items as: customer search, phone calls, personal meetings, self-study (study the foundations and new insurance market trends are necessary to confidently answer All customer issues and competently form their need). In many respects, the agent will do today, its future depends tomorrow, and therefore the working day of the in-demand insurance agent is painted almost a minute, and free time is reserved for unexpected calls or unforeseen meetings with customers.

The profession of the insurance agent - the work is quite difficult. However, in the presence of desire and dedication, a successful agent can make a brilliant career for a short period of time. Almost all insurance companies seek to create comfortable working conditions to create their agents - they provide them with an equipped workplace, high commissions, social benefits, teach and make it possible to develop. And if the agent is active, loves to communicate with people and puts all his strength to work, "you can not doubt that his career success awaits him.

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