
Destruction RFID tags in the bank card. How to steal money from contactless RFID and NFC cards. Are you afraid to seem paranoid? Then you will come up with ready-made solutions.

Credit I. debit cards With the built-in radio frequency identification label (RFID) are now the norm. But this is only one sphere that uses RFID technology.

There are many other places in which you use RFID technology may not even realize it.

So what is RFID?

Radio Frequency Identification is the use of radio waves for reading, capturing and interacting with information stored in the label / tag. Tags are usually attached to objects and can be read from several meters. In addition, the tag does not always have to be in direct visibility to initiate interaction.

RFID label is an easy way to assign object unique identificator. In addition, they do not need an internal power source, while the label can be as small as the grain of black pepper. This means that they are easily introduced almost everywhere - from here and their popularity.

How does RFID?

The main RFID system consists of two parts: tags and reader.


The RFID label has a built-in transmitter and receiver. The actual RFID component contained in the label consists of two parts: an integrated circuit for storing and processing information and antenna for receiving and transmitting a signal. The RFID label has a non-volatile storage device and may include either fixed or programmable logic for processing transmission data and sensors.

Tags can be passive, active or passive with a battery.

Passive label It is the cheapest option and does not contain batteries. The label uses a radio transmitter transmitted.

Active label It has a built-in battery, periodically transmitting his credentials.

Rechargeable passive mark Also equipped with a small built-in battery, but is activated only if RFID reader.

In addition, the label can be available. only for reading or read / write. Read-only label has a factory serial number used to identify in the database, while the label reading / write May have certain user data recorded by the user.


The RFID reader is equipped with a double-sided radio transmitter (transceiver), sometimes called requested. The transceiver transmits a coded radio signal to interact with the label. Radio signal essentially awakens or activates the label. In turn, the tag transponder converts the radio signal to the useful power and responds to the reader.

Usually we classify the type of RFID system by type of label and reader. There are three common combinations:

  • Active label of passive reader (PRAT): The reader is passive, it only accepts radio signals from an active label. Since the label is charging from the battery, the receiving / transmission range can be from 0 to 600 m. Thus, PRAT is a flexible RFID solution.
  • Active Passive Tag Reader (ARPT): The reader is active, transmits a query radio signal, receiving answers to authentication signals from passive tags.
  • Active label Active reader (ARAT): The reader is active and interacts with active or rechargeable passive labels.

In addition to the RFID RFID type uses a set of adjustable frequency bands.

What is Opid?

Optical RFID (OPID) is an alternative to RFID, which uses optical readers. Opid operates in an electromagnetic spectrum between frequencies of 333 THz and 380 THz.

How much data?

The amount of information stored in the RFID tag varies. For example, a passive label can only store up to 1024 bytes of information - this is just one kilobyte (CB). Funny from the point of view of the modern storage capacity, but enough to keep the full name, an identification number, birthday, SSN, credit card information and much more. However, the aerospace industry uses passive ultra-frequency RFID labels with a storage of 8 KB to track the history of parts over time. They can store a huge number of personal data.

General Using RFID

RFID labels everywhere. Since they are easily attached to virtually anything, they do not have energy needs they are used in all spheres of life, including:

  • Managing goods and tracking
  • Observation of people and animals
  • Contact plates
  • Tourist documents
  • Barcode and safety tags
  • Management of health data
  • Timing

RFID also creates waves on the ever-growing intelligent domestic market. In 2010, RFID decreased significantly. At the same time, RFID reliability increased due to the global transition to RFID standards. Suddenly, an extremely reliable, but economical tracking system or identification system appeared.


A sudden RFID splash also caused security problems. Most recently, contactless payment cards with the RFID label appeared. Unfair people walked contactless cards using portable payment terminals, while the RFID support card was in the pocket of goals or in a wallet.

In the UK, another example includes RFID labels stored in passports. When the first entered, the password for the UK's new passport was hacked for 48 hours. In addition, there were reports that the criminals stole mail containing a new passport, scanned RFID labels for data, and then sent them further along their way.

RFID here to stay

RFID is a huge industry. We use it almost every day. The parcel, which arrived in your home, the card you paid for your lunch, the key card opens the door, smart home, manual implant and much more, all uses RFID technology.

What are you using RFID? Do you use it in your intellectual house? Have you bought a RFID blocking wallet? Let us know this in the comments below!

RFID is a special identification technology that provides users with great features. The most common RFID labels, as well as barcodes, represent self-adhesive RFID tags. But if on barcodes all information is stored in the graph. The form, the data label is entered using radio waves.

Methods of application

RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) is based on the use of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation. RFID is used to account for objects.

RFID label that this is a miniature device. RFID Active labels consist of a microchip that stores in itself information and antennas, with which the label can transmit or receive data. Such an RFID label has its own power source, but most of the labels in nutrition do not need (passive).

In memory of such a system is stored unique number and various information. If the label enters the place of registration, this information is accepted for RFID reader.

For transmission, passive labels use the reader energy. Accuming energy, the label starts the data transfer. The registration distance for passive marks is 0.05 - 10 meters, depending on the RFID reader and the label device. It should also be considered that there are different types RFID labels.

Where applies

The scope of application is constantly expanding. This technology is often in demand in the industries that require control over the movement of objects and intelligent automation solutions, and also need the ability to work in the most severe conditions, error-free and reliability.

  • In production with RFID, raw materials are carried out and controlled those. Operations provide JIT and FIFO principles. RFID solutions provide a high level of reliability and quality stability.
  • In stock RFID, the movement of goods in real time is tracked, the shipping process is accelerated, the reliability of operations increases and the human factor is reduced. RFID solutions ensures excellent protection against theft of products.
  • In the Essay industry. RFID products and retail sales are tracking goods on the way of delivery, from the manufacturer to the push. The goods are supplied to the shelf, not climbing in stock and goes to the store, where there is a high demand for it.
  • RFID labels have interesting use methods - for example, in the RFID library will help to find in the repository and give books, prevent embezzlement. Also disappear for issuing. The time of choice and search for the desired publication is reduced.
  • RFID labels also apply in labeling of fur coats and other fur products. Each such product is marked with a control (or special identification) familiar with the label built into it. At the same time, the cost of RFID label is a darling penny.

Many business areas can be improved thanks to the new RFID technology. RFID potential is huge.

Active and Passive RFID Tags

Active identifying devices can be characterized by a high reading range in contrast to passive, as well as the ability to better recognize and read all the necessary data when driving such a tag at high speed. The lack of active labels is the price and bulky.

Types of RFID identifiers

High-frequency RFID labels operating at 13.56 MHz frequencies;
Ultra-frequency labels operating in frequencies of 860-960 MHz. This range is used in Europe.

Ways to write to the identifier

  1. Readonly devices to which you can write information once, and further change, or the deletion of information is impossible;
  2. Worm devices - RFID radio players that will allow you to record and read all the data once. Initially, the memory does not store information, all data is entered by the user, however, after recording or delete information is not possible;
  3. R / W-devices that allow you to read or write information. This is a more progressive group of instruments, since these tags allow you to overwrite and delete even different unnecessary information. RFID label recording occurs with their help.

RFID technology labels and applications are used in manufacturing, trade, in control and access control systems, in systems of protection against fake documents and other areas.

How to choose an RFID reader?

The choice begins with the formulation of the purpose of application and understanding the function that RFID reader performs. And only after that you can buy RFID tags.

  • Desktop reader. This species It is used when labeling books / documents in libraries, personalization when labeling fur coats and fur products (used RFID label on clothing), to control the authenticity of purchased products. The RFID reader is installed on the table and connects to the computer via USB.
  • Mobile RFID reader. These devices have found active application in warehouses, in libraries and in archives. They are used in the work even outdoors, where there is no power. Mobile reader is often used for group search and inventory, identification in field conditions ( repair work, product control).
  • Portal reader. Its main goal is an anti-stroke function in libraries, in warehouses and other objects. Portal readers are used to better identify transport, accounting for moving people or objects (exhibitions, plants). Also uses the RFID function rewritable.
  • Ceiling RFID. Duplicates the function of the classic portal RFID reader, but unlike it is installed on a place with a wide passage, behind the suspended ceiling, on objects representing cultural value.
  • You can also use Android (there is a built-in adapter).

Rfid keychain

To label keys, RFID label was developed in the plastic housing key chain based on Twintag-mini system.

The TWintag RFID label was designed for permanent use in decisions that require registration of objects in 3 planes (3D format).

Such a key chain can be used as an identifier and verifier-electronic signature of the cashier in the bank separation and serviced on the outlet.

Marking objects:

  • Keys.
  • Bags.
  • Cashira identifier.
  • ID of the duty collector.

Rfid on clothes What is it?

Now in stores often sell clothes with chips. These chips are based on markers (RFID), i.e., for the possibility of identification at a distance. Such chips are intentionally placed on clothes so that the buyer does not notice them and continue to wear clothes with chip in his daily life.

FID transponders for labeling are made based on a silicon chip. Such a chip will increase the life of the radiometer and provide functional advantages. Reference RFID label - a shortcut with a programmable chip containing product information.

The size of the antenna is reduced, which will allow them to produce them with small dimensions. Chip is conveniently operated in clothes: fur coats, children's clothing, underwear and other goods. Also used RFID stickers and RFID labels on clothing and other products.

Thanks to Gen 3 RFID, the chip in clothing has an enlarged memory and is equipped with an additional encryption / generation / generation of serial numbers. This makes RFID Tags tags with reliable devices in the accounting of goods and when it is protected. In addition, it is possible to make RFID label with your own hands (good it is not very difficult) and keep it in casual clothes.

RFID chip will allow you to repeatedly complement or overwrite data in its memory. RFID Tags are easily read through the packaging, which ensures the possibility of their placement. RFID TAG read range is several tens of meters.

How to write the data on the label

You can use the standard library included in Arduino, however, there is another library written under the module - MFRC522. Both libraries are very convenient, but MFRC522 has more special functions that allow you to reduce the program code.

Where can I buy RFID tags

Based on the choice, you can choose a set of tags. You can buy it in many online stores. It contains several types of labels for different accounting units. You can test the work of such equipment with a specific label in these Terms.

It is difficult to present the future without total control for each, however, apparently, for the next couple of dozen years we can forget about the close look of Big B. RFID technology, electronic passports, biometric identifiers were on a single ship with the symbolic title "Titanic". Of course, that "one person to gather was able to different will challenge" ©, so they did not stand the electronic crafts of the inquisitive hands of the test chambers.

So what were reliable DST (Digital Signure Transponder) chipswidely used (and applied) in the automotive industry RFID. Here to make a small reneranous aside RFID, which is no longer enough copies broke,
. However, most often consider the cheapest and therefore the most common variety of radiofrequency identification chips, commonly referred to EPC (Electronic Product Code Tag) and used for non-contact identification of goods. By the way, saying RFID it's not just tags EPC., but also a wide range of radio frequency devices with a variety of functionality. More expensive and advanced RFID chips In particular, embedded cryptographic functions and support serious authentication protocols, that is, the authentication of the authentication of the information identification. One of the most popular and widespread devices in the market of such such and is the DST chip. DST is usually a microchip and an antenna coil, sealed in a small capsule of plastic or glass. This is a passive device, which means the absence in the scheme of its own power source and the extraction of the energy circuits necessary for the operation of the query signals emitted by the reader device.

Attack on DST consists of several inconsistent stages. All stages can spend an amateur drawing additional information From sources on the Internet and capable of collecting a radio-electronic device, which is not distinguished by increased complexity. In order to avoid some problems, the details of the attack were published. So.

First Stage: Reverse Engineering Development DST Scheme. Usually, at this stage, it is used either disassessability of the program (if its executable code is available), or recovery through the analysis of the work of the microcircuit itself (destroying or non-destructive methods). There is also a third, very exotic way - the recovery of cryptosham by the method of opening the "black box". In other words, building an equivalent circuit based on the selection and analysis of special sequences supplied to the input and the device obtained at the output. Selecting a special type of keys and input vectors, and then analyzing the reviews of the chip at the output, you can build an equivalent cryptosham that gives the same thing as DST, with the same input parameters.

Second Stage: Opening the key of an arbitrary chip. Since it is known that the key length is only 40 bits (the key is unsafe back from the beginning of the 90s.), You can open without any analytical tricks, total search for all possible combinations. True, in a purely software implementation on the usual (albeit by fast) PC brute force at a given cryptoalgorithm too slow and takes a long time. Then the Hackers "on the knee" collected a special exclusant - a matrix of sixteen FPGA processors (chips with reprogrammed logic), crossed keys in parallels. Such a system began to find a secret key of any DST in less than an hour, and for this required only two review RFID On Ocliki. arbitrary view. Plus, on the basis of the well-known Hellman technique, balancing between performance and computing memory was calculated, and it was shown that by loading the pre-calculated large key table to the pocket device disk like the iPod player, the desired key can be found in less than a minute (if instead of the processor general purpose Apply a special FPGA, then in general in a few seconds).

The third stage of the study is reduced to the "field testing" of the DST simulator, designed on the basis of a laptop and a software implemented radio transmitter. As a result, using a simulator laptop managed to learn how to start a new Ford Escape 2005 (belonging to one of the hackers) and fuel gasoline several times at the gas station with SpeedPass (fake, again, their own payment concerns).

As a result, however, experts called the demonstrated attack of too much wisdom and expensive (since it is much easier and cheaper to steal the car, simply loading it on the tractor platform). But this is the question of subjective assessments, but a constructive approach to the problem is obvious.

You will not get out of wide

There are a lot of electronic passports about the introduction of electronic passports. Constantly in the press flashes information that EP is a universal and perfect personality identification means. But it is in theory. In practice, a lot of problems have been identified. The main claims of the public to the passports of the new sample - the presence of remotely readable RFID chip And no encryption personal informationprescribed in the microcircuit's memory. Because of this, the contents of an important identity of the document becomes available to anyone who has an interest in such information. For ever-growing identity growing, new electronic documents are provided continuously with imperative yields. And in general, people prefer to present personal documents Only in cases where they consider it necessary, and not to any opposite.

In short, the state, in words, caring for the safety of citizens, in this case it creates only new problems and threats, to defend themselves from which everyone will have to be independently. For example, storing RFID passport In impermeable for electromagnetic waves shell. Why the authorities preferred to the radio frequency form of reading information, and not knowingly more secure contact, nobody wants to explain clearly. True, in ICAO specifications it says that this method was chosen because of the possibility of reading information without the knowledge of the passport owner ... (Humor was caught?) For the same reason, apparently, as a basic technology of biometric identification in US passports, identification is selected The person is much less reliable than the eye iris, but applied to much long distances and again without the owner's knowledge. In Russia, so far intend to use the "double biometry", including fingerprints.

New generation as weapons of mass destruction

In order to calm down displeased and facilitate the introduction of a new promising technology, industry RFID Developed new chips, the so-called Gen 2, which give the data prescribed in them only if the reader sends the correct reading password. In addition, the reader can convey another password, "on self-destruction", accepting which, the label erases its contents - for example, when the buyer leaves the store with a paid product.

At first glance, the new scheme looks much more attractive than RFID The first generation, especially if we take into account that the data stored in the chip and transmitted data is protected by encryption from intercepting and using intruders. However, with a closer study, Gen 2 it turned out that the maximum cheapness of chip-labels played a fatal role and actually defense new technology Much weaker than I would like. In particular, resistance RFID To the so-called differential nutritional analysis, with which at one time, most of the smart cards had been opened in the market turned out to be a schoolgirl resistance before group rape. Usually,
RFID labels Do not have your own power source using the emission energy of the reader. But when this happens, each calculation operation in the scheme RFID Inseciously modifies the electromagnetic field around the chip. Due to the help of a simple directional antenna, you can monitor and register the dynamics of energy consumption by chip - in particular, differences in side signals emitted when receiving the right and incorrect password bits.

Analysts that have the appropriate skill easily revealed peaks on the oscilloscope screen corresponding to incorrect bits, that is, each time the procedure is re-updated with a small modification of the wrong bit, it was possible to quickly restore the password, initiating the "suicide" chip. After analyzing the toolkit necessary for such an operation, the researchers came to the conclusion that, in principle, a sufficiently ordinary, specially programmed cell phone, to automatically calculate the password of self-destruction and kill all the irradiation zone RFID.

As a famous label RFID Detected by the reader when it falls into the zone of its action. The reader supports links with labels, switching between channels in the dedicated frequency range (902-928 MHz). It was believed that it is reliable, since in case of interference, the reader can go to another frequency. During hacker tests, the frequency range used by the labels was saturated, which did not allow them to connect to the reader. The use of a jump-like frequency restructuring does not save from DOS attacks, as the labels are not able to rebuild the frequency on their own.

From a distance of 1 m, it is possible to break the connection between the marks and readers, transferring the label to the "Communications Error". Despite the fact that if there is no interference, the readers can rebuild the frequency within the selected strip, tags RFID Cannot do this, as you perceive the entire strip as one channel.

The Small ... Electronic ... ENEMY?

In connection with all the above, the desire of some companies to enjoy radio frequency tags to people looks at least strange. The owner of such a "black tag" cannot feel safe. Well, what about electronic passports, do they really be defenseless before the bloodthirsty hackers? Fortunately, yes! Recently, in the lives of Dutch television, IT technologists have broken the access code for information recorded on chips RFID. "Hackers" managed to consider a fingerprint, photo and other passport details, reports Engadget. It turned out that the passport code was encrypted on the basis of the date of birth, the dates of issuing a passport and its term.

Well, and that's not all troubles. According to The New York Times, at a computer conference in Italy, experts stated that the radio frequency identification system is vulnerable to the virus, which when scanning can get into a computer. RFID labels contain much more information And faster read with computers than traditional bar codes. New tags are gained more and more widespread, including used to track baggage at airports. And this is dangerous: terrorists and smugglers can take advantage of technology flaws to bypass the airport scanning systems, writes The New York Times.

Why, with all numerous shortcomings RFID continues to walk on the planet and no one is going to refuse him? There are two points of view on this issue. The first - all the problems are primarily associated with stupidity, increments and spawns of the human material. Here n. RFID V2.nor RFID V10. will not help. Part of the problem solving is banal administrative measures. Or lobotomy.

The second point of view ... However, if you do not want to spoil my mood, do not read further. I ask you. Live yourself calmly and do not worry about anything.

For those who have not listened to the Good Council:

  • RFID labels no contact or direct visibility; Data about you can be obtained without your direct participation.
  • RFID labels Read quickly and exactly what allows you to control a huge number of people at the same time.
  • RFID labels It can be used even in aggressive media, through dirt, paint, steam, water, plastic, wood and, naturally, human skin and bones.
  • passive RFID labels There are actually unlimited service life, they have low cost.
  • RFID labels A large amount of information is carried, including the so-called "service".
  • RFID labels easy to track; Let at a short distance, but exactly where it is necessary - the subway, offices, banks, shops, stops.
  • RFID labels May be not only reading, but also with a record of a sufficiently large amount of information.

P.S. For a snack. Program RfDumpwhich displays all metadata recorded in the label, and even allows you to edit them in a text or hexadecimal editor. Why do this, think about yourself.

RFID decrypt - Radio Frequency Identification. This, based on chip technology protection, is used in weight of industries, as well as in credit cards and personal information storage passports (can be transferred to a special scanner). Given the seriousness of the problem of this kind of corner, scientists offer the introduction of new technologies to ensure the security of RFID cards.

Thefts (often referred to as "skimming") are theft using the reading scanner or duplication of information from someone else's riff-subjects without the owner's knowledge. Despite the fact that for example - on the street it happens quite rarely, the researchers showed successful "attacks" (methods for theft of information from the CFID devices) and using data attacks can easily lead to fraud with maps and theft of personal data. That's what I need RFID protection.

How do wallets work with RFID protection?

RFID Wallet has all the necessary material (also this material is called both STOP RFID), designed to block signals that is enabled in the lining.

RFID Wallet protection is like? While your cards or passport wrapped inside this material, the scanner is not able to read all the information inside.

Are cards protected if the wallet is open?

RFID Banking Card Protection Depends on the Wallet Design and you should clarify the seller of this wallet. Blocking signals The material works efficiently only if your cards / passport were wrapped in it. To do this, you will have a protective RFID Credit Card Case to buy or purchase a purse with RFID protection. By making a choice, consider that some wallets are already included in the internal panels (which may be a feature that allows you to better scan the card, just opening the wallet).

  • Plastic cards and documents based on radio communications and with radio frequency marks today almost everyone. They equip credit or payment cards, as well as waters. Certificates, identification cards, travel on the subway and more.
  • The contactless form is really convenient - especially if Apple Pay. and a similar system. You do not even need to apply it to the terminal: raised to a sufficient distance for communication, confirmed the payment by the fingerprint and the payment passed.
  • Despite the convenience, both technologies contain a mass of security holes that allow you to obtain confidential data. To steal the data, passwords of a smartphone or copy skip, it is not necessary to approach close. But in this case there is RFID blocking.

What is dangerous RFID

How dangerous is the situation in which you acquire a non-protected wallet?

At the moment, such thefts happen quite rarely. But nevertheless, safety tests in the study of problems have demonstrated successful attacks on some RFID systems with cards and passports. Consequently RFID Card Case will be better decision For security. Those who make RFID tags and cards continue to modernize the technology that they themselves are used, and the attackers continue to work and think about how it is better to hack.

And yet, RFID-theft happens quite rarely.

How do you know in your passport or on the RFID technology map?

If yours credit card Uses RFID, this symbol should be visible on the front side of this card. NFC is actually RFID variation, although it has a smaller range - only a few centimeters. However, it is only for factory devices.

It should also be remembered that the researchers of the British University have learned to read NFC data at a distance of up to 50 cm. Spanish hackers have also taught new Android smartphone gadgets to turn into a real NFC signals relay that distributes their own data. Such an approach will allow you to make a payment directly through smartphones. But there are also other ways for this.

For example, by connecting to the NFC or a serial reader using the Banking Card Reader NFC application, you can get all data from cards used on browser operations. Next, the hacker will find a store that allows you to pay for payment without entering the code instructions (such exist).

How to protect your money?

Read how to make a handmade wallet with RFID protection yourself. In order to eliminate various unwanted contacts with different readers, only software can be clearly not enough (about it - a little later). Therefore, it is better to contact the Dedov's ways, and cut off the path to your money on the map. Ideal for this suitable for this water and metal.

Of course, with water in one pocket wearing cards difficult. But here is a piece of simple food foil (suitable from chocolate) completely blocks signals.

This is more effective method. To create a wallet with a RFID scan protection, it is enough to wrap the card with a foil, and get out of it only at the time of payment.

Are you afraid to seem paranoid? Then there will be ready-made solutions.

How do these employees protect these? Many companies (about Russian no data) require from their employees to acquire a protective RFID credit card cover and appreciate the use of special wallets and covers for documents with the "Protected RFID" logo.

  1. The largest choice of accessories that block RFID offers Identity Stronghold. Part of their range is made by order of Europe for civil servants. That is why RFID protection wallet buy chooses an increasing number of people.
  2. You can find a cheaper option - on Aliexpress there are plenty of different card covers, such as a Case with RFID locking wallets with metal inserts. You can simply search for the "NFC Protected" tag.

By the way, on the Betabrand website, you can even buy clothes with protection from external unauthorized access and find it in more detail to find RFID Protection - what it is.

There are analogs. In addition, the metallized fabric can be seen on sale and flash everything pockets in clothes (too stern DIY).

By the way, there are also protected from hacking backpacks - for example, Dash Keyboard.

What is their feature, how and from what they protect your maps and personal data.

Constant visual monitoring of bank cards and passport will save from pockets. But what about the thieves who do not need to seus so close? Many cards and passports use RFID technology and an attacker can "steal" these items, without even touching them physically, leaving them in humans. So what is RFID and how to protect your RFID values? You will learn in this Safety Guide RFID ...


RFID decrypts as radio frequency identification. This technology-based technology is used in many industries, as well as in credit cards or passports for storing personal information, which can be transmitted to the RFID scanner.

What is RFID-theft?

RFID-theft (often called "skimming"), call theft using a scanner to read and duplicate personal information from someone else's rfid-subject without the knowledge of the owner. Despite the fact that while on the street it is extremely rare, security researchers have demonstrated successful "attacks" (ways to steal information from some RFID support devices) and the illegal use of such attacks can lead to fraud with credit cards or theft of personal data.

How does a wallet work with RFID protection?

The material intended for blocking RFID signals is included in the wallet lining. While your cards or passport are wrapped inside this material, the scanner will not be able to read information inside.

Are cards protected when the wallet is open?

It depends on the design of the wallet and you should specify this moment from the seller's wallet. Blocking material works efficiently only if your cards or passport are wrapped into it. In some wallets, the material is not included in the internal panels (it may be a feature of the design that allows you to scan the card by opening the wallet, but without getting the map).

How dangerous is the situation at which you buy a non-RFID protected wallet?

Currently, RFID thefts happen extremely rarely. However, security tests in the study of the problem have demonstrated successful attacks against some RFID cards and passports. Those who make RFID cards and passports continue to modernize the technology they use, and the attackers and security researchers continue to work on how to hack it. ... And yet, RFID starring happens extremely rare. So you should decide on your own.

How to find out if you have in your passport or mapRFID-technology?

If a credit card uses the RFID chip, the corresponding character should be seen on the front side of the card, as shown in the photos below.

Regarding passports, you will notice a small chip icon on the cover.

If you have doubts, specify this moment at the Emthitentian card or in the FMS department, where you were given a passport.

Why brands produce wallets withRFID-Contact?

There is a demand for such protection, because a sufficient number of people worry about RFID security. And in the near future, attackers can be activated in search of unprotected cards in public places.

Lie standRFID-Customized wallets are more expensive?

In general, RFID protected models are usually more than ordinary, since when adding RFID protective material increases the cost of production.

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